Choosing the right brushes (new edition)


As practice shows, the main role in creating an even tone of the face is played not even by the quality of cosmetics, but by the right brush for powder. And when applying powder with a low-quality brush, even luxury cosmetics look like a mask. There are several subtleties good choice brushes.

Brush shape and size

Depending on the shape of the brush, there are the following types:

cone - suitable for applying all types of powder, evenly distributes cosmetics over the surface of the face, even over foundation maybe a very thin layer.
flat brush (or kabuki) - a small brush with tightly knit bristles, suitable for applying mineral and loose powder, as it captures particles of mineral makeup well and carefully distributes them over the skin. Kabuki helps to apply even layer Not even good quality powder. A real kabuki brush has a short handle (no more than 3 cm in length). True, such a pen is not convenient for everyone, but after a few uses you will get used to it.
fan with a thin base - used to brush off excess particles of shadows, blush and powder from the face. At the same time, the applied makeup is not smeared. This brush is not required element women's cosmetic bag, but very comfortable. Large fan-shaped powder is also used when applying a thin layer of powder on the face.

A powder brush should be soft, fluffy, and large enough to spread makeup all over the face without missing an inch.

Natural material or synthetic?

The choice of brush material depends on the texture of the makeup you are using to create the look. Natural materials (goat, squirrel, pony, sable hair) are suitable for applying dry cosmetics, while a liquid texture will clog the pores of the hair and ruin the tool. But synthetic pile is unpretentious in care, does not collect bacteria on its surface, is cheaper and lasts much longer than natural.

Important: For girls who are allergic to animal hair, it is better to give preference to brushes made of synthetic materials.

If you definitely want to have a brush with natural bristles in your arsenal, it’s wise to contact an allergist, use an allergen test to find out which animal furs have an allergic reaction to and choose a safe type of bristle.

They are the most expensive makeup tools, but at the same time the highest quality. They are smooth, elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch.

brush quality

brushes good quality cannot be cheap. When buying a powder brush, it is better to use the services of real stores, and not Internet resources. It is important to choose a brush of optimal softness for you, as well as literally feel, hold in your hand what you are going to pay a considerable amount for.

Give preference to brushes cosmetic brands: they strive to maintain a reputation, they test brushes for hypoallergenicity, they comply with quality standards.
Check the tightness of the pile. To do this, squeeze the pile with two fingers and see if there is a gap between it and the mount.
The pile must be neatly and evenly cut, the presence of protruding hairs that stand out from a uniform mass is not allowed.
The bristles should be firmly attached to the base, the brush should not shed when used. You can slightly pull the tips of the villi - none should remain in your fingers.
The metal clip that holds the pile on the handle should not hang out.
Take the brush in your hand and make a couple of light movements with the brush - check how long and thick the handle is for you.
The pile should not leave traces of paint on the skin.
The brush should be soft so as not to scratch the surface of the skin and not cause irritation. Skin sensitivity is an individual matter, so before buying it is important to check the brush in action, and not blindly trust the seller's assurances of the softness of the product.

If the skin is dry and problematic, you only need a soft brush.

Which brush to choose - professional or regular? Professional brushes, even if they are not the most expensive, are created taking into account all the requirements and quality standards. You can use non-professional powder brushes, but the brushes supplied with the powder are usually not of high quality and can occasionally be used only as an on-duty tool.

How to apply powder correctly?

Dip the tip of the brush into the powder container, lightly tap the edge of the powder box or lid to remove excess. The powder is applied massage lines from the middle of the forehead towards the ears, then from the nasolabial part to the cheekbones and chin. The powder should be distributed most carefully in the nose area.

Powder brush care

Makeup artists change the brush as soon as it gets worn out. It also needs to be washed regularly. Special products are sold for cleaning brushes from cosmetic residues, processing them in without fail follows the natural pile of the brushes. But synthetic materials can be well cleaned with baby shampoo, soap or wet wipes. Wash your brushes at least once a week. And if the skin is prone to inflammation, it is better to rinse the brush after each use.

Instructions for use are attached to special cleansers. If using shampoo, dilute a small amount in warm water. Dip the working tip of the brush into the solution and in a circular motion move the brush gently, avoiding moisture on the base of the pile.

Next, blot it with a towel and leave to dry in a horizontal position under acute angle(less than 45 degrees). The villi sticking out separately must first be smoothed so that after drying the shape of the brush remains correct. Never put a wet brush into a glass. IN vertical position moisture flows to the base of the bristles and destroys the glue, with which the bristles are fixed on the base of the instrument. This will cause the hairs to fall out.

How to store a powder brush?

Some girls keep a set of their brushes in special cups in an upright, open position. This is convenient, but does not exclude the impact of moisture and dust on the brushes, which reduces their service life. It is more practical to store brushes in special cases or cases. Some powder brushes are equipped with special caps that keep them from exposure to the environment.

If you follow these tips when buying and using a powder brush, you will extend its life and get even tone faces.

January 13, 2014, 11:09 am

Creation beautiful makeup is a whole art creative process, and one cosmetics is not enough here. As a real artist, a girl needs not only paints, but also brushes. However, there are hundreds of them on the beauty market! How to choose the best makeup brushes - the ones that really come in handy?

Rules for Choosing Good Makeup Brushes

Experienced makeup artists advised to be guided next rule: to work with decorative and care cosmetics of a creamy texture, it is better to take synthetic brushes, and for loose products are ideal natural. But there are exceptions to every rule - for example, if you are allergic to wool, you should use only brushes with artificial bristles.

The choice should be made in favor of brushes from trusted cosmetic brands- they monitor the quality of the product more carefully. The bristles should be moderately flexible, not rough and not too stiff. You can check the brush for convenience right in the store by moving it along your hand in different sides. The villi should not scratch and cause discomfort to the skin. You also need to make sure that the handle fits well in the palm of your hand.

In addition, behind the brushes you need to properly care. It is strictly forbidden to wash them hot water, because in most cases the hairs are held by glue, which after such washing can lose its fastening properties. For the same reason, brushes should not be dried with a hair dryer. They are washed two to three times a week in warm water with shampoo, and then rinsed under cold running water. Dry the brushes in a horizontal position, spreading them on a towel.

Brushes are essential components of a women's cosmetic bag and a make-up artist's case. In cosmetics stores, you can see a lot of brushes that differ from each other in shape, size, material of manufacture, price. They are sold both individually and in sets of 6, 12 and even 20 pieces. For beginner makeup artists and young girls who are just starting to get acquainted with the make-up, the choice of brushes - not an easy task. We have prepared for you an interesting and useful overview(encyclopedia?) for each type of cosmetic brush. After reading this article to the end, you will know:
what kind of brushes do you need for makeup;
which you can do without;
on what principles it is worth choosing a brush;
the best makeup brushes - what pile should be;
what is the difference between cheap brushes and expensive ones;
how to use them correctly.

Brushes for applying cosmetics. What is needed for what?

Makeup can be done even when there is not a single brush in the arsenal. The pads of your fingers will help you apply foundation, shadows and blush. But such a make-up is unlikely to look decent, because one of the main rules of makeup is thorough shading. To make blurry contours with a fingertip is, perhaps, completely impossible. If your goal is to learn how to apply makeup correctly, quickly and easily, you will have to get brushes.

The shape, length and width, material, level of elasticity or fluffiness of the brush are directly related to its purpose. It is not for nothing that the foundation brush has a synthetic, densely collected pile; often flat. Due to these qualities, it allows you to conveniently apply the cream on the face and distribute it evenly.

Types of face makeup brushes

For the base

As we just explained, the foundation brush is made from synthetic bristles, but why not natural? The fact is that natural pile has scales (similarly human hair), which retain some of the cream. This means that when transferring the tonalnik to the face, it will lie down with “gaps”. Synthetic hair is more elastic than natural hair. In addition, the bristles are in close contact with each other, which gives the brush even more elasticity. All these properties do not allow the liquid texture to linger on the brush. Using a special brush, the cream is applied and distributed perfectly, as a result of which the complexion is evened out without “gaps” and excess product on the skin.

For thick tonal means created a more comfortable brush. It resembles kabuki (we will talk about it later), which has been cut off the top. It's called a flat top. Such a brush is also made of artificial fiber, tightly pressed against each other.

Another brush for the base, which appeared on sale not so long ago, is made in the form of a brush. Its advantage over other species is comfortable handle.

For concealer

Creamy correctors mask acne, post-acne, bruises under the eyes. When applying them to small defects, the accuracy that a special brush will provide is important - small, flat, narrowed at the tip. A concealer brush designed just to cover the under-eye area looks twice as big.

Tip: it is better to choose the smaller brush, as it can be carefully painted over and small pimples, and bruises. With a large brush, it is difficult to imperceptibly cover minor imperfections with concealer.

For powder

Loose and compact powders are best applied with a fluffy brush with natural bristles - they will not damage the already applied tonal base with concealer, provide light coverage and fixation.

Inexpensive powder brushes (which are better not to use) are also fluffy, but they are made from synthetic fiber, which can ruin the creamy texture. The brush is hard, which is why it is not very pleasant to touch the face with it. Another “minus” of them is the inability to evenly cover the face with powder (in one area there may be too much powder, in another it may not fall at all).

Professional powder brushes are large, fluffy, soft and pleasant to the touch. They can be small (road options); with a rounded tip or even. A popular type of powder brush is the kabuki. It is very dense, has a short base. This brush is recommended for the use of mineral cosmetics.

Is it possible to get by with a sponge (or powder puff) that comes with a set of powder? Sponge will not provide a light, uniform coverage. To create high-quality makeup, it is better to use a brush. The sponge is intended for local powdering of the face in those areas where oily sheen(when there is no way to powder with a brush).

For blush

You can try to blend dry blush with a powder brush. It's easier for beginners to do this. special brush for blush. Ideal Solution- fluffy, natural long pile, slightly sloping. The brush perfectly copes not only with shading blush, but also with darkening the cheekbones with a bronzer. Professionals prefer kabuki blush with a beveled or rounded tip.

Often blush is sold complete with a compact brush. Because of flat shape it is quite difficult to accurately and moderately apply the product on the cheeks. This brush is only needed to touch up makeup throughout the day.

For bronzer

The flawless brush looks like a smaller version of a simple powder brush. It is flat, fluffy, with a rounded cut. Advanced makeup artists use it to work out the cheekbones, temples with a dry bronzing agent. Flouless also does a good job of powdering and blushing.

For highlighter

A natural bristle fan brush will provide a very precise and delicate coverage of a brightening or shimmering highlighter (dry) above the cheekbones, under the eyebrows, along the bridge of the nose, above the lips. Often it is also used to brush off the crumbled pollen from the skin from the shadows. What material should the "fan" be made of? A natural pile is desirable, but if you do not plan to use the highlighter often, then you can buy an inexpensive synthetic fan brush for testing.

Eye makeup brushes

For applying shadows

To transfer shadows to the eyelid, it is customary to use a special brush - a small, flat, made of natural material. The pile can be very short or long, and its tip can be even, rounded, beveled. Not everyone needs eye makeup for one person. If you are not a beginner makeup artist and choose a brush for yourself, start from the size and shape of the eyelids: if the brush is too long, the shadows will crumble when applied.

For shading shadows

Blending eye makeup brushes will help to smooth the borders of the transitions of shades. Without such a brush, it will not work out beautifully to decorate the eyelids with shadows, even in an unpretentious daytime makeup, and even more so - in smokey eyes.

The brush should be with an elongated pile; natural, round and slightly fluffy. The denser the hairs are stuffed, the easier it is to negate the boundaries of the applied shadows.

There are a lot of shapes and sizes of shading brushes: with an oblique cut, a sparse pile, slightly rounded, etc. At the time of purchase, consider the shape of the eyelids, as well as the eye makeup techniques of interest. For beginners, we advise you to buy a universal shading brush Sigma E25 or MAC 217 (they are very similar):

For experienced make-up artists, Sigma has developed the E40 brush, which can be used to make the finishing touches after thorough shading. Photo:

Barrel-shaped and densely packed brushes are designed to draw and blend shadows in the crease of the eyelid.

For eyeliner

For drawing arrows with liquid eyeliner and shadows, 2 types of brushes are common:
1. Cone-shaped, thin, with tightly fitting villi.
2. Small and very flat brush with an oblique cut.
The material is artificial.

For eyebrows

When shaping the eyebrows with shadows, use the same brush with which the arrows are drawn (brush number 2, which we wrote about above). The thinner the brush, the more natural the drawn eyebrow hairs will look.

Brushes with small plastic teeth or with flat bristles are helpers in combing and styling unruly eyebrows.

For applying lip makeup

Gently cover lips with lipstick and gloss with a flat, small brush made of synthetic bristles. For small lips, a small brush with a pointed contour is suitable. It takes a long time to cover large lips with it, so brushes are sold wider and with an elongated pile.

What brushes should a beginner have: a minimum set

So, which makeup brushes are definitely worth buying for every girl using cosmetics:
flat brush for foundation;
small brush for concealer;
fluffy powder brush;
angled brush for blush and bronzer;
flat brush for applying shadows;
brush for blending shadows;
flat and beveled brush for eyeliner and eyebrow shaping;
small flat brush for lipstick and gloss.

Quality, price, company

It is not advisable to buy a set if you are not a professional. Brush sets High Quality are expensive, and most of them are not useful in the early stages of creativity. In cheap kits, all brushes are made of synthetics and they will not last long. Better for the student is the purchase of several basic brushes from trusted companies. Over time, you can expand the collection by buying only those models that are needed. MAC and Sigma makeup brushes are the best according to MUA and beauty bloggers. Positive reviews have brands EcoTools, Real Techniques, Zoeva, Everyday Minerals.

A few more words about bristles for brushes

We have already analyzed in detail which pile is better - natural or synthetic. To navigate the cosmetic store, remember:
natural pile - for dry textures (shadows, powder, blush, bronzer);
synthetic pile - for liquid textures ( foundation, concealer, eyeliner, lipstick).

But natural brushes are different depending on the fur used in production. So, the best eye makeup brushes are made from the pile of sable, marten, column, pony, squirrel. Smooth, soft fur these animals are not stretched or injured thin skin century.

Now you know which makeup brushes you need to buy, and which ones you can save on.

Video about what brushes every girl should have:

Makeup artist, "Restart your beauty" service consultant.

Last time we talked about, today, as promised, we give an overview of the best, according to the expert, powder and blush brushes.

In fact, I did not just combine these two categories. They are interconnected. And in principle, if you choose the right brush, then it will be possible to both powder your face and apply blush and even emphasize your cheekbones. So.

Powder brush should be soft and loosely stuffed. But sometimes it happens that on the contrary, you need a densely stuffed brush or even a powder puff. This is in case you need to fix the makeup for a long time - for some kind of solemn event, for example.

Brush from Real Techniques duofiber collection

A brush that gives the thinnest coverage is the so-called duofiber brush. In it, the pile is located in two rows, but only it works top part. And so the coating is very voile. good brushes for this - or brush from the Real Techniques Nicks Pics set. These brushes can also be used for blush and touch up.

Brush Real Techniques Travel Collection

The most versatile brush (gives medium coverage) that I love and use for powder, blush, and correction is Brush from Real Techniques Travel Collection. She is very successful, in my opinion. Most often, I use transparent loose powder (and in principle, all makeup artists work either on translucent powders, or on very light ones), because it does not lay down as a mask and does not overlap the color of the foundation, which is very important.

Brush Bdellium tools 957

Brush, which tightly imposes powder - this is. This is a kabuki brush, very dense. In general, it is suitable not only for powder, but also for applying a mineral base (powder).

Separately, I will note my most-very favorite blush brush- This is a brush "squirrel tail" from. It is gentle, unpretentious, fluffy and so delicately and correctly conveys blush that you are unlikely to become a nesting doll, even if you try hard. I use it for blush most of the time, 90% of the time.

Powder brush by Avon

P.S: But if you want a brush just for powder, then don't worry and buy an inexpensive brush. In fact, this is not a product of the first importance for the face. I have a budget powder brush from Avon and Farmasi- They also do a great job and are inexpensive.

Powder brushes Farmasi

That's all, next time I'll tell you about brushes for face correction A. Stay tuned! :)

Almost every woman of the fair sex uses cosmetics. For comfortable application and natural coverage you need to use additional tools. Powder brush helps to evenly distribute the product without the effect of a mask.


Today, cosmetic brands produce a huge number of makeup brushes, which have their own differences and names. This indispensable assistant in the application of any product in a weightless layer. The brush can be either natural or synthetic bristle. There are several types that are designed to apply different textures.

Quite often, professional makeup artists are asked questions about the name of the brush for applying powder. It all depends on the form and purpose. Basically, there are 3 of them:

  • round;
  • fan;
  • kabuki.

Each of them has different shape and designed specifically for applying different powder textures.


The powder brush can be made of natural or synthetic material. The choice of pile depends solely on the preferences of the customer. However, the opinion that synthetic brushes are made of cheap materials and are not of good quality is a delusion. In the presence of allergic reactions to animal hair, the use of natural pile can bring discomfort and exacerbate individual intolerance.

Synthetic hair makes it easy to apply a dense powder texture, because the product is easily picked up on the brush and spread over the skin. It is quite easy to care for it, and its cost is several times lower than natural analogues.

Animal hair powder brush is pleasant to the touch, has densely packed bristles and easily distributes the product all over the face. The coating is light, weightless and completely invisible. Both synthetic and natural brushes require compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

When choosing a brush that will be of fairly high quality and will last more than one year, you need to consider a few rules:

  1. The pile should not stick out in different directions and fall out when touched.
  2. Choose a brush based on the texture of the powder you are using.
  3. The handle must be tightly fixed and not move away from the metal part.
  4. The choice of brush depends on the type of skin: for dry and sensitive skin, it is not recommended to purchase hard options.
  5. The pile pigment must not remain on the hand during testing.


The name of the powder brush comes from the shape of the bristles. This option is the most common among both ordinary buyers and professional makeup artists. This brush is suitable for applying compact and loose powder and allows you to adjust the coverage.

Rounded bristles apply the product even to the most inaccessible places, such as the wings of the nose and the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. It is worth giving preference to pile middle length for more comfortable distribution of powder. It should be perfectly trimmed and not stand out from the crowd.

On a round powder brush, dial right amount product and shake off excess by tapping on the handle. Thus, only the amount of product remains on the pile, which lies on the skin evenly without the effect of a mask. A round brush with light movements should be drawn over the face to fix the makeup.


Quite often in cosmetic stores you can hear the question of what is the name of a soft powder brush? This option is also named based on the shape of the villi and is designed to shake off excess such cosmetics like eye shadow, blush and powder. However, the fan brush is suitable for applying powder or highlighter to certain areas.

The large shape allows you to apply a very light coating on the skin, which will be completely invisible and create an effect. natural makeup. The powder fan brush is rarely used by girls, but is very much appreciated by professional makeup artists. When choosing suitable option it is worth giving preference to natural pile, as it is much softer and completely removes excess makeup.

The tips of the pile of a high-quality brush should be perfectly even and fit snugly against each other. In order to check this, you need to look at it against sun rays and make sure the quality of the brush.


Many girls do not know the name of a powder brush with a very dense pile and a small handle. Kabuki is an indispensable assistant when applying a mineral foundation, loose powder to create a dense coating. She small size and can fit in any purse, as modern models are sold in special packaging for transportation.

The kabuki brush picks up the product well and distributes it evenly over the skin. The coverage is quite dense if the powder is applied with rubbing or patting movements, with light application - a weightless natural layer. A huge number of cosmetic brands have this powder brush in their assortment, and it is very popular among the world's makeup artists.

The girls note that at first use causes discomfort due to the short handle, you just need to get used to it. The pile of a powder brush is very densely packed, and it can become a complete analogue of a round one.


Every product or accessory that comes into contact with the skin must be clean so as not to cause allergies and imperfections. Professional makeup artists have a huge number of brushes in the set so that each client can use an individual tool.

It is recommended to wash the brushes after each use, but usually girls and women do not have this opportunity due to the lack of alternative equipment. But powder brushes must be washed every 3 days with special means or regular shampoo for hair. This ensures the safety of use and also helps the lint stay soft and not fall out. For natural pile, you should not use products with aggressive surfactants, as they will quickly become unusable.

Drying makeup brushes - mandatory step in caring for them. Do not use a hair dryer, as the glue may weaken under its influence, and the villi will fall out.

Powder brushes, like the rest, must be dried in a horizontal position or in a vertical position, but with the pile down. Thus, excess moisture does not penetrate inside and does not destroy the material. Also, they should not be dried in direct sunlight, because the glue weakens, and the pile can become stiffer from overdrying.

Keep the brushes in a case or in a regular cosmetic bag. On a table in a glass, they will be subject to dust settling, which will clog pores and cause allergic reaction.


The soft powder brush delivers a pleasant feeling when used on the face. When choosing a suitable option, it is necessary to take into account the shape, density of the coating, the powder used and the material of the pile. Do not buy hard brushes that can cause irritation and injure sensitive skin. Proper care guarantees that this tool will last more than one year.