Wardrobe from a box for a doll. Do-it-yourself wardrobe for a doll from scrap materials: a detailed master class for little needlewomen and their parents with photos and videos. Dresser for dolls

Adults know how important it is to be able to put their things in order. The child learns through play, so it is important to organize the baby’s doll space in a similar way to the real world. Caring parents can make toy furniture with their own hands. Let's look at examples of how to make a doll closet in various ways.

There are many things in the house that will turn into a full-fledged cabinet in just a few minutes. A shoebox in mother’s skillful hands will become the basis, and shelves with doors can be easily cut from cardboard or a box lid. For a larger doll, corrugated boxes can be used as a wardrobe system. They already have “doors”; all that remains is to install the box in the desired position, glue in the cardboard shelves, and attach the legs. Drawers are made from smaller boxes. After this, all that remains is to attach the wire handles and insert the compartments into the cabinet.

Materials and tools

Various auxiliary materials are suitable for making doll furniture:

  • cardboard;
  • boxes;
  • thick paper;
  • transparent glue “Moment” or PVA, glue gun;
  • wire;
  • plywood.

For finishing facades the following will be useful:

  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • beads;
  • colored paper;
  • fabric and braid;
  • natural material (watermelon seeds, melon seeds, acorn caps, fruit seeds)

The work will also require tools:

  • scissors;
  • sanding block;
  • pliers;
  • clamp;
  • hacksaw for a plywood cabinet.

Dads like to approach the issue thoroughly. That is why they can assemble a doll cabinet with their own hands from scraps of plywood or MDF. And the daughter will be proud that daddy made it himself.

Corrugated cardboard


Before you make a doll closet, you need to decide on the place where it will stand. A strong but heavy cabinet made of MDF or thick plywood is not suitable for a Barbie house. To avoid injury to the child, such a wardrobe can only be placed on the floor, but cardboard furniture will fit perfectly into a doll’s home.

Let's look at the procedure for cutting blanks made of plywood and thick cardboard. To make a wardrobe you will need to take measurements. The section with the barbell should be 3 cm larger than the doll's clothes. We measure the longest dress, add 3 cm to this value and 1 cm for the legs. This will be the height of the finished structure. The width and depth are calculated based on the space allocated for the cabinet, the planned number of doors, and the size of plywood or cardboard scraps. When all the dimensions are known, the parts are cut out, and grooves are marked on the side walls for inserting shelves. Next, the shelves are cut out, and the edges are processed to remove burrs with a grinding stone.

If the cardboard is not dense enough, it needs to be reinforced. In this case, all parts must be cut out in twos and glued together in pairs.


After the preparatory work on cutting out the blanks is completed, you can begin assembly. The frame of the product is glued from the side, top and bottom planes. Fix the structure with the back wall. If necessary, the parts are compressed with a clamp and dried after each stage. Then the shelves are installed. They can be glued or inserted into slots. For the second option, cuts are made in advance on the vertical walls and in the shelves themselves according to the thickness of the parts. It is necessary to ensure that they are located strictly perpendicular to the walls. Next, the pull-out shelves are glued together and inserted. The bar can be made from paper, rolled into a thin roll, or a stick of suitable size can be used. The doors are glued into a small cardboard wardrobe for a Barbie doll, but it is better to hang the doors on a plywood product with real hinges. We roll a thin strip of paper into a tight roll and fix it with glue - we get legs. They can also be replaced with plywood squares or rectangles.

Another option is an origami paper cabinet for dolls. To make it you will need several squares of paper; you can watch the detailed master class in the video.

Collecting parts is based on the principle of a puzzle


The resulting structure is painted or decorated using decoupage technique with napkins, trimmed with fabric and the edges are decorated with braid, stickers or natural material. You can entrust this work to your daughter, let her develop her imagination!

Handles for doors and drawers are attached at the last moment, when the surface of the cabinet is already completely decorated. Wire and round beads look good. The wire is cut into small identical pieces and a loop is formed. The middle is covered with paper or wrapped with the same wire. An awl is used to poke holes in the doors and insert a handle. The ends of the wire are bent on the reverse side and fixed by twisting together. The closet is ready, all that remains is for my daughter’s doll to carefully hang her things here and start playing.


All girls love to play with dolls. However, games very often require additional equipment to make it more interesting and exciting. In this article I would like to talk about how to make a wardrobe for Barbie: from what materials and on what principle the product can be made.

What might you need?

First of all, I want to understand the materials that may be needed to make the product. So, you can, of course, make everything out of wood (or plywood), but in this case you need a bit of skill and a special tool. This article provides simpler options: how to make a wardrobe for Barbie from a cardboard box or milk carton. So, you will definitely need scissors, glue, a ruler, tape (including double-sided), as well as wrapping paper and foil for finishing.

Option 1. Milk carton

How to make a wardrobe for Barbie? The easiest way is to create one from a used milk carton. It is best to choose the maximum volume of the product, so the closet will be larger (after all, the doll will need to hang long dresses). At the very beginning, the box needs to be rinsed and dried well. Next, the upper part, where the package opened, is carefully and evenly cut off. This will be the bottom of the cabinet, its bottom. Now you need to make doors for the product. To do this, you need to draw a vertical line along the very center of the wide side of the package, almost from the very top. By cutting it with a blade, you can end up with opening doors (the place where the curtains should be should be carefully and evenly kneaded so that the cabinet opens without problems). That's basically it, the cabinet is generally ready. However, he is not at all handsome! It needs to be decorated with already prepared wrapping paper, small handles made from foil, which are attached with double-sided adhesive tape. Well, why not provide hangers? To do this, in the body of the cabinet itself, under its “ceiling,” you need to punch two small holes with an awl, into which you insert a wire - this will be a hanger holder. The hangers themselves are easy to twist from wire - a simple triangle with a hook at the very top. That's all, the wardrobe and even its accessories are ready!

Option 2. Shoe box.

Another way to make a wardrobe for Barbie? So, you can use a shoe box for this (its size can be chosen as desired). First of all, you need to decide whether the closet will be tall or wide. And after that, start working. First you need to work on the lid. Its corners are carefully cut, its sides (side folds) are straightened (unfolded). The top and bottom are cut off. You need to draw a vertical line in the center of the lid - this is how the doors will open. The door is ready, all that remains is to decorate it - cover it with paper, and use foil to make a mirror on the inside of the door. Next, the box itself is covered. The next step is to glue the doors to the frame using tape. That's basically it. Inside the closet you can make a shelf for clothes: cut it out of cardboard (to fit the depth of the closet), bend the corners about a couple of centimeters 90° on each side and glue these folds to the walls of the closet. Below you can make a hanger holder and the hangers themselves using the method described above. That's all the tips on how to make a doll cabinet with your own hands.

Other furniture

It’s worth saying that dolls need more than just wardrobes. You can also figure out how to make furniture for Barbie to fill the interior. So, if you glue two matchboxes together and wrap them in fabric, you get a cute ottoman. An excellent floor lamp can be made from a cocktail umbrella (again, a matchbox can be used as a base). You can also make a sofa out of matchboxes: two flat boxes - a place to sit, two on the edge on the sides - the arms of the sofa, which are so convenient for the doll to lean on, three boxes behind the resting place - the back. All boxes are glued together with ordinary glue, and the finished product is covered with fabric. The sofa is ready!

Good creative mood to you, dear readers of the Domovenok-Art blog. Today’s master class will certainly be of interest to those who have a growing girl, those who are partial to doll themes and creating accessories for dolls with their own hands.

Let's talk about creating furniture. Yes, yes, furniture, but not ordinary, but toy furniture. Today I will tell you and show you a little how to make a doll cabinet with your own hands. Just don’t be afraid, it’s not as scary and incomprehensible as it seems at first glance. In addition, to simplify the task, below you will find a list of part sizes and a cabinet assembly diagram with my more than detailed explanations.

...I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get the feeling that we, supposedly adults, take great pleasure in having a blast like children, as soon as such an opportunity is given. When children are small, you can, for example, delve into the sandbox without the pale and sidelong glances of the “adequate” ones :) As they begin to grow up, new interests appear. For example, dolls. And then you need a new dress👗, then there are wonderful hangers and shoes on Aliexpress, then when this stuff starts getting tangled under your feet, you need a closet)))

And who, if not parents, can become an example of the fact that it is not necessary to immediately run to the store and spend money, while a cabinet can be made at home. At the same time, get an environmentally friendly toy, without the Chinese plastic stink, comfortable and practical, and, most importantly, keeping the hands warm and therefore so expensive for the child himself.

Are you ready for creative experiments? Then let's begin! To begin with, I suggest you admire this cabinet:

What to make a doll closet from?

In this matter, you should proceed from your own capabilities. Here are some options:

Binding cardboard. This doll cabinet is made of thick binding cardboard in 2 layers, with a total thickness of about 2.5-3 mm.

Corrugated cardboard. A good material for creating children's toys, for example, such as. On the Internet I came across a whole lot of master classes using corrugated cardboard, but to be honest, I don’t think this material is ideal for this product. Toys are often subjected to various experimental mechanical influences from children 🔨))), and delicate corrugated cardboard can easily bend, ruining the closet itself. You can, of course, strengthen it by gluing two sheets together, placing the perforation perpendicularly, but then the wall thickness automatically increases.

Plywood. I wanted to make the doll closet durable, or rather very durable. If you also want to make a quality item for more than one week, take plywood. Why do I recommend plywood when making a cabinet out of cardboard? It's simple. I don’t know how things are going with your search for thick cardboard, it’s not all that easy for us, or rather large sheets in stores are rare and quickly sorted out. I got this rather loose, brown cardboard for almost nothing. I had to glue it together, it was too thin. And at that moment, when it was time to paint the walls, in some places it simply went away due to looseness. However, if you have a few sheets of gray cardboard for cardboard, this is a great solution. But plywood is better))))

Simple cardboard. Another option is to glue together several sheets of regular cardboard, but after that, a few days under pressure is a must!

What else will you need for the closet?

  • door hinges - 4 pcs., they are available in handicraft stores;
  • miniature pens – 2 pcs., look there;
  • screws – 16+2 pcs.;
  • thick wire, axle or stick for the crossbar;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue moment crystal.

And be sure to have a stationery knife and ruler.

How to make a doll closet. Master Class

Part 1. Cutting the parts of the doll's wardrobe.

In order to make a doll cabinet, you need to cut cardboard. When calculating, it is important to take into account the thickness of the material. In this Excel table ↓ I provide dimensions for a cardboard thickness of 3 mm (in the table you can change the thickness of the cardboard if it is different).

The doll cabinet itself is approximately A4 size and 8 cm deep.

In the table, you may have noticed the column “Partition” marked “*”. In order for the partition to be securely fixed to the bottom and ceiling of the cabinet, I also provided them with 2 tabs on each side. The table shows the dimensions of the partition panel itself only, without taking into account the protruding parts. The projections connecting to the ceiling are 1.5 mm high (half the thickness of the cardboard), and 3 mm can be made into the floor. Width - 1 cm. See below for what to do with them next. And these ↓ pictures enlarge when clicked.

The thickness of the cardboard for our boxes was different from the main one, so a separate column was made for the boxes in the table.

So, we cut out all the necessary parts of the wardrobe for Barbie. But before you start assembling, you need to prepare them.

Part 2. Preparing doll cabinet parts

First, we mark out the places on the roof and in the floor where we will have grooves for our protrusions. To do this, mark with a pencil where on each part the front will be and where the back will be. The partition will run exactly in the center, with the rear edge aligned with the edges of the floor and ceiling. Have you planned? Then carefully cut it out. It is better to make the grooves in the bottom of the cabinet for dolls through, and the ceiling ones - half the thickness; we don’t need holes in the ceiling))). That is why it is necessary to take thick cardboard.

In addition, there is one more thing worth doing: immediately glue two parts to the bottom to strengthen the floor. We glue them in the center. I used very thick PVA glue and then pressed it for a while.

Secondly, on the partition and side walls we mark the installation locations for the shelves. For the left shelf, the distance from the bottom of the cabinet is 55 mm, for the right - 45 mm, 35 mm and 35 mm, respectively. When applying marks, also take into account the thickness of the shelves. It needs to be drawn and along these lines it is necessary to cut grooves from the rear edge with a length equal to the depth of the shelves, that is, 70 mm. Scheme in Fig. 1. We also deepen it by half the thickness of the cardboard.

Another important thing that needs to be done before assembling the doll's wardrobe is to make holes for the crossbar for hangers. My crossbar is made of some unknown, but quite strong material, a stick from a children's tent. You can find an axle from a large car, twigs from a table football, bamboo sticks (thick, but provided that the hangers can fit on them).

So, we measure the same distance from the rear edge at the sides and the jumper at the same height. We hole the jumper all the way through, the sides are half the thickness. Our crossbar will be inserted into these holes. Due to the fact that it passes through the part in the middle, the load on it will be significantly less, which means there is less chance that it will fall out of the side walls.

The length of the crossbar in our case is 200-1.5-1.5 = 197mm. We insert it directly into the opening in the lintel of the cabinet for doll things.

It is also necessary to cut out the bottom panels (in the photo of the finished cabinet they have a smooth cutout), which will cover the bottom of the cabinet with thrust bearings. I hope you won’t have any problems drawing something similar (Fig. 2). Well, cut it too.

We still have some boxes left. In order to make it convenient to pull them out, you need to make a notch for your finger on all 4 facades. It is better to make it quite deep (Fig. 3).

From experience: our top two drawers have smaller recesses, so they are more difficult to pull out of the closet than larger drawers. Make them all so that you feel comfortable. By the way, you can increase the distance between the shelves a little (before you make grooves there, of course)))).

Part 3. How to assemble a doll closet

We have completed the most disgusting and long preparatory stage. Now it's time to assemble the doll closet. To do this, we’ll arm ourselves with Moment Crystal glue.

First we connect the partition and the bottom of the cabinet. We coat the grooves in the floor, the protrusions on the partition itself, as well as all the places where these parts will touch. We insert it and fix it briefly with our hands, trying not to shake the structure too much.

Next, take one of the side walls and coat the bottom part, which will connect to the floor of the Barbie cabinet. Glue it in the appropriate place (I hope you signed where the left/right side of the cabinet is, front and back). It wobbles and doesn't hold up. We need to fix it! We take the first shelf, coat it with glue, you can also apply a little glue into the grooves. Now we install the shelf in place. That's better!

We fasten the remaining shelves in the same way.

We do the same on the other side. Don’t forget to glue the crossbar under the hangers, fixing it in the sides with glue.

Now we glue the top of the cabinet, having previously coated all the joints with all the parts. Waiting for it to dry.

Next, I couldn’t film the process of assembling the doll cabinet, I went into creativity))). That’s why now I’m telling it in words using homemade graphics✏. The next step is gluing the back wall. Carefully coat all contact points of the parts, then carefully glue them, joining on 4 sides with the sides, floor and ceiling, as well as the partition. The wall will give good rigidity to the cabinet.

Let's work on the bottom of the cabinet. Glue the thrust bearings 3 on each side (Fig. 4).

We glue decorative panels onto the dried thrust bearings and these two parts to strengthen the bottom on the sides (Fig. 5).

We do the same with the figured front and back panels. They are placed on top of the side ones (Fig. 6).

Assembling the boxes is even easier. First we glue the side walls to the bottom, then the back wall with an overlap, and then the front wall in the same way. The result is a rather cute, but at the same time tough box (Fig. 7, 8).

Part 4. Decor and doors of the doll's closet

Having decided to make this cabinet for dolls, I first decided to decorate it with scrap paper. But as things progressed, I realized that this was not the best idea. In addition, it was already lying in the pantry, I was just waiting to use a jar of acrylic water-based emulsion. The quality, however, is not so great; there are better paints. But, after mixing it with PVA glue and color, it turned out to be quite an acceptable slurry for painting🎨. I painted partly with a brush, partly with a sponge. Ideally, it would be possible to polish what happened, but we don’t create ideal things, we create things with soul! ☝

The decor of the doors is brilliantly simple, and the idea itself is borrowed from the decor of real cabinets. Two pieces of colored cardboard, for one door - three panels, which are glued onto cardboard prepared to the size of the door. The inside of the door can also be painted (in the photo you can already see the finished cabinet, but our master class continues).

Part 5. The shortest. We screw the doors and handles to the doll clothes cabinet

To attach the doors, I used miniature hinges and the same screws. Before attaching them to the cabinet, it is worth remembering the saying about measuring 7 times. The hinges are attached from the inside. It was more convenient for me to first screw it to the cabinet, then to the door.

After screwing, the sharp ends of the screws (due to the fact that the cardboard is thinner than the plywood from which blanks for decoupage are usually made) treacherously stick out, threatening to prick or cut someone. Therefore, we take the pliers in our hands and bite off the ends that are too long (but not at the root, of course). I decorated what was left with metal crabs, first bending the ends inward and securing them to the cabinet using a Crystal Moment.

Well, all that remains is to attach the handles to the doll cabinet. I came across these handles in the store, which I screwed with thick M3 bolts for this cabinet (or even M4, I don’t remember) through a washer. Well, that's how it happened.

And you know what? And it's ready! Cool! And most importantly, it turned out to be quite high quality, not counting the fact that the doors did sag from the inside from the paint (but it’s all cardboard)))).

Now you know how to make a doll closet. Moreover, as you can see, making it with your own hands is not something out of science fiction, but a completely real and feasible task (if you have the desire and some time, of course). I hope everything was clear to you, and the master class was really useful. If you have questions, especially about sizes, parts and assembly, write them in the comments below the article.

And for a snack, here’s a small video bonus for you: just a beautiful slide show about how our Ariel turned into a bride👰

Create unique things, create with love! And, of course, come visit again! All the best and brightest to you!

Your brownie Elena.

All sorts of different news:

Delicious ideas for you.

All girls love to play with Barbie dolls, and they need clothes, shoes, a house and even furniture. Of course, all this can be purchased in a store, but nothing can replace the joint creativity of parents and children. This pastime will help you get closer to your child and teach him teamwork. In this master class you will learn how to make a wardrobe for a doll from scrap materials with your own hands, which can be found in any home. Plus, it's not difficult at all.

Your cabinet will look different from a store-bought one, but it will be made with care and love. The child will be pleased to appreciate his contribution to the craft, and he will happily play with dolls with the resulting furniture.

We assemble a practical wardrobe for a doll with our own hands in a master class

Most likely, everything you need can be found in every home. If not, you can take care of this in advance and buy the missing items. All the necessary materials are cheap, so there is no need to worry about the costs of making a doll clothes closet. So, you will need:

  • unnecessary cardboard box;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • gouache or acrylic paints;
  • colored paper;
  • glue "Moment";
  • sandpaper;
  • small coil of wire;
  • pliers;
  • stickers for decoupage or beautiful cutouts from magazines for decoration.

Having collected all the necessary materials, you can begin to create a doll cabinet from a box. If you strictly follow all the points in this master class, you can easily make beautiful furniture for dolls. So let's get started.

  • You will need a very ordinary cardboard box, which has 4 wings covering it. The box needs to be opened and only the wings on the long sides should be left, the short ones should be cut off and glued inside as a cabinet shelf or an upper compartment for hats and scarves.
  • Then roll up a thick paper roll with a diameter of 3-4mm and cut it into 4 pieces - these will be the legs of the cabinet. Select their length yourself and glue them to the bottom plane of the wardrobe using Moment glue.
  • All resulting irregularities must be well sanded so that the child does not get scratched and the craft looks neat.
  • Cabinet doors are made of thick wire or thin wire folded several times. You need to cut two identical pieces, bend them into 3 parts (if the wire is thin, first fold it into tight bundles), so that the middle part is directly the handle itself, and the other two are fasteners. Wrap them with fabric or paper, leaving the ends of the wire exposed so you can attach the handles to the doors.
  • Punch holes in the cabinet walls with the ends of the handle blanks, thread them through and bend the ends with pliers so that there is space between the handle and the cabinet door. After this, you need to cover the workpiece with paint or paste it with colored paper, and decorate it at your discretion. The wardrobe for doll clothes is ready!

What else can and should even be used to make a doll’s wardrobe?

If you don’t have a box at home, you can make furniture from cardboard, which is sold in sets in stationery stores, or from a regular sheet of Whatman paper. Such crafts will be more fragile, but will take a little less time. There are many schemes by which you can fold a cabinet using thick paper and sleight of hand. For example, this one:

However, if you want to make a very serious structure that will last for many years and will be inherited, a wardrobe for Monster High dolls can be made from plywood. Of course, it will take more time and require more effort, but the result will be worth it. The resulting furniture can also be painted in any desired color, and then you can start decorating it. As a result, you will receive a unique wardrobe for doll clothes with your own design! Is not that great?

Video materials on the topic of the article

If these explanations were not enough, you can watch these video master classes, which explain step by step how to make a doll wardrobe quickly and easily with your own hands.

Arranging a doll's room is a fun activity for both the child and the parents. Of course, miniature tables, cribs and armchairs can be bought in a toy store, but they sometimes cost more than the doll itself. But in order to create an environment with your own hands, no investment is required, and the interior can turn out even more interesting than the one offered by professional toy designers. How to make a doll closet? Some options will be discussed in our article.

What kind of closet could it be?

Dolls are like people, and they have a wide variety of furniture. For example, depending on the size of the doll and the materials at hand, you can make different pieces of furniture for storing things and clothes:

  • Chiffonier. A wardrobe is a closet for dresses, coats and other items of a doll's wardrobe. It is rectangular in shape and has doors and a crossbar inside. You can even make a wardrobe from several compartments - a large one with doors and smaller ones with drawers, and glue a “mirror” to the inside or outside of the door.
  • Dresser. The chest of drawers consists of a table top surrounded by many drawers - they can be on the bottom, side, or even on top.
  • A hanger. The simplest clothes hanger consists of several crossbars, but you can make it differently - in the form of a panel on which miniature hooks are attached.
  • Cupboard for dishes. A doll cupboard for dishes is similar to a wardrobe, but inside it does not have a crossbar, but shelves.

What will you need?

Making a doll cabinet with your own hands is not at all difficult, but first you need to look at what materials and tools you have. You will need:

  • cardboard boxes - for shoes, juice or milk;
  • ordinary cardboard;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pieces of plywood;
  • pieces of self-adhesive film;
  • colored paper;
  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • beads;
  • small buttons;
  • hooks for clothes;
  • miniature door hinges;
  • scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • ruler;
  • shoe knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue “Moment”.

In a word, you probably have a lot - these are those items that constantly accumulate in the apartment, and housewives usually do not know where to put them.

Important! The only exception is that door hinges are very small; they are rarely used. But these can be found at a craft store.

Cabinet dimensions

They depend entirely on the size of the doll:

  • For Barbie, it is best to make a closet about 30 cm high or slightly less.
  • But for Anabel, such storage for clothes will not be enough; she needs a cabinet with a height of about 45 cm, or better yet, a little more.
  • For miniature dolls, a juice box, baby food, corn flakes, etc. will be enough.
  • If your daughter has Anabelle or Baby Bon, look for a box of boots or some household appliances.
  • For large dolls, furniture can also be made of plywood.

DIY wardrobe for doll clothes made of plywood

This is the most durable option, although some skill in working with carpentry tools is required. It’s very good if you have a ready-made plywood box - for example, for cubes that have long been lost.

If there is no such box, you can quickly make one to get a doll cabinet with your own hands:

  1. Determine the dimensions - width, height and depth.
  2. Draw a large rectangle on a piece of plywood with sides equal to the height and width of the cabinet.
  3. Draw 2 rectangles, the sides of which are equal in height and depth, for the sides.
  4. Draw the “floor” and “ceiling” - their parameters are equal to the width and depth, plus allowances - on the sides adjacent to the sides, they are double the thickness of the plywood, and on the longer side - just the thickness of the plywood.
  5. Cut out the blanks with a jigsaw or small hacksaw.
  6. Clean the cuts with sandpaper.
  7. On the sidewalls, mark the locations for the holes for the crossbar - they should be located strictly symmetrically.
  8. Drill holes, but so as not to perforate the sides.
  9. Make a crossbar - coat a sheet of cardboard with glue and twist it into a tube, the length of which is slightly greater than the width of the cabinet (it should fit into the holes).
  10. Glue in the crossbar - it's best to do this right away, before everything else is assembled.
  11. Glue the sides, top and bottom panels to the back board.

Important! The wardrobe can also be made with screws or nails.

We decorate the doors

A doll's cabinet can have only one door - this is the easiest way to do it:

  1. Cut a board equal in size to the backdrop.
  2. Sand it down with sandpaper to avoid any roughness and place it on a pair of miniature door hinges.

Important! For two doors, naturally, you will need two plywood rectangles, which are 2 times smaller in width than the backdrop.

What are the handles made of?

Sometimes you can find small door handles in sewing supply stores. But they are not always sold, so we have to find a different way out of the situation.

Look at what you have in your box with various little things. Suitable for you:

  • wooden beads of suitable size;
  • pawns from an incomplete set of small chess - however, other pieces will also do, as long as they are the same;
  • if the closet is for a large doll - bingo barrels;
  • board game chips;
  • wooden buttons with “ears”.

Important! As a last resort, handles can also be made from cardboard - these are just tubes.

How to attach?

You can simply stick the handles on. True, in this case you will have to repair your creation quite often. But nothing prevents you from drilling holes and gluing the parts. This way they will hold up much better.

Other door design options

A do-it-yourself wardrobe for doll clothes does not necessarily have to be closed with plywood doors. This is furniture for play, in which there should always be at least a little room for imagination. However, these methods are also suitable for real furniture:

  • fabric curtain;
  • curtain made of thick threads.

Option 1

It is better to make a curtain from two panels, and take the kind of fabric that does not need to be sewn, like tulle, tulle and something else like that. You need:

  • 2 flaps;
  • thick, hard threads like “iris”;
  • 2 cloves;
  • hammer.

First you need to decide where the cord will be attached. Best of all – on the outside of the sidewalls:

  1. Mark the points where to drive the nails.
  2. Drive in the nails - you can instead screw in the screws that fasten the parts of a mechanical watch.
  3. Cut 2 rectangles of fabric - it is better if they are wide enough to lay them in beautiful gathers.
  4. Sew the top edges with thick threads using a basting stitch.
  5. Make the assemblies.
  6. Tie the thread on both sides to the nails.
  7. Cover the carnations with decorative overlays - for example, plywood flowers or elements made of self-adhesive film.

Option 2

You can make a curtain for a doll closet with your own hands, for example, from synthetic twine:

  1. Cut a long thread for the warp - it should be long enough to be stretched and tied.
  2. Cut a lot of threads for the curtain itself - each should be twice as long as the curtain itself.
  3. Tie short threads to the base.
  4. Attach the base to nails or screws.
  5. Trim the edge.
  6. Cover the fastenings with decorative overlays.

Important! Such a curtain can also be striped if you take threads of different colors.

Decorating the closet

There is no need to decorate a plywood wardrobe if the material has no visible flaws. You can simply varnish it. But nothing prevents you from showing your dormant design abilities.

You can decorate:

  • painting;
  • appliqué;
  • burning.


To paint the sides and doors, it is best to use acrylic paints. What about the ornament? You can find something suitable on the Internet, for example, elements of a floral pattern. Next we do this:

  1. If you are not very confident in your artistic capabilities, outline the elements of the ornament with a pencil.
  2. Cover them with paint in an even layer.
  3. Apply additional lines with a thin brush - leaf veins, flower centers, tendrils.
  4. Let it all dry and varnish.


It can be made from paper or self-adhesive film. This is somewhat simpler than painting:

  • It is better to take the simplest elements - circles or ovals, from which you can create an interesting floral pattern.
  • Before gluing, experiment by arranging the elements in different orders.
  • It is better to coat the paper applique on top with varnish.

Important! In the same way, you can decorate the door of a cabinet for dolls made of cardboard.

Burnt Pattern

An ancient way to decorate wooden furniture is burning. It is best to use a special device consisting of a needle and a block with a thermostat. The designs can be very different, but for miniature furniture it is better to choose ones that do not have complex plots or very small details.

How to make a doll cabinet from a box?

For such a locker you will need any cardboard box. In addition to the box itself, you will need:

  • remnants of wallpaper or colored paper;
  • empty matchboxes;
  • toothpicks, sandwich skewers;
  • wooden beads or buttons with “ears”;
  • wire;
  • paper clips;
  • foil if you want a wardrobe with a mirror.

Preparing the base

Before you make a doll cabinet from a juice box or shoe box, you need to prepare the box itself.

Option 1

We remove the lid of the shoe box, straighten it and cut off the folds - it is better to do this with a sharp knife so that the edges are smooth. From the lid you can make:

  • partition;
  • doors.

Important! If this is a partition, then for the remaining parts you will need several sheets of thick, rigid cardboard - and vice versa, respectively.

Option 2

Carefully cut off the front wall of the juice box. If the box has a round hole on the top, remove the plastic insert onto which the lid is screwed. In fact, there is no need to do anything else - the thicker the load-bearing parts, the better.

You can make a partition from the cut out front part:

  1. Fold the cut wall in half, aligning the long sides.
  2. Bend the long edges outward by 1 cm.
  3. Glue the part, but do not touch the seam allowances.
  4. Hold the septum under pressure for some time.
  5. Glue the partition into the cabinet.

Decorating the interior

You can make a hanger in one half of the cabinet, and drawers in the other. Depending on the size of the wardrobe, the following are suitable for the crossbar:

  • skewer;
  • any round wooden stick;
  • cocktail tube or paper roll.

It is best to glue it into the walls.

The other half may have drawers:

  • To do this you will need several empty matchboxes.
  • Their outer parts are simply glued one on top of the other.
  • To make the drawers easy to open, semicircular cutouts are made on the sliding parts to fit the size of a child’s finger.

Important! There may be other design solutions. If the box is tall and narrow, the drawers can be placed at the bottom. It’s worse if there are no matchboxes, but this is not a problem - you can make shelves from cardboard squares glued in several layers.

Making doors

Both doors are made the same way:

  1. Cut 4-6 strips of cardboard that are as long as the height of the closet and half as wide as the width of the doll clothes closet.
  2. Glue the strips together in 2-3 layers - glue should be spread over the entire surface.
  3. Keep the pieces under pressure until they are completely dry.
  4. Glue on handles - for example, small wooden buttons with “ears” or wooden beads.
  5. Place the doors on miniature hinges, 2 on each side.


Doll furniture can also be without legs. But if you have large beads, pawns from old small chess, or just wooden blocks of a suitable shape, why not make the toy cabinet look like a real one? The main thing is that the legs are the same and at equal distances from the corners.

A do-it-yourself doll cabinet is made from cardboard in almost the same way. You first need to glue the box from cardboard and attach the doors and other parts to it, that's all.

How to make a doll cabinet out of paper?

If you don’t have boxes or sheets of plywood on hand, you can make a doll cabinet out of paper. Don’t be surprised, even country houses are made from newspapers and old wallpaper, and they last for several years.

You will need:

  • templates;
  • wallpaper remnants;
  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • press;
  • water-based paint;
  • art paints;
  • door hinges and handles;
  • legs.

Cut out templates from cardboard for the back, doors, sides, top and bottom panels:

  1. Using the template, cut out 10-15 blanks for each part.
  2. Glue each piece together in layers.
  3. Keep it all under pressure until it dries - the workpieces should turn out straight and dense.
  4. Assemble a doll cabinet in the same way as one made from a box.
  5. Paint it with water-based paint.
  6. Paint with artistic paints - for example, wood, or make a painting.
  7. Cover the top with varnish.
  8. Attach the doors and legs.

How to make a doll's wardrobe from matchboxes?

From boxes you can glue:

  • Kitchen Cabinet;
  • dresser.

Option 1

For the kitchen cabinet you will need 5-10 empty matchboxes:

  • Remove the “boxes” from the “lids”.
  • Stick several “lids” on top of each other.
  • Cover the sides and top surface with self-adhesive film - white, gray, cream and other “kitchen” colors.

Important! The same film can be used to cover those parts of the “boxes” that will be visible from the outside, but these parts can also be painted with gouache.

  • Make cutouts in the “drawers” ​​for the finger.
  • Insert the “drawers” ​​into the “lids”.
  • Glue the legs.

Option 2

For a chest of drawers you need the number of boxes, which is divided by 3:

  1. Glue the 3 “covers” together with sidewalls.
  2. Glue the rest in threes too.
  3. Glue the tiers together.
  4. The sides and top can be covered with brown self-adhesive film.

Important! You can also make a chest of drawers with a mirror. To do this you need a piece of cardboard and a sheet of foil. Cut out a blank of any shape from cardboard, for example, a semicircular one, cover it with film to match the color of the chest of drawers, and attach a “mirror” made of foil in the middle.

How to make a doll hanger out of paper?

Doll hangers, like human ones, can be of different types. For example, in the form of a crossbar lying on two supports. To do this you need:

  • paper (you can take old wallpaper).
  • PVA glue;
  • metal knitting needle (as a template, but you can do without it).

Hanger in the shape of the letter P

How to make a paper doll hanger?

  1. Place the sheet of paper with the wrong side up.
  2. Coat it well with glue.
  3. Roll up the tube.
  4. Do the same with two more sheets.
  5. Determine which tube will be the crossbar and which will be the supports.
  6. Glue the entire structure in the shape of the letter P.

Important! If the edges are smooth, the hanger will stand as is. But you can make it more stable by drilling holes in two cubes and gluing the ends of the supports into them.

Hanger with hooks

The base for it is made in the same way as for a paper cabinet, that is, several layers for the main part are cut out according to the template. The layers are glued together and held under pressure. The process then goes like this:

Are you convinced that making a doll closet and filling it can be very simple, from scrap materials? Now start getting creative, the process will probably be exciting and interesting for you. And don’t forget to involve your child in it - let him also bring in a couple of his creative ideas.