Is it possible for relatives to be witnesses at a wedding? Responsibilities of a witness and signs associated with them. Is it possible for married people to be witnesses?

The witness is one of the main people at the wedding. The work of the witness is not always noticeable, but, believe me, she has many responsibilities, and without her participation the holiday could simply be ruined. Therefore, one of the most important decisions a bride needs to make is choosing a bridesmaid.

Choice of Witness

The witness, as a rule, is the bride's closest friend. The witness must know the bride's tastes very well and patiently endure her whims and mood changes.

But is it possible to take your sister as a witness? It would seem that who, if not the sister, knows the bride well? However, best friends and even sisters do not always have the qualities necessary to be a witness. Please note that the witness will have to resolve many organizational issues; she must also have business skills.

Is it possible to take your sister as a witness: folk signs

Folk signs play an important role in choosing a witness. Let's turn to them.

According to folk tradition, a young unmarried girl is chosen as a witness. A married witness is considered not entirely suitable, but recently this tradition is increasingly being violated.

But a divorced witness or widow is a bad sign for future newlyweds. Here comes my own sister, according to signs, this is not a very good sign. That's what the signs say, but it's up to you to decide.

Responsibilities of a witness

Before the wedding, the bridesmaid organizes a bachelorette party. The bride's friends will help her with this, but the main organizational work falls on the shoulders of the witness.

On the wedding day, the witness actively participates in the bride price; she must ensure that all the documents necessary for the wedding are not forgotten.

In her small handbag, the witness should have threads, needles, pins, a set of cosmetics for the bride, napkins, combs and pins for the bride’s hair, and nail polish. The bride's outfit and appearance must be impeccable - and this is the responsibility of the witness.

The main responsibility of the witness is to monitor the mood of the bride, groom and guests. She must maintain the bride’s good mood and ensure that she is not distracted by minor organizational issues. She can even take over part of the entertainment program if the guests suddenly get bored.

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The role of witnesses at a wedding:

Exemplary witnesses:

Cheerful congratulations from the witnesses:

The long-awaited moment has already arrived when your loved one finally realized that you are his destiny, having proposed marriage to you. At this moment, you magically transform from an ordinary girl into a bride, on whose fragile shoulders a lot rests.

Of course, you will need helpers in solving wedding hassles - and your first assistant should be the one who you entrust with the honorable role of groomsmen at the main celebration of your life! at the wedding. Who can be cast in this role, and who is not advisable?

The best man at the wedding could be...

Usually the bride's best friend. The girl who was next to you, supported you in difficult times and shared joy and sadness with you in half. But not every girl can be a boyfriend.

If you are going to get married, then it is recommended to take on the role of groomsman a girl who is taller than you, because she will have to hold the crown over your head for a long time - for a girl who is shorter than you, this task will be very problematic.

Who else can be a groomsman at a wedding? It is recommended to choose cheerful girls with a good sense of humor for the role of witness, since the groomsman at a wedding is the most active participant in competitions and an example for guests. If the witness sits silently in the corner, then everyone else will not dance or participate, and the wedding will be boring. We are sure you don't need this. A bridesmaid at a wedding is a good organizer and a tireless assistant to the bride. You definitely need to pay attention to these character traits.

Who shouldn't be your friend?

In our country, it is not customary to take a married woman as a witness (although in the West, for example, the marital status of a potential boyfriend plays absolutely no role). Also, few people take blood relatives as witnesses, although there is no direct prohibition on such a choice. In all countries of the world, it is not customary to take widows and divorced women as bridesmaids. This is considered to be a very bad omen.

We do not recommend taking an unpunctual friend or someone who is too forgetful as a witness, because the groomsman has a lot of responsibilities for us at the wedding, she is the right hand of the bride, so she has considerable responsibility. If you don’t want to be left without wedding glasses or delay your wedding reception because your girlfriend is late, then you shouldn’t ignore this advice of ours.

We also do not recommend choosing a girl who is used to always being the center of attention. Remember that on your wedding day there can only be one “star” of the holiday: you, the bride. Others should not dim your shine. Including a witness at a wedding.

Signs for a friend

It is considered a good belief if the groom wears a dress with a shade of gold, pink, blue or green. An excellent sign is if she is green, at least something. This promises happiness to a young family and good luck in financial matters. And also, according to folk superstitions, a friend must have something green (for example, a handkerchief) in order to later find herself a loving and good husband.

Another wedding sign suggests that the ideal groomsman is the one who has played this role for the first or second time. The third time is considered unsuccessful. They say that then the friend will still be looking for a husband for a long time. A best friend is a cousin or second cousin or a young relative (distant). In general, according to the same ancient wedding observations, the groomsman should be younger than the bride. Even a bit.

And the most important rule! A friend is the person whom the bride should trust 100% in everything and always. Remember this, dear brides, and then your choice will be thoughtful and correct.

Customs and rules changed, many wedding rituals and ceremonies fell into oblivion, and some were no longer taken seriously. So, today witnesses are not required at a wedding.

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Signs indicate that they should still be at the celebration. Moreover, without the faithful assistants of the bride and groom who perform organizational functions, it is difficult to imagine organizing a holiday.

The birth of a new family, as an important solemn event, is accompanied by a number of events that go back to ancient times. They are shrouded in a number of superstitions and signs, which have become sort of safety rules, a certain symbolic guarantee of a happy life. Therefore, during the wedding ceremony they try not to violate the prohibitions.

Why are there assistants at the celebration?

The custom of taking assistants has been known since the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. Have you noticed that they are dressed almost identically to the newlyweds? Just as solemnly beautiful. And there's a reason for that. If you believe in omens, a witness at a wedding, like a witness, is needed to confuse the evil spirits and prevent it from harming the new married couple.

According to English wedding rules, for these reasons, the newlyweds and witnesses still dress in the same outfit. But the practice of having several groomsmen was born in Rome as an attempt to prevent bride theft. This requirement for the ritual is even enshrined in the fundamental principles of Roman law (462 BC, Laws of the XII Tables).

In Ancient Greece, the best man and groomsman were dressed the same as the newlyweds, so that in the event of illness of the bride or groom, one of them could be replaced by witnesses. This backup option also worked if one of the spouses suddenly changed their decision to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen. In order for the family line to continue, the holiday must take place in any case, so witnesses were then selected who were physically healthy and attractive to both newlyweds.

In Rus', the groom accompanied the bride to the marriage bed. And her girlfriends sang ritual songs, dressed her up, and accompanied her throughout the holiday. In Rus', the boyar (friend) performed many functions that have remained with him to this day. This includes direct participation during matchmaking, conducting the bride's ransom, and responsibility for entertainment and wedding treats at the wedding. Helpers, as a rule, were close or trusted people.

Guardians of marriage

Witnesses are usually friends of the newlyweds. They take on the entire burden of organizational issues throughout the wedding. . If the groom can hesitate, then the boyar never does. There is a joke about this about a speculator witness who bought the bride and immediately resold her.

So, the witnesses:

  • main advisers during the selection of outfits and accessories for the bride and groom;
  • decorate the newlyweds' cortege;
  • are responsible for and;
  • monitor the appearance of the bride and groom;
  • actively participate in the celebration.

They try to follow popular observations and advice on selecting a boyar and cronies, but not quite strictly.

Wedding planner

When choosing witnesses, try to choose responsible people with an excellent sense of humor, public speaking and organizational skills.

Elena Sokolova

Fortune Teller

It’s good if the groomsman or groomsman have previously been witnesses at a wedding. But people advise performing this role no more than twice. The third wedding should be your own.

Tamara Solntseva

The ideal best man and groomsman - how to choose

The right groomsman is a godsend for the bride. After all, it is she who guarantees that the newlywed will be protected from unnecessary hassle. Let's look at the list below of signs on how to choose a witness for a wedding.

  • her dress should be light shades: gold, cream, pink, blue, but not white or black;
  • she shouldn't be a widow: There is no sign that a married witness to a wedding is a bad thing, the main thing is that her husband is alive.
  • she must be younger, at least for a day and have different names with the bride;
  • she shouldn't wait for a baby: today people treat superstition in two ways, and do not refuse their best friend to be a witness at a celebration because of their interesting position;
  • she needs to not be related to the bride, even very distant ones, and do not stand near the mirror in front of the bride;
  • she, in order to marry successfully later, should make some kind of accessory for the newlywed, which she will wear to the wedding ceremony.

In addition, there are the following signs on how to choose witnesses for a wedding:

  • An unmarried couple. As the signs say, married witnesses at a wedding are not good. However, it is a good sign if they get married later.
  • The people's categorical veto of being witnesses is imposed on divorced people.

Required actions for assistants

During a wedding, folk signs and superstitions oblige witnesses to perform the following actions.

  • The groomsmen hems the hem of the bride's dress with threads to prevent the evil eye and pins a pin for good luck.
  • Under the threshold of the groom's house, the witness places an open lock. After the newlywed has transferred his wife, he closes it and gives it to the newlyweds, and throws away the key.
  • Go everywhere first in front of the newlyweds, so that no one and nothing can cross their path.
  • Prepare a white thread in case one of the newlyweds drops the wedding ring.
  • Keep an empty box or cushion for the rings after the couple puts them on each other.
  • Witnesses shout, “Sweet!” while others chant, “Bitter!”
  • Kiss at the end of the wedding reception. This is how they insure the young and take upon themselves the possible negativity of someone present.

When hemming the hem and pinning the pin, the groomsman must be extremely careful and not prick anyone, otherwise the bridesmaid will have an unhappy personal life.


Signs about witnesses at a wedding, like any other, come true if you believe in them. They have become the tool through which loved ones and guests try to make every moment of the wedding perfect. And yet they are not as important as everyone used to think. After all, the main guarantee of a happy life will always be the mutual love of spouses.

Witnesses at a wedding are the main assistants of the bride and groom. That is why it is customary to trust this honorable position only to the closest and most beloved friends, on whom you can count always and everywhere, in any situation.

What do witnesses do at a wedding and are they needed at all? We will talk about this, as well as what future witnesses need to be prepared for, in our article.

Are witnesses needed at a wedding?

Civil registry offices no longer require signatures of witnesses for marriage. Does this mean that there is no need for witnesses? Not really.

Witnesses are still important at a wedding, they just now have a slightly different role.

Newlyweds have the right to decide for themselves whether to invite witnesses to their wedding. But how can one not share such a joyful day with close friends who have been there for so many years both in sorrow and in joy?

Why are witnesses needed at a wedding?

Witnesses at a wedding are actually the main organizers. They prepare bachelor and bachelorette parties, help with decorations and preparations for weddings, monitor the mood of the newlyweds and ensure that everything goes according to plan.

How to choose witnesses?

Selecting witnesses is not an easy task. You need to choose not just a close friend, but a very responsible person who can help you from the moment you begin preparing the holiday until its completion.

It is customary to take only unmarried and unmarried people as witnesses.

If the witness is in a relationship, make sure his/her partner is okay with it. Or take a couple as witnesses!

The list of ways a witness can help the bride is quite long. But don’t be alarmed, this is an approximate list of responsibilities; they can always be redistributed between friends, sisters, mother and other relatives, or transferred to the wedding planner.

  1. The maid of honor is the bride's main assistant in preparation. This does not mean taking all the troubles upon yourself, but rather providing moral support to the bride. Listen, give advice, go to the salon together and choose a dress.
  2. The bridesmaid is having a bachelorette party before the wedding.
  3. The bridesmaid helps the bride get dressed and looks good.
  4. The witness must look good herself!
  5. The ransom, if planned, is also carried out by a witness. Accordingly, the preparation of the ransom is included in her responsibilities.
  6. The witness must check whether the newlyweds have forgotten to take their passports and rings to the registry office.
  7. After the ceremony at the registry office, when the guests congratulate the newlyweds, the witness takes flowers and gifts from the bride’s hands. The same applies to the beginning of the banquet, when guests give gifts to the newlyweds.
  8. The witness should come to help the bride in difficult times. For this you will need it for all occasions - if your dress gets dirty/torn, mascara runs, a stocking tears, etc., etc.
  9. During the walk, take pictures with the young people and lead the rest of the guests.
  10. The witness and the witness are one of the main characters at the holiday. The presenters pay special attention to them and often invite them to participate in competitions and dances. Therefore, the witness should be careful with alcohol, so as not to be ashamed to watch the video from the wedding later.
  11. From the beginning to the end of the holiday, the main task of the witness is to remind the bride that she is the best! So that the holiday remains joyful under any circumstances.

The witness also has many wedding responsibilities.

  1. The witness participates in the wedding preparations. At a minimum, in the form of moral support for the groom. Believe me, they are no less worried than the brides!
  2. The best man is throwing a bachelor party before the wedding.
  3. If the groom picks up the bride in a car, then decorating this car is the responsibility of the witness.
  4. If there is a ransom at the wedding, the witness goes through all the tests along with the groom. It’s also worth preparing for this.
  5. Before leaving for the registry office, check the availability of passports and rings.
  6. The witness must have a supply of money with him (in small bills). This is in case you have to buy something or pay for something. Situations are different.
  7. Don't get drunk! The only thing worse than a drunk witness at a wedding is a drunk groom. Together with the witness, the witness will have to actively participate in the banquet, dances and competitions. Therefore, you need to control yourself.

Being a witness or witness is very responsible and honorable. This indicates. that the newlyweds really trust you. Therefore, the wedding day must be held in such a way that everyone remembers it as a bright, cheerful and joyful event!

Today, wedding traditions are so diverse that you can easily get confused in them. And among the most important questions for couples who have decided to legalize their relationship is whether witnesses are needed when registering a marriage.

What are the legal regulations?

According to existing legislation, the presence of witnesses when registering a civil act - the birth of a new family - is not at all necessary. After 2000, this is just a simple tribute to existing traditions. Previously, they had to leave their signature next to the signatures of the spouses. Without this, the document could not enter into legal force.

Now only both newlyweds should be present at the wedding ceremony in person. The presence of witnesses is not specified, and their absence is not an obstacle to concluding a marriage.

It is worth noting that the presence of witnesses even at a non-solemn registration of marriage is very practical. They are the ones who can protect future spouses from a variety of everyday and psychological worries.

For example, witnesses are instructed to ensure that all required documents are taken to the registry office, and that wedding rings, the bride’s bouquet, champagne and other attributes of the celebration are not forgotten.

Who to choose as witnesses

If lovers decide on the need for witnesses to be present at the time of marriage, they are advised to take into account some nuances:

  • It is allowed to take only people who have reached the age of majority as witnesses;
  • the choice can fall on almost any person;
  • this wedding office does not impose any legal obligations;
  • the only restriction is that the groom has a male witness and the bride has a female witness;
  • The presence of distinctive signs is not at all necessary; however, most often, their clothes have ribbons with special inscriptions.

Almost always, this solemn role - to provide moral and psychological assistance on the wedding day - goes to either relatives or friends of the young couple. Since the procedure is always very exciting, such support is never superfluous.

However, if future spouses choose a simplified form of legitimizing their relationship, it should be taken into account that if the marriage is not solemnly registered, the registry office employees may not let anyone in except the future spouses.

Some people believe that witnesses should not be married themselves. But these are just prejudices. The main thing is that they get along successfully with each other and not be distracted from the main heroes of the occasion. On the contrary, they set the right example for future spouses with their strong family relationships.

What is the role of witnesses

The usual procedure for registering a marriage is that the couple comes to the marriage department on the day assigned to them and receives a certificate there after signing the documents: they are now husband and wife. However, no additional conditions are required.

The ceremonial registration is different in that everything happens in a special festive atmosphere. It is she who makes this day stand out from a series of gray everyday life, making it memorable both for those getting married and for all invited guests.

For this wedding celebration, the indispensable attributes will be the elegant hall of the Wedding Palace, the exchange of rings, bright photographs, and the presence of witnesses.

It is quite possible to get by with only one of the witnesses, or without them at all. As a rule, there are two of them at a wedding - from both sides. This is just a tribute to tradition. Then, in fact, they have an important role to play in the wedding celebration, they have many responsibilities:

  • manage the bride's ransom procedure;
  • monitor the clarity of the convoy of vehicles participating in the festive drives around the city;
  • be responsible for the availability of all necessary documents and wedding rings;
  • resolve all minor troubles and problems that arise during the ceremony;
  • helping the bride with the train of her dress or cleaning up stains that suddenly appeared on the groom’s jacket;
  • take an active part in all entertainment events;
  • assist guests with proper placement in the wedding hall and then at the banquet.

And this is not a complete list of what trustees on the part of those getting married have to do. Thus allowing them to enjoy the holiday organized in their honor.

And a few more nuances about witnesses

As many have already concluded from all of the above, witnesses at a wedding have many responsibilities. In addition, their presence gives the marriage registration procedure more solemnity and a kind of symbolism.

And for some, nominating friends as witnesses at a wedding is just a way to get away from everyday problems. It is recommended to decide on their presence in advance, at the stage of submitting an application to the registry office. There are no legislative enforcement measures in this regard.

But choosing the “right” witnesses is very important. Typically, these people should have excellent communication and organizational skills.

But when a person is chosen as a couple, it is better to notify him in advance - in case he is leaving on a long business trip or he has his own plans for the expected date of the celebration.

The success of the wedding itself largely depends on how correctly the choice of witnesses was made. After all, these people will have to communicate with the couple’s relatives, their friends, and colleagues invited to the holiday. At the same time, have time to communicate with the service staff at the banquet, as well as morally support the newlyweds on this exciting day for them.

The best option is to jointly select prospective witnesses for the wedding and plan with them all the details of the future celebration:

  • discuss essential roles and responsibilities;
  • analyze all the details of the wedding - competitions, bride price, ceremony in the wedding department;
  • express wishes on the part of the bride and groom;
  • make sure that all the nuances are understood and taken into account, there will be no “undesirable” moments.

If a church wedding is also planned, then the selected witnesses may well act as wedding best men, but they must know about it and be baptized.

In general, the issue of the presence of witnesses when registering a marriage is extremely important, and it is better to address it in advance - best of all, at the stage of deciding on the need to legalize the relationship.