DIY resin jewelry. A frozen miracle with your own hands: learning to make jewelry from epoxy resin. Jewelry resin: beauty is in the details

List of everything you need:

  • Epoxy resin, two-component
  • Two syringes without a needle (sold at any pharmacy)
  • Container for mixing resin and hardener (plastic cup)
  • Stick for this mixing (wooden)
  • Ceramic tiles or cardboard (in general, any flat, hard surface, preferably on a flat table)
  • Scotch tape (wide, single-sided)
  • Accessories for jewelry (connectors, earrings, connecting rings, bases)
  • Mini drill (sold in almost any construction store, take the cheapest one, I personally use DREMEL 300)
  • A set of attachments for it (a small drill and an emery head for turning)
  • Good mood for yourself;) Well, gloves with a respirator would be nice

Advice: Before you shop, make sure you have a suitable workspace. If you live in a one-room apartment with your grandmother and mother, you will have to wait a little while making jewelry from resin. At a minimum, you need a separate room where you can inhale harmful resin vapors (if you don’t take care of ventilation) in splendid isolation.

This work is dirty, noisy and generally not conducive to health, but a few simple manipulations will help reduce the negative influences of creativity to a minimum.

Safety precautions when working with epoxy resin:

  • if you are not a substance abuser, at least open the window
  • always keep a cloth at hand - believe me, it is much easier to wipe off the resin than to then chip it off the linoleum
  • don't want a thrill? Then remove all carpets within sight
  • Have pity on your neighbors in your living space, don’t grind your jewelry while they’re at home. Wear a respirator during this activity.

Speaking of leaves

Leaves (petals, flowers) must be well dried. This is not a quick task (4 weeks), so prepare them in advance. I place fresh petals in folded white paper, then in a book (this is to prevent the letters from imprinting on the flowers). The thicker the book, the better (old Soviet textbooks work great). Magnetic photo albums can be used to store dried leaves.

If you decide to work with buds (for pouring into balls), you will need a dark, dry space, such as a closet. Thread the thread into the needle, tighten a thicker knot at the end of the thread and pass the needle through the stems of the buds (it is for this operation that these very stems should be left). We tie the resulting garland to two hangers and hide it in the closet. Four weeks and the material is ready.

It is worth keeping in mind that many petals visually change during work, and completely cease to resemble what you picked in the garden. Some shrink to something awkward, some turn black or completely discolored. And if you don’t feel sorry for a stupid daisy at all, then ruined expensive hydrangea flowers will definitely make you sad.


The lion's share of the pleasure of working with jewelry is the choice of accessories. It's simple: the more expensive it is, the better the quality. You can save money in the entire process of creating jewelry, but not on accessories; this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice. Not only do fasteners made in China regularly break, but they also look downright pathetic and, most likely, you won’t be able to stick something like that on your painstakingly nurtured leaf.

Resin preparation

Well, all preparations are completed, we can begin. First, read the instructions for your resin - mixing proportions vary from brand to brand. Personally, I use Crystal resin, 4 ml of resin per 1.2 ml of diluent.

We take both the resin and the hardener with syringes without needles, naturally different ones. It’s better to throw them away after using them; they cost pennies. It is better to carefully lower the hardener along the wall of the cup so that it does not splash.

After this we begin mixing. There’s nothing phenomenal here: you can stir it with your finger for 3-4 minutes. Don't be embarrassed by the abundance of bubbles in the resin, let it sit and they will go away.

Stir the resin periodically. The ready-to-use mixture should have a consistency similar to honey. It is difficult to explain with your fingers exactly how much to mix; it naturally depends on the number of prepared petals, their size and, notably, the thickness of the resin. Fresh ones instantly spread and it turns out that you have tarred the tray itself rather than the petals. So it’s important to seize the moment here.

While the resin is settling, prepare your work area. Clear the table, take out the tray and flowers. It is advisable to do a wet cleaning, because there is nothing more offensive than a potentially beautiful piece of jewelry stained with dust.

Preparing the tray

You need a flat table that you don’t mind getting dirty, and a tray. The key point here is the choice of coating, which should have a number of properties, such as:

  • cheap
  • affordable
  • should not stick to the resin
  • should be glossy (a matte surface makes the cured resin matte)

A store-bought plastic bag immediately comes to mind, but unfortunately it does not satisfy point 3 and sticks tightly. At one time I used food bags for baking, but they also periodically failed and ruined entire trays of decorations.

Advice: Cover the tray with tape and forget about the problem of decorations sticking forever.


So, the resin has thickened, the petals are laid out on a surface covered with tape, and we begin to create. We take our fighting stick, dip the tip in resin and apply a drop to the petal.

In principle, you can smear it over it, holding the leaf with your finger (with latex gloves so that there are no greasy marks left), but it spreads quite well on its own. Here you will check how level your table is. Having covered all the prepared petals with the first layer of resin, cover our miracle tray with a lid and leave it all for 24 hours. Then we apply another layer of resin (for now both layers are on the front part).

After a day, we turn the petals over and apply the last layer, but on the back sides of our products.


Now these shapeless epoxy blots with petals inside need to be processed.

It's time to uncover our mini drill. Attach an emery attachment to it and sharpen the jewelry (with a shudder I remember how I sharpened them by hand with a nail file). Keep the edge of the product perpendicular to the drill. After turning, you can coat the edges of the products with varnish or do another fill.

If you are satisfied with the resulting decoration, make holes for attaching rings. We make holes with the same drill, but with a drill (diameter 0.5 mm).

In general, we have done the most difficult work, now all that remains is to attach the fittings. We thread a ring into the drilled hole and a wire into it. Our earrings made from real flower petals are ready!

Rules for storing and caring for flower decorations

  1. Products coated with jewelry resin should not be wiped with alcohol or any other solvent, as this may damage the glossy surface. Epoxy is generally not friendly with chemistry, so keep it away from detergents, air fresheners, etc.
  2. Wear jewelry after applying decorative cosmetics, perfumes, and deodorants. Do not expose the glossy surface to acetone. It is better to wash off nail polish without rings, since acetone is a volatile substance, and it is not so far from the nail to the ring with a leaf.
  3. Don't wear jewelry while playing sports or go to bed with it on.
  4. Pin brooches to your clothing before putting it on (this will ensure that the pin is securely fastened).
  5. Cured epoxy resin itself is very strong, but with the right amount of diligence, anything can be broken, and in this case it is no exception; store products in boxes.
  6. You should not leave them in the open sun for a long time.

Using epoxy resin for jewelry, you can significantly expand the boundaries of creativity and make incredible jewelry. In this lesson I will talk about the main points of working with jewelry epoxy resin using the example of pouring resin into special molds.

We will need:
- epoxy resin PEO 510 or PEO-610
- molds for pouring epoxy resin
- jewelry scales
- rubber gloves to protect hands
- disposable cups
- wooden stick for stirring resin
- paper napkins (useful for cleaning bottle necks after pouring ingredients)
- parchment paper to protect the table
- toothpicks/wooden sticks for mixing decorative elements

Decorative elements for pouring (accessories for jewelry: pendants, rings, etc., beads, dried flowers, baked polymer clay, sparkles, gold leaf)

Details about how to choose epoxy resin for your projects and about safety precautions when working with it, we wrote in a previous article. In this article we will look at the main stages of using epoxy resin for jewelry.

1 Mixing components

Before you start working, read the instructions, which tell you in what proportions you should mix the components of epoxy resin for jewelry. For convenience, these data are written on each bottle of resin. Epoxy resin PEO-510 and PEO-610 must be mixed in a 4:1 ratio by weight, that is, we need to take 4 parts of component A and 1 part of component B. If you mix by volume using measuring cups, then the proportions will be 3 ,3:1.

It is important to strictly observe the mixing proportions. If the proportions are violated, the resin will not harden, but will remain sticky. In my opinion, it is most convenient to mix epoxy resin using a high-precision scale - it is much faster and the measurements will be more accurate than when mixing by volume. So in this tutorial I will be mixing ingredients using these scales.

First, let's measure the weight of the cup in which we will mix the epoxy resin. After the weight is displayed on the scale screen, reset the weight by pressing the TARE button.

Now that the weight of the cup is not taken into account, pour the required amount of component A into it. After this, reset the container to zero again by pressing the TARE button on the scale.

Now the weight of the cup and component A is not taken into account, so we will measure the required amount of component B into the same cup.

For convenience, component B can be poured from the bottle into another plastic cup, and then added to the glass with component A for mixing. It is convenient to clean the neck of the bottle after pouring the resin with a paper napkin.

So, the most important thing is done - we measured out the exact number of components.

Now mix the ingredients thoroughly with a wooden stick. Mix the resin well from the sides of the cup and from the bottom until the resin becomes completely transparent. Mixing determines whether the epoxy resin will eventually harden, so mix thoroughly.

2 Getting rid of air bubbles

So, our resin is thoroughly mixed and ready to pour, but often after mixing there are air bubbles left in the resin. To get rid of bubbles, epoxy resin for jewelry needs to be heated at a temperature of 50-60C.
In winter, heating devices are perfect for this, or you can hold a glass of resin over the burner of an electric stove. The main thing here is not to overdo it (!) and not to exceed the temperature. We just need to heat the resin a little until it becomes more liquid, then the air bubbles will very quickly come out of the resin and it will become completely transparent.

The heating time depends on the volume of epoxy resin; as soon as the resin becomes liquid like water, remove the heating. To ensure uniform heating, stir the resin with a wooden stick.

One more point - with sufficiently long heating and elevated temperature, the hardening process of the resin will be significantly accelerated, and when we pour the resin into molds, it will very quickly become viscous. This may not always be convenient for later adding decoration to the resin, since numerous air bubbles will appear, but this feature can be used, for example, for multi-layer pours or obtaining a high dome.

If we need increase resin viscosity, then you can do this in two ways:
1 After mixing the components, leave the PEO-510 or PEO-610 resin in the glass for 5-6 hours. Then gently stir a little so that no bubbles appear.
2 Heat the resin at a temperature of 50-60C.

If during the heating process the epoxy resin has become liquid like water, but tiny bubbles remain, don’t worry, they will all come out anyway, just put the resin on the table and wait about 20-40 minutes. We can also remove the remaining large bubbles with a toothpick.

Air bubbles come out very well from PEO-610 and PEO-510 epoxy resins, so when carefully mixed, few of them are formed. In the photo on the left, the epoxy resin was mixed intensively, so there were a lot of bubbles - I did this for clarity of the example. In the photo on the right we see the result after heating this resin.

3 Pouring into molds

We pour the resulting epoxy resin into molds or bases for jewelry, and add various decorative elements. After this, cover the molds with resin with a lid to prevent dust from getting on it.
We wait for complete hardening and rejoice at the result.

Epoxy resin PEO-610 completely hardens at t 25 °C - 42-54 hours, PEO-510 at t 25 °C - 54-66 hours.

Regarding the question of when exactly to add decorative elements- after we pour the resin into the mold or before.
If we decide to add elements of light or simple shapes to the resin, for example, beads, foil, light metal fittings, then such parts can be added after the epoxy resin is poured into the molds.
If we need to fill in heavy decor, then it is better to first fill in the “base”, i.e. first/bottom transparent layer and only after complete hardening place the decor on top and fill everything with the second layer.
If we decide to fill in elements of complex shapes, for example, dried flowers, then we first need to “bathe” them in epoxy resin, or use a brush to cover them with a layer of resin so that the resin fills all the recesses, and there are no air bubbles in the mold during subsequent pouring.

A prerequisite is that all decorative elements that you put in resin must be clean and dry.

4 Processing the edges after pouring

After we have taken the products out of the molds, we need to process the sharp edges. They can form as a result of drying, as the epoxy resin may shrink slightly as it dries. Also, to ensure that the edges are as even as possible, it is better not to add about 2mm to the very edge of the mold, since the edges of propylene molds are rounded at the top and therefore expand slightly.

We smooth the edges of the finished product by sanding. You can use fine-grit sandpaper (600-800 grit) or even nail polish. The main thing in this matter is not to touch the product when sanding, but only sand the edge. In this way, you can also remove defects from the products, although in this case the product will be matte, since during the grinding process the shine will be lost due to the smallest scratches, take this point into account.
During the grinding process, we try not to lean close so as not to breathe in the resulting dust.

5 Making holes in the epoxy resin after hardening

We have one final touch left - to make holes in the resulting decorations using epoxy resin. Special tools will help us make neat holes. mini drills.

If the finished products have a rounded front side, then it is better to make holes on the wrong side of the flat side, since the drill will slip off on the front side and leave scratches. Also, so that the front side remains smooth and without scratches during the drilling process, we will place a soft cloth during drilling. You can use a craft mat for this. And of course, during the drilling process, we make sure that the drill is tilted so that the hole is level.

As for choosing a mini-drill, in my opinion, the most convenient is a drill with a return mechanism, thanks to this mechanism it will be very easy and quick to make holes, the diameter of the holes will be 1-1.5 mm. If you need holes with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm, then we use a drill with a movable stop.

Now our epoxy resin products are completely ready to become real decorations.

Wonderful bracelet made of twigs and epoxy resin

Many people have probably seen original epoxy resin jewelry in stores. Such products are very popular, because each decoration combines magic, romance, and creative design ideas. Like frozen drops of clear spring water with amazing compositions inside, earrings, rings, brooches attract fashionistas who want to emphasize tenderness, femininity, and extraordinary taste in the choice of accessories. Undoubtedly, to buy such a product, you will have to spend a lot of money, because the price for original works is fairly high. Do you want to look stylish and elegant while spending a minimum of money? We offer you to learn how to make beautiful jewelry from epoxy resin with your own hands. The process is incredibly creative, interesting, and will appeal to all lovers of beautiful hand made jewelry.

What is epoxy resin

You need to know how to choose resin for creativity. This is, first of all, a synthetic product; its choice should be approached very responsibly.

Round earrings with leaves and flowers
Epoxy resin jewelry with leaf
Unusual earrings with roses

It is not worth saving, because cheap and low-quality material can turn yellow, has a too strong and unpleasant odor, and a low degree of ductility and transparency.

All these properties determine the quality and aesthetics of jewelry. It is important that the resin completely imitates glass or transparent ice; amazing compositions from any natural materials are frozen in it. How to choose epoxy resin? The material is safe, it is a transparent liquid, containing chemical resins and hardeners. In the process of mixing these ingredients, polymerization and hardening occurs.

Valuable for its unique properties, the product is widely used by decorators, designers, artists, manufacturers of jewelry and souvenirs. If you learn how to work with epoxy resin correctly, you can create magical 3D effects and protect any craft from dust, scratches, and moisture. As a rule, manufacturers prepare complex kits for creativity, which include the chemical product itself, gloves, a measuring cup for easy mixing, and a stick for mixing the substance. Preference should be given to trusted manufacturers to avoid harm to precious health. The main secret of success is strict adherence to the instructions and proportions of the epoxy composition.

Epoxy resin

Despite the relative safety of chemicals, extreme caution should be exercised when working:

  • avoid contact of resin with mucous membranes and the skin of the hands; work with gloves, a medical mask or a protective petal;
  • if glaze particles do get on the skin or mucous membranes, you should immediately rinse the area with running water;
  • It is prohibited to use resins for the manufacture of products that come into contact with food;
  • work with the epoxy composition should be carried out in a ventilated area;
  • When turning products, be sure to wear a respirator so that particles do not get on the mucous membrane.

Compliance with simple safety rules can make the creative process more comfortable.

How to work with epoxy resin

5 main secrets

Many craftswomen have been able to turn their favorite hobby into a successful home business, because beautiful and original jewelry is at the peak of popularity today.

Decorations made of wood and epoxy resin
DIY studs made of epoxy resin
Dandelion pendant on a chain

To learn this art, experienced needlewomen have several secrets:

  • Filling forms. The forms, which craftsmen call molds, must be made of high-quality platinum silicone. This type of mold allows you to control the pouring at any stage, as well as comfortably remove the product after hardening. After use, be sure to wash the molds with warm soapy water.
  • Temperature conditions. You should know that the polymerization process is closely related to the release of heat. During the chemical reaction, the resin can heat up to high temperatures, even up to 60 degrees. Please note that the mold for filling the blanks must be heat-resistant.
  • The right consistency. Before the polymerization stage, the resin retains the properties of a viscous liquid. If dry filler is used, such as cork, wood slices or chips, it sinks down. This should be taken into account when distributing the composition.
  • Transparency. The main difficulty that beginners and experienced craftsmen encounter is air bubbles.

To make the surface and structure of the product as transparent as possible, you can let the mixture sit for a little while and then heat it up. This will allow the bubbles to float to the top, after which they can be carefully removed.

  • Use of decor. In this matter, everything is limited only by the imagination of needlewomen. Small cones, leaves and flowers, dried flowers, glitters, rhinestones, beads are the most popular decor for making beautiful jewelry from epoxy resin. When using leaves and flowers, it is better to dry them first. The classic way is like in school, between the pages of a book.

You should not skimp on accessories for your jewelry; the stingy, as they say, pays twice! Agree, it is very important what the painstakingly nurtured compositions inside the transparent drop are framed in.

Video tutorial on epoxy resin

DIY epoxy resin jewelry

Armed with theoretical knowledge and the secrets of experienced needlewomen, you can move on to the practical part of the creative process. We offer several simple and interesting master classes for beginners on making original jewelry.

Transparent ring with grass

DIY mysterious ring made of wood and resin

Decoration with dried flowers

To create beautiful earrings you will need high-quality epoxy resin, beautiful dried heather flowers, forget-me-nots, speedwell or any other flowering forest herbs. You will also need a hook for earrings. We will use the simplest method without special molds.

Brooch and earrings with fern
The blue flower pendant looks alive
Round pendant with cute flowers

The operating algorithm is as follows:

  • Let's prepare the epoxy composition. Mix all the ingredients strictly according to the instructions, and then leave the resin to reach the desired viscosity, for about 2-3 hours. Don’t be alarmed; initially, a lot of air bubbles collect in the resin. After the mass settles, they will gradually disappear.
  • We draw several stencils on a sheet of paper. You can make them of any shape, oval, round or even irregular, so the product looks more interesting.
  • While the mixture thickens, prepare the surface. This stage is very important, because every small speck of dust will disrupt the delicate aesthetics of the transparent decoration. The surface should be perfectly flat; the top can be covered with oilcloth or cling film.
  • We lay out our stencils on oilcloth, and cover them on top with ordinary stationery files. We begin to pour the resin directly onto the file, distributing it over the stencil, and straightening the edges with a stick or toothpick. The height of the workpiece should be 2-3 centimeters. Cover the top with a dome lid.
  • Leave the pieces until they completely harden for a day. After we remove them from the files, they are separated from the polyethylene surface without any extra effort. We give the correct shape with a nail file or sandpaper, lightly sharpening the edges of the product.
  • We mix a new portion of resin, and in the meantime lay out the dried flowers. Drop a little viscous mass onto the base and apply dried flowers, cover with a lid and let dry. To make the coating three-dimensional, like a lens, we cover it with resin again. We give the final shape with a file or sandpaper.
  • Using a needle, drill a hole at the base and thread the earrings. The product is ready.

Daisies on a red background

Decorations made from epoxy resin and dried flowers

Skeleton leaves

Designer bracelet

Amazing accessories with any filling are cast from epoxy resin. We offer an interesting lesson on how to create an original bracelet.

Bracelet with flowers
Bracelet with grass and red berries
Bracelet with delicate flowers

It will be useful at work:

  • special mold for the bracelet;
  • two-component resin with hardener;
  • plastic container for mixing the mass;
  • wooden stick;
  • dry leaves or flowers.

Tools that will be useful are simple toothpicks and scissors, as well as sandpaper for grouting.

DIY bracelet made of epoxy resin and wood

Let's get started:

  • Wash and dry the uniform. Let's knead the epoxy “dough” in the proportion specified by the manufacturer. Stir the mixture until the bubbles come to the surface.
  • Let's prepare the decorative filler. We trim the leaves so that they do not stick out from the mold.
  • When the resin has thickened and settled, carefully pour it into the mold.

Filling must be done slowly, in a thin stream. The more accurately the substance is poured into the mold, the less polishing the product will require.

  • Immediately place the leaves in the resin in a circle, straightening them with a toothpick. To get all the air bubbles out of the resin, you can put the mold in the oven for 10 minutes, heated to 80 degrees, and then turn it off.
  • After heating, take out the workpiece and leave it to harden.

When the decoration has hardened, remove it from the mold and sand down any unevenness and sharp edges with fine-grained sandpaper. To make the surface of the bracelet glossy, open it with acrylic varnish.

DIY bracelet made of epoxy resin

Colored resin products

The creative materials industry keeps pace with the development of the creative industry. Today, epoxy resin can be used to make not only products that are transparent, like a teardrop, but also brightly colored jewelry in any color of the rainbow. Costume jewelry of any shade made from epoxy resin and wood is especially popular. They will easily complement a boho style look, creating a romantic mood. We invite you to create a creative miracle with your own hands by making an original and fashionable accessory. In our work we will use transparent resin, pieces of acrylic, sections from wood, and luminous pigments. To shape the product you will need a grinding machine.

Rainbow earrings made of epoxy resin

Let's start the process:

  • Let's prepare a sketch of the decoration on paper. Let's distribute the areas where the resin should be, and where the wooden decor should be, and determine the color transitions.
  • We glue pieces of acrylic, put wood slices on the bottom according to the sketch, glue them to the base so that they do not float up in the resin mass.
  • Mix the resin and hardener in the required ratio, add a blue or green fluorescent pigment to the mixture. If you use a simple luminous pigment, the resin will simply take on a milky hue. With colored pigments, the product looks brighter and more original.
  • Mix the resin, stirring with a stick strictly in a circle so that the bubbles come to the surface. We fill the workpiece.

The polymerization time depends on several factors: room temperature, correct mixing and ratio of ingredients.

Cover the workpiece with a lid to prevent dust particles from getting on the delicate surface.

  • After a day, if the workpiece has frozen, we disassemble the formwork and remove the block. It's time to give it the desired shape.

Using a grinding machine, we level the surface, cut out the desired shape according to the sketch, and process the edges of the product.

From one block you can make several decorations on the same theme for yourself, as well as as a gift to family and friends.

Jewelry made from epoxy resin is always stylish and original. Each product combines natural fragility, tenderness and the unique creative thought of the master. Having learned all the secrets of unusual art, you can create with pleasure, creating collections of unusual designer accessories.

Earrings “Colored glass” made of epoxy resin and paint

Fruit rings

Epoxy resin for jewelry is a modern chemical material that is very popular among craftsmen who create handmade jewelry. Products that completely imitate glass can be made from plastic mass. Natural materials (cones, dried flowers, leaves, etc.) coated in a transparent gloss look extremely attractive.

For people who are partial to beautiful jewelry and who are interested in creating all kinds of crafts with their own hands, we invite you to learn together what jewelry epoxy resin is, what the rules are and the subtleties of working with it. As part of the article, we will conduct a small master class on making a pendant.

The word “resin” usually evokes an association with the natural origin of the substance. But in this case we are talking about a chemical product. Externally, the glaze is a transparent liquid, which contains two components: resin and hardener.

When combined, substances enter into a chemical reaction, polymerizing with each other. As a result, the resin completely hardens. Before polymerization begins, solid fillers can be added to the glaze, which can change the properties of the resulting plastic in the desired direction.

Types of modified plastic

It is made by hand using well-known brands of domestically produced glue - EKF and EDP. You can buy them in stores that sell household supplies. A small package of 280 g costs approximately 70-80 rubles.

The ratio of modified resin to hardener should be in the range of 8:1 - 10:1. The chemical polymerization process occurs at room temperature and lasts several hours. It will take at least 12 hours for complete hardening. The hardener for epoxy resin affects the polymerization rate: the more of it in the composition, the faster the shape of the product will be fixed. The ratio of components must be measured very accurately - this directly affects the final result.

Another product of the domestic chemical industry is epoxy resin ED-20. It is very convenient to work with it at home, and the price looks more attractive (half the price of EKF and EDP). A significant drawback is the large packaging: 6 kg of resin and 1 kg of hardener.

You can also find two-component formulations made abroad on sale. They make excellent epoxy resin products. In addition to the main raw materials, the packaging includes protective gloves, plastic measuring cups, and wooden stirring sticks. Such sets are much more expensive than domestic analogues. The mixing ratio in them can be very different: 2:1, 1:1 or others. It is possible that the proportions will have to be calculated using a special formula. In any case, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Be careful when working

Epoxy resin is widely used in construction, finishing works, and also in the printing industry. Raw materials for technical purposes have a pronounced chemical odor, and the fumes irritate the respiratory system. When working with industrial material, protective equipment should be used.

Epoxy resin for jewelry and decorative works from trusted manufacturers is not harmful to health. Although safety rules should not be neglected. Usually there is detailed information about them on the factory packaging, but it would be useful to mention it now. So, precautions when working with chemical glaze:

Maintain temperature conditions

The polymerization process is accompanied by the release of heat. As a result of a chemical reaction, the resin can heat up to 60 degrees. This feature must be taken into account when choosing pouring molds; it is desirable that they be heat-resistant.

Preheating the starting components speeds up the polymerization process. As the temperature increases, the fluidity of the resin increases and its viscosity decreases. Filling small parts with epoxy resin will happen faster and better if the solution is preheated to 25-30 o C. Then the filler is introduced into it and only after that the hardener.

Lower air temperatures and excess moisture negatively affect polymerization. Under such conditions, the process may take too long or may not be completed at all.

Achieving the desired consistency

While epoxy resin for jewelry has not entered the polymerization stage, it retains the properties of a viscous liquid. If you introduce dry filler into the solution, it can sink down (cement, gypsum) or rise to the surface (wood chips, cork). This feature of the material must be taken into account when choosing and distributing the composition over it.

Use of aids

The main difficulty that you will have to face during the work process is air bubbles. If you let the mixture sit for a while or warm it up slightly, they will float to the top. To get rid of bubbles stuck to the mold, you can use a regular toothpick. To make your own epoxy resin the ideal consistency, pour it in a thin stream through a fine strainer.

When working with glaze, it is convenient to use disposable utensils to prepare a separate portion of the mixture. Plastic jars for dairy products (yogurt, curds) are well suited for these purposes. It is convenient to stir the mixture with wooden ice cream sticks.

To accurately dose the components, you can use medical syringes of various capacities. Please note that in this case, epoxy resin must be poured into the container from above. And the hardener is drawn into the syringe in the usual way.

It is advisable to lubricate the molds for filling with a protective solution. It can be replaced by regular Vaseline or parquet mastic. Apply a thin layer and remove excess using a cotton swab. If the molds are made of silicone, polyethylene or plexiglass, then they will not require pre-lubrication.

Let's talk about fillers

Solid and liquid additives affect how epoxy resin jewelry turns out. Most often, alabaster, cement, chalk, wood chips or glitter are used for these purposes. The additive content in the total volume of the mixture is no more than 50%.

Dry fillers produce a hard but brittle plastic. To neutralize undesirable quality and improve the plasticity of the material, liquid plasticizers are used. The simplest and most affordable supplement may be castor oil. Usually one or two drops is enough.

Choosing the composition for making a pendant

We will use a special transparent epoxy resin for jewelry to help us create the jewelry. As an example, we can take the two-component composition Gedeo produced by the French company Pebeo with a capacity of 150 ml.

The material perfectly imitates glass and is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for multi-layer coatings, surface decoration, and restoration of cracks. The basis for application can be glass, metal, earthenware, silicone, plastic, painted wood. The glaze is exceptionally transparent, odorless, and easy to prepare. The finished product is characterized by increased strength and does not turn yellow over time.

Step by Step Actions

If you don't want to wait a long time, you can speed up the drying process by slightly warming the pan in the oven. Be careful not to overheat, otherwise bubbles may form on the surface.

The hole for the lace can be made using a wooden stick while the product is in a soft state. If you are late with this, no problem, you can carefully drill a hole in the frozen pendant.

Make sure that the surface where the form is located is absolutely smooth. This will prevent the mass from rolling to one side.

After removing the finished decoration from the mold, sand it with light sandpaper to even out the edges. Thread a cord through the hole and wear the pendant for good health.

Epoxy resin is a modern material that jewelry makers use to create pendants, earrings, bracelets and many other jewelry. They always look very stylish and unusual, because “epoxy” almost completely imitates smooth and shiny glass.

You can put any decor you like into your jewelry: dried flowers and leaves, insects, beads, glitter, shells, clockworks, gears and much more. The choice of filler depends solely on the flight of your imagination.

A little history

Before the advent of modern epoxy compounds (or, in simple terms, “resins”), craftsmen tried to work with epoxy glue. But after the products hardened, an unsightly yellow color appeared, and when pouring the molds, many bubbles formed, which were difficult to get rid of.

The appearance on sale of special epoxy compounds for making jewelry has become a real gift for absolutely all craftsmen. True, for a long time it was not so easy to find this “treasure” on sale. But now in almost every craft supply store you can buy epoxy, or even order resin delivery to your home, as in our Beadstree online store.

The choice of epoxy resin depends, first of all, on what result the master plans to get - a colorless product or with a colored tint.

For volumetric coatings, it is permissible to choose compounds with a slight yellow tint, but for pouring into a mold and creating an imitation of water, a completely colorless base and hardener are required.

How to prepare epoxy for work?

Epoxy resin is a chemical substance or composition that consists of two components:

  • An epoxy base consisting of resin and various modifying additives (defoamers, bleaches, plasticizers, etc.).
  • A hardener or crosslinking agent is a component due to which the “epoxy” hardens and becomes hard like glass.

Before starting work, you should carefully read the instructions and become familiar with the curing time of the resin in order to finish working with this material in time. After this, you need to mix the base and hardener and slightly heat the resulting mass; this procedure will remove bubbles and make the mixture homogeneous.

Safety precautions when working with epoxy

When working with epoxy resin, it is necessary to take a number of protective measures:

  • Wear protective gloves and a medical mask while working.
  • If the resin does get on your skin, wash it off immediately with clean, warm water and soap.
  • Do not use epoxy resin to create products that will come into contact with food.
  • Before you begin, cover your work surface with plastic wrap or wax paper. After completion of work, the film or paper should be disposed of.
  • Be sure to take care of ventilation: harmful fumes of epoxy resin should not remain in the room. If you do not plan to constantly work with epoxy, a regular open window will do.

How to create jewelry from epoxy resin?

The main stages of working with epoxy:

  1. Add resin and hardener to a previously prepared dry container. Using the wooden stick from the set, carefully mix the ingredients and leave the resulting mixture for 40-60 minutes.
    Make sure there are no bubbles in the liquid. If they do appear, carefully pierce them with a toothpick.

  2. Prepare a mold for future decoration, then pour part of the mixture into it and wait 15-20 minutes. Then carefully place the decorative elements into the mixture. There are many options, here are just some of the most popular:

  3. Pour the remaining mixture into the mold. Pour just above the edges as the epoxy level will drop slightly as it cures.

    Leave the mold for a day - during this time the resin will completely dry and harden. It is advisable to cover the mold to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the resin.

    Carefully remove the product from the silicone mold and begin sanding.

    Experienced craftsmen master the process so well that polishing the product is practically not required. However, at first you will most likely have to work hard with fine-grained sandpaper to remove any irregularities and give the decoration the ideal shape.

    By the way, a regular nail file or manicure machine is also suitable for polishing.

    After sanding, the piece must be polished to make it as smooth and shiny as glass.

    You can polish the future decoration manually or using power tools, for example, a drill with a soft foam or felt attachment. Sometimes craftsmen use polishing paste for cars - with it, the product quickly acquires a smooth surface and a bright shine.

We suggest you try your hand right now and make a decoration out of epoxy resin with your own hands. You will find everything you need for work in our online store. Choose, place an order and realize your creative ideas!