Cross stitch patterns with flowers for beginners. Cross stitch is a simple pattern: easy and small for beginners, beautiful and fast, just pictures for children. Animals and plants

Every woman can learn to cross stitch. This does not require specific knowledge or expensive materials. All you need is desire, patience and perseverance.

The technique of cross stitch is one of the most beautiful and simplest, which can be mastered in just a couple of evenings. This is because it does not require special knowledge and skills, and the result is striking in its elegance and expressiveness. You should forget about “grandmother’s napkins” embroidered with flowers, because modern cross stitch involves creating the most beautiful pictures.

Cross stitch picture

Cross stitch has now gained the status of a highly rewarding handcraft, capable of creating unique patterns and designs for home decoration. Recently, it has been noticed that cross stitch has found its place on fashion catwalks, decorating the clothes of fashionistas. Learning to embroider is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have desire and patience.

cross-stitched skirt

Video: “Cross stitch. Embroidery process"

Cross stitch tools

Like any handicraft, cross stitch requires perseverance and attention. You don't need any complicated tools, all you need is:

  • fabric for cross stitch (canvas)
  • hoop
  • floss threads
  • embroidery pattern

cross stitch kit

Cross stitch is called a counting needlework technique, all because you have to accurately count the number of rows and embroidered blocks. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the right fabric, which greatly facilitates the work process. Choose a thick canvas with small holes and if you are a beginner, do not give preference to mesh, which needs to be applied to regular fabric. An inexperienced craftsman can easily get tangled in the mesh and make the embroidery sloppy. In modern stores you can buy canvas of any colors and shades: white, black, colorful.

cross stitch canvas

Large weaving of the canvas will ensure correct and easy counting, and will also prevent the threads from intertwining. This fabric will allow you to embroider in blocks and fragments, tightening a section of fabric into a hoop. You can choose either wooden or plastic hoops. The choice depends only on preferences.


The needle also does not require any specific choice. However, experienced needlewomen claim that it is better to give preference to medium-length needles with a blunt tip and without a large eye. The small eye should easily pass the thread without tangling it and easily pass through the canvas without deformation.

embroidery needle

As a rule, there are three types of threads for cross stitch:

  • cotton floss
  • silk floss
  • wool threads (thin, twisted)

Such threads fit perfectly onto the canvas, creating an even pattern. Moreover, nowadays there is absolutely no difficulty in finding the right shade, since there is a full palette in stores.

floss threads

Video: Cross stitch. Where to start?

How to secure the thread when starting embroidery?

A neat reverse side is considered the height of the art of any needlework, so when starting to embroider, you should pay due attention to every detail. There should be no “errors” on the back side of the design; when embroidering the “face”, pay attention to which stitch remains on the reverse side. Don't allow:

  • nodes
  • long threads
  • screed
  • weaves
  • confusion

neat reverse side of embroidery

You can make a strong knot in the first thread at the beginning of embroidery! To do this, you need to insert a needle into the lower left corner of the canvas. Step back literally a millimeter and thread the needle again, leaving a miniature loop. Pass the thread through this loop and secure the knot.

Usually, the floss thread is divided into two threads (there are six in total) and embroidered with them, so that a sufficiently thin thread can leave an unnoticeable knot, both on the front and back sides. Some craftsmen count a couple of stitches and thread the thread from right to left, leaving it in the fabric and then covering it with a pattern.

method of securing the thread

Cross stitch technique

The main secret that can make your embroidery beautiful and neat is even and uniform stitches. First of all, such stitches depend on the quality of the canvas, as already mentioned: you need to choose fabric with a large weave.

First, secure the thread firmly, then insert the needle from the inside into the lower left hole of the cell and apply a stitch, inserting the needle into the upper right hole. The stitch goes diagonally. This is followed by the so-called “mirror” stitch, which is repeated in the opposite direction: from the right corner to the left.

There are two main methods of stitching:

  • English
  • Danish

If English means making each cross separately, then Danish means applying stitches diagonally to the end of the row and moving “mirror” stitches in the opposite direction along the entire row.

Each of the methods is a personal choice of the needlewoman and it does not have any disadvantages. Try both techniques and choose the one that suits you. Very often both techniques are combined when large paintings are embroidered. This is because certain areas require monotonous embroidery, when you need to fill several fragments with one color, while others require detailing and multi-colored crosses.

It is convenient to embroider vertical columns in the English method, and horizontal rows in the Danish method.

detailed cross stitch

Video: Cross stitch. Lessons for beginners

Lotus cross stitch pattern

The delicate and strong lotus flower has incredible energy and is therefore very revered in eastern countries. In ancient China, the lotus flower was comparable to a deity and was considered sacred. It is believed that growing out of mud and silt, a flower of extraordinary beauty is comparable to a person and is an example to him. The modern teaching of Feng Shui says that the presence of a flower in the house can bring purity and wisdom to the owners, as well as be a reliable talisman that protects against evil.

embroidery "lotus"

The proposed lotus embroidery pattern is within everyone's ability:

part 1

part 2

Cross stitch bouquets of roses, diagram

Roses are a symbol of luxury and prosperity. They are considered the most beautiful and noble flowers, the sensuality of which was sung by more than one classic. Flower buds and open petals are considered the embodiment of femininity and can enhance the positive energy of everyone.

embroidery "roses"

The proposed scheme is simple to implement by a master of any level:

scheme “bouquet of roses”

Cross stitch snowdrops

Snowdrops are delicate primroses that bring a feeling of spring and peace to every home. A painting with embroidered snowdrops will fit perfectly into the interior and give “spring” to its residents at any time of the year. Small snowdrop buds are easy to embroider and can be done by every needlewoman.

embroidery pattern “snowdrops”

Cross stitch of mimosa, diagram

Few people know that mimosa is not just a symbol of the women's holiday “March 8”. Since ancient times, mimosa has symbolized resurrection and self-confidence. The sunny flowers of the plant, which have a tart smell, embody peace, life and joy.

embroidery pattern "mimosa"

Cross stitch patterns for landscapes and nature
Mill cross stitch

Creating colorful paintings with landscapes and nature requires perseverance and patience, but they can reward the needlewoman with excellent results and a beautiful three-dimensional image. Typically, such embroideries require a large palette of threads and take at least a month of work.
embroidery pattern "river"

Goldfish cross stitch pattern

It is no coincidence that many needlewomen embroider goldfish in their paintings. After all, a real goldfish is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. She is able to bring success and wealth to the residents of the house.

embroidery pattern “goldfish”

How to embroider an icon with a cross? Patterns for cross stitch embroidery icons

First of all, it is worth noting that only professionals should undertake icon embroidery, since this type of creativity does not tolerate mistakes, knots, or tangled threads. A purely embroidered icon carries a charge of positive energy and fills the soul with kindness and faith. Icons should be embroidered with good intentions and love in the heart.

scheme 1 scheme 2

Video: “Cross stitch. Beautiful inside out"

Along with new fashionable hobbies (decoupage, weaving from rubber bands or leather cords, temari, knitting without knitting needles or crochet), more traditional types of needlework are also gaining popularity. Cross stitch is no exception - the simplest type of decorative embroidery, with which you can both decorate household items and create real works of art - large-scale paintings. If you are not yet able to handle large projects, start small: the simplest cross stitch patterns will help you get used to and understand the peculiarities of stitch direction and thread fastening.

How to choose a design

Many lovers of unique homemade things keep detailed blogs and diaries, where they describe the embroidery process step by step, starting with the development of a pattern and selection of materials and ending with the design of the finished work. In such blogs you can find interesting ideas for using small embroidered designs to create unique diaries, book covers, bookmarks, home textiles, pincushions or tools, children's or women's handbags and other accessories. Of course, not all craftswomen develop the simplest cross stitch patterns - some create projects of truly artistic canvases and willingly share them with those who want to create the same beauty.

Ready-made sets

Sometimes experienced needlewomen forget that the readers of their blogs often have only basic skills and knowledge in working with fabric, canvas and threads. In small projects, there are quite complex seams (for example, a chain stitch or an abundance of “back needle” stitches, requiring painstaking work) or expensive decorative elements, starting with figured wooden or plastic buttons and ending with colored bells. As a result, at first glance, the simplest cross stitch patterns turn into embroiderers with little experience getting lost when encountering ambiguous fragments of the design and leaving such projects “for later,” that is, abandoning work on the idea indefinitely. Moreover: some may think that they are not able to master such a type of needlework as cross stitch. Simple schemes of flowers, animals and miniature landscapes remain unrealized dreams.

Meanwhile, domestic manufacturers began to take into account the wishes of different consumer groups. Children's kits for embroidery with threads and beads, kits for the visually impaired, and complex projects for craftswomen containing satin ribbons have appeared on sale. And, of course, the simplest patterns for needlewomen. Some designs are only 10 x 10 centimeters when finished, and some are even smaller. These miniatures are the best choice for those who are not yet confident in their skills.

Create it yourself

Oddly enough, every woman can develop her own small-format design. To do this, you only need checkered paper and a ballpoint pen or a simple pencil (as an option - colored pens or even felt-tip pens). In an ordinary school notebook, you can draw any shapes and ornaments that your imagination tells you, and then bring them to life on canvas. This is how even the most skilled bloggers develop the simplest cross stitch patterns. Try it - and you will succeed.

If free time is spent on some hobby or hobby, then life becomes brighter and more interesting. But no one is born with ready-made knowledge and skill. Everything needs to be learned. for beginners it should not seem something very difficult and inaccessible. To turn embroidery into a hobby, these simple tips and tricks are given.

14) When embroidering large paintings, especially if the process occurs intermittently, not every day, it is better to mark the canvas into squares, as in the diagram, and mark each stop. Then there is a chance that the drawing will not be displaced.

15) Before you start embroidering, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the numbers of needles and canvas. The largest number corresponds to the shortest and thinnest needle and, accordingly, the smallest canvas. Therefore, needles must be selected specifically for the fabric. Use it to make the right choice.

16) If you are embroidering several works at once, then it is convenient for each of them to allocate its own small needle and scissors. This way everything will always be at hand, and you won’t have to constantly move them from one place to another.

17) When embroidering on a hoop, do not forget to regularly remove your work from it. The marks left by the hoop may damage the embroidery.

19) If the pattern allows, it is better to make crosses of the same color, laying stitches and moving in one direction, and then overlapping them on the way back. Then even parallel strokes will be visible on the reverse side.

20) When preparing the canvas for embroidery, it is necessary to determine how the grain thread runs and cut the fabric only along it. They will tell you the edges along the edges of the canvas, as well as one sure way: Pull the canvas in different directions, first along, then across. The direction in which the canvas stretches LESS is the direction of the LARGE thread. By embroidering along the grain thread, you will protect the canvas from distortion during the embroidery process, and the finished work from deformation after washing.

21) If you are going to embroider not on a finished canvas, but on fabric, then it should be pre-washed and ironed. Since they usually embroider on linen or cotton, and these fabrics shrink noticeably when washed. Simply iron the wool through damp gauze.

22) This is taught at school - do not leave or inject needles anywhere, keep them in a special cup with a piece of foam rubber. Then many problems can be avoided. And you shouldn’t leave it in the outline - the hole will remain wide and will then stand out against the general background.

23) No matter how hard you try, during the embroidery process the threads still get twisted and tangled. In order not to waste time unraveling and untying knots, you can hang the thread with the needle down to unwind it yourself. Or, lower the needle and press it to the canvas from above, pass the thread through your fingers several times to align.

24) Cross stitch is considered correct if the top stitches throughout the entire fabric are made in one direction.

All crosses are embroidered correctly

The direction of the top stitches does not match everywhere

25) When determining the dimensions of the canvas for embroidery, add 3-5 cm on each side to the calculation. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to tuck it into a baguette. To calculate, use the Aida canvas calculator or the linen fabric calculator

26) Cross stitch does not tolerate knots. To prevent the work from unraveling, the free end is hidden from the inside under already embroidered crosses, preferably of the same color.

27) The length of the working floss thread has already been discussed above. Let us only add that woolen and metallized threads used in embroidery should not be longer than 25-30 cm.

30) In order for the embroidered picture to give the impression of being painted, all the crosses must be absolutely identical. This can be achieved by inserting the needle clearly into the same holes on the canvas.

31) Threaders have one very bad habit - they often break, and you always have to have several on hand. A drop of glue on the end of the wire loop will help extend the life.

32) If the embroidery pattern does not require covering the entire fabric with crosses, then it is better to use (cotton or mixed) as a base. Uniform embroidery looks more natural.

33) If the threads prepared for embroidery are taken from grandma’s chest or collected from friends and acquaintances, then it makes sense to check them for color fastness. To do this, thread samples need to be dipped in hot water and then wrung out into a white cloth. No traces - you can get to work. Is the fabric stained? It is better to replace such threads, otherwise they can ruin the finished work.

35) You can embroider not only pictures. An original embroidered patch can become a decoration for clothing, and not just cover a hole.

The tips and little tricks given in this article have all been tried and tested from our own experience. At one time, I explored more than one handicraft site in search of the necessary information. I hope that collected in one place, these tips will help many to quickly move from the category of beginners to experienced needlewomen. Good luck to you!

Besides, it’s not complicated at all. It's no wonder that millions of women and girls are passionate about it. They embroider paintings, towels, clothes with a cross, and decorate household items.

In this article, Marina Igorevna will tell you how to learn how to cross-stitch correctly, and will reveal to you the secrets that will make this process easy and fun.

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Today embroidery is gaining wide popularity. This type of embroidery, such as a cross, is especially fashionable. Needlewomen use different stitching techniques, which allows them to make their work unique and inimitable. However, there are general rules that unite all types of techniques. Simple cross stitch patterns will make the work much easier and faster. When choosing patterns, it is important to take into account personal experience, skills, embroidery sizes and its color characteristics.

Nowadays, beginners and experienced needlewomen can purchase embroidery kits that help make the embroidery process easier and more enjoyable. These kits already contain everything you need. Each set contains instructions that will tell you in detail about the actions that need to be performed.

The sets are divided into several types. Some are intended for amateurs, others for professionals.

Experienced store employees will help you choose the right set. Embroidery kits can be selected online. Catalogs of online stores are replete with a wide variety of designs and color schemes.

  • Canvas;
  • Floss;
  • Needles;
  • Scheme.

Schemes can be color or monochrome. Beginning needlewomen can purchase a small pattern. Monochrome patterns help you get the hang of stitching.

Simple cross stitch patterns

Very often, embroiderers choose their favorite type of patterns, which they use later. This helps to acquire certain professional skills and experience. Simple, medium-sized patterns are suitable for beginner needlewomen.

There are several types of schemes that differ in color characteristics and symbolic designations.

Simple schemes require a minimal set of colors. This allows inexperienced embroiderers to better understand the method of transferring a certain color using thread to canvas. To get started, three primary colors will suffice.

Types of schemes:

  • Colored;
  • Monochrome;
  • Mixed.

Before you begin, it is important to prepare all the necessary materials. Scissors and threads should always be at hand. Small schemes will help you “get your teeth in” before executing more complex schemes.

Cross stitch patterns for beginners: easy and small

Those who just want to take the first steps towards professional embroidery often don’t know where to start. You should always start with simple embroidery in several colors. It is important to decide on the type of stitches.

The main rule of stitching: all threads must lie in the same direction. That’s why it’s so important to choose a specific execution technique.

Easy patterns are suitable for those who are picking up a thread and a needle for the first time. It is important to be patient. Nothing comes easy the first time. Embroidery should lead to harmony, bring joy and peace.

Types of stitches:

  • English;
  • Danish.

The types differ in the stitching technique. In the first option, the entire cross is performed at once. In the second, a row of half-stitches is made, then this row is closed with stitches in the other direction.

Learning correctly: how to quickly cross stitch

It takes time to learn how to embroider at high speed. First you should learn how to properly embroider individual squares on canvas. Then move on to learning different techniques.

Each embroiderer decides for herself which technique is closest to her.

You should pay attention to the fact that stitches can be made following different patterns. Some are applied directly to the canvas, others - to paper. The second option involves counting stitches, which makes the embroidery process more difficult.

Stitch options:

  • Counting;
  • Uncountable;
  • Machine.

Each of the techniques can be performed quickly, but it requires skill and experience. It is important to remember that fast embroidery does not mean high-quality embroidery. The stitches must be applied correctly so that you do not have to rip out the embroidery. To begin with, you can practice by purchasing simple pictures for children.

How to quickly cross stitch (video)

Selecting pictures for embroidery is very simple. Schemes can be downloaded for free on specialized websites. The largest collection of “Hachette” will help you complete embroidery beautifully and quickly. A master class and videos from the Internet will help you understand the types of techniques and the nuances of their implementation. It is better for beginning needlewomen to choose cute children's works depicting forest animals: squirrels, bunnies, birds. Simple jobs will help you gain experience and move on to more complex jobs.