"The use of didactic electronic aids for teaching preschool children." Multifunctional didactic manual for children "Magic Circles


One of critical tasks education small child- creating conditions for the development of his mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things.

Many scholars emphasize the importance preschool age For intellectual development a person, since about 60% of the abilities to process information are formed in children by the age of 5-6 years. However, this does not mean that one should strive to put as much knowledge, information, and information into the child's head as possible. It is much more important to teach a preschooler to think, to develop independence, independence of judgments and assessments. It is necessary not only to teach how to reproduce knowledge, but to help find the most appropriate solution, explain your choice, and establish dependencies.

Mathematics plays an important role in mental education and in the development of the child's intelligence. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; develops perseverance, patience, creative potential personality. Formation of elementary mathematical representations is a means mental development child, his cognitive abilities. However, the problem of formation and development mathematical ability children is one of the least developed methodological problems preschool pedagogy. The education system that has developed in children's preschool institutions, insufficiently focused on development cognitive interests and intellectual skills of children in the process of learning mathematics, which leads to a loss of interest, an indifferent attitude to learning already at preschool age and negatively affects the entire course of personality development.

All this confirms the extreme urgency of the problem of finding adequate content, methods and means. mathematical development preschoolers. In the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, which offers us to modernize and optimize the process of teaching pupils, the use of ICT has become an integral part of the educational process. The younger generation lives in the world of electronic culture and sometimes understands it better than we do. Their game world is computer games, electronic toys, game consoles. Children perceive information through television, a personal computer, which do not always carry useful information. Therefore, one of the means in the formation of mathematical representations is the work on the creation of understandable and close, at this stage of development of children, electronic didactic and cognitive aids, thanks to which the child becomes not just an observer, but also an active participant in the process of cognition.


The purpose of my work is the use of information and communication technologies in the conduct of didactic games and exercises to increase the level of development of mathematical abilities in children.


  1. Formation of cognitive actions, primary ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, size, quantity, number).
  2. Development of attention, memory, speech, curiosity, imagination, imaginative thinking;

I use e-books in my work. I practice the use of information technology in the classroom, both in group work and in individual work with kids. positive moment is that the use of ICT is aimed at the inclusion in the work of all analyzer systems. Elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking are being developed. Vocabulary is actively replenished.

IN practical activities I have developed specially for specific lessons multimedia notes-presentations containing Short text, diagrams, drawings, video clips, animations.

Electronic manuals and didactic tasks for older preschool children are built on the principle of self-control. The plot of the program itself tells the children whether they made the right or wrong decision. At preschool age, methods of external encouragement are widely used: with the right decision game tasks the child hears cheerful music, or sees a sad face if the problem is not solved correctly. Children are waiting for an assessment, they emotionally react to its character. They have a bright emotional positive attitude to classes, to the computer. The use of interactive equipment in teaching mathematics to senior preschoolers helps to consolidate and clarify specific mathematical content, improves visual-effective thinking, translates it into a visual-figurative plan, forms elementary forms of logical thinking, develops a sense of color, composition, teaches to analyze, compare, generalize subjects require the ability to focus on the learning task, memorize conditions, and perform them correctly. We solve problems with our favorite characters or individual stories from fairy tales using diagrams and photographs.

Computer math games do not impose the pace of the game on children, they take into account the answers of children when forming new tasks, thereby providing the principle of a differentiated approach in teaching preschoolers with special cognitive needs, helps to select an individual educational route for each child, makes educational process more comfortable.

Selected computer programs reflect several aspects of educational work:

  • create additional motivation for the preschooler in the formation of educational activities;
  • increase the number of situations that the child can solve independently;
  • individualize learning tasks;
  • use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are outside own experience child;
  • simulate a virtual environment.

GCD with the use of a computer, which I conduct with children, is not isolated from the pedagogical process. It is offered in combination with traditional games and learning without replacing regular games and educational activities, but complementing them, entering their structure, enriching pedagogical process new opportunities. The use of ICT is possible in individual lessons, subgroup, and group, depending on the choice of educational material and the form of submission.

Thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information, the following results are achieved:

  • children more easily learn the concepts of shape, color and size;
  • the concepts of number and set are more deeply comprehended;
  • the ability to navigate on a plane and in space arises faster
  • trains attention and memory;
  • learn to read and write earlier;
  • vocabulary is actively replenished;
  • fine motor skills develop, the finest coordination of eye movements is formed.
  • the time of both a simple reaction and a choice reaction decreases;
  • purposefulness and concentration are brought up;
  • imagination develops and Creative skills;
  • elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking are developed.

Playing computer games, the child learns to plan, build the logic of the element of specific events, ideas, he develops the ability to predict the result of actions. He starts to think before doing. Objectively, all this means the beginning of mastering the basics of theoretical thinking, which is important point prerequisite for preparing children for school. In my opinion, one of the most important characteristics computer games is a learning function. Computer games are built in such a way that the child can not get a single concept or a specific learning situation, but will get a generalized idea of ​​​​all similar objects or situations. Thus, such important operations of thinking as generalizations and classification are formed in him.

Thus, in conclusion, it should be noted that it is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the kindergarten didactics system, i.e. strive for an organic combination of traditional and computer means of developing the child's personality. Regular use didactic electronic aids aimed at the development of cognitive mathematical capabilities and abilities, expands the mathematical horizons of preschoolers, promotes mathematical development, improves the quality of mathematical preparedness, allows children to more confidently navigate the simplest laws of the reality around them and more actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

Olga Kulakova


Speech and expression skills their thoughts are necessary skills for future students, the basis of their successful studies.

An important point in preparing for school is the choice of teaching methods. Most effective method- the use of a didactic, educational game, as one of the forms of educational influence adult on the child and at the same time - the main activity of the preschooler.

Thus, didactic game two goals: one of them is teaching, which the teacher pursues, and the other is playing, for which the child acts. It is necessary that these goals complement each other and ensure speech improvement.

Work in kindergarten teacher- speech therapist with children with speech disorders. In my work I use different games And benefits that I do myself. I like multifunctional benefits , so made allowance, with which you can solve several problems at once. Benefit« house with games» mobile and easy to use. It has attractive appearance and arouse interest repeated play with him.

Description: given didactic allowance wooden, made in the form « house» . Walls « house» removable, fastened with Velcro. TO allowance attached various materials which fit comfortably inside « house» .

Target multifunctional didactic aid:

Comprehensive development of speech of preschool children.

This allowance helps solve multiple tasks: develop the ability to classify, find superfluous, enrich the dictionary, develop speech, develop logical thinking, develop attention, memory, automate sounds, conduct logopedic examination, etc.. Let's take a closer look at games with this allowance:


Target: creating game motivation when performing articulation exercises.

"Geometric figures"- Teaching and introducing a child to geometric shapes is not only important, but also very interesting! It is necessary to show imagination, come up with games and tasks for children. For example, "Sorter"- this is one of the first educational toys for the baby, allowing you to learn about the properties different figures. Its essence lies in the fact that for a certain hole you need to pick up a toy of the appropriate shape (ball, cube, etc.). The child very quickly begins to understand what's what, such a toy not only teaches the child to quickly distinguish between figures of different geometric shape but also trains fine motor skills fingers, and also develops logical thinking.

"Mood Board"- is issued at the beginning and at the end of any lesson. Here the guys reflect their mood in the form of a pictogram.

"Shadow Theater"- a very amazing and spectacular form of theatrical art. Shadow representations are widely known, in which various animals and people are depicted with the help of palms. This technique can be safely used in shadow theater. With the help of the theater, we actively support children's desire for beauty. We try to involve children in interesting and creative process, where they are liberated and revealed as little artists.

Target: Learn to recognize and convey emotional manifestations with the help of facial expressions.

Enrich children's vocabulary with words denoting various emotions and feelings.

Cultivate respect for each other.

"Pick by color"


Stimulate and support the desire to independently acquire knowledge in the process of available activities

Develop an interest in mathematics.

contribute manifestation and development of specific elements of mathematical abilities

Arouse interest in school, social readiness for it

Cultivate the desire to learn new things.

"Spider line"

With the help of a rubber band, the guys create different kinds, gossamer shapes.

The purpose of this game: development of imagination, acquisition of skills of independence of the game, independent game activity and communication.


It is vital for children already at preschool age to learn how to navigate in time: determine, measure time (correctly denoting in speech, feel its duration (to regulate and plan activities in time, change the pace and rhythm their actions depending on the availability of time. The ability to regulate and plan activities in time creates the basis for the development of such personality traits as organization, composure, purposefulness, accuracy, the child needs in school and in everyday life.

Target: The development of temporal representations in preschoolers in the older group.

"Magic Clutch"

With the help of this game, the guys can greet each other by sticking their hands into the holes on both sides and finding the other hand, shake it. You can also play a game"Wonderful bag".

"My fingers are my helpers"

Lacing "Carnation"


Tactile board "Good hands"

"Multi-colored corks"


Develop the child's imagination

Attention, fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements,

Develop children's interest in cooperation, verbal and active communication skills with adults and peers, enrich experience "gaming communication"

contribute development of imagination, creative manifestations of children, interest in participating in gaming and artistic activities with elements of creativity, joy, from the implementation your thoughts and desires.

form ability children to self-learning.

They develop the ability not only to technically perform the role, but also to convey their attitude towards it;

Nurture a desire to help, empathize with the character and take care of them and others. To cultivate a benevolent attitude of children to the environment, emotional responsiveness to the condition of other people, good feelings.

Ideas multifunctional benefits are not limitless. The content of the games can be varied (everything will depend on the teacher, his imagination and the tasks solved in games). It could be games development: fine motor skills, logical thinking, coherent speech, as well as games for automating and differentiating different sounds.

Didactic games teach children to distinguish between basic colors, size and shape of objects. Children develop creativity, curiosity, observation,skills of independent activity are formed.

Educational game for children

"Flower meadow"

Making a game is easy. We take any cardboard box. We make holes in it, cut out the necks of the bottles and screw them into the box. Then we cut out the flowers of the main colors - green, red, blue, yellow and select the caps of the same colors.

Target: fixing color; development of motor skills of hands, counting skills.

Game variations can be different, for example:
. pick flowers according to the color of their centers;
. lay out flowers of one specific color;
. count how many flowers of one color or another

Clothespin games

The following manual also helps the child learn to control his fingers - clothespins. Yes, yes, the most ordinary clothespins. One tip - choose plastic clothespins that are not too tight so that the baby is comfortable using them. Clothespins that are too tight can discourage play. In order to make it more fun to play with them, I suggest you make simple colored cardboard templates. For such blanks, clothespins can be selected by color, and a fairy tale can be played from ready-made figures.

Game "Who eats what"

The main goal of all games with clothespins is the development of fine motor skills, but this game has another one - to introduce the baby to some animals and their elementary diet.

Cardboard animal figurines

Cut out animal figures from cardboard. In the planned places we cut circles to the size of the child's fingers. We offer the child to insert fingers into the figure of the little animal. With such toys, you can play fairy tales and develop fingers.

Finger theater"Mitten"

Tactile covers

Making them is very easy. You will need empty lids from baby food and miscellaneous pieces of fabric. Cut out two identical circles of fabric and glue them to the lids. The more covers and pieces of fabric, the more interesting it will be to play. There are many game options. The easiest is to just touch the lids with your fingers. Then you can put some of the covers in a special bag. We give one to touch the child and ask you to feel the same in the bag

Educational soft book


I really liked the video about what kind of educational book you can make with your own hands. Great idea for little kids!

Preschool age is milestone in the formation of personality, it is then that the basic abilities and inclinations of a person begin to appear.

Engaging in the development of your baby with early years You are laying the foundation for his future. The interactive manuals for preschool education presented on our website will help to reveal the potential of your child.

What is an interactive textbook for preschoolers?

The interactive tutorial is a special tutorial that combines multimedia educational materials, reference section and test tasks.

CityMedia offers big choice similar pre-school aids developed by experts in preschool education, in accordance with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard and best technology programmed learning.

Here you can find programs designed for:

  • development of written and oral speech skills
  • stimulation of mental abilities
  • formation of space-time representations
  • development of mathematical abilities
  • deepening knowledge about the world around
  • improvement of motor functions
  • sensory development

The package of benefits includes:

  • CD with interactive tutorial
  • printed didactic materials with tasks, texts and illustrations
  • documents for recording the achievements of the child
  • methodological guide for parents or educators

In addition, the package of individual benefits may include: blanks for crafts, motivational letters, albums and much more.

The training material is divided into sections, each of which contains audio recordings, videos, animations, illustrations, interactive tasks, verification exercises and various additional options, depending on the type of program.

Benefits of Interactive School Readiness Guides

The use of electronic aids will make the learning process not only effective, but also exciting.

Children easily learn game form large blocks of information. They are attracted by a convenient and understandable, colorful interface with large fonts. Parents and educators will appreciate the system of various tests and tasks for assessing knowledge, as well as the ability to track the dynamics of the child's achievements.

Interactive tutorials are ideal for both individuals and group lessons: programs can work in several modes, you can also adjust the complexity of tasks. If any difficulties arise, the teacher can always refer to the "Help" section, which contains detailed description program and its options.

If desired, the teacher can independently create a suitable sequence of classes, combine different types test knowledge, add your own materials to the program and modify the graphic parameters.

Interactive textbooks for preschoolers are designed to achieve several important goals:

  • development intellectual abilities child
  • broadening one's horizons
  • formation of primary skills in counting, writing, speaking, reading and computer literacy
  • development of fine motor skills, communication skills, logical thinking and higher mental functions (memory, attention, imagination, etc.)
  • disclosure of creative potential

Working with interactive electronic aids for preparing for school will bring a lot positive emotions both children and adults.

Write or call us to receive full information about the interactive manuals presented on the site and clarify their complete set. Our consultants will always be happy to help you and give you individual recommendations.

Tactile counting cards.
A lot about sensory development written in the writings of Maria Montessori, who taught children to distinguish materials by touch and memorize adjectives that describe tactile sensations- smooth, rough, rough, slippery, ribbed, etc.
Such tactile cards can be easily made at home from improvised material without spending money.
"Touching game" (from the word touch) is a set of 10 cards with various surfaces and numbers from 1 to 10.
Tactile cards develop the child's sensory perception, tactile memory, fine motor skills of the fingers, and as a result, have a beneficial effect on the child's mental potential, contribute to learning to count from 1 to 10.
- cardboard for the base;
- glue "Moment";
- scissors;
- Velvet paper numbers
- materials with different surfaces ( sandpaper, felt, satin ribbon, pieces of leather, wood, plastic, buttons, barbed part of Velcro, etc.)
When making the second set of cards, the game variations can be different, for example:
we take several pairs of cards, turn them face down, then in turn each player opens two cards, if they match, then the player takes the cards for himself, and if not, he puts them in place;
we take one card at a time, swipe it over the arm (leg), the child needs to guess what kind of card, but first, of course, you need to say the name of each material and touch everything carefully;
find identical cards;
just interesting to touch.

Educational toy for children: "Box with cups - inserts".
The essence of the game is simple and obvious to any adult, but the little baby has yet to master this "so simple and difficult" task!
Making a toy is really easy. We take any cardboard box, preferably stronger. Next, glue the box with colored paper.
It is imperative to put something rattling and ringing into the cups so that along with the flowers, the children develop sound perception. You need to try to make the ringing of cups different. To do this, put buckwheat in one cup, rice in another, semolina in the third, and seeds in the fourth.
We close the cups on top with cardboard and glue them with glue, not forgetting to attach a loop to each.
Inside the box we make a delimiter, and inside each hole (by color) we add pebbles of a certain color.
Consolidation of knowledge of size; colors; development of motor skills of hands, counting skills.
Game variations can be different, for example:
arrange the stones by color;
count how many pebbles of one color or another;
guess what is in the glass, remember the sound and try to determine what is in the glass by the sound;
just interesting to touch.

Sorter: "Flower jar".
A sorter is a children's educational toy, the main purpose of which is to sort objects according to one or more characteristics. These features are usually shape, size or color. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is the main, but far from the only purpose of the sorter. Sorters develop the child's logical thinking, coordination of movements, sensory skills, form analysis skills, the ability to compare and find cause-and-effect relationships, introduce the baby to forms various items teaching colors. What is a sorter?
Description of the manual: This is a jar that has holes in it. various shapes: this is a rectangular hole in the main colors for large beads from old counting dyed in a certain color, holes for pushing counting sticks in the same color, holes for laces (lacing), and screwing caps of a certain color to the flower. In these holes you need to put the corresponding figures in shape.
Screwing the centers to a certain color flower;
Pushing specific items by color

dry aquarium. (for children 2-7 years old).

"Dry Aquarium" - a set of kinder eggs collected in a plastic bowl or box can be offered to a child at any time: when he has Bad mood, or, on the contrary, he is too excited, or he simply has nothing to do. The main value of this benefit is that the baby is not afraid to break or lose something. Plunging as deep as possible into the filler of the "aquarium" (eggs), the child's hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, and their movements are coordinated.

Self-massage of hands and fingers in a "dry aquarium" ("pool") contributes to:
- normalization of muscle tone;
- stimulation of tactile sensations;
- an increase in the volume and amplitude of movements of the fingers;
- the formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of the fingers.

Option 1. "Bathing" of hands in a "dry aquarium", immersion in the covers of the hands, arms up to the elbow, up to the shoulders, rustling with eggs. Self-massage in the "dry pool" can be performed to music or accompanied by a poetic text: Dip the hands into the "pool", mix the eggs, simultaneously squeezing and unclenching the hands, saying: In the "pool" the eggs are different: green and red. We decided to look at them and launched our fingers, Arranging a commotion there so that our fingers would not be sad.

Option 2. At the bottom of the "pool" hide toys from kinder surprises. Dip your hands in the "pool", mix the eggs, then find and get the toys.

Games will give the concept of size, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, will teach how to solve logical problems, and develop creative abilities.

Didactic manual "Spread the pencils into cups."
develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
logical thinking.
develop the ability to distinguish colors;
learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right
Description of the manual: Cut out rectangles and pencil figures from the ceiling tiles. Glue the rectangles to the middle with squares of self-adhesive film different colors. Paste the pencils with the appropriate colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!
Variability: invite children to find a mistake (put one of the pencils of a different color or shade), and correct it, while pointing out the mistake.

Didactic manual “Spread the testicles into your houses”

Description of the manual: We paint over the cells of the container for eggs with the main colors, cover with varnish. Capsules from Kinder Surprise are tied with the appropriate color.
It turns out a bright and beautiful handout.
Children should arrange the testicles in houses, according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the testicles and the color of the houses.

find identical testicles
count how many eggs of a certain color
sort the eggs into bowls by color

The game "Geokont" is a wooden field with "carnations" fixed on it, on which multi-colored rubber bands are stretched during the game. each "stud" has its own coordinates (for example, Zh-2 - yellow "beam", the second "stud").
"Geokont" - the original designer. With the help of multi-colored rubber bands on the playing field, you can create geometric figures different size, multi-colored contours of objective forms of the surrounding world, symmetrical asymmetrical patterns.
The set of the game "Geokont" includes methodical work"Skillful Paws". this is a fairy tale story about Spider Yucca and his grandchildren - spiders, game tasks, scheme.
The methodical fairy tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" opens the cycle of fairy tales of the Purple Forest. In it, "Geocont" becomes a Wonderful Glade of Golden Fruits. The fairy tale "revives" geometric concepts, makes them interesting and understandable for preschoolers. Its plot is constructed in such a way that the child, completing tasks, helps the fabulous ones to overcome the obstacles that arise in their way.
Developing the essence of the game.
The game "Geokont" develops sensory and cognitive abilities of preschoolers. Self-construction of geometric figures, when visual and tactile-tactile analyzers are involved, contribute to the formation of ideas about form standards. In gaming activities, fine motor skills of fingers, memory, speech, spatial thinking and creative imagination, the ability to coordinate their actions, analyze, compare. Preschoolers get acquainted with such a property as elasticity (elastic bands stretch and return to their original position). The use of schemes in game activity contributes to the formation of the symbolic function of consciousness. Building figures on a sheet of paper according to the coordinates of the playing field prepares children for mastering the simplest programming. With the help of a coordinate grid, preschoolers can draw a plan of the playing field and diagrams of figures according to a verbal formula.
The game "Geocont" and the fairy tale "Baby Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" immerse the child in the world of geometry, he masters the basic geometric concepts: "ray", "line", "point", "segment", "angle", "polygon", etc.
The game "Geocont" is used for the mathematical development of preschoolers, introducing them to the objective world, developing design skills and solving creative problems. In addition, the fairy-tale environment helps preschoolers to mediate the perception of the main learning task. For example, in the process of playing, an “obstacle” arises in front of children (task, question, task, etc.). The personification of this obstacle is an elastic band (“cobweb”) of any color stretched in the “Geocont” field. When right decision task, it "disappears".
Junior preschool age. Mastering the game "Geokont", children of primary preschool age simply pull the rubber bands on the "carnations". Then they construct simple geometric figures, elementary contours of object forms and create images of objects according to their own design. Kids are introduced to the characters of the fairy tale and told its simplified version.
Senior preschool age. Children of senior preschool age not only construct geometric shapes or object forms, but also perform more complex developmental game tasks, get acquainted with the concept of "ray", "straight", "curve", "segment". Preschoolers draw a plan of the playing field, memorize the coordinates of the points, transfer to the plan the figures invented and built on the Geocont. Game activity with "Geokont" is built on the basis of a fairy tale plot.

Decoration - decoupage technique. We train our fingers and hang fleece, paper, felt (whichever you prefer) clothes on strings using clothespins!

Tactile cushion. Zip training different types fasteners.

Didactic manual "Spread the pebbles in your houses"
to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;
to teach to combine a testicle with a cell, to perform correlative actions (a guide by color); act purposefully, consistently: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
Children have to arrange the stones in the houses, according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the stones and the color of the houses.
When making the second manual and using disposable plates 4 primary colors variations can be different, for example:
teach children to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in speech.
develop fine motor skills
find identical testicles
count how many pebbles of a certain color
arrange the stones by color in boxes