Sensory development in preschool age. Sensory Education for Preschool Children

The child enters preschool age at 3 years old, when he begins to perceive the world with his own eyes. This period of formation of the personality of a small person ends before entering the school stage, usually it is 7 years old.

Fundamentals of sensory education for preschoolers

The child enters preschool age at 3 years old, when he begins to perceive the world with his own eyes. This period of formation of the personality of a small person ends before entering the school stage, usually it is 7 years old. This is a fairly long period for a child's body, so age can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • junior preschool;
  • middle preschool;
  • senior preschool.

In a short period of his life, the child makes a real breakthrough in his psychological development. At this stage of growing up, the baby separates from his parents, he begins to feel and perceive the world on his own. The child especially sensitively feels the need not just for a parent nearby, but for a mentor and teacher. And the better parents cope with this important task, the more they know about the psychological needs of their baby, the more comfortable the process of adaptation to adulthood will be for the child.

The content of the psychological development of preschoolers

In children of this age, interest in communicating with peers awakens: the child ceases to perform actions exclusively together with his parents and strives for independence. There are three key points in the behavior of preschool children:

  • expanding the child's social circle;
  • involvement in role-playing games;
  • formation of a system of values ​​and figurative thinking.

Children begin to establish their first social contacts, they fence themselves off from an adult. In children of this age, the first conscious decisions are made, his ambitions and desire to be the first, to be a leader in a group of peers are manifested.

The child actively imitates the life of adults, trying to be like them, and adopts behavioral models within the framework of role-playing games, their tasks can be different: daughters-mothers, games in the hospital, school, shop, etc. During the game, the child models behavior in a particular life situation in the likeness of the behavior of parents. In addition, other children are also involved in the game, which also contributes to the social adaptation of the baby.

At this stage of growing up, the child begins to form his own system of values, the content of which is based on the moral norms adopted in the family. The child begins to perceive the world not as straightforwardly as before: by the senior preschool age, he is already able to look at himself from the outside. His speech becomes mediated and planned.

The main tasks of parents in the preschool period of a child's development are to accompany his psychological and moral development so that school does not become stressful for him. One of the key aspects of successful school preparation is sensory education.

What is sensory education

In the preschool period, children's sense organs are actively developing, with the help of developed figurative and visual thinking, kids receive a lot of information about what surrounds them, learns the shape of objects and their properties. It is for the improvement of these skills in the process of education that sensory development is singled out separately.

Sensory education (from the Latin "sensus" - "sensation, feeling") is the development and improvement of the development of preschoolers' sensations, perceptions and ideas. These processes are the first stage of sensory cognition of the world; on their basis, sensory cognition of the world and further mental education are formed, so the timely development of sensory feelings in children is extremely important. The solution of this problem will allow the child to perform successful psychological activities in the future.

The basis of sensory education is the improvement of his knowledge and skills regarding the external properties and dimensions of objects and phenomena, space and time. The child begins to adequately perceive shapes and sizes, distances, distinguish colors, evaluate weight and temperature, develops an ear for music.

Features of sensory development in preschool children

Sensory development of the child occurs due to the successful assimilation of sensory traditional standards. The standards are colors (primary colors of the rainbow), geometric shapes, the metric system of measures, its content. As a rule, by the age of three, a child knows several primary colors, can choose one of two objects, distinguishes between a circle and a square, knows the words “more” and “less”, willingly names different types of animals and imitates sounds, preschoolers of this age solve light logical tasks.

In addition to knowing the established standards, the child needs to understand the principle of their work. Children of primary preschool age do this mainly by touch: their actions are indicative, they explore objects for a long time before making one or another conclusion.

By the age of five, these skills are being improved, the processes of feeling and perceiving the world around us develop. Learning objects through the game (designing, drawing), the baby begins to more subtly distinguish colors, shapes of objects, their correspondence or difference. Tactile contact is accompanied by visual, auditory, olfactory.

Another indicator that the baby's sensory skills are developing at the proper level is speech. By the age of 5-7, the child should develop a vocabulary that allows not only to name objects, but also to give them definitions, to indicate their signs. Also, imagination is actively developing in children of this age: the child can create the content of images of objects that he has not yet met, endow them with properties, think out hidden details.

Methodology of sensory education

In order for the process of sensory education of the baby to be successful, it is necessary to integrate various methods into games and his usual daily activities. The method of sensory education of a child involves several basic methods, we will consider each of them.


This is the initial level of sensory education, it begins even when the baby picks up his first rattle. Children's toys are made in bright colors and have standard shapes so that the child can remember the basic sensory patterns. And if before the onset of preschool age, kids simply manipulate objects, then by preschool age they begin to make a real examination of objects, carefully study the forms, distinguishing sizes, colors, geometric shapes, and their content.

Learning to examine objects in preschoolers is necessary to identify the properties of an object, so that in the future the child has personal experience. Each subject is purely individual, but the rules of the survey, the methodology, in general, are similar:

  • the study of the general, holistic view of the subject;
  • division of the object into separate main parts and identification of the main features (shape, color, material, etc.);
  • studying the location of parts in space (they are on the right or left, above or below, etc.);
  • the study of the smallest details and their location in space.

After these manipulations, the child once again examines the general appearance of the object, summarizing the information received and reinforcing it with tactile sensations.

Special attention should be paid to the study of nature. Nature provides colossal material for studying the structure of the world and the properties of certain objects. In winter, snow is of particular interest to children. For example, if younger preschoolers need to touch it in order to draw a conclusion about the properties of snow, then older preschoolers can determine whether the snow is sticky or loose, only by its external characteristics.

Autumn is rich in colors, watching how the leaves fall from the trees, the child learns the change of seasons. Looking at various fallen leaves: from ash, oak, birch, poplar, he begins to memorize the varieties of trees. In summer, there are even more bright colors, as well as smells: smell flowers with your child, study colors. An excellent tool for the sensory development of the baby will be a trip to the sea, lake or river, where you can go into the water, walk barefoot on the sand. These tactile sensations the child will be able to analyze, remember the properties of phenomena. Spring is the period of the birth of a new life, pay your child's attention to how the birds sing, returning from warm countries, or the snow melts, turning into water again.

Didactic games

Didactic games will become an assistant in the rational use of toys. These are training sessions conducted in the form of games that allow developing the child's logical skills, developing motor skills, and analytical abilities.

Thanks to such games, children gradually, in the form of games, study sensory standards, develop fine motor skills, logical skills and analytical abilities. There are a lot of didactic games, but they can be divided into zones of influence:

  • for the development of a child's speech (games with a description of drawings or objects);
  • for the development of hearing (“guess by voice”);
  • for the development of taste (“guess by taste”);
  • for the development of fine motor skills (puzzles, designers, etc.).

The role of didactic games in the sensory education of the child is colossal. Fascinated by the game, he gladly fulfills all the requests and conditions of the game, learning is easy and fun. Thanks to these games, children begin to competently build their speech, it becomes more figurative. This technique helps to build their understanding of the nature of different objects, and games for the development of motor skills are an excellent tool for developing logical skills and increasing the mobility of the fingers.

You can come up with a didactic game for your child yourself.

    Just pay attention to:
  1. what aspects of sensory education need additional development;
  2. what games are most attractive to the baby.

Creative activity

Developing sensory education through creativity is an excellent technique for examining objects and instilling a sense of beauty in a child from a very young age. In addition, fantasy and imagination develop, the child, looking at the source materials, begins to present the final version.

In order for the creative process to be productive, you need to constantly talk with the child and ask him to talk about what he is doing. If you are drawing a house, ask the kid what kind of house it is, who lives in it. Discuss the drawing itself in detail: what parts it consists of, what color, how they are located in relation to each other.

The development of fine motor skills has a beneficial effect on the overall development of the child and the improvement of his speech. Invite your child to mold several figures or a whole panel from plasticine. The child, being carried away by the game, independently thinks through the details and makes up a whole story, endowing the characters with one quality or another.

At preschool age, children are very sensitive to the words of adults, because they see them as mentors and follow the example shown in everything. Words are very important in the development of sensory skills, they produce a reinforcing effect - the child receives new knowledge, but only with the help of an adult can he systematize them and designate them with one word or another, give them names.

Methods of sensory education of children with intellectual disabilities

Children with diagnosed developmental disabilities have a lack of interest in the world around them and a low level of development of tactile skills. They move poorly chaotically, their coordination is disturbed. With such children, correctional and developmental work on sensory education is carried out, aimed at developing the perception of different properties and shapes of objects.

To achieve a result, it is necessary that the classes are systematic and comprehensive. During classes, it is necessary to work out all types of the child's life: regimen, games, classes, walks. So it will be easier for children to adapt and perceive the world around them. It is important that in contact with objects, its examination and study, the child experiences emotions. With systematic work, children develop sensory stimuli, they begin to recognize and respond positively to the studied subjects. All actions must be accompanied by loud, accessible and intelligible speech, and all manifestations of independence in the baby should be encouraged.


For normal, age-appropriate, mental development, the baby needs to fully study the properties and nature of the objects surrounding him, be able to describe them and identify differences. It is necessary to start studying with a child from early childhood, but it is precisely preschool age that allows you to consolidate and systematize your child's skills, develop them and improve them.

At the first stages of sensory education, children get acquainted with sensory standards, study them. Then, when they receive much more information about the structure of the world through examination, they begin to use the existing knowledge to identify new qualities of objects and phenomena.

One can rightly call sensory education, laid down in preschool age, the foundation of a child's mental development, his intelligence and learning abilities. Knowledge of the world occurs in the process of play, the child perceives the learning process with curiosity, he is involved in the process.

Summing up, the main methods of sensory development can be called the following methods:

  • examination of objects;
  • didactic games;
  • creative pursuits.

Non-standard ways of sensory education include, for example, going to the zoo. In combination with the correct actions of the parents or the leader of the excursion, the content of such a trip will not only bring extraordinary impressions, but will also be able to systematize the information received immediately. Learn that some animals live on land, others live underwater. It is very important not just to tell, but to conduct a dialogue with the child, to ask him questions that make him activate brain activity. Such a trip to the zoo will help develop a child's love for animals, interest in wildlife and fauna.

To help parents, bookstores and children's shops sell sets for didactic games, educational games and books. For example, one of these books has a new cover on each page - one page is covered with wool, another has a mustache made of fishing line that resembles an animal mustache, and so on. You can make these benefits yourself.


Psychologists have written and compiled a huge number of manuals on the sensory education of children of different ages. One of the most interesting practical aids is the book by E. Davydova "Fabulous world of the sensory room". In it, as the main tool for the development of sensory, she suggests using a specially equipped room in which there is simultaneously a huge amount of sounds and images: the murmur of a stream, music, birdsong, snow, rain, various lighting, etc. Finding a child in a room activates several organs of sensory development at once.

In another manual, compiled by a practicing teacher N. Kirpichnikova, you can find a lot of useful tips on planning sensory education. Activities are distributed depending on the age of the preschooler, the book contains many practical ideas that can be used in working with the baby.

A wide variety of basic didactic games for child development can be found in the classic guide for kindergarten teachers "Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers".

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Sensory development of children of primary preschool age is one of the main directions of their mental development in general.

Having been born, the child is able to see, hear, feel heat and cold, i.e. perceive the infinite variety of the environment. One of the main systems in the human body, aimed at the perception and representation of objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, is called sensory (feeling).

At each age, sensory education has its own challenges. In early childhood and early preschool age, ideas about color, shape, and size are accumulated. It is important that these representations are varied. This means that the child must be introduced to all varieties of properties - all the colors of the spectrum, with geometric shapes. Develop cognitive and language skills. Determine the color, size, shape of objects by visual, tactile and motor examination, comparison. In its centuries-old practice, humanity has created a certain reference system of sizes, shapes, and color tones.

Based on the data of science about this age, we can judge not from the point of view of its imperfection, but from the point of view of its uniqueness. His weakness and imperfection is essentially his strength, since imperfection is the limitlessness of the possibilities of spiritual and physical perfection.

The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.

At the stage of early preschool age, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. Early and younger preschool age is considered "golden time" sensory development.

Thus, the relevance of the research problem lies in the fact that human knowledge of the world around begins with "living contemplation" , with feeling (reflections of individual properties of objects and phenomena of reality with direct impact on the senses) and perception (reflection in general of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, acting at the moment on the senses). It is known that the development of sensations and perceptions creates the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of all other, more complex cognitive processes. (memory, imagination, thinking).

Much attention has been paid to research in the field of sensory development of a preschooler by many domestic and foreign scientists. The most important contribution to the development of research in this direction was made by such domestic authors as A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.G. Ruzskaya, N.A. Vetlugina, L.A. Wenger, V.P. Zinchenko, P. Sakulina, E. G. Pilyugina, E.I. Tikheeva and many others, as well as foreign ones: Ya. A. Kamensky, F. Froebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly. However, even today there is a need to study the sensory development of children of primary preschool age, as one of the most important areas for the comprehensive development of the child's psyche.

Problem: what are the possibilities for the influence of didactic games on the sensory development of younger preschoolers.

The purpose of the study is to study the theoretical issues of sensory development of younger preschoolers and to test the system of didactic games for the sensory development of children of primary preschool age.

The object of the study is the sensory development of children of primary preschool age.

The subject of the research is the sensory development of a younger preschooler in the process of didactic games in a preschool institution.

Research objectives:

  1. study and analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;
  2. determine the content and means of sensory development of children of primary preschool age;
  3. to analyze the methods and conditions for using didactic games for the sensory development of younger preschoolers;
  4. empirically determine the effectiveness of the proposed methods and didactic games.

Research methods: analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, descriptive method, method of generalizing advanced pedagogical experience in sensory development of younger preschoolers, methods of qualitative and quantitative data processing.

In this paper, we propose a model of sensory development in kindergarten No. 1863 in the second junior group No. 3, as well as a phased system of games aimed at the sensory development of younger preschoolers.

The methodological basis of the study is:

  • psychological theory of activity and its pedagogical aspect (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, etc.)
  • the concept of the formation of perceptual actions (L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.P. Zinchenko, B.F. Lomov, H.N. Poddyakov, etc.)

Research on Sensory Development in Early Preschool Children (Sh.A. Abdullaeva, L.A. Venger, D.Kh. Gizatullina, Z.M. Istomina, V.I. Lupandin, L.N. Pavlova, E.G. Pilyugina, E.I. Radina and others .)

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

The work was carried out in GBOU TsO kindergarten No. 1863

In the second junior group No. 3

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the problem of sensory development of children of primary preschool age by means of didactic games

1. 1. Sensory development as a psychological and pedagogical problem

The importance of sensory development in early preschool age cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs and accumulating ideas about the world around us. Without purposeful upbringing, assimilation occurs spontaneously, and it often turns out to be superficial, inferior. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the systematic work of a teacher with children to develop and enrich the child's sensory experience, which will contribute to the formation of his ideas about the properties and qualities of objects. These directions are implemented by the teacher of the preschool educational institution in the course of sensory education of children .

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, the essence and content of the sensory development and education of preschool children are quite fully described. At the same time, the practical experience of organizing sensory education for children of primary preschool age in a preschool educational institution has been partially lost. There is a need to generalize the achievements of the past in the field of sensory development, to systematize recommendations for improving the sensory education of children of primary preschool age in order to determine effective ways and means of organizing sensory education of children in modern conditions and putting them into practice.

Outstanding foreign scientists (F. Fröbel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly), as well as well-known representatives of domestic preschool pedagogy and psychology (E. I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova, etc.), rightly believed that sensory education, aimed at ensuring the full sensory development of children, is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature (A. V. Zaporozhets, L. A. Venger, A. G. Ruzskaya) on the problem allowed us to highlight the essence of the sensory education of preschool children. Based on the definition given by L. A. Wenger, sensory education was considered as a purposeful pedagogical influence that ensures the formation of sensory cognition and the improvement of sensations and perception. The result of purposeful sensory education of preschool children is sensory development . Therefore, at each age stage, the tasks of sensory education of children should correspond to their level of sensory development. .

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size. Position in space, as well as smell, taste. The importance of sensory development in early preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is favorable for the improvement of the senses, the accumulation of ideas about the world around .

The main task of sensory development is to create conditions for the formation of perception as the initial stage of cognition of the surrounding reality. From the perception of objects and phenomena begins the knowledge of the surrounding world. Such forms of cognition as - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception, are the results of their processing. Therefore, normal mental development is impossible without relying on full perception.

The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.

According to A.G. Uruntaeva, the meaning of sensory education is that it:

  • is the basis for intellectual development
  • organizes the chaotic representations of the child, obtained by interacting with the outside world
  • develops observation
  • preparing for real life
  • has a positive effect on the aesthetic feeling
  • is the basis for the development of imagination
  • develops attention
  • gives the child the opportunity to master new ways of subject-cognitive activity
  • ensures the assimilation of sensory standards
  • ensures the development of learning skills

Affects the expansion of the child's vocabulary .

So, the sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the properties of objects and various phenomena of the surrounding world. Sensory standards are an important issue in sensory development.

According to L.A. Wenger, sensory standards are generally accepted samples of the external properties of objects . Sensory standards have developed historically and are compared with them, compare the results of perception. Seven colors of the spectrum and their shades in lightness and saturation act as sensory color standards, geometric shapes are used as shape standards, and the metric system of measures is used as size standards. (in everyday life, the value is often determined by eye, by comparing one object with another, that is, it is relative). In auditory perception, the standards are pitch relations, phonemes of the native language, musical notes, etc. There are different types of standards in taste perception - these are four main tastes (salty, sweet, sour, bitter) and their combinations. In olfactory perception, there is a highly specialized division of odors into sweet and bitter, fresh, light and heavy odors, etc.

The formation of sensory standards in children is of great importance in sensory education. The assimilation of sensory standards is a long and complex process, not limited to preschool childhood.

N. N. Podyakov argues that knowledge of sensory standards teaches us to use ideas about the varieties of each property to analyze and highlight the properties of a wide variety of objects in various situations, that is, to use them as "units of measure" . The word is of great importance in the assimilation of sensory standards. In the process of perception, the child accumulates visual, auditory, tactile (tactile), gustatory and olfactory patterns. But at the same time, it is necessary that the properties and relationships of the objects that the child perceives are connected - indicated by a word, which helps to fix the images of objects in the representation, to make them more stable, clear. If the images of perception are fixed in the word, they can be evoked in the child's imagination even when some time has passed from the moment of perception, and the object of perception is no longer in the field of vision. To do this, it is enough to pronounce the appropriate word-name. Thus, it is with the help of the word that it is possible to fix the received images of perception, forming representations on their basis.

The special importance of the sensory development of a child of primary preschool age is explained by the fact that the active study of the sensory properties of objects in the surrounding world is one of the priority tasks for the development of the child. In the third year of life, the child begins to accumulate ideas about the color, shape, size and other properties of objects. It is important that these representations are sufficiently diverse. Therefore, at a younger age, it makes sense to conduct special classes on sensory development. The main task of such classes is the accumulation of a variety of sensory experiences. This is the necessary foundation on which, at the next stages of training, it becomes possible to systematize the accumulated experience and knowledge, their awareness, expansion, and also use in various situations. .

Sensory sensations can be different:

  • visual sensations - the child sees the contrast between light and darkness, distinguishes colors and shades, the shape and size of objects, their number and location in space
  • auditory sensations - the child hears a variety of sounds - music, sounds of nature, city noises, human speech, and learns to distinguish them
  • tactile sensations - the child feels through touch, feeling materials of various textures, surfaces of objects of various sizes and shapes, strokes animals, hugs people close to him
  • olfactory sensations - the child inhales and learns to distinguish between various smells of the world around

Taste sensations - the child tries and learns to distinguish the taste of a variety of foods and dishes .

Different sensory experiences differ in their degree of importance in a person's life. Visual and auditory sensations are dominant.

Gerbova V.V. argues that the special importance of the sensory development of the child is due to the fact that the active study of the sensory properties of objects in the world is one of the priority tasks for the development of the baby .

In the third year of life, the child begins to accumulate ideas about the color, shape, size and other properties of objects. It is important that these representations are sufficiently diverse. Therefore, at an early age it makes sense to conduct special classes on sensory development. The main task of such classes is the accumulation of a variety of sensory experiences. This is the necessary foundation on which, at the next stages of training, it becomes possible to systematize the accumulated experience and knowledge, their awareness, expansion, and also use in various situations. (both during training and in life) .

Already from the early preschool age, the child should be introduced to all the main varieties of properties:

  • color - red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, black and white
  • shape - circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle
  • size - large, small, medium, the same (same) in size
  • sounds - the sound of various children's musical instruments, musical works, human speech of various volumes

elemental quantity (without account)- many, few, one, none, the same; etc. .

Thus, domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists consider the problems of sensory development and education to be very important for the development of a child of primary preschool age and for the further full development of a person.

1. 2 Features of the sensory development of children of primary preschool age

Sensory development at preschool age turns into a special cognitive activity that has its own goals, objectives, means and methods of implementation. The perfection of perception, the completeness and accuracy of the images depend on how complete the system of methods necessary for the examination is mastered by the preschooler. Therefore, the main lines of development of the perception of a preschooler are the development of new in content, structure and nature of investigative actions and the development of sensory standards.

In addition to the perception of color, shape and size, manipulation with objects leads to the discovery of more and more new properties in objects: movement, falling, sound, softness or hardness, compressibility, stability, etc. For sensory cognition of these properties, it is important to enrich the sensory experience of the child, offering him a variety of toys - hard and soft, filled with cereals or peas, rustling or ringing, round and flat. Such items can be not only toys, but also various household utensils: pot lids, bowls, rolling pins, spoons, etc. A kid can put different items into a pot, try on lids of different sizes, knock a spoon on the table. In this way, the baby develops his perception and begins to understand that different objects are arranged differently and require different methods of action. However, all these properties "knows" only at the moment when it acts - as soon as the action stops, it disappears and "knowledge" . Therefore, he is ready to return to these studies again and again.

Classes in drawing and other types of creativity also help sensory development, the formation of a child's speech, broaden his horizons, and teach game skills. Therefore, the earlier the child is introduced to different types of creativity, the more intense will be their influence on the overall development of the baby.

In a child of the second year of life, the intensive development of the mental sphere continues, although somewhat more slowly than in the first year of life. The most important skill that begins to form in a child in the second year of life is, of course, speech. During this period, it is important for the child not only to hear the speech of other people, but also to develop fine motor skills of the hand. By developing the baby's fingers, we develop his speech. Therefore, finger games and toys are so important, stimulating the performance of small and precise movements, giving a rich sensory experience.

The main activity of a child in the second year of life is objective activity, during which the child gets acquainted with the various properties of objects; his sensory development continues.

The game complex of a child of the second year of life should include such toys as: cubes, balls, pyramids, nesting dolls, boards with inserts of various geometric shapes, building materials of various sizes.

The child must be constantly guided in the game, otherwise primitive monotonous actions may be preserved and consolidated for a long time: he can endlessly roll the car, take cubes in his mouth, shift toys from one hand to another. Show your child how to use a hammer, scoop, shovel, etc.

Under the guidance of adults, the child perceives the environment better: he distinguishes, compares, establishes the similarity of objects according to their characteristics - in color, shape, size. First, according to the pattern, and then according to the word, he can choose a cube of the required color from two or three colored cubes, or choose a small nesting doll from two or three nesting dolls of different sizes.

Starting from the age of 3, the main place in the sensory development of children is occupied by familiarizing them with generally accepted sensory standards and how to use them.

Sensory standards are generally accepted samples of the external properties of objects.

The assimilation of sensory standards is a long and complex process that is not limited to preschool childhood.

Assimilation of sensory standards is their use as units of measurement in assessing the properties of objects.

The assimilation of sensory standards occurs in 3 stages:

  1. stage - pre-reference occurs at 3 years of age. The child begins to call triangular shapes roofs, about round shapes he says that this is a ball. That is, when using one item, the other is used as a model.
  2. stage - specific objects act as means of perception. Children master the main colors of the spectrum, both in everyday life and on the material of didactic games. A special place is occupied by the standards of magnitude, since it is conditional. Any object cannot be large or small in itself, it acquires these qualities when compared with another.

Stage 3 - at the age of 4-5, already owning sensory standards, children begin to systematize them. The teacher helps the child to build a sequence of colors of the spectrum by recognizing their shades.

Starting from the age of 3, the main place in the sensory education of children is occupied by familiarizing them with generally accepted sensory standards and how to use them.

At the same time, sensory development occurs both during special classes and in everyday life. For example, knowledge about the color, shape and position of objects in space is consolidated, expanded and refined in the classroom of fine arts. (drawing, modeling, application) and during the design process; ideas about the size and number of objects - in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations, etc. Touch, taste and smell continue to develop in everyday life.

The assimilation of sensory standards is a long and complex process, not limited to preschool childhood.

Methods of actions of the child with objects

The child acquires sensory experience in the process of orienting-research activity. Learning the world, the baby uses the following methods of action:

  • chaotic actions during which he acts with an object, regardless of its function - knocks, grabs, throws, pulls into the mouth, etc. Such actions are typical for infants, but can also be present in preschool children with intellectual, visual, hearing impairments, autistic kids
  • trial and error method. Using this mode of action, the child, in the course of studying the subject, carries out a large number of trials, fixing the correct actions and discarding the erroneous options. For example, inserting a figurine into a recess of the same shape (Seguin board), the baby tries to insert it into each of the recesses in turn until he finds the correct
  • practical fitting - a perceptual way of orientation (occurring internally), during which the child compares the properties of objects in their immediate proximity and acts in accordance with the results of trying on. For example, when working with the Segen board, the baby alternately applies the figurine to the recesses, without trying to insert it, until he finds a suitable hole.

Visual correlation is a perceptual way of orientation; tying, in which the child compares the properties of objects at a distance with the help of vision. For example, when working with the Seguin board, he looks at the figure, then looks for the same recess with his eyes and inserts the figure.

The experience gained in the process of sensory cognition of the world is fixed in the representation with the help of the word (the child can restore in memory the properties of objects by their name, he himself names the properties and qualities of objects). For example, when working with a Segen board, a child can find the right figure at the request of an adult, independently name the figures and the recesses for them.

At the level of perception, there is also an acquaintance with variants of geometric shapes that differ in aspect ratio - short and long.

In early childhood, the perception of the signs of an object arises during the performance of objective activities. In the younger preschooler, the examination of objects is subordinated mainly to game goals. Research by Z.M. Boguslavskaya showed that during the preschool age, play manipulation is replaced by actual exploratory actions with the object and turns into its purposeful testing to clarify the purpose of its parts, their mobility and connection with each other.

By the older preschool age, the examination acquires the character of experimentation, exploratory actions, the sequence of which is determined not by the external impressions of the child, but by the cognitive task assigned to him.

Sensory development is a condition for the successful mastery of any practical activity, and the origins of abilities lie in the general level of sensory development achieved in early preschool age. Sensory development is aimed at teaching children exactly, fully and prudently to perceive objects, their various properties and relationships. (color, shape, value, pitch, etc.). Psychological studies show that without such training, the perception of children remains superficial and fragmentary for a long time and does not create the necessary basis for general mental development, mastering various types of activities. (drawing, construction, speech development, etc.) full acquisition of knowledge and skills.

In the pedagogical process of children's sensory development, there are such tasks as enriching the directly sensory experience of children in various activities, hand movements on the subject in the process of getting to know it, finding similarities and differences between objects with the same names, and forming the ability to name the properties of objects.

The means of sensory development of children are didactic games and exercises, visual activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, design, game activities, since playing is easier for a child to remember.

The significance of sensory development lies in the fact that it streamlines the child's chaotic representations obtained when interacting with the outside world, develops attention, develops observation, is the basis for intellectual development, and ensures the assimilation of sensory standards.

1. 3 The specifics of the use of didactic games for the sensory development of children

The importance of the didactic game is that it develops independence and activity of thinking and speech in children. The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the focus of its content on the development of children's cognitive activity. In contrast to direct staging in the classroom in a didactic game, it also arises as a game task of the child himself. The great importance of didactic play in the sensory development of the younger preschooler was noted in their works by T.M. Bondarenko, L.A. Wenger, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, V.V. Gerbova, G.A. Shirokov.

The pedagogical value of a didactic game is that it requires children to focus, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. Games contribute to the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, the assimilation of knowledge. Didactic games provide an opportunity to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developmental role.

It is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child, serves his formation.

Didactic game, which, according to A.K. Bondarenko, “A multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of education, and independent game activity. And a means of all-round development of the individual" .

D.V. Mendzheritskaya believes that the essence of a didactic game lies in the fact that children solve mental tasks offered to them in a playful way, find a solution themselves, while overcoming certain difficulties. The child perceives the mental task as a practical, playful one, which increases his mental activity. In the didactic game, the cognitive activity of the child is formed, the features of this activity are manifested. .

Didactic game as a game form of learning is a very complex phenomenon. In contrast to the educational essence of classes in a didactic game, two principles operate simultaneously: educational, cognitive and playful, entertaining. The educational, cognitive beginning in each game is expressed in certain didactic tasks, thanks to which educational games give the game a purposeful, didactic character. The game, entertaining beginning is closely connected with game tasks and game actions.

In preschool pedagogy, didactic games and exercises have long been considered the main means of sensory education. They were almost completely entrusted with the task of forming the child's sensory: acquaintance with the form, size, color, space, sound. Many such didactic games are presented in the works of researchers and educators, (E.I. Tikheeva, F.N. Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, A.I. Sorokina, E.F. Ivanitskaya, E.I. Udaltsova and others, as well as in special collections of games.)

In the creation of a modern system of didactic games, the role of E.I. Tiheeva, who developed a number of games for getting to know the environment and developing speech. Games I.E. Tiheeva are associated with observations of life and are always accompanied by the word .

A.V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of the didactic game, writes: “We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child, serves to form his abilities” .

Based on the above definitions of didactic play, we can conclude that the child's sensory development in didactic play is inextricably linked with the development of his logical thinking and the ability to express his thoughts in words. To solve a game problem, it is required to compare the features of objects, establish similarities and differences, generalize, and draw conclusions. Thus, the ability to make judgments, inference, the ability to apply one's knowledge in different conditions develops. This can be only if the children have specific knowledge about the objects and phenomena that make up the content of the game.

In preschool pedagogy, all didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural material), board-printing and word games. The value of games with objects lies in the fact that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their characteristics, color, size, shape, quality. In games, tasks are solved for comparison, classification, and establishing a sequence in solving problems. Board games are a fun activity for kids. They are diverse in types: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different. (selection of pictures in pairs, selection of pictures according to a common feature, memorization of the composition of the number and arrangement of pictures, drawing up split pictures and cubes, description and story about the picture showing actions, movements). In these games, such valuable qualities of the child's personality as the ability to reincarnate, to creative search in creating the necessary image are formed.

Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, since in these games it is required to use the acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. With the help of word games, children are brought up with a desire to engage in mental work. In the game, the very process of thinking proceeds more actively, the child overcomes the difficulties of mental work easily, without noticing that he is being taught.

Regardless of the type, the didactic game has a certain structure that distinguishes it from other types of games and exercises. Mandatory structural elements of a didactic game are: a teaching and educational task, game actions and rules.

When defining a didactic task, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind what kind of knowledge, ideas of children (about nature, about surrounding objects, about social phenomena) must be assimilated. To be fixed by children, what mental operations should be developed in connection with this, what personality traits of children can be formed by means of this game. Each didactic game has its own learning task, which distinguishes one game from another. The main purpose of the rules of the game is to organize the actions and behavior of children. Rules can prohibit, allow, prescribe something to children in the game, make the game entertaining, tense. Compliance with the rules in the game requires certain efforts from children, will, the ability to deal with peers, to overcome negative emotions that manifest themselves due to an unsuccessful result. It is important, when defining the rules of the game, to put children in such conditions under which they would receive joy from completing the task. Using the game in the educational process, through its rules and actions, children form correctness, goodwill, endurance.

A didactic game differs from game exercises in that the implementation of game rules in it is directed, specified by game actions. The development of game actions depends on the imagination of the educator.

The value of didactic games and exercises is not only in the fact that children learn properties - color, shape, size, etc., but also in the fact that, thanks to the principle of self-control embedded in educational toys and materials, they allow organizing more or less long-term independent activity of young children. , develop the ability to play alongside others without disturbing them.

An important condition for the implementation of sensory tasks is the teacher's knowledge of games and the systematic teaching of these games to children, the development of their ability to independently play games that are accessible and interesting to their age.

So, the didactic game has a serious educational function aimed at organizing and further improving the sensory experience of children, as well as at forming generalized ideas and methods of action in them. In the general system of sensory education in kindergarten, didactic games thus solve educational problems: in addition, it is a good school for children to use the acquired sensory experience, ideas and knowledge, and, finally, they perform the function of monitoring the progress of sensory education.

Thus, the influence of interesting, accessible and useful didactic games on the development of sensory culture in young children allows the educator to provide a solution not only to educational, sensory tasks (improves the perception of form, teaches to distinguish colors, materials, etc.) but also affect the behavior and relationships of children.

Young children, due to their age and individual abilities, do not immediately learn the program material, so the teacher must repeat the same content several times, but with a mandatory change, complication of tasks and using other visual material.

In sensory-integrated activity, an honorable and necessary place is occupied by joint experimentation of children and teachers. (with glue, dough, water, paints, etc.), which develops in children an interest in acting with various materials, to bring the work begun to the end.

Educators should engage children in constructive activities. In the process of game interaction, children acquire the ability to compare surrounding objects and toys, generalize them according to similar features, and establish the simplest connections between them. They master the techniques of working with building material: lay bricks or cubes on top of each other, lay them in a row on a plane, make simple two-tier floors, close space, types, forms. At the same time, teachers should show different options for building towers, houses, furniture, etc. Always play with buildings, thereby supporting the interests of the desire to play building games, form a lasting sensory experience in children.

In the process of didactic games, the development of sensory culture in young children will be more successful if pedagogical conditions are created. They consist in the selection of didactic games in accordance with the goals set, in the organization of joint games between an adult and a child, and in the provision of pedagogical guidance for independent games of children of primary preschool age.

The organization of the didactic game by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for the didactic game, its conduct and analysis. The preparation and conduct of the didactic game includes:

Selection of the game in accordance with the tasks of education and training; deepening and enrichment of knowledge; development of sensory abilities; activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking of the child) and etc.

  • Establishing the compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the upbringing and education of children of a certain age group
  • Determining the most convenient time for a didactic game
  • Choosing a place for a didactic game where children can play safely without interfering with each other
  • Determination of the number of children playing (whole group, small subgroup, individual)
  • Preparation of the necessary didactic material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures, natural material)
  • Preparation for the game of the educator himself: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game
  • Preparation for the game of children: enriching their knowledge, ideas about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, necessary for solving the game problem

Conducting a didactic game includes:

  • Familiarization of children with the content of the game, with the didactic material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children about them are clarified)
  • Explanation of the course and rules of the game (what they forbid, permit, prescribe)
  • Showing game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform actions correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result
  • Determination of the role of the educator in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. Participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (advice, question, reminder)
  • Summing up the game; the educator emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game, and promises that the next time you can play a new game, it will also be interesting.

The analysis of the conducted game is aimed at identifying the methods of its preparation and conduct: what methods were effective in achieving the goal, what did not work and why. This will help to make both the preparation and the process of the game itself, to avoid mistakes later. In addition, the analysis will make it possible to identify individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children and, therefore, to properly organize individual work with them.

When organizing didactic games for children from 3 to 4 years old, the teacher needs to know their age characteristics well: the child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and diverse, the desire to establish himself increases: "I myself!" But the attention of the child is still unstable, he is quickly distracted. The solution of the problem in didactic games requires from him greater than in other games, stability of attention, enhanced mental activity. Hence, certain difficulties arise for a small child. You can overcome them through entertainment in learning, i.e. the use of didactic games that increase the child's interest in knowledge.

The educator should rely on the sensory experience that the child has acquired in the first 3 years. In games with children 4 years of age, didactic material is more complex than in the previous group, with a large number of details, inserts - up to 5-6 and 6-8, sensory tasks become more complicated - selection of details is given according to 2-3 signs, it is proposed to alternate different colors; geometric shapes are diversified, etc.

It is important that preschoolers get clear ideas about these properties, learn to recognize them in different situations and options, which involves a generalization of color, shape, and ratio of sizes. Particular attention at this age is paid to the assimilation and correct use of the names of the properties of objects. Part of the tasks is aimed at teaching children to apply the received ideas in the examination and designation of the properties of real things.

To conduct didactic games aimed at developing sensory culture in children of primary preschool age, S.L. Novoselova is guided by the following didactic principles:

  • their regularity (thanks to which perception, speech develops, elementary knowledge about the environment accumulates)
  • the use of visuals in combination with the word
  • repetition (at which the activity of children increases)
  • duration
  • proper organization of the didactic game

Proper organization of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics

S.L. Novoselova believes that by observing didactic principles and carefully, thoughtfully organizing children in the classroom (by age and level of development), a strong assimilation of information and skills on sensory development by the whole group is observed.

Based on the general system of sensory education E.G. Pilyugina developed classes and didactic games according to the following didactic principles:

  • Enrichment and deepening of the content of sensory education (acquaintance with the color, shape, size of objects)
  • Combining sensory learning with a variety of meaningful activities for children
  • Providing children with generalized knowledge and skills related to orientation in the surrounding reality (examination of the size, shape, color of objects)

Formation of systematized ideas about the properties and qualities that are the basis - the standards of examination of any subject

The implementation of the principles outlined above is possible already at the stage of younger preschool age.

At the heart of the system of educational games developed by Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.O. Smirnova, the following principles lie:

  • Combination in the activity of the child of the elements of play and learning and a gradual transition from games-amusements through games-tasks to educational and cognitive activity
  • Gradual complication of the learning task and game conditions
  • Increasing the mental activity of the child in solving the proposed tasks
  • Organic connection and interdependence between external and internal (mental) activity of the child and a gradual transition to more intensive mental work

The unity of teaching and educational influences .

As a result of the implementation of these principles, conditions are created that contribute to the formation of the initial forms of self-esteem and self-control of the child, which is of great importance for his educational activities. (future and present), and for a full life in a team of peers. The fun of the game increases if it includes elements of mystery. When conducting didactic games with young children, the teacher explains the rules during the game. For example, in the game "Assemble the right pyramid" the teacher explains the rule when assembling the toy. Each child has a pyramid in their hands. The teacher offers to remove the rings from the rod and put them on the table. Then, turning to the children, he says: "Children, let's assemble the pyramid again, like this (shows). To get such a pyramid, you must first find the largest ring and put it on a stick. (Children perform). And now let's look for the largest ring and also put it on a stick. . Then you can introduce an element of competition: who will collect the pyramid faster? At the same time, the teacher of the younger group remembers that his speech should be emotional, clear and at the same time calm.

To make the game more successful, the teacher prepares the children for the game: be sure to introduce them to the objects that will be used, their properties, images in the pictures before the game.

Summing up the results of the game with young children, as a rule, only positive aspects are noted: they played together, learned how to (specify exactly what), removed the toys. It is also necessary to create interest in new games in young children: “Today we played the Miraculous Pouch well. . And next time there will be other toys in the bag, and we will guess them. Interest in the game will increase if the teacher offers children to play with those toys that were in the bag, which the children talked about during the game. (if this is dishes, then play kindergarten, cook, etc.)

So, properly organized didactic games allow children of primary preschool age to acquire knowledge and skills in practical activities in the presence of involuntary attention and memorization, which ensures the best development of sensory culture.

Thus, the main most effective pedagogical conditions include: the use of didactic games and exercises for teaching sensory culture, their improvement; observation of children's games and the use of special methods and techniques to shape the child's sensory development. We will try to test these conditions in our formative research.

Chapter II. Experimental work on sensory development children of primary preschool age by means of didactic games

2. 1. Indicators and level of sensory development of children of primary preschool age

Experimental and practical work was carried out on the basis of GBOU TsO kindergarten No. 1863 from November 2013. to April 2014. The study involved 12 children of primary preschool age.

The purpose of the study was to identify the features of sensory development (formation of sensory standards) younger preschoolers in kindergarten.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were defined:

  1. Development of a diagnostic complex for studying the features of sensory development (formation of sensory standards) younger preschoolers.
  2. Determination of the main directions and content of practical work on sensory development in the conditions of GBOU TsO kindergarten No. 1863.

The study took place in three stages:

  • ascertaining stage. At this stage, the primary diagnosis of the sensory development of children was carried out.

Formative stage. At this stage, educational activities were carried out aimed at the sensory development of children of primary preschool age by means of didactic games.

Control stage. At this stage, a repeated diagnosis of the development of children was carried out, and an analysis of the results obtained was carried out.

In the course of conversations with a psychologist, educator, parents, in the process of games, classes, features of the sensory development of children were revealed.

Statement stage.

Purpose: To identify the level of development of younger preschoolers in the field of sensory standards of color, shape, size through didactic material.


Conduct a diagnostic survey of younger preschoolers on perception

colors, shapes, sizes;

Record the received data in a table.

Techniques: Sensory examination of objects with a visual explanation.

Equipment: A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) 4 primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow)- trees, leaves, sky, three different sizes (large, very large small - nesting dolls), form box.

Form of organization: group (six people in a subgroup).

familiar «+» tasks that the child completed independently (or after showing).

familiar «–» tasks not completed by the child are marked (or made with an inexact match).

When using methods based on motor skills, we took into account not the speed and accuracy of movements, but the effectiveness of the task.

1. Methodology "Box of Forms" .

It is aimed at determining the formation of ideas about the form, the ability to correlate planar and volumetric forms.

Equipment. A house with a different number of slots of various configurations (circle, square, rectangle, oval, semicircle, triangle, hexagon); three-dimensional figurines - inserts corresponding to the size and shape of the slots in the box.

Instruction. The teacher offers the child to place geometric shapes in the slots of the house, having previously analyzed the insert shapes with the child, isolating the necessary plane of the three-dimensional figure so that the child can identify it with the slot of the box.

Summary: Sensory development of young children. Development of tactile sensitivity. Development of tactile sensations. Sensory development of the preschool child. Development of perception in children

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.

The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

A child's readiness for schooling largely depends on his sensory development. Studies conducted by child psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children face in the course of primary education (especially in the 1st grade) are associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

There are five sensory systems through which a person cognizes the world: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

In the development of sensory abilities, an important role is played by the development of sensory standards - generally accepted samples of the properties of objects. For example, 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric shapes, metric system of measures, etc.

To develop sensory abilities, there are various games and exercises. In this article, we will sequentially consider games for the development of each of the five sensory systems.

Games for the development of touch (tactile perception)

Touch refers to tactile (surface) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.).

To develop the child's tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects that differ in surface structure. Give your baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy. While bathing, you can use washcloths and sponges of different hardness. Lubricate the body of the child with cream, do various types of massage. Let the baby play with a brush, a pompom from a knitted hat, a ribbed ball from a pet store. Colored washcloths for dishes are also of great interest! You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene, wrapping paper from flowers, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper and much more.

Interesting for the child to play with foil. You can first crumple it, making a ball out of it, then smooth it again.

Play with cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: dip the handles into the box and look for a hidden small toy. It can be advised to play with pebbles, dry and wet sand, with clay, potions, plasticine, flour and salt dough.

You can read more about sand and earth games at the links:

Pay attention to cold snow or juice from the refrigerator and hot tea, hot batteries, fire on the stove. When bathing, draw the attention of the baby to the temperature of the water in the tap and bath; you can pour warm water into one basin, cool water into another and alternately lower the arms or legs.

Since the general sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is useful for the child to receive interesting sensations with the whole body. It is good to wrap it entirely in a woolen blanket; you can wrap the baby in a terry towel, put a fur coat directly on panties and a T-shirt, tie a knitted scarf on your back and stomach.

The sensations of gouache paint on the handles, stomach, and back will be very interesting for the child. It is especially great if the bathroom has a mirror, and you can look at yourself from all sides.

Sensitivity should be developed not only for small hands, but also for legs. Let children run barefoot on grass, sand, wet clay, river or sea pebbles as often as possible in the summer. At home, you can walk on peas, beans, roll rubber ribbed balls with your legs.

Useful self-massage and mutual massage of the arms, legs, back with the help of massage brushes, terry gloves, wheel massager, massage roller for legs, etc.

Additional educational games:

"Catch the Pussy"

The teacher touches different parts of the child's body with a soft toy (pussy), and the child, with his eyes closed, determines where the pussy is. By analogy, other objects can be used to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

"Wonderful bag"

Objects of various shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is offered to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item.

"Handkerchief for a doll" (determining objects by the texture of the material, in this case, determining the type of fabric)

Children are offered three dolls in different scarves (silk, woolen, knitted). Children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and put in a bag. Children by touch look for the right handkerchief for each doll in the bag.

"Guess by touch what this object is made of"

The child is offered to determine by touch what various objects are made of: a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.

By analogy, you can use objects and materials of various textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

"Recognize the figure"

Geometric figures are laid out on the table, the same as those that lie in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same one out of the bag.

"Recognize the object by the contour"

The child is blindfolded and given a figure cut out of cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). They ask what it is. They remove the figure, untie their eyes and ask them to draw it from memory, compare the drawing with the outline, circle the figure.

"Guess what the item is"

Various voluminous toys or small objects (a rattle, a ball, a cube, a comb, a toothbrush, etc.) are laid out on the table, which are covered on top with a thin, but dense and opaque napkin. The child is offered to identify objects by touch through a napkin and name them.

"Find a Pair"

Material: plates pasted over with velvet, sandpaper, foil, velveteen, flannel.

The child is offered blindfolded to the touch to find pairs of identical plates.

"What is inside?"

The child is offered balloons containing various fillers inside: water, sand, flour with water, peas, beans, various cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc. You can use a funnel to fill the balloons. Balls with each filler must be paired. The child must feel by touch to find pairs with the same fillers.

Additionally, you can place a small amount of each filler in plates. In this case, it will also be necessary to correlate each pair with the corresponding filler, i.e. determine what is inside the balls.

"Guess the number" (letter)

On the back of the child, the back of the pencil (or finger) writes a number (letter). The child must determine what the symbol is. For a more detailed description of this exercise, see the link >>>>

Also very useful for preschoolers and elementary school students (especially first grade) are games with letters made of rough (velvet, sandpaper, etc.) paper: "Detect by touch", "Find the desired letter", "Show the letter". The child repeatedly runs his hand over the letter, feels it and calls it. At the same time, not only the form is remembered, but also the way of writing this letter, which are associated with its name. Children who wish to immediately write this letter should be given the opportunity.

Games of this type are recommended to be carried out with gradual complication: from learning groping actions under the guidance of an adult to independently completing the task by the student, moreover, with his eyes closed. By analogy, different numbers can be used.

"What is this?"

The child closes his eyes. He is offered to touch the object with five fingers, but not to move them. By texture, you need to determine the material (you can use cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

"Collect the Matryoshka"

Two players approach the table. They close their eyes. In front of them are two disassembled nesting dolls. On command, both begin to collect their nesting dolls - who is faster.


Children (2-5 people) sit at the table. They are blindfolded. Before each pile of seeds (peas, seeds, etc.). For a limited time, the seeds should be disassembled into piles.

"Guess What's Inside"

Two are playing. Each playing child has an opaque bag filled with small objects: checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher calls the object, the players must quickly find it by touch and get it with one hand, and hold the bag with the other. Who will do it faster?

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Sensory development of a child is the formation of perception about the properties of objects, their shape, color, size, spatial position, their inherent smells, tastes, as well as the accumulation of sensory experience.

The basic ideas about the world around us are laid before the age of seven, so the role of sensory development in infancy is fundamental.

Teachers and psychologists unanimously argue that without timely sensory education, it is impossible to form the mental abilities of a child.

The sensory development of children from birth to a year is at a rapid pace, so it should be given maximum attention from the very first days. With the development of basic sensory perceptions, the path to a talented, successful future of the baby begins.

newborn babies

The most correct idea of ​​a newborn is the idea of ​​a small, but still a person, and not just as an object of care. In works on preschool psychology, G.A. Uruntaeva noted that from the moment of birth, the baby's sense organs function, however, the sensory development of young children (0-1 years) does not occur simultaneously with the development of motor skills.
The timely start of the development of the baby's sense organs is the key to its successful development in the future.

Therefore, the first weeks and even days are extremely favorable for the start of sensory education of the crumbs. The simplest games and important routines such as gymnastics or relaxing massages are the best sensory development exercises for newborns. Let us consider in more detail the potential of a recently born baby, as well as the possibilities of sensory development of newborns at home.

Movements and actions

A feature of the sensory development of a newborn is that vision and hearing develop faster than, for example, hands. Therefore, parents who want to speed up the cognitive abilities of their child, it is important to offer the baby games for the development of motor skills. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the development of general and fine motor skills of the newborn, because motor activity is an indicator of the psycho-emotional development of the baby. Scientists have proven that the movement of the fingers of the crumbs has a positive effect on the cerebral cortex and the formation of speech zones.

Kinesthetic, kinetic and spatial factors are responsible for the free possession of your body. Kinesthetic and kinetic development in newborns is a sense of the position of one's body in space, the efforts produced by the muscles in the process of movement or certain actions, as well as a set of body movements (including facial expressions) used during communication. The role of kinesthetic and kinetic development in newborns was singled out by I. M. Sechenov, who believes that muscle feeling is not only a regulator of movement, but also the psychophysical basis for seeing space.

Consolidation of understanding in the child's brain of all postures and movements occurs at three levels:

  • visual, that is, in the process of observing the movement of other people;
  • verbally - the child pronounces actions for himself or commands others;
  • motor - with independent performance of actions.

To help the child concentrate on his feelings, you can use games for kinesthetic and kinetic development:

  • change in the position of the body (stretching up, then complete relaxation);
  • change in the quality of movements (first sharp, then smooth);
  • movement in different directions (up-down, left-right).

Fundamental to the development of spatial relationships in newborns is awareness of one's own body, beginning with muscle tension and relaxation. A newly born baby does not yet know where his body ends and the world around him begins, so the development of spatial relationships in newborns directly depends on his ability to hold his head, and subsequently sit and walk. It is with the development of these skills that the baby receives the first awareness of himself in the world around him. Excellent games for the formation of spatial relationships can be invented during massage and gymnastics.

The development of tactile-motor sensations in newborns occurs primarily through bodily contact with the mother. Therefore, take the baby in your arms more often, practice periodically sleeping together or taking a bath. Make or buy a developmental mat from materials of different textures for games to develop tactile and motor sensations. Laying the baby naked on it, he will feel the materials not only with his hands, but also with his legs and tummy, developing tactile and motor sensations. Hang a carousel with toys of various shapes and materials over the crib and periodically change them for others. It is desirable that the toys are also different in size and colors, then this will also have a positive effect on the development of the newborn's vision.

Develop vision, hearing and taste

Babies who are born still see very poorly, so try to play games for the development of vision from time to time: show the baby a bright rattle or simple pictures, but do not remove or move them too quickly, let the baby see them. To avoid the development of strabismus, do not bring your face or various objects closer than 30 cm to the baby. Study with the baby his reflection in the mirror and landscapes outside the window.

Babies perceive many sounds from birth, so parents should use music therapy to develop hearing in newborns. Turn on calm classical music with the participation of different instruments for your baby - this will help develop not only hearing, but also musical abilities, good melodic taste and will have a positive effect on the nervous system.

To calm the kids, Vivaldi compositions are good (for example, “Winter” from “The Seasons”), lullabies, especially if their mother sings them. To raise the mood and activity of the crumbs, include the works of Bach or Brahms, Tchaikovsky's waltzes, Beethoven's sixth symphony. Also, kids love the compositions of Chopin or Mozart. Scientists have found that when listening to the music of the latter, the entire cerebral cortex is activated and called this the “Mozart effect”. Constantly talk to the baby using different intonations and timbre of the voice, this will also help the development of hearing.

Taste buds in humans are formed early. Studies aimed at the development of taste in newborns have shown that from birth, the baby has its own taste preferences, and some scientists believe that they are laid down at the prenatal stage. Let your baby try water with different flavors: lemon, sweet and fennel. Such games will help develop the sense of smell, and parents will check the taste sensations of the baby.

Two months to a year

Scientists have proven that the most favorable development of the baby proceeds under a well-thought-out plan for the upbringing and education of parents who take into account the age characteristics of the crumbs.

Let's talk a little about the sensory development of a child up to a year at home.

Actions and movements

The richer the experience of sensations in the baby, the smarter and more active he will become growing up.

To diversify the sensations of the crumbs, use various games to develop tactile and motor sensations. Make a variety of footprints from paper, cardboard, cloth, cotton and bandages, inviting a barefoot child to stomp on them, and very small crumbs can be held under the arms.

Pour different cereals, peas or buttons into the bags and let the baby try them by touch. This will be a very exciting game for a young discoverer (just check the strength of the bags so that the baby cannot break them). Organize water procedures for toys by placing them in a small inflatable pool or basin - kids love water games very much.

The development of general and fine motor skills in a child up to a year is an important, but quite feasible task for parents. For very young children, you can offer a small puppet theater in which the main participant will be the baby. Make or purchase fairy-tale characters that can be put on a child's fingers. This fun game will keep your little one interested and will make them want to manage them better. Play nursery rhymes with fingers and palms.

Slightly older kids can already be offered modeling from plant-based plasticine (PlayDoh or Artberry) or from dough. It's not scary if the baby tastes plasticine. It is made on the basis of a natural test and is therefore absolutely safe. The material has a bright palette of colors and is ideal for the first steps in mastering the techniques of modeling and modeling.

Do not forget about games with improvised items: fasteners and buttons on clothes, boxes and jars. Also, modern stores offer a huge range of toys for the development of general and fine motor skills in a child up to a year and older. These are various pyramids, rattles, developing centers and rugs. Of course, it is important for mothers to remember that one of the main organs of the baby's knowledge of the world is the mouth, so the baby needs to taste any object. Based on this, all toys must meet the age category of the baby, not have small parts, and all its small parts must be securely sewn or attached to the base.

Kinesthetic and kinetic development in a child up to a year progresses especially rapidly in the second half of the year. Now more and more hand movements are regulated, which become more confident every day. Muscles receive a "signal" to action from the brain, as well as from the peripheral senses (tactile, visual and auditory) about achievements, as a result of which the brain and central nervous system give more accurate "commands". Kinesthetic and kinetic development in a child reaches a high level by the age of one, and the baby can already take an object without hitting the surrounding things.

Drawing can be attributed to quite suitable games for kinesthetic and kinetic development, helping to develop imagination and coordination, even for such small ones. When the child reaches 10 months of age, you can start drawing with the little one using finger paints. Such paints are designed for small artists: they have wide jars that fit tiny fingers comfortably. They do not contain harmful components, therefore, if they enter the mouth in small doses, they will not harm the health of the crumbs.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Maria Gmoshinskaya has developed a method of drawing babies, according to which you can introduce the baby to artistic creativity from 6 months, the main thing is that the child knows how to sit confidently. Fingers, palms, and both hands can participate in the drawing process. You should not force the baby to draw by force, since the essence of the technique is based on developing his natural qualities. Also, do not interfere with the creative process of the little one. Being a little aside and keeping everything under control, you will give the baby freedom of action.

The development of tactile-motor sensations in a child up to a year occurs when you touch an object, and the mastery of a subtle movement of the hands is carried out under the control of vision. The associations arising from tactile sensations and visual perceptions were very accurately and simply expressed by the Nobel laureate I. P. Pavlov: “The eye “teaches” the hand, the hand “teaches” the eye.”

Use games to develop tactile and motor sensations - place toys of various shapes and textures in a bag and invite the baby to get them one at a time, slowly, groping with his hand. Do not forget about safety and in any case do not give your child objects and toys containing small parts!

It is widely believed that playing with, for example, beans or other grains is safe, but doctors will tell you many accidents when a child swallowed such a “toy” and either suffocated or the beans sprouted in the esophagus. Therefore, when using natural materials in games, give preference to larger objects. Suitable, for example (pre-washed), walnut in the shell, pine cones, seashells.

Develop hearing and vision

Continue to practice music therapy for hearing development in children under one year old, as its positive effect has been proven time and again by scientists. It is useful for restless and excitable babies to listen to melodies at a slow pace. Usually these are the second parts of classical sonatas and instrumental concertos, for example, the 2nd part of Mozart's Little Night Serenade, the duet of Lisa and Polina from the opera The Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky. For inactive kids, and crumbs with a syndrome of oppression, waltzes from Tchaikovsky's compositions, marching melodies, "Spring" from the seasons of Vivaldi are useful. Also, scientists have noted that a melody with words affects children more than a melody without words, and singing live is several times better than singing in a recording.

One of the best backgrounds for babies is the sounds of nature. The surf, the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the development of hearing. A child up to a year old has a very sensitive hearing aid, so do not forget that the sounds around him should not be loud. It is worth noting that the simplest exercises with a rattle, bells and musical instruments are indispensable games for the development of hearing. Remember that such a harmless event also has contraindications (predisposition to convulsions, intracranial pressure, otitis media, the baby’s serious condition with diseases).

The development of vision in a child up to a year is not only a natural process, but also partly dependent on the baby's parents. It is best if the crumbs are surrounded by bright contrasting colors, objects of different shapes and sizes, for example, multi-colored bedspreads, vases, flower pots. You can also hang small mirrors, bright toys, photographs and pictures around the crib. For example, photos of parents printed on A4 sheet and hung on the wall by the crib will calm the baby and create a safe space for him. Scientists have proven that a person's face is what a small child likes to look at the most, and remembers the faces of his parents from birth.

It is very important that the baby's crib (or playpen, where the child will be most often) is in the brightest place. The development of vision continues 9 months after birth, and the eyes need exposure to light in order for the formation to complete correctly. Otherwise, deviations in the development of the child's vision are possible.

A favorable effect on the development of vision up to a year has a frequent laying out of the baby on the tummy in the first months of life. Play with the baby in games for the development of vision: in a playful way, try to concentrate the gaze of the little one on yourself. During feeding, put on multi-colored beads or a colorful scarf, draw a cheerful face on one side of the paper plate, and a sad face on the other, and swap them. The child will watch this process with interest, and offer a little grown-up kid a game of “repeats” - smile with your mother, show your tongue, clap your hands.

On the Development of Taste and Spatial Relations

The development of taste in a child up to a year is also an important aspect of perception for a growing man. If the baby has the right taste orientation for healthy foods, then he will be healthy and full of energy. Taste sensations are quite multifaceted and are influenced by many factors: the smell of food, its texture, appearance.

The structure of food depends on age, therefore, for the correct development of taste in a child under one year old, there is a special calendar for the introduction of complementary foods. Introduce complementary foods correctly and make the baby's menu varied.

Use various games to develop taste - learn smells with your baby. Offer to smell the aroma of cocoa, coffee, soap, spices, and in summer the fragrance of flowers and herbs, be sure to pronounce the name of the object under study. An older baby, whose age is approaching a year, can be offered the “find a pair” game. Offer the toddler three pairs of boxes containing, for example, mint leaves, coffee beans, or a sponge soaked in citrus shower gel, and ask them to find and show which boxes smell the same.

The development of spatial relations in a child up to a year is just beginning to take shape. Spatial representations, although they arise early, are a more complex process than the difference in the properties of objects. The child does not own any reference system, therefore, uses a sensory system based on the sides of his own body. There are many didactic and outdoor games for the development of spatial relationships in children.

It should be noted that games for the development of spatial relations in children under one year old are based on the method of developing the ability to navigate on their own body, that is, this is a kind of preparation stage when the child learns the names of parts of his body. An adult, in the process of communicating with the baby, pronounces the actions: “Let's wash the right hand, wash the left hand”, “put on the right (and then left) sock, a hat on the head”, and with an older child plays didactic games - “dress the doll”, “the doll is being washed”, we show and name parts of the body together.

Sensory development of children under 1 year old is an exciting activity for both the baby and the mother. The main thing is to remember the safety rules and carefully monitor the baby during the games, then the classes will be interesting, fun and useful. Protect your child from toys that have small parts and sharp corners, as well as ropes and ribbons that the child can get tangled in. There are many methods for the sensory development of children under 1 year old. However, before choosing a particular development method for a child, you should carefully study each one and highlight all the pros and cons.

Methods of early child development

Doman technique

Doman Methods is a series of restorative and educational exercises for both healthy children and toddlers with developmental delays, aimed at activating the brain through learning.

The essence of the techniques is that the child is shown cards with large red letters, dots, pictures and words for a short time. Children under one year old are shown cards with different drawings and the names of the objects depicted on them are pronounced aloud.

Each card should be shown for 5 to 10 seconds. Classes last no more than a minute, but should be repeated several times a day, with a gradually increasing number of cards. Education according to the Doman method has achieved amazing results - children with mental retardation have learned to read fluently, and kids who have been studying according to the program from early childhood have become Nobel laureates. Moreover, lagging behind kids caught up with healthy children not only in mental, but also in physical development!

Lupan technique

Inspired by Doman's ideas, loving mother Cecile Lupan decided to develop her daughter based on his methods. However, over time, I came to the conclusion that training should be based on other principles. In particular, on what to learn, the child should be easy and interesting, and classes should bring joy to both the baby and parents.

The main idea of ​​the Lupan technique is that the child needs attention-interest, and not attention-care, so as not to drown out the baby's creativity and not cause a feeling of violation of personal boundaries. Lupan came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop the innate abilities and interests of the crumbs, and not train him according to strict rules and schedules.

Cecile described her successes in the development of her daughters and methods for achieving them in the book “Practical Guide“ Believe in Your Child ”, while developing a series of games and exercises for the development of children.

According to the author, an important place in the development of the child is occupied by the first year of his life, during which it is necessary to develop the five basic feelings of the baby.
To do this, you need to take him in your arms more often, show everything, talk about everything and, most importantly, maintain bodily contact: hug, kiss and stroke. It is important to speak to the child of his and his actions.

For the development of vision, build funny grimaces, for hearing, listen to classical music, sing children's songs and tell nursery rhymes.

An important place in the Lupan methodology is occupied by the physical development of children up to a year. It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for stimulating the child to crawl, and then to walk. Cecile also highlights the effect of water exercises and, in particular, learning to swim. Some mothers are afraid to teach their newborn babies to swim, but in vain, because babies up to 6 months old, in addition to sucking, also have a breath-holding reflex. Therefore, in the Lupan book there are a number of exercises for diving babies, such as "Torpedo", "Shower on the face" or "Spitting water".

For children under one year old, it is especially important that any training takes place in the form of an exciting game, Lupan believes. So, for example, she suggests teaching the baby new words or the alphabet in the form of a funny song, and counting - by answering comic and funny questions (for example, “how many elephants do you have in your pocket?” - “zero”, “how many big bears does us on the sofa? ”- one, etc.)

Zheleznov's technique. Growing up with music

One of the most effective methods for the early development of hearing is considered to be the Zheleznovs' method "Music with Mom", the principle of which is to present educational material in a playful way. For classes with a child using this technique, mothers should only deal with their child to cheerful melodies, songs and nursery rhymes.

Play, sculpt, draw, dance and even fall asleep to the music and you will discover the extraordinary abilities of the baby, which you did not even know about. The technique includes a series of lullabies, nursery rhymes and finger games.

For the smallest, there are such collections as "First Lessons" - for babies from 2 months to 2 years old, which include songs with an element of the game. To this music, the baby will clap his hands together with adults, dance with his mother in her arms and do gymnastics. For children from 6 months, a collection of "Mom's Lessons" has been developed, which will become an indispensable assistant in communicating with the baby. Funny songs-games will help mom feed a little gourmet, dress, bathe, put to bed, have fun and provocatively spend time with her beloved little one.

Ibuka technique or after three it's too late

One of the pioneers in the study of the direction of early childhood development was Masaru Ibuka, a Japanese entrepreneur and one of the founders of Sony.

Masaru Ibuka believed that the mental abilities of a child develop only in the first three years of life, and it is during this period that the baby absorbs any information like a sponge. According to the Ibuka method, up to three years old, a child can be taught to write, read, and even play the violin.

Having delved into and studied this topic in more detail, Ibuka wrote the book "After Three It's Too Late", in which he detailed his theory that "no child is born a genius and no one is born a fool."
It all depends on the stimulation and degree of development of the brain, which directly depends on what the parents laid in the baby from birth.

The book does not give practical advice about parenting, but rather answers the questions "why is early development necessary and why is it important for the future." So, what to play with a child up to a year old? Yes, whatever! Ibuka believed that a large number of toys prevent the baby from developing correctly, so the Japanese suggested using any items at home (of course, which cannot harm the child) as entertainment. Offer the baby a blanket or, for example, a small pillow and the baby will be happy to find a use for them, developing their imagination. Ibuka also recommends drawing with the baby with your fingers, but not with paints on paper, but simply with your fingers on buckwheat, rice or semolina. The child will enjoy this activity, and during the game, motor skills and tactile sensations will develop.

Tyulenev's technique. Read before walking

The teacher and sociologist Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev, who developed the “Methodology for the Intellectual Development of the Child” (MIRR), puts parents in an even tougher framework.

Tyulenev's MIRR is an accelerated learning system covering all areas of development. Tyulenev considers the age from 0 to 1.5 years old to be early development, from 1.5 to 2 years - the average development, and the age from 2 to 3 years he calls "late early development". If a child has reached the age of three and is not yet ready for school, then, according to Tyulenev, he is pedagogically neglected.

The teaching material for the methodology is proposed to use the educational games and manuals created by the author, as well as the special alphabet of the MIRR. It should be noted that the training of children according to this method is planned literally by the hour and developments begin not only from the moment of birth, but even at the perinatal age.

For children up to a year, Tyulenev developed the following series of exercises:

  • a baby up to 2 months old should be shown pictures with letters, figures, ornaments, and parents should name what is shown in these pictures;
  • from two months to add images of animals and mathematical symbols to the pictures;
  • from four, according to Tyulenev, the baby can already be introduced to the laws of physics by throwing toys of different sizes on the floor;
  • from five months, mother and baby should learn to make sounds from musical instruments, for example, beat the xylophone with sticks;
  • at 6 months, the baby should be offered a variety of postcards. The kid will look at them with interest, and the mother will tell him about what is depicted on each.
  • from the age of seven months, parents begin to study letters with the baby and compose words with a magnetic alphabet.

Thus, the principle of the technique is to prevent the baby from needlessly wasted time.

The Nikitin system is an exam tested by life

The Nikitin system is aimed at educating healthy, intelligent and independent people. The main idea of ​​the system is "Irreversible Extinction of Opportunities for Effective Development of Capabilities". Nikitins believed that every child is born with colossal abilities for all types of activities. However, for the effective development of the mind and body, certain conditions are needed, and if talents are not realized in time, then their potential will fade.
Therefore, the main goal of parents, according to the Nikitins, should be to help the development of the child. The main principles of the Nikitins' methodology are freedom of creativity and parental indifference to the successes and failures of the child.

There are also two extremes of parenting that should be avoided. This is, first of all, the “abandonment” of the child: the communication of parents with the crumbs is reduced only to the fulfillment of needs - to feed, wash, clothe - and its opposite extreme - when all the baby’s free time is occupied with exercises, entertainment, games and the child does not have time for himself .

Nikitins have published a number of books in which they describe in detail their development system, as well as the mistakes made in education. The most popular game for babies up to a year according to the Nikitins' method is "Frames and inserts", consisting of frames and inserts in the form of various geometric shapes. You can play it from 10 months, and it’s worth starting training with a small number of figures (2-3), gradually increasing the number. The kid is invited to choose a frame for each figure. The game is not exhaustive and allows you to change tasks as the child grows up. By the way, Nikitins advise not to show him the right solution, but to give him the opportunity to find the right option on his own.


1. Chuprikova N.I. Mental development and learning: Psychological foundations of developmental learning - M .: JSC "Century", 1995 - 192 p.

2. Bauer T. Mental development of the infant. Per. from English. A.B. Leonova. –2nd ed. - M.: Progress, 1989. -319 p.

3. Pilyugina V.A. Sensory abilities of the baby: Games for the development of perception of color, shape, size in young children: Book. for kindergarten teachers and parents. -M .: Education: JSC "Educational. Met ", 1996. - 112 p.

4.I.M. Sechenov "Reflexes of the brain"

5.Galiguzova L.N., Smirnova E.O. Stages of communication: from one to seven years. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992 -142 p.

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood. It is this age that most researchers consider to be the most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. Outstanding foreign scientists in the field of preschool pedagogy (F. Fröbel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly), as well as well-known representatives of Russian preschool pedagogy and psychology (E.I. Tikheeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N. P. Sakkulina, L. A. Venger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger and others) rightly believed that sensory development, aimed at ensuring full-fledged intellectual development, is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the overall mental development of the child, on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of labor activity.

Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception, are the result of their processing. Therefore, normal intellectual development is impossible without reliance on full perception.

In kindergarten, the child learns to draw, sculpt, design, gets acquainted with natural phenomena, begins to learn the basics of mathematics and literacy. Mastering knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external and internal properties of objects. So, in order to get in the drawing a resemblance to the depicted object, the child must quite accurately capture the features of its shape, color, material. Designing requires a thorough study of the shape of the object (sample), its structure and structure. The child finds out the relationship of parts in space and correlates the properties of the sample with the properties of the available material. Without a constant orientation in the external properties of objects, it is impossible to obtain objective ideas about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, in particular, about their seasonal changes. The formation of elementary mathematical representations involves familiarity with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparison of objects in size. When acquiring literacy, a huge role is played by phonemic hearing - the exact differentiation of speech sounds - and visual perception of the lettering. These examples could easily be raised to the nth power.

The assimilation of sensory standards is a long and complex process that is not limited to preschool childhood and has its own background. Mastering the sensory standard does not at all mean learning how to correctly name this or that property of an object. It is necessary to have clear ideas about the varieties of each property and, most importantly, to be able to use such ideas to analyze and highlight the properties of a wide variety of objects in a wide variety of situations. In other words, the assimilation of sensory standards is their adequate use as "units of measurement" in assessing the properties of substances.

At each age, sensory education has its own tasks, a certain link in sensory culture is being formed.

Thus, it is possible to single out the main tasks in the sensory development and upbringing of children from birth to 6 years.

  • In the first year of life, this is the enrichment of the child with impressions. Conditions should be created for the baby so that he can follow moving bright toys, grab objects of various shapes and sizes.
  • In the second or third year of life, children should learn to distinguish color, shape and size as special features of objects, accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size.
  • Starting from the fourth year of life, children form sensory standards: stable, fixed in speech ideas about colors, geometric shapes and relationships in size between several objects. Later, one should be introduced to the shades of color, to the variants of geometric shapes, and to the relationships in magnitude that arise between the elements of a series consisting of a larger number of objects.
  • Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children how to examine objects: grouping them by color and shape around standard samples, sequentially examining and describing the shape, and performing increasingly complex visual actions.
  • Finally, a special task is the need to develop analytical perception in children: the ability to understand color combinations, dissect the shape of objects, and single out individual measurements of magnitude.

On the basis of these tasks, I have developed a system of games and activities for children 3-4 years old. It is based on complex classes from the book by M.V. Ilina "We feel - we know - we think."

The general structure of classes includes the following steps:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

III. Physical pause.

IV. Fixing the topic.

VI. Visual creative activity.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

In addition to the mandatory elements, additional ones are introduced: tasks for the development of various cognitive processes, facial exercises, imitation of movements and actions, guessing riddles, etc.

As an example, I offer one lesson.

Subject: Touch. Wet or dry

1. To teach, on the basis of comparison and practical training, to distinguish and depict various tactile sensations of a person (sensations of dryness and humidity

2. To learn to determine the name of the various moisture properties of the material, to establish the relationship between an object or substance and the sensation of dryness or moisture in an object.

3. Work on the ability to determine the name of wet or dry, based on tactile sensations, that is, develop tactile perception.

4. To form the ability to understand the learning task and perform it accurately.

5. Learn to accurately follow the instructions of the teacher, repeat the movements of an adult, develop general motor skills.

6. Develop observation, fine motor skills of hands, the ability to work with paints, instill moral and aesthetic qualities.

Materials for the lesson:

1. Demonstration: basins with warm water for washing doll clothes, soap, ropes for drying clothes, clothespins, sets of toy dishes, a sample of the “Tea Mug” composition, cut out of cardboard and decorated with paints (gouache).

2. Handout: wet and dry wipes for each child, a few pieces of doll clothes for washing for each child, materials for making the “Mug for Tea” composition for each child: silhouettes of mugs cut out of cardboard, gouache paint in four primary colors.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Game for the development of speech hearing “Frogs”

The teacher invites the children to play the game "Frogs". Children need to stand in a circle, then the teacher reads a poem with the children:

Here are the frogs along the path
They jump with their legs outstretched.
Saw a mosquito
They shouted: “Kwa-kva-kva!”

Children imitate jumping frogs. After that, the teacher invites one of the children to stand in a circle, close their eyes and find out who is speaking. At this time, one of the children standing in a circle says: “Kwa-kva-kva!” A child standing in a circle calls out the name of the one who just croaked.

Psychogymnastics. Draw frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. Caught a mosquito, happy. Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped into your palm. What will you do? (I will carefully put it on the grass.) Show how you will hold the frog in your palm and put it on the grass. Now tell me which frog is dry or wet? Why is she wet? (Because it lives in or near water.) And what will your hands be like after you release the frog? (Also wet.) What should be done to make the hands dry? (Dry them in the sun, dry with a towel.)

II. Familiarity with the concepts of "wet" and "dry"

Give the children small treats (fruits, berries, cookies, sweets). After the children have finished eating, offer them wet wipes to wipe their faces:

You got a little dirty when you ate candy. Here are the wet wipes. Wipe your faces.

Then give dry wipes to wipe their faces dry. After meals, always try to give children two wipes - wet and dry. Ask the children to take a wet one and wipe their face with it, then wipe dry with another napkin.

III. Exercise “Washing clothes”

For this exercise, you will need a basin of water, soap and various doll clothes, as well as ropes for drying clothes and clothespins. Collect doll clothes and wash them together with the children (washing for them, of course, will be purely symbolic, in this case the goal is not to teach children how to wash). Of course, for children it will be a real wash with all its attributes - from soap to clothespins, with which we will attach wet clothes to the ropes. Before washing, we ask the children whether the laundry is wet or dry. During washing, putting the doll's clothes in the basin, we again ask what kind of linen has now become. Now hang up the wet clothes. Then the children take off the dried clothes. Talk to the children about how you can dry your laundry (hang it on a clothesline, put it in a dryer, etc.).

What is underwear now? (Dry.) How did we do it?

(Dry it out.)

IV. Physical education minute

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

The teacher reads the poem, showing the movements, and the children repeat these movements after him.

Stay on one leg
If you are a solid soldier.
Left leg - to the chest,
Look, don't fall.
Now stay on the left
If you are a brave soldier.

V. The game “Bathing the doll”

The game is preceded by an introductory conversation to master the concepts of “living - inanimate”.

The doll is on display. The teacher asks:

What is the difference between Masha doll and our girls? (She is inanimate, she is a doll, a toy.) Olya, who are you? (Girl.) Vanya, who are you? (Boy.) You are all children. You, me, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents - we are all living people.

Pictures of animals are displayed.

These are living beings. If we do not know the name of the animal, then we ask: "Who is it?" What do all living beings have in common? (They move, they breathe, they can hear, see, feel cold and warm.) Now look how many objects are around us. They stand, do not move themselves, they have neither eyes nor ears. These are inanimate objects. About these things we ask, "What is this?" Try it, name all the inanimate objects that are in this room. Now name all living things.

Dolls are also inanimate, but when we play with them, they become daughters and sons for us, that is, they seem to come to life, and with them we do what mothers do with their children. Today we will bathe the dolls as if they were our children, as if they were alive.

Give the little ones water bowls, towels, and dolls to bathe and dry off. Emphasize (the word “wet” when the children play with water, and the word “dry” when they wipe the dolls. You can also give the children plates or saucers that need to be rinsed and then dried.

VI. Breathing exercises


The teacher reads the text, the children perform the appropriate movements and pronounce individual sounds, syllables.

We checked the posture - the children stand straight, legs together, head slightly raised.

And brought the shoulder blades - the children take their shoulders back.

We walk on our toes; children walk on tiptoe.

We walk on our heels, we walk on our heels.

We are walking like all the guys - they are marching like a march.

And like a clumsy bear - they go sweeping, waddling

There is another version of this game. Everything is carried out, as in the first version, the movements are accompanied by the pronunciation of the syllables “ah”, “oh”, “uh” to the beat of the steps.

The teacher reads the following poem:

Like a clumsy bear
Let's all be quiet
Then let's go on our heels
And then on socks.
Then we'll go faster ("Oh, oh, oh")
And then we'll move on to running.

Toddlers run, then stop, saying, “Uhh,” and a little later, they say, “Ah!”

VII. Drawing with paints. Composition “Mug for tea”

For drawing, you need to prepare for each child gouache paints of four colors, diluted to a state of liquid sour cream, silhouettes of mugs cut out of cardboard (you can use different colors, but it is desirable that they be light pastel shades), and wet wipes for wiping hands. The teacher also needs gouache paints, a silhouette of a mug, a napkin and a ready-made sample of an already decorated mug.

The teacher announces to the children that now they will learn how to decorate a mug for tea. The teacher first shows a silhouette that has not yet been painted, and then a finished sample.

In order to decorate a mug with such peas, they do not need brushes. Guess how we will draw polka dots? That's right, we will make them with our hands, and more precisely, with the help of fingers: you will need to dip your fingers and the paint that you like best. Like this (an adult dips his index finger into liquid gouache and puts an imprint on the silhouette of a mug). And so several times. You can decorate the mug with peas of different colors. Then, having put prints of one color, you need to wipe the finger with which we painted with a wet napkin so that it becomes clean, and only after that dip your finger into paint of a different color and continue to draw polka dots on the same mug.

After the teacher tells and demonstrates all the stages of decorating the mug, the children get to work. In this work, the help of the educator is usually not required, except for wiping the children's hands in time. In case one of the kids wants to decorate another mug or two, here are a few spare mug templates to offer to these prolific artists. Upon completion of the work, all the work must be dried and an exhibition of tea mugs should be arranged.

A sample of the finished mug is shown in Figure 1.

VIII. Summary of the lesson

What do you remember? What did you like?

Children remember what was said in the lesson, tell what they learned, what they especially liked, what sensations they remembered.

When the child goes to wash his hands, ask him what kind of hands he has now and what they will become later. Try to have the baby use the words “dry” and “wet” in speech.