The project of creating a playroom in a kindergarten. Business plan for a children's playroom

A woman with a child is not to be found better option to build your own small business than creation of children's playgrounds and rooms. Besides, only real mother, having experienced from her own experience how important active activities are for a child who learns the world every day, she will be able to properly arrange the arrangement of children's leisure and thus create a profitable business.

It should be recalled that playgrounds are divided into two types:
- soft play rooms;
- Equipped entertainment kits.

The organization of the activities of these two types and their further work are based on different principles, therefore, the initial costs, the payback rate, and even further profits vary quite a lot. Therefore, choosing a business plan, first of all, you should choose the form of the site.

In almost all respects, a gaming entertainment complex is a more expensive, but subsequently more profitable activity. Among the benefits of soft game room you can allocate a smaller amount of initial investment, and that the choice traditional entertainment for a certain category of children will be less. Speaking about the advantages of the entertainment complex, of course, this is a larger monthly income and a large age range of visitors. Having opted for the opening of a playground, after 2 months of active work aimed at organizing its activities, it will be possible to announce its grand opening.

The business plan for this activity includes several important steps:
1. Choosing a location and suitable premises in your city, followed by the conclusion of a lease agreement. This stage can with all responsibility be called the most important, because the final profit directly depends on it.

best place for the location of children's playgrounds, large shopping centers are considered, as well as other places that are regularly visited by a large number of of people. The presence of playgrounds there allows the family to combine business with pleasure: while the parents are doing the necessary shopping, the children are supervised and have fun.

Shopping centers encourage such cooperation with the owners of children's entertainment complexes, since they benefit from this - the store's sales turnover increases, because the more attractive the additional service, the more time potential buyers will spend in the store itself.

So after assessing the prospects for the placement of your game room in a single shopping center, go straight to its leaders, their interests in cooperation coincide with your desire and capabilities. Often such a mutually beneficial partnership is formalized even without rent, and the contract contains zeros in the corresponding column.
If the rent is mandatory, you can try to reduce the initial investment to agree on cooperation for a certain percentage of income.

Another the recommended place for the future children's playroom is called the "sleeping" areas of the city, which, as a rule, have a smaller number of all kinds of entertainment than the center, so parents are attracted by the opportunity to take their child in active recreation.

2. Order equipment for the playroom and installation can be the longest process, sometimes taking up to 2 months. Therefore, it is best to start this phase at the same time as site selection is being made.

3. Registration of the status individual entrepreneur followed by registration with the tax authorities. If it is not possible to deal with these formalities on your own, you can hire a company dealing with these issues.

4. Once drafted business plan for future playroom and ordered equipment, you should immediately begin to coordinate activities with licensing organizations.

5. Recruitment.

6. Start of operation of the children's playroom the best time to plan for the fall. This is due to the fact that such a business has a so-called "low" season, i.e. children most often spend the summer months on outdoor venues.

About a week before the opening, you can already advertise in the local press, prepare colorful posters with information about the opening of the playground to place them at the entrance to the shopping center.

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If the business is related to an organization children's leisure, it will always be profitable. Parents strive to create Better conditions for their children, so they are ready to spend quite a lot of money on them. But the main task of a businessman is to properly organize leisure in order to attract a small audience. It is possible to organize a profitable enterprise, but first you need to draw up a business plan for a children's playroom.

The children's playroom is a playground where parents can leave their children for a while under the supervision of employees. It is advisable to open entertainment rooms on the territory of large shopping centers where people go shopping with their families.

Also today children's playgrounds serve as an excellent alternative to a private kindergarten. Parents can bring their children into the room for a few hours a day. This activity does not require a license, so organizing a business is not difficult. In addition, the children's playroom, the business plan of which we will now consider, does not require large investments.

Registration and room selection

Enough to organize a children's entertainment area. No requirements for children's rooms from outside Russian legislation not presented. However, some coordination with the local administration will be required.

Each region may have different requirements, so you need to clarify all the nuances yourself. Terms can also reach from two weeks to one month - this must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a children's playroom.

You should choose a room in crowded places: hypermarkets, cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers. The area of ​​the room is calculated based on one square meter for one child. Accordingly, on average, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises should not be less than 50 square meters. By the way, this type of business does not have such a lot of competition, despite the fact that many shopping and entertainment complexes have been built in cities, but far from each of them provides a room where you can leave your child for shopping.

Equipment and personnel

Before you open a children's playroom, you need to include the cost of purchasing equipment in your business plan. Arrangement entertainment room will have to devote a lot of time, because the delivery and installation children's complex take at least two weeks. What is usually offered to small customers:

  • slides,
  • trampolines,
  • toys,
  • labyrinths and more.

When choosing equipment, you need to consider that it should be not only bright and attractive, but also safe. It will be useful to spend money on a video surveillance system.

It will also take some time to select staff. Typically, the payment of employees in children's rooms is small, it usually consists of a fixed salary and a percentage of the profits. Therefore, the staff will be mostly students or young mothers. Cleaning can be entrusted to employees of a cleaning company.

Income and expenses

The business plan for children entertainment center be sure to include financial calculations. The amount of starting capital depends on many factors, mainly on the size of the game room and its equipment. If we consider the costs in rubles for a room of 30 sq. m., then the plan will look like this:

  • rent of premises - 40,000;
  • – 200 000;
  • repair - 15,000;
  • – 60 000;
  • paperwork - 15,000.

The total starting capital is 330,000 rubles. To this must be added the cost of advertising and other unforeseen expenses.

The income from the business will be about 150,000 rubles, of which 100,000 will go to wages employees and rent. The net profit will be equal to 50,000 rubles, and the business will pay off in 6-8 months. You just need to take into account the seasonality of income - in warm time there will be fewer visitors a year, because most parents will prefer playgrounds to playrooms.

This is how the children's playroom is planned. A business plan needs to be more detailed, taking into account all the little things and nuances, including how relevant the undertaking will be in a particular region. Do not forget about marketing research, which will help determine competitiveness, pricing policy and customer demand are questions best left to the marketer.

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