Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the preparatory group of a kindergarten on the topic: "Our names". Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the preparatory group "Early Spring

Natalya Nabokina
Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development V preparatory group

Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development

V preparatory group

"Letter Journey"

Target: to form an interest in obtaining knowledge about the world around.

Program content:

Activate children's curiosity through play

-develop reasoning skills, draw conclusions develop memory, imagination, logical thinking,

To cultivate the ability to work in a team, to enjoy the results of their work.

Educational area: « « cognitive development» ».

Integration of educational regions: « "Socio - communicative development» , "Speech development","Physical development» .

preliminary work: guessing riddles, repetition of the topic Transport, Wild animals, work on preparation for literacy.

Equipment: a bus made of chairs with seat numbers attached, tickets with identical numbers cut into pieces of pictures, cards with animal images, a seven-color flower with tasks, in advance prepared balls with sweets and a letter.

Lesson progress:

Guys, now we are going on a trip, a magic bus is waiting for us. The bus ticket must be redeemed by guessing the riddle. The one who guessed correctly gets a ticket.

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive.


Runs, sometimes buzzes.

Looks sharply into two eyes.

Only the red light will come -

He will stand in place in a moment.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.


Early in the morning behind the window

Knock, and ringing, and confusion.

On straight steel tracks

There are colorful houses.


Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.


Well, my friend, guess

But it's not a tram.

Away along the rails quickly rushes

From the huts a string.


Where they build a new house

A warrior walks with a shield.

Where it passes, it will become smooth,

There will be a level playing field.


Raises the giant

A lot of cargo to the clouds.

Wherever he stands, then

A new house is growing.


Who is on the run, clubbing couples,

Blows smoke with a chimney

Carries itself forward

Yes, and me with you?


Takes off without acceleration

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Goes on a high-speed flight.


No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle,

Just release the tail -

Rush to the stars.


Here is a steel bird

Aiming for the sky

And the pilot is leading it.

What kind of bird?


The house floats under water

Brave people live in it.

Even under polar ice

This house can float.


The palace floats on the waves,

People are lucky.


Wonderful long house

There are many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.


Well done, you solved all the riddles! How to name all the riddles in one word? You have your tickets, look at your seats and get on our bus. Ready? Go! On our journey we will visit different places, but we have one goal - in each place we must guess and get new letter.

Our first stop was Recognition.

Guys, which one of you was at the zoo? Tell us what is it?

Look, guys, what strange animals are in the pictures (they look at the pictures, the teacher reads the names and short description animals: Chaffinch, Bison, Catfish, Snakes, Kingfisher, Shrew, Greenfinch, Zebras, White hare, European hare, Indian sambar)

What do you think, what unites all these little animals and birds? That's right, they are all called with the letter z, and you and I have the first letter. This is Z. We sit down in our seats and drive on.

Next stop Otgadaykino. Here we are offered to collect pictures from pieces. We will distribute who collects what picture and work. What happened?

Tumbler, Dunno, Nyusha, Scissors, Rhinoceros, Laptop. What do all these pictures have in common? That's right, their names start with H, and we get another letter!

We sit down and move on! Stop Motalkino. Here are the balls in the basket. What are we to do with them? Let's try to unwind. Inside one glomerulus is the letter A, (inside the others we put a small candy each, in one of the glomeruli - two, so that everyone had enough).

The next station is Lugovaya. Here we will rest, what a beauty, you can stretch, breathe full chest even run a little. And how many flowers are in the meadow, we will collect a bouquet. Does anyone know what these flowers are called? (Nemesia, nemophila, nasturtium, narcissus, forget-me-not, marigold). What letter do you think we found? Another N!

The next station is Vesyolaya. A task is written on each petal of this semi-flower. Only by tearing off all the petals in turn. We can flip the middle and recognize the letter. ( Tasks: tell a poem, name ten names of boys or girls, count to twenty and back, jump on one leg, sing a song, draw a little man on the board, name ten animals). Hooray! We have earned a new letter. This is the letter - I. We go further.

The next and last station is Iskalkino. Under one of the items in our group, there is a card with a letter, let's look. We take the item, raise it, look and put it in place, whoever finds it, shouts - found it!

We found the last letter, it's me.

We read the word - KNOWLEDGE. Who knows what this word means? This is what we traveled for today and what we study every day for, learn something new about our world.

Is our class is over. Until next trip!

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Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on cognitive development

on the topic: "What do we know about water?".

Purpose: to form in children ideas about water as a source of life.

To consolidate with children the idea that water is a very valuable product that all living creatures on the planet need: plants, animals, humans.

Clarify ideas about how a person uses water.

Introduce children to the water cycle in nature.

Bring up careful attitude to drinking sources, to water in general.

Material: Slide presentation.

Course progress.

1 part. Educator: today we will have a very interesting activity.

Why interesting? Yes, because the conversation will be about the subject, without which all living things will die, but we are used to it and sometimes do not pay any attention.


I am cloud and fog

And the stream and the ocean

And I fly and I run

And I can be glass! (Water)

Why not roll up the hill

Do not carry away in a sieve

And not to hold in your hands? (Water) Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, guys, this is water. Let's remember and tell verses about water and what is connected with it.

What is water? It's a trickle from the faucet
These are waves and a storm on the seas-oceans.
In a misted bottle, a drink in my hand,
And in the key, and in the well, and in the stream.

Yes, there are different types of water.
It is in liquid and solid. Even in gaseous
We don't see it or notice it.
But when it is not there, we feel it hard. (Olegova S.)

Drives a raindrop
brook after brook,
They run recklessly
The rivers are fast. After…
And then the blue of the sea!
And behind it - the ocean!
Water in vain without releasing,
Shut the faucet tight! T. Marshalova

And now I suggest you watch an excerpt from the cartoon "Kapitoshka" (beginning and end).

What an interesting cartoon. Who is this Kapitoshka?

Yes, it's a small drop of water.

Where did he come from and where did he disappear to? Children's answers.

Yes, folks, water doesn't come out of nowhere and it doesn't go nowhere. Water is in constant motion. On the ground a large number of water bodies, evaporating from water surfaces, from the surfaces of soil, plants, water accumulates in the atmosphere, and then falls out in the form of precipitation. Just like ours, Kapitoshka came along with the rain and evaporated in the atmosphere. The amount of water on earth does not change, it only changes its forms. This is the water cycle in nature.

Fizkulminutka. And over the sea - we are with you!
Seagulls circling over the waves
Let's follow them together.
Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,
And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their arms like wings.)
We are now sailing on the sea
And frolic in space.
More fun rake
And chase the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

And now I invite you guys to listen to a lot of interesting things about our good friend - water.

Water is clean, dirty, salty, fresh.

Educator: there is water on our earth in the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, streams. Where there is water, many plants grow, people and animals live. But this is not the case everywhere. There are places on our planet where there is very little or no water at all - this is a desert. For vast distances there is only sand around. Everyone who lives there (plants, animals, people) suffers without water. And all living beings have learned to save it and hide from the sweltering heat.

Tell me, guys, why do we need water? Children's answers.

Yes, water has many uses: People use water for drinking and cooking, for bathing, for cleaning rooms, for watering, for watering animals.

A person gives water to drink to pets, and where and what kind of water animals drink wild nature? Wild animals drink any water from any natural source.

A person drinks water from a water supply system, bottled, bought in a store, from springs and wells. In urban areas, the main source of water is piped water. In many villages and villages, wells and springs are still used. Tap water first goes through many stages of purification at treatment facilities before it enters the tap. There is very little clean water left on the planet. Pure water- it's a great value This is why we need to conserve water!

What do you think it means to conserve water (to save money, to keep the faucet always closed, etc.)? Save water: water is life!

As the story progresses, the children are shown a presentation.

Fizkulminutka. "The Frogs"

Lived - were frogs

Naughty, like guys.

Oh, they loved to swim.

Show the strength of the paws.

And they caught mosquitoes:

"One two three four five"

And then they praised themselves:

"Wah-wah, wah-wah, wah!"

1. Children swing their arms, imitating swimming.

2. Squeeze and unclench fingers and toes at the same time.

3. Rise on toes and at the same time raise your thumb up;

get down on a full foot and clench your fist.

4. Alternate closing thumb hands with other fingers.

5. It is easy to tap around the mouth with your fingers, “draw” a large frog mouth on the face.

3 part. Children answer questions (for the answer they receive a chip):

Who needs water?

Where does a person, plants, wild animals get water?

Why should water be saved?

What is water like?

Where is there no water at all? Etc.

Summary of the lesson. Rewards.

Target classes: Develop language and cognition activity in the process of experimentation.


Describe air as a gaseous substance. Continue to acquaint with the properties of air and ways to detect it. Continue to introduce the respiratory system by explaining that air pollution affects human health. Activate children's vocabulary. Improve the skills of dialogical speech at the sentence level.

-Develop vocabulary - logical thinking, the ability to establish causal - investigative links. Develop communication and reasoning skills. Develop general and fine motor skills.

Encourage children to be aware of their own health. Cultivate a desire to work together.


business cards "Scientist - researcher";


Plastic bags;

rubber pears;

Pieces of chalk;




Pieces of rubber;

Rubber toys;

panel "Kindergarten" (building without trees, flowers, bushes, trees separately);


Subject pictures (hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, fan, balloon, air mattress and pool, ball, drum, wheel);

Inscription "Laboratory";

record "Sounds of the Forest".

5. Propaedeutic Job:

-Conversation on the topic: "Air Ocean", "Who are scientists - researchers", "Colleagues", "How We Breathe", "Clean air and water are the wealth of the country".

- Observations while walking: Which way do the clouds float?, "Why is the spinner spinning", "Why do birds fly and don't fall", "Find objects alive and inanimate nature» , "Does a plant have noses", What tree are the seeds from?.

Mobile games and physical. minutes: "Balloons", "Air, fire, water, earth","Flying Seeds", Freeze, "Wind", "Fluffs", ball games.

-Experimental work: "Air" The air sings and whistles, "Air Bubbles", "Wind is the movement of air", "Flame", "Waves", "Storm", "Green vacuum cleaners", "Bubble".

Reading fiction And encyclopedias: "Want to know everything", "The ABC of Health","What? For what? Why?", S. Marshak "Ball", E. Moshkovskaya "My Wonderful Nose", A. Barto "Hot", A. Orlov "Wind Shepherd", I. Matveeva "Oak and Wind", S, Mikhalkov "Three Winds" and others.

Riddles on the topic.

- Survey of parents: "How to choose a safe area for walking with children","The air in our apartment".

Teamwork "Our Kindergarten" (drawing)

6. Vocabulary work:

-nouns: scientists, research, gas, colleagues, business card, inhale, exhale;

-adjectives: strong, convex, polyethylene, invisible;

-Verbs: Feel, feel, murmur.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time- mystery.

- Guess the riddle:

So big,

that I occupy the world

So Littel,

That I can crawl into any gap (air)


That's right, why did you decide that?

What do we already know about air?

Can we try it?

What color is the air?

2. Main part.

I suggest you become scientists and continue your research on the air.

Do you know who these scientists - researchers?

We have a difficult task ahead of us to know:

what air is, how it can be detected, what properties it has.

(I attach business cards to the children's chest)

You are ready?

Dear Colleagues! Let's go to the laboratory and start our research.

Experience with stone:

Let's take a pebble in our hands, squeeze it in our hand. What does he feel like?

The stone is solid. What solids can you name?

Is it possible to pick up air, compress it?

What can be the conclusion?

Right, let's conclude: Air is not a solid body.

Experience with water:

Let's take a glass of water. Look, try, smell, what is it like?

What can water do?

What is water?

Can you name other liquids?

Experience with air:

We know that air cannot be compressed in the hand, so it is not a solid body. Air doesn't flow, you can't drink it, so it's not a liquid. What can be the conclusion?

That's right, air is neither a solid nor a liquid.

Air is a gas. It is invisible, colorless, transparent, tasteless, odorless.

Review what air is.

Here is our discovery!

Let's continue research.

Air is invisible. How do we discover it?

Since we are researchers, we will conduct an experiment.

Let's take plastic bag and start twisting it from the open edge. The package becomes convex. Why?

What will we conclude. That's right, we conclude that the bag is filled with air, but we do not see it.

Let's wave a palm near the face, blow on the palm.

What do you feel?

We draw a conclusion: We can feel the movement of air.


The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

And the tree is getting higher and higher.

Let's continue our research.

Air is everywhere. Let's check it out.

Take a rubber pear, squeeze it in your hand. What did you hear?

Close the opening of the rubber bulb with your hand and try to squeeze it.

She does not shrink, what prevents this?

We draw a conclusion: The air in the rubber bulb interferes with compressing.

Throw a piece of chalk into a glass of water.

What's happening?

We've done some research to find out where the air is. What conclusion did we come to?

That's right, there is air everywhere: in a bag, in a pear, in a crayon.

Now we will play with you.

On my table are pictures with objects inside which have air and in which there is no air, but it is formed when they are turned on.

You need to arrange the pictures under certain signs explaining your choice.

Show signs + and -.

This means "Yes", there is air;

This means "No" air, but it is formed when they are turned on.

Now, Dear colleagues, I suggest you continue to return to our laboratory and find out what properties air has.

Does air have weight?

Let's take two balloons. I put them on the scales. What are we observing?

Let's inflate one ball. The scales have tipped. Why? What can be the conclusion?

Right, let's conclude: The scale is outweighed because the balloon is filled with air. So air has weight.

If untie thread on balloon what will happen?

(I untie) How does air come out?

What happens when a ball is pierced with a needle.

(We pierce) How did the air come out?

Let's show.

Breathing exercise: "The ball burst"

Take a piece of rubber and throw it into the water. What happened? That's right, he drowned.

Let's take rubber toy. She swims. Why? After all, the toy is heavier than a piece of rubber. What does she have inside?

We draw a conclusion: Air has weight, but it is lighter than water.

We've done research. What do we know about the properties of air? correct conclusion, Colleagues.

What do you think is the most important purpose of air? Why do we need air?

Now I propose to make sure that we breathe air.

Take a glass of water and a straw. Dip the straw into the water and slowly blow into it.

What are you observing?

Yes, and this proves that we exhale air.

Let's breathe on the mirror. What happened? It got sweaty. Why?

The surface of the mirror became wet, as we exhale tiny droplets of water together with the air.

We all breathe: inhale and exhale air. For this we need noses. Listen to the famous song about noses.

“All animals, all people have noses. Noses are important, noses are needed not only for beauty. And we can’t sneeze or breathe without a nose .... "

Look at each other, do they all have the same noses? In some ways they are similar, and at the same time, each of us has his own, unique nose. And each is good in its own way.

What are the holes in the nose for?

Let's see how our own nose works, look at your noses in the mirror.

Let's breathe in through the nose. It passes through the holes inside us and gets warm along the way. Therefore, in cold weather it is especially important to breathe through the nose and not through the mouth. The nose not only warms the air, but also purifies it. Inside it there are many hairs on which dust and microbes settle. The nose is only the beginning of the path of air that enters our body. Further, the air enters special tubes, but this is not the end of the road. Further, the air enters the main respiratory organ - the lungs. Lungs can be compared to two balloons that inflate when you inhale and deflate when you exhale.

Put your hands on chest. Breathe. When breathing, it rises and falls.

What happens to the lungs when you breathe?

Right, let's conclude: when you inhale - they are filled with air, and when you exhale, the air comes out.

Guys, I know one exercise that will help you not get sick

Exercise "Sniff" (showing)

It can be done everywhere: at home, on the street, in kindergarten. Try to do.

This is how air enters our body.

Can we not breathe? Let's check. Try not to breathe at least a little.

What can be the conclusion? That's right, colleagues, there is no life without breathing.

Listen to the poem:

Through the nose

Passes into the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

It is not tasty

We cannot live without it.

Unfortunately, the air is now very polluted. This is bad for people's health.

What contributes to air pollution? What can we do to make the air cleaner?

I propose to plant trees, bushes, flowers around our kindergarten. (Work on the panel)

If all people plant trees around their houses, on the street, then the air in our city will be much cleaner and people will get sick less.

3. Final part.

Our research activities came to an end.

What experiences did you enjoy the most?

What new did you learn today?

Let's remember what we learned about the air, what conclusions we made.

We have worked very fruitfully and made a discovery. Many trees have been planted.

Now let's imagine ourselves in the forest, rest in the shade of the trees and breathe fresh air. We will breathe deeply so that clean forest air enters the lungs.

Relaxation on the carpet.


Guys, you know a lot about air, I suggest you conduct experiments with your parents.

Target: the formation of cognitive activity, creativity of children, the development of their personality through different kinds activities.

Learning tasks:

  • Continue to teach how to compose arithmetic problems and write down their solution, to form the ability to highlight a condition, question, answer, solution in a problem;
  • Exercise in the account: even and odd;
  • To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week;
  • To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage;
  • Develop spatial representations, the ability to navigate on a plane;
  • To fix with children the properties of geometric shapes (color, shape);
  • To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of numbers;
  • Learn to give full answers to the teacher's questions.

Development tasks:

  • Create conditions for logical thinking, ingenuity, attention;
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination, fantasy;
  • To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational tasks:

  • To develop the ability to understand the educational task, interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work:

  • Guessing riddles, solving arithmetic problems, logical tasks, observation of the calendar, individual work, classes on REMP.

Vocabulary work:

  • Chalk, lawn.

Methodical methods:

  • Calming exercise before class;
  • Game (use of surprise moments);
  • transformation;
  • Visual (use of illustrations);
  • Verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children);
  • Incentives, lesson analysis;
  • Relaxation.

Equipment: numbers, signs, geometric figures, a board, a flannelograph, a letter, a ball, a bottle with a note, a ball, a cloud, a disk with magic music, trays with semolina, Balloons, tables, sweets, flowers, toys: gnome, dog, castle.

Handout: notebooks, pencils, sheets in a cage.

Demo material: carrots, hares, flowers, math game, numbers from 0 to 10.

Individual work:

  • Cultivate endurance (Arseny, Vlad B.);
  • Activate responses (Katya, Milana, Farid);
  • Control when solving problems (Alyosha, Katya).

Lesson structure

  • Motivation - game situation– “Journey to the realm of knowledge”;
  • Warm up;
  • The game "Our numbers are not enough";
  • Problem solving;
  • Fixing geometric shapes (attention, visual memory, consolidation of knowledge of the properties of geometric shapes), unconventional drawing(finger on semolina);
  • Orientation in space (flanelegraph);
  • Fizminutka;
  • The sequence of the days of the week (fixing);
  • Paper Orientation ( graphic dictation);
  • Diploma (drawing up proposals according to the scheme, parsing words into syllables);
  • Relaxation;
  • Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Good afternoon!

Let's start in a circle

How much joy around!

We'll all take hands

And smile at each other

We are ready to play!

We can start the meeting!

— Oh, someone threw us a letter?! Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that caresses our face? Maybe it's a sparrow, flying dropped?

Children: Yes, it's a bird! Such a beautiful fairy tale!

Educator: Do you want me to read it?

I'm in trouble in my country

I need your help

All children are invited

Get on the road soon

Tests are waiting for you

Difficult assignments

Hurry to our mathematical realm of knowledge

And put things in order.

Queen of Knowledge.

Teacher: Well, are you ready to hit the road? Can you overcome all the obstacles that you may encounter along the way? Before we hit the road, let's warm up.

Educator: If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ...?

Children: That is a chair below the table.

Educator: If the road is wider than the path, then the path ...?

Children: That path is already expensive.

Educator: If the ruler longer than a pencil, then a pencil ...?

Children: That pencil is shorter than the ruler.

Educator: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?

Children: That thread is thinner than a rope.

Educator: If the sister older brother then brother...?

Children: That brother is younger than his sister.

Educator: Well done, then let's go! We will go on the road with the help of a magic ball, where it rolls, we will follow it there. Oh, kids, it jumps out of my hands.

Magical music. Beautiful cloud.

"The Kingdom of Numbers"

(I throw the ball, it rolls to the cloud. The children look at the cloud, on which the numbers from 0 to 9 are written in discordance, various signs, two numbers are missing. Then turn the cloud over, and the children restore the number series from memory and express their guesses which numbers are missing. After that, the cloud is turned over again, and the children check the correctness of their answers.)

Educator: Well done! One obstacle was overcome, and the ball rolls further, forward after it. And the ball brought us to "The Realm of Geometric Figures". At any magical land have their own treasures. Among the inhabitants of a mathematical country, they are called geometric figures. Here they are, let's take a look at them. Tell:

  • How many figures have no corners? Name them.
  • How many quadrilaterals? Name them. Show...and you...
  • How many triangular figures?
  • What is the name of the single figure?
  • How many pieces are not yellow?

Finger gymnastics.

We start to conjure

Doors to a fairy tale open

Although the lock is very strong

Metallic and tenacious

We'll spin it first

And then blow three times

Shake one, two, three

Unlock the door.

Educator: Guys, the gate does not open, let's blow on the lock again. From our breath, only these airy, light, transparent, colorful balloons, swaying, they want to tell us something (I take the balls). The balls are unusual, they are with tips (objects from geometric shapes are drawn on the balls).

Teacher: One, two, three, four, five

We all love to draw

About everything, about everything

We want to know

And become artists.

(Children draw figures on semolina with their fingers)

Educator: The ball rolled further, and the “Kingdom of Tasks” appeared ahead.

(A drawing paper with a picture is attached to the board: five hares are playing a ball, three more hares are walking towards them.) The teacher makes a task: How many hares play ball? How many more are coming?

Questions for children:

  • Highlight the conditions of the problem;
  • Repeat the question to the task;
  • How will we solve the problem?
  • What is the answer to the problem?
  • What action is the task for? (addition).

Educator: So: the task is, tell Nastya, what parts? And what do you think? Is it possible to solve the problem without question? When we put the + (show) sign in the answer, we put > or< , а когда — (показать)? Молодцы! Откройте тетради на той странице, где заложена закладка, посмотрите внимательно на картинку, подумайте, составьте все задачу по ней, и запишите в тетрадь.

Educator: You know how to compose and solve a problem. Look, the ball jumps out of my hands again, he wants to play with you.


Attention game “Ah, yes, the score is a game and nothing more”

How many times do we clap our hands (8)

How many times we stamp our feet (10)

We'll bounce so many times (3)

We bend over now (7)

We will sit exactly as much (4)

Ah, yes, the score is a game and nothing more.

Educator: Rolling, rolling ball. Oh, children, be careful, there is a river ahead, how can we get to the other side? Let's go by even numbers (the numbers are scattered in discord, they come carefully). It's great that we all made it. It was a very difficult obstacle, but we coped with it. Hooray! (a bottle with a note lies on the shore).

We read: “Our ship ran aground,

And sailors all week

They ate caramel aground.”

Educator: To help, we need to clearly answer the questions. Let's use the ball to answer all the questions.

Game "Name the days of the week":

  • How many days did the sailors sit aground?
  • Why do you think so?
  • What day of the week is today?
  • What was yesterday?
  • What will tomorrow be like?
  • What day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?
  • What day of the week is before Tuesday?

Educator: I will name the day of the week, and you will answer what it is in a row.

Educator: The ball jumped out of my hands again and rolled. Well done, we are moving forward quickly, look, you can see the castle ahead "Kingdom of Time" (the glomerulus stops in a clearing, on which, flowers and a flower garden - a seven-flower). The inhabitants of the country of Mathematics not only love everything mathematical, they are very fond of nature. How beautiful this lawn is! What a variety of colors! Breathe in their scent, be careful not to step on them. And one is the most beautiful with different beautiful petals (I take one petal - it says "the castle is guarded by an invisible guard") you need to find out who it is and name it. To do this, you need to sit at the tables, take pencils, a sheet in a cage and listen carefully to the teacher. If you cope with the task, then the flowers will come to life (drawing by cells under dictation).

2 - up; 2 - to the right; 1 - up; 2 - to the right; 1 - up; 1 - to the right; 4 - down; 6 - to the right; 2 - up; 1 - to the right; 8 - down; 1 - to the left; 3 - up; 1 - to the left; 3 - down; 1 - to the left; 3 - up; 4 - to the left; 3 - down; 1 - to the left; 3 - up; 1 - to the left; 3 - down; 1 - to the left; 6 - up; 2 - to the left.

Educator: Who guards this castle? (Dog).

The Queen of Knowledge appears.

Queen of Knowledge: Hello guys! You coped with all the difficult tasks because you were persistent and attentive. How proud I am of you! Look what guys interesting gifts! How many syllables are in the word doll? (2) How else can you check? (with the help of cottons). How many vowels are in this word? (2). Why? (because there are as many syllables as there are vowels in a word). How many syllables are there in the word ball? (1). How many vowels? (3). Tell me guys, how to call these objects, in one word? (Toys). That's right, toys. And here is the second task from me, tell me, what is the proposal? (These are two, three, four or more words that are friends with each other).

I have the queen of knowledge

Helpers are countless

Among them there is one wonderful dwarf

He brought you a card with diagrams as a gift

You show your skill

Make sentences with the words.

Here is this Learned Dwarf, asking you to make sentences according to the schemes with the word toys. What does each line in the sentence mean? (this word). What does the first character in a sentence mean? (This is the beginning of a sentence, and it is written with capital letter). What do we put at the end of a sentence and what does it mean? (., offer ended). Well done guys, you did a great job. I give you these toys, you will play in kindergarten.

Let's get some rest. And now sit down on this magical lawn. Let's hold hands, close your eyes, expose your face to the sun. Feel, the first ray touched Nastya, the second ray hit the stream. The brook murmured, rang and ran to Vlad, Farid. You feel good, you bask in the sun, you have become kinder, wiser. And now they opened their eyes, unhooked their hands, look what happened, these magical flowers turned into sweets, take them. This is a gift from the inhabitants of the mathematical country. Goodbye, I have to go.

Educator: We all had fun playing

Learned a lot of new

Look at the clock

It's time for us to go to the group.

To return, you need to call odd numbers 19-17-15-13-11-9 -7-5-3-1 (I show).

This is where our journey ended. I really liked it, it was interesting. What do you remember the most? What did you like? What did we do in the country of mathematics? How they crossed the river.

Tea drinking.

Kurysheva Antonina Anatolyevna, educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 70", Engels, Saratov region, Russia;

Kantsedal Alla Borisovna, educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 70", Engels, Saratov region, Russia.

Nomination: cognitive development in the preparatory group for fgos

Synopsis of the directly educational activity "Journey to the Past"
preparatory group


1. Systematize and expand knowledge about dinosaurs.

2. Encourage to establish a relationship that reflects the relationship of living organisms with climate and habitat.

3. Develop curiosity and cognitive interest.

4. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary (paleontologist, fossil, dinosaur names).

5. Cultivate the ability to interact with each other.

Preliminary work:

  1. Educational activities: conversation “Primitive people”, speech development lesson “Mammoth hunters”, drawing “Drawings of primitive people”, Team work"Funny Dinosaurs"
  2. Changing the developing object-spatial environment: books and encyclopedias about dinosaurs, primitive people, dinosaur figurines, layout.

Equipment and materials:

laptop, projector, screen, mouse, computer presentation, prehistoric world of dinosaurs layout, brushes and sand containers for paleontological excavation, split pictures fossils.

Activity progress:

Hello, friend, (offer a hand to the child on the right)

Hello friend! (offer your hand to the child on the left)

Get in a circle with me!

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet!
Good morning!
- Good morning
Sun and birds!
- Good morning!
Welcoming faces!
And everyone becomes
Kind, trustworthy!
Good morning lasts until evening!

- I see you good mood and that is great.

- Guys, I want to tell you about my relative who lives in Moscow. This is my uncle Ivan Petrovich. We correspond with him often e-mail. I tell him what smart and inquisitive guys go to my group. He has very interesting profession. He is a paleontologist. Do you know what a paleontologist is? How can we find out who it is? Paleontologists are people who study the remains of ancient plants, animals and their fossilized traces of life.

Oh, there's an email. Just from my uncle. Shall we watch it together?

Text of the letter:

"Hello my niece.

I know that dinosaurs lived on our planet Earth millions of years ago. Please try to prove this fact. I know that you have many young, bright assistants. I look forward to your reply."

First, let's figure out what dinosaurs are?

Dinosaurs are extinct animals that lived on our planet millions of years ago. In Greek, "dinosaur" is a terrible lizard.

How do we prove that dinosaurs existed? That's right, we need to find fossils. Fossils are the remains of prehistoric animals and plants in rocks. By studying them, scientists learn what life was like in the distant past. These can be footprints, bones, teeth, and even entire skeletons.

- Let's go back to the distant past and look at the inhabitants of the prehistoric world for ourselves. Now the question is how do we get there?

- We take places in the time machine. So we are transported to the world of dinosaurs. Who is this? How did you figure out what it was primitive people? What is this giant? The time machine took us to the wrong time! Why? Let's write "To the world of dinosaurs."

“Now we have certainly landed in the prehistoric world of dinosaurs. Look what an unusual nature! A long time ago, the planet Earth looked very different from what it is now. At that time (about 230 million years ago) there were neither animals nor birds on Earth, and even more so people. It was eternal summer on the planet: it was very hot and humid. There were many reservoirs, a wide variety of plants. The owners of this prehistoric world were dinosaurs.

Let's go quietly, let's not make noise.

- Guys, this is a miracle, a real dinosaur! Triceratops appears. How did you recognize him? Distinctive features two horns on the head, a horn on the nose, a "collar" on the neck.

- Oh, what a terrible sound! Can we hide? What scary dinosaur? Tyrannosaurus appears. Look how big he is. Why does he have such big and sharp teeth?

Let's get out of here soon.

“Looks like he didn’t notice us.

Now you can take a break.

A hefty dinosaur came running to us today,

He stamped his feet, he closed his eyes,

Then he bent down to the river and looked back into the thicket,

Twisted his tail, and went to look for his home.

He looked around, and then plopped down on the chair.

- A diplodocus appears. Why does he have such a neck? Who does he look like?

"Oh, what's that sound?" What a big bird! He probably needs a huge sharp beak to get algae out of the water, right? So he's a herbivore? Let's get out of here quickly before they see us.

— Look, what an interesting dinosaur? What is it called? There are spikes and bone plates on the tail and back. It's a stegosaurus. Stegosaurus swallowed whole stones, which in the stomach frayed the leaves and helped improve digestion. Do you think we should be afraid of him? They used only vegetation, tk. their teeth didn't allow them to chew anything harder.

It looks like the sun is setting! We need to get out of here fast! The passage to the time machine was blocked by dinosaurs. We will free the passage if we correctly divide the dinosaurs into 2 groups. What does bone and leaf mean?

- What good fellows you are! Did a great job! The passage is open, we take places in the time machine. We return home: to the city of Rybinsk, kindergarten No. 105, 2017. Let's fly!

- Here we are at home. The dinosaurs had beautiful world, a huge amount of water, a wonderful climate, vegetation. What happened? Why did they die out?

The future scientist, paleontologist Stepan Dmitrievich, will tell us about this. Together with his parents, he conducted a whole study, the results of which he will tell us now.

Several reasons have been put forward for the extinction of dinosaurs.

1. Collision of the planet Earth with a giant comet. Stepan Dmitrievich, can we test this assumption? The comet itself could cause enormous destruction, but only in the area of ​​​​its fall, leaving huge craters on the surface, but scientists never found them.
2.Volcanic eruption. Volcanoes were not located on the whole earth, but relatively, on a small surface. Of course, lava could destroy all living things, but only in the area of ​​​​the eruption.

To sum up, dinosaurs died gradually. The reason for this was the fall of a comet, volcanic eruption, earthquakes, which affected the change in the Earth's climate. The warm climate was replaced by a cold one, plants gradually died, herbivores had nothing to eat, and after them predators began to die.

Thank you Stepan Dmitrievich for the work you have done.

- Guys, when we were in the world of dinosaurs, I took prehistoric sand with me as a keepsake. Scattered it in containers. Although you and I could not find fossils, we can be paleontologists. I suggest you take your brushes and start looking.

“Those are fossil fragments!” Hooray! All you need to do now is collect them. Now I will take a picture of them, and we will send an e-mail to my Uncle Vanya. Guys, do you think we were able to prove that dinosaurs existed on earth millions of years ago? What have we been able to see, learn and find? Was it difficult for us to do it? What new and interesting things did you learn?

Nomination: outline plan cognitive development in the preparatory group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten No. 105
Location: Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region