Halloween confession game example phrases. Fun Halloween party at home! The best games with friends, competitions and sweepstakes

A Halloween party can feature many popular games tailored to the theme of the holiday. For example, everyone knows the game of passing an object in a circle accompanied by music. Whoever has the object in his hands at the moment when the music stops must, for example, crow and leave the game. And then the transfer of the item continues until one participant remains. On Halloween, you can have similar fun by passing a pumpkin or a plastic model of a skull around in a circle. The one who has the transferred object in his hands at the moment the music is turned off needs to scream loudly, as if from fear, and leave the circle.

Famous entertainment "Musical chair" (everyone walks around the chairs, and when the music stops, they rush to sit down) can also be adapted. You can, for example, walk around a table on which there are heads of garlic - one less than the number of participants. When the music stops, everyone takes a head of garlic in their hands. Those who didn't have enough were bitten by a vampire. This means that he has no place among people, and he drops out. The music needs to be chosen appropriately – suspenseful, alarming. The soundtrack from “The Pink Panther” would also work.

You can arrange tomato juice drinking competition , which at the Halloween holiday is called nothing more than blood.

And among adults, you can hold a pairs competition to drink Bloody Mary: cocktails (vodka with tomato juice) are made in tall glasses, each pair is given a glass and two straws. Whichever pair empties the glass through the straws the fastest wins the prize.

Relay races are traditional at holidays. On Halloween you can spend relay race for high-speed transfer of “eyes” in a spoon. The eyes are painted tennis balls. The eye ball is placed in a spoon and carried by team members.

We offer several more games and competitions for Halloween.

Halloween games and competitions for adults and...almost adults

1. Game for couples “Pumpkin Explosion”. You will need balloons (orange, yellow or pumpkin colored), spools of thread and ballpoint pens or permanent markers.

Couples participate. Each pair is given a set: a ball, threads, a marker. Task: work together to inflate your balloon as quickly as possible, tie it and draw eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth with a marker, that is, turn the balloon into something like a jack-o'-lantern. Whichever couple does it first wins the prize.

However, you need to wait until the other couples finish their “pumpkins”. After this comes the second part of the competition. Couples need to make their balloon pop. Moreover, this should be done while dancing, using only your bodies. You cannot put the ball on the floor and step on it. You need to hold the ball between your bodies and press while performing dance movements. Whichever pair manages to “blow up” their pumpkin wins.

2. Game “And in my pants.” Many people know this table game. For those who don’t know, let’s briefly explain: various phrases are written on paper strips, which are the titles of films or books, proverbs, set expressions, etc. The strips are placed in a box, in an opaque bag or in baby onesies. This container is started in a circle. Everyone who gets it pulls out one piece of paper without looking. Before reading its contents, the person says: “And in my pants...”, after which he voices what is written on the piece of paper. It turns out funny. For example: “And in my pants... a holiday that is always with you,” “And in my pants... a sad time,” “And in my pants... the gold of the party.”

A similar game can be played on Halloween, tying the answers to the theme of the holiday. These could be the names of horror films, phrases from these films, famous expressions on the theme of evil spirits and death, etc.

Example answers:

And in my pants...

  • elixir of immortality
  • Pannochka died
  • rise of the dead
  • deathly silence
  • dead men stand with scythes
  • Koscheev's death
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • resident Evil
  • Magic wand
  • chicken legs
  • the corpse stinks, the soul soars

3. Game "Confessions". In front of the participants are two decks of cards: one contains the beginning of the phrase, the other contains the ending. The shuffled decks are face down. Participants take turns drawing cards. First, a card with the beginning of a phrase is drawn out, and the phrase is read out in an intriguing tone. After this, a card with the end of the phrase is drawn out, and its contents are voiced. The idea is that the beginnings and endings of phrases are arranged randomly. The game lifts your spirits.

Cards with the beginning of a phrase:

1. Every full moon comes to my bedroom...

2. As a child, I dreamed of becoming...

3. I recently found out that I am an illegitimate son (daughter)…

4. I want to have children from...

5. I believe that the title of “Sexiest Creature on the Planet” should go to...

6. I tremble with fear every time at the mere mention of...

7. At the stroke of midnight I turn into...

8. I sleep hugging a portrait...

9. As a child, my parents affectionately called me...

10. I believe that our president (mayor, boss, class teacher) actually...

Cards with the end of the phrase:

1. Brownie Kuzya

2. Freddy Krueger

3. Koschey the Immortal

4. Sergey Zverev

5. The Walking Corpse

6. Drum

7. Dzhigurda

8. Old woman with a scythe

9. “Pisyunya Sinister”

10. Chupacabra

11. Conchita Wurst

12. Rotten egg

4. Game “Terrible Bag”. Various objects are placed in a fabric bag, which can be perceived ambiguously by touch. For example, a dish sponge, dried apricots, pumice, an unusually shaped curly pasta, a rubber wrist expander, kiwi fruit, a sisal washcloth, a chewing worm, etc.

The bag is passed around in a circle. Participants take turns putting their hand into the bag, feeling for the first object they come across, and, without looking, offer their version of what this ominous object is, where it came from and who it belonged to. In general, they fantasize as they go, inventing a scary story about a little thing from a bag.

After each story, the object is taken out and shown to others. This can be very funny: for example, after groping for a certain object, the participant says that he is holding in his hands the eye of a 10-year-old girl who dared to go to the neighboring village on Halloween night to visit her sick grandmother. He immediately reports who deprived the girl of her eye and under what circumstances. And in the end... a tangerine is removed from the bag.

This game can be played in form of competition. A person reaches out with his hand, gropes for an object, comes up with a story as he goes, as in the example above, after which others are asked to guess what kind of object lies there In fact. The person who guesses correctly gets a point. The object is removed and the bag goes further in a circle. Whoever scores the most points will receive a prize at the end of the game.

Halloween games and competitions for children and... big kids

1. Trick-and-treat game. It can be carried out among both children and adults. As the name suggests, we're in for some "tricks and treats." To play the game you will need prizes and treats. These could be chocolates, boxes of chocolates, bags of dragees. It is advisable that the treats be different. For adults, you can choose other treats.

Treat prizes must be numbered and placed in a box. Separately prepare cards with the numbers of these prizes. In addition, you will need two more stacks of cards. One of them contains wishes or predictions, and the other contains stupid, ridiculous, funny tasks. All three stacks of cards are laid out separately on the table, contents down.

The game goes like this: the participant comes to the table and draws a card with the prize number. The presenter shows what prize he drew and asks if he wants to receive it. If the participant agrees, then the presenter offers to draw a card with the task.

Having completed the task, the participant receives his prize-treat and draws a fortune card. This card remains with him as a keepsake.

Predictions might just be kind (“wealth and success await you in the coming year”, “you will soon find your love”, “you will study with straight A’s” etc.) or cool (“beware of the hairdresser - he will cut off your ears”, “don’t go to horror movies next year - you will have a heart break from fear”, “check the bench near your house at exactly three o’clock in the morning - one day you will find a suitcase with money there” and so on.).

Possible tasks:

Draw a bat
- crawl like a spider
- scare us: shout “Boo!” as loud as you can
- pretend to be a zombie
- hoot like a night owl
- kiss with a vampire kiss of three people
- scare us: show a terrible face
- pretend to be a ghost

2. Game “Whose nose?” The game will work if there are quite a lot of people at the party who know each other well.

You need to divide the participants into two teams. First, one team guesses, and the other, accordingly, makes a riddle.

It is necessary to prepare a kind of screen that will completely hide the person, but will allow his nose to be shown. You can, for example, stretch a rope and hang an old sheet on it to the floor. You need to make a hole in the fabric so that your nose can fit through.

Members of the guessing team leave the room or hide behind a screen. The guessing team turns away. At this time, one person from the wish-telling team sticks his nose into the hole. The presenter, making sure that nothing but the nose is visible, says: “The evil witch stole someone’s nose, and we found it. Let's guess whose it is."

The guessers turn, look at the nose, confer and name the person to whom, in their opinion, this nose belongs. If you guess correctly, one point is counted.

Then they turn away again, and the wishers prepare a new nose for demonstration. Noses may be repeated - this will confuse the guessers even more. Noses are made a certain number of times - for example, ten. The number of times the guessers guessed correctly, the number of points they received. Then the teams change places. Whichever one ends up with the most points is the winner.

Instead of a screen, there is another option: place a chair in the room. Those guessing turn away and don’t peek. At this time, one of the wishers enters the room, sits on a chair, and the leader covers him with a sheet from head to toe. Well, the nose is threaded through the hole made in the fabric of the sheet. Further everything is the same as described above.

You can show not noses, but any other parts of the body - for example, a finger.

3. Team game “Catch the Eye”. It is necessary to divide the participants into two or three teams. Each team selects one catcher. The catchers are given half a gutted pumpkin.

The rest will be throwers. That is, they will throw white tennis balls painted like eyes into half of the pumpkin.

The catchers stand separately - a couple of meters from their team. Team members take turns throwing the ball, trying to hit the pumpkin. The catcher also does not stand still, but tries to catch the ball with a pumpkin. Each team member gets several attempts. The team's total hits count. The team with the most hits wins.

4. Game for little ones “Halloween Lantern”. Cut out pumpkin shapes from paper and color them. You need to make as many of these preparations as possible so that there is enough for all the children. You also need to figure out how to hang the paper pumpkins (secured on an easel, hooked with a pushpin on a door or a pin on a curtain, etc.). You will also need a black marker.

Participants are blindfolded, given a marker in their hands, and asked to turn a pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern, that is, draw an ominous face: eyes, nose and big mouth. When the child draws the details of the face, you need to remove the blindfold and show what he did. The child takes his “pumpkin” as a souvenir. But first you should take a picture of him with her.

Creative Halloween fun for adults and kids

1. Burime. Burime is a creative game, the essence of which is composing quatrains according to given rhymes. Initially, four words are given, that is, 2 pairs that rhyme with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as quickly as possible - with humor and creativity. The quatrains are read out, after which the best is determined by voting. Those who composed the poem first are also encouraged.

The lines must end with the given words, but the rhyme can change: it can be cross, paired or encircling. That is, pairs of rhyming words can be distributed in quatrains.

Example. The following rhymes are given: blood-carrots, guts-bags.

Cowardly Snowman
A snowman once saw a trickle of blood on a snowdrift.
He got scared, trembled and wrinkled his nose like a carrot.
He imagined mountains of corpses, fingers, ears and guts.
It was someone with a can of lecho carrying bags to the trash.

Examples of rhymes for the task:

  • blood-eyebrow, class-eye
  • heart-pepper, eyelid-man
  • fist-ghoul, frog-girlfriend
  • fried egg-witch, glass-cockroach

2. Halloween photo shoot. Participants are divided into pairs. Couples are asked to come up with a scary pose for. You can use the equipment and makeup available nearby. Having come up with an idea, the couples take turns participating in a photo shoot, demonstrating their idea. Each pair must be photographed. The winners can be determined by a jury or public vote.

3. Restoration. It is necessary to give participants sheets depicting the details of some object. This should be a well-known object, dangerous, but ordinary, not related to evil spirits. For example, a meat grinder.

The sheet may show a couple of details of this item. The presenter reports that this is something dangerous and even scary. And this something needs to be completed.

Participants receive pencils and complete their drawings - as best they can. Few people will draw a meat grinder, but you will see plenty of monsters, robots, killer plants or gutted corpses.

At the end, all drawings are reviewed, after which the presenter shows the original. It will be very unexpected. But if someone guesses right and draws a meat grinder, they get a prize.

The Halloween holiday in our country is most often just a costume party in a hall decorated in the appropriate style, where guests do not really think about the true traditions of celebrating this day and happily pretend to be various “evil spirits”. Therefore, it is more correct to talk not about the scenario of this holiday, but about Halloween party for young people called “Nightmare Night”.

We offer an option for a game program for the evening, which can be arranged at the very beginning of the holiday before the dancing and buffet reception. The organization of such a program can be entrusted to professionals, who will include several beautiful thematic concert numbers in it, or you can prepare it yourself (the dance and musical numbers may well be prepared by their own talented youth) Musical accompaniment of the game program is attached(thanks to the authors and performers)

Halloween Party Script.

The evening begins with a mysterious and beautiful dance, symbolizing the opening of the ball of evil spirits.

Sounds 1 Composition Halloween Holiday

Presenter: Greetings, gentlemen and ladies! From your outfits and your eyes glowing in the dark, I see that today’s evening does not promise to be languid (addresses the hall). Is everyone ready to spend a terrible night in this creepy room and in this strange company? I don’t hear you, are you ready, right? No? Well, as they say, we ask the faint of heart to leave the premises.

Musical number. A parody of F. Kirkorov (one of the guys with a soundtrack and in a suit, like in the video) depicts the singer.

Sounds 2. Kirkorov. Mouse.

Presenter: Thanks, of course, for the advice to the King of Pop, but no one is going to sleep here, right? And in order to definitely shake off all sorts of drowsiness and tune in to the drive of our party, we’ll play a little noisemaker game. Now I will pronounce the first two lines of poetry, in the third line there will definitely be some kind of verb: we will tickle, we will trample, we will gag, etc., what these verbs mean, we quickly do it ourselves or with the help of our closest neighbors, especially since we pinch and tickling your neighbor is more pleasant than tickling yourself. And then I say: “and we wish...”, and you all answer me in unison: “Have a nightmare night!” and so on several times.

Halloween Noise Maker "Nightmare Night!"

We're having a hard party, not a siesta,

There is no place for prudes and wimps here!

We'll tickle each other's nerves (tickle neighbors)

And we wish...

Everyone (in unison):"Nightmare night!"

If evil spirits come here to visit us,

And he will lure us into the dark world,

We will laugh loudly in her face in unison (everyone cackles)

And we wish...

Everyone (in unison):"Nightmare night!"

We will walk until the third rooster,

We will defeat vampires and witchers!

We will all trample together to the music (stomping feet)

And we wish...

Everyone (in unison):"Nightmare night!"

And if someone beats us in competitions,

Or maybe he won’t understand our humor!

We just want to have fun with this (laughs creepily)

And we wish...

Everyone (in unison):"Nightmare night!"

Presenter: Well done! Now you are definitely ready and we move our symbolic clock to midnight and begin to have fun like a child!

Sounds 3. Mole. The battle of good and evil

(The lights in the hall are dimmed, perhaps candles are lit)

Auction "Evil spirits"

Sounds 4. Scream of horror

A sound of horror is heard, the presenter's assistants walk around the hall and suddenly scare everyone.

Presenter: Scary? It must be said that most of all we are afraid of something unknown, incomprehensible and invisible, so let's face our fear and call the evil spirits by name. This is an auction, whoever comes up with the last one, not in a figurative sense, but the one on whom your imagination runs out, receives an amulet as a gift.

(The game takes place. The guests call: “Satan”, “ghouls”, etc. The winner is awarded a prize - an amulet)

Party competition "Collect the bones"

Presenter: Today is a great day for evil spirits, a day of triumph; today each of us can lose everything or gain magical power. Everyone who wants to become stronger is invited to participate in the “Collect the Bones” competition. As soon as the first sounds of music sound, go in search of the bones scattered in the hall; whoever collects the most will receive amulets and a charge of strength, and a chance of superiority over enemies for the entire next year. With the last sounds of music, the search stops.

Sounds 5. Composition Good night

Auction "Magic amulets"

Presenter: Today we already remembered about the most universal remedy for evil spirits - the magic circle, but what other methods of defense and defense against them do you know? The most active one receives a prize. But in this competition there is also a bonus, an additional prize, it is received by the one who named the means encrypted in this envelope. (The envelope is ceremoniously opened, in it the phrase “Aspen stake” is read out, the one who named it also receives a talisman)

Dance entertainment "Aspen stake".

Presenter: Our night is in full swing, it's time to try yourself as fighters against evil spirits. (The assistants bring out a well-polished stick or pole so that no one gets hurt). I have an “aspen stake” in my hands, now we will pass it to each other like a relay baton, it is forbidden to refuse to take it. So, while the music is playing, we quickly tell anyone who stops the music with a “stake” in their hands, come out to me.

The game goes on, the music stops 5 times, so participants are recruited for dance entertainment.

Sounds 7. Musical composition (with stops)

Each of the participants draws out a card with a situation that he will need to play out to the corresponding musical passage, using an “aspen stake” as a prop. The improvisations of the participants take turns, first they read out their task, then they play, dance - as their imagination dictates, but always with a stick.

Situations for participants:

1. "Baba Yaga on a broom on a holiday" (Fairy tales)

Sounds 8. excerpt "Ditties Babok-Ezhek"

2. "The hero on horseback rides to fight Koshchei" (Fairy tales)

Sounds 9. Flame. Heroic strength

3. "Fighter against evil with a magic sword"(film Night Watch)

Sounds 10..Umaturman."The fight between good and evil"

4. "Chasing a ghost with a protogon emitter" (Ghostbusters movie)

The 11th song from the movie "Ghostbusters" is playing.

5. "Seduction of the Lover by the Vampire Edgar" (Twilight film)

Sounds 12. excerpt from the movie "Twilight"

(All participants receive amulets and applause)

Additionally: If it is justified, then you can

There will also be a fashion show of the best costumes and an award ceremony for the winners.

Sounds 13. Sounds of nature. Roosters

The “third roosters” sound. At this moment there is full light in the hall.

Presenter: So the third roosters crowed, this does not at all mean the end of our evening, they only announced that from now on nothing threatens you, and you can have fun and dance freely and with pleasure. We just wanted to say that our program was just a game, for which, we hope, neither the forces of good nor the forces of evil will be offended at us. We wish everyone for today, let’s say it again in unison: “Nightmare night” and bright days forever, remember the forces of good and evil are fighting in us and for us, but the choice is still ours! Be happy, kind and loved! And we will start the dance program with a beautiful slow composition.

The lights can be dimmed again

Sounds 14. S. Surganova. Gray-haired angel.

The evening continues with dancing and a light buffet.

All Saints' Day or Halloween is a holiday that came to us from the West not so long ago. And if it is alien to the older generation, then young people, teenagers and children fell in love with this cheerful holiday of evil spirits. After all, if you are afraid of something or someone, then the easiest way to overcome your fear is to laugh at it. That's why Halloween is becoming more and more popular every year.

For the holiday, people dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts, prepare sweets decorated in the style of All Saints' Day, and Halloween competitions are the most interesting part of the celebration for children. Let's look at them in more detail. A selection of fun themed entertainment especially for you. Here you will find options for different age categories of participants. Most of them do not require any special props, which means they can be performed at home, at a school function or at a party without much preparation.

You will need several rolls of toilet paper for this. This is a well-known game for a long time, but nevertheless it does not lose its popularity. After all, it’s easy to do, and the result is quite fun. And the mummy is an image from the other world, which fits perfectly with the theme of the holiday.

How to hold a competition? Participants are divided into several teams. Each team has two people. One of the participants stands, and the second wraps him in toilet paper, starting from his feet and ending with his head. The mouth and eyes should remain open. This is a game of speed, but do not forget that the team whose paper is torn leaves the game.

pumpkin crab

Prepare two large pumpkins. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants, the start and finish of the distance are indicated. The child lies down on the pumpkin and in this position goes the distance, moving his legs and arms like a crab, then returns to the start in the same way and passes the pumpkin to the next participant. The team whose members complete the journey the fastest wins.

Hungry monster


  • a large sheet of thick paper or a large cardboard box with a drawn monster;
  • balls or balls.

The monster has a hole pre-cut in place of its mouth. The essence of entertainment is to feed the monster. Children must throw as many balls as possible into the hungry monster's mouth. Participants can be divided into teams, or you can make an individual competition, where each participant will play for himself.

Who's worse?


  • inflatable balloons (as many as there are participants);
  • felt-tip pens or markers.

The task of the competition participants is to make a scary face out of the ball. A certain period of time is given during which the players paint the balls. At the end of the allotted time, guests vote for each of the “works”. Whose face gets the most votes is the winner.

Apple bobbin


  • basins of water or ropes;
  • medium-sized apples (donuts, bagels).

The essence of the entertainment is to catch the maximum number of apples from a bowl using your mouth. Your hands remain behind your back.

If this version of the competition does not seem very suitable to you, you can try to change the conditions a little - hang the apples on ropes and invite the participants to eat them at speed. Again, hands-free. Well, a completely modified option is to replace the apples on the strings with bagels or donuts. It won't be quite an apple bobbin, but that won't make it any less fun.

Devil's tail


  • thread or rope;
  • pencil;
  • bottle.

We take all the props in multiples of the number of participants. The rope is attached to the participant's belt so that it hangs from the back to knee level. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope. The contestant's task is to lower the pencil into the bottle without helping himself with his hands. The one who can do it faster than the rest wins. What is interesting here is not so much the result as the process of getting a pencil into a bottle. For the competition, choose a fun musical accompaniment.

Letter from a maniac

You will need:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

This option is more suitable for schoolchildren who can already read well and wield scissors without the help of adults. You can carry it out at home, because it does not require a lot of free space.

Children are divided into two or more teams. Their task is to cut out letters and words from newspapers and magazines and compose a terrible letter from them. Whose letter, based on the voting results, turns out to be scarier, longer and more interesting is declared the winner.

Catch the witch


  • several bells;
  • scarves or scarves for blindfolding.

Two witch hunters are selected from among the competition participants and are blindfolded. Those who get the role of the witch take bells in their hands and mingle with other participants. The hunters' task is to catch the maximum number of witches in a certain period of time. The most dexterous hunter is awarded a prize. The competition is quite active, so it is better to hold it in a spacious room so that the kids have room to run around. While the hunters are catching the witches, turn on a cheerful, rhythmic melody.

Dracula's Meal


  • red juice (cherry, tomato, pomegranate);
  • glasses with straws.

Each participant in the competition is given a glass of “blood” and a straw. Little Dracula's task is to empty the glass as quickly as possible. The fastest participant is awarded the honorary title of the real Dracula. As a prize, you can issue an appropriate medal, badge or certificate.

Collect a Halloween Hero

  • images of ghosts, witches, vampires, pumpkins, cut into pieces. Themed puzzles are also suitable.

Participants are given pictures, and they collect them at speed. The one who collects the fastest is the winner. This kind of entertainment is perfect for preschoolers, because it is quite simple.

Pumpkin Explosion

Required details

  • a large board, a piece of cardboard or just a free wall;
  • green paper;
  • orange balloons;
  • cards with questions;
  • small candies;
  • threads

We throw candy into the balloons, then inflate them and tie them. We attach the balls in such a way that on the wall or board we get a pumpkin made of balls. Cut out a tail for a pumpkin from green paper.

Participants take turns taking cards with questions and answering them. These could be questions from the school curriculum, on a Halloween theme, or based on a book or movie. The one who answered correctly gets the right to burst any balloon and take away the candy. To make it more interesting, you can put candies not in all the balls or replace some of the candies with other small souvenirs. And for entertainment, add confetti or sparkles to each balloon, which will effectively fly away when the balloon bursts.

This children's Halloween contest is not as easy to implement as the previous ones, but the children's delight in popping the balloons is worth a little effort.

Guess the ghost

To organize this entertainment, one white sheet is enough. Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms. Then we put a sheet on one participant and let the opposing teams into the room. The child must try to scare his opponents with the terrible sound “Oooh!”, and their task is to guess who it is by the sound. Whichever team guesses the most “ghosts” wins.


Props: several soft toys in the shape of bats. They can be replaced with cardboard figures.

One of the children hides bats in the room, and the other participant must find all the figures using the clues. Hints are formulated in only two words - either warm or cold, or close or far.

Figures for the competition can be not only in the shape of bats, it can be any object associated with Halloween - a pumpkin, a witch, a cross, a monster. Or you can use several holiday characters at once.

Cardboard figures are easier to hide - they are lightweight and can be attached to furniture, curtains, or a chandelier. For fastening, use pins or double-sided tape.

Looking for a couple

You need to prepare several pairs of images drawn or printed on paper. These could be pumpkins, bats, crosses. The competition is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that here children don’t just have to look for figures, but choose a pair for them. One figurine from the pair is given to the child, and he must find the second. Whoever makes the maximum number of pairs is the winner.

This option is well suited for the youngest participants.

Scary monster


  • paper;
  • pencils or markers.

The game can be played with both toddlers and older children.

The essence of the game: each participant is given a sheet of paper and he draws a monster's head on it. Next, the sheet is folded so that what is drawn is not visible, and the participants exchange drawings. The next stage is to draw the torso and arms, and again hide what was drawn. We exchange leaves and finish drawing the monster’s legs. Then the drawings are unfolded and shown to the public. Wild fun guaranteed! Another advantage of this entertainment is that there are no winners and losers - the work on the monsters is carried out jointly. But, as an option, you can vote for the scariest monster.

Color the monster

Prepare printed coloring pages in advance with images of monsters, bats, pumpkins or other holiday attributes.

This type of entertainment is suitable for any age, because coloring books come in varying degrees of complexity. Three-year-olds can be asked to color a simple pumpkin, and a schoolchild will be able to paint an image of a devil with small details. This competition can be held both for speed and for the best drawing.

Creepy makeup

You will need your mother's cosmetics in dark shades: eye shadow, pencils, lipstick.

It’s worth mentioning right away that cosmetics are unlikely to be suitable for use after the holiday, so we choose something that we won’t mind throwing away later)

Participants are divided into teams of two and apply makeup to each other that matches the theme of the holiday. The team with the most original makeup wins.

Third wheel

For this competition you will need a selection of pictures. Two pictures from the set must correspond to the Halloween theme, and the third is chosen arbitrarily. We divide the children into teams and show them the selections in turn. Their task is to quickly shout out the name of what is depicted in a non-thematic picture. This entertainment option is suitable for preschoolers.

How to reward the winners and participants?

For competitions, it is necessary to prepare not only props, but also prizes. Here are a few small and inexpensive gifts for the winners:

  • a small soft toy in the shape of a holiday hero: a ghost, a bat;
  • sweets. These can be regular candies, or you can bake or order cupcakes decorated with an image of a spider web, pumpkin, monster or ghost;
  • carnival masks with scary faces. Such props will certainly come in handy at the party;
  • medals for “Best Monster”, “Best Ghost”, “Coolest Witch”, etc.;
  • diplomas. The meaning is the same as the point above;
  • small souvenirs with the symbols of All Saints' Day.

These are just a few ideas, the list goes on. The main thing is that none of the participants is left without a prize, and that the holiday is fun and unusual!

Games and competitions for adults are the best way to entertain guests at your Halloween party.

Halloween Contests

Although it may seem like only children in their costumes are having fun during the traditional trick-or-treating event, it can be a wonderful celebration for adults too. Adults' costumes may be a little more revealing and the party atmosphere may be more creepy. Otherwise, you just need to plan a few holiday games to make the party unforgettable.

"Catch an apple."

This classic game is truly suitable for all ages. She may not be very popular with those who have gone crazy with makeup, but everyone else just adore her. Using a large basin or baby bathtub filled with water, you can play it anywhere you don't mind getting a little splash on the floor. Let the apples float freely and have each participant try to catch the apple in their mouth. You cannot use your hands during this process. Usually a small group of people takes part in the game, so the winner is the one who managed to get the apple out of the water first, or the one who caught the most fruit.


This game is generally more fun if you can use more than one room to play it, and possibly your backyard if you have one. Make a list of five to ten things for your guests to find and try to tie them into the Halloween theme. Then hide items in different areas of the house and invite guests to look for them using your clues. Be specific, because if you need to find, for example, “an object that can be found in a cemetery,” then do not be surprised if particularly resourceful guests bring you a stone or a handful of earth.

This game could also be the Halloween version of the Easter Egg Hunt. Hide clues in plastic pumpkins and distribute them around the house. Each team begins their search with a clue that will lead them to the next clue. The team that is the first to bring all the hidden objects to the leader wins.


In this game, participants are divided into pairs and compete against the clock. One man uses a roll of toilet paper to turn his partner into a mummy. The couple in which the mummy was wrapped the fastest, and wrapped efficiently, from head to toe, so that only the eyes were visible, wins. In some variations of this game, a team can include more than two people.

"Pin the tail on the devil."

Instead of the devil, an image of any character symbolizing Halloween can be used. You can use or make them yourself. Be that as it may, the participant is blindfolded, spun around for mild disorientation, and asked to pin his tail to the image of the devil. The one who managed to pin the tail as close as possible to the required area wins.

“Pass the organ.”

Take a large heart-shaped sponge, line up the participants and pass the “organ” down the chain without using your hands. Two teams can participate; to complicate the task, participants can be blindfolded. The blindfolded option is definitely the most fun. The “organ” must be held between the chin and neck and passed to the next player so that he can take it in the same way. The team that is the first to carry out the “organ transfer” to the end of the chain becomes the winner.

"Guess what it is."

For this game you will need five to six jugs made of opaque material. Fill containers with substances that may be unpleasant to the touch and have guests put their hands into the containers to determine the contents. Peeled grapes may feel like eyeballs to the touch, and the gelatinous mass may feel like brains. By the way, do not forget to suggest to participants exactly such nasty associations. The contents of the jugs should be at room temperature, and players should be blindfolded. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins the competition.

In addition to the above games, there are also well-known classic entertainments, such as holding a seance with a special board or by category (the most original, the sexiest, and so on). In a properly decorated room, with a scary movie on the TV (but with the sound off), spooky music in the background, and keeping the spirits high, these adult games will be the highlight of your Halloween party.

The tradition of celebrating Halloween came to us from time immemorial, when people worshiped pagan gods and made sacrifices to them. Today, on the night of October 31 to November 1, children and youth are happy to scare passers-by and “tickle” their nerves with their terrifying costumes and makeup. On the eve of All Saints' Day, incendiary youth parties are held - with competitions, games and other entertainment. We have selected the most interesting “scary” Halloween contests and games for children at home, in kindergarten and elementary school, teenagers, high school students and students. We are sure that you will successfully implement many of the ideas in the video for contests and games for Halloween, arranging a real holiday for yourself and your loved ones.

Fun Halloween contests and games for children in kindergarten

Recently, the Halloween holiday has been steadily gaining popularity among the Slavs. So, for children in kindergarten, you can arrange a fun carnival by including funny competitions and games in the entertainment program - on Halloween everything should be bright and unusual. Such entertainment will delight even the smallest children from 3 years old, because the tasks and conditions of the competitions are extremely simple and educational.

A selection of children's competitions and games for Halloween in kindergarten

  • "Pass the Eye". All participants are divided into two teams, and each is given a tablespoon. Two empty baskets are placed at a certain distance from the start. According to the terms of the competition, players must use a spoon to fill their containers with “eyes” - painted tennis balls. If the “eye” falls out of the spoon, the player will have to go back and re-cross the path to the finish line. The team whose members have collected the most “scary” trophies wins.
  • "Garlic from Vampires". For the competition you will need heads of garlic - one less than the number of players. First, music plays and the children walk around the table with garlic. Suddenly the melody stops and each participant quickly grabs one head. Whoever does not receive the means of “protection from vampires” is considered to have been bitten and is eliminated.

Scary competitions for children in elementary school on Halloween, video

On the eve of All Hallows' Day, many children temporarily transform into horror movie characters in order to have a lot of fun looking at the reactions of others. The Halloween holiday for elementary school students is best organized in the form of a competition between teams from parallel classes. The most “scary” Halloween competitions for younger schoolchildren (girls and boys) can be successfully used at home - choose and scare everyone!

Halloween Competition Ideas for Elementary School

  • "Eerie Howl". During the competition, each participant tries to scream or howl as terribly as possible. The one whose cry is the most frightening wins. If you are holding a competition at home, it is better to notify your neighbors in advance.
  • "Ghostbuster". A “hunter” is chosen from among the players and is blindfolded. To the music, the “ghosts” begin to circle around, trying to escape, and when they fall into the hands of the “hunter,” they begin to emit a plaintive cry. When you guess the identity of the “ghost,” the game continues. Otherwise, the “hunter” himself takes the place of the ghost.
  • "Make a Mummy". For this competition you need to stock up on a couple of rolls of toilet paper. The facilitator divides the players into teams of two people each. At a signal, one of the participants takes a roll of paper and begins to wrap the other - from the legs to the head, leaving “slits” for the eyes and mouth. The team that makes the “mummy” faster than others is declared the winner.

Video of a Halloween competition at school

Halloween contests for high school teens at home and at school

Halloween is the only day of the year when you can scare loved ones and even complete strangers with impunity. High school teenagers will be delighted with thematic competitions with a touch of “sinister” humor - as befits this mystical evening. Fun Halloween competitions for teenagers can be held at school and at home, creating a real holiday of horror.

Options for Halloween contests and games for teenagers 14 years and older

  • "Blood transfusion". As details, each participant is given two glasses - with tomato juice and an empty one, as well as a pipette. According to the terms of the competition, players must use a pipette to pour “blood” from one glass to another. The one who does it the fastest and doesn't spill a drop of liquid is considered the winner.
  • "Bag of Horrors". We fill a fabric bag with various objects that are difficult to detect by touch - it could be a jelly worm, a large prune, or a hand expander. Each player is asked to put his hand into the bag and, without looking, determine the name of the item. In addition, you can come up with a history of this thing, with “creepy” details. Then the item is shown to those present - and then there is a surprise!

Cool competitions for Halloween: ideas for students, video

The celebration of Halloween among students is characterized by extraordinary scope and fun. Thus, most often the eve of All Saints' Day is celebrated by students of higher institutions studying English - within the walls of a university or club. We have selected the coolest Halloween competitions for students and young people, as well as videos with original entertainment ideas.

Choosing a competition for student Halloween

  • "Horror stories". To conduct the competition, you need complete darkness or a lit candle. Each participant takes turns telling a scary story, and then the winner is chosen by “universal voting” - the author of the most terrible story.
  • "Fanta". Papers with instructions for execution are placed in a box. For example, “make a scary scream,” “portray a vampire,” “make a scary face.” Taking out a piece of paper, the players must fulfill what is written - the best actor wins.
  • "Witches' Dances" The girls stand in a circle and, dancing to cheerful music, begin to pass the “broom” to each other. Suddenly the music stops. The girl who is holding the broom flies out of the game. The winner is the one who lasted the longest in the “witch” dances.

Halloween video competitions for students

Halloween competitions for a youth party at home or in a club

A Halloween themed party in a club or at home is a new fashionable “trend” in youth groups. To prepare the most “nightmarish” night, the organizers try to show maximum imagination and creativity so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time by all those present. Interesting games and competitions are selected for the party - “black” humor and dark jokes are welcome on Halloween.

A selection of competitions for a youth party on Halloween

  • "Collecting Bones". To hold the competition, you must first hide models of bones and skulls in different secluded places in the room - behind curtains, under chairs, and a table. At the signal from the presenter, the participants begin searching for “bones”, and then, based on the results of the counting, the winner is determined.
  • "Witch's Potion". Each player is given a book with circled letters that together make up a recipe for a "brew". Having written out the recipe on paper, participants must brew a “potion” - whoever makes it tastier wins. The list of ingredients must include a couple of “exotic” ones.

Halloween competitions and games are a great opportunity to create a unique atmosphere of this ancient mystical holiday. Here you will find a lot of interesting ideas with videos on holding scary and funny competitions for Halloween - at home, for children in kindergarten and elementary school, teenagers, high school students, students, at a youth party. Happy Halloween!