Random online selection of the winner. How to Pick a Random Social Media Contest Winner

Holding contests on VKontakte is one of the most effective ways to promote and attract people to the group. With the help of various contests, you can not only increase the number of subscribers, but also revive the audience. Users are happy to repost in the hope of winning.

There are a huge number of regional communities that have become popular and have gained a large audience due to the fact that they made a bet in the promotion on the drawings of prizes for joining and reposting.

How to conduct draws "VKontakte"

Today, in order for the competition to bring results, you need to try very hard, show your imagination and spend money on the prize fund. The audience is already tired, has become less involved in such events, in connection with which the administrators have a logical question: how to conduct the VKontakte draw correctly in order to interest users?

Although each competition should be individual and creative, there are some features that are typical for this kind of event. Don't know how to play pranks Just follow the basic rules.

Competition Rules

The first thing to do is to properly organize the competition so that as many people as possible participate in it and there is someone to choose from. Be sure to describe in detail the conditions of the draw, that is, what actions need to be performed, what the prize will be, when and how the results will be summed up.

Basic moments

The following points will attract the user's interest:

  1. The visual component is very important, users are more willing to take part in the contest if they see the prize, so place an attractive picture on the poster, ideally it should be an image of the prize.
  2. Don't know how "VKontakte" to draw prizes? First of all, do not forget that the main interest for participants is prizes. Therefore, write down information about them in detail. For example, for the first place the winner will receive a pizza, for the second - a 50% discount coupon, for the third - a 10% discount. The more prize places, the more active participants will be included in the drawing.
  3. Write down the conditions in detail - what needs to be done to participate? The conditions should not be complicated, and if there are several, then divide them into points. Example:
    • "You must be subscribed to our group."
    • "You must repost the entry."
    • "You can't delete a post before the end of the contest", etc.
  4. Specify the end date of the draw and how the winner will be selected. For example, "On the last day of the month, the results will be summed up using the application to select the winner, the process will be filmed on video, which will be posted in the group. Good luck guys!"

How to get the audience interested

How to hold draws "VKontakte" in a group so that the contest is of interest to the participants? You need to add some creativity.

Come up with an occasion dedicated to some event, holiday or any other occasion. Despite the fact that everyone has long understood the purpose of the competitions, it will bring more results if the participants see in it interesting legend, which will give the surroundings. The draw can be timed:

  • to the calendar date;
  • the release of a new seasonal collection of a store/brand;
  • launch of the season (ski, summer, etc.);
  • the onset of summer;
  • like support promotion, sale, new arrival item, etc.

You can come up with a huge number of interesting and creative ideas.

When choosing a topic, do not forget that this tool makes it possible not only to gather an audience in the VKontakte group, but also can be an effective marketing tool that will help convey product information to consumers, and most importantly, increase sales. So how to draw "VKontakte" among reposts as efficiently as possible?

What else to pay attention to

For good results, you also need:

  1. Choose a themed prize. Don't play the microwave oven if you specialize in sporting goods. This approach will not only prevent you from attracting the maximum target audience, but will also put you in a stupid position. In addition to the fact that the prize must correspond to the activities of the community, it must also be valuable either in value or in uniqueness.
  2. Write unique text. The key to the success of any competition - bright picture and catchy text. Today, in the age of information overload, users scroll through the news feed very quickly, rarely stopping only at interesting posts, your task is to hook a person and not frighten them away. long text. Remember that the reader makes a decision in seconds.
  3. Advertise the contest. Don't know how to draw "VKontakte"? If the community has less than 10 thousand members, then count on good results do not have to. Think over this moment in advance, pay for advertising, agree with the administrators of similar groups about reposts. Collaboration with congenial communities always produces results, but in no case do not work with direct competitors.
  4. Remind subscribers about the contest. If the prize is valuable, then the competition can be stretched for a long period. Some contests last for a month, and many subscribers simply forget about it, and new members of the community may not even know about the draw. To avoid this, you can do the following:
    • pin the contest announcement in the community header;
    • publish additional posts about the passage of the draw with a link to the main entry;
    • make a newsletter about the competition (on your own website, on other resources, mail).


The correctness of the summarizing procedure should be approached with particular care.

Thinking about how to hold draws "VKontakte"? The random winner must be chosen fairly. The key to future successful competitions is transparent and clean selection of the winner. If your goal is to develop the group and work with the audience, then additional risks are not needed. If you suspect falsification of results or other violations, the group may be blocked altogether. How to avoid it?

  1. Choose the winner honestly, making the process as transparent as possible (video report, photo report or live broadcast).
  2. Submit results strictly on time.
  3. Post a photo or video of the prize.

Ask the winner to write a review, tell about their impressions of the draw, about the product, separating such posts into a separate topic in the group.

Contests can provoke bans

Most community administrators know how to hold a "VKontakte" draw, but they do not know that all kinds of contests can also cause harm. There are a number of rules, non-observance of which may result in blocking the community. Therefore, carefully study the requirements, choose the conditions and prizes.

Virtual rewards in the form of gifts, votes and stickers can only be given to members creative competitions, for example for best drawing or a photograph. When distributing virtual prizes for your activity in the community, you may be blocked.

If the community administrator complies with all of the above rules, then he has nothing to fear. Then you can move on to the question of determining the winner.

How to choose a winner

We have discussed how to hold VKontakte draws, now let's move on to how to choose the winner. For this there are various ways, but in most cases, a random participant who shares a contest post with friends wins. If choose manually, the administrator may be suspected of cheating, so it is better to use special services and record the process on video.

There are various applications that automatically determine the winner. It is not difficult to find them, for this, in the menu located on the left, go to the "Games" section, enter the name of the application in the search bar. What applications exist?

  • Lucky you. The most popular program with which you can very quickly and easily choose the winner. It is easy to use: in the top field, paste the link to the entry about the contest, in the bottom field - the link to the community. The program will automatically determine the winner from the list of participants who shared the record.
  • "Voector". The advantage of this application is that it can determine any number of post-shared winners from those participating in the contest.
  • random app. To get started with this program, you need to allow access to personal information. There are several options for choosing winners: those who shared the post, by likes, from all participants.


In addition to the official VKontakte applications, you can use the following sites:

  • Konkurzilla.ru. Working with the site is extremely simple, you do not need to install anything or open access to personal information. You just need to enter a link to the contest post, and you will receive a list of winners (you can choose up to 100 people);
  • "Vkonkurs. rf". To select the winning participant, you must specify a link to the competition, press the "Define" button. It is possible to choose several winners at once.
  • Megarand.ru. Site contains additional functions, for example, setting the check to a specified time. This is handy when a draw ends at an inconvenient time. You can specify the number of winners and the list of gifts that they are entitled to. It is also possible to check whether all competitive conditions are met.

There are a huge number of options for ideas on how to hold VKontakte draws, as well as ways to determine the winners. The main thing is to do it honestly and openly, then everything will work out for you.

Contests in VK can be created for different purposes - to increase the number of subscribers, to make your brand more recognizable, to get new customers. The more interesting and attractive the prize, the more people you will attract to the post. When the time will come choose the winner of Vkontakte by reposts, It is best, of course, to use special sites. Why is it important to do this? Firstly, if there are a lot of participants, then it will be very difficult for you to manually calculate who has the most reposts on the wall. Secondly, by determining the winner through the site, you show that everything was fair. So, let's see which sites will help us:

  1. Vkontakte application https://vk.com/app4775662_5937857?mid=5937857 "Random Winner". It is possible to select several prizes at once. It is enough to drive in the link to the post and touch the "get participants" button.
  2. Application "Lucky You" https://vk.com/app4921233_5937857 also located in VK. Here you can insert a link not only to the post, but also to the group. If in the conditions of the competition you wrote that it is important to enter it.
  3. The Picker will help you select multiple winners. https://vk.com/app3287003 . His work is launched by analogy with previous programs.

How to choose a random Vkontakte winner by reposts

In addition to the applications described above, choose a random winner Vkontakte by reposts resource will help http://randstuff.ru/vkwin/ This service is also suitable for choosing members who liked your post. With the help of a convenient form, you can indicate who you need. And at the bottom there is a slider in order to select the number of winners you need. On the same site, you can randomly generate a number that will determine the participant.

The success of the show jumping will depend not only on the transparency of the selection, but also on how many competitors are present in the group. In order for you to achieve the goal for which you are holding the contest, recruit targeted subscribers to your group. You can do this at , or take advantage of free tips to get people involved in the community. People are more likely to like and repost those posts that have been tagged by other participants. Therefore, before holding it is worth winding up a few likes . The frequency with which you hold contests is also important. If you do this too often, for example, every week, there will be less and less people who want to participate each time. Who wants to constantly “spam” their wall just with offers to win something? Hold contests once a month, also make realistic prizes. How easier conditions, the more real the prize should be. Do not offer to get a Mercedes for a repost.

Select multiple Vkontakte winners by reposts

On almost all sites and applications that we have indicated above, you can set the setting and select several Vkontakte winners by reposts. What to do when the winners are determined? You can tag them in the comments below the post. to their VK page.

Also write them a message. If you have a new community, you can order post ads in other publics. It is better to choose for this not direct competitors, but related topics. Draws in VK are great marketing tool, however, you should not expect a miracle from him if there was little activity in your group before. Fill the public with good content, post interesting stories, then the group will work at full capacity.

Greetings, dear readers! Ever since Facebook made it easier to run contests and promotions on Page Timelines, I get asked a lot about how to pick a random winner in a contest. This is what I want to talk to you about today. Below I will tell you about very good free and paid sites that will help you determine the random winner of the competition, without fear of appearing biased in your choice and avoiding unnecessary negativity.

Companies large and small are delighted to hear that it is now possible to run contests, giveaways and other promotions right on their pages. It is no longer necessary to use paid apps or hire a programmer. If desired, everything can be done easily and simply by yourself. Earlier, I already wrote about the new rules for holding contests, as well as the pros and cons of holding contests in the page timeline and with the help of special. offers. You can read about it. Wow, I haven’t looked at this article for a long time, but now I’m drawn to look, and what do I see? I used as examples, but they took it and disappeared ... Now, instead of a beautiful publication, such an icon "//" flaunts. It's a shame:((It's better to insert screenshots. Reliably at least.

Friends, I'll deviate a little from the topic, but it's worth it! I recently opened new project entitled Academy Pro SMM. My first students have already appreciated the quality of the materials offered, which I am very happy about. Therefore, if you have not yet completed my free course " How to create an effective facebook page”, I highly recommend that you do this right now. There are still places!

Now, back to our topic!

How to Pick a Random Contest Winner

Okay, back to the topic of Facebook contests. Let's say you decide to hold a contest or a prize draw and you have a thousand participants. What to do? How to determine the winner so as not to offend anyone? Even if you have only two participants, you still need to choose one. How to do it? It's very simple - use one of the free applications to choose a random winner, which I will tell you about now. It's good that there are caring people-programmers who can quickly find solutions for such problems. I remember when Facebook announced new rules and people were just starting to think about holding contests in the chronicles and the possible difficulties that might arise in this case - and then bam, programmers already have ready-made applications in a couple of days. Class!

If you need to determine a random winner for social media. Vkontakte networks, then here you will find services and applications that are suitable specifically for VK: "".



When I was writing this article, I accidentally stumbled upon the Prisoland website, which has its own Randomizer (that is, a generator random numbers, more precisely, lists). With the help of the Randomizer, you can very easily and quickly determine the random winner of any draw.

As you can see in the image, to determine a random winner, you can either copy and paste the already prepared list into the window, or upload a text file. Then you need to click on the "Shuffle" button and that's it - the winner is determined!

What I liked about this particular site is how easy it is to use. There is no need to register or login with Facebook, and the winner can be chosen with just one click. Plus, the results table looks pretty nice. Do not be ashamed to take a screenshot of it and show it to all participants to confirm the randomness of the choice. The winner will be especially pleased to see her / his name next to the crown :)) If you are sure that your fans will not be upset to see their names in the list of participants, then you can safely take a screenshot from the entire screen. I personally think it's better to gloss over the names to avoid displeasure from those who are not so fortunate.

Fanpage Karma

At the end of the draw, RandomPicker will generate a selection sheet for you. A big plus of the site is, of course, the Russian version of the program, but the most important thing is that the results of the draw will be saved on the RandomPicker website and you can show all participants that the lottery was held honestly and in accordance with all the rules.

With RandomPicker, you can publish a stamped selection protocol (as shown in the picture above), which will allow participants to see basic information about the lottery, the number of participants, winners, etc. They can also check if they have been entered into the lottery list by entering their ID (address Email, ID, etc.). As you can see for yourself, the site's approach to the lottery is very serious compared to other existing sites and services.


If you have not subscribed to blog updates yet, then you can do it at this link. Don't forget to also follow breaking news in the social networks.

You create an entry in your group, where you publish a picture with a prize and describe the conditions for receiving it. The mandatory condition includes joining your group and reposting (clicking on the “tell friends” button) under the post with this promotion. Without this, there is no point in holding this competition. The rest of the terms are up to you. The number of winners is also up to you. Usually it is 1 person. The term is also at your discretion, I did 1 month. Here is an example text:

Where to get non-standard characters in the form of emoticons?

In this text, for example, non-standard numbers-characters 1 and 2 are used. They cannot be found among standard characters. And I found them in this group: vk.com/emoji_vk Use them or not, decide for yourself. 🙂 But definitely, pranks decorated with emoticons look more attractive.

What is needed for the draw?

The cost of the drawing of VKontakte prizes

  • 1000 rub. - the approximate value of the prize (may be higher or lower).
  • 300 rub. - the work of the designer.
  • 1200 rub. - an approximate advertising budget, if you buy advertising for 600 rubles. 2 times: after the publication of the draw and in the middle of the term. The more you spend on advertising, the better.
  • 400 rub. - approximate cost of delivery by mail or shopping mall to another city.

Total: 2900 rubles. After the draw, I advise you to measure the number of people who have joined your community. Having learned this number, you can divide it by expenses and see how much 1 subscriber cost you. 🙂 That's all, if you have any questions, write in the comments, join my VKontakte group: vk.com/itprepod 🙂 Bye everyone! 🙂

Now it is very popular to hold all kinds of competitions. Vkontakte uses one main method for this. Its essence is as follows.

An advertising post is created in the group (see), which describes the meaning and conditions of the competition. As a rule, in order to participate, you must be a member of this group, and repost the contest post. After the expiration certain period, the winner is chosen randomly - from among those who reposted.

In the end, everyone wins. Group administrators get new subscribers, due to the fact that they see the reposts of the contest entry a large number of users (see). Participants also get the opportunity to compete for a prize.

So now I'll show you how to determine the winner in the VKontakte repost contest.

This is how your entry with the new contest should be framed.

There is detailed description, and the essence of the competition. It is also noted that in order to participate, you need to be among the subscribers of the group (see), and repost this post.

How to choose a VKontakte winner by reposts

Let's assume that the validity period of our competition has come to an end. How can we now determine the winner from among those who reposted?

For these purposes, there are special services that randomly select a participant. Now I will show you how to use them.

I myself use this service - Konkurzilla.ru. But as a change, I will do a review on other options.

Service Vkonkurs.rf


You will be taken to the main page of the service. Here you need to specify a link to the contest entry (see), as well as determine the number of prizes. When everything is entered, press the button "Determine the Winner".

In our case, the winner would be Maxim.

Service Randstuff.ru


When you enter, you will see a form to fill out. Here again we indicate the link to the contest post. If necessary, indicate the city from which the participant should be selected. We note, choose the winner by likes or reposts. And also put an item responsible for the need to subscribe to a group in order to participate in the competition.

And don't forget to include the number of winners. Let's pick two winners this time.

Fill out the form and click the "Select" button.

This time the winners were Danil Shuklin and Elena Pankratova.

There is an interesting feature here. You can set the winner selection to certain time(cm. ). Let's say you need to finish the contest in an hour. How to do it?