How to remove old stretch marks at home. How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin. Is it possible to permanently remove stretch marks? Effective methods of control

Most women, and at the same time a fairly significant percentage of men, know what stretch marks or stretch marks are. These are unsightly, sometimes bluish or dark purple stripes on the body that are not dangerous. They don’t hurt, don’t itch, don’t bother you in any way, and can’t even develop into something more. But they can pretty much spoil the appearance. Therefore, many people have a question about how to get rid of stretch marks on the body and whether it is possible to do anything at all with such an unesthetic problem.

According to statistics, about seventy percent of the population of our planet have such ugly scars on their bodies. Many people dream of getting rid of this dubious “decoration”. Since demand always generates supply, today numerous beauty salons offer services for removing or reducing stretch marks. Many people say that large scars cannot be removed anyway, but this is a misconception. With a thorough and comprehensive approach, using various modern and folk remedies, it is quite possible to achieve a very remarkable result.

Places of “dislocation” of striae

When figuring out whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks forever without consequences, you should first find out where you can most often expect such a “trick” to appear from your own body.

  • In teenagers or those who regularly play sports with heavy loads, stretch marks most often make themselves felt in the back area.
  • With sudden uncontrolled weight loss during pregnancy, stretch marks appear on the abdomen.
  • Excessive or in people who frequently load their biceps, stretch marks may appear on the arms, often in the upper part.
  • With sharp jumps in body weight from small to large or vice versa, in professional athletes, sometimes during gestation and in adolescence, defects of this kind may appear on.

Causes of development and contributing factors

The mechanism by which unsightly scars form on the body has been known to scientists and doctors for quite some time. They studied it in detail, so there is no secret in their occurrence. Human skin has its own limit of strength, and most importantly, elasticity. When it cannot withstand the load, it literally begins to tear. To protect the body from bleeding and wounds, the skin is seemingly “stitched” using softer and more stretchable connective tissue.

Thus, ugly stripes appear on our bodies, having uneven “torn” edges and different sizes. Elastin and collagen fibers break for a reason. Scientists name two main factors for this: hormonal disruptions in the body, as well as banal stretching of the epidermis. And this does not happen by chance. Stretch marks are inextricably linked with any changes in the body or health.

  • During pregnancy, the size of the abdomen and breasts increases significantly.
  • When athletes actively build muscle mass, the epidermis simply does not have time to grow as quickly as the volume.
  • In case of sudden weight gain or emergency weight loss.
  • Impaired synthesis of collagen and elastin can also cause stretch marks.

During early adolescence, active growth involves various changes. This includes transformation of the skeleton, which the epidermis simply cannot keep up with. In boys, teenage stretch marks most often appear on the back, and in girls on the chest, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Get rid of stretch marks at home and in the salon

To get rid of red stretch marks on the skin, many are ready to resort to a variety of methods. Some of them are more effective and bring good results, while others do not affect the appearance of stretch marks at all. You can try to eliminate such a cosmetic defect using folk remedies that were used by our distant ancestors, or you can simply turn to a professional cosmetologist. But let's take it in order so that there is no confusion.

One grandmother said: folk remedies

Contrary to misconceptions, even at home you can do a lot to remove fresh stretch marks or get rid of old ones. Traditional medicine offers various medicinal herbs and other substances that will help in this difficult matter. However, if previously you had to independently collect the necessary roots and stems from forests and fields, now you can easily find the herbs of almost any plant in the nearest pharmacy, and the rest can be found on the shelves of the supermarket on the corner.

No means used at home will, and cannot, give any high-quality results in a short time. You need to be prepared for the fact that a long process awaits you, but you will definitely like the result. Therefore, it is better not to rush, to do everything thoroughly, regularly, so as not to be disappointed.

There is a whole system that will definitely help. It is made up of three main stages that all have to be taken into account.

  1. Skin cleansing.
  2. Application of different products.
  3. High quality massage.

In such cases, it would not hurt to use the entire “heavy arsenal” of traditional medicine, starting from medicinal masks, contrast showers and other water procedures, to a variety of nutritional and healing mixtures and remedies. For a better understanding, here are some of the simplest examples.

Cream with mumiyo

You will need about eighty grams of any baby cream of your choice. If you don’t have this on hand, you can use any base oil. Squeeze the entire tube into a bowl, add one tablespoon of warm (almost hot) water, as well as one gram of mummy.

This composition is very good for lubricating areas affected by stretch marks. It will not hurt to make massage movements with your hands. It is best to store this cream in the refrigerator on the door.

Sour cream or kefir mask

This remedy was known back in the time of Vladimir the Red Sun. In order for the skin to become more elastic, and at the same time soft, silky, and beautiful, it was proposed to lubricate it with kefir or sour cream twice a day. It may not be possible to completely remove stretch marks on the skin with the help of dairy products, but such “therapy” will definitely not cause harm.

Salt, oil and sugar scrub

A scrub that can be easily prepared from ordinary food products available in the kitchen of any, even the most careless housewife, is considered very effective. Just take a deep container (bowl), pour half a glass of sunflower oil into it (you can take olive oil if available). Pour the same amount of salt and sugar there, that is, half a glass each. Mix all this thoroughly.

Apply this scrub to your skin in the bathroom, after washing with soap and a washcloth. Massage for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Don’t forget that after such procedures, be sure to apply a nourishing moisturizer to your skin.

Methods for eliminating stretch marks in the salon

Home methods are ineffective against old stretch marks, and not every person has the desire or time to bother with them. But everyone definitely dreams of getting rid of stretch marks. That’s why some people immediately, and sometimes after numerous experiments, turn to specialists for help. Modern beauty salons offer a truly large selection of services to eliminate such an unsightly cosmetic defect.

  • Chemical and laser peeling.
  • Ultrasonic massage.

This is only the very tip of the iceberg of the procedures that can be offered to you in the salon to get rid of stretch marks. All these methods must be selected individually, after consulting with your doctor. If nothing helps, then you can consider options for laser or mechanical skin resurfacing (microdermabrasion), when destructive areas of the skin are simply completely cut off.

There is also plastic surgery, which will help in the most extreme cases, when all other means have already been exhausted. During a minor operation, the entire area of ​​skin where the defect occurred is simply mechanically removed. In this case, the surgeon applies cosmetic sutures, which dissolve almost completely over time.

Advice from cosmetologists on how to improve the results of procedures

When figuring out how, don’t forget that, in addition to salon procedures, you will still have to take some steps on your own. Professionals advise not to rely entirely on cosmetology, but to take independent steps to significantly improve the result.

  • Maintain proper drinking regime. Lack of moisture can negatively affect skin elasticity.
  • It is also better to adjust your diet, add more vitamins A and E, omega fatty acids, and hyaluronic acid.
  • To avoid capillary fragility, which directly affects the color of stretch marks, turning them brown, consume more foods rich in zinc and ascorbic acid.
  • Do homemade masks and massages regularly to enhance the effect of hardware cosmetology.
  • A good mood and relief of any symptoms of stress will help the body devote all its resources to fighting stretch marks.

Moderate physical activity helps you stay in shape. By regularly performing any set of exercises, you also train your skin, it becomes more elastic and stretches better. Therapeutic gymnastics has a good effect on the body and the condition of the epidermis. However, you need to choose such an activity for yourself individually, preferably with the participation of your doctor and sports coach.

Truth and myths about stretch marks on the body

There are several common misconceptions that still prevent us from effectively dealing with this problem. Therefore, it is better not to listen to idle conversations in the kitchen and advice from those who do not understand anything about the issue, but to turn to medical knowledge.

Stretch marks - a visual and superficial defect

This is the most common myth. In fact, this effect is far from just visual; the epidermis is actually seriously injured and torn. This happens when a malfunction occurs in the functioning of fibroblasts, where collagen and elastin are produced.

In this case, the fibers begin to tear deep inside the skin. Only over time does the stretch mark appear. Therefore, stretch marks cannot be called superficial.

Pregnancy is the only cause of stretch marks

This misconception is not even worth discussing separately. Anyone interested can return to the subsection about the causes of defects, as well as their most common locations.

Healthy lifestyle is a guarantee against the occurrence of stretch marks

Many people think that maintaining an optimal weight, healthy eating, and constant physical activity can somehow protect you from unsightly skin blemishes. However, this is not entirely true. Of course, the risk of their occurrence is noticeably reduced, but there are no guarantees that they may occur in the future. It is worth noting that stretch marks occur not only in overweight people, but also in thin people, which fully proves our conclusions.

Light stretch marks are good, dark stretch marks are evil.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what color the stretch marks haunt you. Usually their color depends on the degree of oldness of the scar, as well as the activity of the blood supply to the problem area. Since the mechanism of their occurrence is absolutely the same in all cases, without exception, the fight against them will be absolutely identical.

There is no way to completely get rid of stretch marks at home.

As sad as it may be, this is the true truth. No homemade or purchased products, water or other procedures, proper food and exercises can completely rid you of stretch marks, although they will noticeably soften their appearance. You can make them almost invisible, but they will still remain with us, as a silent reminder of the not-so-good skin condition. Injured tissues lie very deep and cannot completely “dissolve.”

It is extremely important to accept and love your stretch marks, along with your entire imperfect body, so that life does not turn into a continuous struggle with stretch marks. The most desperate ones turn to plastic surgeons who can help, but for most, such pleasure is not available. And for medical reasons, not everyone can undergo such operations. Therefore, you need to realize that there is a problem and stop delving too deeply into it. Your body is unique, so it doesn't hurt to love it the way it is.

Basics of preventing stretch marks

Having finally figured out what stretch marks are and why fighting them may be ineffective, it’s worth thinking about another question. It is important to understand what to do before you have this problem. Prevention does not provide a 100% guarantee that you will not have any skin damage, but it significantly increases the elasticity of the skin, which reduces the risk of stretch marks to a minimum. There are three main postulates that will have to be followed.

  • Watch your diet. This is a very important rule of prevention, since by organizing the right regimen and choosing healthy foods, you can easily avoid sudden weight gain or loss, which will prevent skin damage. Lean fish and meat, more vegetables and fruits, less baked goods and sweets will help maintain not only the beauty of the body, but also health for many years.
  • Practice. If you take it as a habit, you will see that it is quite capable of preventing the occurrence of stretch marks, and in addition, even making existing ones less noticeable and pale. The correct alternation of cold and hot water significantly stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and the jets from the shower also perform massage functions.
  • Play sports. Of course, we are talking about regular, feasible loads, and not about exhausting training “for wear and tear”. Moderate body culture has never harmed anyone. You don’t have to chase fashion or ignore someone’s advice, but choose classes that suit you: cycling, fitness, Zumba, Pilates, yoga, kettlebell lifting, swimming, bungee and much more. This will not only reduce the appearance of unsightly stripes on the body, but will also improve your general condition and improve your health.

Based on all of the above, it can be argued that only persistent, daily work on yourself will help you get rid of stretch marks on the skin, if you do not take into account surgical intervention. But even if prevention is unsuccessful, and stretch marks appear on the body, then you can really find many methods that will help, if not completely remove them, then make them invisible, barely visible.

How to remove stretch marks? This is a question that worries millions of women and men. Stretch marks, in medicine they are called striae, appear under the influence of various factors and are elongated scars on the skin. Such ugly scars spoil the mood and cause discomfort, especially among the female population. There are many recommendations about this, but you shouldn’t expect that you can get rid of them quickly.

What causes skin to suffer?

In order to remove stretch marks, it is important to know what causes them. Medical experts say that most often the formation of stretch marks is caused by the following factors:

  1. Pregnancy and recovery after childbirth. In addition to changes in hormonal levels, a woman’s body volume changes significantly, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. In the period after childbirth, a woman, as a rule, is prone to rapid weight loss, the skin does not have time to adapt to the changes, and stretch marks appear.
  2. Rapid increase or decrease in body weight. In a short period of time, the weight increases significantly, while the skin does not have time to adjust. The result is intradermal ruptures that heal with the formation of scars. Rapid weight loss also prevents the skin from adapting.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels in adolescents that occur during puberty.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. Such stretch marks appear due to a deficiency of elastin and collagen along the hereditary line. These substances are responsible for the extensibility and contractility of the skin; if they are deficient, cosmetic defects appear.

In addition, some experts consider dehydration to be another reason for the appearance of stretch marks. Due to a lack of water in the body, the skin becomes very dry and loses its elasticity. As a result of this, even a slight stretching of it can provoke the appearance of stretch marks.

Fact! Some endocrine diseases lead to the formation of stretch marks.


Massage improves regional blood circulation and accelerates regeneration processes. It is better to apply many creams and oils at the time of massage, this will allow the products to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the dermis. But in order to start regeneration processes in the problem area, self-massage should be performed daily.

Important! By doing a massage without creams and ointments, women and men risk becoming the owners of new cosmetic defects, since during the procedure there is a strong tension on the skin.

On the abdomen and buttocks, the massage is performed in a clockwise circular motion. The hips and waist should be massaged from bottom to top, towards the lymph nodes located in the armpits. With the help of special sponges and brushes, which are presented in a wide range, you can significantly enhance the effect of massage procedures. But they must be used with caution.

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower has a good effect on the skin. With its help, the elasticity of the dermis increases and cell regeneration in tissues is restored. To achieve the best effect after a shower, you should use. The procedure must be carried out regularly. But it is worth remembering that a contrast shower will not be able to get rid of stretch marks.

Playing sports

Physical activity not only helps maintain muscle tone, but also helps normalize metabolism. Healthy metabolism means healthy skin. In addition, playing sports will help you keep your figure in the desired shape and prevent rapid weight loss or weight gain. However, physical activity will not be able to hide old stretch marks, and it will hardly help to cope with new stretch marks.

Important! Rapid growth of muscle mass with excessive physical activity can lead to.

Folk remedies are also actively used in the fight against stretch marks. To make home remedies against stretch marks, substances are used that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Such drugs are easy to prepare and use, which is explained by their enormous popularity among the population.

How to deal with stretch marks at home? Among men and women, the most positive reviews are about the following methods:

  1. To prepare, you need to take 2 eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a fork until they form a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture must be applied to the problem area and left until completely dry. Then you should remove the protein mass with water. The procedure is carried out once a day for two weeks.
  2. You should take a glass of sugar and salt, then add half a glass of vegetable oil. Mix all components thoroughly. The scrub is applied with massage movements to problem areas and left for ten minutes. After this, it must be washed off and moisturizer applied to the skin.
  3. Lemon juice, mixed with cucumber juice in a 1:1 ratio, will effectively help get rid of stretch marks. Striae should be lubricated with this product 1-2 times a day, leaving the composition on the skin for ten minutes. After drying, it must be washed off with warm water. There are many positive reviews about this method of dealing with stretch marks.
  4. To prepare the product, pour 100 g of ground coffee with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Add a little water to make a thick paste. After this, you need to pour a tablespoon of oil into it; olive, coconut or flaxseed will do. Apply this scrub to problem areas for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  5. It helps a lot to get rid of stretch marks, which you can buy at the pharmacy. To prepare the product, you need to dissolve 1 g of mumiyo in one tablespoon of boiling water and add 80 g of baby cream. Mix thoroughly until smooth and apply it to stretch marks once a day.

With the help of folk remedies, you can quite easily reduce fresh stretch marks, and significantly hide old ones. In order for traditional medicine to help effectively, it is necessary to maintain the correct proportions and, if redness or burning begins, immediately stop using them.

Fact! Alternative medicine products lead to good results only with long-term and systematic use in compliance with all recommendations.

Radical methods of struggle

How to remove stretch marks on the body if creams and ointments are powerless? The first option is mesotherapy. The procedure is quite painful, but effective. Using a special device with a thin needle, a mixture of drugs is injected under the patient's skin. The concentration of the drug is prescribed individually depending on the condition of the problem area and the individual characteristics of the dermis. As a rule, men have thicker skin and, therefore, the course of mesotherapy for them is at least 5 sessions. On average, 3-4 procedures are enough for women.

Deep chemical peeling is an excellent method for combating stretch marks, however, it is not suitable for all areas of the skin. For example, stretch marks in the groin in men cannot be removed with such procedures. Chemical peeling is not suitable for women who want to get rid of stretch marks on the chest. But stretch marks on the back, thighs and abdomen can be removed using this method.

During a chemical peel, acid is applied to problem areas of the skin, which restores cell renewal. After the procedure, the treated surface turns red, but after a few days you can notice that small stretch marks have disappeared, and old ones have become white and almost invisible.

There are many ways to remove stretch marks. The main thing in the fight against stretch marks is patience and consistency.

Fact! Both men and women should remember that radical methods will help you quickly get rid of stretch marks, but they will not protect you from the appearance of new stretch marks.

Is it possible to prevent stretch marks?

How to avoid stretch marks for women? Pregnancy is the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body in women. They can be applied even during pregnancy, carefully lubricating the areas of the abdomen, chest and thighs with a special cream or oil. Sufficient moisturizing of the skin, reducing stress and correcting nutrition will help reduce the risk of stretch marks. For those who want to lose weight, it is better to immediately take up exercise.

And how to avoid them? Experts recommend monitoring weight gain and avoiding sudden weight loss. It is also worth using moisturizing creams. Those who have a genetic predisposition to stretch marks should be especially careful to regularly nourish their skin. Additional intake of vitamins and diet will help with this. Bodybuilding fans should pay special attention to the skin in problem areas.

How to deal with stretch marks? Unfortunately, many men and women on forums complain that despite all the material costs, they have not been able to get rid of stretch marks. As a rule, many people focus on creams and oils, the effect of which ends in moisturizing the skin; they cannot hide stretch marks. If there is no effect from such methods, it is better to immediately set aside funds for drastic and effective procedures.

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Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 2 minutes


In addition to cellulite, there is another female misfortune - stretch marks, which clearly do not decorate women's skin. They appear as a result of rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin in the area of ​​the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and chest. The cause of stretch marks can be sudden weight loss or sudden weight gain, pregnancy, or hormonal fluctuations.

Only young stretch marks, which have a slight reddish tint, can be completely removed, but older stretch marks, which are white, cannot be completely removed, but they can be visually reduced.

You can get rid of stretch marks or visually reduce them at home, however, you will need time and regular care for problem areas, but with proper care you will feel a noticeable result within a month. The skin will become firm and elastic.

The best ways to get rid of stretch marks - top 10

1. Self-massage

The main thing is to do this massage regularly. Massage promotes blood flow to problem areas, which means saturating them with vitamins and skin regeneration. For massage it is best to use oil or cream. The abdomen and buttocks should be massaged in a clockwise circular motion. Hips and waist with vertical movements from bottom to top. Massage movements should go towards the heart. Cosmetic stores now sell handy brushes and cups designed specifically for stretch mark removal.

2. Contrast shower

Good effect on skin elasticity. Can be combined with a light massage After taking a contrast shower, rub your skin well with a towel and apply stretch mark cream or anti-cellulite cream.

3. Special homemade scrub

For such a scrub you will need a glass of sugar, a glass of salt and half a glass of vegetable oil. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied with massage movements to the problem areas. After such a scrub, apply regular cream or body lotion to the skin.

4. Coffee scrub

For such a scrub you will need 100g of finely ground coffee, which is poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, you should get a thick coffee slurry, to which you then add a tablespoon of olive, flaxseed, coconut or rosehip oil. You can also add 5-8 drops of essential oil of orange, grapefruit, rosemary, eucalyptus, bergamot.

5. Mumiyo

You can take tablets and dissolve them in water, rub them into the skin, or take 1 g of mummy per 1 spoon of boiled water, 80 g of baby cream, mix, and then rub into problem areas once a day. The prepared mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

6. Orange oil

Orange oil and any other citrus oils are very good to use for massage. Best used after water treatments. Massage is best done with a rough canvas mitten or a special massage brush. This massage should be done no more than 3 times a week for 2-3 months.

7. Rosemary oils

Add 5-8 drops of rosemary essential oil to a teaspoon of almond oil. This mixture should be rubbed into the skin daily.

8. Almond oil

It contains a lot of vitamin E, so it is rightfully considered one of the most effective remedies against stretch marks. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not leave a greasy residue.

9. Hazelnut oil

Another storehouse of vitamin E. Can be rubbed in separately or added to a scrub.

10. Wheat germ oil

Thick in consistency, but no less rich in vitamin E. It takes longer to absorb than almond. It is very good to use during a massage.

What do girls write and advise on Internet forums about getting rid of stretch marks?


Getting rid of stretch marks is a struggle and not a pleasant one. First you need to figure out how old they are, and if they are large and have a pearlescent tint, don’t waste your money. For others, this is daily and painstaking work, but results can be achieved.


I got it when I was 14, now I’m 22, so don’t fight, it’s already useless. If I had used various moisturizers at that time, as I do now, this would not have happened! When I lose weight, they become less noticeable because they shrink, but otherwise everything is useless, and they don’t tan because I don’t tan my scars.


It's been almost 2 years now. I didn’t start treatment right away, I didn’t really understand what it was. Then she began to smear the red stretch marks with salt, olive oil and mouthwash. Some have completely disappeared. But those that remain very white and are well treated with the complex + oils + mumiyo + natural scrubs.

Have you managed to get rid of stretch marks? Share with us!

Probably no one would refuse to have perfect skin throughout their life. In fact, this will remain only in dreams. The skin is one of the most important organs in the human body and is responsible for a large number of functions, not only external, but also internal, which are subsequently reflected on the skin almost instantly. It is especially difficult to come to terms with skin defects that cause deformation of the appearance, such as stretch marks, so the question of how to remove stretch marks and is it possible to completely get rid of them becomes especially relevant?

Throughout life, situations may arise that are completely impossible to control: sudden weight gain or equally unreasonable weight loss, pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. In fact, all this can cause the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) in the chest, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. What do stretch marks look like and why do stretch marks appear? It is worth noting that they appear unexpectedly; initially they are purple in color, sometimes having a slightly purple tint. If stretch marks are exactly like this, then we can say with complete confidence that they are completely “fresh”. This color is given to them by blood vessels, after some time they begin to gradually fade until they practically become beige or their former color.

This is due to the fact that as the connective tissue grows, a moment comes when it begins to fill the vessels, so stretch marks can be either completely white or slightly pearlescent in color. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that striae are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which means they do not tan in the sun. This occurs due to the fact that the connective tissue simply does not produce the necessary pigment. Thus, at the height of the beach season, stretch marks on the stomach, hips and chest become even more visible, which is why women have to wear a one-piece swimsuit rather than a bikini.

Attention! Some people think that stretch marks occur solely due to physical impact during stretching of the skin. But in fact, the main reasons for this problem can be considered a violation of skin regeneration and tissue elasticity.

A large number of women are faced with the question of how to remove stretch marks on the stomach or chest after childbirth, as a result of which they begin to fight them by going on a diet. In fact, this is wrong, since this method cannot stop the appearance of stretch marks, and after that they have to deal with stretch marks in the hips and buttocks area, since most often stretch marks appear during hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, it is common to find stretch marks in adolescence or in athletes who switch to a special protein diet to quickly gain weight. We must not forget that the elasticity of the skin directly depends on hereditary factors. So if your parents or grandparents had problems such as stretch marks, then most likely sooner or later they will appear in you.

Attention! It is necessary to remember that stretch marks in themselves do not pose any danger or threat to the body, if you do not take into account psychological discomfort. But most often, stretch marks indicate that there are some diseases that are associated with the endocrine system, such as diabetes.

Stretch marks on thighs

How to prevent stretch marks

Any qualified medical professional can say with confidence that it is best to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it. In fact, completely removing stretch marks is quite problematic, so it is better to follow simple tips to prevent them from appearing at all:

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor your weight and try to avoid a sharp increase or decrease in body weight.
  • It is worth watching your diet. As for sweets or starchy foods, it is best to avoid them altogether. It is also worth monitoring the consumption of preservatives and salts. As for healthy food, you should pay special attention to fruits and vegetables; you should also include seafood or chicken in your diet. In this case, one serving should be no more than can fit in your palms.
  • Physical activity is required. This is also true during pregnancy; only those exercises that the expectant mother should do should be prescribed by a doctor. It is worth noting that the condition of the skin will improve even after walking.
  • A contrast shower or other water procedures, even at home, will be very useful, especially if combined with a hard washcloth, due to which the skin can become noticeably more elastic. All problem areas must be massaged very carefully, after which you can apply a special oil or cream to prevent stretch marks.
  • Systematic use of special (licensed) products that help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, and if they have already appeared, this product will help make them less noticeable. This product can be purchased at specialized sales points or made independently.

Thus, you know how to prevent stretch marks, preventing this problem from reaching a critical stage.

Cream against stretch marks

Stretch marks after childbirth: how to remove them at home

Separately, I would like to talk about pregnant women or young mothers, who most likely would not even dream of going to specialized cosmetic institutions in order to find out how to get rid of stretch marks in the abdominal area and chest area, but stretch marks after childbirth are a common occurrence .

By the way, do not forget that during breastfeeding and pregnancy, a large number of cosmetic procedures are simply prohibited. Despite this, it is possible to make stretch marks less noticeable at home, on your own. It is immediately worth noting that the main thing in this is the systematic application of procedures. The effect will not be noticeable if there is no consistency, thereby once again disappointing you.

Attention! You need to remember right away: if stretch marks already exist, it is impossible to completely remove them using home remedies. The only thing you can do is make it less noticeable.

Stretch marks after childbirth

Massage + oils

In order to remove stretch marks in the chest and abdomen area, you can use massage with the assistance of oils. To do this, every time before going to bed, rub in a mixture of oils, which you can prepare yourself. To do this, you need to take: about 8 drops of patchouli essential oil, then add 7 tablespoons of olive oil and add 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, mix it all thoroughly.

Some argue that ordinary sea buckthorn oil is good in this case, which, according to reviews, helps quite well in tightening the skin in the abdominal area. At the same time, you need to know that such oil dries out the skin, so if you have problems with dry skin, then instead of sea buckthorn, it is best to use olive oil.

Photos before and after when getting rid of stretch marks with oil and massage


One of the proven remedies in the fight against this problem can be noted - mumiyo tablets. Together with them you can make an excellent homemade cream. To do this, one tablet is enough, which must be dissolved in a small amount of warm water. After this, this mixture must be mixed with a small amount of baby cream. In order for the resulting cream to have a pleasant smell, you can add a few drops of essential oil (many people like citrus fruits, but you can add any to taste).


How to get rid of stretch marks with a scrub? Now let's look at two options:

  • Sweet and salty: vegetable oil together with sugar and salt.
  • Coffee: shower gel or oil with the addition of ground coffee.

The procedure should proceed as follows. It is necessary to massage problem areas with a scrub every day, every other day, while taking a shower. The point of this procedure is that the abrasive particles create a grinding effect. Among the advantages of such a remedy, one can note the possibility of using this remedy both during pregnancy and lactation.

Photos before and after using a scrub for stretch marks during pregnancy

Pharmacy products

If you don’t have time to create remedies against stretch marks yourself, you can turn to the help of specialists who were able to create an effective remedy in medical laboratories (based on reviews from real customers). Such products are available in almost any pharmacy and medical institution, which must be used according to the instructions in the instructions. It is quite possible to remove stretch marks using pharmaceutical products if you completely follow the instructions.

It is worth remembering that such remedies will be relevant exclusively against “fresh”, recently formed stretch marks.

Photos before and after using pharmaceutical products for stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks on the body in a salon

If you have made every possible effort to get rid of stretch marks and have not gotten the desired effect, then you should probably seek the help of professionals. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of salons that position themselves as effective centers for providing services for getting rid of stretch marks in particular. Such centers offer a varying number of services, but we must not forget that the choice of such a salon must be approached very responsibly.

Attention! Before going to such establishments, you must consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary procedures in order to detect possible diseases due to which this or that type of procedure may be contraindicated for you. This is especially true if stretch marks are accompanied by excessive hair growth in the area, hypertension, or a sudden and unreasonable increase in body weight.

Ultrasound therapy

Treatment of stretch marks using ultrasound therapy is as follows. The skin is directly affected using a special device that emits ultrasonic waves, which, by the way, are absolutely safe in this case. Thanks to this procedure, the metabolism in the skin cells also improves, due to which the skin almost immediately becomes more elastic. Despite the fact that this procedure is the most popular among “salon” ones, as for whether it is possible to completely get rid of stretch marks in this way - most likely not. However, this method will be effective only for small stretch marks.

Photos before and after using ultrasound for stretch marks

Laser and chemical peeling

It is worth noting that before using this method of getting rid of stretch marks, you need to prepare your body and the skin itself for such a procedure for several days in a row. Despite this, laser and chemical peels are very popular in the treatment of stretch marks on the body. The entire process should be supervised by a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary creams. The procedure itself is quite complex, and only a qualified specialist can perform it efficiently. During the procedure, all stretch marks are burned away with a laser while the patient is under anesthesia.

Despite the fact that the post-rehabilitation period is quite long, the results will exceed all your expectations. As for chemical peeling, this method involves treating the skin with special acids, which in turn burn off stretch marks along with the surface layer of the skin.

Photos before and after laser peeling for getting rid of stretch marks


As for the most “gentle” method of removing stretch marks, we cannot fail to mention wraps. Some even doubt the effectiveness of this method, but despite this, the facts speak for themselves. During such procedures, cosmetologists use algae, which contain substances that have a beneficial effect on human skin. A composition of extracts of these algae is applied to the skin, after which the patient is wrapped in film, followed by wrapping in a special thermal blanket for about 40 minutes. Often, after such a procedure, a specialized salon provides the opportunity to take water mineral treatments.

How to get rid of stretch marks forever. Is it possible?

If we answer this question comprehensively and completely, then getting rid of stretch marks is possible only through surgical intervention, which involves excision of stretch marks. Therefore, if you do not know how to get rid of stretch marks forever and whether it is possible at all, then abdominoplasty will come to the rescue. This procedure has a fairly large number of risks and contraindications, so this procedure must be approached with maximum responsibility. Among the most common complications are the possibility of scarring and infection of damaged areas of the skin.

Scars on the abdomen

Most likely, after you solve your problems associated with stretch marks, you will not want to deal with questions regarding the scars that appear after this procedure. That is why, before deciding to do this, you need to think carefully about everything. There is no point in saying that before this procedure you need to consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations; this should be clear already. Striae are a very unpleasant phenomenon, but you shouldn’t cross the line when getting rid of flaws turns into a manic idea, because if you can’t get rid of them, it’s best to change your attitude towards this issue and focus on your positive aspects.

How to remove stretch marks: reviews

Ksyusha, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don, wrote:

Elizaveta, 31 years old, Moscow, wrote:

I would like to immediately note that I started fighting stretch marks immediately as soon as they appeared, because I knew that at home this was practically the only chance to change everything. I made my own nourishing lotion, which included vitamin E and olive oil in a ratio of 4 to 1. I had stretch marks in the chest and abdomen area, so after taking a shower I immediately treated the problem areas. I will say that after two months after giving birth, all the stretch marks disappeared. The main thing is not to delay with this problem, as the specialist said that after 8 months after childbirth, such a remedy will no longer help.

Striae, or stretch marks, usually appear when there are sudden changes in the skin, be it rapid weight gain, growing limbs during adolescence, or pregnancy. These scars look unsightly and spoil the surface of the epidermis. That is why many women dream of, if not completely getting rid of them at home, then at least making them less noticeable.

  • reddish or pinkish (this is the initial stage at which they respond best to treatment);
  • silver or white (it is impossible to get rid of them completely at home).

If you have the first type of stretch marks, then the desired result can be achieved using various procedures, and in a short time. If the second one, then you will have to wait longer for the effect.

Stretch marks can appear on the abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks and other areas of the body

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures include various types of massage, wraps, baths, contrast compresses and ice rubbing. These also include physical exercise.

Contrast shower and bath

We take a shower or bath every day. That is why water procedures to combat stretch marks are easiest to add to your schedule.

Contrast shower helps make stretch marks less noticeable

A contrast shower is an excellent way to harden, which also improves metabolism and blood circulation and helps get rid of stretch marks.

How to take a contrast shower correctly:

  1. Pour over warm water, gradually increasing the temperature to hot.
  2. Turn on the cold water quickly for 1 minute.
  3. Alternate temperature changes five to nine times.
  4. Finish the procedure with cold water.

A contrast shower is a method that should only be used together with others, only then will it bring the desired effect.

  1. Dissolve a glass of starch in two liters of warm water.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a warm bath prepared in advance.
  3. Take it no longer than fifteen minutes.

In addition, using a bath with essential oils will be effective. For this:

  1. Mix ethers with bath foam or salt (add 1-2 drops of concentrate per 20 liters of water).
  2. Take this bath for no longer than 20 minutes and no more than three times a week.

To minimize the appearance of stretch marks, esters of frankincense, lavender, neroli and rosemary are usually used.


Massage is the most effective part of a set of procedures for eliminating stretch marks. It activates blood circulation, which helps to quickly smooth out stretch marks. Cupping massage works best.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare vacuum jars and massage oils (you can also use homemade products such as natural scrubs, peels and creams).
  2. Select a location for your session.
  3. Take a bath or shower.
  4. Warm up the skin with strokes (you can also do 20-30 squats to achieve this goal).
  5. Apply cream, oil or other product of your choice.
  6. Squeeze the jar tightly with your fingers and place it on the affected area.
  7. Work the desired surface using circular and zigzag movements.
  8. Remove the jar by pressing it with your fingers again.
  9. Moisturize your skin after the procedure.

The session lasts about fifteen minutes. Perform this massage once every two days. Complete 20 procedures to complete the full course. It is recommended to repeat it no more than 3 times a year.

Self-massage is a rather painstaking process, the result of which will not be immediately noticeable.

Homemade recipes for stretch marks

Store shelves are filled with a variety of “magic” creams that promise to hide all the stretch marks on your body. However, only a few know that home-made products from natural products are no worse, and sometimes even better, than store-bought analogues.

Simple homemade recipes to help you get rid of stretch marks

Scrub for stretch marks at home

Scrubs are rightfully considered the most effective means against stretch marks. Not only do they make scars less noticeable, but they also leave your skin feeling softer and smoother overall by sloughing off dead cells. Check out several recipes for such compositions that you can easily prepare at home.

"Secret from Hollywood"

To prepare the Hollywood Secret Scrub you will need the following ingredients:

  • Johnson's baby butter (add until the mixture becomes soft and thick enough);
  • crushed coffee beans (half a cup);
  • sea ​​salt (half a cup).

Mode of application:

  1. Mix all ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.
  2. Rub the mixture into problem areas for ten minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub.

Johnson's baby oil effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, and does not contain any hazardous ingredients.


To prepare the “Model” scrub, you need to mix the following components:

  • crushed coffee beans (glass);
  • olive oil (three tablespoons).

Mode of application:

  1. Rub the mixture into the desired areas for five minutes.
  2. Wrap in a towel and leave for half an hour.
  3. Rinse off the composition.

Coffee beans not only remove toxins, but also tighten the skin

"Stretch Mark Fighter"

To prepare the Stretch Mark Fighter scrub, you will need to mix the following ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt (half a teaspoon);
  • honey (one teaspoon);
  • glycerin (one teaspoon).

Mode of application:

  1. Rub in for five minutes.
  2. Rinse off with warm water.

Honey has a tonic effect, nourishes the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity.


To prepare the “Simple” scrub, you need to mix the following components:

  • sugar (one glass);
  • salt (one glass);
  • vegetable oil (half a cup).

Mode of application:

  1. Massage the mixture into problem areas of the skin.
  2. Rinse with water.

Using a sugar body scrub, you can cleanse and rejuvenate your skin and get rid of troubles such as stretch marks and cellulite.

Peels: how chemical wraps can help at home

Although peels cannot remove stretch marks, they can make them less noticeable and smooth the skin. This remedy is suitable if the stretch marks are not too deep.

With badyaga

Badyaga is used with hydrogen peroxide (there are no exact proportions, mix until the consistency becomes similar to sour cream). Apply the composition to problem areas every day. After just a few procedures you will notice the effect.

Using a badyagi is the fastest and most economical way to combat hated stretch marks.

With lemon

To prepare and use the lemon mixture, follow these steps:

  1. Mix lemon juice with clean water in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to problem areas for fifteen minutes.
  3. Rinse off the mixture and then moisturize your skin.

This procedure must be repeated every other day.

The acidity of lemon juice lightens stretch marks scars

With almonds

The components for preparing the almond peeling composition are as follows:

  • oatmeal (2 tbsp.);
  • aloe juice (1 tbsp.);
  • almonds (2 tbsp);
  • almond oil (1 tbsp).

Cooking method:

  1. Grind almonds and oatmeal to a powder.
  2. Add almond oil and aloe juice.
  3. Mix the composition thoroughly.

Use this peeling composition once a week for one to two months.

Almond oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin

With soda

To prepare and use the soda composition, follow these steps:

  1. Mix baking soda and salt in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to pre-steamed skin.

Repeat the procedure once a week until you get the desired result.

Baking soda whitens the skin and cleanses it of dead cells

Creams and oils

Creams and oils made from natural ingredients soften and moisturize the skin, making it smoother. Scars become less noticeable when used.

To prepare and use aloe oil you need:

  1. Mix half a glass of aloe juice and olive oil.
  2. If desired, add a couple drops of vitamin E or vitamin A.
  3. Apply twice a day until the result becomes visible.

Aloe juice softens dead skin cells and promotes their removal, stimulating the regeneration of new cells

To prepare and use avocado cream, follow these steps:

  1. Grind the avocado pulp to a paste.
  2. Mix it with two tablespoons of cosmetic clay and the same amount of oatmeal.
  3. Apply the composition for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

You can use this cream every day.

Avocado pulp gives the skin beauty, freshness and youth

To prepare and use dandelion cream you need:

  1. Grind two tablespoons of dandelion leaves and aloe leaves to a paste, mix.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and mix with oatmeal until smooth.
  3. Apply to stretch marks and rinse after 15 minutes.

Repeat this procedure every two to three days.

Homemade dandelion-based cream restores normal skin texture, smoothes stretch marks and makes them less noticeable

Video: preparing a composition for stretch marks with aloe

How to remove stretch marks on the body at home using masks

Masks against stretch marks are not as popular as creams and scrubs, but they are no less effective in combating this problem.

To prepare and use the clay composition, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix fresh liquid honey with blue clay powder in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin, secure with a bandage and leave overnight.

Repeat this procedure every few days until you get results.

Blue clay is often used to combat stretch marks and cellulite as it improves skin elasticity and smoothes it out.

To prepare and use a mumiyo mask, follow these steps:

  1. Mix one gram of mumiyo with a tablespoon of boiled water and three tablespoons of baby cream.
  2. Apply the composition to problem areas without rinsing.

You can repeat the procedure once a week for several months.

Shilajit reduces the size of existing stretch marks and reduces the intensity of their color

Iodine for stretch marks: reviews and application

To use iodine against stretch marks, you simply need to apply a 5% solution of the product to the skin up to four times a day for three days. In this case, a superficial burn occurs, the skin becomes rough and then dies. In place of the scars, a clean and smooth epidermis remains.

Be prepared for your skin to sting. This is a natural reaction to the use of iodine.

Iodine is one of the most effective means for combating stretch marks

After the first layer comes off, do not re-lubricate the area under any circumstances, as this may cause damage to the skin. If you do overdo it, wash the treated area with warm water and baby soap and apply a burn remedy. Recovery will take several days.

There is also blue iodine, which is considered more gentle.

The method of its preparation and use is as follows:

  1. In 50 ml of warm water, add one teaspoon of starch and sugar, a few crystals of citric acid.
  2. Boil 120–140 ml of water, stir in the already made composition.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the cooled mixture. 5% iodine, stir.
  4. Use the product in the same way as regular iodine.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar to Resolve the Problem

Stretch marks can be made less noticeable with apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar helps make scars on the skin less noticeable and has an overall positive effect on the skin. It contains many useful components: vitamins A, B, C, E, acids, trace elements and enzymes.

  • buy 5% vinegar, it is best for rubbing into the skin;
  • purchase only 100% natural products;
  • do not spare money, as cheap vinegar will not have any effect;
  • choose a product with a cloudy rather than crystal clear consistency.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix apple cider vinegar with clean water in equal proportions.
  2. Before the procedure, take a shower and rub the desired areas with a washcloth.
  3. Distribute vinegar over problem areas and leave for half an hour.
  4. Rinse and apply moisturizer to skin.

Repeat the procedure at least twice a week.

Using aspirin to get rid of stretch marks

Aspirin has an excellent exfoliating effect. In addition, scars from stretch marks become less noticeable after using it.

Method of use of the drug:

  1. Soak three aspirin tablets in 30 ml of warm water and leave for a while.
  2. When they become soft, grind them into a paste.
  3. Before the procedure, thoroughly wash the area with stretch marks, then apply the aspirin mixture in a circular motion.
  4. Leave the product on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Perform this procedure twice a week.

Aspirin is a good exfoliant

All dermatologists agree that the fight against stretch marks should be comprehensive. However, you should not expect the effect within a week. Visible results can only be achieved after a few months if you make active efforts. It is impossible to completely remove stretch marks: you can only smooth them out and make them as invisible as possible.


If you follow certain rules, you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks:

  • watch your diet (otherwise, metabolic disorders occur, which can result in sudden weight gain);
  • massage yourself more often (it is recommended to go to a professional massage therapist or do pinching at home);
  • take a contrast shower;
  • visit the pool regularly;
  • during pregnancy, wear special bandages;
  • Use skin care products containing vitamins A, E, C.


Not all types of fight against striae may be suitable for you. For example, you should not use massage if you have the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • rosacea

It is forbidden to use iodine if:

  • you are pregnant and want to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach;
  • you are allergic to the product;
  • your skin is very sensitive.