Nickname selection on Instagram online. How to hold a contest on Instagram reposts, photos, hashtag for promotion: program, example. Using a random number generator for an Instagram contest: links to services

Instagram is a great platform for promoting your brand, as well as for attracting people's attention to your company's new products. If you have a high-quality and advanced account, carefully follow the content updates, then over time, you will definitely get a lot of fans and satisfied customers.

So that your subscribers do not get bored, actively comment on photos and like them, it is useful to periodically hold a contest on Instagram. About how to organize it in this social network will be discussed below.

Promotion in the form of a competition will allow you to evaluate how much the products you offer are loved by people. Also, with the right approach, you can launch a viral effect and tell new potential users about your brand, products, store.

Learn more about organizing contests on Instagram

Instagram contests can be run as big companies, as well as small growing stores. Before holding, it is important to determine the goals of the competition. These can be tasks related to increasing sales, or attracting new people to the brand page.

Conventionally, all contests on Instagram can be divided into the following types:

  1. Selfie with the products of the company or store. For this event, ask the participants to take colorful pictures with the products of your company and post them on their page with a specific, unique hashtag. As a prize, you can offer a discount on other related products. The advantage of this contest is a good viral effect, as well as the promotion of your hashtag. In the future, you can find all the participants in the search for this unique hashtag. You can significantly increase . Also, this contest is well suited for restaurants, beauty salons, and fitness rooms.
  2. Contest of reposts and likes. Choose a colorful photo of your company's popular product and ask participants to and repost. Due to the ease of implementation and organization, you will not have to use additional resources for this event. However, you can carry it out systematically. For example, once every two weeks.
  3. Voting contest. To organize this type of draw, you can ask participants to send their photos and videos where your products are involved, come up with interesting slang. The upside of this contest is that you will have a lot of user-generated content.

The most important thing in holding a contest on Instagram is the simplicity of its organization and the transparency of the results. Before launching the event, clearly set deadlines and prepare prizes in advance. Even if you do not have a large budget, the thing or service offered as a prize should be desirable for users. Think about the end goal of the draw. This can be a 15% increase in turnover, attracting a certain number of new users, or creating a large photo stream. It is also important to identify the target audience and think about the theme of the pictures.

If you make a small announcement before the competition and hold , then you can attract more participants and, accordingly, increase the number of sales.

You can determine the winners by open voting or by random selection generator.

Instagram random number generator for contest

To choose a winner from a thousand participants and not offend the rest, you can use the generator random numbers for Instagram.

The service will help to simplify organization tasks as much as possible. This resource is designed specifically for holding draws on the social network Instagram. Here you will find useful tools not only to determine the winner. Right on the site, you can create contests, run ads, and draw inspiration. The only disadvantage of this resource is that it is paid.

If you can run a competition on your own, without involving additional programs, then the site will help determine the winner for free Here it is enough to specify the range and click on the generate button. In a few seconds you will know the number of the winner.

To confirm the transparency of the results, do not forget to record your generation actions on video.

In this article, we will talk about what reposts are and what are their pros and cons, as well as how to run a photo and repost contest on Instagram.


Social network Instagram- it's very powerful marketing tool, which is No. 1 in the market of advertising platforms. At the same time, it is located at the intersection of visual marketing and SMM, which again gives it a clear predominance over other social networks:

  • Strong visual impact through photo contests.
  • A huge audience, more than 400 million users, while about 30 million users are the Russian audience.

Thus, more than 250 million active users visit Instagram every day. Instagram is the best service for sharing and publishing photos. Therefore, photo contests and reposts on Instagram are used not only by small companies, but also by such popular brands like Adidas and Nike.

What are Instagram Contests?

Contests on Instagram are a kind of event that consists of completing a task. For example, photo contests consist in determining the best art photography or artistic textiles. Thus, at the end of any competition, the winner is determined, who receives the declared prize.

What contests are on Instagram?

So, there are three types of contests on Instagram:

  • Repost contest. Participants of this contest publish their photo, and at the same time attribute the desired hashtag, for example #competition2017.
  • creative competition. Participants of this competition post their own photo on their page, which was taken according to the rules of the competition.
  • Like Contest. Participants of this contest also publish their own photo or a photo according to the rules of the contest, and at the same time try to get as many likes as possible.

How to run a repost contest on Instagram?

So, if you decide to hold a contest with a repost, then you need to stock up high quality photos prizes to be awarded to the winner.

Worth noticing, which is very important to visualize all the prizes, as the contestants must know and see what they are fighting for.

But, if it is impossible to take a photo of the prize in the truest sense of the word, then you need to use similar photos of the prizes. For example, you cannot take a photo of the prize, which is to receive a certificate or a free photo shoot.

Please note that the quality of the photo must be at the highest level. After all, few people will agree to publish a low-quality and pixelated photo on their page. Thus, if you decide to hold a contest, then you should use only live and interesting photos, which the user will place on his page without any doubt. Therefore, photographs with dark light, poor quality, or blurry.

What prize to choose for the competition?

Never save money on buying prizes, as a cheap prize is unlikely to make people want to submit, so the prize should be attractive and expensive.

In order to get your audience more interested in the contest, you can do the following:

  • Write on the competition photo the name of the competition;
  • Come up with a special hashtag that will characterize the competition;
  • Indicate the date of the holding and end of the competition;
  • Insert your Instagram login (username) into the contest photo.

In order not to overload the competition photo with your information, you need to select only the main and most necessary inscriptions.

Advice! Be sure to include the end and closing date of the contest on the photo, as users will think that the contest is still ongoing, and therefore will post it on their page. Well, you will have to go to the users page and announce that the contest has already ended.

So, the standard rules of the competition include the following:

  • Subscribe, or be a subscriber to the account of the contest organizer.
  • Post a contest photo on your page, and you can do this using a repost or a screenshot.
  • Mark the contest photo with a hashtag or the organizer's login.
  • Remind entrants that their profiles must be publicly accessible.
  • Inform about the date of the competition and the end.
  • Provide for a way to determine the winner: a jury, distribution of numbers to the contestants, drawing lots or choosing a random photo with a named tag.

Instagram Hashtag Contest

If you decide to spend given type competition, but do not know how to do it, then we will tell you.

First of all, you need to come up with a special contest hashtag, which will be the key to participation in the contest. For example, it could be the hashtag #contestants #since March 8 #Jav2017 #in the contest #accepting the challenge. Thus, with the help of hashtags during the competition, you will find out how many contestants were yesterday, and how many are already today. Therefore, based on the number of contestants, you can choose the winner.

A huge advantage of Instagram is that you can find users at any time by a given hashtag.

It is worth noting that in the competition with a hashtag, you need to define a photo so that it is more solid and attractive. Therefore, after determining the contest photo and personalized hashtag, you can start the contest.

How to determine the winner of the contest on Instagram?

An easy way to determine the winner of an Instagram contest

So, earlier we said that you can choose the winner of the competition with the help of a jury, a lot, a random number generator and a nominal hashtag. But still, let's look at the easiest way to determine the winner of the competition.

Eg, your contest is already in progress, and in the rules you have indicated the mandatory use of a special contest hashtag. Now, in order to find out who is participating in the contest, and how many participants are in the contest at the moment, you need to enter the given hashtag into the search.

But in order to determine the specific winner of your contest, you need a second (preferably) similar phone, on which you are also logged into Instagram.

Now you need to enter the video recording mode on the first phone, and on the second phone you should find the list of participants by hashtag, and then turn on the video recording so that users can clearly see your actions and the randomly selected winner of the competition. This is necessary in order to avoid criticism from the contestants.

However, even after a randomly selected winner, you must not publish his name in the public, as it must be checked for compliance with the rules of the competition. After all, there are a lot of freeloaders in the world, and therefore many users, hoping to win something, participate in hundreds of contests. Well, if the winner turned out to be not what you need, then you just need to reshoot the video.

Using a random number generator for an Instagram contest

This method is perhaps the most honest and best, speaking from the side of the contestant. After all, with the help of this method you will not be able to deceive the participants of the competition.

So, let's list the most popular random number generators:

Random is an excellent and most popular service that allows you to generate random numbers. A huge number of competitions are held with the participation of this service. Therefore, you should also use it in your contests, if you really conduct them honestly.

Randomizer- a similar service that also allows you to determine the winner by generating a random set of numbers.

As you can see, the principle of operation of this service is simple and primitive, for this you just need to upload a text file with numbers, and then click on the button "Mix". After that, the winners will be determined.

Fanpage Karma is a great service that will generate any number, even ten-digit ones. But here there is one big minus for the Russian audience, since the site is completely in English.

As you can see, the service itself gives out the winners, while subdividing users with contest posts by likes, comments, likes + comments and comments with the largest number of likes.

Well, this is where we will probably finish our article on holding a contest on Instagram.

Video: Contests on Instagram [Step-by-step plan for conducting and collecting subscribers]

In this article, I will talk in detail about how to run a contest or giveaway on Instagram. Consider the pros and cons of various conduct mechanics.

And so, all drawings and contests can be divided into three types:

With repost

The most famous and familiar method to most, but having many drawbacks.

- Difficult conditions for participants - you need a separate application for reposting.
- Few people agree to repost, because it spoils general form pages.
- A lot of freeloader accounts created solely for the sake of participating in sweepstakes and contests.
- We need a more expensive prize in order to lure the participants.

- Larger audience coverage, with a large activity of participants compared to other types of competitions.

Carrying out mechanics:

In order to hold such a draw you need:
  1. Make an attractive banner with the image of the prize and the word "raffle". If you make this picture ugly, it will drastically reduce the number of your potential participants. Few people want to post something unpleasant on their page. Therefore, here you will most likely need the services of a designer.
  2. Come up with a hashtag for the giveaway (#draw_yourbrand).
  3. Indicate the closing date for receiving applications and the date of announcement of the results of the draw.
  4. Draw up the rules for conducting (below is a sample).
  5. Assign unique numbers to all eligible participants. It is advisable to record all participants with numbers in a separate file. If desired, you can send each participant his number in direct.
  6. Determine the winner, record it on video and post it on your page as evidence. Either do it in live. You can determine the winner using a random number generator or some other service, for example, giveaways .
  7. Make a post with a photo of the winner who received the prize.

According to the standard rules, the participant must:

  • Subscribe to your account
  • Repost with photo and text from your post
  • Mention your account in the repost (required with @) and the contest hashtag.
  • Open profile (so that the contest photo can be seen by everyone).
The conditions of the competition are simple:
1) Be a subscriber of our account @your_page
2) Repost this post and use the hashtag #hashtag_of_your_draw
3) In the comments to the repost, tag at least 2 friends or girlfriends (optional)
4) Open your profile for the duration of the competition - all those who have fulfilled the conditions will definitely receive the numbers.
5) Get the participant number from us under the repost.
6) And wait for the results! 3 winners will receive their prizes!
You can take part in the competition until *date_time*, the results will be summed up no later than *date_time*!

In comments

The simplest draw mechanics. All the action takes place in the comments under your contest post.

- Small coverage.
- Participants can specify the left participants that need to be filtered out.
- Numbers may be confused.

- Easy to get involved.

A table for two for ONE COMMENT! Dear friends take part in our regular giveaway! Everything is very simple! To participate, you need to subscribe, like and tag three of your friends in the comments on this post (via @ , not stores). Each comment will be assigned a number and a week later, using a random number generator, we will determine the winner. It is FORBIDDEN to indicate people who have already been in the comments. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE MULTIPLE COMMENTS WITH DIFFERENT people, then you will get several numbers and increase your chances of winning accordingly! As a prize you will receive *YOUR_PRIZE*! We will send all participants their number in direct. We will announce the winner in a week. Comments are accepted until *date_time*. Good luck!

- You can determine the winner using random numbers or in other ways. For example, you can do a task - come up with the funniest comment. You can determine the winner yourself to your taste or appoint a jury.
- If you have a very inexpensive prize, then you can allow users not to indicate any friends. In this case, you will get less coverage, but more active participants.
- If you are too lazy to distribute numbers, then you can ask users to do it for you. Those. so that each participant begins his comment with a serial number. You start: 1. First comment. The next person leaves a comment: 2. Second comment. Etc. But confusion can arise, because two people can start commenting at the same time.

Photo Contest

People add their photos to Instagram in one way or another, and the essence of this method is for the user to place information about the draw in the description of the post on his page. This method is a little more complicated than the comment mechanic, but much easier than a repost contest with the same reach.

- Possible twists.

- Easy to get involved.

We're excited to announce our new giveaway! The rules are simple. Place on your page a photo that depicts YOU PERSONALLY, start the caption to it with the phrase: "Friends! Help win *your_prize* from *your_brand*" and indicate the tag #draw_your_brand. In addition, you can add your own text. We will determine the winner by most likes. As a prize you will receive...


It is very important to post a video of how you determined the winner, as well as post a photo or video of how he receives your prize so that everyone can see that everything is fair with you. You can also make any discount offer for participants for a limited time.