World Health Day in the second junior group. "If you want to be healthy." The scenario of the Health Day in the second junior group

Location : gym.

Tasks: 1. Strengthen children's knowledge of health and hygiene procedures.

2. Improve straight canter, jumping on two legs, coordination, attention

3. To instill kindness, the ability to communicate, evoke positive emotions

Leading : Hello guys! Today is an unusual day for us! All of you are allowed to be: dexterous, healthy, cheerful, friends with sports!

Forbidden : walk sloppy, cry, quarrel,

Well, are you ready?

Children : Ready!

Leading : And we will start our holiday with a fairy tale:

Behind a clean, clean field, behind a dense forest, behind distant roads there is a wonderful country-the Country of Health! And this country is ruled by the Great Wash Basin, the famous Moidodyr! And he has many friends. And who are they you will find out if you guess the riddles:

1. Riddle: Smooth, fragrant, washes clean. Everyone needs to have. What is this?

Children : Soap!

2. Riddle: Bony dorsum, setae on abdomen. He jumped in the teeth, drove out all the dirt. Guess what it is?

Children: Toothbrush!

3. Riddle: Toothy, but not biting. What is it called?

Children: Comb!

Leading : Well done boys! All of Moidodyr's friends were correctly guessed!

- We listen to the tale further: Once, while everyone was sleeping in the country of Health, an evil Microbe got into it and stole Moidodyr's friends - soap, toothbrush and a comb! How to be now? What to do? Let's help Moidodyr? Are you ready to go to the land of Health?

Children: Yes, ready!

Leading : Then go ahead!

Leading : Let's ride horses first!(children make jumps, following Leading)Then the wide road ended and a narrow path appeared in front of us.(children go heel to toe).

Leading : And now we have come to the next obstacle: look at the swamp in front of us and in order to cross it, we will jump from bump to bump (children jump from hoop to hoop).

(happy music plays)

Leading: So we got to the magical land of Health!

(a dirty girl runs out from behind a tree)

Leading: Oh guys, look, who is this?

Girl, who are you? What is your name?

Dirty: My name is Muddy! Isn't it a pretty name?

Leading: Oh, what a dirty face and hands you have! Is it possible to be so untidy! Are you not washing yourself?

Gryaznulka : No! What for?

Leading: Guys, tell me what happens if you don't wash your face and hands?

Children : Microbes are starting!

Gryaznulka : I don't want germs, I agree to wash my face every day with soap!

Leading : (pulls out soap)So the soap is saved! Tell me, why are you so shaggy? You don't brush your hair at all?

Gryaznulk a: Here it is! I'm not so bad!

Leading : Children, tell me, why do we comb our hair every day?

Children : (children's answers are heard).

Gryaznulka : Yes, well, they persuaded me, I will comb my hair!

Leading : Gryaznulka, do you brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings?

Gryaznulka : Do you also brush your teeth? Of course not! Do you guys brush your teeth?

Children : Yes!

Gryaznulka : Well, why? (children's answers)And how many times a day?(answers children).

Gryaznulka : Oh, well, I persuaded, and I will brush my teeth! Thanks guys!

Leading : Children, tell me, what else do we always do in the morning?

Children : Charging!

Leading : Let's teach Muddy? (YES!)

(happy music plays)

Leading : (says and does with children and Muddy)

To be healthy and strong(hands up and down)

Everyone should be friends with sports.

Get out for charging, (walking in place)

Show your skill.

Do "One" and do "Two"(arm jerks: arms to chest,

We will say to sports: “Hurrah!”hands to the side)

Turn right, turn left(turn right, left)

Strive to be healthy!

Right, left and forward, (tilts to pr., left leg,

We are a crazy people!between the legs)

One sat down, two sat down(squats)

Wanted to bend over(tilts)

We reached our heels

Straightened up, smiled.

And now jumping in place(jumping on two legs)

Legs apart and legs together.

Here is the secret of health

To all friends of "Fizkult-hello!"

Leading: Well, Gryaznulka, did you enjoy working with us?

Dirty: Yes very! Thank you guys! Now I know what to do to be healthy and strong. I will teach all the inhabitants of our country, and the evil microbe will run away from us forever. Goodbye!

(Gryznulka leaves to the music)

Leading : Well, guys, we helped the Gryaznulka and expelled the Microbe from the country of Health. Now it's time for us to go back to the garden. Let's take the train, shall we?

Mobile game "Train"

Leading: Well, here we are.(The host shows the children a big envelope). Oh, guys, we received a telegram from Moidodyr. Let's read it?

Telegram “My dear children! I am writing you a letter.

I ask you to wash your hands and face more often.

I won’t shake hands with dirty people, I won’t go to visit them!

I wash myself very often. Goodbye!


Leading : To become healthy, what else do you need to remember? You need to play sports, eat vitamins, vegetables and fruits. Be always clean and tidy, and don't be lazy! This concludes our holiday, goodbye guys!

(To the cheerful perky music, they bring fruit into the hall and distribute it to children)

Alime Selemetova
Scenario of the sports festival in the second junior group"Health Day"

Target: to form in children the need for healthy lifestyle.


1. Involve in regular physical education and sports.

2. Develop physical quality: endurance, agility, speed, orientation in space.

3. Create a cheerful and joyful mood in children.


Posters, balloons, sports slogans for site design;

Suit for Caprice, 6 balls, 2 hoops, flag (for signaling, 4 three-dimensional figures, 2 sticks, chairs for children.

Location: gym kindergarten .

Musical accompaniment:

Cheerful music for relay races and competitions;

Warm up "Heroes of a fairy tale";

Dance "The sun is radiant";

preliminary work: physical education classes, holding similar relay races, conversations about healthy lifestyles and sports learning poems and dances.

The course of the holiday.

presenter: Guys, I'm glad to see you on our sports festival ! After all sport helps us everywhere: in the family, study and work. It is useful to do it, because how often you do it sports depends on what your health. And today we will show each other how we love sport.

Children recite poetry.

1. Sport comes to every home

Even where we live.

Take up sports soon,

Be healthy for life.

2. Us pills and potion

And in the cold, and in the cold

Replace physical education

And cold water.

Strengthen your body

All my family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

4. We do exercises

We start in the morning

To contact less often

For advice to doctors.

presenter: Well, now it's time

I'll tell you a story, kids.

Once upon a time there lived a white girl.

The girl is not simple, capricious such!

It was visible all over

I don't know why -

Nobody will please her.

(Music sounds and the girl Caprice runs in)

Caprice: I don't want anything! uuuuuuuuu

I do not want to smile, and there is nothing to laugh,

It's better to cry and whine. uuuuuuuuu

presenter: Hello girl. What is your name? And why are you so naughty?

Caprice: My name is Kaprizka! I do not want to do anything.

I do not like to walk and wash and even exercise.

I'm afraid of the sun in general and therefore I get angry all the time!

presenter: Guys, do you think you need to wash your face in the morning? (Yes) How about charging? (Yes) And walk and do sports? (Yes) Right! Indeed, without all this, we will often get sick and become weak. Caprice, let's teach you how to do all this?

Caprice: Is it interesting?

presenter: Of course, it's fun and interesting.

Is everyone gathered? (Yes) All healthy? (Yes)

Ready to run and play? (Yes)

Well then pull up

Don't yawn and don't be lazy

Get to the workout!

We put on a record

And we go to the workout.

Warm up "Heroes of a fairy tale".

presenter: Well, Caprice, did you like the exercise?

Caprice A: Yes, very fun.

presenter: And in the morning after exercise, you need to wash your face, brush your teeth.

Caprice: What more? I don't want to! I don't want to wash


presenter: Guys, how can you not wash and brush your teeth? (No) Let's play a game with you.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

To the wrong answer

speak: "No no no!"

Don't chew on the cabbage leaf:

It's not tasty at all!

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

This right advice? (no no no)

Shine to teeth to give,

You need to take shoe cream,

Squeeze half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice? (no no no)

Forever remember

dear friends:

Without brushing your teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands. (clapping)

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands. (clapping)

Remember the helpful advice:

You can't chew on an object


If my advice is good

You clap your hands. (clapping)

To strengthen teeth

Good for chewing nails.

Is this the right advice? (no no no)

presenter: Well, what do you like about us Kaprizka?

Caprice A: Yes, but very boring.

presenter: And the guys and I love to walk. And we love to play on walks. Will you play with us?

Caprice: Yes.

presenter: Then we start our competition. To grow and mature, you need do sports!

1. Relay "Porters".

2 teams of 3 children. Children are given one large ball in their hands. Players must take turns running to their hoop, put the ball in it and come back. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

presenter: Look to the sky, kids!

What shines so brightly above? (Sun)

Begins day -

The sun is not too lazy to shine.

The sun rises in the sky

Calling everyone to have fun!

Dance "The sun is radiant".

presenter: Warm us, sun,

bright beams,

Warm with rays

Make strong!

2. Relay "Go to the shop".

Each team is given a basket. On a signal, the participants run to the chair, take bottles of yogurt - come back, pass the basket.

3. Competition "Hockey with a ball"

On the start line, 2 participants receive a stick and a ball, on a signal, the participants try to drive the ball into the goal with a stick.

presenter: So ours ended holiday.

Move more, play more

Be cheerful always!

Be try healthy,

Never get sick!

Caprice, did you like it with us?

Caprice: Oh, thank you, friends! You taught me.

I will no longer be harmful and I will forget about anger.

I will often walk fresh air breathe.

I will wash more often do sports!

Goodbye, guys!

Related publications:

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"Health Day" Entertainment in the second junior group Health Day. sports entertainment in the 2nd junior group. Presenter Today we have a day of health in kindergarten. Health is a gift that

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Health Day for children of the 2nd junior group.

Health day plan:

1. Conversations: "I love vitamins, I want to be healthy."

2. Conversation: "Friends of Moidodyr".

3. Considering a picture about a healthy lifestyle "Health components".

4. Reading fiction: Sergey Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate badly”, “Walk”.

5. Games with children

6. Parents

1. Conversation on the topic: “I love vitamins, I want to be healthy”


To fix in children the names of some vegetables, fruits, berries, food; to expand children's ideas about how many foods are useful, and how important it is to eat right; continue to improve children's speech and ability to answer questions; to teach children the ability to communicate with the teacher. Visual material: models of fruits and vegetables.

Conversation flow:

The teacher asks the kids:

Guys, do you like vitamins?

What kind of vitamins do you like? (children's answers)

Who gives you vitamins? (children are more likely to name a family member, caregiver or nurse)

And where does mom (or others) buy them?

Listen, analyze and summarize the answers of the children.

The teacher draws the attention of children to models of fruits and vegetables: - Look, kids, what do I have? (children's answers)

Do you know how many vitamins they contain!

Here, raise your hands, those little ones who love carrots. Well done!

Please clap your hands for those little ones who love lemon. Well done!

Please stomp those who love oranges. Here are the good guys!

From colds and sore throats Oranges help! Well, it's better to eat a lemon, although it is very sour. Eat more oranges, Drink delicious carrot juice, And then you will definitely be Very slender and tall. No healthier than products- Delicious vegetables and fruits.

But you know guys, vitamins are found not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in other products. It is very useful to eat porridge with butter, honey, a lot of vitamins are found in fish, be sure to eat meat. Rich in vitamins and berries.

What kind of berries do you know? (children's answers) If you want to be healthy, eat right. Eat more vitamins And do not know about diseases. - You see, kids, how many benefits from vitamins! Therefore, eat the vitamins that you buy at the pharmacy. But, and most importantly, eat well so as not to get sick, grow up healthy and smart!

Individual drawing work

The teacher offers children coloring "Vegetables, fruits"

Target: improve the skills of uniform painting, using pressure on the pencil to enhance the color. Develop fine motor skills, cultivate accuracy, perseverance.

2. Conversation on the topic: "Friends of Moidodyr"


Continue to educate children in cultural and hygienic skills; expand children's ideas about how important it is to keep your body, hands, face, etc. clean; continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher's story, to involve children in a conversation while looking at illustrations; to teach the ability to communicate with the teacher, listen and understand question asked. Visual material: illustration of "Moydodyr", an envelope with a letter-poem.

Conversation flow:

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the illustration of "Moidodyr": - Kids, do you know who this is? (listen to the children's answers, clarify them)

And you know, today I received a letter from Moidodyr (shows the envelope). Now I will open the envelope and read it.

"Letter to all children on one very important matter"

My dear children! I am writing you a letter: I ask you to wash your hands and face more often. It doesn't matter what water: Boiled, spring, From the river, or from the well, Or just rain! It is necessary to wash without fail In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon - Before each meal, Before going to bed and after sleeping! Rub with a sponge and washcloth, Be patient - it does not matter! And ink and jam Will wash away soap and water. My dear children! Very, very much I ask you: Wash more often, wash more often - I can not stand dirty. I won't give a hand to dirty people. I won't visit them! I wash myself very often. Goodbye! Moidodyr.

Kids, what is Moidodyr asking us about? Listen to the answers of the children, and in case of difficulty, help the children with leading questions. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the screen "Lessons of Moidodyr", shows on it a mini poster "Be friends with water". - Look guys, what do you see in the picture? (the teacher clarifies the children's answers) Next, the teacher helps the children look at the illustrations, explaining them in detail, and making a conclusion about why it is so important to be friends with water.

3. Considering a picture about a healthy lifestyle "The components of health."


Gymnastics, awakening, hardening, barefoot.

4. Reading fiction: Sergey Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate badly”, “Walk” with children of the 1st junior group


To educate children in the ability to listen to new poems, to follow the development of the plot in the work; explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.

Lesson progress:

Kids, today we talked a lot about health, about how important it is to eat well, to eat vitamins. And now I want to read you a poem "About a girl who ate badly." The teacher shows the children an illustration and reads a poem.

"About a girl who ate badly"

Julia does not eat well, does not listen to anyone. - Eat an egg, Yulechka! - I don't want to, mommy! - Eat a sandwich with sausage! Julia covers her mouth. - Soup? - No... - Cutlet? - No ... - Yulechkin's dinner is getting cold. - What's wrong with you, Yulechka? - Nothing, mummy! - Take a sip, girl, Swallow another bite! Have pity on us, Yulechka! - I can't, Mommy! Mom and grandmother in tears - Yulia is melting before our eyes! Appeared pediatrician- Gleb Sergeevich Pugach. He looks sternly and angrily: - Does Yulia have no appetite? I can only see that she is definitely not sick! And I'll tell you, girl: Everyone eats - both the beast and the bird, From rabbits to kittens Everyone in the world wants to eat. With a crunch, the Horse chews oats. The yard dog gnaws at the bone. Sparrows peck at the grain, Wherever they get it, In the morning the Elephant has breakfast - He loves fruits. Brown Bear licks honey. Mole is having dinner in a mink. The monkey eats a banana. Looking for acorns Boar. The clever Swift catches the midge. Swiss cheese Loves the Mouse... Doctor Gleb Sergeevich Pugach said goodbye to Yulia. And Julia said loudly: - Feed me, Mom! - Kids, what was the name of the girl in the poem? Julia behaved well? What did she do wrong? Who spoke strictly to her? Who did they tell her about? (the teacher listens to the children's answers, corrects and supplements them, generalizes, draws a conclusion) - You know, guys, in order to be healthy, you must not only eat well, but also walk, because during a walk we are tempered, it is especially useful to temper in the summer. Now I will read to you about the guys who went for a walk. The teacher reads the poem.


We came to the river to spend Sunday, And you can’t find a free place Near the river! Here they sit and there they sit: Sunbathing and eating, Resting as they want, Hundreds of adults and children! We walked along the bank And found a clearing. But on a sunny meadow Here and there - empty banks And, as if to spite us, Even broken glass! We walked along the bank, found a new place. But even here they sat before us; They also drank, they also ate, They burned a fire, they burned paper - They littered and left! Of course, we passed by... - Hey guys! shouted Dima. - Here's a place anywhere! Spring water! Wonderful view! Lovely beach! Unpack your luggage! We swam, sunbathed, burned a fire, played football - had fun as best we could! They drank kvass, ate canned food, sang choral songs... We rested and left! And they remained in the clearing By the extinct fire: Two flasks we broke, Two soaked bagels - In a word, a mountain of garbage! We came to the river to spend Monday, Only a clean place Near the river can not be found! - Where did the guys go for a walk? What did they see on the river? Do you think it's good to do this? How did the guys relax? What were they doing? Did they do well when they left the river? The teacher listens to the answers of the children, corrects and supplements them, summarizes, draws a conclusion: - Please remember, kids, that when you relax with your parents on the river, keep it clean and tidy. Take care of our nature! Don't pollute it! Our health depends on the purity of nature.

5. Games with children

D / game "If you want to be healthy"

Target: clarify and expand children's knowledge of what needs to be done to be healthy, develop attention, ingenuity, and cultivate a desire to be healthy.

- "Get in the hoop"

Throw snowballs at the target

Stand alone games children.

Offer children a ring toss, skittles

Target: to learn to independently find an occupation according to interests, to develop motor activity, strength, dexterity. Cultivate friendships.

6. Parents

Consultation "Drink decoctions of herbs - you will be healthy"

Practical advice for parents "How to teach a child to breathe", "Teach a child to breathe"

Photo exhibition "Be healthy"

Lukinykh Yulia Gennadievna
caregiver MDOU Children's garden No. 6 "Sun" of the city of Novouzensk, Saratov region

Purpose: promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Objectives: to provide children with the opportunity to apply motor skills and skills previously acquired;

Strengthen physical health children;

To form in children a conscious attitude towards their life, their health;

develop curiosity, dexterity, coordination of movements;

Cultivate a love for physical education and the desire to lead healthy lifestyle life

Implementation plan
1. 08.00 - 08.10 Morning. Psychogymnastics. Conversation about holding a Health Day in the group. Morning exercises "Penguins woke up." Mobile game "Penguin and Leopard".
2. 09.00 – 09.15 NOD. Educational area“Knowledge. Formation complete picture of the world "-" Everyone needs vitamins and is useful and important.
3. 09.30 – 09.50 NOD. Educational area "Physical culture" - Competitive program "Competitions on an ice floe".
4. 10.00 -12.00 Preparation for the walk. Walk (games, observations, work).
5. 12.00 – 12.20 Role-playing games “Hospital. Katya got sick Grocery store»; lotto " Fruits vegetables».
6. 15.00 – 15.10 Wake-up. Hardening activities. - Gymnastics awakening "Penguins". Classes on massage mat.
7. 15.50 – 16.20 Entertainment. Viewing the cartoon "The Adventure of the Penguins" - series: Dr. Ozi Boo, Healthy Eating.
8. Summing up the results of the Health Day: encouraging participants (handing out coloring pictures depicting Ozy Boo penguins).
9. Independent games of children. Offer skittles, ring toss, balls.

Holiday progress:
The teacher meets the children in the kindergarten group: Hello guys, I greet you all! The word "hello" means that I wish you good health and I want you to greet each other too, smile, and I think your mood will rise.
Psychogymnastics "Hello!".
Objective: To explain the relationship between good mood and health.
Hello bright sun! Hello beautiful morning! Hello world around! Hello, good friend!
We will firmly hold hands, And smile at each other!
From our smile the sun will wake up, The sun will wake up, the children will smile!
Educator: And now, guys, when your mood has risen, I want to inform you that today our group will have a holiday - Health Day. Do you know what health is? (children's answers). This is when you are not sick, healthy, strong, when you are in a good mood, you want to run, jump and have fun. But, unfortunately, we are not always healthy. And today I will reveal to you the secret of how to maintain your health, never get sick and always have a good mood. We will take you on a journey to magical land Ozy Boo. Do you guys know who lives there? Little penguins - Nellie, Fred, Ted, Ned and Ed - four boys and one girl. They live in Antarctica, where there is a lot, a lot of snow, and different things happen to them. funny stories. What do you think, on what we will go to the country of penguins? (children's answers). We will go on a vehicle that rides on rails, what is it? That's right, a train, a locomotive. Let's all stand together in a circle, pull the horn lever and go! (children walk in a circle).
The steam locomotive crashed. Choo-choo, choo-choo! And he brought wagons. I'll go far!
Educator: Well, guys, we are in the country of Ozi Boo and now we will turn into little penguins (the teacher puts masks depicting Ozi Boo penguins on the children's heads), which is time to do morning exercises.

Morning exercises "Penguin". Walking one after another on toes, normal walking, walking with a change of direction (changes 3 times). Building in links.
In the morning, the penguin stood up on its paws (stretched, hands up - inhale-exhale), Prepared for exercise (jerks with hands in front of the chest), He looked left, right (torso turns left - right), He looked straight, down (turning the body forward, tilting down), and went down to the ledge. (squats). I ran a little through the snow (running in place), And stood up on both paws (stopped). I cleaned the fluff with my beak (tilts of the head to the left - to the right), And rather, splash into the water! (sit down)
Rebuilding from links to a column. Easy run after each other. Normal walking. Breathing exercise.

GCD. Educational field “Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world»
Conversation "Everyone needs vitamins and is useful and important."
Goal: "Continue to nurture the need to be healthy"
Program content:
Learning objectives - to introduce the concepts of "vitamins" and the products in which they are found. Discuss the importance of vitamins for health Have a good mood, generalize and consolidate the concepts of "vegetables" and "fruits". Developmental tasks - to form in children a conscious attitude to their lives, their health. Educational tasks - to encourage children to eat everything that is good for health. Preliminary work: a conversation about healthy food and the dangers of carbonated drinks, chips and fast foods; reading a poem by Y. Kushak “ Bon appetit”, riddles about vegetables and fruits. D / and “What grows in our garden?”, Creation of conditions for role-playing games"Shop", learning physical. minute "Gardener".
Material for the lesson: pictures depicting fruits and vegetables, dummies of vegetables and fruits, fresh fruits - apples, orange, lemon, banana; greens - dill, parsley, onion; vitamins - ascorbic acid in tablets and dragees, complivit, fruit juice and glasses. Methods and techniques: Visual - looking at dummies of vegetables, fresh fruits, herbs, vitamins. Verbal - thin. word, questions, teacher's story, explanations, choral and individual answers of children. Practical - physical. minute "Gardener", didactic games. Vocabulary work: vitamins, vegetables and fruits.

Lesson progress:
Children sit at tables, the tables are arranged with the letter P.
Educator: Guys today we will talk with you on a very interesting topic. We will go to visit the vitamins. Do you agree?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Vitamins are very small substances, so small that we cannot see them, but small vitamins contain great power and health. Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins - make our body strong and healthy. They come in tablets different color and forms. (Shows vitamins to children). And now I will treat you with vitamins, which are called ascorbic acid or vitamin "C", it will not allow you to get sick with any cold.

But vitamins are not only in tablets, they also grow on branches and beds. Many vitamins are found in berries, fruits and vegetables, greens.
Educator: Let's remember with you what vegetables do you know? Now I will tell you riddles from the garden. (The teacher accompanies each answer by showing a picture of vegetables).
Riddles from the garden
Leaves are collected in a head
In the garden of the villagers.
Without it, the cabbage soup is not thick.
What is her name? (Cabbage)

Families live underground
We water them from a watering can.
Both Polina and Antoshka
Let's call to dig ... (potatoes)

He grows in the garden
Doesn't offend anyone.
Well, everyone around is crying,
Because they clean ... (onion)

Head, and on top of the moustache.
No, it doesn't taste sweet.
Ran with all legs
We tear for dinner ... (garlic)

Similar to watermelon
Also thick skinned.
I'm used to the yellow dress
Basking in the sun ... (pumpkin)

This vegetable pumpkin brother -
Also looks chubby.
Lie down under the leaf on the barrel
Between the beds ... (zucchini)

These tough kids
They hide in the leaves in the garden.
couch potato twins
Turn green ... (cucumbers)

He lived in a greenhouse in the summer,
Friendly with the hot sun.
With him fun and enthusiasm
Everyone calls him ... (tomato)
(The teacher puts dummies of vegetables on the table).
Educator: How, in one word, to call these products?
Children: Vegetables.
Educator: Right! And what do you think, where else, besides vegetables, there are vitamins? In fruit! (Puts a plate of fresh fruit on the table.)

Right! And now we will play the game “What grows in our garden?”, You will get fruits and vegetables from a magic bag and say their name. (Game over).
Educator: Well done, you did the job. And I suggest you go to the garden where fruit trees.
Phys. minute "Gardener"
We walked in the garden yesterday, (children walk in a circle, holding hands) We planted currants, (depict how they dig a hole and plant) We whitewashed apple trees (movement right hand up and down) Lime, whitewash. We repaired the fence, (imitate blows with a hammer) We started a conversation: (they stand facing in a circle, one comes out to the center. Tell me, our gardener, child, conduct a dialogue, for each name. What will you give us as a reward? fruits are bent one finger at a time Ladies purple plums as a reward, on both hands, starting with large ones) Honey pears are the largest Ripe apples, cherries a whole kilogram. Here is what I will give you as a reward!
Educator: Well, guys, the gardener gave us a lot of fruit as a reward. And healthy compotes, jams, juices are made from fruits. Juices are different. What juice is obtained from cherries? From a pear? From an orange? From an apple? (Answers of children).
Educator: And if you mix them together, what kind of juice will you get?
Children: Fruit.
Educator: That's right, fruit juice, and the cooks of our kindergarten have also prepared fruit juice for you. (Children drink fruit juice). Well, did you like it? Now your body has added some more vitamins. And I want to wish you guys:
Eat kids vitamins every day and all year round And then the evil cold will bypass you.
Teacher: What were we talking about? What are vitamins? Where are they kept? How to protect your body from diseases?
Teacher: Thank you for your attention! I wish you to be always healthy.

GCD. Educational area "Physical culture"
Competitive program "Competitions on the ice floe".
Purpose: development of dexterity, balance, ability to navigate in space.
Materials and equipment: 2 balls, snowballs, 2 pictures of penguins cut into 6 parts, 2 hoops, 2 fishing rods, 2 buckets, figures on magnets according to the number of participants, 2 plates.

Children enter the hall to the music. Greetings. Walking in a circle, warm-up.
Educator: Guys, I invite you to take part in competitive program"Competition on an ice floe", which was prepared for you by funny penguins Ozy Boo. You are ready? Then let's do it again miraculous transformation into penguins (children put on penguin masks).
Educator: Now we will divide into two teams and start the competition.
1 contest "Transfer the egg"
Educator: Guys, remember how daddy penguins hatch eggs with cubs? Squeezing them between paws. So you have to move the ball, holding it with your feet, like a daddy penguin.
(A team member, holding the ball with both feet, must jump to the chip, take the ball in his hands and return to the start).

2 contest "Collect a picture"
Educator: In the second competition, you need to collect a whole picture from pieces of paper, whoever does it first is the winner.
(Teams assemble a whole picture from six pieces of paper, the picture shows a penguin).

3 competition "Fishermen"
Educator: Our next competition is called "Fishermen". Penguins feed on fish they catch in the sea, and now we will go to winter fishing to catch some fish.
(Team members one by one run up to the chip, take a fishing rod with a magnet, catch one fish and return to the team)

4 competition "Get in the snowman"

Educator: Penguins Ozi Boo, like all children, love to play and have fun. And most of all they love to play in the snow. We will also play snowballs with a familiar hero. Who has a carrot instead of a nose? That's right, the snowman.
The snowman came to the competition today and is ready to play with us.
Now I will distribute one snowball to each of you, and with this snowball you should hit the snowman. Ready? Then the first participants - forward!

(Team members one by one stand inside the hoop and try to hit the snowman with a snowball, which is standing in the middle at a certain distance)

"We are watching the drop."
Purpose: to continue to introduce seasonal changes in nature. Develop cognitive interest, thinking, speech.
Walk progress:
Watch the icicles with the children.
Educator: Guys, do you know how icicles are made? Now I will tell you. Do you see snow on the roof? When the sun warms up, the snow begins to slowly melt and drip down. And then it becomes cold and frosty again, and the melting snow turns into icicles. The sun warms again and water drips from the icicles. It's called drops. Let's listen to the sound of drops.

Artistic word.
The icicle sings a song: Drip-drip-drip! But who will understand it? Cap-cap-cap! Cap-cap-cap! I'm very sad Who will help me?
She grows upside down
It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die.
The children sat on the ledge
And grow all the way down
Do not suck, tomboys,
Ice lollipops!
I swallow pills myself
Because he ate icicles.
Educator: In no case, guys, you can not suck, gnaw, swallow icicles, because you can get sick!
labor in nature.
Clear benches of snow. Pour food into bird feeders.
Purpose: to accustom children to work; to instill love for our smaller brothers.

Outdoor games.
"Traps from the Circle"
Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in rhythmic walking, in dodging and catching, in building in a circle Description of the game: children stand in a circle, holding hands. Trap - in the center of the circle, bandage on the arm. Players move in a circle and say: We, funny guys, love to run and jump. Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch!
Children scatter, and the trap catches up. Caught temporarily steps aside. The game continues until the trap catches 2-3 children. Duration 5-7 minutes.
"Snow Holes"
Each team has its own hole. Opponents are trying to throw ice into it with their feet. Whoever does it first wins.

Independent activity of children.
Games according to the wishes and interests of children.
Purpose: to develop the ability to perform game actions in game exercises, learn to play together.

Story-role playing games.
"Hospital", "Grocery store". Goal: continue to teach children to develop multi-personal plots, encourage improvisation, change and combine roles, encourage children to use substitute objects, cultivate friendly relationships.

1. "Cleanliness is the key to health."
2. "The work of the duty officers is important and necessary."
3. "Greens on the table - health in the body."

Wake up.
Hardening activities.
Gymnastics awakening "Penguins". (starts lying in beds, then, following the words, the children continue standing by the beds)
The penguins all woke up, Stretched, smiled. They stood up on their legs together, stretched their wings.
Once - they washed themselves with a snowball, Two - gracefully bowed. Three - flapped their wings, Four - arched their backs, Five - jumped on their legs.

Classes on the massage mat "On a flat path"
Adult words: Children's actions:
“On a flat path, (they walk along the path)
On a flat path
Our feet are walking. One-two, one-two.
On pebbles, on pebbles, (jump)
By pebbles, by pebbles
One-two, one-two.
On a flat path, (stop)
On a flat path
Our legs are tired
Our legs are tired.
Here is our house
We live in it."

Watching the cartoon "The Adventure of the Penguins" - series: Dr. Ozi Boo, Healthy Eating.

Summing up the Health Day:
encouragement of participants (presentation of coloring pictures depicting Ozy Boo penguins).

Independent games for children.

Offer skittles, ring toss, balls.


1. Alyabyeva E.A. Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old: gaming technology. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005
2. Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A., Makeeva A.G. Talk about proper nutrition /Toolkit. - M.: OLMA - PRESS, 2005.
3. Dick N.F. Developing lessons on physical culture and health promotion for preschoolers. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005
4. Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to guess riddles: A manual for a kindergarten teacher - M .: Enlightenment, 1985
5. Kastyrkina V.N., Popova G.P. Organization of activities for children on a walk. The second junior group. / - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012
6. Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organization story game in kindergarten: A guide for the teacher. 2nd ed., rev. M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2000. - 96 p.
7. Sinitsyna E.I. Smart riddles - M .: List, 1999
8. Shorygina T.A. Poems for children's holidays - M .: GNOMID, 2006
9. The main general education program "From birth to school" Ed. E.V. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.



(second junior group)

Prepared by:

Gvozdareva I.V. -

physical education instructor

Ashitkovo 2013

Leading: Today is world health day. Health is a gift that you and I must cherish in order to always be cheerful, strong and beautiful. . Oh guys, look at us balloon a letter arrived. From whom is it?


"Hello guys! Bunny Valya is writing to you. I've been wanting to come visit you for a long time, but I just can't. Either a runny nose will overcome, then a sore throat, but I would so like to play with you. ”

Leading: Guys, Valya the bunny is often sick. And let's go to visit him and tell him what to do to be healthy. You are ready? Then go!

Game gymnastics.

Our little feet walked along the narrow path,

Hands also helped, everyone waved and waved.

Stop. Sat down. We got up. They walked together again.

It rained, thunder boomed. We're tiptoeing.

We shook off our hands and feet, we were not tired from the road.

Children turned into bears

The bears went out for a walk,

Brown, furry, clubfoot bears.

Turned into roosters

We raise the legs

sing a song

"Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku" -

All turned into horses

and now hurry, hurry,

on horseback, on horseback

Kids jump fast.

Our legs ran

Run along the path

And until we get tired

We won't stop running

(Assistant presenters lay flat flowers)

Leading: They ran to the clearing, stopped, and so many flowers bloomed in the clearing. Let's take a break and smell the flowers.

Breathing exercise "Around the flower"

(The presenter's assistants arrange a tunnel, a slide, a winding path, arcs)

Leading: But it's time to hit the road, because the bunny is waiting for us. But the road is not going to be easy. We need to go over the bridge over the river, crawl along the log above the hole, jump from one hole to another, crawl under the trees.

Children one after another overcome the obstacle course, line up in a semicircle near the bunny's house.

Leading: Here we come to the bunny. Knocks on the house.

Bunny(sneezes and coughs): Hello guys! And I keep getting sick and sick. Thanks for visiting me. Do you have a holiday today?

Leading: We are celebrating World Health Day in our kindergarten.

Bunny: What is kindergarten?

Leading: We will answer your question cheerful song about kindergarten.

Song "Kindergarten"

Bunny: You must be very interested. Do you also get sick often?

Leading: We care about our health, and in order not to get sick, we do exercises every morning.

Bunny: Will you teach me?

Leading: Of course, watch and repeat.

General developmental exercises "Bunnies" (with carrot)

Look, children, on the meadow,

The hares stood in a circle.

Bunnies do not want to get sick -

They are charging.

repeat kids

With them in order.

1. Bunnies sat on a swing,

wanted to swing.

Up and down, up and down -

Rushed straight into the sky. ( swing their arms forward, back - a carrot at their feet)

2. Lean forward -

let everyone pick a carrot

clap - one more time

We have a big harvest. ( bend down and clap at the bottom)

3. Look how clever

the hares hid the carrots.

They showed it again - you can’t see that carrot ( hide hands behind back and stretch forward)

4. One, two, three, four, five,

bunnies started jumping

bunnies started jumping -

as if the bunnies did not get tired.

5. Dandelions fly, rabbits tickle their noses.

Blow on them guys

Let the bunnies rest. (blow on "dandelions")

(Assistant presenters lay out toy vegetables and fruits)

Bunny: How amazing! Now I will do exercises every morning!

Leading: And yet, in order not to get sick, you need to eat vegetables and fruits - they contain many healthy substances - vitamins.

Bunny: I have grown a lot of vegetables and fruits, it's already autumn, it's time to collect them, and I'm getting sick.

Leading: And the kids will help you. Let's help guys!!!

A GAME "Gather vegetables and fruits"

Bunny: Thank you, well done guys! Do you want me to feed you too?

Gives the host a dirty carrot.

Leading: Guys, look what a dirty carrot!

Bunny: You eat, and do not pay attention - it will wash in the stomach!

Leading: To protect yourself from germs with water and soap, you need to wash yourself,

And before eating, wash fruits and vegetables with water. These simple rules help you not get sick. Look how our guys wash their faces and repeat after us.

Game "Wash"

Faucet, open (imitate opening a faucet)

Nose, wash your face (stroking the new sinuses from top to bottom)

Wash both eyes at once (wash eyes)

Wash your neck well (rub your neck)

Wash, wash, pour over (imitate pouring water)

Wash off the dirt (shake off hands)

Leading: Well, and, of course, in order not to get sick, you must definitely engage in physical education. Really guys?

Bunny: I feel like I'm healthy

And I don't need doctors!

I will be friends with sports

And value your health!

I feel five!

I really want to play!

Leading: Let's play with the bunny, guys?

Game "Chase the Bunny"

(Children jump after the bunny from one end of the hall to the other)

The game "Zhmurki with a bunny"

(Bunny is blindfolded and he catches children)

Game "Hares in houses"

(Flat hoops are laid out around the hall, on a signal the children walk between the hoops, when the music stops they go into the hoop)

Bunny: Thank you guys! Be always healthy and cheerful! (Bunny leaves)

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. It's time to go to kindergarten.

Musical-rhythmic exercises (to the music of Starkadomsky "Merry Travelers")

Leading: So our holiday of Health is over! Goodbye, guys!