Speech therapy in the garden. Abstract of the frontal lesson in the senior speech therapy group

Abstract frontal lessons"Journey of Kolobok" in the senior speech therapy group.

Abstract speech therapy session aimed at developing the phonetic and phonemic side of speech in children using health-saving technologies

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU for children garden number 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Description: This lesson conducted in the senior speech therapy group. When compiling the lesson, the emphasis was on the lexical theme "Autumn". This lesson will be useful for speech therapists and educators of preschool educational institutions.

Goals and objectives:
Correctional and educational:
to teach children to characterize the sounds [y] and [a], to select words for a given sound.
to acquaint children with the sound [p] and the way it is characterized based on articulatory and acoustic features;
to acquaint with the concept of "voiced consonant sound" and the location of the sound at the beginning of the word;
learn to distinguish sound in syllables and words.

develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children;
develop phonemic processes;
develop breathing and voice;
to consolidate the concepts: "sound";
improve the communication skills of children;
raise speech activity;
develop the melodic-intonation and prosodic aspects of speech;
develop mental processes;
improve performance and endurance.

Correctional and educational:
to educate in children the ability to complete the work begun, perseverance and the ability to handle handouts.

Equipment: pictures of fairy tale characters, leaves with pictures, river, bridge, counting sticks, pictures for articulation gymnastics, illustration "Letter P", tape recorder, board.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist: To be polite, you need to say hello,
Anyone who would not meet - this is known to the children.
Say hello, and in response, it will sound

Children: Hi Hi!

Speech therapist: Let's say hello to our guests (children say hello).
Now let's say hello to each other.

Logorhythm "Hello palms" (development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction).

2. The main part.
Teacher: Guess the riddle: I did not tremble before the wolf,
Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Still got caught ... (kolobok)

And let's come up with our own fairy tale about Kolobok.

And who will help us in this? (clever mind)

Then let's do gymnastics for the brain. It will help you become attentive, active, relieve tension, fear, irritation and improve your achievements!

Kinesiology exercises.
"Ear - nose - cotton" - grab the tip of the nose with your left hand, and the opposite ear with your right hand. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands, change the position of your hands with “exactly the opposite”.
"Fist - rib - palm."

Who else will help us? (tongue).

Articulation gymnastics.

Children perform exercises according to the text they heard and the picture they saw:
“We open our mouth - a house, who is the owner in that house?
In it, the owner is the Tongue, he lay on his lip with a spatula (“Spatula”).
The tongue goes out for a walk, he goes around the house (lick his lips in a circle).
Who is here and who is there? He looks around ("Watch").
He sees: the lips are very flexible, deftly reaching for a smile ("Fence"),
And now, on the contrary, the lips stretch forward ("Elephant").
The tongue has become a painter, neatly paints the house ("Malyar").
He ended up on a swing, took off up and went down (“Swing”).
Guess who could? Our tongue is like a fungus! ("Fungus")
The tongue became an accordion, played and did not get tired (“Accordion”).
Tired of transformations: licks Jam Jam ("Delicious Jam").
He loves to eat sweet, after which he gallops like a horse ("Horse").

Well, now you're ready to come up with an interesting fairy tale? Then we start. Grandma baked Kolobok. And how she baked it, we will now show.

Finger gymnastics "Bake a bun" - development fine motor skills.

“We collect flour by the bottom of the barrel” - the children spread their fingers wide, then clench them into a fist.

“Knead the dough” - the children move the fingers of one hand along the palm of the other clockwise, then change the position of the hands.

“Roll out the dough” - rub palm on palm.

“Lepim Kolobok” - put a palm on a palm - “roll a ball”.

Baked Grandma Kolobok. I put it on the window to cool. The gingerbread man lay-lay. He jumped off the window and rolled (the children perform the movement to the music).

Logorhythm "Let's take a walk" (development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction).

And on the way there is a river. How can we get to the other side?
Children offer answers (swim across in a boat, on a boat, on a ship).

Speech therapist: You can walk across the bridge. But the bridge is not simple, this bridge is sound. The one who calls the words with the sound A or U will pass. The children name the words and walk along the bridge.

Crossed the river, sat on a stump and sang (the children sing to the music):
1. I left my grandmother,
I left my grandfather.
That's what a bun I am
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
2. Oh, how good I am!
How I love myself!
Many hugs,
I breathe in through my nose.

Breathing exercise "Hug your shoulders" (according to A. N. Strelnikova).
Children stand straight and straight, legs a little narrower. Than shoulder width; arms bent at the elbows, raised to chest level and spread apart. In this case, one hand should be placed slightly lower.
On the count of “one”, we hug ourselves so that the elbows come close to each other in one place, the hands form a triangle - inhale!
After taking 4 breaths-movements, you need to rest for a few seconds and again perform this exercise 4 times. And so 4 times for 4 movements-inspiration.

Bunny runs past. The Hare Kolobok saw and said: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: "Don't eat me, let's play better." The Hare thought and agreed.

The game "Collect the leaves."
Leaves are scattered around the room, children are spinning like leaves to calm music. The music stops playing, everyone should take 1 leaf for themselves.
WITH reverse side picture.
Look at the picture and say the word.
What is the first sound in this word?

In all words, we met the sound "P". Let's say it again and see how we do it.
How does the air escape easily or does it encounter an obstruction?
And what is this barrier? (lips).
So the sound "P" will be a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)
Now put your hand on the neck and say the sound "P". Is the neck silent or trembling? (silent)
So this sound is muffled.
And on the letter this sound will be denoted by the letter "P" - showing the letter.

Bunny says that he has instructions on how to make the letter "P" from sticks, only now he will not understand anything. Let's help him.

The letter P is a doorway.
We will take three sticks.
Let's lay down two paths.
Let's put the third one on top.

Have you guessed how to make the letter "P" from sticks? Then go to the tables and add this letter for the bunny.

The hare thanks the children and leaves.

Only the hare ran away, runs to meet Kolobok Wolf and says: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: “Don’t eat me, let me tell you what I learned about the sound“ P ”. The wolf thought and agreed.

The Wolf was surprised at the knowledge of Kolobok and said: “Okay, I won’t eat you. But you have to play with me."

Game for the development of phonemic hearing "Clap-stomp"

The wolf thanks the children and leaves.

Only the Wolf ran away, the Bear goes to meet Kolobok and says: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: “Don’t eat me, let me tell you what I learned about the sound“ P ”.

Children repeat the characteristics of the sound "P" - the sound "P" is consonant and deaf, denoted by the letter "P".

The Bear was surprised and said. You know about the sound "P", but not all. This sound can also be indicated in blue, because it is a consonant. I won't eat you if you complete my task.

The game "How many sounds?"
The speech therapist pronounces the syllables AP, UP. Children name sounds in syllables, characterize them and lay out diagrams.

The bear thanks the children and leaves.

Only the Bear left, the Fox-sister is coming. She saw Kolobok and said: "Kolobok, Kolobok - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: “Don’t eat me, I’ll tell you a rhyme”:

Pa-pa-pa - cereal on the table.
Py-py-py - no cereal.
Op-op-op - all hands clap.
Up-up-up – Vanya has delicious soup.
Ip-ip-ip - Philip came to us.
Whoop-oop-oop - we ate the soup.

The fox listened to the rhyme and says. Okay, I won't eat you, but first let's play a game.

Pa-pa-pa, here comes the fox!
Pa - pa - pa, so I'll eat Kolobok!
Py - py - py, and I'll hide from the Fox!
Pa - pa - pa, you won't catch Kolobok!

Children, standing in a circle, hum the words. In the center of the circle is the Fox, behind the circle is the Gingerbread Man. Having sung all the words, the children raise their clasped hands high up, making “collars”. And the Fox catches up with Kolobok, running after him through the circle. When the music ends, the game stops.

The Fox did not catch Kolobok, got offended and ran away.

Relaxation exercise "Kolobok is resting."

Children sing the words of Kolobok:

Children (sing): I'm tired, I was in a hurry,
I got a little lost.
I'll lie down in the meadow,
And I'll look at the sky.

To lose, the children lie down on the carpet and rest.

Open speech therapy lesson in preschool educational institution

“Differentiation of Sh-Zh sounds in syllables and words.

Based on the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina"

(using ICT)

Speech therapist: Omelchuk M.N.

Tasks: automate and differentiate the sounds Sh-Zh in syllables and words; develop and activate motor skills articulation apparatus; develop general and fine motor skills; phonemic hearing, phonemic and visual perception, memory, imagination, to learn to determine the place of sound in a word, to form the grammatical structure of speech: to coordinate an adjective with a noun, in accordance with the gender of the noun, the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: Magic wand,cardboard flower, small doll (Thumbelina), toys: frog, mouse, cardboard swallow; split picture"Bug"; didactic games "Big-small", presentation for the game "Mysterious pictures", "Living-inanimate", presentation of pictures depicting a gun, car, scarf, toad, spring, wizard, chess, hedgehog, bumblebee, walrus, hat, beetle, giraffe, horse, cat.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Children, I know that you love fairy tales. I invite you to a very interesting fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen. For this I have a special magic wand. Now I'll wave my magic wand "one-two-three" and...

2. The main part.

The story begins. In one magical country, an unusual flower blossomed, on which sat a little girl, who was named ... (Thumbelina). What happened to her?(Speech therapist takes out a toad).The toad took her away. She agrees to let Thumbelina go if we teach her how to do exercises for the tongue so that the toad can better catch mosquitoes.


The tongue is familiar to us, children,(mouth wide open)

We will meet him with a smile. He doesn't close the window.

(Smile broadlyThe tip lifts up

Stretch lips) (The tip of the tongue reaches for the nose)

This tongue has come. He doesn't close the window.

(Stick out tongue) The tip goes down.

Right now he went.(to the chin)

(To reach the tip of the tongue to the right)Mouth does not close

All that is needed, he saw Turkeys, he invites.

And walked to the left.("Turkeys")

(To reach the tip of the tongue to the left)Played our tongue

Walked quite a bitHe went to sleep and was silent.

The window opened wide.(Close your mouth)

The toad released the girl. Thumbelina went on.


Some kind of insect flew towards her and along the way it crumbled. Collect it and we will find out who it is.Children collect beetles.

Yes, Thumbelina met a bug. Let's name the body parts of the beetle.

(Children list: head, torso, back, wings, antennae, 6 legs).

If a beetle can fly, what kind of insect is it?(Flying). Let's listen to how the beetles talk, and repeat, first all together:

sha-shi-sho zhi-zhu-zha zhi-shi-zhi

shi-shu-sha zho-zha-zhu sha-zha-sha

and now one by one:

zha-shi-zha zhi-sho-zhu sha-shi-zha

The Maybug invited Thumbelina to the table. Let's see what dishes. I will call the big dish, and you will call the little one for the girl.

cup-cup mug-mug ladle-ladle

spoon-spoon knife-knife colander-colander

All right. The beetle was very pleased. Invites us to stretch.


Imitation of movements with speech

On the lawn, on a chamomile On a big chamomile.

The beetle flew in a colored shirt. I don't want to hold

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, Let it lie in a pocket.

I am friends with daisies. Oh, fell, fell my beetle

Quietly swaying in the wind, Nose stained with dust.

I bow down low. The green beetle flew away

I found myself a beetle Flew on wings.


Presentation (PC use): didactic game "Mysterious Pictures".

Thumbelina painted as a gift Maybug drawings, but it rained and washed away some of these drawings. Guess what she drew? What is the hissing sound in the word? Determine the place of the sound in the word. Images:fur coat, acorn, cup, hat, hedgehog, beetle.


Beetle buzzing, buzzing, buzzing(with fingertips right hand By-

And runs along the branch.

Here is a mosquito flying towards him(With the fingertips of the left hand,

And it rings, it rings, it rings.press the applicator again).

A hard worker ant(Using the fingertips of both hands,

Cargo carries for all friends.press the applicator again).

Came to us yesterday

Striped bee.

And behind her bumblebee-bumblebee("Run" fingers of the right hand).

And a cheerful moth(“Run” fingers of the left hand).

Two beetles and a dragonfly(With the fingertips of both hands hao-

Like flashlight eyes.pressure on the applicator).

Buzzed, flew("Run" fingers of both hands).

They fell down from fatigue.(Drop your fingers on the applicator).

While our fingers were training, Thumbelina met someone. You will find out who she met by guessing riddles:

Millet porridge in a spoon, On a bowl with an iron lid.

Spoon-in a wide bowl, On the lid-hungry ...


That's right, Thumbelina met a mouse.(Speech therapist shows a mouse).

And another riddle:

Guess what kind of bird: White from the stomach,

Dark, small, Tail parted into two tails.


Presentation (PC use): didactic game "Living-non-living".

The mouse and the swallow, looking at the pictures, argued that the picture is drawn: living or inanimate. They are completely confused. Let's help them by distributing the pictures in necessary pockets. Let's determine the place of hissing sounds in words.The children are doing the task.

3. The final part.

Tell me, who did Thumbelina meet today?Children list: a toad, a beetle, a mouse and a swallow.

Which of these words have the sound Sh. Determine the place of the sound in the word? What words have the J sound? Determine the place of the sound in the word. Does the word swallow have hissing sounds? No.

It's time for the swallow to fly to hot countries. Thumbelina climbs onto her back and they fly away. It's time for us too. Coming back from magical land by using magic wand: "one two Three".

4. Homework.

Card work.(Children are given cards.)Name objects whose names contain hissing sounds and determine the place of the sound in the word.

Irina Orlova
Subgroup speech therapy lesson using gaming technology according to GEF

Presentation subgroup speech therapy session using

gaming technology according to GEF

Prepared by speech pathologist MBDOU TsRR d / s No. 18 Orlova I. M.

Target: automation of the sound Sh in syllables, words and phrases.



Clarify ideas about the sound [w];

To consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound Ш in syllables, words and phrases;

To consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;

Fixing the correct agreement of adjectives with nouns by gender and case;

Continue to learn how to make sentences using key words.


Form a smooth long exhalation;

Develop intonation expressiveness;

Develop a sense of rhythm, memory, perception, attention and thinking.

Develop fine motor skills tactile sensitivity, tactile and visual gnosis, imagination.


Build positive motivation lesson;

To cultivate interest, respect and love for the living Russian word.

Relevance: In the context of the introduction of standardization preschool education and providing a new, high-quality approach to the content of the organization of children's activities, preventing monotonous and monotonous work to consolidate the pronunciation of sound, the need use interesting material and conducting the learning process in the form of a game is undoubtedly relevant. Game exercises, aimed at automating sound, contribute to the improvement of the work of the articulatory apparatus (movements of the lips, tongue, lower jaw, movements of the hand and fingers, the development of attention and observation, memory and thinking. A. P. Usova noted that “each game, if it is forces the child, puts him in a position where his mind works lively and energetically, actions

organized." game or game exercises, used by the teacher, provide

interested perception of the studied material and

encourage preschoolers to acquire new knowledge

Organizing time.

The children enter the classroom and

find a letter on the floor.

What is this strange letter?

(Speech therapist reads)

We are invited to visit the forest,

They offer to play there.

I wonder who invites us?

Shall we visit? (Yes)

Where are we going? (By train, by bus, by car, by boat.)

Breath development:

Formation of a smooth and long exhalation

game exercise "The engine sounds louder and longer"

Speech therapist: Train (car, steamer, etc.) is sent and sends a send signal. ( Speech therapist invites each child to blow into his bubble without puffing out his cheeks)

So we got to the forest. Let me read on invitation:

“We are waiting for you in the forest house, we will play, we will have a rest”.

Warm up well before playing. (Articulation gymnastics is carried out according to the pictures-symbols located around the top)

Articulation gymnastics

Clockwork top, call me to a fairy tale.

Target: activation of the muscles of the tongue.

Children sit on chairs facing the teacher.

The teacher says: “The tongue lived in his house. Woke up and looked around. Looked out the gate (the tongue protrudes from open mouth, looked up to see if the sun was shining (the tip of the tongue rises up, then looked down to see if there were any puddles on the ground (tip of tongue goes down). The tongue liked it on the street and he wanted to take a walk (tip of tongue turns right, left, up, down). The tongue was tired and decided to eat in order to gain more strength. And he began to lap milk like a kitty (tongue makes laxative movements). The tongue was full, and the lips were stained with milk. I cleaned the sponges, first the top, then the bottom (licking the upper and lower lips with the tip of the tongue). And now I brushed my teeth upper and lower (same teeth licking under lips). I did everything with the tongue and decided to play again. I saw a swing and began to swing on them (raising and lowering the spade-shaped tongue to the upper and lower lip mouth open) up and down, up and down, higher and higher (protruding tongue gradually rises to the nose and lowers to the chin). Stopped swinging and decided to ride a horse (clicks the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth). Tired tongue and went to his house to sleep. closed the gate (spread tongue in mouth and close lips)».

Warm-up is over, let's go. And on the road we will take the sound with us ... (Children recognize the sound Sh by silent articulation and pronounce it.)

Analysis of sound articulation [w].

What do sponges, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound [w]? (Lips "Ring", teeth "Fence" with a small slit, the tongue is at the top and looks like "cup".)

Sound characteristic [w].

Let's talk about the sound [w].

Sound [w] - consonant or vowel? (consonant);

What is the barrier to the sound [w]? (teeth, tongue);

Voiced or deaf? (deaf);

Hard or soft? (solid);

Is the air jet warm or cold? (warm)

What color do we represent? (blue).

A game "Walk down the path" (for the development of phonemic perception):

We go along the path. We will take a step if we hear the sound Sh. Each step will be denoted by a chip. ( Speech therapist slowly reads the poem, and the child marks each word with the sound Ш with a chip-circle, laying out the track.)

For… Teddy bear… baby…

Masha...knits...a warm...scarf...

Scarf... on... neck... he... will tie...

And ... thanks ... Masha ... will say ...

Well done, you have attentive ears!

Speech therapist: Guys, look, we are met by Matryoshka.

A game "Wonderful bag"- development of fine motor skills.

Speech therapist: - Matryoshka has a wonderful bag and wants to play with us. Then speech therapist invites the children to take turns finding the object in the bag and identifying the find by touch, commenting on it.

For example: - I found the tower

Equipment: wonderful pouch and small toys (tower, ball, reel, cone, machine, etc.)

A game "Matryoshka's hut":

So we got to the house of Matryoshka. But then, out of nowhere, a hurricane came up and everything that was in the house turned over and scattered. We need to help Matryoshka put things in order and put the pictures in their places. Let's try to name the pictures and divide their names into parts. We will fold Pictures: in a cabinet with one shelf, put pictures with one syllable in title, in a cupboard with two shelves, we put pictures with two syllables, in a cupboard with three shelves we will remove pictures with three syllables in the title. Children perform syllabic word analysis: a scarf, a shower, a bucket, a hat, a cat, a fur coat, a pillow, a car, a wild rose and lay out pictures for the corresponding cabinet layout.

A game "Big is big":

Look at the pictures and answer what you can say "big"? (The child pronounces phrases « big scarf» , "big bucket", « big shower» , "big briar".)

What can be said about "big"?

("Big Hat", "big cat",

"big pillow", "big coat",

"big cup".) - Thanks to Matryoshka for the hospitality, but it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Dynamic pause

Target. Automation of the sound sh in syllables and words. Description of the game. Children become one after another, depicting a train. locomotive ahead of the train (one of the children). The train leaves on command "Go, go, go, go". The pace is gradually picking up. Pulling up to the station (arranged place or building of cubes) And They say: "Come, come, come, come" (slowly: w, w, w - let off steam). Then a call is given, a whistle is given - and the movement resumes. You can complicate the game - the children will depict different trains, for example, an ambulance and a freight train. The ambulance moves to the sounds of shu-shu-shu (quickly, commodity - shhhhhhhh (slowly). -Look, the train stops, and circus performers meet us on the platform.

A game "Artists"

Target: development of intonational expressiveness

Pictures are selected symbols:"mouse"- speaks in a high voice

The child puts on the table 3 of any 15 pictures with the sound Ш,

covers them with any symbol and names "hidden pictures",

A game "Day and night"

How long did it take us to get home...

Speech therapist removes pictures from the table, explaining:

The night has come - everything at once gone:

White chamomile., bold insect,

Ripe cone, gray mouse.

Slippery frog, ringing cuckoo,

Reeds in the swamp. Huts near the river.

Then speech therapist continues the story, and the children themselves finish the phrases, looking at the pictures., which are laid out on the table, the day has passed - everything is ours at once l:

White, bold...

Ripe, gray

Slippery, ringing

In the swamp, near the river ...

Again "The night is coming", and the children need to finish the phrases on their own again

The night came - and again it was gone ... (what)

The day will come - the beauty will return ... (what)

From memory., Without relying on pictures, children restore the sequence of phrases, changing in cases.

Gymnastics for the eyes. "Cat"

Here the window is flung open, They spread their arms to the sides.

The cat stepped onto the ledge. They imitate the soft, graceful gait of a cat.

The cat looked up. They look up.

The cat looked down. Look down.

It turned to the left. Look to the left.

She looked at the flies. Look through "fly"

Stretched, smiled from the left shoulder to the right.

And sat down on the ledge. Children sit down.

Turned her eyes to the right

I looked at the cat. They look straight ahead.

And covered them with her hands. They close their eyes with their hands.

Outcome classes.

What sound did you make the most today?

What game would you like to play again?

What was difficult for you?


The game allows you to make complex learning tasks more accessible and contributes to the formation of conscious cognitive motivation of preschoolers. One of the advantages of the game is that it

always requires the active actions of each child.


Lebedeva I. L. "Difficult sound, you are our friend". Sounds Sh, Zh, Shch. Practical guide For speech therapists, educators, parents M.: Publishing Center "Ventana - The Count", 2011

Presentations by Pochalova A.I., Lyulko O.A., Vechkutkina S.A.

Tkachenko T. A. Magazine "Preschool Education" No. 3 1989. Article: "Physical minutes in speech therapy sessions with children".






Encourage children to interact with people. Develop the ability to listen and hear the teacher. Activate active and passive vocabulary By lexical topic: "Pets". The ability to recognize and name animals from pictures.
To form a holistic perception of objects (images of animals).
The development of speech breathing, general and fine motor skills. The development of visual, auditory attention. Development of thinking. Perfection grammatical structure speech. The development of connected speech. Tasks are realized through game situations.

Lesson summary on the topic " Differentiation T-D" is presented within the framework of a modern speech therapy lesson. In the course of work, elements are used project activities: the ability to follow instructions, compare the result with what was required to be done; inclusion of individual tasks depending on the zone of proximal development of each child. development will be helpful speech pathologists working at the school.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

The summary of the lesson on the topic "Letter to Santa Claus" is presented with elements of brain gymnastics. During the working hour, an atmosphere of interest-mystery is introduced. There is an acquaintance with the rules of writing a letter, and attention is also paid to Ozhegov's dictionary. Children are active partners of the teacher throughout the correction. This approach meets modern requirements.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

Lesson summary on the topic "Differentiation S-Sh sounds"is presented using the techniques of accompaniment by methods of motor correction. Ensuring the interaction of the right and left hemispheres is the basis intellectual development. In the lesson, children form the topic of the lesson, accept and save the learning task, search for necessary information. Build self-esteem based on successful performance.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

Abstract individual lessons by differentiation sounds w-sh. Designed for children of average school age. A colorful presentation helps to keep the interest and attention of the child throughout the lesson. In the classroom, the child has the opportunity to independently complete tasks on the computer.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

SUMMARY OF A SUB-GROUP SPEECH THERAPY LESSON on the correction of violations of sound pronunciation
Topic: differentiation of sounds [p] and [p '] in words.
Lexical theme: journey to the city of professions.
Technologies: gaming (occupation-travel), information and communication.
Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish between sounds [p] and [p '] on the material of words.
- train to distinguish between sounds [p] and [p '] in words;
- develop auditory attention, phonemic analysis, synthesis and presentation;
- update and clarify the meaning of words on the lexical topic "Professions";
- develop the skill of word formation in a suffix way;
- develop logical thinking, communication skills;
- nurture curiosity cognitive activity and interest in learning activities generally.

Target audience: for grade 4

Abstract of an individual lesson on the automation of the sound Sh in the middle of a word. Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age. The desire to help and treat Stepshka with carrots maintains the interest and attention of the child throughout the lesson. Special tasks for schoolchildren train reading and writing skills.


Currently, more and more children need correction of speech disorders. Speech therapy centers and points are opened, speech therapy groups in preschool educational institutions. Speech therapists, educators of these groups, experience certain difficulties in the selection of speech and game material, application of methods and techniques of work in the classroom.

The developed abstracts are a system of special speech therapy classes that allow, along with the correction of various speech disorders, to develop and improve the mental processes of children.

For children with 2nd level OHP, some stages of the lessons will undoubtedly be difficult. In this case, we recommend that the speech therapist present tasks to such children in a simplified version, especially at the first stages of training, select individual types of work for them, and apply techniques that allow them to complete the task after more prepared children.

Frontal speech therapy classes

Speech therapy classes in a specialized kindergarten are the main form remedial education on which the development of all components of speech and preparation for school is carried out. Frontal classes are held throughout the entire period of study in a certain system, according to a single plan for all children, taking into account individual characteristics. All children are present without exception. Children are prepared for work in frontal classes in individual and group.

Speech therapy classes, depending on the specific tasks and stages of speech correction, are divided into the following types:

1. Classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language:

By formation vocabulary;

On the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Main tasks These classes are the development of understanding of speech, clarification and expansion of vocabulary, the formation of generalizing concepts, practical skills of word formation and inflection, the ability to use simple common sentences and some types of syntactic structures.

2. Classes on the formation of the sound side of speech.

Main tasks they are the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, the development of phonemic hearing and perception, the skills of pronouncing words of various sound-syllabic structures; control over the intelligibility and expressiveness of speech, preparation for mastering the elementary skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

3. Classes for the development of coherent speech.

The main task - teaching children to express themselves. Based on the formed usage skills various types sentences, children develop the ability to convey an impression of what they saw, about the events of the surrounding reality, in a logical sequence to state the content of paintings or their series, to compose a story-description.

1st period of remedial education
(September October November)

Frontal classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech are held 2 times a week.

Development of understanding of oral speech;
- the ability to listen to the addressed speech;
- highlight the name of objects, actions, signs;
- understanding the general meaning of words;
- preparation for mastering the dialogical form of communication;
- practical assimilation of some forms of word formation - using nouns with diminutive suffixes and verbs with different prefixes;
- assimilation of possessive pronouns "my-mine";
- practical use of nouns in the accusative, dative and instrumental cases;
- mastering the skills of drawing up simple sentences on questions, demonstrating actions on a picture, models;
- mastering the skill of writing a short story.

In the first period, 13-14 lessons are held to form speech means and 6-7 - on the development of the initial skills of coherent speech.

2nd period of remedial education
(December, January, February, March)

Frontal classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language are held 3 times a week. Approximately 14 lessons on the formation of a dictionary and grammatical structure and 12 on the development of coherent speech.

Clarification of children's ideas about primary colors and their shades;
- practical formation of relative adjectives with different meanings correlations;
- Distinguishing and highlighting the names of features on the questions: what-what-what;
- mastering the skill of agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case;
- the use of prepositions: in-on-from-under.

Connected speech:

Improving the skill of conducting a dialogue;
- comparison of objects with the allocation of similar qualities;
- drafting simple description subject;
- strengthening the skill of building simple sentence;
- distribution of the proposal by introducing homogeneous members;
- assimilation of structurally complex sentences;
- drafting short stories by painting, a series of paintings, descriptions, simple retellings;
- memorization of simple verses.

3rd period of remedial education
(March April May)

Consolidation of the skill of using prefixed verbs;
- consolidation of the skill of formation of relative adjectives; use of possessive adjectives; formation of adjectives with suffixes -onk, -enk;
- assimilation of words-antonyms;
- strengthening the skill of coordinating adjectives with nouns;
- extension of the meanings of prepositions.

Connected speech:

Improving the dialogic form of speech;
- distribution of proposals;
- compiling a story based on a picture, a series of paintings;
- compiling a description story, retelling;
- assimilation of structures of complex sentences.

Conducting frontal classes requires a speech therapist to organize work with educators to prepare children for a speech therapy lesson and work out this material after class. All types of work are built within a month within the framework of 3-4 lexical topics. Types of work are planned based on the general didactic principle: from simple to complex.

Approximate distribution of topics by month:

September: "Kindergarten", "Autumn", "Parts of the body", "Washing supplies".

· October: "Vegetables-fruits", "House and its parts", "Clothes", "Shoes".

· November: "Furniture", "Dishes", "Toys".

· December: "Pets", "Food", "Winter".

· January: " New Year”, “Wild animals”, “Poultry”.

February: Wild Birds, Post Office, Army Day.

April: "City", "Transport", "Profession", "Insects".

May: "Forest", "Field", "Meadow".

Conducting frontal classes, taking into account lexical topics, requires a large number visual material. These are sets of subject pictures, manuals for didactic games, plot pictures, dummies, toys, objects...

Speaking about frontal studies, it is necessary to note the importance of the stages.

The lesson starts with organizational moment, its purpose is to collect the attention of children and bring them to the topic and purpose of the lesson. This includes attention exercises, memory development.

The second stage of repetition should be organically linked to the new material.

The third stage is learning.

The fourth stage is the consistent consolidation of new material.

The fifth stage is the result of the lesson. Here, a differentiated assessment of each child or an exercise can be given, confirming once again that the lesson has achieved its goal.


Theme "Autumn" (lesson number 1)


- practical use of singular and plural nouns;
- use of nouns with diminutive suffixes;
- memorization of a poem.

Equipment: tree leaves.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing moment:“The one who has a red leaflet (green, yellow) on the table will sit down.”

2. Introduction to the topic:"Which leaf do you have? And you? Yes, leaves different colors they are multicolored. What kind of leaves do we have? (Multi-colored.) Let's say about the leaves loudly, quietly, in a whisper.

The speech therapist makes a riddle: “The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the rain is pouring. When does it happen? (Autumn)". “How can you find out that autumn is walking outside the window? (It is raining, the wind is blowing, the leaves are falling, the birds are going to fly south, the children put on warm jackets, boots ...)”.

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This season is called autumn!

The phone is ringing, the gnome is talking fairyland Gnomes. He reports that autumn has also come to them, and gives the children a task. In their country, everything is small, small, and therefore everything is affectionately called. But as? Children should say this:

rain - rain - rain grass - grass
sun - sun cloud - cloud - cloud
leaf - leaf - leaf branch - branch
forest - forest - forest wind - breeze - breeze


leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves in hand, wave hands alternately,
Yellow leaves are flying with both hands
Rustle underfoot squat,
And fly, fly, fly... throw leaves on the floor.

5. The formation of the plural of nouns. One and many game.

puddle - puddles leaf - leaves tree - trees
branch - branches cloud - clouds bird - birds
flower - flowers rain - rains

6. Development of memory. Poem:

Rain, rain, what are you pouring, won't you let us go for a walk?
- That's why I'm going in the morning, it's time for you to meet autumn!

7. The result of the lesson. " What time of year were they talking about?

Theme "Autumn" (lesson number 2)


Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn";
- the name of the signs of objects, the activation of the dictionary of relative adjectives;
- development of fine motor skills.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Name the signs of autumn. Children stand in a circle, in the hand of one child Maple Leaf, which means that he should start the game - name any sign of autumn, after the sheet is transferred to any other child.

2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercise "Grass, bush, tree."

3. Formation of relative adjectives. The speech therapist invites children to collect a bouquet of autumn leaves(leaves lie on the floor). "Let's pretend we're in autumn forest. The leaves are so beautiful that you want to collect a bouquet of them. Which leaf would you like to put in your bouquet? What tree is this leaf from? (From birch). Consider, call: a leaf from a birch - birch (maple, mountain ash, oak). “Look, more leaves are falling, more and more. How can you say one word about it? (Leaf fall)".

4. Development of motor skills. The exercise "Leaf fall" is performed:

leaf fall, leaf fall, wave hands alternately
Yellow leaves are flying with both hands
Rustle underfoot squat,
And fly, fly, fly... spin around and sit down.

5. Expansion of the vocabulary of adjectives.“The leaves change in autumn, they are not at all like summer ones. But not only the leaves have changed, everything around has changed. The game "The most attentive."

What was the grass like? - yellow, withered, dry...
What has the sky become? - gray, gloomy, low ...
What was the wind like? - cold, sharp, impetuous ...
What was the rain like? - frequent, cold, drizzling...

6. Fixing the material. The game "Leaf fall". In a group, 3-4 hoops lie on the floor - these are puddles. Next to each of them is a picture of a tree: birch, oak, mountain ash, maple. Children have the leaves of these trees. On a signal, the children - “leaves” fly wherever they want, on another signal they should gather at their tree, whose team is faster. "What tree are you from? (From a maple.) So, what kind of leaves are you? (Maple.)". Further, the “leaves” fly again, lie down on the ground, “fall asleep”. The speech therapist swaps pictures of trees in places.

7. The result of the lesson."What game were we playing? ("Leaf fall.") When does leaf fall happen?

Theme "Autumn" (lesson number 3)


Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn";
- development of coherent speech;
- development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: tree leaves, subject, plot pictures.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.“The one who has a maple leaf (birch, mountain ash, oak) on the table will sit down. Pick up birch leaves. What leaves did you raise?

2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercise "Grass, bush, tree, the wind shakes the branches."

3. Development of thinking. Puzzles:

Here he is shaking the tree
And whistles like a robber
Here's the last leaf tearing off
And circles him, circles (Wind).

Walked across the sky
The sun closed
Only the sun hid
And she burst into tears (Cloud).

Leaves fall, birds fly away. The rain is pouring, when does it happen? (In autumn.)

4. Development of coherent speech (writing a story). Pictures “autumn”, “cloudy sky”, “the edge of the sun peeks out from behind the clouds”, “rain”, “puddles on the road”, “trees in golden dress”, “tree with falling leaves”, “flying a flock of birds." For each picture, the children make up a sentence (“I must say beautifully about the picture”).

Autumn has come. The sky is covered with clouds. The sun rarely appears in the sky. It often rains cold. Puddles on the roads. The leaves on the trees are multicolored. The leaf fall has begun. Birds fly south (to warmer climes).

The speech therapist reports that the children have a story about autumn, and invites the children to repeat it again. One child talks about the first three pictures, the second - about the second three pictures, the third - about the rest.


Little leaves sit quietly sat down
Eyes closed, fast asleep repeat
Suddenly a cheerful wind flew with noise, running, spinning
And every leaf wanted to walk.
The wind stopped blowing, pressed the leaves to the ground, sat down

6. They listen to a few more stories: the children tell in a chain, half the story together, one completely.

7. The result of the lesson. Assess children's stories.


"Our body" (session number 1)


Development of spatial orientation;
- expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Our body";
- practical use of words with a diminutive meaning;
- development of attention, memory.

Equipment: geometric shapes, bath, doll, mug.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Putting the man out geometric shapes according to the instructions of the speech therapist: “Put an oval, a circle on top of the oval, two sticks at the bottom of the oval, a stick to the right and left of the oval, so that they are on top. Who did you get? (Man.) What does he have? (Head, torso, legs, arms.)". Everything is done while sitting on a carpet.

2. Introduction to the topic. Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist says tasks, the children listen and perform. Tasks: “Raise your leg, lower your leg. Raise both hands, lower your hands. Feel the belly, chest. Scratch your back, tilt your head forward. Blink your eyes. Why do we need eyes? (Watch.) Touch your ears. Why do we need ears? (Listen.) Feel your nose. Why do we need a nose? (Smell, breathe.)".

The formation of a diminutive form of nouns.

The speech therapist says: “I brought a doll. Does she look like a human? Does she have the same body parts? Yes, only small ones. Therefore, we will call them very affectionately. Now let's bathe the doll." They put the naked doll in the bathroom, water it warm water from a mug. “Sasha, pour water on the doll’s head. What are you doing? - I water the head (shoulders, back, legs, arms, hands, knees, heels, fingers, face, tummy ...)”. The doll was washed and wrapped in a towel.

4. Physical education.“The doll is “resting” for now, and we will rest.” Everyone gets up. Game "Confusion". The speech therapist reports that now he will say one thing and do something completely different. You need to listen very carefully and do what is asked. He warns that he will try to confuse the children. For example, he asks the children to show their stomach, while he himself touches his ears ...

5. Development of memory. The speech therapist offers to learn a nursery rhyme, and then find in it sweet words: face, eyes, cheeks, mouth, tooth.

Water, water, wash my face.
To make the eyes sparkle, so that the cheeks turn red.
So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

6. The result of the lesson. Ask 2-3 children to read the nursery rhyme by heart.


They stamped their feet, clapped their hands.
They blinked their eyes, jumped around themselves.

The formation of a diminutive form of nouns.

There are 4 portraits on the board. "What kind of man is here? - Cheerful (sad, angry, surprised). How did you know? - The mouth is smiling, the eyebrows are raised (the eyes are large, the mouth is round ...)”.

5. Coordination of nouns with numerals. The speech therapist draws the attention of children to the fact that we have the same number of body parts, but we speak differently, for example: one nose, one neck. He asks what can be said about our body:

One? - nose, mouth, chin, back of the head, forehead, stomach.
One? - neck, bridge of nose, back, head, chest.
Two? - ear, eye, knee, elbow.
Two? - arms, legs, eyebrows, cheeks, nostrils, heels, palms.
A lot of? - hair, fingers, teeth, eyelashes, nails.

Summary of the lesson.


Theme "Vegetables" (lesson number 1)


Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Vegetables";
- exercise in the use of phrases;
- the formation of a generalizing concept of "vegetables";
- development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: pictures of "vegetables", real vegetables or dummies.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.“The one to whom I say the word“ please ”will sit down.

2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercise "Fist - palm."

3. Introduction to the topic. Speech therapist makes riddles for children:

A girl sits in a dungeon
And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)
One hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

What they dug from the ground
Roasted, cooked?
What then we baked
Did they praise? (Potato)

On the bed is long, green.
Is it yellow, salty in a jar? (Cucumber)

All pictures are displayed on the board. They call again. Where do they grow? “All these are vegetables, they grow in the garden, in the garden, in the ground or on a bush. What other vegetables do you know? We call, put the pictures on the board. There are two symbols on the board. We need to figure out which vegetables grow in the ground, which ones from above - in the garden.

4. Physical education. The game "Tops and Roots".

We remember the fairy tale "Tops and Roots". Silhouette of a grandfather and a bear (from table theater) put in different ends rooms. In the middle of the "garden" is a large hoop with pictures of "vegetables" in it. We agree, we collect the tops for the grandfather, the roots for the bear. The game begins: the children walk, on a signal they take any vegetable from the garden and determine to whom to attribute it. Check if the vegetables were handed over correctly.

5. Formation of noun phrases with verbs. A speech therapist's conversation with children about harvesting. “In autumn, people harvest their crops. Vegetables are very different, and therefore they are harvested in different ways.

What vegetables are pulled out? (Carrots, turnips, radishes, beets...)

What vegetables are dug up? (Potato...)

What vegetables are picked? (Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers...)

What vegetables are cut? (Zucchini, pumpkin...)

What vegetables are cut down? (Cabbage...)

The speech therapist seeks answers from children like: "the carrots are pulled out, the potatoes are dug up ...".

6. The result of the lesson.“What did they talk about in class? Where do vegetables grow?

Theme "Vegetables" (lesson number 2)


Activation of the dictionary on the topic "Vegetables";
- agreement of an adjective with a noun in gender;
- drafting a simple proposal;
- development of fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Equipment: real vegetables, pictures, symbols, dummies of vegetables.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. The game "If you hear the name, clap your hands."

2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercise "Rain"

Rain, rain, what are you pouring, rhythmic tapping on the table
Will you let us take a walk? index fingers

3. Fixing the material. The speech therapist reads a poem:

There are many ridges in the garden, there are both turnips and lettuce.
There are beets and peas,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden will feed us all year long.

Pictures of vegetables are put on the board, children call them, reinforce the concept of "vegetables". Next, strips of red, green, yellow color, and the children are offered to disassemble the vegetables by color.

4. Drawing up a simple sentence. Game "Journey of vegetables". Cars of red, yellow, green color are placed on the chairs. Vegetables (pictures or hats) in the garden. On a signal, the children take pictures (or put on hats), and each “vegetable sits” in the car corresponding to its color. They go: choo-choo-choo. When we arrived, we had to introduce ourselves to the conductor. Conductor: "Who are you? - I am a red carrot. I am a green cucumber, etc.”

5. Agreement of adjectives with a noun in gender. Word exercise "What vegetable did I have in mind."

On the table - tomato, beets, turnips. Speech therapist: "Round ... Round ..."
On the table - cabbage, cucumber, onion. Speech therapist: "Green ... Green ..."
On the table - cucumber, carrot, zucchini. Speech therapist: "Long ... Long ..."

Scout game.

Learn the taste of vegetables. Vegetables are cut into pieces on a tray. “How do you know what they taste like? What onion? Let's check now." Two or three children are given a taste of the onion, they are asked to say what it tastes like? (Onion is bitter, carrot and turnip are sweet, tomato is sour.)

7. Fixing the material. Game "Riddles". One child comes out, puts a vegetable in a basket (children should not see what he put). Says: "Guess what's in my basket? This is a vegetable, it is round, red, sour, grows on a bush, etc.”

8. Summary of the lesson.“What were they talking about? What do vegetables taste like?

Theme "Vegetables" (lesson number 3)


Development of coherent speech, compilation descriptive story according to the scheme;
- practical use of plural nouns;
- expansion and activation of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Equipment: diagram, symbols for color and shape.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. One and many game. “I have a cucumber, and cucumbers grow in the garden.”

Zucchini - zucchini, bean - beans, squash - squash,
tomato - tomatoes, eggplant - eggplant.

2. Expansion of the vocabulary of adjectives. The game "Who will say more words?"

We expose the cucumber, next to it is an oval and a green strip of paper. Children make a proposal. "Cucumber oval, green." The speech therapist suggests remembering which cucumber to taste (sweet, salty). The sentence is repeated again: "Oval cucumber, green, sweet." "What does he feel like?" (Hard, cold.) "Cucumber oval, green, sweet, hard." They count the words, it turned out that 4 words were invented about the cucumber. The speech therapist suggests saying it yourself, but about turnips, carrots ... (Turnip is round, sweet, yellow, hard, ripe, raw, tasty ...)


Theme "Fruits" (lesson number 1)


Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Fruit";
- formation of a generalizing concept;
- practical use of plural nouns;
- development of attention, memory.

Equipment: pictures of fruits, the picture "Fruits in a vase", split pictures "apple".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment."What is this?" The speech therapist places pictures of fruits on the board. Children in chorus, then individually call them (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, banana, peach, plum, cherry ...). "Where do they grow? What do they grow on? They make a generalization: "All this is called by one word" fruit "".

2. Introduction to the topic. The game "What fruit forgot to name?" The children are shown a bowl of fruit, the speech therapist names all the fruits, except for one. Children must guess which fruit the teacher forgot to name.

3. The formation of the plural of nouns. Game "One - many". Pictures are shown. Children call in pairs:

Orange - oranges, banana - bananas,
tangerine - tangerines, plum - plums,
peach - peaches, apple - apples.

4. Development of fine motor skills(carried out standing):

This finger is shaking the plum.
This plum finger collects.
This one takes them home.
And this one pops up.

5. The use of possessive pronouns. Game exercise. Children have pictures of fruits. First, it is suggested that children come out with pictures about which you can say “mine” - an orange, a tangerine, a banana, a lemon, a peach; "mine" - plum, cherry, pear; "mine" is an apple.

6. Development of perception and spatial representations. The speech therapist invites children to fold an apple from split pictures. Along the way, questions are asked individually: “What should you succeed? How many pieces is your apple cut into? What colour?"

7. Development of memory. Learn the riddle about the apple.

Itself with a cam, a red barrel,
Swipe your finger - smooth, and take a bite - sweet. (Apple)

8. Summary of the lesson. " What did they talk about in class? Where do fruits grow?

Theme "Fruits" (lesson number 2)


Activation of the dictionary on the topic "Fruit";
- practical use of nouns with a diminutive meaning;
- an exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.

Equipment: models of fruits, contours of glasses, stencils of fruits.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Pass to class - repeat the riddle about the apple.

2. Introduction to the topic. The speech therapist brings dummy fruits in the basket, in turn, the children take them out of the basket, call them: “I got an apple, I got an orange.” “What did Sasha and Olya get?” - "Sasha got an apple, and Olya got an orange." "What did I bring in the basket?" - "Fruits".

3. Formation of diminutive forms of nouns. The game "Big - small" (ball game). The speech therapist names the fruit and throws the ball to the child. The child should name the same fruit affectionately and return the ball to the speech therapist (apple - apple, cherry - cherry, orange - orange ...).

4. Development of touch, representation. Game exercise "What did the fingers say?" Children find fruits by touch. "How did you know it was a peach?" - "He has a stripe, a dent on his side."

5. Physical education for the development of fine motor skills.(See activity #1.)

6. Converting a noun into an adjective. A speech therapist with children finds out what can be prepared from fruits (compote, jam, jam, salad, jam, juice, pies ...).

From apples you can make apple jam, from oranges - orange, from peaches - peach, from cherries - cherry, from plums - plum ...

7. Fixing the material. Game exercise "Let's make fruit juice." Children are offered the contours of glasses and stencils of different fruits. You need to circle the outline of the fruit on the glass. "What fruit do you have?" - "Apple". "What juice did you make?" - "Apple".

8. Summary of the lesson.“What did they talk about in class? What is juice made from? What juice have we prepared today?

Theme "Fruits" (lesson number 3)


- activation of the dictionary on the topic "Fruit";
- practical use of relative adjectives;
- development of coherent speech: learn to make riddles about fruits;
- development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: pictures for the development of visual gnosis, Carlson's toy, the contours of glasses with fruits painted on them, dummies of fruits.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. The selection of the word "fruit" from a number of other words. The speech therapist calls out various words, on the word "fruit" the children clap their hands.

The development of fine motor skills.

A hedgehog walks in the garden on the grass, fingers crossed
Sticks to pins fingers look up - "hedgehog"
Pear, plum, any fruit, fingers bend
What will find under the tree without changing the first position
And with a rich gift fingers of both palms "run" on the table
Returns to hedgehogs.

3. Development of visual gnosis. Children are given cards on which the contours of fruits are closed by the contours of other objects. Each child must guess which "fruit is hidden" on their card.

4. Practical use of relative adjectives. Carlson arrives to visit, asks to treat him to something tasty. He is offered fruit juices. Children choose any glass of juice and treat Carlson. “I treat you with pear juice.
And I - plum.

5. Physical education. Carlson thanks the children for the treat. The speech therapist invites him to see how children can play the game "Whose Voice". Children stand in a circle, one child in a circle with closed eyes.

We'll play a little go in circles
How do you listen, we learn
Try to guess go to the center of the circle
Who called you, find out. come out of the circle
The child touched by the speech therapist calls the name of the driver.

6. Development of coherent speech (composing riddles). Guess a riddle. The speech therapist tells the children that today they will learn to make riddles about fruits. A sample is given. The speech therapist puts a banana in the basket, says: “I have fruit in the basket. It is long, yellow, tasty, sweet, smooth. The monkeys love him very much." The next puzzles are made up of children.

Summary of the lesson.



All day long here and there banging fist on fist
There is a loud knock.
We are building a house, a big house, arms to the sides, up
And with a porch, and with a pipe, hands at chest
We decorate the house paint
We'll beat the flag at the top, flag on the fingers
Will live in that house put the palms to the head, then the fists
Bunny with a bear and an elephant, arms forward, palms joined

4. Formation of compound words.“Houses differ not only in the material from which they are made, but also in height. What are the houses? - Low, high, high. The speech therapist says that she lives in a house with two floors. She lives in a two-story house. "Which houses do you live in?" Children remember how many floors are in their house, with the help of a speech therapist they form words: three-story, four-story, five-story ...

5. Summary of the lesson. Homework: Look up and count how many floors your house has. What material is it made from?


We run up the stairs and count the floors running in place
One floor, two floor, three, four, jumping in place
We are in an apartment. turning around

5. Use of a preposition between. "Housewarming in a new house". Children are invited to help the resettlement of new settlers in a new house. Children settle toys three on each floor. Next, you need to tell who was settled on the first, second, third floor. But first I must say about the first and third apartments, and then about the second. For example: “I occupied the first floor. Dogs now live in the first apartment, Cheburashka lives in the third.
And between them, in the second apartment, there is Gena the crocodile, etc.”

6. The result of the lesson.


Theme "Clothes" (lesson number 1)


Activation and expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Clothes";
- the ability to ask questions independently;
- assimilation of possessive nouns;
- development of attention, memory, thought processes.

Equipment: subject and cut pictures with the image of clothes, dolls, doll clothes.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing moment:“Let the one with the red shirt (blue shorts, a green dress, white tights, etc.)”.

2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercises for the fingers “Put on gloves”: massage each finger from the nail to the base, first on one hand, then on the other, starting with the little finger.

3. Introduction to the topic. Two dolls are displayed in front of the children - dressed and undressed. The speech therapist asks questions: “How are these dolls different? What does a person need clothes for? Subject pictures on the topic are exhibited and called. It is proposed to name the clothes that are not in the pictures. “And how to call these objects in one word? (Cloth)".

4. Development of mental processes. The game "Remember and name in order." Children are offered 5-6 pictures with items of clothing for memorization, then, without visual support, they must list them. Carrying out options:

1) Several subject pictures are displayed in front of the child. The speech therapist lists them without naming one. The child must determine which of the pictures was not named.

2) The child is called one more picture than is displayed in front of him. He must determine which picture is missing.

5. Physical education.“Those guys who came in shorts (t-shirts) will circle. Those guys who are wearing shirts will jump. The girls who came in dresses will sit down.

6. The use of possessive pronouns. The speech therapist invites children to choose from the presented subject pictures those about which you can say:

Mine is a fur coat, jacket, blouse, skirt, shirt, etc.;
Mine is a sundress, suit, sweater, jacket, raincoat, etc.;
Mine are trousers, shorts, socks, tights, mittens, etc.;
Mine is a dress, coat, underwear.

7. Development of perception and spatial representations. The game "Fold the pictures." Each child is given a cut picture on the topic "Clothes". He must collect this picture and name the object depicted on it.

8. The game "Guess what I guessed." The speech therapist takes a picture of a piece of clothing without showing it to the children, and the children, with the help of leading questions, try to guess the piece of clothing. The child who guessed first becomes the leader in the game.

9. Fixing the material. Game "Let's help Olya and Kolya." “We need to pack things for the road for Olya and Kolya. Here is Olin's suitcase, and this is Colin's suitcase." Each child takes one item and determines whose clothes they are and in whose suitcase they need to be folded. “This dress is for Olya, Olya's dress. This is a sweater for Kolya, Colin a sweater.

10. Summary of the lesson.“What did they talk about today? What are the clothes for?

Theme "Clothes" (lesson number 2)


Expansion and activation of the dictionary,
- practical use of the names of clothing details;
- the formation of a diminutive form of nouns;
- working out a phrase with the use of nouns in the accusative case.

Equipment: subject maps