Opening of a playroom for children. How best to design a children's playroom: interior design ideas. Equipment for children's entertainment center

Opening a children's playroom is a profitable business option. The cost of services is quite acceptable for parents who want to leave the child under the care of a teacher for a short time.

In turn, the kids enjoy the entertainment. Subject to certain conditions, the flow of customers will always be constant. How to organize a nursery game room from scratch, taking into account all the nuances? What to choose the room, location, equipment? How to calculate profit? Let's deal with each question in order.

These shelves are low and accessible to small hands. They also contain many toys on the bottom shelf. She rotates the toys on this shelf and so many of the toys are in stackable bins and containers. This photo shows how you can use your regular coffee table to create a game or puzzle center.

Many coffee tables do not have bottom shelves. Here is another idea to use this space. Set up a rug under the table. Children love to crawl into a small space to play. Another idea is to put some pillows under the table and let the kids play here or read books. Multiple flashlights are always amazing.

Where is the best place to organize a playroom for children: location

The profitability of this business directly depends on the level of attendance.

When choosing a place, you must be guided by two criteria:

  1. Large flow of people.
  2. The purpose of visiting a particular destination. As a rule, this is recreation, shopping and entertainment. That is, people with children come somewhere to relax, have fun or buy something.

Thus, a profitable children's playroom can be opened in the following places:

Where is the best place to organize a playroom for children: location

Wall drives are fantastic for small spaces. This storage unit provides low shelves for toys and higher shelves for storage. If you don't have room for children's table and chairs, you can raise the cushions on the coffee table. If you don't have room for coffee table, consider installing a bottom shelf from the wall. Add some small chairs for the kids and create a nice little activity area.

Room for a children's playroom or complex

Here is another popular toy shelf option. For the amount of space that this toy unit occupies, it contains a large number of toys. In addition, different size bins allow toys to be grouped into different sets. This makes cleaning quick and painless. You can take out the trash and move it to another part of the room. You will notice that there are empty spots in the photo where some bunkers are currently being used. You'll also notice that the top bins are great for larger, oddly shaped toys.

  • In large shopping and entertainment centers.
  • In hypermarkets and cinemas.
  • resorts and boarding houses.
  • In sports clubs and beauty salons.
  • Close to cafes and restaurants offering fast food.
  • For small towns, an ideal place is in the central part of the village or not far from the park area.

While the parents are busy with their own affairs, the children will enjoy frolicking under the vigilant gaze of the teacher. In this situation, everyone will be satisfied, including.

Children find containers inviting them to use. This toy shelf is very stable and the design prevents climbing. There is a sandbox under the tree of the house. This saves space and creates shade for kids. She used removable floor boards as a lid for the sandbox. It keeps the sand clean and creates a platform for the children's table and chairs. Children can eat in the shade. She also keeps big toys on the platform to keep your grass healthy.

The sandbox does not extend the full length of the platform, leaving space at the end to store sand toys. Every space is unique, and hopefully this educator mindset has given you some ideas on how to make the best use of the space in your home. Have fun creating this special play space for your kids. They will enjoy the effort you put into creating a fantastic playroom for them.

Basic requirements for the premises and equipment of the children's playroom

Any parent strives to create the most comfortable conditions for your baby. It should at least be light, warm and dry.

Therefore, a number of special requirements are imposed on the room used for children's games:

  1. Good lighting and high ceilings.
  2. Excellent ventilation, but without access to drafts.
  3. Required to have a bathroom and lockers for shoes, outerwear and bags.
  4. An important nuance is the non-slip floor covering, which excludes injury.
  5. The transparency of the walls and partitions separating the game room from other rooms is desirable. In this case, parents will be able to watch their children.

The recommended minimum square footage of the room is 30 m² . The capacity of the room (including equipment) is calculated based on how much space the child needs for games. Based on data obtained empirically, this parameter does not exceed two "squares" per child.

Parents and caregivers must remain in place and are responsible for monitoring their children at all times. Please, no more than two adults per child. Socks are required and available for purchase. Strollers must be rolled up indoors or chained to an outdoor bike rack. The purple monkey can provide blocking.

If you would like to enjoy a meal in the game room, we recommend our neighbor, The Art of the Chicken, who will provide it for free whenever possible. Our Entrance door blocked during the day and in the buzzer system. We reserve the right to refuse registration to anyone who arrives without a child.

It turns out that for a room with a capacity of 15 people, you need a room of 30 m². Much depends on the level of permeability. For example, in the shopping center of a city with a population of one million, the average number of people passing through a weekend is 110 people, for weekdays - 35 people. Undoubtedly, a real businessman will want to independently determine the expected flow of customers. He will certainly go to the shopping center and conduct a survey of customers or sellers. This will help you understand what size room is needed in each specific location.

What documents and permits are required to organize a children's playroom?

Strollers should be rolled up immediately upon entering the playroom to discourage climbing and keep entry in a clear direction. Rudeness is strictly prohibited. We signed a cleaning contract 7 nights a week to look after the interior. We avoid spraying cleaners when children are present. Wanted or licked toys can be removed from the playing field by placing them in the bin on the counter.

Carpets are professionally steam cleaned at least every quarter, and as needed. Thanks for helping us keep it clean, safe and fun. gaming environment! If you have a child who you think could benefit from extra sensory support while in our playroom and similar environments, we recommend. The playroom will become a beacon for the little ones. We will feed the children, change children, keep children of all ages happy - choosing the most appropriate games, crafts and activities for the ages.

If everything is more or less clear with the room itself, then we turn to the equipment of the children's room. How to choose it? The main requirement is the safety of everything with which the child plays. This is ensured by high-quality and environmentally friendly material.

The rules for buying equipment come down to a very simple list:

Our mission was somewhat different. Our spinning group of kids kept us on our feet. Others will take a little longer. In addition, these parents were not the same. It was convenient for some to hand their not fully adjusted child into our arms and go out to wait for the tears.

Others preferred to stay until their kids calmed down or wanted to work right outside the playroom door. Fortunately, our employees quickly recovered. We learned that the children entering our playroom were our most special guests - there are only a short time mostly infrequent. So we realized that our job was to make time with us extra interesting and interesting from the moment they arrived until the moment they left.

  1. Give preference to well-known manufacturers of children's toys and various equipment.
  2. Purchase only certified products.
  3. Personally check the availability of appropriate certificates for each type of purchased product.

The implementation of the above rules, of course, does not reduce the financial costs for equipping the room to a minimum. However, it provides complete security for small customers and protects the business owner from all sorts of claims from parents in the future.

We have learned to draw children with the least amount of tears. Sometimes it means blowing a large number bubbles or just stacking blocks or starting cars on the ramp, patiently waiting for the kids to join in the fun. We respect the speed of each person and the level of comfort.

Our role is to know each of the children's interests - even if they are only here once - and to reach their level. That's why we sit on the floor and play with the kids - to fully engage them and keep them busy and interested in what they want. Even snacks or dinners are an opportunity to practice, so our staff will read books to children while they eat.

A few words about the variety of toys and equipment. Some kids prefer active games, others like to sit still. Both of them should be interested in spending time on the site.

The fidget sector is equipped with:

  • Trampoline and labyrinth.
  • A pool filled with balls.
  • Slide and swing.

Another sector is provided for rest and change of activity. Tables are placed there, at which children will draw, sculpt, make an application - create.

We keep moving and let the kids choose which ship they want to work from every day. Sometimes they will waste all their time. Other times, they will only choose bubbles, teas, or racing cars on mats. Our staff take care to clean up and don't ask kids to do anything other than enjoy their time. This is why there are sometimes more tears at the end of their visit than when they fall. We shamelessly spoiled children, so parents can work non-stop or fear a spill.

In a way, we are actually spoiling our parents! Our playroom is special because we understand the magic that happens when children are allowed to be children. They are not first aid, which is certified or can provide any other medical care. Children with pre-existing medical conditions must be accompanied by a doctor's note before they can use the playrooms.

The question arises: what should parents do if they have fulfilled their plans, and the child is still busy playing. For them, you need to provide several benches or sofas.

Another nuance is the installation of video surveillance in the game room.

How best to design a children's playroom: interior design ideas

IN children's interior important right choice colors. It is better to abandon monotony, while not overloading the space with an abundance of bright colors. This often annoys the kids.

Dependence of business profitability on the size of investments

The staff of the playroom is not aimed at providing children medical care, such as. Please list everyone who has prevented your child from being picked up from the playroom. Children can stay in the playroom maximum. 2 hours per visit. Babies can stay in the playroom maximum. 1 ½ hours per visit.

Necessary equipment for a children's playroom

Children are defined as those between 12 months and 12 years of age. Infants are defined as 4 months to 12 months. Children under the age of 12 and children under 4 months are not allowed in the playroom. Advance fees or day passes must be purchased at the front desk in various additional amounts prior to the appointment schedule.

The best option is the neutrality of the background, on which there are bright color accents:

  • Cartoon (book) characters.
  • Eye-catching pictures.
  • Children's art work and so on.

Saturated bright color, as a rule, has the equipment itself. This is quite enough. The main thing is to decorate the room in such a way that the little client wants to stay in it. So, something must attract him. What will it be: a picture of your favorite cartoon character, a bright swing, a table with paints and an album, or something else? A question for connoisseurs of the child's soul. The future entrepreneur will do well to study the tastes of modern children.

The use of the playroom is limited to the children of the participants only. Attempts to make a reservation through the front desk or other staff will not be accepted. Cancellations made at least 24 hours in advance can be left on voicemail in the game room; however, reservations left on voice mail will not be accepted. The playroom cannot be open during posted hours if no children or infants are scheduled during those hours.

Parents must sign their children before entering and sign their children before leaving the playroom. Only parents, not staff or anyone, are allowed to sign their children. If your child has a fever, persistent cough or runny nose, you will be called to pick up your child. Tell staff immediately if your child develops a communicable disease so we can notify other parents. Parents are not allowed to leave the club while their children are in the playroom.

What kind of staff is needed for a children's playroom?

To understand what staff will be needed, it is necessary to understand what the employee of the room for children's games is obliged to do. :

  1. Maintain order.
  2. Check the health of the equipment.
  3. Organize children's leisure time - introduce them to the equipment located in the room, sculpt, draw, play and read books with them.
  4. Ensure the safety of babies.
  5. Carry out continuous supervision of young visitors to the site.

In other words, he entertains them and is fully responsible for the safety child health. It is better if the employee has the appropriate education. Still, a teacher with experience will quickly orient himself in different situations- will separate the fighters, calm the offended, find suitable entertainment, and so on. Although such work is quite within the reach of pensioners and students.

Parents or children cannot enter the playroom without the presence of an employee. This includes the children of the staff. The safety of children is paramount. Aggressive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: Biting, Attacking, Kicking, Oath, Grounding.

The hospital can be a stressful place for kids. The Phoenix Child Life Program helps patients of all ages - and their families - develop ways to overcome fear, anxiety, and separation from parents and schools. Our staff work closely with family members during hospitalization. our child's physical needs, our child life specialists are involved in the child's developmental, psychosocial, educational and emotional needs, which can be critical to treatment and healing.

The main conditions for the selection of personnel:

  • Responsible approach to the performance of duties.
  • Having the ability to communicate with children.
  • Medical permission to work with children, confirmed by a completed medical book.

In fact, the employee of the children's playroom performs the work of an educator kindergarten, and if necessary becomes an animator.

Our specialists know that it is important for children to be children, even when they are in the hospital. To learn more about how a child life specialist can help your child, talk to a nurse. The Children's Life Program helps patients and families cope with fear, anxiety, and separation from home and school while in the hospital.

A national study at Phoenix Children's Hospital found that children exposed to the Child Life Program experienced less emotional stress, showed more effective approach and demonstrated a deeper understanding of the hospital experience.

In fact, the staff of children's playrooms consists of 3-4 people: an educator (one per shift), an animator (in most cases invited from outside) and a cleaner.

What documents and permits are required to organize a children's playroom?

The process is standard:

  1. IP is made.
  2. The tax scheme is selected: simplified, patent or unified.
  3. The cash register is registered.

A license, permits in Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service do not need to be issued. Although, when preparing the premises, it is important to follow the sanitary and fire regulations for children's institutions.

What services does a children's playroom provide: an approximate price list

The main service of the children's playroom is babysitting. The average cost of one hour for weekdays is 100 rubles, for weekends - 170 rubles. The price may vary. For example, in the morning or daytime hours weekdays, when there are few visitors, it is wiser to make discounts.

Game room - perfect place for a birthday or other celebration. Customers are happy, the entrepreneur is an additional profit. An hour of work of an animator costs an average of 1,800 rubles. In this case, it is important to take care of free space and additional equipment for competitions.

Another type of additional income is conducting classes (on drawing, modeling, and so on). Here you will also need a separate place. The price of this service is mostly negotiable.

We draw up a business plan for a playroom for children: calculation of costs and payback periods

Business plan for a 35 m² playroom equipped with a labyrinth and other developmental equipment:

1. Costs at the start of 846,000 rubles, of which:

  • Registration of a package of documents - 1000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 800,000 rubles.
  • Repair work - 45,000 rubles.

2. Monthly expenses will amount to 109,000 rubles, of which:

  • Payments for renting the premises - 75,000 rubles.
  • Salary of employees (two people) - 24,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - 10,000 rubles.

3. Profit part for the month:

By simple subtractions, we get an income equal to 117,000 rubles. Payback of business 8-9 months.

In the foreseeable future, further development of this business area is predicted, and the entrance for new participants is not yet fully occupied, since this market segment is only 20% saturated.

Now cities with a population of up to half a million inhabitants are considered attractive and most potential for opening children's entertainment complexes. This is explained by the fact that such settlements have a significant shortage of objects for children's entertainment, and their demand, as well as the level of income of residents, is gradually growing.

How to open your own entertainment children's center, as well as where to start and will be discussed in this article.

Room for a children's playroom or complex

Of course, you should start with the selection of premises that are suitable for this type of business. The best option here would be large shopping centers (SCs), since these places have a high level of attendance (especially on holidays and weekends). Here, while the children are having fun in play complex, their parents can shop with peace of mind. It is very convenient, the attendance of such shopping centers increases, and with it the volume of revenue stores. In the end, everyone benefits.
Organization of even a small children's complex entertainment involves the presence of an area of ​​150 m². The amount of the rental fee here will depend on the following factors:

  • location and popularity of a particular shopping center;
  • floor on which entertainment center will be posted.

Depending on these points, the rental price will fluctuate in the range of 500-5000 rubles per 1 m².

Another option for the location of the entertainment complex for children can be separate buildings in different parts of the city. IN Lately tandems "cafe + entertainment complex (game room and labyrinth)" proved to be excellent. There are already several regional retail chains that are intensively developing this line of business.

Necessary equipment for a children's playroom

The equipment of the amusement park depends on the size of the rented premises and on the location of the amusement park itself. children's center. The most popular types of modern equipment for such complexes include:

  • Labyrinths, trampolines and dry pools are the most popular types of equipment now, as they not only allow children to have fun playing, but also develop their coordination and dexterity.
  • Slot machines (video simulators) - such devices have practically no age restrictions and often playing them becomes interesting not only for children, but also for their parents.
  • Prize machines - give visitors the opportunity to win various sweets and prizes. The installation of such equipment significantly increases the revenue of the entertainment complex.

The equipment listed above is the main set for a full-fledged entertainment complex for children. However, if the area of ​​the premises allows, then you can add air hockey, attractions and games rooms for the smallest visitors, as well as billiard tables and bowling for adults to this list.

A few recommendations on the availability of equipment, depending on the area
  • Area up to 100 m²: it will be enough to install automatic cranes, 5 rocking chairs for children, mini-attractions, air hockey, automatic machines (both video and prize ones). All machines need to be equipped with bill and coin acceptors, or to set up the sale of tokens.
  • Area 100-500 m²: here you can place the same equipment as listed above, but it can be increased in number and add a number of ticket machines with the issuance of small prizes in exchange for tickets won there. If the size of the room allows, then additionally install a labyrinth, playground, as well as a cafe for children's parties.
  • Area over 500 m²: here you can place the entire range of the above equipment in larger quantities. At the same time, the number of ticket machines must be no less than 15 pieces (one third of all available equipment), and video machines - no less than 25%. In a room of this size, it becomes mandatory to have
  • Area over 1000 m²: involves the presence of a full range of entertainment for children and the installation of billiard tables or bowling for adults.
Procedure for registering a children's entertainment center

This type of business does not require licensing. For organization entertainment center you can use IP (individual entrepreneurship) and LLC (legal entity).
In the application for registration, you need to prescribe the code OKVED 92.34.3 « Other entertainment and entertainment activities". In this case, a simplified taxation system can be used. An application for the transition to such a system is written 5 days after the registration of the type of activity (you can write it immediately when submitting a package of documents for registration).


The required number of employees depends on the scale of the future business. At a minimum, you will need an accountant, an operator - 2 people, a technician - 2 people. In case it is open children's Cafe, then its administrator and bartenders / waiters will also be needed. Average fund wages employees for small complex entertainment is 100-150 thousand rubles / month.

Dependence of business profitability on the size of investments

For this type of business, there is such a feature that with a high attendance of the entertainment center, the profitability of the business will be the greater, the more investments were made in the project initially. After all, with the growth in the number of types of entertainment provided by the complex, its popularity with customers and attendance is growing, and hence the amount of daily revenue.


This type of business, as the organization of entertainment complexes for children, has a seasonality. A noticeable decline occurs during the summer holidays. Almost all of the proceeds in these months will go to rent payments and salaries of employees.

It follows from this that the opening of an entertainment complex for children should be planned for late autumn or early spring. This will help to return a significant part of the investment in the first months of your business operation.