The same is the child's character. The character of the child. Character types. Advantages and disadvantages. Character traits manifested in relation to things

A child's character traits begin to appear from a very young age. If several babies are placed in exactly the same conditions, each of them will behave differently. Parents must take into account the character traits of their child in order to choose the most suitable teaching method for him and choose an activity for the child in accordance with his abilities and personal characteristics. In total, there are 4 main character types - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Of course, they are almost never found in their pure form, but if parents take a closer look, they can understand what type their baby has. How to determine a child's character?

For example, if a child is strong, self-confident, energetic and enthusiastic, if he literally goes to great lengths to achieve his intended goal, then he is most likely a sanguine person. Such a child always and everywhere tries to be a leader; he loves to be in the center of attention. This is where the child’s hobbies should be directed. Perhaps a theater studio or group sports games will suit him. Mom and dad are usually always proud of their active son or daughter. BUT the parents of such a child very often forget to teach him hard work, responsibility and mutual respect. And this is sometimes so difficult for a sanguine person. And only if a child learns to cooperate with other people, respecting their interests and listening to their opinions, will his energy be directed in the right direction and he will become an excellent leader who will be trusted. Otherwise, he will remain the “soul of the party”, who simply will not be able to realize himself professionally due to his own laziness and unwillingness to make concessions.

The type of character known as choleric is very similar to a sanguine person. These are often very bright personalities, sometimes hot-tempered and unbalanced, but always inspired by new ideas. Such children certainly strive to win. But as soon as parents begin to rejoice at the child’s rapid success in his new hobby, the slightest drop completely disrupts his mood, and the child is ready to give up the chosen activity. But soon the old is replaced by a new one, and another, and so on endlessly.

Deep down, such children are very vulnerable and touchy. Therefore, parents should teach their child to cope with their negative emotions, to step over uncertainty and fear, not to be ashamed of falling and in some situations even to look worse than others (which is what choleric people are most afraid of), and most importantly, never give up. The child must learn to control his emotions, and then his rich inner world and enormous potential will find worthy use.

Unlike sanguine and choleric people, phlegmatic people are very calm and constant in their hobbies. Such children are thoughtful, slow, and judicious. They find it difficult to make a final decision. But their undoubted advantages are accuracy, perseverance and perseverance, all that is so lacking in sanguine and choleric people. In order for such positive character traits of the child to find worthy use, the parents of a phlegmatic person must teach the child to be more sociable and try to develop determination in him.

And finally, melancholic people. Such children are also slow and thoughtful, but among other things, they are also easily hurt. At first glance, it seems that a melancholic child is very vulnerable and is not able to achieve what he wants. Actually this is not true. If in the future such a person sets a goal for himself - to create a strong family, then his romanticism and sensitivity will help him become an ideal partner and caring parent. In addition, it is melancholic people who are best able to realize their creative potential, since they are distinguished by perseverance and scrupulousness.

Raising the character of a child in the family

Nurturing a child's character in a family largely depends on the parents. or daughter, be sure to take into account the child’s character traits, as well as his temperament. After all, all parents want their child to be both active and diligent, sociable and flexible, cheerful and reasonable. Now you understand that this does not happen. But you have the power to develop in your child the brightest traits of his character, while at the same time smoothing out his shortcomings. Try, and you will definitely succeed.

What determines a child's character?

The formation of a child's character does not happen overnight. It is greatly influenced by the following factors:

parental behavior;
environment (kindergarten, school).

At the beginning of his life's journey, the baby has a clear example to follow - his beloved parents. He consciously and unconsciously copies their behavior, which is the only correct one for him. Later, when his social circle expands, the baby is surprised to realize that there are many other people in the world, big and small, who can behave completely differently, and he draws information from communicating with each of them.

Your baby's temperament

A child, even a one-year-old, is already a person. And he is characterized by a certain type of temperament, which is determined by his own characteristics of character and behavior, as well as the genetic predisposition of the child. As you know, there are four main types of human temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Let's find out what they are and how you can determine a child's temperament.

Sanguine is characterized by an open, kind disposition, the ability to easily endure failures, “lively” character, and energy. Most often, these are the leaders of the children's team; they grow into good leaders.

A choleric child is very emotional, demanding, even aggressive. He is capable of being passionate about something, but if something doesn’t work out for him, he can flare up. Choleric is subject to frequent mood swings.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is determined by such qualities as slowness, emotional stability, and endurance. A phlegmatic person is often lazy, his facial expressions are inexpressive, and he takes a long time to get used to everything new.

A child with a melancholic temperament is usually shy, vulnerable, and unsure of himself. He is more difficult than others to adapt to new conditions, including the team. But at the same time he is prone to subtle emotional experiences, punctual and organized. Such children can achieve great success in creativity: music, painting, sculpture, poetry.

These four types of temperament rarely appear in their pure form. Most often, a child's temperament is mixed. At the same time, the traits inherent in “neighboring” types intersect: choleric/sanguine, phlegmatic/melancholic.

A child’s temperament is an innate property; it is very difficult, almost impossible to change. And parents need to come to terms with this, not suppress him, trying to adjust him “to themselves,” but only gently correct his behavioral reactions.

Raising the character of a child in the family

There are no absolutely “good” or “bad” types of temperament, and the character of each child exhibits both positive and negative traits.

Moral traits such as honesty, decency, tolerance, attention to others can and should be instilled in a child during the upbringing process. Of course, this largely depends on the character of the parents themselves.

A child acquires strong-willed character traits mainly through interactions with peers. At home, mom and dad can teach the child perseverance, desire for success, and determination in a playful way.

A difficult character, according to parents, in a child may imply both excessive emotionality, hot temper, and, conversely, tearfulness, frequent mood swings, and the habit of complaining. And although you cannot “change” a child, you can still try to change these character traits. This must be done gradually, patiently, and with sensitivity. Do not put pressure on your child, do not try to “break” him, do not abuse prohibitions and punishments.

You can find your own approach to each child, knowing the characteristics of his character. And even if your child is “difficult”, remember that he is still the most beloved!

Is a child born with certain personality traits or does he acquire them later? Is there any point in fighting some of his tendencies or do you need to learn to accept the baby for who he is? In search of an answer to these questions, let us turn to Freud's followers.

Modern parents and teachers never cease to wonder what in the behavior and character of a child depends on upbringing and what does not. Wanting to understand the situation, our compatriot, Viktor Tolkachev, refined Freud’s theory about the connection between physiology and personal qualities and identified 8 character types.

His student, Lyudmila Perelshtein, compares the children's group with an Indian tribe and gives its members the following titles:

    • — Leader
    • — Sniffer
    • — Chatterbox
    • - Artist
    • — Hearer
    • - Calculator
    • — Kopusha
    • — Strongman

In his book “Beware, Children!” she describes each type and tells you which way to communicate with them is most effective. Let's look at each type separately.


Character traits:

Leader, soul of the company. Very sensitive to criticism. He strives for approval and recognition with all his might. Brave, decisive, loves to try something new. Unable to concentrate for long on what he considers boring. Keeping his things in order is not his strong point.

To build a good relationship with the Leader, you need to make him feel that his opinion is taken into account. Give him the opportunity to make decisions on his own, even if you see that they are unsuccessful.

A leader craves praise and this can become a problem in his relationships with others. Therefore, try to encourage him to evaluate his own successes. To do this, state the fact of his achievement and ask what he feels and thinks about this.


Character traits:

Very sensitive to odors. Often sniffs food and objects. Regularly gets respiratory infections. Curious, but cautious and circumspect. Homebody. Prefers the role of observer.

How to behave with such a child:

If the Sniffer assures you that he has detected an unpleasant odor in food that seems completely fresh to you, rest assured that he is not making things up, and do not force him to eat.

Don’t scold the Sniffing child for picking his nose; rather, tell him that it is better to clean his nose in the toilet, because this is an intimate process.

Due to his nature, it is difficult for the Sniffing baby to communicate with peers. Let him establish contact with adults, because this also teaches communication.

The less attention you pay to “bad words,” the faster he will forget them.


Character traits:

How to behave with such a child:

It is very important for Chatterbox to taste food, so if your child is overweight because of his love for food, do not try to put him on a “tasteless” diet. It’s better to choose a less calorie but tasty menu.

Chatterboxes show interest in obscene words simply because they like the way they sound. Therefore, do not be shy and do not scold the baby if he suddenly says something like this. The less attention you pay to “bad words,” the faster he will forget them.

The individual uniqueness of the child is manifested both in her temperament and character, which includes the views, interests, opinions of the child, their content (what she is guided by, how she treats herself). The content of the behavior of everything characterizes a person, because each personality has its own mental make-up, manner of behavior, course of action and character, which is formed throughout his life, changes, develops depending on the environment and upbringing.

Character (Greek: Charakter - sign, omen) - an individual combination of essential properties of a person, which are manifested in his behavior and activities, in relation to society, work, the team, and himself.

Character traits indicate the ways in which a person achieves certain goals, that is, a specific psychological strategy of his behavior. In an adult, behavior is a complex combination of higher nervous activity and life experience. This determines the influence of the type of nervous system on the development of a child’s character. Psychologists argue that the temperamental character of a person is an inextricable unity, which determines its properties. However, temperament (type of nervous system) is innate, and character is formed during life. It includes many components that arise as a whole, therefore, none of the rice inherent in a child (adult) can be considered separately from other qualities of his character. Character is determined by the totality of all the traits that appear in actions and deeds (how a person acts in various conditions, how he achieves his goal, what are his aspirations).

The main components of character are: life orientation (needs, interests, beliefs); mental qualities (observation, prudence, flexibility of mind), emotional (content and direction of feelings), volitional (expressiveness, constancy, firmness, ability to overcome difficulties, determination, courage, perseverance, determination) habits (almost automated methods of action). They are all interconnected, sometimes a certain component dominates behavior. their combination has individual characteristics. Even one person, depending on specific living conditions, exhibits different character traits. In a preschool institution, she can demonstrate the proper level of communication culture, skillfully establish friendly relationships, not conflict, and at home demonstrate the opposite way of behavior. Such manifestations may concern various aspects of her life.

It is impossible for two people of the same character to have the same behavior, because from the moment of birth they are under different influences (family conditions, way of upbringing, communication with relatives, children's group, environment, etc.). All this forms the individual characteristics of inclinations, interests, feelings, mind, will, and character as a whole.

The main role in the formation and development of a child’s character is played by communication with the people who surround him. The first rudiments and forms of behavior are formed on the basis of the mechanism of inheritance (the child imitates his loved ones), as well as through learning through emotional reinforcement.

The sensitive period for character development is considered to be the age from two to three to nine to ten years, when an active process of socialization occurs both in the process of communicating with Dorol and with peers. It is during this period that children are open to external influences and imitate everyone and in everything. Adults have unquestioned authority over the child and can influence her through words, deeds and actions, which creates favorable conditions for the assimilation and consolidation of the necessary forms of behavior.

Important for the formation of a preschooler’s character is the style of communication between adults and each other and with the child himself. First of all, this concerns the communication between parents, especially the mother, and the child. The way they treat her will eventually become the way she treats her children when he becomes an adult and has a family of his own.

First, traits such as kindness, sociability, responsiveness, as well as their opposite qualities - selfishness, callousness, indifference to people - are formed in the character.

In preschool age, the foundations of character traits that relate to work are laid - hard work, accuracy, responsibility, perseverance. Since during this period the leading activity is role-playing play, it is in it that the corresponding habits are formed and consolidated. In addition, it is also important for the child to perform available types of work, which should be stimulated and encouraged by adults. As a rule, those traits that constantly receive a positive assessment are fixed in character.

The formation of character depends on the child’s activity in life. This process begins at an early age, when she involuntarily imitates from adults certain ways of behavior, actions, attitudes towards people, realizes her capabilities, masters movements, learns to manage herself, her organizer, leader, partner should be a close person, on whom the formation of basic principles depends. qualities of behavior, character of the child. It is important that they promptly focus their attention on the development of specific character traits, taking into account new developments in the child’s psyche. It should be remembered that the behavior of a preschool child, mediated by the image of close adults, which guides her actions and actions, is the basis of all new formations, determines the formation of mechanisms of personal behavior, the ability to regulate it. Depending on the specific conditions of upbringing and relationships with close adults, various motives can play a leading role in this process (direct interest in the activity, its content, significance, ambition, etc.). This determines the various individual personal qualities of the child.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Each person is unique and has their own character. You can notice the individual characteristics of a child already in early childhood - a good teacher should be able to select a “key” for each of the children in the preschool age group. To do this, it is important to understand the relationship between the physical, moral and mental formation of a little person, to look for an individual approach in order to promptly identify certain characteristic features of your charges.

What are individual characteristics

Identifying a child’s characteristic traits requires time and regular observation from the teacher. To do this, the teacher should keep a daily record of the children’s reactions to various events. The individual characteristics of a child include several elements:

  • type of nervous activity, temperament - balanced, easily excitable (choleric), active (sanguine), inert, calm (phlegmatic), etc.;
  • physical condition, health;
  • inclinations, interests.

How children's characteristics are formed

The starting point in the formation of a child’s individual characteristics is the psychotype, which is a hereditary factor. A balanced, calm baby will be able to learn to read faster, since he has a tendency to work hard. While his active, hyperactive friend will begin to walk earlier and will have a developed body.

The conditions in which a preschooler grows and develops are of no small importance. It is desirable that the child is constantly in the process of active learning - there are educational toys at home for learning and mental education, there are many friends in kindergarten, and the mother tries to regularly spend time with him. If the offspring is not given attention and needs are not taken care of, he will lag behind his peers.

In addition to providing conditions for personality development, pedagogical education plays an important role. It is desirable that the kindergarten and the family work in the same direction, instilling in the ward the same values ​​and standards of behavior. Then the preschooler will not only learn to read and count on time, but also master other important skills. He will have a sufficient basis for moral and emotional evolution - the ability to empathize, express his love, and restrain aggression.

Age and individual developmental characteristics

Child psychologists argue that the foundation of basic life principles is created at an early age. At the same time, in the preschool period, the child’s personal characteristics are intensively formed. Kindergarteners begin to show their character and inclinations more clearly. This is explained by the development of speech - communication skills with peers and adults, the emergence of new aspects of cognition and the emergence of fresh forms of activity. At the same time, from 2 to 3 years of age, the ability to control objects or tools develops more actively, and from 3 to 4, the ability to imitate adults and be included in social life through play.

Mental development

It is important for parents to understand in what period a little person will better perceive this or that information, and to choose the form of its presentation. To do this, it is worth considering the stages of mental formation of the offspring:

  • The first year of life represents the motor phase. During this period, the baby diligently masters the sequence of movements necessary to perform everyday tasks.
  • The next stage of mental development is called sensory. The duration of this period is about 2 years. The sensory phase has an important mission - preparation for the formation of functions such as attention, perception, and thinking.
  • The affective phase continues until the onset of adolescence. At this stage, the preschooler and then the schoolchild acquire permanent character traits that are amenable to pedagogical correction. Social formation begins.
  • The ideation phase takes two years – from 12 to 14 years. During this period, the teenager learns to make plans in his mind and strictly follow them. Abstract concepts are formed, the personality emerges more clearly.


A lack of understanding of how to express one’s emotions often leads to problems in the personal life of an adult who is quite accomplished in other areas. In this regard, the formation of the emotional component of the personality is one of the important tasks of parents and educators. This includes educating a son or daughter in the ability to focus on one type of activity and control their feelings.

A baby's emotional development begins immediately after birth. A newborn is not able to express his desires in words and gestures; he can only show them with emotions. Crying, laughing, smiling or facial expression can tell a mother a lot. Stages of formation of emotionality:

  • In infants up to one year old, emotions are unstable and change without staying for long. While the baby cannot control his mood and easily moves from a state of satisfaction to crying.
  • At one to three years old, the baby already knows how to focus on something - he can remain in a calm state for a longer period. At the same time, the baby quickly switches – emotions flare up and fade away, he can get angry if something doesn’t work out or laugh joyfully when he sees a familiar face.
  • The preschooler learns to develop social emotions, and begins to understand that kindergarten friends have their own desires - whether they rejoice or cry. The kid happily brings candy to the group for his birthday to please his classmates.


A little person learns to explore the world on his own - a 2-3 year old toddler is interested in everything. Parents only need to direct the child’s attention in the right direction and ensure that his research is safe. It is very important not to force the child to delve into it if this type of activity does not arouse interest. Some psychologists believe that the formation of cognitive abilities begins with the development of memory. In preschool age, memory, attention and thinking are transformed into higher mental functions.

Speech plays an important role in the development of cognitive activity. The baby learns to ask questions correctly in order to get an answer that satisfies his needs. Preschool children try to independently systematize information, learn to generalize, find common features of groups of objects, and understand the difference between biological and artificial materials. By encouraging the child's curiosity, mothers and fathers will be able to instill in their offspring such qualities as attentiveness and the ability to be aware of themselves in society.


Raising an integral and well-rounded personality is not easy - it is important that the child is psychologically ready for personal growth. Developmental psychology examines the complex of the above aspects - mental, emotional and cognitive. If all the baby’s needs are met, his psychological health will be stable.


As already mentioned, the ability to express one’s desires and emotions is a necessary condition for balanced development. However, one should not think that the formation of speech is subject to general rules - everyone learns to speak at their own time, according to individual differences. Improving vocabulary is directly related to how much the baby communicates with parents and other adults. In addition, speech development is influenced by activities where the baby learns to control his movements and perform small actions with maximum accuracy.

Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children

At each stage of a child’s development and the formation of his personality, teachers keep a record of natural qualities. The teacher allows the wards to independently choose an activity to spend time usefully - some draw, others collect puzzles, play with dolls. Over time, children develop other interests, which the teacher must clearly monitor.

A preschooler entering first grade receives a testimonial from the kindergarten, in which the teacher indicates the individual characteristics of the graduate. Based on the information received, the teacher tries to find his own approach to the younger student. Some schools practice differentiation - where students are grouped according to their individual qualities.

Individual characteristics of the child - examples for the questionnaire

When entering kindergarten, parents are often asked to indicate the individual characteristics of their preschool-aged children. This task is not always easy to solve - sometimes mothers and fathers do not know how to formulate this information. The teacher will need to provide the following information about the offspring:

  • manifestations of temperament - the baby is hyperactive or calm, balanced;
  • basic skills – can take care of himself, stack textbooks;
  • socialization - does the child easily find friends, can he work in a team, self-esteem;
  • physical characteristics of a preschooler or schoolchild;
  • health status - whether there are any restrictions on physical training, allergies, problems with the heart or other organs.


Character education begins from the first days of a baby’s life. If at first he observes adults, then over time he begins to copy their actions...

The upbringing of a child should be built taking into account the characteristics of his character. Sociability, generosity, activity, initiative, kindness or, on the contrary, isolation, greed, constraint, lethargy - all these are character traits. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are formed precisely under the influence of upbringing.

Character education begins from the first days of a baby’s life. If at first he observes the behavior of adults, then over time (usually after three years) he begins to copy their actions and reactions. That is why they say: the apple does not fall far from the tree, the name refers to the similarity of characters of parents and their children. Everything good or bad in a child comes only from significant adults, most often parents.

The sooner you begin to correct character flaws that appear as a result of the bad influence of others, the more successful the result will be. - the age when reasonable arguments can influence the creations of a preschooler. By discussing different situations, describing your vision of this or that action, you can influence the child’s behavior, shaping the positive aspects of his character.

Character and temperament

Of course, the characteristics of a child’s character depend on the innate characteristics of his nervous system - temperament. The performance of nerve cells, the speed of inhibition and excitation reactions in the cerebral cortex are fundamental for the formation of one of four types of temperament:

  • sanguine;
  • phlegmatic;
  • choleric;
  • melancholic.

A cheerful, active sanguine person has a strong, balanced character. A choleric person is just as active, but he is characterized by hot temper and imbalance. It is easy to inspire a small person of a choleric nature, but the active message quickly passes and is replaced by complete indifference to an activity that previously aroused enthusiasm.

A melancholic person who is weak in spirit is not able to withstand stress for long; his spirit is unstable. A child of this type is very talented and sensitive, has a rich imagination and is therefore overly vulnerable. But a similar but balanced phlegmatic person is the most “convenient” type from the point of view of education. It is difficult to upset, frighten, or anger a phlegmatic child. He will work hard and persistently on a difficult task, not trying to solve it as quickly as possible, but also not giving in to difficulties.

Temperament significantly influences character, but cannot be the reason for the manifestation of bad or good traits in it. Moreover, it is the character of a person who has received a good upbringing that helps to curb choleric uncontrollability or melancholic indifference.

Teachers are confident that proper upbringing can direct temperament in the right direction, control it, and develop a stable character. The main thing that parents should remember is that you cannot demand the impossible from your child, compare him with other children and try to fit him into a general template.

How to build character?

The methods of character formation are subordinated. However, we must remember that only an individual approach to the baby can bring the desired result. The fact is that the same trait - for example, hard work - should be developed differently in a phlegmatic person and a sanguine person. If a phlegmatic person gets to work with tenacity and perseverance, having previously thought through everything down to the smallest detail, then a sanguine person will get down to business instantly. The result of their work will never be the same, and this is not a reason to offend one by comparing with another. Patience and love for your baby will help you choose the right path for his development.

How can you shape a child's character? First of all, focusing on the age-related characteristics of the baby’s psyche and following general pedagogical principles.

  • Play activity. The formation of the character of young children occurs in the process of a natural activity for them - play. The baby plays all the time, so there is no need to choose a separate time for classes. Hard work and responsibility can be developed without stress and effort, simply by entrusting the child with some simple homework. For example, caring for a potted plant can be turned into a fascinating continuation of your favorite fairy tale.
  • Lessons with a teacher. A great way to develop character is to participate in a section or club. It is not necessary to take your child to ten studios. Even one club will require from him such qualities as responsibility, dedication, discipline, especially when the time comes to attend classes on his own, without parental accompaniment.
  • Defining boundaries. From the first days of learning about the world, children test its boundaries. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child in time what is possible and what is not, and then firmly and consistently follow the established rules. You don’t need to think that prohibitions and restrictions are always bad. On the contrary, they make life easier for the baby.
  • The leading role of parents. A significant adult will do more for a child than the most correct book. This requires parents to take more responsibility for themselves, but it will pay off handsomely. Therefore, parents must be extremely demanding, first of all, of themselves, and set only a good example.
  • Group parenting. Sociability or isolation, the ability to make friends and share - all these traits are a consequence of the interaction skills of children in a group. And here the role of adults is paramount. They are the ones who should guide the child along the path of proper upbringing. Over time, the simplest rules of communication will become the basis for the formation of other character traits: responsibility, determination.
  • Creating educational conditions for character formation. Consolidating a skill through constant repetition is the way to develop stable behavioral traits.

The way a child acts, how he solves the problems that arise before him, where his attention is focused, reveals the characteristics of his character. Rudeness and tactfulness, politeness and unceremoniousness, determination or lack of initiative - all these traits are determined by upbringing.

People have always been interested in what traits nature has endowed them with and what other people might be like. Due to the fact that communication is always the interaction of at least two people, this is not an idle question at all. And it would be nice to understand who is in front of you, especially if it is your loved one, and especially a child.

This article will help you better understand your own character traits and the distinctive character traits of your child, so that the process of upbringing and relationships in the family bring joy.

So, we have 8 main types:

In the “bad” version, a child of this type can grow into a selfish schemer, a careerist who stops at nothing. In childhood and adolescence, this type of child may be prone to “bullyism” (systematic bullying of the “victim” at school, in the yard, etc.). When raising such a child It is important to choose an activity for him that would give him the opportunity to stand out; this could be some kind of individual (and not group!) sport. Such a child must be taught to care about others, understand others, and take into account the feelings of other people. This type of children must be taught empathy; nature has not endowed them with this quality. It is also very important to teach a child to manage his emotions, i.e. control your emotions and be able to “discharge” in a socially acceptable manner. To implement such a parenting strategy, it is necessary for parents to be calm but firm. This means they did not change their decision and did not succumb to the child’s provocations. It’s a big mistake to enter into confrontation with a child of this type of character! This is absolutely forbidden to do, because “the scythe will fall on the stone”!

To summarize, it should be noted that in life we ​​are unlikely to meet pure (one hundred percent) representatives of any type of character. Therefore, you may well find that you, your child or other loved ones have traits of different types. This is quite normal, the question is how pronounced the traits of a particular character are, how they manifest themselves. I wish you success in recognizing yourself and educating the younger generation!

A child's character traits begin to appear from a very young age. If several babies are placed in exactly the same conditions, each of them will behave differently. Parents must take into account the character traits of their child in order to choose the most suitable teaching method for him and choose an activity for the child in accordance with his abilities and personal characteristics. In total, there are 4 main character types - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Of course, they are almost never found in their pure form, but if parents take a closer look, they can understand what type their baby has. How to determine a child's character?

For example, if a child is strong, self-confident, energetic and enthusiastic, if he literally goes to great lengths to achieve his intended goal, then he is most likely a sanguine person. Such a child always and everywhere tries to be a leader; he loves to be in the center of attention. This is where the child’s hobbies should be directed. Perhaps a theater studio or group sports games will suit him. Mom and dad are usually always proud of their active son or daughter. BUT the parents of such a child very often forget to teach him hard work, responsibility and mutual respect. And this is sometimes so difficult for a sanguine person. And only if a child learns to cooperate with other people, respecting their interests and listening to their opinions, will his energy be directed in the right direction and he will become an excellent leader who will be trusted. Otherwise, he will remain the “soul of the party”, who simply will not be able to realize himself professionally due to his own laziness and unwillingness to make concessions.

The type of character known as choleric is very similar to a sanguine person. These are often very bright personalities, sometimes hot-tempered and unbalanced, but always inspired by new ideas. Such children certainly strive to win. But as soon as parents begin to rejoice at the child’s rapid success in his new hobby, the slightest drop completely disrupts his mood, and the child is ready to give up the chosen activity. But soon the old is replaced by a new one, and another, and so on endlessly.

Deep down, such children are very vulnerable and touchy. Therefore, parents should teach their child to cope with their negative emotions, to step over uncertainty and fear, not to be ashamed of falling and in some situations even to look worse than others (which is what choleric people are most afraid of), and most importantly, never give up. The child must learn to control his emotions, and then his rich inner world and enormous potential will find worthy use.

Unlike sanguine and choleric people, phlegmatic people are very calm and constant in their hobbies. Such children are thoughtful, slow, and judicious. They find it difficult to make a final decision. But their undoubted advantages are accuracy, perseverance and perseverance, all that is so lacking in sanguine and choleric people. In order for such positive character traits of the child to find worthy use, the parents of a phlegmatic person must teach the child to be more sociable and try to develop determination in him.

And finally, melancholic people. Such children are also slow and thoughtful, but among other things, they are also easily hurt. At first glance, it seems that a melancholic child is very vulnerable and is not able to achieve what he wants. Actually this is not true. If in the future such a person sets a goal for himself - to create a strong family, then his romanticism and sensitivity will help him become an ideal partner and caring parent. In addition, it is melancholic people who are best able to realize their creative potential, since they are distinguished by perseverance and scrupulousness.

Raising the character of a child in the family

Nurturing a child's character in a family largely depends on the parents. or daughter, be sure to take into account the child’s character traits, as well as his temperament. After all, all parents want their child to be both active and diligent, sociable and flexible, cheerful and reasonable. Now you understand that this does not happen. But you have the power to develop in your child the brightest traits of his character, while at the same time smoothing out his shortcomings. Try, and you will definitely succeed.

No matter how similar little children may seem, they all have their own, unique character, the most striking features of which appear already in the first years of a child’s life.

What determines a child's character?

The formation of a child's character does not happen overnight. It is greatly influenced by the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • upbringing;
  • parental behavior;
  • environment (kindergarten, school).

At the beginning of his life's journey, the baby has a clear example to follow - his beloved parents. He consciously and unconsciously copies their behavior, which is the only correct one for him. Later, when his social circle expands, the baby is surprised to realize that there are many other people in the world, big and small, who can behave completely differently, and he draws information from communicating with each of them.

Your baby's temperament

A child, even a one-year-old, is already a person. And he is characterized by a certain type of temperament, which is determined by his own characteristics of character and behavior, as well as the genetic predisposition of the child. As you know, there are four main types of human temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Let's find out what they are and how you can determine a child's temperament.

  1. Sanguine characterizes an open, kind disposition, the ability to easily endure failures, “lively” character, and energy. Most often, these are the leaders of the children's team; they grow into good leaders.
  2. Choleric child– very emotional, demanding, even aggressive. He is capable of being passionate about something, but if something doesn’t work out for him, he can flare up. Choleric is subject to frequent mood swings.
  3. Phlegmatic type of temperament is determined by such qualities as slowness, emotional stability, endurance. A phlegmatic person is often lazy, his facial expressions are inexpressive, and he takes a long time to get used to everything new.
  4. baby with melancholic temperament usually shy, vulnerable, unsure of himself. He is more difficult than others to adapt to new conditions, including the team. But at the same time he is prone to subtle emotional experiences, punctual and organized. Such children can achieve great success in creativity: music, painting, sculpture, poetry.

These four types of temperament rarely appear in their pure form. Most often, a child's temperament is mixed. At the same time, the traits inherent in “neighboring” types intersect: choleric/sanguine, phlegmatic/melancholic.

A child’s temperament is an innate property; it is very difficult, almost impossible to change. And parents need to come to terms with this, not suppress him, trying to adjust him “to themselves,” but only gently correct his behavioral reactions.

Raising the character of a child in the family

There are no absolutely “good” or “bad” types of temperament, and the character of each child exhibits both positive and negative traits.

Moral traits such as honesty, decency, tolerance, attention to others can and should be instilled in a child during the upbringing process. Of course, this largely depends on the character of the parents themselves.

A child acquires strong-willed character traits mainly through interactions with peers. At home, mom and dad can teach the child perseverance, desire for success, and determination in a playful way.

A difficult character, according to parents, in a child may imply both excessive emotionality, hot temper, and, conversely, tearfulness, frequent mood swings, and the habit of complaining. And although you cannot “change” a child, you can still try to change these character traits. This must be done gradually, patiently, and with sensitivity. Do not put pressure on your child, do not try to “break” him, do not abuse prohibitions and punishments.

You can find your own approach to each child, knowing the characteristics of his character. And even if your child is “difficult”, remember that he is still the most beloved!