The little girl who could fly. Night story. Russian folk tales

Psychologists have long proved that a fairy tale is a special kind of communication and transmission of love from parents to a child. A book read by mom, dad, grandma or grandpa helps form basic values, develops fantasy, makes the child calm down and get ready for sleep. Fairy tales can be read not only classical, but also modern. The Night of Kindness website presents the best modern works that are popular with parents. Only here you will find short and instructive tales about Peppa Pig, Luntik, Paw Patrol, Nina Turtles, Vince and other cartoon characters. This will captivate the attention of the baby and allow him to spend even more time with his favorite characters. Parents happy baby will be incredibly grateful.

How to organize such a ritual as putting a child to bed?
It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last meal should be two hours before meals.
You can drink a glass of warm milk.
Remember to remind your child to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth.

All the needs have been met, the procedures have been carried out, now you can read the fairy tale for children with a clear conscience. The kid will not be distracted, nothing will bother him. You need to read a fairy tale before going to bed in a calm voice. Psychologists advise choosing not combat and adventure works, but calmer ones that would set you up for sleep, lull you to sleep. To attract attention, you can sit next to the child, show him pictures from the book. Or sit down at the feet, so that the baby fantasizes more and imagines the characters on his own.
Remember, a child's psyche is unable to concentrate for more than six minutes. Attention will be scattered if you drag out reading for a long time. The optimal duration of reading a fairy tale for children is 5-10 minutes.

It is important to read fairy tales every day. This is not just a habit, but a kind of tradition. It is she who helps the baby to create supports and know that his world is stable. At the same time, in a bad mental state, it is better not to read a fairy tale. Ask to replace you or explain to the child that you do not feel well. Otherwise, the baby can “get infected” with a bad mood without realizing it.

It is important to choose the right fairy tale for the child. After all, it carries morality. If the fairy tale is evil, cruel, then the child may form an incorrect vision of reality. For example, the fairy tale The Little Mermaid tells that true love is cruel and generally leads to death. Cinderella teaches you to wait for the prince. Very receptive children can get wrong attitudes into the subconscious, which then have to be treated with a psychiatrist. We invite you to find a fairy tale right now and read it for your beloved baby.

Fairy tales that teach good ...

These good bedtime stories with a happy and instructive ending will delight your child before going to bed, calm them down, teach goodness and friendship.

2. The tale of how Fedya saved the forest from the evil sorcerer

The boy Fedya Yegorov came to the village to rest in the summer with his grandparents. This village was right next to the forest. Fedya decided to go to the forest for berries and mushrooms, but his grandparents did not let him in. They said that the real Baba Yaga lives in their forest, and for more than two hundred years no one has been going to this forest.

Fedya did not believe that Baba Yaga lived in the forest, but he obeyed his grandparents and did not go into the forest, but went to the river to fish. The cat Vaska followed Fedya. The fish were biting well. Three ruffs were already swimming in Fedya's jar when the cat knocked it over and ate the fish. Fedya saw this, got upset and decided to postpone fishing until tomorrow. Fedya returned home. Grandma and Grandpa were not at home. Fedya removed the fishing rod, put on a shirt with long sleeves and, taking a basket, went to the neighboring guys to call them into the forest.

Fedya believed that grandparents had composed about Baba Yaga, that they simply did not want him to go into the forest, because it is always very easy to get lost in the forest. But Fedya was not afraid to get lost in the forest, because he wanted to go into the forest with friends who have been living here for a long time, which means they know the forest well.

To Fedya's great surprise, all the guys refused to go with him and they began to dissuade him. …

3. Promiseikin

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Yegorov. Fedya did not always keep his promises. Sometimes, having promised his parents to clean up his toys, he got carried away, forgot and left them scattered.

Once Fedya's parents left him alone at home and asked him not to lean out of the window. Fedya promised them that he would not stick out of the window, but would draw. He got everything he needed for drawing, settled down in a large room at the table and began to draw.

But as soon as dad and mom left the house, Fedya was immediately drawn to the window. Fedya thought: “So what if I promised not to look out, I’ll quickly look out, see what the guys are doing in the yard, and dad and mom won’t even know that I was looking out.”

Fedya put a chair up to the window, climbed onto the sill, lowered the handle on the frame, and before he even had time to pull the window sash, it flew open on its own. By some miracle, just like in a fairy tale, a flying carpet appeared in front of the window, and on it sat an unfamiliar grandfather. Grandpa smiled and said:

- Hello, Fedya! Do you want me to roll you on my carpet? …

4. Tale about food

The boy Fedya Yegorov became stubborn at the table:

I don’t want to eat soup and I won’t have porridge. I don't like bread!

Soup, porridge and bread took offense at him, disappeared from the table and ended up in the forest. And at this time, an evil hungry wolf roamed the forest and said:

I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh how I wish I could eat them!

The food heard this and flew straight into the wolf's mouth. The wolf has eaten, sits contentedly, licks its lips. And Fedya, without having eaten, left the table. For dinner, my mother served potato pancakes with jelly, and Fedya again became stubborn:

- Mom, I don’t want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!

5. The Tale of the Nervous Pike or the Magic Book of Yegor Kuzmich

There lived two brothers - Fedya and Vasya Egorov. They constantly started fights, quarrels, shared something among themselves, quarreled, argued over trifles, and at the same time, the youngest of the brothers, Vasya, always squeaked. Sometimes the eldest of the brothers, Fedya, also squeaked. The squeak of the children was very annoying and distressed to the parents, and especially to the mother. And people often get sick from grief.

So the mother of these boys fell ill, so much so that she stopped getting up even for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The doctor who came to treat my mother gave her medication and said that my mother needed peace and quiet. Dad, leaving for work, asked the children not to make noise. He gave them a book and said:

The book is interesting, read it. I think you will like it.

6. Fairy tale about Fedina toys

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Yegorov. Like all children, he had a lot of toys. Fedya loved his toys, played with them with pleasure, but there was one problem - he did not like to clean them up after himself. He will play and quit where he played. Toys lay in disarray on the floor and got in the way, everyone stammered over them, even Fedya himself threw them away.

And then one day the toys got tired of it.

- We need to run away from Fedya before we are completely broken. We must go to the good guys who take care of their toys and put them away,” said the plastic soldier.

7. An instructive tale for boys and girls: Devil's tail

Lived-was the Devil. That Devil had a magical tail. With the help of his tail, the Devil could find himself anywhere, but, most importantly, the Devil's tail could fulfill whatever he wanted, for this he had only to think of a wish and wave his tail. This devil was very evil and very harmful.

He used the magical power of his tail for harmful deeds. He arranged accidents on the roads, drowned people in the rivers, broke the ice under the fishermen, set fires and did many other atrocities. Once the Devil got tired of living alone in his underground kingdom.

He built himself a kingdom on earth, surrounded it with dense forests and swamps so that no one could approach him, and began to think about who else to populate his kingdom. The Devil thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​populating his kingdom with assistants who would commit harmful atrocities on his orders.

The Devil decided to take naughty children as his assistants. …

Also on topic:

Poem: “Fedya is a nice little boy”

Cheerful boy Fedya
Riding a bike,
Fedya is walking along the path,
Stepping back a little to the left.
At this time on the track
Murka jumped out - a cat.
Fedya suddenly slowed down,
Missed the cat-Murka.
Fedya goes on smartly,
A friend shouts to him: “Wait a minute!
Let me ride a little.
It's a friend, not anyone
Fedya gave: - Take it, my friend,
Ride one circle.
He himself sat down on the bench,
He sees: a tap, and next to a watering can,
And flowers are waiting in the flowerbed -
Who would give a sip of water.
Fedya, jumping off the bench,
All flowers were poured from a watering can
And he poured water for the geese,
So that they can get drunk.
- Our Fedya is so good,
- the cat Prosha suddenly noticed,
- Yes, he is good for us as friends,
- said the goose, drinking some water.
- Woof woof woof! Polkan said
- Fedya is a nice little boy!

“Fedya is a bully boy”

Cheerful boy Fedya
Riding a bike
No straight road
Fedya is going - a mischievous one.
Driving straight across the lawn
Here I ran into peonies,
Broke three stems
And scared away three moths,
He crushed more daisies,
Hooked on a bush shirt,
On the move crashed into a bench,
Kicked and knocked over the watering can,
Soaked sandals in a puddle,
He took the pedals with mud.
“Ha-ha-ha,” said the gander,
Well, what a weirdo he is
Gotta ride on the track!
- Yes, - said the kitten Proshka,
- there is no road at all!
The cat said: - It hurts a lot!
- Woof-woof-woof, - said Polkan,
This boy is a bully!

Fairy tales are poetic stories of extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word "fairy tale" has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that moment, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on a fictional story, with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. The stories contain a certain hint, which enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life on illustrative examples.

Children's fairy tales read online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on the way of your child to life. A variety of stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. Listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having matured, we forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is unimportant, and the beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. To give a little good mood and plunge into the fairy-tale world is quite simple!

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

Let me in.

Wolf said:

Okay, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.

Belka said:

First, let me climb the tree, and from there I will tell you, otherwise I am afraid of you.

The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:

You're bored because you're angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

Fairy tale "The Hare and the Man"

Russian traditional

The poor man, walking through the open field, saw a hare under a bush, was delighted and said:

That's when I'll live at home! I will catch this hare and sell it for four altyns, with that money I will buy a pig, she will bring me twelve little pigs; piglets will grow up, bring twelve more; I'll pin them all, I'll accumulate a barn of meat; I’ll sell the meat, and with the money I’ll run a house and get married myself; my wife will bear me two sons - Vaska and Vanka; the children will plow the arable land, and I will sit under the window and give orders. “Hey, you guys,” I shout, “Vaska and Vanka!

Yes, the peasant shouted so loudly that the hare was frightened and ran away, but the house with all the wealth, with his wife and children was gone ...

Fairy tale "How the fox got rid of nettles in the garden"

Once a fox came out into the garden and sees that a lot of nettles have grown on it. I wanted to pull it out, but I decided that it was not even worth starting. I already wanted to go to the house, but here comes the wolf:

Hello cousin, what are you doing?

And the cunning fox answers him:

Oh, you see, godfather, how many beautiful ones I have ugly. Tomorrow I will clean and store it.

What for? the wolf asks.

Well, then, - says the fox, - the one who smells nettles does not take the dog's fang. See godfather, do not come close to my nettle.

She turned and went into the house to sleep the fox. She wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, and her garden is empty, not a single nettle is left. The fox smiled and went to cook breakfast.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Russian traditional

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman in the same village.

And they had a chicken. named Ryaba.

One day the hen Ryaba laid an egg on them. Yes, not a simple egg, golden.

Grandfather beat the testicle, did not break it.

The woman beat and beat the testicle, did not break it.

The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell, and it broke!

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying. And the hen Ryaba tells them:

Do not cry grandfather, do not cry woman! I'll lay you a new testicle, but not a simple one, but a golden one!

Tale of the most greedy man

Eastern fairy tale

In one city of the country of the Hausa lived the miser Na-khana. And he was so greedy that none of the inhabitants of the city had ever seen Na-khana give at least water to the traveler. He'd rather get a couple of slaps in the face than lose the smallest bit of his fortune. And this was a great fortune. Na-khana himself probably did not know exactly how many goats and sheep he had.

One day, returning from the pasture, Na-khana saw that one of his goats had stuck its head in a pot, but could not get it out. Na-khana himself tried for a long time to remove the pot, but in vain. Then he called the butchers and, after a long bargain, he sold the goat to them on the condition that they cut off her head and return the pot to him. The butchers slaughtered the goat, but when they took out its head, they broke the pot. Na-hana was furious.

I sold the goat at a loss, and you also broke the pot! he shouted. And even cried.

Since then, he did not leave the pots on the ground, but put them somewhere higher, so that goats or sheep would not stick their heads in them and cause him loss. And people began to call him the great miser and the most greedy man.

Fairy tale "Eyeglasses"

Brothers Grimm

The beautiful girl was lazy and slovenly. When she had to spin, she was annoyed at every knot in linen yarn and immediately broke it to no avail and threw it in a heap on the floor.

She had a maid - a hardworking girl: it happened that everything that the impatient beauty threw away would be collected, unraveled, cleaned and thinly rolled. And she accumulated so much of such matter that it was enough for a pretty dress.

A young man wooed a lazy beautiful girl, and everything was already prepared for the wedding.

At a bachelorette party, a diligent maid danced merrily in her dress, and the bride, looking at her, said mockingly:

"Look, how she dances! How merry she is! And she herself dressed up in my hair!"

The groom heard this and asked the bride what she wanted to say. She told the groom that this maid had woven a dress for herself from the same linen that she had discarded from her yarn.

As the groom heard this, he understood that the beauty was lazy, and the maid was zealous for work, he approached the maid, and chose her as his wife.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Russian traditional

Grandfather planted a turnip and says:

Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

The turnip has grown sweet, strong, big, big.

The grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulls, he pulls, he cannot pull it out.

Grandpa called grandma.

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

Bug called the cat.

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

The cat called the mouse.

Mouse for a cat

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

Pull-pull - and pulled out a turnip. So the turnip's fairy tale is over, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale "Sun and cloud"

Gianni Rodari

The sun merrily and proudly rolled across the sky on its fiery chariot and generously scattered its rays - in all directions!

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud got angry and grumbled in the sun. And no wonder - she was in a thunderous mood.

- You're a spender! - the cloud frowned. - Leaky hands! Throw, throw your beams! Let's see what you're left with!

And in the vineyards, each berry caught the sun's rays and rejoiced in them. And there was not such a blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there was not even such a drop of water that would not try to get its piece of the sun.

- Well, spend more! - the cloud did not let up. - Spend your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing left to take!

The sun was still merrily rolling across the sky and giving away its rays in millions, billions.

When it counted them at sunset, it turned out that everything was in place - look, every single one!

Upon learning of this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately scattered into hail. And the sun splashed cheerfully into the sea.

Fairy tale "Sweet porridge"

Brothers Grimm

Once upon a time there was a poor, modest girl alone with her mother, and they had nothing to eat. Once the girl went into the forest and met an old woman on the way, who already knew about her miserable life and gave her an earthen pot. He had only to say: “Pot, cook!” - and tasty, sweet millet porridge will be cooked in it; and just tell him: “Potty, stop it!” - and the porridge will stop cooking in it. The girl brought a pot home to her mother, and now they got rid of poverty and hunger and began to eat sweet porridge whenever they wanted.

Once the girl left home, and the mother says: “Pot, cook!” - and porridge began to boil in it, and the mother ate her fill. But she wanted the pot to stop cooking porridge, but she forgot the word. And now he cooks and cooks, and the porridge is already creeping over the edge, and all the porridge is being cooked. Now the kitchen is full, and the whole hut is full, and porridge is creeping into another hut, and the street is all full, as if it wants to feed the whole world; and a great misfortune happened, and not a single person knew how to help that grief. Finally, when only the house remains intact, a girl comes; and only she said: “Pot, stop it!” - he stopped cooking porridge; and the one who had to go back to the city had to eat his way through the porridge.

Fairy tale "Black grouse and the fox"

Tolstoy L.N.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:

- Hello, black grouse, my friend, as soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.

“Thank you for your kind words,” said the grouse.

The fox pretended not to hear, and said:

– What are you talking about? I can not hear. You, black grouse, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:

- I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.

Or are you afraid of me? - said the fox.

“Not you, I’m afraid of other animals,” said the black grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.

- No, black grouse, my friend, today the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth. Now the animals do not touch each other.

“That’s good,” said the black grouse, “otherwise the dogs are running, if only in the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to be afraid of.”

The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.

– Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, now the decree, the dogs will not be touched.

- And who knows! - said the fox. Maybe they didn't hear the order.

And she ran away.

Fairy tale "The Tsar and the Shirt"

Tolstoy L.N.

One king was sick and said:

“I will give half of the kingdom to the one who will cure me.

Then all the wise men gathered and began to judge how to cure the king. No one knew. Only one wise man said that the king can be cured. He said:

- If you find a happy person, take off his shirt and put it on the king, the king will recover.

The king sent to look for a happy person in his kingdom; but the ambassadors of the king traveled all over the kingdom for a long time and could not find a happy person. There was not a single one that was satisfied with everyone. Who is rich, let him be ill; who is healthy, but poor; who is healthy and rich, but his wife is not good; and whoever has children who are not good - everyone complains about something.

Once, late in the evening, the king's son was walking past the hut, and he heard someone say:

- Here, thank God, I've worked out, eaten and go to bed; what else do i need?

The king's son was delighted, ordered to take off this man's shirt, and give him money for it, as much as he wants, and take the shirt to the king.

The messengers came to the happy man and wanted to take off his shirt; but the happy one was so poor that he had no shirt on.

Tale "Chocolate Road"

Gianni Rodari

Three little boys lived in Barletta - three brothers. Somehow they were walking outside the city and suddenly saw some strange road - even, smooth and all brown.

- What, I wonder, is this road made of? The older brother was surprised.

“I don’t know from what, but not from planks,” the middle brother remarked.

They wondered, wondered, and then knelt down and licked the road with their tongues.

And the road, it turns out, was all lined with chocolate bars. Well, the brothers, of course, were not at a loss - they began to regale themselves. Piece by piece - they did not notice how the evening came. And they all gobble up chocolate. So we ate it all the way! Not a piece of her is left. As if there was no road at all, no chocolate!

– Where are we now? The older brother was surprised.

“I don’t know where, but it’s not Bari!” the middle brother replied.

The brothers were confused - they did not know what to do. Fortunately, a peasant came out to meet them, returning from the field with his cart.

“Let me take you home,” he offered. And he took the brothers to Barletta, right up to the house.

The brothers began to get out of the cart and suddenly saw that it was all made of cookies. They rejoiced and, without thinking twice, began to gobble her up on both cheeks. There was nothing left of the cart - no wheels, no shafts. Everyone ate.

That's how lucky one day three little brothers from Barletta. No one has ever been so lucky, and who knows if they will ever be.

Lovely good stories that soothe and delight. The girls are happy to listen to a simple story about the sorceress Panechka. There are no evil machinations in this tale, only happy accidents and joyful events. Children after this fairy tale see wonderful dreams. The "Favorite Tales" binder is constantly updated. Every evening you can read a new fairy tale to your daughter. Your children know - Everything will be fine.

Special gift.

Tale for the 1st night

One day in one of the most ordinary gray city with gray streets and gray houses, a little girl was born. Nothing special. Just a girl. She grew up, like all girls, with her mother and father. And no one guessed that this girl was the most special. No one guessed, because no one wondered why the girl loves pink. Everyone knows that girls love pink, and boys love uninteresting gray or, in extreme cases, orange. But this girl could not live without pink. If she didn’t see the pink color for at least one minute, she began to feel sad. And if I didn’t see it all day, I started to get sick. And not a single doctor could understand why this girl suddenly fell ill, and then also unexpectedly recovered and began to sing songs. So mom, dad and a girl named Panechka lived in an ordinary gray city in an ordinary gray house. They lived without suspecting anything until Panechka was seven years old.
At the age of seven, Panechka went to school. In an ordinary school, what thousands. She was very glad that she would study, because she was smart and already knew how to read and write, count to a thousand, and even knew a little arithmetic.
But her joy did not last long. In this school, where Panechka went to the first grade, all the children had to go in uniform, brown or blue, and the walls in the school were painted pale green, and all the desks were the same nondescript color. No wonder Panechka felt homesick on the very first day. And because of this longing, she began to study so badly that all the teachers believed that there was no student at school more stupid than her. Panechka's mom and dad were very worried that their smart girl suddenly became binary. What they didn't do. And they hired tutors, and they themselves studied with Panechka. It just worked out like this: at home, Panechka knew everything and answered without hesitation, but at school she got bad marks for the same subjects. And even worse, Panechka began to get sick often and miss school.
The parents were very sad. And the director of the school advised them to send Panechka to a school for retarded children.
Mom did not believe, dad did not believe that their beloved daughter was born a fool. They took Panechka to another school. But it was the same there. And in the third school of this gray city, Panechka also could not study. After all, schools do not like pink. Panechkin's parents turned to the doctors, but they only shrugged their shoulders and prescribed pills. Then Panechkin's mother decided to take the last step. Once she read in the newspaper that there is some kind of witch who sees what is hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. She took Panechka by the hand and went with her to the witch.
The sorceress only looked at the pretty girl dressed in all pink and immediately understood everything. She said:
- That special girl. It cannot be taught in an ordinary school. And in no case should she stay in this gray city. Ride with her to the distant Blue Sea. There, at the end of the world, my sister Frodina opened a special school for special children.
- How can I go, - mum was sad, - Where will I get so much money to go there, and will I find a job there to live there.
-Don't you think about it. Just go there and everything will work itself out. You will also find out what a miracle your girl is.
Panechka's parents had doubts for a long time. They did not believe the sorceress that everything would work out by itself. But when Panechka again fell ill with her incomprehensible illness, her mother bought 2 tickets and took Panechka to the distant Blue Sea to the end of the world to the amazing school that the sorceress spoke about.
As soon as the headmistress of that special school named Frodina saw Panechka, she exclaimed:
- Sweet Rose!
- My name is Panechka, - answered Panechka.
- You are mistaken, - the headmistress shook her head, - Your real name is Rose. You are the girl who was born to bring happiness.
Mom was surprised by these words. She shook her head and did not believe it, because from the moment Panechka first went to school, she and her parents did not have happy days.
But she did not know that in that school they prepared not ordinary students, but special ones. Not everyone was accepted into this school. And in those who were kicked, they discovered their own special gift and developed it to perfection.
Mom surprisingly quickly opened her own business and began to earn even more than in the gray city. Dad also soon came to them, and very soon they built a large beautiful house by the Blue Sea and painted it all inside and out in pink. And there were no happier parents in the whole world.
- It's good that we moved here. If Panechka had not been so special, we would still be living in that gray city and would never know that there could be a better place. They told the truth that our daughter has a special gift.
That's what my mother used to say to all her friends.

Fairy Wings.

Tale for the 2nd night

And now it's time for Panechka to finish school. A big celebration with a carnival was arranged for the graduates of the school. All students received special colorful diplomas, in which “Master of the Cherry Orchard” or “Master of Migratory Birds” was written in beautiful letters. Yes, yes, and there were special abilities such as causing rain and heat in order to make cherry orchards bloom better. And even such an ability as the direction of migratory birds along the most convenient route so that not a single bird dies on the way.
And our Panechka had “Master of Happy Coincidences” written in large pink letters on her diploma. This meant that Panechka had a special gift for conjuring happy accidents at will.
These were the diplomas. Well, since the school was in a country where, in order to be taken seriously, you needed the simplest diploma with marks in various material subjects, then, in addition to the master's diploma, everyone was also given gray nondescript little books - a high school diploma. Only they were given out not at the holiday, but after it the next day to those who wanted to study at ordinary institutes and get ordinary specialties in order to get an ordinary job.
And after the holiday, Frodina called Panechka to her office and gave him a blue handkerchief. She said:
- As soon as such difficulties arise on your way that you lose faith in your gift, throw this handkerchief around your shoulders.
-What is this handkerchief? Panechka asked.
This scarf was once given to me by a fairy. She said that the time would come and the girl would come to me. Her name is Rose. But her parents will call her differently. She said, “You will immediately know that it is her. Because, more than anything, she will love the color pink.” This fairy said that a handkerchief thrown over the shoulders of the Rose will turn into the wings of a huge beautiful butterfly. And those wings can take her wherever she wants.
Frodina threw a handkerchief over Panechka's shoulders. And at the same moment, instead of a handkerchief, beautiful wings appeared on Panechka's back. In surprise, Panechka waved them and rose high to the ceiling.
- So, you are the new Fairy Rose, - Frodina said joyfully.
-How can I get out of here? Panechka asked.
She was a little scared that she was suddenly so high.
-Managing the wings is very easy. You just need to think where to fly, and you will fly. If you need to go down, think about where you want to get up and find yourself there. But no one but us fairies will see your beautiful wings. Remember this. Never fly on people.
- Of course, I won't, - Panechka promised, - After all, people can get scared.
“People are different,” Frodina sighed, and said nothing more.
When Panechka came home and told about Frodina's gift, and then showed how she learned to fly, mother was very much afraid that Panechka would fall. After all, she did not see her wings. She took a promise from her daughter that she would never put a handkerchief on her shoulders without her permission. And Panechka hid the handkerchief in her purse very deeply, and after a while she forgot where she had put it. And she began to live like an ordinary person.

Flower of happiness.

Tale for the 3rd night

Once Panechka was walking down the street and saw beautiful flowers in the window of a flower shop. She liked the flowers so much that she went to the store and asked to work there. And since then she began to sell flowers to people, collect them in beautiful bouquets and sell them. She made the most beautiful bouquets in town. Everyone came to her if someone needed to give a bouquet. And the flowers in her hands were especially fragrant. When she was on duty in the store, not a single flower withered there.
Once a lot of beautiful flowers were brought to the store. All the store employees sorted this huge heap of flowers.
And when Panechka cleaned up the garbage after that, she noticed a small nondescript bud on the floor. It was surprisingly pink, but quite weak. For some reason, Panechka could not throw this wilted flower into the trash. She took it home with her and placed it in a glass vase. I added fertilizer to the water. And when I woke up in the morning, I was surprised. The flower straightened and blossomed with large conical petals. And roots appeared from the stalk in the water. Panechka transplanted the flower into a pot with earth and went to work. And when she returned, she was even more surprised.
The stalk stood very straight in the pot, which means that the flower began and began to grow and leaves appeared on it. But what is even more surprising, all the petals of the flower fell off and instead of a flower, a green fruit appeared on the stalk, similar to a five-sided box. And the next morning, when Panechka got up, the first thing she ran to see what had happened to her favorite flower. She saw that the fruit was ripe and was very happy. Because if the fruit ripens, then soon there will be seeds. And from the seeds you can plant even more of these wonderful flowers. Indeed, in the evening the box with seeds opened and Panechka collected many seeds, small as a poppy seed. She planted all the seeds in other pots and after a while admired the beautiful flowers, which in their time turned into boxes with many seeds.
Very soon, there were so many pots of flowers that Panechka had to distribute them to her friends. She gave them away for free. But then people came and brought her money. They said that the flower is so wonderful that they are ashamed to take it for free. And everyone who paid for the flower, then became happy. Someone had a long-awaited child, someone had a dying grandfather recovered, and someone married a beloved woman who had not paid attention to him before. Such miracles happened to people.
Panechka had no idea about it.
A year later, my mother said that they now have so much money that they can buy a yacht and go on a long voyage. After all, Panechka's dad dreamed all his life of making a round-the-world trip on a large sailing yacht. Panechka was happy for her dad and was very surprised that she had earned all this money.
When Panechka did not understand something, she came to consult her former headmistress Frodina.
- Don't you know that you have grown a flower of happiness? Frodina said in response to her question.
- A flower of happiness only then fulfills the owner's dreams when it is grown from a seed or bought. You have grown so many flowers of happiness that they grow even on the street. Look, our city has become even more beautiful. The drivers jump out of the cars and take the old women to the other side. Almost all people smile. And when a person is happy, he wants everyone around him to be happy too. Your special gift grows stronger day by day. Soon you will be able to make happy all the inhabitants of our country.
But I just do what I like the most. And I don't try to make anyone happy.
- This is your gift, - said Frodina.

Visiting Santa Claus.

Tale for the 4th night.

Panechka and her parents got together on a round-the-world trip on their new yacht.
Papa said:
-I will take a large telescope with me, because the stars are very visible in the ocean. I will see many stars and maybe discover a new one. In addition, with a telescope you can see the island on the horizon, even if it is very small and very far beyond the horizon.
And my mother said:
I'll take thread and a sewing machine with me. If our sail breaks from the wind, I will sew it up and we can sail on.
And Panechka said:
-And I will take my flowers of happiness with me and also my favorite bag with cosmetics, because we will meet different people and I need to look good.
They took everything that they thought they needed and got into the yacht and sailed from the shore to the sea.
So they sailed for several days. When they were all tired of admiring the sea, dolphins, whales and other marine animals that swam close to the yacht, they each went about their own business. Papa watched in telescoping at night, Panechka looked after her flowers and composed new songs (and by the way, she was not bad at it), and her mother cooked dinner, and the rest of the time, out of boredom, she embroidered patterns on the sails of the yacht.
Sometimes they met other ships, shouted "happy sailing" and waved their hands at them. Sometimes they landed on the shore and met new people. And Panechka handed out flowers of happiness to everyone, and people gave them food in gratitude.
One night, when they were all sleeping peacefully, their yacht was caught in a fast ocean current. And since the sails were lowered for the night, so that the yacht, while everyone was sleeping, did not sail away at the behest of the wind, the current of water carried it with it. And when everyone woke up in the morning, they found that the yacht was among the ice near some snow-covered shore. Everyone had to dress warmly because it was very cold. The sky was covered with clouds from which white snowflakes slowly poured.
“We should go ashore and ask the locals where we ended up,” suggested dad.
And so they did. We swam closer to the shore and went ashore. Amidst the snow, white as a festive tablecloth, a beautiful house could be seen in the distance. And near the house stood beautiful deer harnessed to a sleigh.
Our travelers approached the house. A large, heavy door opened to meet them, and they saw a cheerful old man in a red coat and red cap, holding a silvery staff in his hand.
-Oh-ho! - the old man exclaimed, - Did people come to visit me? This is good! If only all people would always come to me for gifts. There are already too many children in the world, and my fast deer do not have time to take me to everyone.
Panechka guessed that they had come to visit Santa Claus and was very happy, because she had never seen him. I found gifts from him under the tree, but I didn’t see him himself. And mom and dad guessed who was in front of them and were very surprised that Santa Claus actually exists.
- And we, grandfather, are not looking for gifts, - said Panechka, - We ourselves brought you gifts.
-That's the way it is! Which presents? Santa Claus rejoiced.
Panechka ran to the yacht and brought a pot with a flower of happiness. She put the pot by the fireplace, and a surprisingly pleasant aroma wafted through Father Frost's room.
“Now Santa Claus you will always and everywhere be in time,” Panechka said.
- Thank you, - Santa Claus was delighted again, - Flowers have never grown in my house. And now there is a flower of happiness. I must repay you for such a gift. But first, I'll show you the North Pole, polar bears.
They all went to ride reindeer around the North Pole together. The deer rushed faster than the wind, and Santa Claus was always surprised at how fast his deer were running. Polar bears waved their paws at them, and polar hares waved their tails.
And when they came back, Santa Claus took out a box from the far shelf and took out beautiful crystal earrings in a silver frame and said:
-These earrings are made by my ice gnomes and at the same time cast a special spell on them so that they bring good luck to those who wear them ..
As soon as Panechka put on these earrings, the north wind suddenly blew and dad hurried to the yacht, because the wind was fair, which happens very rarely in the northern seas.

Great mage

Tale for the 5th night

There lived a Great magician in the world who could do what no person in the world could do. He could even move mountains at will. It's so simple - I wanted to move the mountain a little to the right so that it would not interfere with people visiting each other - I just looked, thought, and immediately the mountain began to tremble. And from this trembling, the earth began to crumble from the mountain, like dry sand from the top of a sandy little sand. Together with the earth, grass and trees moved down from the mountain, and even the forester's hut slid down without being hurt in the slightest. In the morning the forester came out of the hut, looked around, rubbed his eyes and thought that he was still sleeping. His house is no longer on the top of a mountain in a dense forest, but on level ground right by the path.
Such was the power of the Great Magician. Only he did not like to show his strength to anyone, because most people would not understand him. Many people do not know that there is magic in the world, because this magic is not shown to them.
One day the Great Magician went out into the courtyard of his castle. And the castle of the Great Magician was large and old and it stood on a distant island, where not a single ship had ever sailed and not a single helicopter had flown. No one knew about this castle and in general no one knew anything about this island, because both the island and the castle were hidden from the eyes of people by the magic of a magician. The ships sailed past the island, the passengers looked towards the island and ... admired the endless expanses of the ocean, because they did not see any trees with beautiful flowers, nor animals resting in the shade of these trees on the yellow sand.
So, once the Great Magician went out into the courtyard of his castle, climbed onto a high fortress wall, picked up a telescope and looked at the sky. It was morning and no one would have seen anything in the blue sky but clouds. And the Great Magician could see through his telescope what is hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. He saw not a light blue sky, but the blackness of the vast expanses of the Universe, in which countless bright stars lived. The stars shone with different light. One was greenish, the other reddish, the third blue, and some shone with one or the other light. They gathered in the Universe in small groups in very beautiful intricate patterns. From Earth, these clusters of stars looked like New Year's garlands. But the Great Magician has long been accustomed to the beauty of the universe. Every morning he looked at the sky through his trumpet and talked to the stars. He did not say anything out loud, only thought, and the stars answered him, and although an ordinary person would not hear a sound, the Magician understood everything that the stars wanted to tell him. In order to know everything in the world, the Great Magician had to speak with all the stars in the Universe. But he never had time to do it, he didn’t have enough time, because there were too many stars, and they have a lot of things to do, so they can only talk in the morning from 5 to 8 o’clock, before the start of their working day. Of course, 3 hours to find out everything that the stars know is too short a time. The great magician only had time to talk to a few in the morning. But then one morning, when he took his pipe and turned his gaze to the sky, he saw a small star at the very edge of the sky, which he could not hear before, because she spoke too quietly and other, brighter stars drowned her out. But this morning the great magician saw her first and managed to catch a quiet answer to his greeting. So the Great Magician learned the amazing news. His assistant was born on Earth long ago. Yes, yes, the Great Magician was already very old and could no longer do great things. He definitely needed an assistant. Without an assistant, he could no longer cope with wars, hurricanes and floods. Having heard such good news? The Great Magician wanted to clarify who this assistant was, how to find her in order to bring her to his castle, but at that time brighter stars woke up and vied with each other to greet the Great Magician. Nothing else that the little star was saying, the Great Magician could not understand.
The great magician decided that the next day he would definitely get up early and talk to the little star. So the Magician decided and from the wall of his high castle looked at the ocean, which surrounded the island from all sides. And then he saw a large sailing yacht, which was carried by a fair wind directly to his island. The Great Magician was not afraid that his island could be seen from the yacht, he watched the yacht approaching, and was sure that she would definitely turn to the side, because the winds around the Great Magician's island always blew so that no one could swim close to the island . But the yacht continued to approach and the winds did not listen to the Great Magician. They missed the yacht to the very shore. And when the anchor fell into the water from the yacht, the Great Mage realized that the captain of the yacht not only managed to swim to the Mage's refuge against his will, but also saw perfectly the coast, which was previously hidden from the eyes of all ordinary people.
The magician was upset that his strength had become so small that he could no longer even hide his island in the vast expanses of the ocean. He got off the wall and went to the shore to meet his first guests.
Of course, we all know who these guests were. In fact, the forces of the magician did not become less, it was just that this morning, dad and mom were sleeping, and Rosochka ruled the yacht. She saw a beautiful island on the horizon with a mysterious castle on top of a mountain and decided to land on the shore to take a walk in the amazingly beautiful forest and meet the locals. And since she had Santa Claus earrings on, she always had a fair wind. No other magical powers could stop her from achieving what she planned. As the yacht gently sank into the shallows, Poppy dropped anchor into the water and woke up Mom and Dad.
Why did you stop in the middle of the ocean? asked the surprised mother.
“There’s nothing here but water,” Dad confirmed.
How can you not see this amazingly beautiful coast! - exclaimed Rosette, - Look, there, under a jasmine bush, a wolf cub is playing with a hare. And over there, near a clear stream with spring water, a deer mother shows her deer son which grass can be eaten and which one should not even be smelled. And here, on a hillock, a monkey makes funny faces for us.
Mom and dad just shrugged. Together they thought the same thing - Rose from a long journey is now admiring a mirage, that is, she sees what she wants to see, and not what really is.
- And there comes a strange grandfather to us, he looks at us so strictly, as if we did something not good. I should probably apologize for mooring on his island without his permission.
As soon as Rosochka said these words and pointed with her hand in the direction where she saw grandfather, both dad and mom in an instant saw everything that Rosochka had told them before. Mom groaned in surprise, and dad also groaned, but not from surprise, but from pain, because he pinched himself hard to make sure he was not sleeping. How can it be that just now there was nothing, and suddenly, at one moment, a whole island appeared before my eyes.
“Hello, dear guests,” said the strict grandfather in a loud voice, who, as we guessed, was actually the same Great Magician.
- I'm sorry, grandfather, that we drove up to your island without asking, - said Rose, - It was so beautiful that I could not swim past.
-Three hundred years my island was hidden from human eyes, and now my strength has run out and everyone can see my shelter. Now there will be no release from tourists. I will have nowhere to hide from prying eyes to focus on Great things.
-So that's why we didn't see your island until Panechka pointed at you.
- Have you seen my island? – exclaimed the startled Great Magician, - Then how could you moor to him?
- Our Panechka saw it, - mother said proudly, - She is a special girl with us. She studied at a special school for children with a special gift and even has a diploma.
-What school did you graduate from? asked the surprised Great Mage.
“I studied with Frodina,” Rosochka answered modestly, whom mom and dad continued to call Panechka.
The Great Mage considered. He had never heard such a name, because for a hundred years he had not been interested in the affairs of other sorceresses and wizards.
“Frodina said that Panechka is actually a fairy,” said dad, scratching the place that he had pinched himself.
The Great Mage nodded in satisfaction. He was glad that his strength, in fact, had not dried up and the island, as before, was hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. He invited guests to the castle and at breakfast began to ask Poppy about the school. During the conversation, the Great Magician found out that Panechka's real name was Rozochka and realized that she was the same assistant that the morning star had told him about. It was this word that the asterisk managed to whisper at the moment when it was interrupted by other stars. Yes, the star whispered - Rose.
- You must stay with me, - said the Great Magician, - I must convey to you a lot of what I know and can do myself. That's what the stars say. When my successor gains strength and learns to control the elements, the ruling nature and people, I will be able to calmly leave the earth and join the spirits. Rosette must certainly become my heiress, otherwise it may happen that the elements get out of control, wars, fires, floods all over the planet will begin. All life on Earth may perish. It may happen that the planet itself will be on the verge of death.
- No, no, - mom waved her hands, - We have a lot to do at home. We already miss our friends.
- Go to your home, - objected the Great Magician, - And Rosochka will stay with me a little.
- No, no, - dad echoed mom, - We won't go anywhere without Panechka. We can't leave her alone in an unfamiliar place. Thank you for your hospitality, we were glad to meet you, only Panechka cannot stay here. It's time for us to sail home.
“You cannot sail until I give permission,” the Great Mage frowned.
When the Great Magician became a powerful wizard, his character deteriorated. He became domineering and became very angry when ordinary people objected to him.
-Let's spend the night here today, - Rose suggested conciliatoryly, - And tomorrow we'll think about what to do. After all, without my consent, no one can force me to leave or force me to stay. And I still don't know what to do. I don't want our planet to die.
The Great Magician calmed down, and dad and mom thought that it was not worth leaving immediately. After all, nothing bad can happen to them while Rosochka is around.
And the island was very interesting. Animals weren't afraid of people at all. You could go up to the tiger and stroke his head, and you could feed the buffalo with your hands. For the rest of the day, mom and dad walked around the island, and Rosochka talked with the great Magician. From him she learned a lot about the history of life on earth. How did the planet itself begin, why are there so many different animals and plants, and what controls it all.

Tale for the 6th night

It so happened that Rosochki did not go home with her parents. The Great Magician persuaded them so that Poppy's parents gave in and allowed Poppy to stay on the island. For a whole year, Rose lived in the Mage's castle and learned from him everything that he could do as a magician himself.
And then the hour came when the Great Magician said:
-I taught you everything I know and can do myself. I can now be calm that our planet will not perish. I taught you to talk to the stars so that you can find out what is happening on Earth and in the Universe. I taught you how to use the forces of nature to control the elements and people. Stay on this island, where no one will stop you from doing great things. And I go to the spirits to help you from there from the other world.
Rosette was very afraid that now she would be left completely alone on the island. But even more she was afraid that she could not cope with what she had to do.
The Great Magician chuckled, patted Rose on the shoulder and said:
- You shouldn't be afraid. The most important thing in magic is the confidence that everything will be as you intended.
The Great Magician said so, said goodbye to Rose and disappeared.
Rosette left the castle, climbed the stairs to the high fortress wall, from where the Great Magician usually spoke to the stars, and looked into the distance. For a year, she missed her mom and dad very much. She closed her eyes and imagined that she was entering her house and ... suddenly she heard her mother's voice:
- We should go and pick up our girl from this wizard. And why did we leave it there? What if he is not a good, but an evil wizard? Suddenly my Panechka feels bad there. We immediately pack up and go for our daughter. Stop waiting for something you don't know.
You talk like you know where to go. Last time we saw the island only thanks to Panechka's abilities. How do we find it now. I'm afraid it might get worse. If we die in the storm, our daughter will have nowhere to go back to. Let's wait a little more. And if Panechka doesn't give us any news about herself by the end of the week, we'll go look for her. Perhaps we'll be lucky and Panechka will help us find ourselves.
Panechka sighed and said quietly, as if her parents could hear her:
-Don't worry mom and dad, I'm fine, I'll come to you soon.
She said it so quietly that not a single person would have heard her, even standing very close. But the surprising thing is that at the same time her quiet whisper flew through the seas and oceans and flew to her mother, who at that moment was watering the flowers of happiness. Mom did not hear the words, she just suddenly calmed down, felt joy.
“Our daughter is fine, don’t worry, she will be home soon,” she told her husband confidently.
Yes, Rosochka has learned a lot, including how to talk to people at a distance without a mobile phone.
Rose, meanwhile, stood on the edge of the fortress wall and thought that it would be nice to open a new school for fairies and wizards on this island. Only now the ugly gray castle on top of the cliff needs to be redone a bit.
And then Rosochka sat down at the easel. She began to draw how she would like to see the castle. And everything turned out to be pink, blue and gold. And when the drawing of the new castle was ready, Rosette took the canvas off the easel and laid it on the roof of the castle. Then she took Santa Claus's silver earrings with both hands and closed her eyes tightly. Everyone knows that if you really want something, then it will definitely work out. And since Rosochka was an unusual girl and she had silver earrings, even her most amazing desires were certainly fulfilled. A week later, on the site of the old ugly castle, a beautiful palace with blue and gold domes and pink walls melted away.
She looked at the beautiful palace and was not a bit conceited. She was sure that everything around her was changing according to her desire, because everyone was helping her. Santa Claus helps her with his earrings, Frodina helps her with her instructions and good wishes, she is helped by the Great Magician, who is closely watching her from the other world.
At that moment, when Poppy was admiring her new castle, a beautiful motor yacht sailed to her island. It was a huge three-deck. And she sailed straight to her island, and not past, as usual, all ships sailed. After a while, she could distinguish people who stared intently in her direction and waved their hands. How so! Is it possible that after the departure of the Great Magician, his spell was destroyed, which did not allow people to see the island and swim close to it! Or maybe Poppy's new magic changed the spell that used to hide the island from human eyes?
It turned out that on this yacht a prince sailed to her island. Yes, yes, a real prince, because his parents were the king and queen of a distant kingdom. This prince saw the island first, saw a beautiful castle on top of a rock and ordered to sail to it. And when he saw Rose, who met guests on the coast, he fell in love with her at first sight. While the crew of the yacht rested in the palace from a long sea voyage, the prince and Rosette walked around the island and talked. They were so interested in each other that they could not tear themselves away from the conversation. They didn't even go to lunch or dinner. They sat on the beach and looked at each other.
Rose really liked the prince. He was polite and handsome. He talked about his kingdom so interestingly that Poppy wanted to go there.
-Come with me, - said the prince, when the sun went down very low to the horizon, - You will like my country.
-Of course, I will come to visit you, - Rosochka promised, - But first I have to go to my parents, because I haven't seen them for a long time.
“Let’s go with me first, and then I’ll take you to your parents,” the prince promised.
Poppy thought that nothing like this would happen if she stopped by to visit the prince, and then they went to her house together. She was sure that this prince was her true love. No one could have warned Poppy about what might happen, because Poppy did not have time to talk to the stars the next morning. Early in the morning she boarded the prince's yacht, and they all set sail together for his distant country.
All was good. When the yacht sailed on the ocean, the prince was also cheerful and courteous. When they sailed to his kingdom, everything was fine, because they were greeted with a parade. The country announced a holiday in honor of the return of the prince.
But when Rose began to get ready for home and reminded the prince of his promise to take her to her parents, the prince suddenly became angry.
Why do you want to leave! - he exclaimed, - I announced to everyone that you are my bride, and you want to leave me? What will my subjects say, what will the heads of neighboring states say. It will be an international scandal.
Rosemary was very surprised at such a change in the mood of her prince.
- If you really want to marry me, you should tell my parents about it.
-Your parents, of course, will be glad that you had such happiness - to become a princess. When the wedding day is set, I will certainly send them an invitation.
- You say very hurtful words, - Rosochka sighed sadly, - I don't want to marry such a swaggering prince at all. I'd rather go home alone.
- I will not let you go, - the angry prince exclaimed, - I will order to bring your parents here, if you miss them so much, but I will never part with you.
Pink shook her head.
- No, I won't stay here.
“Well, let's see,” shouted the prince, greatly offended that Rosette was not happy with his message that he was going to marry her.
The Prince locked Rosochka's room with a key and ordered the windows and doors to be guarded day and night.
Rosemary was very saddened by how much the prince had changed when they came to his country. He stopped being polite and courteous, as if he had been replaced. She didn't like the Prince at all.
Rosette was sad at the window and watched how the celebration of the wedding of her and the prince was being prepared on the palace square. She could send a hurricane to stop these wedding preparations, but innocent people would suffer from the hurricane. Rose took out of her ears those beautiful earrings that the prince had given her as a token of his love, and opened her purse to get Santa Claus's earrings - in case they would help her in some way. And when she was looking for earrings, she took out a light silk handkerchief from her purse. Well, of course, it was the same handkerchief of Frodina, how could she forget about it.
Rose wrote the prince a letter saying that she liked him while he was kind and polite and did not like him at all when he became swaggering and stubborn. Then she threw a handkerchief over her shoulders and climbed up to the very ceiling. Now it was necessary to fly away so that no one saw. She closed her eyes, rubbed Father Frost's earrings, and suddenly clouds gathered in the sky and a terrible downpour began. All the people fled and hid in their homes. But Rosette calmly flew out the window, and the rain did not even wet her. She flew to where her mom and dad were looking forward to.

Love necklace

Tale for the 7th night

Rose flew to mom and dad. But the path was too far. She did not fly even half the way, she realized that she was tired, her arms and legs were numb, and her back was tired from the fact that she often had to flap her wings.
And then Poppy chose a small wonderful island in the sea and landed on it. The island was so small that no one lived there. No one was interested in such a piece of land on which many houses, factories and plants could not be built. But not only because the island was too small, people never lived on it. People were not allowed there by the magic of flower fairies, who were the mistresses of this island.
Indeed, only flowers grew on the island. There were no trees, not even shrubs, only flowers, but there were so many of them that flower fairies could not help but settle in this flower kingdom.
Once upon a time, as the legend of the island of flower fairies says, a grain was brought to the island by a hurricane. Then the island was a bare piece of stone in the middle of a raging ocean. But the grain was not ordinary, but special. Somehow, the grain became stronger between the stones and began to germinate. A stalk appeared, then a bud. And one morning the bud opened, turning into a beautiful flower. And inside the flower was the First Fairy. From her began the genus of flower fairies on this island.
This legend was told by the fairies to Rosochka as soon as they met.
-How beautiful it is, - Roselet praised the island, - You must be very happy here.
But the fairies shook their heads.
- On our island among the fairies there is a commotion: at night, whole meadows of flowers began to disappear from our island. Every day we fall asleep with the fear that tomorrow all our flowers will disappear, then we will have nowhere to live, and we will die.
The fairies told Rose this sad story and wept bitter tears. Of course, kind Rosette undertook to help the fairies, to find out why flowers disappear from the meadows of the island at night. And somehow solve this problem.
When the sun went down, Poppy threw a handkerchief over her shoulders and fluttered up like a moth. She flew over the island, which was illuminated by bright moonlight, and carefully looked at it from a height.
And suddenly she saw how a large wave unexpectedly rolled ashore and washed away part of the meadow with all the flowers into the ocean. Rosette rushed to save the flowers, which were carried away to the sea.
She saved as many flowers as she could. And then she sat down on the shore and, looking at the dark waters of the ocean, in which the moonlight reflected, she thought. How can she know why a big wave rolls on the island only at night. If she had the Grand Magician's spyglass with her, she would have learned everything from the stars. But she didn't take anything with her on the trip. Because I wasn't going to stay away for long. And I wanted to go home and take my mom and dad to the island with me to live together and take care of each other. Rosemary thought all night and fell asleep only in the morning. And in the morning she had a dream. As if she is swimming in the sea, suddenly something slippery and soft touches her feet and says - "let's play." She sees a huge fin that hits the water and from this a large wave rises, which carries her into the sea far from the shore.
Rosette woke up in the morning and told the fairies what happened at night. The fairies thanked Rosette for saving many flowers from the sea, and began vying to ask her to help them.
-Of course I'll help you. - answered Rosette, - You just need to make the sea monster, which loves to play near your island at night, swim away somewhere far away.
The curious fairies asked how Rosette would do it. And Rose smiled slyly in response:
What do you think sea monsters love the most?
“To scare the fairies,” one fairy asked.
-Make big waves – said another.
-There are flowers, - the third tried to guess.
- No, they didn't guess, - Rosochka laughed, - Of course, to play. The sea monster wants to play. He hides from sea hunters all day at the bottom of the sea, and at night he swims to the surface to play. And he liked your island, because there are no people on it and therefore there are no sea hunters.
-Horrible! - exclaimed the Fairy Queen, - If he lives near our island, sea hunters may come here, and other people with them. Then we'll have to find another safe place! We must get rid of this monster immediately!
-No no! - Rosochka objected, - If we drive the monster away, then the sea hunters can catch it. We need to find another safe place for him where he can play at any time of the day.
-Where is such a place and how do you persuade him to sail there? the Fairy Queen asked.
-I'll take him to the island of the Great Mage. Nobody will bother him there.
So Rosochka said and went to the shore, where at night she saw a big wave and jumped into the water. During the year that she spent on the island of the Great Magician, she learned to dive and swim remarkably. She deliberately splashed a lot and laughed out loud to attract the attention of a sea monster. It was a very funny sea monster. He also wanted to play. And as soon as it surfaced to splash in the waves, Rosette clasped his big black head in her hands and said to him:
-If you want to play and have fun all day long, sail with me to an island where there are never sea hunters.
Poppy whispered these words in human language, but the sea monster understood what Poppy had said to him. Because, no matter what language the wizards speak, any living being and even some objects understand it.
The sea monster planted Rosette on its back and swam where it should have sailed in order to be on the island of the Great Magician. There was nothing surprising in this, because a current formed in the ocean, which itself carried the monster in the right direction.
The flower fairies were delighted that everything turned out so well. The Fairy Queen flew up from her flower, caught up with Rose, sat on her shoulder and said:
- You saved our flower country from a flood, and us from certain death. For this, we give you the Necklace of Love. We wove this necklace from the golden cobweb of morning spiders.
The Fairy Queen said so and made a movement with her hands, as if putting something on the neck of Poppy.
“But I don’t see anything,” Rosochka was surprised.
“Of course you don’t, because you are a human,” the Fairy Queen replied condescendingly, “But it’s okay that no one sees your Necklace. It is not woven for beauty. As long as you wear this necklace, everyone will love you and you will always be young like you are now.