mnestic dyslexia. Methodological material on speech therapy "Problems of reading and writing. Games and exercises aimed at correcting dysgraphia and dyslexia"

Techniques for correcting mnestic dyslexia

(from work experience).

At least once in their practice, every primary school teacher is faced with the fact that for some children the process of mastering reading is associated with great difficulties and causes negative reactions. . Not knowing the reasons underlying this problem, both teachers and parents most often interpret it as a child's unwillingness to learn or simple stubbornness; accuse children of harmfulness and ordinary laziness. They don’t even realize that the cause of everything is dyslexia, a neurologically determined, often hereditary disorder that prevents mastery of language processes.

Depending on the degree, dyslexia manifests itself in difficulties in receptive and expressive speech (language), including phonological processing; violations of writing, reading, sound analysis, handwriting and sometimes mathematics.

Taking into account the disturbed operations of the reading process, R.I. Lalaeva identifies phonemic, semantic, agrammatical, mnestic, optical and tactile dyslexia.

I want to dwell in more detail on mnestic dyslexia.

This type of dyslexia is caused by impaired auditory speech memory, as a result of which it is difficult for the child to form a connection between the sound and the visual image of the letter. The child does not remember the letters, mixes them up, replaces them when reading (does not remember the names of the letters). Therefore, speech therapy classes for correction are aimed at memorizing the graphic image of sounds, developing graphomotor functions, visual activity, eliminating violations of all stages of reading. The traditional system of speech therapy classes for the correction of dyslexia involves working on all impaired aspects of oral speech and non-verbal processes. Classes for the correction of this type of dyslexia are aimed at the development of auditory-verbal and verbal-visual memory and includes exercises for the development of auditory-verbal and verbal-visual memorization, spatial representations, verbal thinking, dictionary enrichment. dyslexia, as well as kinesiology exercises that are aimed at developing interhemispheric symmetry.

The basic method of correction is the restoration of the work of various parts of the brain responsible for tone, for different forms of perception, for control. Sometimes, in order for shifts to appear in an impasse, ten sessions of a general “energy” orientation are enough, then, against the background of optimal tone, speech processes noticeably improve. And after one or two months (or immediately), new adequate intellectual skills begin to form in counting, writing, reading.

For mnestic dyslexia, it is important to stimulate the work of the right spatial hemisphere and the connections between the left and right halves of the brain. Therefore, crawling in different ways on the stomach and all fours will be useful. In addition, at the next stage, they begin to work with the image and spatial organization of the letter pattern: they mold it from plasticine, cut it out of paper, and guess it by touch. To automate letters, all forms of perception are connected: visual (color, shape, size), kinesthetic (skin, etc.), auditory.

If there is a stable and extremely unproductive skill of guessing reading, then to destroy it, the so-called. "frame": a sheet with a slot the size of one letter, a syllable, a word. This sheet closes the page and read strictly letter by letter first, and then increase the size of the window.

A non-standard approach to the correction of dyslexia is offered by the Ronald D. Davis technique, which involves giving printed words and symbols a mental figurative expression, with the help of which gaps in perception are eliminated. This technique is a comprehensive program of assistance to those suffering from dyslexia, helping to quickly cope with difficulties in perception, disorientation, and problems with reading and writing. But in order to master this technique, you need to take a special course of study.

I want to offer some methods of work on the correction of mnestic dyslexia from my own experience.

In my classes with children who have difficulty remembering letters, I use types of work that involve different perceiving modalities. Tasks involve the development of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, motor memory, which contributes to a better assimilation of the information presented. For example, when studying vowels at first, I

be sure (as with the traditional approach) I use red (later I leave the color so that the child is guided not by the color, but by the graphic image). In order for children to better remember the image of printed letters, I suggest that each letter being studied be outlined along the contour. Letters, which are a template for children, necessarily have a three-dimensional dimension, i.e. I take not flat letters, but three-dimensional ones. Then we check the traced contour with the template. We highlight the contour of the vowels in red with the help of cotton buds and paint. In addition, we always use plasticine, from which we create the image of the letter both analytically and synthetically (if possible). We also lay out the studied letters from threads and various small items: buttons, beads, broken matches, paper clips, etc. Work on fixing the image of the letter continues until the child clearly learns to find the letter being studied against the background of other letters and symbols. To do this, I use tables of the type of proof tests, printed small poetic texts. The work on the assimilation of a graphic image takes several stages and obeys the principle: from simple to complex. At the initial stage, children find only one option for writing a letter (large printed, small printed, capital written, lowercase written), and then all the options. So with every letter. And subsequently, children find several different letters at once according to the instructions of a speech therapist. I will definitely work on understanding what is behind the phrases: large print, small print, capital (written), lowercase (written), because what seems simple and understandable to us in children with mnestic dyslexia (and in ordinary children ) at the beginning of learning has not yet formed at the level of the concept.

It is easier with printed letters - there is a guideline for size, because. most printed letters do differ only in size. With letters on the letter it is more difficult. Therefore, here it is necessary to clearly form the knowledge that the “lowercase” letter is the one in which the main element clearly fits into the line (into the room), and the “capital” “wants to be the main, important, and therefore stretches above the ceiling” (floor in our case, this is the lower border of the line, and the ceiling is the upper one). I am not afraid to move away from scientific terminology even in older grades, because terms are a certain abstraction, and it is easier for such children (and children in general) to think in familiar and understandable images. In general, we don’t have an alphabet, but a city of snorts, laughter, boasters, songbirds, needles, hedgehogs, grandmothers, grandfathers, horses, bugs, dogs, fences, pikes, chickens, cats, slippers. We represent some letters with the help of the body with the pronunciation of the corresponding sound. The vowels A, O, U, S, E, And we accompany with the movement of the hand and arms: A - the cam opens wide like a mouth, O - the index and thumb fingers close into a circle, U - the hand makes a translational movement forward with the brush extended, Y - hands in fists are pressed at the shoulders, as if holding a dumbbell, E - the arm will be stretched sideways upwards, as if shouting to a friend who is sitting on a tree, I - movement from the chest up, followed by stretching the arm to the side (with any hand). The vowels I, E, Yu, E are worked out in the same way, only before the vowels there is a fist bump from each other (the sound and the letter Y). The kids love these activities. Even "hyperactive" people have no time to do other things.

Thus, when using as many perceptual modalities as possible and repeating it many times, children remember letters much easier.

It happens that the image of a letter is absolutely not given to the child for memorization. Then I connect the way of associations either with some animals, objects, significant people, events, or with the help of gustatory or olfactory associations.

I consider it mandatory to use apperception, which is a great helper. For example, for a better assimilation of the image of letters, I use the game "Wonderful Bag", where children determine by touch which letter they have found. If the task is completed correctly, the child explains how he guessed. And if it is not true, then this letter is given to him, so that he circles it on paper, cuts out along the contour (moreover, all this work is accompanied by the obligatory naming of the letter in an undertone, while others continue to get the letters out of the bag). Then the child is invited to close his eyes, carefully feel the plastic letter, pronounce its name and put it in a bag. I mix the letters and invite the child to find this one among other letters. This type of work contributes to a better assimilation of the image of letters and, moreover, children really like it. And positive emotions are always a good companion in any work.

I really like to use posters with “contaminated” letters in my classes. Several types of work can be carried out on them at once, as well as with correction samples. But here, spatial perception and representation are also developing, which is important for children suffering from mnestic dyslexia.

For the development of auditory-speech memory and attention, I use the game "Confusion": I name parts of the body for children, and show others. Children should be guided only by verbal instructions, and not by what they see. The game "Stream-river-sea-ocean" is very good for the development of auditory-speech memory. The essence of this game is as follows. Children are presented with a sentence of 4 words. Then the speech therapist says, for example, “stream - river”, and the children must remember the first two words from the sentence and name them. If the speech therapist says "ocean - sea", the children should name the last and penultimate words, respectively. The combinations of tasks in the game can be different at the choice of a speech therapist.

To develop interhemispheric symmetry, we draw with children with both hands (see “Development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists S. V. Konovalenko), write letters alternately with both the leading and non-leading hand, play games - three minutes “Today the main one is the left one”, “Hands are girlfriends”, etc. We also use our hands when catching the ball and in other exercises.

A great help in the work are all kinds of training discs from the sites " Video lesson and Mercibo.

In our classes, in addition to correcting dyslexia, children learn to work for personal and general results, solve problematic problems, build communication at the level of "student-student", "student-teacher", replenish passive and active dictionaries, develop lexically and grammatically correct coherent speech . All classes are structured in such a way that when completing a task, children help someone: they save a cat from a dog, arrange a holiday for Smeshariki, decorate a New Year tree, etc. For each child in the lesson, a situation of success is created, and after each lesson, the “Color of my mood” screen is filled. Children really like classes, and positive emotions are a good incentive.

I want to note that in order to help a child cope with the problem of dyslexia, specialized help is needed, but both teachers and parents can also make their own contribution to the correction of this disorder by working closely with a speech therapist.

Makarova E.R., teacher - speech therapist,

practical psychologist, oligophrenopedagogue,

MBOU secondary school No. 21, Chulman settlement,

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Dyslexia is a fairly common violation of the speech apparatus in preschoolers and children under 11 years of age. What is this disease? How to deal with it? You can find out the answers to this and many other questions in our article.

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is one of the most common speech disorders that makes it difficult for a child to master reading skills. This disorder is considered hereditary, due to which some parts of the brain function incorrectly or limitedly, which is why it is quite difficult for many children to learn to read. Quite often, dyslexia manifests itself along with dysgraphia (when a child confuses letters in places while writing or distorts words). Treatment of dyslexia must be dealt with immediately, in order to avoid its further progression.

dyslexia is a complex of disorders that prevent a child from learning to read, as a result, it is difficult for him to study in elementary grades

Main types of dyslexia

There are several main types of dyslexia. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Phonemic type

Phonemic dyslexia often manifests itself in younger students. This disorder is associated with the underdevelopment of the phonemic hearing of the child. With this form of dyslexia, the child confuses and mixes sounds by ear, does not understand the difference between the softness and hardness of the pronunciation of letters, deafness and sonority.

semantic type

Semantic dyslexia is also known as mechanical reading. Such a disorder is characterized by a violation of the understanding of a read or heard sentence, text or even a word, but at the same time the child reads correctly and clearly enough. Most often, semantic dyslexia manifests itself in children over the age of 7 years.

Agrammatical type

Agrammatical dyslexia is mainly put as a diagnosis for children who suffer from a general systemic underdevelopment of the speech apparatus. This form of dyslexia is characterized by: a change in case endings, incorrect case agreement (for example, “beautiful rose”, “long tail”), a change in the ending of nouns and verbs that refer to the 3rd person of the past tense.

optical type

Optical dyslexia is expressed in some difficulties that are associated with visual "assimilation" and mixing of letters that are graphically similar to each other. For example, a child may confuse letters such as: “M-L”, “Z-V”, “P-N”, “Yo-E”.

Mnestic type

Mnestic dyslexia manifests itself in the form of difficulty perceiving letters and sounds, that is, it is very difficult for a child to figure out which of the letters corresponds to a certain sound.

Causes of dyslexia

A speech disorder such as dyslexia can begin to develop for the following reasons:

  • pathological state of intrauterine development of the child;
  • damage to the central nervous system of the baby;
  • difficult childbirth, which resulted in asphyxia, placental abruption, as well as triple entanglement of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck;
  • strong blows or any other injuries to the head and brain, including concussion;
  • neuropsychic immaturity;
  • mental retardation;
  • hearing or vision impairment;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • underdevelopment of certain parts of the child's brain.

Symptoms of dyslexia

You can tell if your child has dyslexia by looking at the following signs:

  • Difficulty learning words and perception of heard information;
  • disorientation in space, clumsiness;
  • disorganization;
  • reading comprehension;
  • errors in the pronunciation of letters and sounds;
  • increased hyperactivity.
with dyslexia, it is difficult for a child to teach reading, he has a lag in learning, while this condition can be corrected with the help of exercises with a specialist

Methodology for examining a child with dyslexia

A speech therapist, a psychologist, and a defectologist will help you identify and approve the diagnosis of Dyslexia. A visit and consultation with each of these specialists is recommended. The examination is carried out in a game form in the form of testing, during which the specialist checks the auditory, visual and tactile systems. It is best for parents to be close to the baby, supporting him. If the test is held at a school or kindergarten, try to come so that the child feels more confident.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of dyslexia is a rather laborious and lengthy process, but despite this, the final result is important. Methods of correction will depend on the type and degree of "severity" of dyslexia in a child. There are a fairly large number of different ways and exercises to help cope with this violation. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Popular Methods

When dealing with dyslexia, the methods discussed below are considered the most effective and common.

Davis Method

The Ronald Davis method is often used in the treatment of dyslexia. This technique is conditionally divided into several stages: work on coordination, learning symbols using clay or plasticine modeling (the child is invited to mold some letter or number), as well as reading in different directions (for example, from left to right and vice versa).


Dictation forms a child's visual and auditory memory, helps to remember the correct spelling of various letters. First, dictate to the baby a small text a couple of sentences long, gradually increasing the load. After completing the dictation, you need to check the text for errors, which are recommended to be highlighted in green or black. Then all the inaccuracies must be shown to the child and asked to rewrite everything again.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics is carried out using various breathing exercises, a list of which is issued by a speech therapist or defectologist. Everything will depend on the type of dyslexia found in the child.

Tongue Twisters

A tongue twister is a certain sequence of words that are similar in sound to each other. This method helps the child to feel the difference between some sounds and learn how to pronounce them correctly. For example, "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry" or "In the yard - grass, on the grass - firewood."


Children suffering from dyslexia should read as much as possible, so reading is an effective method to combat this ailment. Ask the child to read a small passage from a fairy tale or story known to him, only very slowly, thinking about each word he reads. Take small breaks, about 5-10 minutes.


Let's look at the most effective exercises that help to cope with a problem such as dyslexia.

rubber ball

"Rubber ball" is an interesting exercise-game, during which the child learns to read words by syllables. The ball is necessary so that during the pronunciation of a particular syllable, the baby squeezes it with all his might in his palms, demonstrating the correct completion of the task.

Tugboat 1

The meaning of the exercise "Tug 1" is the joint reading of a child and an adult. At first, one of the parents reads a fairy tale or story aloud with the baby, that is, in one voice. Also, do not forget to adapt to the rhythm of reading your child, because he may not keep up with you.

Tugboat 2

“Tug 2” is somewhat different from the first version of this exercise, namely, first an adult is read aloud, then a child, and only then everyone reads some text to himself.


An adult pronounces the command "Lips". The child should tightly compress his lips and put the finger of his left hand on them and read the text to himself. As soon as the teacher says “out loud”, the student needs to remove his finger and read aloud. This exercise teaches the child to pronounce words correctly.

Find the mistakes

The child is given a text in which absurd mistakes are made on purpose, and he must correct them. For example, “It beats like a fish on honey”, “Kolya and Petya are two native gates”, “Do not buy a whale in a bag”. This exercise forms mindfulness and the correct pronunciation of words.

The word is reversed

The teacher prepares words that can be read backwards. The child must find these words from the list and highlight them with a colored marker. For example, "Cossack, hut, river, backpack."

Closed line

Simple text is selected. While reading, the teacher closes the upper part of the line with his hand or bookmark so that the child sees only the lower one, without being distracted by it. After all, when we read, the information already read is a little distracting, which is why this exercise helps the baby to concentrate.

Boat lock

The combination of a consonant and a vowel sound is called a “boat”, the child must pronounce it smoothly, for example, “ma-shi-na”, and the union of two consecutive consonants is indicated by a “lock”, which must be pronounced abruptly, for example, “str-ah ”, “evil-awn”.

Ending of the word

The child is given cards with words that do not have an ending, and the teacher asks them to complete them. For example, “soba ... (ka)”, “domi .. (k)”, “telephone .. (n)”.


The teacher makes a simple crossword puzzle and a list of questions for it. The child must completely fill in all the empty cells. This exercise forms quick wit and speed of thinking, which is essential when reading.

We write from memory

The child remembers a certain word and tries to reproduce it on paper. If the kid coped, then it is necessary to complicate the task, for example, to offer a phrase or sentence.

Repair word

An adult offers a child a set of syllables from which several words must be composed. If the baby has some difficulties during the exercise, then you can show him the picture tips.

Diminutive name

An adult asks the baby to attribute a diminutive name to the word, for example, “chair-chair”, “house-house”, “cat-cat”.

We play with words

Many of us remember such a game as "Cities", when the last letter of one city is called the name of another. Based on this game, this exercise is carried out, for example, “room-pineapple-cheese-fish”.

Prevention of dyslexia

As a preventive measure against dyslexia, the following steps should be taken:

  • develop visual-spatial functions in a child, such as attentiveness, quick wit, fantasy;
  • read a large number of books, both cognitive (encyclopedias) and fairy tales, novels, stories;
  • attend creative activities, such as drawing, modeling, dancing;
  • improve fine motor skills.

Dyslexia is considered a fairly common diagnosis in many modern children. Parents should not panic, most importantly, remember that the sooner you start treatment and classes, the sooner the first positive result will be. Our article has provided the most effective ways and exercises to combat dyslexia that will help your child learn to read and pronounce sounds well.

Nowadays, more and more teachers are faced with students who have reading and writing disorders. Parents ask: “What to do? I don’t know how to help?”, and the teachers shrug their shoulders: “Learn the rules, read aloud more often!” and sent to a speech therapist or defectologist. Well, if he is at school, but what if he is not? Such problems are most often left to chance: errors in reading and writing develop into omissions of signs and indices when solving problems in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The student receives poor grades, and a persistent unwillingness to learn is formed.

It is even harder for an adult student who knows about his problems, but does not know what can be done about it, how to fix it. Most problems arise with technical terminology and abbreviations.

The article will present three exercise games that can be used to correct reading and writing disorders.


Dyslexia- a specific violation of the reading process. It can manifest itself in the indistinguishability of the meaning of the read text, in the difficulty of assimilating and remembering letters and sounds, replacing letters when reading, changing case endings, etc.

Dysgraphia- a specific violation of the writing process. It can manifest itself in the replacement of sounds similar in sound, the distortion of words and sentences, the use of the reverse order of words in a sentence, the distortion of letters when writing, etc.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia is a large syndrome that includes violations of the prerequisites of intelligence, cognitive immaturity, language deficiency, frustration disorders, appropriate behavioral responses, and finally, writing disorders directly. (Kornev A.N.)

Since the types of disorders in dyslexia and dysgraphia are similar, they can be corrected together.

According to scientists, without the cooperation of the teacher and parents, success in correction is unattainable. Based on her work experience, the author believes that parents should be informed about all research results and discussed with them. Parents should know the goals of correction, immediate and long-term, the expected result and the estimated timing of correctional work. This is necessary not only for ethical reasons, but also contributes to the involvement of parents in the work and the formation of a sober view of things in them. The main task of parents is to consolidate the skills learned by the child.


Game-Exercise No. 1. Work on memorizing words and terms (their graphical version)

Make dictionary words (or terms, for adults) from syllables, circle them with different colors.

Speech material for first graders: alphabet, crow, law, entered, call, textbook, teacher, glue, carpet.

Speech material for cadets and listeners in terms of terminology (example): analysis, synthesis, verification, safety, accident, gaff, autopump, liquidation, arson.

If possible, use word breaks or insert images and other visual cues to improve comprehension.

Game-Exercise No. 2. Working on word order to help the child/adult understand the text.

Option for children.

Add one word at a time to make sentences based on the picture. Make sure your child follows word order.

Picture for the exercise


On ________


Us ____ ____.

The rules of the game are simple, but you will need some equipment - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it is called Dixit (Dixit), but not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surreal.

For example- lopsided anchor, in the middle of the desert.

Example of game cards

The essence of the game-exercise

  • What associations come to mind?
  • They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voice it to the rest.
  • The main condition: the phrase must be built in compliance with the word order. Inversion and illogicality are unacceptable.
  • Players choose a suitable card from their set according to the description and lay it out on the table.

The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the one whose card was not guessed right away wins.

  • But, the important element is that if no one was able to identify your card at all, you lose points.
  • By the way, the cards themselves, or rather pictures, can be found and printed from the Internet at home.

Game-exercise number 3.

Option for children.

sea ​​battle game(borrowed from Bobkina O.G. - speech therapist of secondary school No. 5 in the village of Tavrichanka, Nadezhdinsky district, Primorsky Territory). We are working on orientation to the plane, improving syllabic analysis and synthesis, forming an active and passive vocabulary of students.

Children are offered a playing field, which depicts ships with syllables written on them: the teacher / parent names a place on the field, and the children look for it and name the syllable written on it.

If the ships are named in a certain sequence, then words can be made from syllables. For this, the named syllables are written out, and then synthesized.

Speech material:

Teacher/Parent: Students:

E-1, D-7, A-9 TAN, KA, PI = CAPTAIN


B-4, K-7 REG, BE = SHORE



Zh-7, G-2, Z-3 SLAVE, KO, LI-SHIPS

Zh-10, I-3 ROD, GO- CITY


E-5, B-6, BUKH, TA- BAY

G-10, B-2 ROM, PA- FERRY

I-6, D-9 Shtur, Shaft-Shturval

playing field

Option for adult students.

Game "Fire Crocodile". We are working on the development of observation, attentiveness, skills to build logical chains.

The rules are very simple. The participants are divided into two teams. The first team thinks of a word and informs its representative of the rivals. This is the chosen one, who must pantomime the word to his team. The pretender cannot speak, but members of his team can ask him questions, list the options that appear. Nodding your head “yes” or “no” to the person depicting the word is allowed - but no more! At this time, the team that made up the word can simply roll with laughter, seeing the efforts of opponents, often futile for a long time. If the word is guessed, the teams switch roles. Of course, a new player is set up for the image each time.

For those who are just learning the game, you can start with the elementary. It will be more difficult with abstractions: for example, the word “set” was guessed for a long time. Now imagine how you can portray "perfection"? If you have more or less figured out the words, you can proceed to the image of phrases, then - proverbs.

For warm-up: sleeve, control, fire, action, document, partner, parade

Collocations: fire tower, property damage, fire brigade, fire sketch.

Sayings and proverbs

  1. For a beaten man they give two unbeaten
  2. Tears of sorrow will not help
  3. Sleep on one side - thirty-six hours.
  4. Do you like to ride - love to carry sleds
  5. There is safety in numbers
  6. Fight fire with fire
  7. The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won't catch it
  8. Sleeps like a regimental horse.
  9. How do you call the boat - so it will float
  10. What burns does not rot.
  11. The fireman is sleeping - the Motherland is getting richer.
  12. How many do not feed the wolf - he looks into the forest
  13. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing
  14. He aimed at the heel, but hit the nose.
  15. If you like to talk, love and listen.

Practical material is given according to the complexity of the tasks: from letters, syllables, to reading sentences and various types of texts. Assignments are playful and educational in nature.

The reasons for the difficulties of learning at school and university are very diverse, and therefore game methods must be strictly differentiated and individualized, that is correspond to the mechanisms of learning and behavioral problems in the institution, identified during a comprehensive neuropsychological examination, as well as to the sex, age and individual characteristics of the child's personality.

1. Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children: Educational and methodological manual - St. Petersburg: MiM, 1997. - 286 p.

MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school"

Master class on the topic:

"Practical use of effective methods in the correction of dyslexia"

Speech therapist Morozova O.V.

Practical use of effective teaching methods in the correction of dyslexia

In recent years, the number of children experiencing various learning difficulties in primary school has increased significantly. According to psychologists, more than 200 factors influence academic performance. The most important of these is the ability to read. The problem of reading disorders is one of the most relevant for school education, since reading turns from a goal into a means of further acquiring knowledge by students. More than half (55.5%) of older preschool children are not ready to start school and, therefore, are doomed to failure in the Russian language. Psychologists and teachers have identified a pattern: if a child reads fluently by the end of the first grade, then he has time in all subjects, and vice versa. The reading speed of lagging, underachieving children is much lower than the norm, and this causes a negative attitude towards the reading process itself, since information is poorly absorbed and reading, as a rule, becomes mechanical, without understanding the material. It is difficult for such children to master the curriculum in all subjects, especially in the Russian language.

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the need for preventive work to prevent reading and writing errors with preschoolers is obvious today for everyone.

The system of work to prevent reading disorders: consists of several areas:

– development of the oculomotor analyzer;
– improvement of visual-spatial perception;
- development of auditory perception;
- and work on reading technique.

Work to prevent specific reading errors should be carried out with children of 5-7 years of age, both with and without various speech pathologies.

Early diagnosis, prediction of school problems and correction of difficulties is the key to successful education of children in school.

So, we have set a problematic task: effective teaching of reading, increasing the speed of reading, effective correction of the violation of the reading process.

In addition to the traditionally used methods, we included new effective teaching methods by S.G. Zotov. In the process of work, real shifts in reading among schoolchildren and preschool children were already visible. Since the newly used means had an impact not only on the speed of reading, but also had a positive effect on the processes that are the basis: attention, perception, visual memory, the speed of the eye sliding along the line, the amount of visual memory, the ability to focus on the task. The memorization process began to improve, the amount of memorized material gradually began to increase, and the time during which the child reproduces printed material decreased. And also the vector of perception was gradually normalized (in the direction from left to right). That is, an integrated approach to the problem began to be carried out, as recommended by neuropsychologists.

By applying the above methodology in practice, the results improved:

1. On teaching reading (children who do not want to engage in reading have become interested, have become more active, in slow-reading children, the reading speed has increased from 12 to 23 words per minute).
2. On the prevention of dyslexia (for schoolchildren with reading difficulties, classes acquired a competitive nature, they easily coped with large volumes, the reading speed actually increased - from 23 to 64 words per minute).

By combining the accumulated experience, we have identified the main ways to increase efficiency in teaching reading and overcoming dyslexia:

1) The most important thing is to motivate the child in such a way that he himself wants to improve his result. For this purpose, control measurements are used indicating the time and plotting after passing the next stage. Then the results at each stage become clearly visible.
2) Development of the oculomotor analyzer (a series of special tracking exercises, isolating a given form, moving in a given direction (from left to right) through the exercises: “Notes”, “Rings”, Schulte tables, labyrinths).
3) Development of visual perception through exercises aimed at reducing the time for memorizing images: "Hide and Seek", "Titles", "Elevator", "Windows".
4) The use of syllabic tables (syllables and a set of letters in the form of words to avoid "guessing" familiar words).
5) The use of special helper characters for continuous reading and isolated reading of letters (according to Kalinina).
6) Gradual increase in volume to reproduce what was read from memory.

These methods were used in our professional activities and had a tangible result. As a result of targeted exercises in children:

- learning increases, attention, perception improve - children learn to see, hear, reason;
- the amount of RAM increases, and therefore the material to be remembered, interest in the reading process awakens, emotional stress and anxiety are removed, correct, meaningful reading is formed;
- develops the ability to transfer acquired skills to unfamiliar material.

Thus, the practical application of effective methods leads to a real result: the processes of teaching reading and preventing reading disorders become more efficient and effective. Correction of dyslexia consists in specially designed exercises that restore oral and written speech gradually. When working with a child, do not load him with a large flow of information, because he will not be able to learn everything at once. The exercises presented below gently and naturally affect the mind of the child.

The following exercises are most effective:

    Finger motor skills training with a ball with spikes (for each syllable, invite the baby to squeeze the ball with his fingers, especially with his thumb and little finger);

    Reading words in reverse;

    Learning memoirs (“Airplanes take off: uh-uh. Cars go: f-zh-zh. Horses galloped: tsok-tsok-tsok. A snake crawls nearby: shhhh. A fly beats on the glass: s-z- z-z");

    Slow pronunciation of tongue twisters (“ra-ra-ra - the game begins, ry-ry-ry - we have balls in our hands, ru-ru-ru - I hit the ball with my hand");

    Memorizing tongue twisters (“The water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.” “Speak, speak, but don’t talk.” “Geese are cackling on the mountain, fire is burning under the mountain.” “Our head will overhead your head, overhead.” “Our duda and hither and thither");

    Reading 15 consonants on the exhale, gradually adding one vowel in a row (KVMSPLBShGRDBLST, PRLGNTVSCCHTSFBHNM);

    "Tow". An adult reads “to himself” and runs his finger over the text, the child’s task is to read according to this indication, but out loud;

    "In unison". This is a variant of the previous exercise, only the adult and the baby should both read aloud;

    "Repeat". Invite the child to read the text in 1 minute and note to which word he has read, and then let the child repeat the same passage in the same time - he will probably read a couple of words more! In this exercise, the main thing is not to overdo it - you should not read more than three times, and do not forget to praise the child even for small progress;

    "Serif". On command, the child begins to read the text aloud, holding his hands on his knees. On command “serif”, the little reader closes his eyes, raises his head, leaving his hands on his knees. In a minute, he needs to find with his eyes the place in the book where he stopped.

    "Lightning". The essence of the exercise is to alternate reading aloud, to yourself, at a fast and slow pace, with and without expression for a certain time (starting with 20 seconds, ending with 2 minutes);

    "Sprinters". This game is great for a group of kids. On command, the guys begin to read aloud at the same time, and then they point to the word “stop” with their fingers the place where they stopped;

    "Correct mistakes". Invite the child to correct mistakes in popular expressions known to the child (“On the lack of fish and Buck is a fish.” “Fashion does not flow under a lying stone”);

    "Write down the words." Write the baby 6 syllables and offer to write down 5 words that are hidden in them (la-pa-ra-no-sha-lun);

    "Find a name." In a series of letters, the child needs to find the name (ONMAKNGTANYA) or the name of the animal (YACHSMEDVED).

    "The Same Words" In a series of words, ask the child to find those that read the same from left to right and from right to left.

    "Cutting out repetitions." Write the letters, invite the child to cross out those that are repeated 2 times

Exercises to correct dyslexia in children

Exercise "Correction test"

Every day for 5 minutes, provide the child with any text and ask him to cross out the letters you named in it. First, the consonants "a, o, etc." Then the consonants. When the child can clearly cross out the desired letters, complicate the task and offer to circle the vowels (name any), and underline the consonants. For example, circle all "o" in a circle, and underline all "in". Focus on those consonants and vowels that are most difficult for a child. This exercise will allow the baby to memorize letters and save him from mistakes in reading and writing in the future. Should be done every day for 2 months.

Exercise "Ring"

This educational game will help develop fine motor skills y, memory, attention speech and eliminates signs of dyslexia. Show the baby the following action: alternately touch with your fingers, locking each finger into a ring with your thumb. Start with the index finger and end with the little finger. Then start the countdown. First, the exercise is performed with one hand, and then with two. You need to deal with a child for 10-15 minutes in the morning and afternoon for two months.

Exercise "Mirror Drawing"

This exercise actively affects the brain, improving its work in general. Place a blank piece of paper in front of your child. Give him his favorite markers or pencils. Start drawing mirror-symmetrical patterns or letters with both hands. First, take on drawing with the baby so that he understands the principle of the exercise, and then let him try to draw something on his own. Exercise should be done daily, without missing a single day.

Games for the prevention of dyslexia

    Offer your child the following game: write an easy sentence so that each word is written on different cards. Give the child a sentence and ask him to make it up from the available words.

    You can also use the "Write aloud" technique. Dictate to the child a short passage from his favorite fairy tale and watch how he writes. The main thing is that the text that you dictate to him should be liked by the baby.

    To develop phonetic abilities, play the game "Find the word" with your child. You must prepare different pictures and sign them on the back. Naming the word, the child must find the corresponding picture. For example, a tree or the sun. You can also collect syllables. Write the names of animals in syllables and ask the baby to add the words. For example, "so-va" or "so-ba-ka".

With such games, you will teach your child not only to read correctly, but also to write, because the visual memory of children is very developed, so it is easier for them to remember everything “by eye”, so to speak.

So, it's time to talk about exercises that help in the fight against dyslexia. They are effective, and if you deal with a child every day, you can achieve good results:

 Tongue twisters. Yes, their pronunciation helps a child a lot. The fact is that tongue twisters themselves are a sequence of similar-sounding words. Thanks to this, the child can feel the difference. You can also try reading the words in reverse order.

 Pronunciation of various sounds. Parents should explain to the child that he must pronounce consonants first, and then vowels in absolutely any order. And you need to do it on the exhale. After a while, it is necessary to mix vowels and consonants.

 Gymnastics for articulation. Various breathing exercises are performed. They are a warm-up before correcting dyslexia.

 Rubber ball. Here it is necessary to teach the child to read in syllables. The ball is needed so that when the child pronounces a syllable, he squeezes it with all his fingers.

 Exercise "Tug". Its meaning lies in the fact that one of the parents should read the text with the child. First, the baby and the adult read aloud together, and then each to himself. It is important to remember that parents must adjust to the speed of the child's reading, because. he may not be able to keep up with adults.

 The last exercise is repeated reading of the text. The child is given a passage, and for a minute he reads it. When a minute passes, a mark is placed at the place where the child stopped. Then, after a short period of time, he must again read the same piece. Parents, in turn, should monitor the dynamics of reading, whether the child understood more or less this time. It is important to remember that you need to read the text many times a day, but with breaks.

These exercises can and should be done at home every day. There will be no instant result, but improvements in development will be increasingly evident over time.

Annex 1

    "Labyrinth" for exercises on the movement of the oculomotor analyzer without the help of hands.

    Shulte tables to increase the speed of movement of the oculomotor analyzer and expand the field of view.

Exercise "Rings" to increase the speed of sliding along the line and attention.

3. Exercise "Syllabic tables" with symbols that help to merge letters into a word correctly.

    Column Reading Exercise

A) "Hide and Seek" - The word being read is shown for a few seconds, then the entire column is closed, the child reproduces the word from memory; and so on with each word in the column;

B) "Elevator" - The column gradually closes the words from top to bottom, which stimulates the quick reading of the words before they disappear.

A) Without beach bash bra

Carried a kind of visa

All vyyu elm year

Div dick for showers

Wife zgi zeya angry

Yoa Yogi Yom York

Forehead climbed years bream

Fierce between the measures of me

NEP both oh ode

pan par pas peak

Pusch peer heel roar

Ter CHP uzi ule

B) Boxing board borscht bust

Gong disk Yeysk bison

Louvre backlash clang march

Seal port post punch

Fact fort pound trunnions

act acre bars bolt

Coat of arms proud horn GOST

Probe umbrella court walrus

Empty putsch ring rhombus

Fund fort zinc scarf

Squeak places sheet anthem

Nedr Berg ping pong

Ruble pace father-in-law Fund


Particular attention in teaching younger students to read should be given to reading silently, “to oneself” - reading with the eyes, without external speech movements. Practice shows that teachers offering such reading to students do not always teach children to read silently correctly. Meanwhile, reading aloud, which for a long time was given paramount importance at school, is gradually losing this importance. And this is not surprising, because reading aloud, as a rule, serves primarily the listener, and not the reader. It contributes to the development of orthoepic literacy in a child, the formation of skills for perceiving and reproducing the intonational and rhythmic-melodic structure of speech, enriching the vocabulary, and therefore improving the child’s oral and written speech.

Silent reading enhances the semantic processing of the information being read, as it eliminates the need for verbal reproduction of what is being read and helps to speed up the pace of visual perception by about two times. In order for a student to study well, to quickly and consciously assimilate the text of a mathematical problem, an artistic or scientific-cognitive text in a textbook, to be able to freely read a book outside school hours, it is necessary to teach him to read silently.

In fact, teaching a younger student to read correctly, consciously and fluently in silence can be started from the first year of study (second half of the year), using the reading of syllables, words, sentences, short texts, entertaining material for work. To wean a child from moving his lips during such reading, it is recommended to use exercise "Lips". At the teacher's instruction to read silently, the children tightly compress their lips and put the finger of their left hand on them - this reinforces the psychological setting for silent reading. The work is carried out on the front until the movement of the lips in most children stops. In the future, the exercise may be conducted individually, with individual students.

If the teacher immediately tries to get the children to read quickly silently, this can cause errors in mastering the content of what they have read. To prevent such mistakes, while working on developing children's attention while reading, offer children tasks of the following type:

1. Read silently. Think about what you write can be called words and what can not. Why?


    Read the task again, saying only the words aloud. The task is performed by the students again, and the teacher sets the pace of reading to the children with a pointer (out loud and silently).

2. Read the words with your eyes, saying only the names of the children aloud.

Rose, birch, Lelya, earring, cornflower, Fields, Tolya, field, tree, spring, Cornflower, ours, Natasha, Rose, Alena, apple, Yasha, Earring, spinning top, Julia.

3. Read the words silently.
Whale, tiger, goose, catfish, wolf, horse, badger, raccoon, fox, cancer, bear, snake, hedgehog, ruff, bream, tit, sheep, perch, rooster, duck, cow, goat, seal, deer, pike, turkey, snake.

    Read the task again silently, saying only the names of the pets aloud.

    Read the words silently, aloud name (count) only those who live in the water.

4. Read silently.

Body, cabin, leaves, wheels, steering wheel, seat, beak, torso, leg, wings, headlights, head, neck, knot, tail, trunk, roots, motor, fruits.

    How many groups can these words be divided into? Explain.

    Find and read aloud only the words about the car (trees, birds).

5. Read the task silently, think about who you read about.

Purrs, barks, hisses, squeaks, howls, snorts, croaks, cackles, cuckoos, sings, croaks, growls, quacks, coos, chirps, hums.

    Who did you read about?

    Read the words aloud again and name each: purrs (cat), etc.

In the next lesson, the teacher can use a more complex task in his work: read the text silently, find errors in it and correct them.


    Galya read to her little brother Vanya a story about how birds sing. However, Vanya forgot who sings how and mixed everything up. Here's what he got.

The crow cackles, the sparrow sings, the dove clucks, the lark quacks, the cuckoo croaks, the crane croaks, the hen chirps, the goose croaks, the duck coos.

For students to develop a semantic guess while reading silently, it can be useful Exercise "Guess" , which is possible for use in work with students of the first and second years of study.

The exercise can be done in various options:

When performing the exercise, it should be borne in mind that students can make several words by changing only the last letter. At the same time, work is being done to develop children's attention while reading.

2. Help the letters meet (find friends).
Read them silently to make words.

3. Exercise "Letters are lost" You can also suggest reading to yourself:

¶alva, ¶right, ¶well, student¶, road¶a, pencil¶, mortar¶¶ka, shop¶¶, yellow¶¶ leaf, cowardly¶¶ behind¶¶.

In the future, children may be offered tasks using connected texts in which individual letters, endings, parts of words or individual parts of the text are shaded. For example:


Oh, how I l + blue nature + du! -
Gov + rit Ser + zha. -
+ chen l + blue sirens +
And rowan+ too!
And I would like to ++ ask +
Quiet + Ser + zhi:
– Who broke down++ into the garden+ of the sirens+
And ripples too?

Considering that children of the first and second grades perform unusual, entertaining tasks with interest and pleasure, the same exercise can be prepared and carried out for them in a playful way.

"Help Cheburashka"

Like an old tank
There would be laMki.
Wake up early in the morning,
Lucky follows him,
Everywhere M babMM guard M.

In order to develop in children the ability to read to themselves already in the second grade, children can be offered coherent prosaic and poetic texts in which individual letters, endings, and whole parts of words are obscured (closed) to develop a semantic guess.


Lada got sick. Chgshka with a silence stood next to her nGGa, she turned away. GG me.
- Lada, - I said, - go eat G.
She lifted her head and hammered her tail.
I stroke her. From lasG and life played G in her eyeGG.
- Eat, LG yes, - I repeated and moved the saucer closer.
She sipped her milk G and cried.
So, through my lacquer, her strength was added. Maybe it was these few mouthfuls of young people that saved her life?

M. Prishvin


In the fidget GG, the squirrels came up to the end of the autumn GG in store G - ore GG, shiGGG, and jelly GG. She sits on a suGG, fluffy GG tail GGG covered GGG, conceived GGG ...
Suddenly something smacked under the treeGG. I’ll look GG white GG down, and on the fields GG, from under the palog G sheet GG smorchGG showed GG.
BelGG ears pricked up GG and soon G to grGG: no matter who is ahead of GG. Grab the GG morel sharp GG tooth GGG and take the GGG back to the bough. He only eats grGG, does not rushGG, as if boastingGG: “Look, dyatGG, what a giftGG weightGG cookGG for me!”

A. Barkov


(In this text, the entire lower part is shaded or closed)

A green frog crawled out from under a stone. She looked around and was delighted: pusher mosquitoes were dancing in the air. There will be something to enjoy!
Pretty croaked and jumped to the lake. I sat on the shore, and then flopped into the water. She dived under a snag - and up again. She poked her pop-eyed head out of the mud, smiled at the sun and muttered, sang with pleasure: “Mosquitoes are good in spring!”

1. Help the word find the last letter, read only with your eyes.


Oh, how I l + blue nature + du! -
Gov + rit Ser + zha. -
+ chen l + blue sirens +
And rowan+ too!
And I would like to ++ ask +
Quiet + Ser + zhi:
– Who broke down++ into the garden+ of the sirens+
And ripples too?

"Help Cheburashka"

Like an old tank
There would be laMki.
Wake up early in the morning,
Exit MM to the cellar for smtana -
Lucky follows him,
Everywhere M babMM guard M.

Correction of reading disorders in primary school students with disabilities

Characteristics of the reading skill.

Reading is a written form of speech activity, in which the understanding of the information embedded in the text is carried out as a result of the translation of visual signs into speech and auditory. Many scientists point to the huge role of reading in shaping a person as a self-developing personality.

Reading is a complex psychophysiological process. It is carried out as a result of the joint activity of the visual, speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers and includes visual perception. Two aspects of the reading process are distinguished: on the one hand, the perception of letter icons, the correlation of the visual image of the word and its auditory image, i.e. its technical side, on the other hand, reading comprehension. A full-fledged reading skill is characterized by the following qualities: fluency, correctness, expressiveness, consciousness. The first three qualities make up the technique of reading. As the technical side develops, reading comprehension becomes the main quality. The formation of the technical side proceeds in stages: from syllable-by-syllable to reading in whole words, then - a phrase and a sentence. Constant practice turns the technical side into an automated skill.

The process of reading can be represented graphically using the "bicycle wheel" metaphor (see figure). On the proposed model, the reading technique is correlated with the tire, all neuropsychological support with the help of knitting needles, personal experience is marked with an axis, the ability to turn the content of the text into one's personal, cognitive experience in the form of a rim. By imagining the "reading wheel" moving on the surface of the conditional text, one can see the coordinated work of all elements of the structure. This scheme also shows the impossibility of correct assimilation of a readable text if one of the structural elements is violated.

Reading disorders (dyslexia) in students with intellectual disabilities.

Dyslexia, or specific reading disorder, is the most common learning disorder in children. The word "dyslexia" is of Greek origin and means "difficulties with words" (dys - bad, inadequate, lexis - words, speech). The term is applied to those people who with great difficulty master the skills of reading and spelling, in particular, with difficulty mastering written speech. This is a partial inability to master the skill of reading, associated with dysfunction or underdevelopment of certain parts of the cerebral cortex. Children don't "outgrow" dyslexia! Correction of dyslexia is a complex approach that includes non-drug interventions aimed at training cognitive functions and/or their consolidation as a compensatory mechanism. In addition, medication for dyslexia may be helpful.

When addressing reading disorders, it must be taken into account that dyslexia is not an isolated disorder. Therefore, speech therapy influence is directed to the whole complex of speech disorders, to the elimination of violations of oral speech, reading and writing. Dyslexias differ in their mechanisms and severity.

The following types of dyslexia are distinguished, depending on the disturbed mechanisms: phonemic, optical, mnestic and semantic.

Phonemic dyslexias are caused by the underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system: auditory differentiation of phonemes, phonemic analysis and synthesis. There are two groups of reading disorders:

Reading disorders associated with underdevelopment of auditory differentiation of phonemes, distinction of sounds;

Disorders associated with underdevelopment of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Difficulties are caused by letters denoting sounds similar acoustically and

articulatory: c - s, w - u, h - u, f - w, s - s, b - p, d - t, hard and soft, there is a substitution when reading these letters. With the underdevelopment of the functions of phonemic analysis and synthesis, letter-by-letter reading, insertions, omissions, permutations are observed; Difficulties in reading backward syllables.

Optical disorders readings are associated with underdevelopment of higher visual functions: visual analysis and synthesis, optical-spatial representations. In the process of mastering reading, difficulties are noted in the assimilation of graphically similar letters, their mixing and replacement.

Mnestic violations readings are associated with difficulties in establishing relationships between sound and letter, does not remember which letter corresponds to a particular sound. Manifested in the difficulties of assimilation of all letters, in undifferentiated substitutions of letters.

Semantic violations reading (mechanical reading) is a violation of reading comprehension with technically correct reading. They are caused by the underdevelopment of sound-syllabic synthesis; fuzzy, undifferentiated ideas about the syntactic relationships of words within a sentence.

It should be noted that reading disorders in children with intellectual disabilities occur mainly in a complex, complicated, and not in a pure form.

When eliminating reading disorders, the principle of gradual complication of tasks is used, a large number of exercises. The elimination technique is built taking into account the peculiarities of its manifestation, the degree of severity, and the mechanisms of dyslexia. When working, use the interaction of various analyzers, rely on more intact mental functions. General didactic principles should also be taken into account: individual approach, accessibility, visibility, concreteness.

Ways to correct various types of dyslexia.

Elimination of phonemic dyslexias.

In cases where children mix letters, work is being done to differentiate the mixed sounds. The work is carried out according to the plan:

  • Clarification of sound articulation using visual, kinesthetic, tactile, auditory perceptions;
  • Isolation of sound against the background of a syllable;
  • Determination of the presence of sound in a word;
  • Determining the place of sound in a word

In the future, work is carried out to compare mixed sounds: in isolation, in syllables and words, in sentences. Accordingly, the correlation of sound and letter is carried out.

Example: differentiation C - C.


1. With the help of kinesthetic sensations, the location of the organs of articulation is specified.

2. Definition of sounds by articulation.

In syllables:

1. The speech therapist pronounces the syllables: tsa, su, so, tsu, sy. Students pick up the correct letter.

2. Repetition of syllables for a speech therapist.

3. Reading syllables

4. Inventing syllables.

In words:

1. Determine which sound in the word (c or s): is at the beginning of the word, at the end, in the middle.

2. Determine the sequence in which these sounds go in words: starling, fox, daffodil tit.

3. Pick up words with mixed sounds.

4. Name words from the read text with mixed sounds.

5. Select pictures, in the names of which the sound is C, then C.

6. Riddles, lotto.

With letter-by-letter reading, distortions of the sound and syllabic composition of the word, the following work is carried out:

1. Phonematic analysis of the sound range, consisting of two vowels.

2. Phonematic analysis of the sound sequence, consisting of a consonant and a vowel (originally a reverse syllable):

3. Compilation of syllables: direct and reverse.

4. Work on tables:


5. Phonemic analysis of the word.

6. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis:

Change the order of sounds in a syllable (direct - reverse)

Add missing syllable: -pog, po- -yes, -baka (sa, su, co)

Make a word from syllables.

Elimination of optical dyslexias.

Work is carried out in the following areas:

  • Development of visual perception and recognition;
  • Expansion of volume and refinement of visual memory;
  • Formation of spatial perception and representation;
  • Development of visual analysis and synthesis.

The following exercises can be suggested:

Name the items in the picture

Name the contour image of objects

Name the crossed-out contour images

Select contour images superimposed on each other

Find a letter among a number of others

Match letters in different fonts

Learn letters crossed out with additional lines

Identify letters in the wrong position

Select letters overlapping each other

Exercises to clarify children's ideas about shape, size, color

Exercises for the development of visual memory ("What's gone?" Etc.)

Exercises aimed at the formation of spatial perception, spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis (right - left, top - bottom using prepositions, remember the location of objects in relation to each other, drawing according to speech instructions, etc.).

Elimination of mnestic dyslexia.

One of the methods of eliminating mnestic dyslexia, when children cannot remember which letter corresponds to a particular sound, is to use a finger to show the image of the letter. After all, it is known that the development of fine motor skills of the hand is closely related to the development of the child's speech. For example: the letter O is a circle made up of the thumb and forefinger; A - the same fingers are widely spaced, P - the image of a horse's head. Initially, when learning a letter, children accompany the naming of the letter with a display, then as the letter is memorized, the display departs. Practice shows that using this method, children memorize letters faster, further the reading speed improves, and gradually mechanical reading becomes conscious.

Elimination of semantic dyslexias.

Semantic reading disorders arising as a result of underdevelopment of sound-syllabic synthesis are partially overcome by improving the technical side of reading. When a child ceases to pay attention to the recognition of a letter, the merging of letters into syllables; begins to read in whole words, then the child's attention and thinking is freed to assimilate the semantic meaning of words and the text as a whole. In this case, various training exercises are used to develop reading skills. The other side of the work is aimed at expanding the active and passive vocabulary, updating the existing experience of students, their ideas, concepts.

Types of work:

Preparation for the perception of the text through a conversation, a story, excursions, a demonstration of paintings, video materials

Work on unfamiliar and difficult to understand words and expressions

Exercises aimed at determining the semantic structure of the text.

Various types of exercises to eliminate dyslexia.

Exercises for the development of speech breathing.

  • football Roll up a cotton ball and put two cubes as a gate. The child must, blowing on the ball, drive it into the gate.
  • windmill The child blows on the blades of a spinner or windmill from a sand set.
  • snowfall Make snowflakes from cotton wool (loose lumps). Explain to the child what snowfall is and invite the child to blow "snowflakes" from the palm of his hand.
  • leaf fall Cut out various autumn leaves from colored paper and explain to the child what leaf fall is. Invite the child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree.
  • butterfly Cut butterflies out of paper and hang them on strings. Invite the child to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that the child makes a long smooth exhalation).
  • dandelion Invite the child to blow on a faded dandelion (watch for the correct exhalation).
  • storm in a glass Invite the child to blow through a straw into a glass of water (you need to make sure that your cheeks do not puff out and your lips are motionless).

Exercise technique:

  • take in air through the nose
  • do not raise your shoulders
  • exhalation should be long and smooth
  • it is necessary to ensure that the cheeks do not puff out (for starters, you can hold them with your hands)
  • do not repeat the exercises many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness


Imagine that you are little bear cubs and ask your mother to eat. The words are pronounced slowly, on the exhale, clearly pronouncing the sound M:

Mom, honey for us.

Mom, we would like some milk.

"In the elevator"

We ride the elevator and announce the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice: we go from the first floor to the ninth, and then we go down.

"Pen in Teeth"

Speak your name while holding the pen between your teeth and lips.

"Working with a table"

Students take a breath and as they exhale read 15 consonants of the same row:






Development of phonemic perception

  • show the letter and name the sound, articulating clearly: the child should see your lips well;
  • say the sound together with the child in front of the mirror and draw the child's attention to the movement of the lips (when we pronounce the sound "A"- mouth wide open; when we say "O"- lips look like an oval; when pronouncing "at"- lips folded in a tube; when pronouncing "And"- lips stretched into a smile)
  • catch the sound An adult pronounces vowel sounds, and the child must clap his hands when he hears a given sound.
  • attentive baby The adult calls the sound, and the child must show the corresponding symbol.
  • conductor Draw the given letter in the air with the child's hand. Then let the child try to do it on their own.
  • architect Fold the given letter from sticks or matches. Then have the child try to do it on their own. Help him if necessary.
  • sound songs Invite the child to compose sound songs such as "a-u" (children scream in the forest) "uh" (baby crying) "i-a" (screaming donkey) "oh-oh" (we are surprised). First, the child determines the first sound in the song, singing it slowly, then the second. Then the kid, with the help of an adult, lays out this song from sound symbols and reads the chart.

According to the same scheme, work is underway with other speech sounds and the letters denoting them.

Development of clarity of pronunciation.

Exercises that develop the articulatory apparatus.

Working with phrases. Speak slowly with a gradual increase in speed. It is read by the choir and individual students.

Training in pronunciation of vowels in order, combinations of vowels, combinations of vowels and consonants, combinations of consonants.

Reading blocks.

Purpose: to develop the skill of reading in whole words, training the eye muscles and developing voluntary attention.

Blocks are written on the board in a column or row during the lesson, with the requirement to read to yourself as you write. Then the block is read in unison.

The first group of blocks.

Ba would b-e-e-e in! You ha yes do do

Ka ku li la lu mi m-u-u we me-e-e but

Ay-ay she-she ek-ek oh-oh! Wow! Ha-ha-ha! Woman

Ha-ha-ha! Yes Yes Yes! Hey Hey!

Ba-ba dya-dya pa-pa ma-ma

The second group of blocks.

Yeah bai sam ball floor

Out base bull rem won

Vyya gift house already hall

Him bosh car zim lot

Willow scrap dream cape step

liu hatch onion los fox cape rice

Beer bor bur beech bim bus

Already the husband of puddles of skis wad page mazh

The third group of blocks.

Boxing board borscht top wolf talk regiment

Umbrella probe court lift lard walrus cake

Fund fort port zinc scarf pole silk

The fourth group of blocks.

Up swish contribution soared contribution

The meaning of sports pillar guardian trust

Gwalt tract Dnieper Dniester Drozd

The meanings of unfamiliar words are explained by a speech therapist.

Exercises that develop attention to the word and its parts.

"Put the Words"

The words are written on two cards. Fold the cards so that you get a word (birch, fox, milk-ko, ro-tukh).

"Word Hills"

from a hundred

old fish hut

hut fish old

hut fish old man

old fisherman old man



"Half-Erased Words"

1. Minx - the eraser erased some of the letters. Try to recover and read the words. Elements of letters are erased.

2. In the words, the upper or lower part is erased. Guess what words are written.

Speech pathologist-defectologist Statsenko L.V.