Beautiful trees for the interior: how to make a do-it-yourself topiary. Mandarin trees. How to make balls-blanks for artificial trees

Tangerines have long been associated with our compatriots with the New Year holidays. This is not surprising, because in the days of the USSR, these fragrant juicy fruits were almost the only fruits available in the winter. They were brought from Georgia and Abkhazia at the beginning of winter. Today, tangerines can be bought at any time of the year, but this has not deprived them of their status as a symbol of the New Year. In addition, it is believed that tangerines bring prosperity and joy to the house. If you want to decorate your home with bright citrus fruit crafts, a DIY decorative tangerine topiary tree is a great solution. The feeling of a holiday and a fresh aroma in the house are guaranteed to you, and it is not necessary to wait for the New Year.

In this master class, we will tell you in detail how to make a tangerine tree for decorating your home. It will take a little time to make this craft, and the result will be a beautiful decorative tree. A tangerine topiary can also be a wonderful gift. Shall we start?

We will need:

  • tangerines;
  • boots (boots);
  • wooden stand;
  • wooden skewers;
  • screws;
  • dry flowers, leaves, spruce twigs;
  • assembly foam.

If you used gypsum or other solid material as a filler, then wooden skewers should be inserted into the cone until it solidifies completely. Tangerines can then be attached directly to the skewers frozen in plaster.

Unfortunately, a tree made from natural tangerines will lose its appearance after a few weeks, because the fruits will begin to deteriorate and exude an unpleasant odor. When creating crafts, you can use artificial tangerines (rubber or plastic). Don't want to pierce artificial tangerines with skewers? Wrap them with decorative wire crosswise, and use the ends of the wire as skewers. Then the mounting foam used as a base can be replaced with an ordinary floral oasis sponge. Pick up a sponge of the required size, cut off the excess and insert it into the felt boots. This craft will delight you for years.

Despite the fact that December has just begun, I already want a New Year's holiday. And what will create a New Year's mood better than a Christmas tree? Although, in recent years, New Year's topiaries have also become very popular. Such a small tree can be put on a festive table or decorate an office with it. In addition, the New Year's topiary will be a great souvenir!

We have already talked about what a topiary is and what are the basic principles for its manufacture. Today we’ll talk about what features the New Year’s topiary has.

Before you start making a topiary with your own hands, decide on its shape. The shape can be either round (traditional) or curly (for example, in the shape of a Christmas tree).

Christmas topiary ball

The principle of creating such a topiary is similar to the previous one, just instead of Christmas toys, you can use pine cones.

First, we glue cones to the base in the form of a ball, and then fill the gaps between the cones with various decorative elements (beads, bows, small Christmas balls). The main thing is not to overdo it with decoration.

If we take a cone and spruce or pine branches as a basis, then it will also turn out pretty nice:

Video master class on creating a New Year's topiary from cones and Christmas balls:

Topiary from edible materials (nuts, sweets, tangerines)

"Mandarin" tree

It's no secret that tangerines are a favorite New Year's treat. Therefore, we will consider the process of creating a "tangerine" topiary in more detail.

Prepare the following materials:

  • tangerines
  • a skein of linen rope (can be bought at any garden and flower shop)
  • a flower pot from which our tree will actually grow
  • a beautiful branch or snag, strong enough to support the weight of tangerines
  • scissors and paper knife
  • piece of styrofoam or floral oasis
  • sprigs of spruce and mistletoe leaves for decoration
  • pieces of wire to strengthen the tangerines on the tree (a set of small hairpins will do)
  • artificial snow (it can be crushed polystyrene or anything else, the main thing is that it looks like snow)

We take our tangerines and wrap them with a rope crosswise. We strengthen the wire as shown in the photo:

We coat the branch lightly (so that the needles do not stick together) with PVA glue and dip it in the snow.

We cut out a cone from polystyrene foam or an oasis, which can easily fit into our pot in shape.

We proceed to the most difficult and responsible part. We strengthen the branch in the oasis so that it does not hang out. We begin to tie tangerines to one another, starting from the bottom. There will be fewer tangerines at the bottom, a little more in the middle, the same number at the top as at the bottom. Then we decorate all this charm with leaves and twigs.

Do-it-yourself New Year's topiary is ready! You can safely decorate the festive table with them.

Remember that tangerines are a perishable product, so it is better to make such a tree on the eve of the New Year. As a worthy alternative, you can use decorative tangerines - plastic or made from polymer clay.

Candy topiary

What do you think of the idea of ​​a New Year's candy topiary?

The materials are the most standard: a foam ball, a stick for the trunk, a pot, a satin ribbon for decor, a foam cube, duct tape and 200-300 grams of candy.

Pay attention to how you can fix the barrel in a foam cube, as well as decorate it:

And also see how you can glue the foam ball with colored adhesive tape so that you do not need to additionally decorate the gaps between the candies:

The principle of creating a topiary is similar to those described above, but these 2 tips can be very useful to you.

It can decorate any holiday. To make such a tree take on a New Year's look, use appropriate decorations, for example, a Santa's cap:

Or make a Christmas tree-shaped coffee topiary:

Topiary made of sisal, fabric or felt

There are a lot of materials for creating a Christmas tree. For examples and patterns, you can refer to the article. Make a Christmas tree according to any of the methods and fix it in a pot. Topiary is ready.

Recently, topiary has been gaining more and more popularity among needlewomen. In this article we will tell you how to make a tangerine tree with your own hands. You may need a variety of materials: flower pots, pebbles, foam plastic, cotton wool, glue, artificial leaves, felt, tangerines, foam balls, paints, wire, teip tape, beads, rhinestones and other decor items.

do-it-yourself (master class): we create the basis

First you need to make the base for the tree. Buy a flower pot, pebbles and a piece of Styrofoam. To make the tangerine tree, created with your own hands, be stable, pour pebbles into the pot. Then cut out the styrofoam so it can be placed in a pot. Trim the edges. Then carefully place the foam into the pot. For greater strength, you can fix it with glue.

Then you need to make a strong and strong trunk that will not bend under the weight of the decor. To do this, take several thick wires from forty to fifty centimeters long and at least two millimeters in diameter. It is better to take a rigid wire, as it is less susceptible to external pressure.

Fasten the pieces of wire with threads or thinner wire, the diameter of which does not exceed half a millimeter. Deepen the wire in the middle into the foam. Fix it with glue. For greater stability, take paper and PVA glue. Tear the paper into small pieces and glue the base of the trunk and the foam itself with it. Wait for the item to dry. And now let's get down to the most interesting thing - creating a crown and decor.

We create a crown from artificial leaves

To make a crown, direct the wire in different directions. To make additional branches, screw the wire to the trunk. For convenient fixing of parts, you can use either self-hardening plastic or papier-mâché. As you can see, creating a tangerine tree with your own hands, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is quite easy.

To make a crown that looks like a real one, buy teip tape, artificial leaves on a wire, and tangerines. First, wrap the trunk with brown teip tape, and the branches with green. If necessary, the teip tape can be tinted with acrylic paint. Then screw the leaves and tangerines to the tree. Make sure that the handmade tangerine tree remains stable.

By the way, the leaves made of corrugated paper look very nice. True, it will be quite difficult to care for such a product, since it cannot be wiped with water.

And another manufacturing option is leaves made from foamiran. This material can be heated, stretched and dyed. From foamiran you can get a very realistic and beautiful tangerine tree. It is advisable not to tint the leaves with dry pastel, as it crumbles easily.

Felt crown

Making a crown out of felt is more difficult. You will need to buy hard felt no more than two millimeters thick. Cut out leaves from felt. For one tangerine tree, created with your own hands, it will take about fifty leaves. Then take a wire with a diameter of no more than half a millimeter and cut it into pieces ten to twenty millimeters long. Connect the felt and wire. It's easy enough! Just pass one end of the wire through the felt, and wind the other end to the tree.

Make fruits also from felt and filler. To do this, take rectangular pieces of felt and sew them with short sides. Then tighten one side with a thread, fill the tangerine with filler and tighten the other side. Plant the fruits on the wire and also attach to the tree. Then wrap the trunk and twigs with teip tape. Touch up the wood with acrylic paint, if desired.

Decor for a tangerine tree

So you learned how to make a tangerine tree with your own hands. What about decor? If you want to decorate your product, you can use the following materials:

  1. Beads. They can sheathe felt. In addition, you can make leaflets entirely from this material. The work will be very painstaking, but the result will be amazing.
  2. Sequins. They can be combined with beads. Looks very nice trimmed with sequins.
  3. Braid, ribbons and mesh. You can decorate a tangerine tree, assembled with your own hands, with lace or, for example, with ribbons. In addition, flowers from
  4. Paint and glitter. You can paint the leaves with pearl effect acrylic paint. In addition, the tree can be decorated with sparkles, which will give it a festive look.

How to care for a tangerine tree?

If you made leaves from foamiran or used ready-made ones, then you can wipe the tree made with your own hands with a damp cloth. If you assembled it from corrugated paper, then you can only dry clean it. But with felt a little more complicated. A tangerine tree made from this material with your own hands will sooner or later have to be disposed of.

Thematic photos and design tips will tell you how to make a topiary tree. At first it seems to many erroneous that only masters in the field of manual creativity can do this. The abundance of fasteners, patterns and transitions scares inexperienced people. As experience shows, turning an idea on paper into a full-fledged composition is quite simple at home. The main thing is to form a clear work plan.

Just as a blank sheet intimidates a novice artist, the abundance of materials intimidates a person who wants to create a topiary. Designers recommend starting by considering different composition options. The thematic press will help in this, for example, magazines dedicated to needlework. Having studied the photos presented there, it is easy to choose something for yourself. In this case, you do not need to blindly copy the first option you like.

Experience shows that options that combine several directions have great aesthetic value.

The following tips will help you avoid confusion among styles:

  • The color solution of the composition is selected taking into account the aesthetic features of the room. Strong dissonance must not be allowed to form;
  • The theme of love involves the use of satin ribbons, bows, hearts and roses. In most cases, a person is so carried away by the idea itself that they literally overload the composition with details. That is why it is worth sticking to minimalism;
  • A gift for a boss or a person who is significantly higher in social rank or simply older is best done in a classic version. For example, burgundy or red color will emphasize the official status. If you want to make a more symbolic gift with your own hands, then you need to pay attention to the money topiary;
  • In the children's room, an option in pastel colors is selected. Firstly, it will not distract the child from work or rest. Secondly, the absence of "flashy" colors in the room will have a positive effect on the psychological health of the baby.

We make topiary with our own hands: a tree, a trunk and a crown

Having dealt with the concept of the future composition, you can safely proceed to the practical stage of implementation. You should start with an inventory of the available tools. First of all, everything you need for the crown is collected. For example, leaves can be made from organza or coffee beans. Regardless of the style of the top of the craft, you must purchase or make your own base.

There are two types: plastic and foam. The first option is reasonable to use when the decorative elements are not stuck, but fixed with glue. It must be remembered that the plastic version is not intended for compositions with a large number of decorative elements. The foam base will appeal to those who prefer the use of pins and threads.

Among other advantages, designers distinguish:

  • Resistance to various dyes;
  • The ability to fix any number of decorative parts;
  • Suitable for use with various sticks acting as a barrel;
  • Durability.

Having decided on the upper part of the composition, you need to find the basis - the trunk. In this capacity, a stick made of plastic, wood or glass acts. The main thing is to follow a few simple recommendations. First of all, it is not necessary to rely on easily breaking and fragile materials. One careless movement will overturn and destroy the result of painstaking work.

For massive compositions, it is better to use wood treated with sandpaper. If we are talking about a lighter option, plastic will do. It is important to remember that the trunk is subject to mandatory processing. It is desirable that it be combined with the overall style of the composition. One of the most common ways to decorate a tree is decorative film and satin ribbons.

Decorative Topiary Trees: Master Class

When it comes to choosing a stylistic solution for flowers, it is better to consult with a specialist. A master class will help to do this, which is not difficult to find. On a regular basis, these are held in thematic art workshops. If there are none in the district, then the thematic video is easy to find on the net. The main thing is not to stop at one option.

Do not think that an experienced designer will be able to prepare a finished project in a few minutes.

  • Social status and age of the recipient;
  • Occasion;
  • The tastes and preferences of the recipient;
  • Desired materials;
  • Planned budget.

Even rough answers to these questions will help create a dream tree that will please the eye. Another recommendation is related to visiting stores that sell decorative flower arrangements. In many ways, this will be a powerful catalyst for the imagination. Designers advise not to be afraid of experiments related, for example, to the use of fruit themes.

Create a tangerine tree, topiary

A long-standing symbol of cheerfulness and good mood is the tangerine tree. On a subconscious level, it is associated with a holiday and childhood, so such a topiary will be a wonderful gift or simply complement the interior of a room. The rounded shape of the sweet fruit will be given by the foam base, which is decorated with orange fabric or corrugated paper.

It will not be superfluous to choose a pot that suits the general mood of the composition. If you cannot find an orange or yellow pot, then you should not be upset. You can always choose one of the warm colors, and if this is not on sale, you can simply slightly transform the existing one. Acrylic paint and a little patience will help with this.

It is advisable to apply 1-2 layers of paint, which dries in 10-12 hours.

The further course of action is as follows:

  • Decorate the trunk of the composition with green ribbon or decorative film;
  • The middle part of the stem is decorated with bows made of satin fabric or twine. The second option is appropriate if the craft is in vintage style;
  • On top of the mounting foam holding the base of the stem, it is necessary to put artificial grass or small pebbles;
  • To make the work more natural will allow grape weaving, falling from the crown to the base. It is necessary to make it from a strong, but at the same time flexible wire.

How to make a topiary with your own hands (video)

Topiary is an unusual way in all respects to decorate the interior of a room or make a memorable gift. Cash, coffee, fruit - only a small part of the possible compositions. Do not be afraid of experiments, because it is thanks to them that you can create unique topiaries. The main thing is to think over the design and all the small details in advance. During work, sketches should always be in front of the eyes of the master.

Beautiful do-it-yourself topiary (photo)

Do-it-yourself topiary from tangerine peels. Master Class

Making topiary "Tangerine Paradise". Master class with step by step photos.

A small sun in a peel.
There is an accurate sign among the people:
You will meet tangerines in December -
So the New Year is just around the corner.
And the imagination revives
From childhood, a familiar picture:
The tree stands in the middle of the room,
And in the green needles - tangerines.
The root "gift" is deliberately inserted as if.
Are there few reasons given?
To give you these fruits?

Teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Alexandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of children's creativity.
Purpose: The master class is designed for children of primary school age, teachers, educators and parents. Topiary will be a good gift for the New Year, can be used for an exhibition.
Target: making a tree - happiness for the New Year holiday.
- introduce different types of topiary and their manufacture;
- to teach how to make the basis for the topiary;
- improve the skills of working with hot glue, observing the rules of safety;
- develop fine motor skills of hands, aesthetic taste;
- to cultivate industriousness, accuracy, a creative approach to the implementation of crafts;
- create a festive mood.

Materials and tools:

Tangerines, tangerine "roses";
- twigs and leaves from tangerines;
- Styrofoam, satin ribbon, gel glitter;
- sheets of newspaper, thread;
- PVA glue, white paper napkins;
- a stick for a tree trunk;
- glue gun, knife, scissors;
- stand for topiary;

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's Eve without a green Christmas tree, without a cheerful feast, Olivier salad. And a mandatory attribute - tangerines. It is tangerines, not other orange citrus fruits. Do you know why tangerines have become a symbol of the New Year? A long time ago, about 1000 years ago, in China, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, tangerines were a symbol of wealth, success, love, happiness and longevity. Coming to visit, the Chinese brought with them a pair of bright orange fruits, thereby saying that he wishes the owners financial well-being, a long and happy life. The departing guest was also given a couple of tangerines. Because a pair of tangerines in Chinese is close to the meaning of "gold" and meant wealth.
In our country, tangerines appeared only in 1963. Then for the first time a dry cargo ship came to Leningrad, filled to the brim with boxes of tangerines. Since tangerines ripen by November, it is this citrus fruit that is brought to us by the New Year.

Today, store shelves are bursting with a huge selection of fruits. But without tangerines, the New Year is no longer a holiday. They fill beautiful vases with tangerines, decorate the Christmas tree, put them in gift bags, prepare fruit salads. Tangerine peel is used to make New Year's compositions. Tangerines are truly considered the fruit of joy. He ate a tangerine, made a rose from the peel, decorated the branches of the Christmas tree with this tangerine rose, put a candle and enjoy! The room becomes more beautiful and festive. And in the air for a long time there is a unique smell of childhood, the New Year, the smell of a Christmas tree and sunny fruits. Delicious, healthy and beautiful! Making such decorations can be done together with children. They will definitely enjoy eating the tangerine and decorating the tree.

Today I want to offer you a master class on making topiary, a tree - happiness from tangerine peel.

A few tips for beginners.

Topiary is the name of small original trees, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial materials are used. Topiary is decorative. It depends only on the imagination of the author what it will be made of. And the size of the tree also depends on fantasy, imagination and diligence. They can be small from 15 cm to half a meter. Topiary can be a good gift and interior decoration for any holiday.
And, so if you decide to make a topiary with your own hands, then you should know that the tree consists of several elements: base, trunk, crown, stand. For each of these elements there are different shapes and materials. For the base, a ball, or a heart-shaped topiary, is most often used. The trunk can be a thick wire, a wooden stick wrapped in twine, ribbon. Krona is a huge scope for imagination. Here you can use everything that is in the house: corrugated paper, paper napkins, nylon and satin ribbons, felt and organza. Buttons, beads, shells, coffee, artificial and fresh flowers, natural material and much more look good. The stand must be chosen depending on the idea, design. It can be any flower pot, baby bucket, watering can, any jar decorated with fabric, lace, decorated using decoupage technique. You decide. And most importantly, think carefully about the idea and select the necessary material for decoration. The idea and decoration will depend on the purpose of the tree. Well, now it's time to get to work.

Step by step work.

Let's prepare the base. Let's make it from newspapers. We carefully crush the newspaper, turning it into a "bun". We wrap with threads, forming an even ball.

We glue the ball with white paper napkins. Now it looks more aesthetically pleasing.

For the trunk, take a simple wooden stick. Let's make a hole in the ball and insert it, pre-lubricated with glue. Now our ball is holding up well.

We insert the foam into the pot, make a hole, pour glue and install the trunk. The base for the topiary is ready and waiting for its outfit.

Now let's take on the tangerines. It is good if you select tangerines of the same size. It is better to take not large fruits and with a thin, easily separated skin. With the tip of a knife, gently begin to peel the mandarin in a spiral. This work is best done by an adult, and the child is given the opportunity to enjoy the taste of a juicy, sweet fruit.

From the skin, which wriggles like a snake, we form a rose.

This is how we deal with all fruits. For a small topiary, you will need 20-25 tangerines.

We put our tangerine "roses" on the battery. A day and you can continue to work further. I dry roses by placing them on cardboard. This is how they look now.

We begin to form a crown. Glue the "roses" with hot glue. First, we have a conversation about safety rules when working with a thermal gun. We start from the top of the crown. "Roses" are applied close to each other. Between them we glue the dried leaves from tangerines. I asked the seller in the market. Tangerines were with twigs.

Keep sticking and enjoy. Crown is getting more and more beautiful. Our topiary, a tree - happiness is almost ready.

We wrap the trunk with a satin green ribbon and tie a bow.

Decorate the foam around the trunk with green corrugated paper. Maybe sisal. And insert a branch with leaves.

Let's add dried tangerine slices and a spiral twig to the decor. It is difficult to give advice at this stage. After all, each of us has his own taste, his own imagination. Imagine and enjoy your creation.

And in order for the topiary to become bright, sparkling according to the New Year, we will apply glitter gel on the leaves and “roses”.

This is how our Tangerine Paradise topiary looks like in all its glory.