Daily planning for November, junior group. Topic of the week: “How wild animals hibernate Planning theme wild animals 2nd junior group

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week of 01/15 - 01/19/2018)

Group: I junior group No. 2 Topic: “Wild Animals”

Purpose: To introduce the concept of “wild” animals. Expand children's understanding of wild animals (bear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, etc.). Based on the enrichment of ideas, continue to expand and activate vocabulary. Engage children in conversation while looking at the illustrations.

Final event: GCD “Who lives in the forest?” Date of the final event: 01/16/2018

Responsible for the final event: teachers, children.

Day of the week

Main part


DOW component





Morning exercises. Goal: create a positive emotional mood. Conversation “Who lives in the forest” Purpose: to clarify and expand children’s ideas about wild animals.

Didactic game with Vika, Ralina “Whose, whose, whose.” Goal: improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

During breakfast, pay attention to the behavior of children at the table - continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills.

Place paintings from the series “Animals of our Forest” in the group. Provide children with gaming and didactic material to develop the ability to recognize and distinguish wild animals.

Board games at the request of children.

Monday 01/15/18

GCD: 1. Speech development.

"Guess who came to us"

Goal: to form a clear pronunciation of the sounds m, p in words. Promote the development of speech breathing. Strengthen knowledge of the names of wild animals. N. Golitsyna No. 70


Observing snowfall - consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Under the game “Snow is whirling” - instill the ability to perform characteristic movements.

Individual work on ATS: jumping on two legs with Nikita, Misha, Ralina.

Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing

Didactic exercise “Let’s show the bunny how to put things in a locker”

Using external material, create conditions for the development of children's play activities. Learn to play together.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Head massage. Hardening procedures. Preventive actions. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Individual work with Vika, Leva. Practice sculpting a bunny in a constructive way.

CHHL: learning the finger game “A teddy bear walks through the forest”

Construction of a “Train from cubes” Goal: to develop the ability to build a train from cubes, alternating them by color.

GCD: Physical education class.

Laizane p.36


Continue observing the snowfall - invite the children to look at the snowflakes, choose, from those suggested by the teacher, the most suitable expressions to characterize the observed phenomenon: falls in caps, falls, sweeps, pours, etc.

The outdoor game “Snow is whirling” - to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements; continue to learn how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Individual work on developing independent undressing skills with Nikita and Roma. Teach children to take off their socks and tights on their own and carefully put them in the closet.

Situational conversation about the fact that it is necessary to eat everything that is given in the kindergarten, it is good for health.

Create conditions for children’s independent activities.

Remote material:

Snow shovels, buckets, balls.


Role-playing game “Visiting the Bunnies”

Individual work with Masha in the book corner - teach how to look at illustrations in books.

Duty in a corner of nature. Goal: to teach children the rules of caring for plants in a corner of nature.

Games to develop fine motor skills: mosaics, puzzles, buttons.

Working with parents:

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood.

Looking at a bear toy

Purpose: to introduce children to the bear toy. Develop the ability to carefully examine a toy. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions. Cultivate interest in studying this topic.

Didactic game “Name the mother and baby” Goal: to develop children’s ability to recognize and correctly name wild animals and their babies. Develop attention and memory. Involve all children.

Continue to work on self-care for children, teach how to keep their clothes in order.

Looking at illustrations “Wild Animals”

Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about wild animals living in the middle zone. Strengthen the ability to recognize and name them correctly.

Offer children board and printed games at the request of the children. Goal: to develop the ability to decide when choosing a game.

Tuesday 01/16/2018


GCD: 1. Music. class

Learn rhythmically and play various musical instruments. Train in a clear, marching step and in a soft, scattered movement. No. 23

2. Cognition (FCCM and IC).

“Who lives in the forest?”

P/N: strengthen the ability to look at pictures and relate them to toys. Practice using the names of wild animals and simple phrases in speech, conveying the intonation of a request.

N. Golitsyna p.69


Weather observation

Goal: to develop the ability to notice changes in nature, to develop interest in inanimate objects of nature. Under. game "Bear the Bear in the Forest." Goal: to continue to develop children’s ability to play the outdoor game “Bear in the Forest.” Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the game, clearly pronounce words.

Exercise "Moidodyr"

Goal: to develop self-service skills in children. Cultivate a conscious desire to be neat. Invite Roma, Nikita, Masha.

Labor: invite children to make animal figures from snow.

Using external material, create conditions for the development of independent play activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood. Walking along massage paths.

Individual work on speech development with Leva, Nicole, Vika to compose a descriptive story about an animal.

CHHL: “Two Greedy Little Bears” Goal: to develop in children the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

Offer children markers and colored pencils to color wild animal patterns. Goal: color without going beyond the outline, develop fine motor skills of the hand.

NOD: Musical development

"Cheerful bunnies"

Goal: to develop children’s ability to coordinate their movements with others, to walk around the group, using free space; consolidate the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward; make children want to play together, following the rules of the game.


Continue monitoring the weather. Note how the weather changed during the day. Under. the game “Traps” - to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal from the teacher; develop attention and running speed. Independent play activity with external material.

Ind. work with Misha, Kolya

exercise “Throwing balls.”

Goal: to develop ball throwing skills and agility.

Instilling KGN: - teach correctly, wash your hands with soap after a walk.

Remote material for organizing work in nature and games. Promote the ability to play together.


Role-playing game

"Trip to the Zoo" Goal: to consolidate knowledge about animals: what they eat, who takes care of them.

Didactic game “Collect a picture”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to put together a picture of two, three, four parts independently. Develop logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills. Strengthen knowledge about wild animals. Involve Ralina, Lida.

Situational conversation about how everything should be in its place “How we put away toys”

Independent play activity: games with favorite toys. Goal: to teach children to organize joint games and form friendly relationships. Enrich the experience of organizing your own leisure time with your favorite toys.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Keeping a daily routine at an early age is the first step towards developing a healthy lifestyle”

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises to create a positive emotional mood. Looking at a bunny toy. Purpose: to introduce children to the hare toy. Develop the ability to carefully examine a toy. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions with complete answers. Strengthen children's knowledge about the environment. Cultivate interest in studying this topic.

Didactic game “Who is screaming?” Goal: develop the vocal apparatus, strengthen onomatopoeia skills. Involve all children.

Table manners during meals.

Goal: to develop basic table manners during meals.

Fill up the corner of the book.

posters and subject pictures “Wild Animals”

Wednesday 01/17/18


Russian folk tale "Teremok" reading.

P/N: teach listening to a fairy tale accompanied by showing illustrations. Help you remember the characters and the sequence of their appearance. Practice pronouncing phrases with different emotional connotations.

N. Golitsyna page 71


Observing the sun. It shines less often and rises low. Conversation “Why it became cold” goal: to consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Under. The game “On a Level Path” develops children’s physical activity, exercises walking and running.

Ind. work: game exercise “On a narrow path” with Vika and Misha. Goal: development of motor skills.

Labor: “Let’s clean up the area”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to participate in work activities.

During the walk, create conditions for independent play activities using portable materials: spatulas, buckets, molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds. Goal: to teach how to take care of your health.

Individual work with Kolya “Build a house for a bunny” Learn to find the necessary parts of the designer to build a house.

CHHL: Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” Develop perseverance and the ability to listen to the end.

Looking at books in the book corner. Strengthen the ability to look at illustrations, recognize familiar characters, and describe them.

GCD: Physical education class.

repeat walking on the board, practice crawling, crawling under a stick. Learn to throw a ball with one hand, develop independence. Laizane p.36


Continue watching the sun. Learn to notice changes that occur in the evening in nature. Under. game “Bubble” - strengthen the ability to move in a circle.

Individual work with Maxim, Leva - practice jumping on two legs.

Situational conversations with children on ethical topics. Goal: To teach children to follow the rules of behavior in a group.

Using outdoor material, create conditions for independent play activities during a walk.


Role-playing game “If mom gets sick.” Goal: continue to form a friendly attitude towards loved ones, teach to observe their mood and condition

Laying out different mosaic patterns with Masha and Nikita.

Ball games in the sports corner. Learn to throw and catch a ball with both hands.

Independent games with building materials.

Goal: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of knowledge of primary colors.

Role-playing game “If mom gets sick.”

Working with parents:

Invite parents to make bird feeders.

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises in a group. Goal: to develop motor activity in children. Looking at a fox toy. Goal: introduce children to the toy. Develop the ability to carefully examine a toy. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions with complete answers. Strengthen children's knowledge about the environment.

D/i "Who lives where?"

Goal: to activate in speech words denoting the names of animals and birds, their homes. Involve everyone.

Exercise "Moidodyr"

Goal: to develop self-service skills in children. Cultivate a conscious desire to be neat.

Didactic game “Assemble a picture” Goal: to develop children’s ability to put together a picture from three to four parts on their own. Develop logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills. Strengthen knowledge about wild animals.

Thursday 01/18/18

Topic: “The bunny came to the little house”

P/N: learn to divide a large piece of plasticine in half, roll it into a ball, divide the second half in half again, make a head, and from the remaining part - two sticks (ears). Encourage them to recite fragments of the fairy tale text.

N. Golitsyna p.72


Roadway surveillance. Conversation on the topic “Rules of behavior on the street. In the yard and on the roadway"

Under. game "Homeless Hare"

Goal: to develop spatial orientation in children and practice fast running.

Teaching sports games and “Jump over” exercises with a subgroup of children. Purpose: to show how to jump in and out of a hoop.

When undressing after a walk, reinforce the ability to carefully fold things before putting them in the closet; when undressing before going to bed, hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair, carefully place shorts and tights on the seat.

Independent activity of children in the area with external materials. Goal: to cultivate independence in organizing joint activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths. Hardening procedures. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood.

Individual work with Maxim, Nicole, Misha. Examination of illustrations on the topic: “Wild animals.”

Goal: continue to introduce children to wild animals, develop speech and memory.

CHHL: nursery rhyme “Bunny walk around...” Learn to listen carefully to the end, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Children playing independently in the play corner. Goal: to encourage children to participate in joint games, to develop interest in various toys.

GCD: Musical lesson

Target: teach expressive performance of movements, joint and individual actions to music. Develop the ability to react to the beginning of the music and its end, to change movements in accordance with the two-part form of the work; sing collectively, start and finish the song at the same time, do not get ahead of each other, sing together, harmoniously. Lesson No. 22


Pedestrian monitoring.

The goal is to consolidate knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road. Under. game “Sparrows and a car” - consolidate the ability to quickly respond to a signal. Games with external material.

Individual work on developing movements with Nikita, Misha, Leva - practice fast running.

Labor: clear the bench of snow. Goal: to cultivate hard work.

Outdoor materials for games on the site - shovels, buckets, cars.


Developmental problem-game situation “What happened to the bunny?” Objectives: to form an idea of ​​humane treatment of animals; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in solving problem situations.

Ind. work on designing “Path for Kolobok” Goal: to develop the ability to create familiar structures from construction kit parts and figurines, to help children act out the plot of a familiar fairy tale.

Labor activity: “Let’s put things in order”

Goals: - teach to work together, to achieve the task through joint efforts; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

Independent activities for children: work in the book corner

Goal: to develop children’s ability to look at books while sitting at the table.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Seasons. Winter"

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. Goals: development of physical qualities; enrichment of motor experience. Looking at a wolf toy. Goal: introduce children to the toy. Develop the ability to carefully examine a toy. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions with complete answers. Strengthen children's knowledge about the environment.

Individual work with Vika, Ralina, Lida didactic game “Pick a Color” Strengthen the ability to find the right color.

Conversation “Rules of behavior when communicating with animals.”

Goal: to form basic ideas about ways of interacting with animals.

Provide children with didactic and gaming material: books with pictures of animals; printed board games (lotto, puzzles, mosaics).

Friday 01/19/18

GCD: 1.Drawing.

“A Christmas tree grows near the tower”

P/N: learn to draw using the ability to draw straight vertical and oblique lines. Encourage you to remember the content of the fairy tale, name the characters, and activate speech.

N. Golitsyna p.71


Sky observation. Invite the children to look at the sky and note what it is like. Under. The game “Bear the Bear in the Forest” is to develop the motor activity of children. Games with snow and outdoor materials.

Ind. work: exercise

"Who is faster"

Purpose: formation to move on command. Attract Leva, Maxim.

Labor: clear the snow from the feeders, put bird food in them. Foster hard work and a desire to help birds in winter.

Create conditions for independent play activities for children during walks.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Hardening procedures. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood. Walking along the massage path.

Individual work on developing breathing with Vika, Lida, Kolya. "Blow away a snowflake"

CHHL: Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear” Learn to listen carefully to the fairy tale.

Create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities. Offer children boards and plasticine. Strengthen the ability to sculpt from plasticine.

ECD: Physical entertainment

Obstacle course "Forest path"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to overcome obstacle courses. Develop agility and endurance. Strengthen the ability to walk on a limited surface while maintaining balance, the ability to crawl under an arc. Improve health.


Continue observing the evening sky. To develop children's observation skills, the ability to notice changes and draw conclusions. Under. The game “Crested Hen” is to develop the motor activity of children.

Individual work on speech development with Nicole, Vika - repetition of the names of animals and their cubs.

Exercise “Let's teach a bear to say hello.” Goal: to teach how to say hello when meeting, saying goodbye when parting.

Independent activity during a walk. Role-playing games at the request of children.


Game with transformation “Fox and Hares” Goal: to develop children’s ability to imitate the movements and actions characteristic of an animal, to apply their knowledge and motor experience. Develop imagination, help relieve emotional stress.

Individual task for Ralina “Let’s water the flowers” ​​Goal: to continue to develop children’s ability to care for indoor plants.

Household work. Teach children to put their toys back in their place.

Foster hard work and a desire to help elders.

Games in the music corner

Goal: to develop children’s interest in musical activities. Develop your hearing.

Working with parents:

Planning educational work. Thematic week "Wild animals in autumn"

2nd junior group
Dates for implementation of the topic: 10.16 – 10.20.2017.
Target: Expanding children's generalized ideas about wild animals and their young.
To develop the ability to establish connections between the appearance features, behavior of animals and seasonal conditions.
Find out where they live, what they eat, how they move.
Arouse children's interest in studying the topic.
Develop imagination, fantasy, creative perception through independent activity. Develop creative abilities.
Foster a love for animals and respect for nature.
Form and name of the final event: Presentation “Wild Animals”.
Responsible for conducting: IM teacher Makarova Irina Vyacheslavovna
Social and communicative development.
Getting to know the ways of greeting, creating game situations that contribute to the development of a sense of teamwork, helping children organize a role-playing game “Family”.
Cognitive development.
Watching the educational presentation “Hare”, looking at the painting “Animals in the Forest”, talking about how animals prepare for winter, introducing the developmental guide “Whose Tail”
Speech development.
Learning finger games and nursery rhymes about animals, didactic games such as “Name the baby”, “Whose mother” for speech development. Teaching children to write descriptive stories.
Artistic and aesthetic development.
Drama songs, making wild animal masks, drawing and coloring. A dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".
Physical development.
Formation of the ability to act on a signal. Outdoor games, breathing exercises “Autumn Leaves”, self-massage “Let's play with hands”.

OD. Speech development. Russian folk tale “The Three Bears” goal: to create interest and need for reading; develop the ability to listen to a fairy tale and follow the development of the action. Empathizing with the heroes of the work; develop the ability to dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale.
Physical development. Learn:

1 p.d. Exercise "Guests have come to us." Goal: to introduce children to ways of expressing greetings “hello, good afternoon, come in, I missed you so much, it was boring without you, etc.”
Collecting fallen leaves around trees, caring for broken branches. Goals: to encourage you to independently carry out basic tasks
2 p.d. Game situation "Cleaning up order in the doll's corner." Goal: to show children that cleaning together is faster, to foster a sense of teamwork.

Cognitive development:
1 p.d. Examination of the painting "Animals in the Forest". Goal: develop observation skills, learn to answer the teacher’s questions.
Watching the road. Purpose: to introduce the sidewalk, remember the rules of behavior on the road
2 p.d. Cognitive and research activities with magnets. Goal: to arouse cognitive interest in children.

Speech development:
1 p.d. Conversation on the painting "Animals in the Forest". Goal: to promote the development of monologue speech.
Compose a descriptive story about an animal of the teacher's choice. Goal: continue to learn how to write descriptive stories based on the model.
2 p.d. Reading K. Chukovsky "Hedgehogs laugh." Goal: to instill an interest in reading, develop a sense of humor.

1 p.d. Laying out the bunny from circles and semicircles. Goal: to teach children to focus on a model, to develop spatial perception.
Examination of the illustration for the fairy tale "Teremok". Goal: learn to look at illustrations, develop interest in art.
2 p.d. Structural-model activity "Bed for a squirrel." Goal: continue to learn how to design pieces of furniture and analyze buildings.

Physical development:
1 p.d. Physical exercise "Funny animals". Goal: learn words, help relieve tension.
P.i. "By the bear in the forest." Goal: introduce a new game. P.i. "Through the stream." Goal: to practice maintaining stable balance while jumping.
2 p.d. Exercise "Listen to the signal." Goal: to develop the ability to walk while completing a task.

OD. Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling. "Three Bears Bowls" Teach children to sculpt bowls of different sizes using the technique of rolling clay in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Strengthen the ability to sculpt accurately.

Social and communicative development:
1 p.d. Exercise "The fox doesn't know how to dress." Goal: to encourage children to talk about the sequence of dressing.
S.r. game "Family". Goal: to stimulate children's play activities.
2 p.d. Conversation: “Let’s help the girl find her grandmother.” Goal: to bring children to the understanding that they cannot leave the house, group, or site without permission; talk to strangers.

Cognitive development:
1 p.d. Exercise "Call the fox." Goal: to develop the ability to change the strength of the voice, speak loudly, but not shout.
Monitoring the roadway. Goal: expand ideas about transport.
2 p.d. Conversation "How animals prepare for winter." Goal: expand children's environmental awareness.

Speech development:
1 p.d. Exercise "Hedgehog". Goal: to promote the development of speech breathing.
Exercise "Name the baby." Goal: to promote speech development, enrich vocabulary.
2 p.d. Reading Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of a Brave Hare - Long Ears...". Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to new fairy tales.

Artistic and aesthetic development:
1 p.d. Song-dramatization "Bunny" (Zheleznova). Goal: to develop an ear for music.
Independent construction of children according to diagrams. Goal: to develop the ability to use building diagrams.
2 p.d. Application with a subgroup "Bunny" made of cotton pads. Goal: to develop children's creative abilities, to cultivate interest in creating applications.

Physical development:
1 p.d. Demonstration of breathing exercises. Goal: to form ideas about proper breathing.
P.i. "Autumn leaves". Goal: to develop the ability to move with objects. P.i. "Catch a spider." Purpose: to train children in jumping.
2 p.d. Exercise "Bunny galloping." Goal: to develop the ability to jump.

Notes, individual work, project implementation.

OD. FEMP. Quantity: as much as. Learn to compare one group of objects with another, sequentially superimposing one object on another; distinguish between equality and inequality (without counting) by the number of objects included in a group; distinguish between left and right hands.
Physical development. Learn:
– while walking and running, stop at the teacher’s signal;
– when jumping, land on bent legs. Practice rolling balls. Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest.”

Social and communicative development:
1 p.d. Exercise "Abandoned things". Goal: to develop the ability to carefully hang things on a chair before going to bed.
Assist the janitor in cleaning the area. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.
2 p.d. View a presentation about your native land. Goal: to cultivate a sense of patriotism and love for the small homeland.

Cognitive development:
1 p.d. View the educational presentation "Hare". Goal: tell children about how hares prepare for winter.
Board game "Who eats what". Goal: remember with children what wild and domestic animals eat.
2 p.d. Di. "Whose tail." Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the appearance features of wild and domestic animals.

Speech development:
1 p.d. Compose a descriptive story about an animal of the teacher's choice. Goal: continue to learn how to write descriptive stories based on the model.
Interactive game "Looking for Mom." Goal: consolidate knowledge about domestic and wild animals.
2 p.d. Finger game "Squirrel sitting on a cart." Goal: develop motor skills, activate vocabulary.

Artistic and aesthetic development:
1 p.d. Excursion to the mini-museum “Dymki” for the senior group. Goal: to introduce children to the world of art.
Toys for table theater. Goal: to promote the development of director's acting and imagination.
2 p.d. Help the teacher in making masks for the fairy tale "Teremok". Goal: to encourage children to participate in the creation of theatrical attributes.

Physical development:
1 p.d. Physical exercise "Funny animals". Purpose: repeat words, help relieve tension.
P.i. "From bump to bump." Goal: develop the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward. P.i. "By the bear in the forest." Goal: learn words.
2 p.d. Exercise "Throwing the ball." Goal: to teach students to work in pairs.

Notes, individual work, project implementation.

OD. Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. "Colored Balls" Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion, without lifting the pencil (felt-tip pen) from the paper; hold the pencil correctly; When drawing, use pencils of different colors. Draw children's attention to the beauty of colorful images.
Musical development. According to the music worker's plan

Social and communicative development:
1 p.d. Exercise "What happened before" Purpose: to inform children about their past, compare with the present.
Collecting fallen leaves around trees, caring for broken branches. Goals: to encourage students to independently carry out basic tasks.
2 p.d. Exercise "Mirror". Goal: to help children understand their emotional mood.

Cognitive development:
1 p.d. Educational game "How are they alike and how are they different?" Goal: to develop the ability to compare adult animals with their young.
Board game "Hide the Bunny". Goal: to show in a playful way the behavior of a hare in winter.
2 p.d. Working with a collection of papers. Purpose: to draw children’s attention to the variety of paper and remember its properties.

Speech development:
1 p.d. Di. "Multi-colored chest." Goal: to learn to focus on endings when agreeing words in gender.
Pronunciation of pure sayings. Goal: development of phonemic hearing and onomatopoeia ability.
2 p.d. Reading L. Tolstoy's "Fox". Goal: expand your understanding of the life of a fox.

Artistic and aesthetic development:
1 p.d. Application with a subgroup "Bunny" made of cotton pads. Goal: to develop children's creative abilities, to cultivate interest in creating applications.
Introducing the didactic game “Collect a caterpillar”. Goal: develop color vision, learn to find shades of a given color.
2 p.d. Discussion of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok". Goal: prepare for the performance.

Physical development:
1 p.d. Exercise "Like mice". Goal: to develop the ability to walk and run on toes.
P.i. "Autumn leaves". Goal: to develop the ability to move with objects. P.i. "Shaggy Dog." Goal: to develop the ability to move in accordance with the text.
2 p.d. Exercise "Throw, don't yawn." Goal: to teach how to take the correct starting position when throwing.

Notes, individual work, project implementation.

OD. Conversation on the painting “Squirrels in Autumn.” Learn to look at pictures of animals, develop the ability to distinguish and name significant features and body parts, discuss the picture. Exercise in developing an understanding of a general word (wild animals); stimulating the use in speech of nouns in singular and plural forms (bear - bears, hare - hares). Expand and activate children's vocabulary by enriching their ideas about wild animals.
Physical development. Learn:
– while walking and running, stop at the teacher’s signal;
– when jumping, land on bent legs. Practice rolling balls. Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

Social and communicative development:
1 p.d. Conversation "How to behave in the forest." Goal: to form the basis of safe behavior in the forest (do not leave your mother’s side, do not touch animals).
Cleaning toys on the veranda. Goal: to create a desire to keep the veranda clean and tidy.
2 p.d. Exercise "The neatest one." Goal: to teach children to take care of their appearance.

Cognitive development:
1 p.d. Di. "Tell me where." Goal: develop spatial perception, distinguish the position of an object relative to oneself.
Observation of herbaceous plants. Goal: examine the grass in late autumn, compare the grass with the trees.
2 p.d. Board game "Spread the Animals". Goal: to develop the ability to adhere to rules, classify domestic and wild animals.

Speech development:
1 p.d. Di. "Add a word." Goal: to develop the ability to find the right word.
Exercise with the ball "Summer or autumn". Goal: differentiate the signs of summer and autumn, form coherent speech.
2 p.d. Reading "Tales about a brave hare - long ears...". Goal: to attract children to discuss the fairy tale.

Artistic and aesthetic development:
1 p.d. Staging "Teremok". Goal: to introduce children to theatrical culture.
Independent artistic activity with external materials. Goal: to promote the aesthetic development of children.
2 p.d. Design of the exhibition "Fluffy Bunnies". Goal: to please children, to draw attention to the beauty of the work.

Physical development:
1 p.d. Exercise "Autumn leaves". Goal: to help strengthen the respiratory system.
P.i. "Throw it - catch it." Goal: to develop the ability to throw and catch a ball. P.i. "By the bear in the forest." Goal: to develop the speed of reaction to a verbal signal.
2 p.d. Self-massage of hands "Let's play with our hands." Goal: to help strengthen the body of children.

Notes, individual work, project implementation.

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for a week) third week of November

Group: second youngest Subject: "Wild animals"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of wild animals (bear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, etc.). Based on the enrichment of ideas, continue to expand and activate vocabulary. Engage children in conversation while looking at the illustrations

Final event: entertainment“We will always find a hare, a squirrel and a fox in the forest” Date of the final event: Friday

Responsible for the final event: group teachers, music director.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas














physical culture






art, music

Morning exercises.

Looking at illustrations of wild animals. Coordination of the word with the movement “Cheerful bunnies”

Repeat the nursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”

Situational conversation about the rules for using a napkin at the table. D/u “The bunny invited the bear to visit”

Add figurines of forest animals to the group. Enrichment with materials from the game “Whose Children.” C\p game “Family”, showing game actions, mother feeds, puts her daughter to bed. Independent activity of children in activity centers

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents


Music, Communication

Musical activities according to the music director's plan

reading fiction

Artistic creativity


Artistic creativity (drawing) Drawing “Bunnies” (paints) Learn to draw an oval shape, connect shapes correctly. Learn to use technical equipment correctly.









Reading fiction

Help children notice and name changes in nature in late autumn.

P/n "Bunny".

Did. game "Who does what"

Exercise Vanya, Petya, Natasha in jumping on two legs

Fasten the last dressing and undressing,

d/u “Let’s show the bear how to put things in the locker”

Independent activity during a walk.

Role-playing game "Bear Cubs"


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Theatrical and gaming creativity, showing the fairy tale “Kolobok”

With Katya, Polina - find one or many objects

Situational conversation about how everything should be in its place “How we put away toys”

Taking out new dishes for the family game, independent play activities for children. Lotto "animals".


P/i “Let’s help the squirrel make supplies for the winter”, children’s independent activity. Experimental games with snow (why does a snowflake melt in the palm of your hand?)

Day of the week




Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments











physical culture




Labor, knowledge


Reading fiction

Morning exercises.

Examination of soft animal toys, d/i “Name it affectionately”

With Tanya and Misha Roma, repeat the song “Dance Zainka”

Looking at pictures, conversation “To be healthy, you need to eat well”

D/i “Pick up toys for the little bunny and the big bear” Independent games for children in activity centers.

The joint work of children and parents to clear the area of ​​snow.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition. Communication.


Cognitive and research activities: REMP (introduce the square. Learn to distinguish between a circle and a square, indicate these figures in pictures at the request of the teacher, display their images in the order suggested by the teacher.

Physical training


Motor activity: Physical education, plot “Happy Bunnies”









Reading fiction

artistic creativity Music

Winter is coming soon. Form the first coherent ideas about the winter season.

P/i "Tram"

Ind. work on developing movements: crawling under an arch.

A situational conversation about how to dress so as not to get sick?

D/u “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”

Removal of equipment for work on site (shovels). Independent activity of children.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Learn to assemble a picture from 4 parts “Animals”

Individual work in the art activity center,

strengthen the ability to draw a bunny

Learn how to behave correctly in a group, lesson “Let’s teach a bunny to share with a friend”

Role-playing game “Family”, free activity of children in activity centers. Adding children's creative materials to the art activity center


Role-playing games of children's choice. Weather observations. P/i “Mice and Cat”. The joint work of children and parents to clear the area of ​​snow. Foster a desire to participate in work activities.

Day of the week




Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments











physical culture






Reading fiction

artistic creativity music

Morning exercises.

Involve children in talking about wild animals, recognizing and naming them in pictures. D/i “Who shouts how”, “Who is with whom”.

Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks: prepare materials for classes.

With Katya, Lenya, Zhenya, consolidate the names of indoor plants (ficus, geranium).

Learn to say hello when meeting,

d/i “Let’s teach the bear how to get acquainted”

Add attributes for the game “Forest Dwellers” (Christmas trees, figurines of wild animals).

Consultation “A day off with the family”

Individual consultations upon request.

^ Direct educational activities

artistic creativity.



Productive activity. Modeling “Nuts for a squirrel” To develop an interest in modeling, strengthen the ability to sculpt round-shaped objects. Strengthen the ability to place sculpted objects on a board.

Physical training


Motor activity: Physical education plot “Bear cubs”









Reading fiction

artistic creativity Music

Observations of birds (sparrows). Learn not to scare birds. Tell them that they are hungry and hang up a feeder. Watch the flying birds.

P/i “On a level path.”

Individual work with children to consolidate their knowledge of colors

Remind children that they need to help each other, remind them how politely to make requests and thank them. D/i “Let’s help the bear ask the bunny to help”

Experimenting with snow

(change in shape).


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths.

Individual work with children to consolidate primary colors

Situational conversation about behavior in the group: do not push, do not take away toys, reading M. Evenson “Who will help?”

Exhibition of Russian folk tales about animals, reading at the request of children. Making animal toys for the teacher to act out the fairy tale “Teremok”

Independent activity of children in activity centers.


Independent play activities for children in the area, games of their choice. Remind them to be friendly towards each other. P/i "Train". Experimental game “What color is the snow”

Day of the week




Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments











physical culture




Labor, knowledge


Reading fiction

artistic creativity music

Morning exercises.

Didactic exercise “Funny animals”. Reading poems about animals.

Consolidating knowledge of the circle, square, and “Guess the shape of an object” with children

Remember with your children the nursery rhyme “Water, water.” Instill the skills to keep your hands clean.

Selection of materials for artistic and creative activities: making houses for forest dwellers.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Individual consultation upon request.

Offer parents to purchase or make puppet theaters for acting out fairy tales with their children

The joint work of children and parents to build a slide on the site.

^ Direct educational activities

Physical training


Motor activity: Physical education



Reading fiction. A.N. Tolstoy “The Hedgehog” To develop the ability to listen to new fairy tales, stories, follow the development of actions, and empathize with the heroes of the work. Expand your understanding of wild animals.









Reading fiction

Artistic creativity,


Observation of the wind, experimenting game “Who shakes the trees?”, find out what the wind is and what it can be like using colored flags.

P/i “Charging the animals”

Individual work “Jump Higher”

Conversation about the rules of behavior “Dos and Don’ts”

Story games of children's choice.

Removal of equipment for playing with a ball and stick (hockey elements)


Gymnastics after sleep.

Hardening procedures

Theatrical activity: acting out the fairy tale “Teremok” with children

Individual work on movement development.

Situational conversations with children.

Games for the development of non-speech processes “Find the same”, “Match according to the shape”.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.


Observations of clouds (shape, color, how they move, why?)

Independent play activities for children in the area, games of their choice.

The joint work of children and parents to build a slide.

Day of the week




Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments











physical culture




Labor, knowledge


Reading fiction

artistic creativity music

Morning exercises.

Conversation based on story pictures “How animals prepare for winter”, expand children’s knowledge about wild animals

Game exercises to develop articulation (onomatopoeia, phrasing"

Talk about family members, strengthen the ability to name names. D/i “Cut pictures”, develop the ability to follow increasingly complex rules in joint games

Free activity for children in activity centers.

Enrichment with material from the role-playing game “Kindergarten”.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

^ Direct educational activities



Musical activities (as planned by the music director)

Fiction, communication

Cognitive, communicative activities (formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons) “Visiting the bear”, expand children’s ideas about wild animals, develop the ability to understand the simplest relationships in nature









Reading fiction

artistic creativity

Observing the sun, developing an interest in inanimate natural phenomena “Where does the sun spend the night?”

Ind. working with the ball (throwing and catching the ball with both hands).

Observation of children's games, the teacher's story about a friendly attitude towards comrades

Independent activity of children during a walk, games of their choice. Pay attention to the relationships between children and ways out of conflict situations.

Experimenting with wind (spinner)


Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Themed entertainment “We will always meet a hare, a squirrel and a fox in the forest”

Vocabulary work with Pasha, Valya, Petya Game “Which one, which one”

Situational conversation about honesty.

Independent activity of children in creativity centers.

Work on caring for plants (which need watering before the weekend).


Observations of weather changes. Independent games for children. P/i “From hummock to hummock.”


Working in a book corner with a subgroup of children. Target: To develop children’s ability to look at books while sitting at the table.

Individual work with Yesenia, Ruzanna, Nastya on drawingTarget : Continue to develop children's ability to draw with paints.

Morning exercises No. 9

Individual work with Sasha S., Ksyusha, Misha P. Laying out “Trees” from counting sticks.Target : Strengthen the ability to consistently lay out a drawing.

-Consideration bear toys. Target: To develop the ability to carefully examine a toy. Strengthen children's knowledge about the environment.

-A game low mobility “At the bear in the forest.” Target: Strengthen children’s ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the game, and clearly pronounce words.

-: Review of the album “Wild Animals”. Making riddles about animals. Writing descriptive stories about animals.

Target: Learn to describe an animal in 2-3 sentences using a picture.

Walk No. 1

-Observation behind sand (properties of sand). Target: Give basic ideas about the properties of sand. Develop children's creative abilities. Form cultural and hygienic skills. - Labor activity: Clearing paths, feeding birds.

Target: Learn to use shovels, raking leaves in a certain place, take care of birds. - Movable game "Happy Sparrows". Target: exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to hear the teacher’s signal, and navigate in space.

Children's play activities with outdoor materials.

- Individual work with Lena, Vanya, Nastya D. Game with transformation “Fox”.Target : To develop children’s ability to imitate the movements and actions characteristic of an animal.

Independent play activities of children with external material under the supervision of a teacher. “Forest Path Obstacle Course.”


Gymnastics after sleep: walking along a massage path.

Target: strengthening children's immunity, creating a joyful mood.

- Individual work with Nastya M., Ksenia, Sasha. Work assignment “Washing toys.”Target : Develop work skills, the ability to consistently perform simple actions.

-Di: “Guess and name”

Target: consolidate knowledge about wild animals.

-Round dance game“We are walking through the forest.” Target: learn to perform coordinated movements.

-Theatricalization fairy tales r.n.s. "Teremok".

Target: Fix the sequence of appearance of the heroes.

Individual work with Misha P., Milana, Mark. Exercise “Animal Voices”.Target : Continue to develop the ability to pronounce words and short phrases.

Individual work with Ilya, Rodion, Lena on applique. Target: develop skills in gluing parts onto a sheet.

-Joint play room for children and teacher: SRI "Zoo"

Calendar plan for organizational and educational work in the second junior group

from 27.11 -1.12.

I. Subject:« Wild animals».

II . Target : Acquaintance with wild animals, the characteristics of their behavior, learning to distinguish the characteristic features of the appearance of animals, clarifying the idea that wild animals are adapted to live independently in the forest.

III . Final event: Exhibition of children's creativity "Forest Dwellers"

Responsible: Group teachers

IV .Organization of subject-development environment (by centers):

Posters from the series “Animals of our forests”; manual “Wild Animals”; illustrations of animals.

Board-printed games:“Whose Shadow”, inserts, cut-out pictures, pictures of halves,“Who lives where?”, games with corks and clothespins, did. manual "hedgehog", "clearing".

Stencils on the topic,“Animals” coloring pages, light box for playing with bulk materials.

4-piece cubes, building material, small toys for playing with buildings,

attributes for role-playing games, sets of wild animals, soft toys.

Clothes for the mummers corner, mask caps;different types of theater, etc.

Works: G. Ladonshchikov “Bear”,r.n.s. "Bragging hare"

M. Plyatskovsky “A hedgehog that you can pet”, M. Plyatskovsky “How two foxes shared a hole”, K. Ushinsky “Fox Patrikeevna”

Planning by types of children's activities:


role-playing games: “In the forest”, “Let’s invite the animals to visit”, “To visit the fox”, “Let’s put the bear to sleep”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Bus”, “We are going to the zoo”, “the bunny is sick”,

Didactic games “Who is gone”, “Cut pictures”,“Tell me who it is?” , “Say the word”, “Who has who?”, “Who gives what voice?”, “Who sleeps where?”,“Make a whole from parts”, “Paired pictures”, “Find the same one”, “Who is hiding””, “What has changed?”, “Whose house”

Labor : help with washing toys, preparing for lunch, running various errands.

Cognitive - research : looking at illustrations of wild animals. To clarify knowledge about the appearance of animals and living conditions. habits, dependence of habits (dwelling) on ​​living conditions (bear - winter den, hedgehog...., wolf...., badger...

Communicative: conversation "Forest Dwellers". “Is it possible to touch animals and insects?” (behavior rules). “What kind of animals do they eat?”“Where does the bear live?” "Who lives in a hollow." “How do animals prepare for winter?” “Who has what house?” “Who is the hare afraid of?” “What does a bear need a den for?” Situational conversation: “Why is the hedgehog prickly?” “How to help a bunny survive the winter?”

Reading: G. Ladonshchikov “Bear”,r.n.s. "Boasting Hare"V. Bianchi “Belkina Drying House”,

G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina “How a squirrel spends the winter”, M. Plyatskovsky “A hedgehog that you can pet”, M. Plyatskovsky “How two foxes shared a hole”, K. Ushinsky “Fox Patrikeevna”

Finger games"Wild animals".

Productive: drawing "Bunny", "Bunny"

Motor: outdoor games:“Bear the Bear in the Forest”, “Bunny”, “Fox in the Chicken Coop”,"Sly Fox".

Musical and artistic : M. A. Serova and the Swiss people. chalk, sketch “Hares and Fox”

for dance and play creativity (“Hares” music by E. Tilicheeva);

Day of the week


adult and children

MONDAY 11/27/2017


Ind. slave. Exercise “finish the phrase” - development of coherent speech Lisa, Ramzan.

Morning exercises

KGN: sit at the table correctly, move the chair closer to the table, hold the spoon correctly

Situational conversation"How to walk up the stairs » - develop safe behavior skills.

Role-playing games:

"In the forest"

Board-printed games:

“Assemble a pyramid”, “lace”,"Cut pictures"

Consultations: “Teaching children to be independent.”

Place a folder in the reception area on the topic of the week, what you can do with your children at home.

1. NGO “Physical Culture”

2OO “Speech Development” No. 9 O.S. Ushakova page 38 Retelling of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Goal: to teach retelling together with an adult using the example of the fairy tale “Turnip”; learn to correctly name the qualities of objects according to their meaning, fix the names of baby animals in the active dictionary; consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “m”, learn to differentiate words that sound similar by ear, change the pitch of the voice, pay attention to the presence of the sound “m” in words.

Progress OOD: r.n.z. 1 story of the fairy tale “Turnip” 2. Phys..min. 3. Tell me who it is?” 4. “Guess and name who it is.”


Observation: weather (sun, precipitation, wind)

Outdoor games: “Bunny”, “By the bear in the forest”.

Labor: Invite children to collecttoys in the basket after a walk.

Independent activity of children.

Individual work:"run to me."

free games

IIhalf day

Ozdor. gym.-ka.

Tempering procedures: Walking along massage paths

Reading liters: M. Plyatskovsky “A hedgehog that you can pet”, “How two foxes shared a hole”

Conversation: “Wild Animals” - to develop the ability to recognize, name and distinguish the features of the appearance and lifestyle of wild animals

Didactic games: “Who is hiding”, “What has changed?”

Role-playing games:

"Let's invite the animals to visit."

Board-printed games:

Lotto, “collect the cubes”

Looking at illustrations “Beasts”

Drawing, designing,

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Cultivate a desire to do everything together, to help each other.

Day of the week


Joint educational activities adult and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families on the implementation of the basic educational program

1. Educational activities carried out during regime moments

TUESDAY 11/28/2017


Individual. Job: D/i "Hide and Seek". Goal: development of attention.

Vika, Eva, Christina.

Duty to help set the table for dinner

Labor: performing various kinds of assignments.

KGN: We continue to teach children how to properly wash their hands and use soap

Morning gymnastics

Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing.

Remind children to keep their clothes clean.

Role-playing games

"Let's invite the animals to visit"

Board and printed games:"Who lives where?"

« "Fishing".

Drawing, modeling, design according to plan

Individual consultations, conversations on parental issues

Memo for parents

Articulation gymnastics class

2. Organizational and educational activities

2. NGO “Cognitive Development” FEMPI.A. Pomoraeva, p. 19; E.V. Kolesnikova, str.

Target:Improve the ability to compare two objects in length, to indicate the result of comparison in wordslong - short, longer - shorter, equal in length. Exercise the ability to find one or many objects in the environment

Types of children's activities: motor, play, communication

Progress of OOD: r.n.z.1.game.sit. with glomeruli 2.Find “one” object and many 3.physical min.4. Compare the length of “short” and “long” 4. game “Carousel”


Observation: behind the work of a janitor.

P/i "Sly Fox"

Labor: Invite children to collect toysto the basket after a walk.

Ind. Job: game task “Jump over the hole” - jumping

independent motor activity

free games

IIhalf day

Healthy. anthem:

Tempering procedures: Walking on a massage path.

Conversation : “Is it possible to touch animals and insects?” (behavior rules);

Reading liters:K. Ushinsky “Fox Patrikeevna”

Didactic games: “Who has who?”, “Whose house?”

Role-playing games: “At the Zoo.”

Board-printed games:

inserts. Collect a picture

Drawing, modeling, design"Animal houses",

Flannelograph "Teremok"

Day of the week


Joint educational activities adult and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families on the implementation of the basic educational program

1. Educational activities carried out during regime moments

WEDNESDAY 11/29/2017


Individual. slave. Did. game "One and Many". The goal is to continue to teach children to find single objects and sets in the environment. - Alyosha, Maxim. Glory


Labor: teach children to help the junior teacher, clear dishes from the table, napkins, plates.

KGN: Strengthen the ability to use a spoon correctly, eat with your mouth closed, and use a napkin as needed.

morning gymnastics:

Situational conversation “Explain to Khryusha why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How to use a napkin correctly”

Role-playing games

"Visiting the fox"

Board-printed games:

“Whose shadow”, “Who eats what”

Drawing, modeling, design according to plan

Strengthen the skills of dressing and undressing sequences

2. Organizational and educational activities

1. NGO “Phys. culture"

2.. NGO “Hud. aesthetic development." Modeling. Subject:"Bunny"T.S. Komarova. p.92

Target: Learn to divide a lump of plasticine into the required number of parts; use the technique of rolling between the palms and flattening. Strengthen the ability to firmly connect parts of an object, pressing them against each other.

Types of children's activities: motor, play, communication

Progress of OOD: r.n.z.1 Riddle review.ready-made forms 2.physics.min.3.self.work.


Observation: birdwatching

P/games: “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Bunny”

Labor: teaching children to put away toys after playing.

Individual work:balance - “walk across the bridge”

independent motor activity

free games

IIhalf day

Ozdor. hymn: “Brought up.”

Hardening procedures: Walking along the path.

Conversation:"What animals eat."

Reading liters:G. Ladonshchikov “Bear”.

G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina “How a squirrel spends the winter”,

Didactic game:“Tell me who it is?” , “Say the word.”

Role-playing games:"The bunny is sick."

Board-printed games:

"liners". "Collect the beads"

Drawing, modeling, design, applique Dramatization"Teremok"

Day of the week


Joint educational activities adult and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families on the implementation of the basic educational program

1. Educational activities carried out during regime moments

THURSDAY 10/30/2017.


Ind. slave. Did. game “Find identical objects” - recognize objects by touch, based on ideas about the shape of objects and the materials from which they are made. Develop tactile perception. Sasha. Sonya, Mila.


Labor: We help wipe dust in a corner of nature.

KGN: learn to dress and undress independently

morning gymnastics

situational conversation “How animals wash themselves”; pronouncing the names of body parts (arm, palm, fingers, elbow), clarify how animals wash themselves (cat, dog)

Games: “Collect beads.”

Role-playing games: “Let’s put the bear to sleep”, “Bus”.

Board-printed games:

Lotto “couples”, did. game "Hedgehog"

Drawing, modeling, design, applique according to plan

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

1.OO "Hud. - aesthetic development" Music

2. . NGO "Phys. culture" - Swimming


Observation: behind the snow.

P/n "Bunny", "Sly Fox".

Labor: collect toys after a walk.

Individual work:strengthen the ability to walk in pairs.

independent motor activity

free games

IIhalf day

Ozdor. anthem

Hardening procedures: walking along a path of buttons.

Conversation:“How do animals prepare for winter?”

Reading liters:r.n.s. "Bragging Hare"

G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina “How a squirrel spends the winter”,

Didactic game:“Who gives the voice?”

Role-playing games: “The bunny is sick.”

Board-printed games:

“assemble animals from parts”, “In a forest clearing”.

Drawing, modeling, design, applique

Dramatization of the use of light boxes "bun"

Day of the week


Joint educational activities adult and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families on the implementation of the basic educational program

1. Educational activities carried out during regime moments

FRIDAY 12/1/2017


Individual. slave. D. game “Pick up toys for the little bunny and the big bear” - to consolidate the ability to classify objects by size.


Labor: cleaning up the dolls in the girls’ corner.

KGN: teach children to follow a daily routine. Continue to teach children to dress themselves in the correct order,

morning gymnastics


Situational conversation “Let’s teach a bunny to wash itself”

Role-playing games: “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Board-printed games:

"Stencils", "Strokes"

Drawing, modeling, design according to plan

Individual consultations

While walking around the city, pay attention to how to cross the road correctly, what not to do, and how to behave while riding in public transport.

2. Organizational and educational activities

1 .OO “Cognitive development (natural/subject environment” Topic: “Acquaintance with the inhabitants of the forest”T.N..Zenina pp.36-40

Target:Give children an idea of ​​the forest and its inhabitants (hare, fox, bear)

Types of children's activities: motor, play, communication

Progress OOD: 1.R.n.z Game.sit. “A bun came to the group” 2. Meeting with a hare, squirrel, bear 3. name who lives where? 4. The game “At the Bear’s Forest.”

2.OO "Art - aesthetic development". “Little Bunny” p.15 Womb (electronic version)

Goal: learn to draw using the poking method. Strengthen knowledge about wild animals

Types of children's activities: motor, play, communication

Progress OOD: r.n.z.1 game.sit. “a bunny came to the group” v2. Poems about a bunny 3 Phys.min.4.sam.slave. 4. Summary


Observation: behind the work of a janitor.

P/i “By the Bear in the Forest”, “Fox in the Chicken Coop”

Labor: collect fallen branches and take them to the edge of the site

Individual work: learning to climb stairs.

independent motor activity

free games

IIhalf day

Ozdor. anthem:

Hardening procedures: walking on a ribbed path, soft paths.

Conversation:“Why is the hedgehog prickly?”

Reading liters:V. Bianchi “Belkina Drying House”,

G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina “How a squirrel spends the winter”, V. Chaplina “How a squirrel spends the winter”

Didactic game: “Whose house”, “Whose baby? »

Role-playing games:

"We're going to the zoo"

Board-printed games:

"Find your home", lotto

Drawing, modeling, designing. drawing

Watching your favorite cartoons.

Dear parents from November 27 to December 1 in our group topic of the week:

"Wild animals".

Things you can do with your kids at home:

Forming an idea of ​​the concept of “wild animals” (bear, squirrel, fox, hare, wolf, hedgehog, etc. are wild animals)

Look at illustrations of wild animals with your children, talk about the life of animals in the forest (they get their own food), and about the parts of the body where they live. A bear in a den, a fox in a hole, a squirrel in a hollow, etc.

Help your child write a story - a description about a bear based on the model.

For example: “This is... (a bear). He is.. (big). He has small... (ears), a tail... (short). The bear screams... uh-uh.

Didactic games:

1."Hide and seek" (who hid the bear, the bunny, etc.)

2 .“Name the cub” (for a bear -...(bear cub), for a fox -...(little fox), etc.

3. “Pictures of halves” (cut any picture into 4 parts and give the child the task of folding it)

4. “Show me what I’ll name.” ” and vice versa “Name what I’ll show you”

5. Give children pencils and plasticine, coloring books

Teach with your child:

poetry A. Barto “Teddy Bear”, A. Usachev “A clubfooted bear walks through the forest...”

Do finger exercises with your children « Wild animals"

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel,

This is a little fox, this is a wolf cub,

Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily

Brown, furry, funny bear cub.

Rotate with your thumb.

“The squirrel is sitting on a cart.”

A squirrel sits on a cart

(clap their hands and hit fist on fist alternately)

She sells nuts.

Little fox-sister,

(bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb, on both hands at the same time)

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.