Project "where the motherland begins". Long-term project in the preschool educational institution "How the Motherland Begins Project How the Motherland Begins"

Svetlana Chuchuk
Project on moral and patriotic education "Where the Motherland begins"

Project on moral and patriotic education"WITH what begins the motherland"

for children of the senior group

1. Passport project....…. …. 3

2. Relevance project"WITH what begins the motherland» .. ….3

3. Goals and objectives…. ….…4

4. Estimated result. ….…4

5. Stages of implementation project....…5

6. Forms of interaction with children and parents....….5

7. Distribution of content by sections

"My family is my motherland» …. …5

"Nature of the native land". …. …. 6

9. Application….…. 7




Information - practice - oriented


Implementation timeline: 12.03.2018-24.03.2018

Members project:


Children of the senior group

Parents of pupils

Relevance project"WITH what begins the motherland»

I found out that I have

There is a huge family

And the path, and the forest,

In the field, every spikelet!

River, blue sky

This is all mine, dear!

This my motherland!

I love everyone in the world!

Vladimir Orlov

The problem of the patriotic education the younger generation today is one of the most relevant. Historically, so that love for Motherland, patriotism at all times in the Russian state were a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness by our society has become more and more noticeable. Children, beginning from preschool age, suffer from a lack of knowledge about their hometown, country, and the peculiarities of Russian traditions. Also, an indifferent attitude towards close people, group mates, a lack of sympathy and compassion for someone else's grief. And of course, the system of working with parents on the problem of moral and patriotic education in the family.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems is obvious. education patriotism in work with children of preschool age.

Patriotism is a complex and high human feeling, it is so multifaceted in its content that it is indefinable in a few words.

Feeling Motherland begins the child has a relationship with the family, with the people closest to him - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brothers and sisters.

The development of love and attachment to one's home in its original meaning is the first step in the patriotic education preschool children. "Native home"- a complex, multifaceted concept. It includes attitude towards oneself as a person, attitude towards one's family, involvement in family traditions. The first friends of the baby, the kindergarten where he goes, the street on which his house stands - all this is included in the child's ideas about his home, about his "original" homeland.

Gradually, these ideas are expanding. Motherland already associated not only with the house and the street, but with his native city, with the surrounding nature. Later comes the realization of involvement in the region and in Russia, a huge multinational country, a citizen of which the child will become.

Target project:

Education morally-patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age through the development of knowledge about the nature of their native land, the Novosibirsk region. Orient parents of pupils for the patriotic education of children in the family.


To form in children ideas about the family, the city in which they live.

Mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the development of the child as a subject of various types of activities

education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotionally-valuable positive attitude towards oneself and the world around

Formation morally-patriotic feelings by introducing children to musical, literary works about the native land

The development of the personality of a preschooler, his creative abilities, the formation of desire and ability to learn.

Estimated result:

1. Children will replenish their knowledge about the nature of their native land.

2. Children will have value moral qualities, which are the foundation for further humane education, spiritually moral and socially active personality, future worthy citizens of Russia.

3. Cognitive activity, general culture and competence of all participants will increase project.

4. The relationship between children will be strengthened, parents and teachers.

5. A subject-developing environment will be created that promotes moral and patriotic education of children.

Forms of interaction with children and parents

Forms of interaction with children:

Direct educational activities;

Joint activities of children and teachers;

Reading fiction;

Conversations, situational conversations;

Listening to music;

Games (didactic, role-playing, round dance, mobile and communicative)


Forms of interaction with parents:

Consultations on the problems of patriotic parenting;

Children's co-creation and parents.

Forms and methods of implementation project

Stage 1: "My family is my motherland»

cognitive activity "My land"

Conversation "My house"

Compiling stories for topic: "My family"

Problem solving "What is good and what is bad…"

Memorizing a poem Alexey Kabardina "Map of the Novosibirsk Region"

Drawing: “There is no more beautiful than our mothers in the world” (portraits) exhibition of children's drawings

Listening to audio recordings about Novosibirsk

Physical development

Mobile game "A deer has a big house"

Finger gymnastics "Cuckoo"

Role-playing game "Mom's helpers"

Reading the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Psycho-gymnastics "Emotions of my family"

Didactic game "Who will name more affectionate words for their relatives"?

Listening to a fairy tale "Baba Yaga"

Interaction parents

Children's co-creation parents: "Family Tree"

Stage 2: "Nature of the native land"

Cognitive speech development

Story educator

Presentation "Nature of the Novosibirsk region"

Reading about Novosibirsk

Presentation "Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region"

cognitive activity "Russia - my motherland»

Final lesson "WITH what begins the motherland»

Artistic and aesthetic development

modeling: "Eared hedgehog"

Drawing: "I love Russian birch"

Listening: songs about Novosibirsk

Drawing exhibition "WITH what begins the motherland»

Physical development

Russian folk games: "Swan geese", "Carousel", "Cap", "At the bear in the forest", "Burn, burn bright"

Social - personal development

DI "Favorite City"

Role-playing game "Excursion to the reserve"

Watching a cartoon "We live in Russia"

Reading Russian folk fairy tales: "Night at Ivan Kupala", "By the Pike's Command"

Interaction parents

Consultation for parents"How raise a little patriot»

Related publications:

Abstract of the lesson on moral and patriotic education "Where the Motherland begins" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Magadan "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 66" Abstract of the lesson on.

Presentation on patriotic education in the younger group "Where does the Motherland begin" Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. Raising patriotic feelings in children.

Project on the moral and patriotic education of children of the middle group "Russia is my Motherland" Passport of the project on the moral and patriotic education of children “Russia is my Motherland” The project was prepared by the educator of the MBDOU “D / s No. 36“ Yagodka ”.

Project on the moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age "Where the Motherland begins" PROJECT on patriotic education of children of senior preschool age “WHERE THE MOTHERLAND BEGINS FROM” Place of implementation: “Structural subdivision.

About what the Motherland is for each person, it is said in the wise Russian song: "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song." With his song, the nightingale ignites hearts, awakens love, makes you cry, it fills the world with unspeakable beauty. And like a nightingale - a song, only the Motherland is strong, spiritualized, kind and beautiful man.

Zhavoronok - the herald of the dawn, shows that the district and the city are among the first in the Moscow region to meet the dawn - the district is located in the southeast of the region. Azure and silver wavy belts symbolize natural features - the Oka River, numerous lakes located on the territory of the region. A through rhombus (shuttle) characterizes the district as a textile one, which was developed thanks to textile manufactories. The golden ear indicates the presence of agriculture in the area. Gold is a symbol of strength, greatness, wealth, intelligence, generosity. The green color of the fields indicates the abundance in the forest area. Green is a symbol of spring, joy, hope, life, nature, and also a symbol of health. Coat of arms of the Ozyorsky district

"Where does the Motherland begin ..."

Project type: Cognitive and creative

Project name: “Where does the Motherland begin ...”

Project duration: long-term

Project participants: Children of the second younger group


It is necessary to instill in a child love for his home, family, kindergarten, and his homeland from the first years of life. The kid should understand that having a home is a great blessing. Everything good begins with the home and the mother - the keeper of the hearth.

The catchphrase “Everything starts from childhood” is the best fit for this issue. Education of the child's feelings from the first years of life is an important pedagogical task. A child is not born good or evil, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on the parents, teachers and adults around him, on how they bring him up, what impressions they enrich. The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent today. Historically, love for the motherland, patriotism at all times in the Russian state have been a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness by our society has become more and more noticeable.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with children of preschool age is obvious.

Patriotism is a complex and high human feeling, it is so multifaceted in its content that it is indefinable in a few words.

The feeling of the Motherland begins in a child with the relationship to the family, to the people closest to him - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brothers and sisters.

The development of love and affection for one's home in its original meaning is the first step in the patriotic education of preschool children. "Native home" is a complex, multifaceted concept. It includes attitude towards oneself as a person, attitude towards one's family, involvement in family traditions. The first friends of the baby, the kindergarten where he goes, the street on which his house stands - all this is included in the child's ideas about his home, about his "original" homeland.

Gradually, these ideas are expanding. The motherland is already associated not only with the house and the street, but with the native village (city, with the surrounding nature. Later comes the realization of involvement in the region and in Russia, a huge multinational country, a citizen of which the child will become. Therefore, patriotic education is inseparably connected with familiarization of the environment us of the world.

In order to instill love for the Motherland in children, you first need to instill in them love for the closest - the native family and kindergarten, because this is the foundation of the foundations of spiritual and moral education, its first and most important step. A preschooler must first recognize himself as a family member, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as an inhabitant of planet Earth.

Therefore, it was decided to develop and implement the project "Where the Motherland Begins", which would consist of several stages, which are reflected in the long-term plan.

Target: To improve the quality of family education and the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of their children, to expand the educational opportunities of the family.


to educate in children love for parents and loved ones, respect for universal values;

create conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children, their comfortable stay in a preschool institution;

coordinate the actions of parents, educators, children against the background of emotionally rich communication and positive interaction,

to acquaint parents with the methods and techniques of organizing leisure activities in the family;

enrich parent-child relationships with joint creative and leisure activities;

create conditions for the formation of goodwill, kindness and friendliness in children;

develop emotional responsiveness;

to involve parents in active participation in the activities of the preschool educational institution;

to promote the professional growth of educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions;

to form in children ideas about relationships in the family on the basis of literary works.

Expected results

From children:

1. Development of communication skills, a stable emotional state in the family, responsiveness, goodwill, non-conflict behavior in the family.

From parents:

Raising the level of pedagogical culture.

Increasing pedagogical competence on the issues of raising children in the family. Formation of experience in working with children to develop communication and cooperation skills, preparing their child for social relationships

Developing parents' interest in themselves as educators.

The desire to make your child's childhood happy.

From teachers:

Strengthening the system of interconnection of the work of all preschool teachers on this topic

Improving the professional competence of teachers.

Training in the skills and ability to set specific tasks in working with each family (taking into account age, education, cultural level and views on education) and the choice of adequate methods and forms.

The main forms of project implementation: Conversations, directly educational activities, reading fiction, interaction and participation of parents.

Project implementation principles:

Accounting for age characteristics


Collaboration with parents

A long-term plan for the implementation of the project "Where the Motherland Begins ..."


"Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten"

  1. GCD Cognition (FTsKM) Topic: "Our group" Volchkov, p. 12
  2. Conversations on the topic “My family”, “Who works in the kindergarten?” “On the duties of family members”, “Me and my friends in kindergarten2
  3. Physical entertainment "Together it's fun to play"

Day of the elderly, my family

1. GCD Communication Topic: "Stories about your family",

"Adults and Children" p. 269.267 Volchkov;

FKCM Topic: "My family" Volchkova p.265

Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Theme: "Grandmother's colored balls"

"Painting of autumn leaves for grandmother"

Complex classes p.68,62

2. Role-playing games "My family", "Moms walk with their daughters"

3. Working with parents. Consultation "What is a family tree?"

Parent meeting "My family", photo exhibition "Our friendly family"

"My Favorite Kindergarten"

"Mothers Day"

  1. GCD Communication Topic: "It's good in our garden", "My beloved mother"

FTsKM Topic: "Excursion to the kitchen", "Toys that live in our group" Volchkova, "Me and my mother"

Modeling: "Gingerbread cookies for mom" Drawing "Multi-colored balls for mom"

  1. Conversation "How we play in the kindergarten", "How to behave in a group." "Let's help each other"
  2. Role-playing game "Kindergarten", "The bus takes children to kindergarten", "Mom puts children to bed", "Moms take children to kindergarten"
  3. Independent activity of children looking at the album "Our d / garden"
  4. Work with parents "Organize a walk for children and parents around the kindergarten site", presentation "One day in kindergarten"
  5. Game situation "Let's never quarrel"
  6. Situation of communication "Good morning mommy,"
  7. Fiction "That's what kind of mother" B. Zakhoder "My mother" V Suteev
  8. Didactic game "Call Mom affectionately"
  9. Evening entertainment "That's what mom"

"Christmas get-togethers"

  1. Viewing albums with Russian cities
  2. Conversation “Russian ritual holidays”, “How we celebrated the New Year at home”
  3. NOD FTsKM topic: "Russian ritual holidays"
  4. Application "Christmas boot2
  5. Musical and artistic activity "Singing carols to the music", "Kolyada has come"
  6. Games with attributes of Russian life. Role-playing game "Let's prepare a festive treat for friends" "We're going to visit grandma"
  7. Work with parents "The carol has come to visit"

"Who serves in the Army?", Maslenitsa week

  1. Conversation "Military professions", "How to congratulate dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Festival of February 23"
  2. Fiction Reading works about the army
  3. NOD FTsKM Topic: "Introduction to the Maslenitsa holiday"

Communication Topic: “All kinds of dads are important”

Reviewing the album "Who serves in the army"

Drawing "Airplanes are flying"

  1. Musical and artistic activity Listening to the songs “Our dads are great”


Conversation “How do we congratulate mom”, “That's it, mom, right golden!”

D / I "Beads for mom, "Mom's helpers", "Collect a bouquet for mom", "Gifts for mom", "Let's help mom cook dinner"

Reading the story "Mom" by D. Gabe, "Mom's portrait" by T. Vieru, "That's what mom is" by E. Blaginina, Y. Akim "Mom"


"Me and my mom"

Tasks: To develop in children a good attitude and love for their mother. To evoke a sense of pride and joy for the deeds and actions of a loved one, a feeling of gratitude for caring. Strengthen the ability to work with diagrams.

Volchkova s. 255


Theme: "My beloved mother"

Tasks: Connected speech: To teach children to answer the teacher's questions. Compose a short story with the help of an educator using the algorithm.

Vocabulary: Teach children to choose the right adjectives and verbs. Activate dictionary.

Sound culture of speech: Learn to pronounce words clearly, loudly, consolidate pronunciation (h), (m).

Volchkova p.257


Subject:"Bouquet of flowers for mom." Tasks: To acquaint with paper folklore as a kind of folk arts and crafts. Arouse interest in creating beautiful flower arrangements based on the application (bouquet, flowerpot, garland). Learn to compose a composition of ready-made elements (flowers) on a complex shape (silhouette of a bouquet or flowerpot), choose and stick a vase (from textured paper) and make a bouquet of paper flowers. (Lykova, p. 104)


Theme: "Flowers for mommy (greeting cards)". Tasks: Arouse the desire to draw a picture as a gift for March 8th. Learn to draw flowers based on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appearance of plants (corolla, stem, leaves). Practice in the technique of drawing with gouache paints: combine different shapes and lines, independently choose the color and size of the brushes. Develop a sense of shape and color. Cultivate a caring attitude towards mom, a desire to please. (Lykova, p. 106) xt, p, s

"Grandmother's Day"

"Poetry Contest about Mom" ​​-

WORK WITH PARENTS Exhibition of photographs "My Mom".

"Cosmonautics Day"

“Let’s bow to those great years…”

Communication Topic: "Talk about professions"

Tasks: To contribute to the formation of the idea that there is such a profession - an astronaut. Awaken interest in different professions. Cultivate interest in working people. To promote the development of independent thinking and choice. Mosalova L.L. p.59

Artistic creativity (Application). Topic: "Napkins for tea drinking for Cosmonautics Day."

Tasks: Learn to make a pattern on a sheet of square paper, arranging small squares and triangles in a certain order. Develop spatial representations: in the middle, in the corners, above, below, on the side. Refine representations: in the middle, in the corners, above, below, on the side. Develop a sense of color and composition. Cultivate initiative. T.S. Komarova, p.36

Artistic creativity (Drawing).

Theme: "Star-Sun". Tasks: Generate interest in drawing a cheerful sun playing with rings. Show the similarities and differences between a circle and a ring (by type and method of representation). Create conditions for independent choice of materials and means of artistic expression. Exercise in drawing with a brush (draw with all the pile, freely move around the circle and in different directions). Develop a sense of shape and color. (Lykova I.A. p. 118).

Cognition (FTsKM)

Theme: "Cosmonautics Day"

Tasks: To give an idea to children about the day of cosmonautics, which will be celebrated by the whole country on April 12. Talk about the importance of the profession. Look at the pictures of what an astronaut looks like. What kind of costume does he have. Teach children to answer the teacher's questions coherently. Choose definitions for words. Understand the meaning of riddles and find an answer;

Artistic creativity (Lepka). Theme: "Rocket".

Artistic creativity (Drawing). Theme: Stars in the sky.


FTsKM NOD Theme: "Adults and children need peace on the whole planet"

NOD Topic: "The city is preparing for the holiday"

To acquaint children with the concept of "war", about the grief that it brought, about the heroic defense of our soldiers, about the significance of the Victory Day for our people.

Conversation Topics:

"Who are veterans?"

“What is sung about in the songs of the war years?”

How can you congratulate veterans?

"War is scary"

Reviewing albums: "Military equipment"

"The Great Patriotic War in children's drawings"

Application. Theme: "Holiday is Coming Soon"

To teach children to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures, to independently find a place for flags and balls. Create a joyful and solemn atmosphere. To tell that we are decorating the group for the great holiday of Victory Day.


(spray technique)

"Fireworks" To acquaint children with the technique of drawing with the "spray" technique.

Develop fine motor skills.

Raise respect for the soldiers-liberators.

Listening to war songs

WORKING WITH PARENTS In the corner for parents, place a poster with congratulations “Victory is 70 years old!”

Campaign to register your relative "Immortal Regiment"

Take part in the action "Victory Flower - Lilac", plant a lilac bush on the site of the kindergarten

Organize an exhibition of children's works "The world through the eyes of children"

"A true man and a son of the Fatherland are one and the same"
(A.N. Radishchev)

Kind of work: educational project on Moscow studies

The relevance of research.

Education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family is one of the fundamental principles of state policy in the field of education, enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The upbringing of a young citizen, healthy morally and
physically capable of defending the Fatherland.

Citizenship is the quality of a person, which consists in the consciousness of duty to society and the active implementation of it. On the basis of this quality, a patriotic feeling of belonging to the fate of the Fatherland matures in the hearts of our children as the highest level of civic consciousness. In this sense, the education of patriots is the highest task of any education system, which has not lost its significance throughout the history of mankind.

Formation of pupils' ideas about Russia as a multinational Fatherland, a common home.

In their practice, teachers often face the following problems with students:

  • lack of available information on the history of their region;
  • lack of skills to independently search for information on a topic of interest;
  • misconceptions about the significance of the NATIVE LAND in the history of the country and each person individually;
  • poor ability to present acquired knowledge to others.

In the school curriculum, Moscow studies are studied and integrated, which does not make it possible to fully study the subject. This educational project will help to interest students in this subject.

Project problem: Is it possible, through the study of the history of one's NATIVE LAND, to instill a sense of citizenship and patriotism.

Objective of the project: To study the history of the Native land and connect it with the events of the history of the whole country.

Project objectives:

  1. Concretize and generalize knowledge on the problem posed.
  2. To expand knowledge on the history of the North-East Administrative Okrug, its individual regions.
  3. Learn to search for information, both on individual issues and without specifying the problem, using modern sources of information.
  4. Check the acquired knowledge of knowledge in a playful way.
  5. Showcase your creativity.

Form of organization of children: group work, individual.

Leading activity: search, research, creative.

Scope of results: cultural, linguistic, local history.

Form of project activity products:

  • photographs, photo essay
  • video audio recordings
  • poster presentations
  • layout of the Otradnoye district in the future

How to combine results in a presentation: Conducting consultations for the exchange of accumulated material, visiting the Museum of the History of the City of Moscow, preparing and defending reports.

Presentation type: Presentation of the layout "Our Otradnoe in the Future" at the quiz "I am a Muscovite", participation in the district competition of educational projects "Clever and clever".

Subject area: interdisciplinary.

List of participants: single class.

The nature of coordination: explicit - at the initial stage, then - hidden.

Themes of the educational and thematic plan:

  • Our city Moscow. What do I know about Moscow.
  • My small motherland

Working hours: one month.

Learning objectives:

  • get acquainted with the history of SVAO;
  • review the history of the districts of the North-East Administrative Okrug
  • form an idea of ​​the connection between the history of the district and the history of the country.
  • to teach how to use reference, popular science literature, periodicals, modern sources of information;
  • to teach the search for information in the museum on the example of material monuments.

Development goals:

  • develop the speech and imagination of students;
  • development of cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions;
  • development of creative abilities of students on the example of preparing a layout of the Otradnoye district in the future

Educational goals: fostering love for the native nest, pride in the capital, a sense of belonging to the fate of the Fatherland, the moral qualities of students: kindness, mutual assistance, attentiveness, diligence, patriotism.

Working mode: out-of-class.

Information and technical equipment: Internet, district and school libraries, museums, movies, history room.

Involved specialists: class teachers, teachers of Russian language and literature, history teachers, guides, museum curators.

Stages of work on the project

1. Preparatory stage

At the Moscow studies lesson, the teacher invites students to take part in the project “Where does the Motherland begin?”, After which two groups are formed to participate in the project. A plan and schedule of activities are outlined, the load is distributed among students. The result of the activities within the framework of the project should be the knowledge gained, the presentation of the layout "Our Otradnoe in the future" at the quiz "I am a Muscovite"

2. Work planning


  • identify sources of information (reference literature, excursion activities, the Internet, conversations with guides, teachers, caretakers of the History of Moscow museum)
  • search for information on the history of Moscow, North-East Administrative District and the Otradnoye region in the Internet and literary sources.
  • determination of the scope of work of each project participant
  • analytical generalization of the obtained results
  • determination of the composition of the quiz participants (12 people).
  • creation of team symbols and mottos.
  • protection of the project in the course of carrying out search tasks in the Museum of the History of Moscow At this stage, an action plan is developed, responsibilities are distributed and deadlines are determined in stages, a method for collecting and analyzing information is planned, and the form of the final presentation of the result is planned.

Each group gets a task.

3. Collection of information.

Visiting libraries, studying the literature on this issue, watching a / d, talking with adults, the Internet, excursion activities.

4. Information analysis.

During extracurricular time, students share the results of their search activities, the teacher corrects, clarifies statements, helps to highlight the main thing, lead the children to determine the conclusion.

5. Presentation of the results of project activities.

The result of this project activity is the presentation of the layout "Our Otradnoe in the Future" at the quiz "I am a Muscovite", participation in the district competition of educational projects "Clever and clever".


In the process of working on a student project, students mastered the following:

  • communication skills;
  • the ability to independently acquire knowledge using various sources of information, thereby developing their horizons;
  • learned to develop the skill of working according to a clearly defined plan (in stages);
  • learned to develop the ability to think logically, analyze, generalize and draw conclusions;
  • developed creative abilities.

Working on this problem, the guys were convinced that projects are a necessary type of activity in such a lesson as the history of Moscow. The process of working on the project included the social development of students. It included the appropriation by them of universal human values, national traditions, citizenship, love for their family, Motherland.

“Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins with small things -
with love for his family, for his home, for his kindergarten.
Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the Motherland,
its history, past and present, to all mankind."
D. S. Likhachev

My goal was to educate a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland. Through a patriotic feeling to educate a person, a citizen of his country. Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the family, city, country, nature of the native land.

All work was planned and divided into the following topics:

"My family":To educate a culture of behavior, the beginnings of humanism, humane relations between children and adults (fulfillment of the elementary rules of the hostel, goodwill, responsiveness, caring attitude towards loved ones, etc.); education of collectivism, the formation of collectivistic relationships of children.

« My city, region and region where I live »: Raising a child's love and affection for his home, the land where he was born, on the basis of familiarization with his native nature, culture and traditions. Education of patriotism, respect for the past and present of the Urals and Kirovgrad.

« Russia is my Motherland! »: To instill in children a love for the great, multinational Motherland - Russia, to bring to an understanding: to love the Motherland means to know its history, culture, people

« Earth is our common home »: To instill in children a love for the nature of the Earth, a desire to protect and protect it. Learn to live in peace with yourself and other people in harmony and unity with nature.

The project was long and complex. Children know what the Motherland and Russia, the Urals, their native land are. They coped with the tasks assigned to them, learned a lot of new things, consolidated previously acquired knowledge. Parents were satisfied with the work done.

I believe that my children will love and protect their loved ones, be proud of their country, region and city, will be patriots of the Fatherland, its defenders. The sprouts of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to their native city, to Russia, to the nature of their native land, to the cultural heritage of their people, sown in a kindergarten, will grow into a great and wonderful feeling of patriotism, responsiveness, sympathy, kindness, joy for others, feelings encouraging to active actions: to help, show care, attention, calm, please. And I am proud that these children are my pupils.

In the photo: Me and my children in the city park.
Love for one's native land begins with love for nature.

Long-term project Where does the Motherland begin?