Leather wedding traditions. How to celebrate a leather anniversary

So, your life together in an official marriage has come to a special date. You've been together for three years! And you, of course, may have a question: “3 years - what kind of wedding is this, how to congratulate each other, what gifts are customary to give on such special, themed dates, how to receive guests, what to serve on the table and much more.”


Of course, it’s worth starting with the fact that at three years old the wedding is called a leather one. And, consequently, the entire theme of your celebration will be based on leather products. They should be in everything.

Namely, at this wedding, leather should have the following elements:

  • gifts that guests will come with.
  • gifts from the heroes of the occasion for each other.
  • decoration of the premises where the celebration will be planned.
  • dress code for those present.
  • and even in the script of the host of the celebration, there should be jokes about a leather wedding and the connection of the material with the celebration.

History of appearance

How exactly the concept of celebrating 3 years of marriage arose - history has its own explanations. This meaning exists in the field of psychology of family life. It is believed that living together for three years since the wedding is the true test of their relationship for spouses, and this period is rightly called difficult. Until this time, the newlyweds looked closely at each other, discovered themselves, and adapted.

And having managed to overcome the milestone within this period, they become pliable and more tolerant of each other. And like skin, their relationship is now strong and can be stretched and directed wherever they want. We have already dealt with the concept of when spouses live for three years and what kind of wedding this is. What exactly can you give if you are invited to a three-year anniversary as a guest?

What to give

Firstly, the items necessary for everyone will be successful. Good items: leather bags, belts, clutches, shoes, clothes. From wardrobe elements and various little things - there can be selected beautiful wallets, organizers, even key rings. Of course, if you have such an opportunity, a chic gift for such a wedding would be luxurious leather furniture: armchairs, sofas, chairs. Of course, the choice depends on the financial capabilities of the guest, but no matter what you ultimately purchase, the main thing is that this gift will be presented with soul.

If you are married, what should you give?

The years of life together are gaining momentum. 3 years have passed, what wedding could be complete without a celebration, and even more so without gifts for each other. After all, signs of attention from your significant other are more valuable than all other gifts.

The fact that the wedding theme is leather, don’t let it bother you, because in addition to leather goods (clothes, purses, bags, furniture), there are plenty of other options that can please your lover. For example:

  • traveling for two;
  • spa treatments;
  • romantic evening;
  • or at your discretion.
The main thing to remember is that this date is the 3rd wedding anniversary. Whatever the wedding, it is not necessary to adhere to strict rules when it comes to gifts. A necessary and long-awaited gift for a spouse is the best choice.

Festive table

What kind of wedding after 3 years of marriage can go uncelebrated? After all, this is only the beginning of life together, the beginning of relationships and the construction of a real family stronghold. Therefore, dishes on the table and traditions associated with this date should be approached responsibly.

The main thing that should be present on the table is a rye loaf, just like at a wedding, the first piece of which should be eaten by the husband. Also, for a leather wedding, the wife should bake shortbread cookies in the shape of animals. After all, they help provide every family with everything they need - food and clothing (leather products). Also, each spouse should eat a red fruit, as a symbol of undying love preserved from the wedding.


According to tradition, the ringleader at your wedding should be a witness. It is his responsibility to create a cheerful and friendly atmosphere.. Throughout the evening, he must sparkle with jokes, which, according to the theme, should be related to the life of the newlyweds.

In addition, throughout the program, one must not forget to use the element of leather goods (in comparisons, backgrounds, etc.). But, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have perky and cheerful witnesses. In this case, the invited presenter will be able to cope with the task no worse. This option for a leather wedding is also acceptable.

Dress code

As mentioned earlier, at a leather wedding, leather should be present everywhere. Including the clothes of invited guests and the spouses themselves. You don’t have to completely dress up in leather biker jackets and combat boots and turn this wedding into a biker rally. However, adding elements of leather goods to your outfits will not be difficult.

These could be leather gloves, handbags, inserts on a jacket or trousers. Also, leather shoes are perfect here. Therefore, you should warn all your guests in advance about the theme of the celebration, in order to avoid misunderstandings or other possible surprises.

Hall decoration

Don’t forget that when celebrating a leather wedding, the interior of the hall where you are going to celebrate the event should also correspond to the stated theme. It would be appropriate to make leather crafts, various stands or decorations for interior elements.

You can host your wedding in a room where the furniture will be all leather! This will certainly make things easier. But you can also invite a professional celebration designer and entrust this mission to him - the choice is yours. Agree to accept congratulations in a beautiful interior is much more pleasant.

But in any case, remember - this is your day and any decision you make regarding all elements of the celebration is your legal right. Therefore, enjoy this day and have a great celebration!

Spouses always ask questions when 3 years have passed since the wedding - what kind of wedding awaits them, what gifts to give for it and how to celebrate it. Popularly, the 3rd anniversary of the mutual life of two people in marriage is called a leather wedding. The reason for this was the peculiarities of married life during this period.

The first 2 years are considered rosy and relaxed, and ahead of the spouses lies a more serious test of the strength of the relationship. 3 years from the wedding day is precisely that transitional period when relationships gradually become denser, but at the same time contradictions in views, disagreements and a test of loyalty appear.

According to psychologists, at the age of 3, married life begins to undergo more significant tests, as a result of which the couple develops their own views on life, their own worldview.

We already know what the three-year wedding anniversary is called, and it’s time to move on to more interesting questions.

Why leather?

When 3 years of marriage have passed, a young couple can safely celebrate an unusual anniversary called a leather wedding. And it got that name for a reason. There are several reasons why the 3rd anniversary of marriage should be celebrated like a leather one.

Leather is an elastic material that has the ability to stretch lengthwise, crosswise, and diagonally.

In other words, the skin can be given any desired shape. If you take good care of it and properly, it acquires a beautiful glow. If you stretch unevenly and too much, the material will burst in those places where the layer is thinner, and in other parts or immediately over the entire surface it may crack.

The plasticity of the skin also symbolizes the quality of the relationship between spouses after 3 years of marriage.

The third wedding anniversary also fits this description. On the one hand, family relationships have already acquired certain views and everyday order. But on the other hand, married life is still filled with ambiguities, questions that the couple has not yet encountered. The union of two people is no longer as shaky as it was during the calico wedding, that is, after 1 year, but it is also not as strong as during the 10-year period of married life.

Therefore, a married couple in their three years of marriage begins to polish their relationship, as they say, “to a shine,” to fill it with life experience, gradually stretching it and giving it a certain shape.

There is a second reason why three years of marriage acquire the status of leather. Here skin is no longer meant as a material, but as human flesh that feels. With the 3rd wedding anniversary, complete mutual understanding appears between husband and wife: they know secrets in sexual and everyday terms, they feel the other half well. For more information about anniversary gifts, watch this video:

That is, they learned to feel with their skin and became even closer to each other than in the first years of their married life.

Customs and traditions on the eve of the holiday

A leather wedding, like any other, has special beliefs, traditions and signs. And even when the spouses are not going to celebrate their anniversary, it will be better if they follow certain rules at this time.

Before the anniversary, it is worth paying off all debts and doing a thorough cleaning of the house.

How to celebrate an anniversary:

  1. On the eve of the wedding day, the couple should repay all their debts.
  2. Be sure to clean the house: wash the floors, wipe the glass of windows, cabinets and mirrors. Do a thorough cleaning in the corners of the rooms, as this is where negative energy accumulates.
  3. If you have dishes in your home that are cracked or broken, they should be thrown away. Such objects symbolize relationships in which cracks may soon appear. All items that bring bad luck should also be thrown away.
  4. 2 - 3 days before the wedding day, the wife, alone or together with her husband, must bake from any dough figures of animals that provide people with food: goose, cow, duck, chicken. Pets symbolize wealth, abundance and profit in the home.

When the wedding anniversary of 3 years comes, not only relatives, but also neighbors and all those with whom the husband and wife are friends are invited to the spouses’ house.

They should come not only to congratulate the couple on their wedding day, but also to help set the table and decorate the festive room.

All guests should give the wife and husband remarkable items that are not in the spouses' home. But this rule is not mandatory, but desirable.

Signs and celebration of the “leather” anniversary

Traditionally, a simple bread soup is served on the table on the 3rd wedding anniversary. It is prepared from ordinary meat broth, to which pieces of rye bread are then added.

This soup symbolizes the close bond formed between spouses over 3 years of marriage and friendships with loved ones.

But before putting in pieces of rye bread, the husband and wife must be the first to break off a piece and eat it in front of all the guests. Only after this can the celebration begin.

Traditionally, a simple bread soup and apples are served on the third anniversary.

Bread soup can be replaced with a red apple or any other fruit of this color. Marriage is based on friendly and passionate love, the red color symbolizes sincerity, devotion and passion. Therefore, before the start of the celebration, spouses can eat the red fruit in front of the guests.

If one of the relatives was unable to attend the feast, or, for example, a man is at work that day, they need to send them several red fruits.

There is also a natural sign: if it rains or there are clouds in the sky on the day of the 3rd anniversary, then failures and a difficult fate will await the married couple. To neutralize the effect of this sign, the spouses must throw a handful of rye over their heads.

On the wedding anniversary, the wife needs to be careful in choosing jewelry. On the day of celebration, you should not wear jewelry with pearls, as it symbolizes failure and tears. It is best to celebrate a leather wedding outdoors, if the weather permits. If it is not possible to spend time with relatives and friends in the courtyard or in the park, then it is best to choose a wooden room for the ceremony.

Decorations inside should be made from natural materials, preferably leather.

The theme of the holiday is closely related to nature, so in addition to bread soup, pork or beef, vegetable salads and red wine should be served on the table. As for entertainment, you can come up with any program with moving competitions for the holiday. If there is a dance party, the spouses must perform the first and last dance together.

What to give for a leather wedding

You need to think in advance about what to give your wife, husband or couple for their 3rd wedding anniversary. The cost and value of a gift depends on who gives it.

It doesn’t have to be a very expensive thing, the main thing is that it is given with soul.

Not only the guests, but also the spouses themselves think about what to give and how to present a surprise. After all, a husband and wife can give separate gifts or join forces and give themselves a common gift.

The range of leather goods is quite wide, so guests will not have difficulty choosing gifts

When a leather wedding is celebrated, no matter how many years the couple lived together before the wedding, a gift for the third anniversary should be given symbolically and corresponding to the name of the holiday. They say that after 3 years of marriage, a married couple, like a living organism, grows skin that connects the two spouses into one. This is one of the interpretations of the 3-year anniversary.

But in Europe, particularly in France and Germany, such an anniversary is associated with wheat, which is why it is called a wheat wedding.

Since the wedding 3 years ago could have already been forgotten, during this time feelings could have grown into everyday problems, on a leather anniversary it is best to make a surprise that could inject a fresh stream into the relationship. Firstly, do not forget to prepare congratulations for your wife or husband on their 3rd wedding anniversary. Secondly, it is best to present a wedding present in something original and unusual to please the other half. For more information about the gift, watch this video:

The gift itself for a leather wedding does not have to be made of leather. For example, if the giver is unsure of his choice, he can present a gift card to an unusual store or fashion boutique. You can give a lady a certificate to a beauty salon or SPA center, and a man can get a Thai or any other massage.

You can also invite your loved one to go on an interesting trip together.

3 years is a leather wedding and on this significant day guests can give the couple everything that is made of leather or leatherette. There are no particularly strict criteria for choosing a gift. The main thing is that it is a pleasant and good surprise. Next we will talk about what to give separately to a husband or wife for a leather wedding, if we are talking specifically about leather items.

Gifts for women

A husband must please his wife with a pleasant gift. For a leather wedding, you can give your wife accessories, a bag or shoes made of leather. This does not have to be something that relatives and friends usually give as gifts, because they do not know all the interests of the lady.

But it will be easy for the spouse to choose an interesting and unusual gift for his beloved.

For example, modern women have long been using such an unusual accessory as a sword belt in their looks. This item is made of leather and can be ideal as a gift for a young woman.

These are the gifts that husbands or holiday guests traditionally give to a lady on her 3rd anniversary:

The main thing to remember is that ladies love romance and action. It is best to present a gift in an unusual and pleasant environment for her.

Gifts for a man

The reason for a leather gift can be not only a leather wedding, but also any other holiday. Any items made from high-quality leather with neat finishing are suitable as a real men's gift, since this material is associated with hunting.

When artificial leather had not yet been invented in the world, belts, boots, and jackets were made from real leather.

Now it is valued much more, so you don’t have to think for a long time about what to give your husband for his 3rd wedding anniversary, because it must be something leather, high quality and useful.

Try to choose gifts based on the man’s interests

A gift for a husband for a leather wedding can consist of one item or a whole set:

  • purse, purse and briefcase or men's leather bag;
  • a case for a camera and an electronic cigarette or some of your husband’s gadgets;
  • belt, gloves and hat or boots;
  • high-quality watch with a strap made of high-quality material and a lighter in a leather frame;
  • jacket or blazer, sweater with leather inserts, for example, on the elbows;
  • a business card holder or key holder, a case for glasses and an unusual keychain for car keys;
  • even if any wedding is celebrated - three years or more, the athlete husband will be pleased to receive attributes for his hobby made of leather, for example, boxing gloves or a case for a tennis racket;
  • covers for car seats, an organizer for a sun visor, a leather toy for the windshield.

If a purse or wallet is chosen as a gift, you should put any bill inside that will contribute to your husband’s income and financial growth. And most importantly, be sure to include congratulations to your husband from the bottom of your heart. Although men do not show it with their appearance, they really value words of recognition from the woman they love.

When 3 years of marriage pass, what kind of wedding it is and what to call it correctly doesn’t really matter that much anymore. But it is very important during this period to show each other more passion, love, respect and trust. 3 years of marriage is a period when the relationship between husband and wife is just beginning to strengthen.

Congratulations on a leather wedding

Any gift is accompanied by congratulations in oral or written form; wishes can be conveyed in prose or poetry.

If there is no special card for your 3rd wedding anniversary, then you can make it yourself from thick paper or even leather.

But basically, for such a date, standard postcards are taken, because the main thing in them is what is written inside. Congratulations on the leather wedding - 3 years, become an occasion for new declarations of love and support for the spouses in various endeavors. For an example of congratulations, see this video:

Such verbal wishes can be:

Such congratulations will be pleasant to receive both for the husband or wife separately, and for both spouses. Congratulations can be conveyed verbally by presenting a gift, or left in a postcard along with the gift. But the most interesting thing will be if you congratulate your spouse during a feast, when all wishes are supported by the general attention and support of the guests.

What to gift:

After three years of marriage, the young spouses celebrate a new anniversary - a leather wedding. The third anniversary is called that for a reason. Relationships are no longer paper thin like they were a year ago. They became stronger, more durable, just like real leather. This elastic, strong material is difficult to tear, spoil, or burn. That is why leather was chosen as a symbol of the third anniversary of family life.

It is believed that the spouses are used to being close and have united into a strong family. Their love cannot be broken, spoiled by stupid quarrels and insults. Feelings still shine, sparkle, painted in bright colors. Skin also has these properties: it shines, if you take care of it, and has a variety of shades. In addition, it is strong, durable, and this is exactly what a strong marriage should be.

A leather wedding is an excellent occasion to gather loved ones at home and sit in warm company. The anniversary is still small, it’s a long wait until five years of marriage, but you can already take a walk from the heart. How many guests to invite and how to celebrate this date depends only on desire. The spouses must set the table, decorate the house, and the guests must prepare congratulations on the anniversary and choose what to give. The rest depends on your mood and intentions.

Traditions and customs of a leather wedding

A leather wedding is rich in ancient customs and traditions. Here are the main ones:

  • When meeting guests at the door, spouses must say “Welcome” to everyone. How many people come, so many times it must be said.
  • You definitely need to put a tall rye loaf on the table. Having gathered everyone at the table, the husband and wife must eat a slice in front of everyone. This should bring wealth, replenishment.
  • If it rains at least once during this day, family life will be successful, happy, and will last for many years.
  • You need to break old glassware at random, trying to get three large fragments - this will bring happiness. From this day on, you should use only good dishes, throwing away any chipped or cracked ones.
  • Previously, the meal began with bread soup, crumbling pieces of bread into a plate. Nowadays it is customary to eat one red apple together, demonstrating closeness and close connection with everyone.
  • Guests should give the spouses souvenirs or leather items and prepare beautiful congratulations on their anniversary.
  • A husband and wife should ask each other for forgiveness in the morning for quarrels and scandals. The anniversary should begin with a good mood and forgiveness of grievances.
  • The presenters at the third anniversary of marriage should be former witnesses. Their concern is to make everyone happy again and read out congratulations.
  • A leather wedding anniversary suggests that everyone will be dressed in leather and have leather jewelry or accessories.

Requirements for treats and home decoration

Before welcoming guests, accepting congratulations and gifts, spouses are required to decorate the room and set the table. The wife in advance, even before the anniversary, must clean up, prepare the hall, outfit, and create a menu for the anniversary.

Here are the basic requirements for celebrations, treats and attire:

  • at the holiday, spouses and guests should be dressed in leather clothes, even beads or belts, shoes are enough;
  • You should order or buy in advance a rye loaf, red apples, a cake with “Happy Anniversary” written on it;
  • the anniversary presupposes the presence of leather items and jewelry in the interior;
  • there should be red wine on the table, at least three bottles, the main dish of the day is prepared for the anniversary from meat;
  • in the middle of the table it is worth lighting three candles according to the number of years of marriage;
  • Among the treats, you should definitely buy cookies, candies in the form of figures or images of animals - they are also considered symbols of living together after three years of marriage;
  • all windows, mirrors, dishes must be washed in advance and wiped until shiny;
  • If you have any leather items or pieces of furniture at home, you should place them in plain sight in the living room.

Gift ideas for a leather wedding

A leather wedding is called so because of its symbol - soft and durable leather. Therefore, gifts should be chosen taking this material into account. You can give a completely leather item or find a product with straps, laces, and leather details. It doesn’t matter how much the product costs - you can choose a variety of souvenirs. The main thing is that they please the spouses for many years and remind them of the third anniversary of their marriage.

The anniversary of marriage three years after the registration of the relationship obliges the spouses to celebrate this date in an interesting way. It is necessary to prepare small gifts and congratulations for each other in advance. What kind of wedding has come - such should be the gift.

A husband can give his wife for their marriage anniversary:

  • leather gloves, handbag, fashionable wallet or purse;
  • a bright belt for a dress or trousers;
  • a notebook with a leather cover;
  • jewelry made from pieces of this material, beads, earrings, bracelet;
  • watch with leather strap;
  • a camera in a case to take as many family photos as possible;
  • slippers, sandals in the warm season;
  • a travel or traveling suitcase that will serve her for many years;
  • a photo album in a thick cover to store photos from the anniversary later.

A wife can give her beloved husband for the anniversary of their marriage:

  • belt, boots, gloves;
  • fashionable stylish wallet;
  • glasses case;
  • notebook, diary with embossed cover;
  • car seat covers, steering wheel covers;
  • suitcase, bag, document folder.

Guests should also give symbolic gifts to the spouses. How many years have passed since the wedding and what the spouses' anniversary is - they know in advance from the invitation, so there are usually no problems with the choice.

Here are popular options for souvenirs and gifts from guests for 3 years of marriage:

  • wallets, belts, gloves, bags;
  • notebooks;
  • leather jewelry;
  • wall panels;
  • paired animal figurines from any materials;
  • car covers;
  • folders; covers for documents;
  • accessories and souvenirs.

Parents and relatives, having gathered in advance, can jointly buy a leather sofa or armchairs for the newlyweds, or furniture with leather inserts for the kitchen or bedroom.

Congratulations on the leather wedding to the spouses

Happy anniversary greetings to spouses for a leather wedding should sound poetic and solemn. It is worth remembering how many years they have been together, what a strong and friendly family they have. It would be useful to advise loving each other, being faithful, showing care, attention, and tenderness.

You can read out congratulations on your anniversary in verse, or make a solemn or cheerful toast to the newlyweds. The former witnesses should take care of the fun at the holiday; they are obliged to act as presenters. You can organize funny pranks, give spouses a test of the strength of their marriage, and present cool diplomas and leather medals.

All the traditions of a leather wedding are very symbolic; you can play with them in a modern way and supplement them with interesting competitions. The holiday should be made fun, complemented by music, dancing, comic games and good wishes. You should definitely wish the spouses love, fidelity, mutual understanding, and the birth of children. Each anniversary should be remembered for many years, delighting with memories and souvenirs.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

By the third anniversary, the characters had already grown in, responsibilities in the family had been distributed and life had been established. The couple lives and acts as a single organism; the spouses literally “feel each other through their skin.” Perhaps that is why the third year of the family union was given the name “leather” wedding.

It is believed that during this period of family life there is an emotional upsurge, the so-called second “honeymoon”, and therefore the union becomes even stronger, like skin.

But it is necessary to continue to take care of each other, because even the skin can tear. To preserve feelings, relationships in the family should be “lubricated” with understanding, “imbued” with love and not deprived of your attention.

Now we can give an exact answer to the question “A leather wedding is how many years?” Three years from the date of marriage.

In some countries, wheat and crystal (glass, crystal) are considered symbols of the third anniversary. Therefore, a wedding can be called a wheat or glass wedding.

How to spend

According to tradition, spouses should spend this day together, dressed in leather clothes and accessories. You need to put everything aside and devote time to each other, having a romantic breakfast, lunch or dinner.

If you like the idea of ​​​​celebrating the wheat date, you can wear clothes in a muted yellow tone (the color of wheat) or an accessory made of straw, decorate the house with wheat ears and wicker decorative elements.

Those who want to celebrate the glass anniversary can wear any clothes and decorate the room with glass and crystal details.

However, you can arrange a celebration by inviting guests. There are many options. For example, hold a celebration in a restaurant. Or you can come up with something unusual yourself, for example, an outing into nature, where you can have a great break from everyday life, relax and simply recharge with energy and positive emotions. Alternatively, you can rent a house in the suburbs somewhere in the village, where hay will serve as a romantic bed instead of a bed, and instead of a rather boring roof over your head there will be a starry sky. The holiday can be spent with a feast, dancing and music with some ethnic instruments, for example, a sopilka.

If you decide to celebrate your leather wedding with a little exotic flair, you can go on a trip and choose a hotel with an outdoor pool so you can have a romantic dinner overlooking the sunset.

Any of the celebration options should be captured in a photo by ordering a memorable photo session.


There are several traditions associated with celebrating the third wedding anniversary:

  • spouses must wear leather clothes, shoes, or at least accessories (belt, gloves, hairband, bow tie);
  • In order for the marriage to be strong on the day of the holiday, you need to get rid of debts, old things and cracked dishes. The dishes are broken in public, perhaps together with guests, to ward off evil spirits from the family’s abode;
  • it is important to work on the mental aspect: forget about all past grievances;
  • in order for happiness to always be present in the house, a loaf of bread must be placed on the table, and the first piece of it must be eaten by the head of the house;
  • In order for passion to always remain in your feelings, you need to eat one ripe fruit in the morning, and in the evening you should put red wine and meat dishes on the table;
  • to attract good luck and protect against the evil eye, the wife baked cookies in the form of animal figures and treated them to guests;
  • guests should come to the house with ruddy apples - symbols of fertility.

What to give each other

Well, now we know what kind of wedding is celebrated at 3 years old, it’s time to figure out what to give for such a date. Let's start with the gifts that the couple gives each other.

The most pleasant element of the holiday will be ceremonial gifts. They should be discreet, symbolic, but at the same time memorable.

It is desirable that they contain the symbol of the anniversary - leather. Gift options:

  • a diary or notebook with a leather cover;
  • an elegant notebook - useful in every home for recording recipes, important numbers or addresses;
  • slippers;
  • a watch with a leather strap will especially please your spouse;
  • a woman will like a gift in the form of an elegant bag;
  • tablet, camera or phone, dressed in a leather case.

Since the wedding is leather, you can please your body by going together for a massage, sauna or spa treatments. If the family has a car, then leather seat covers are suitable as a gift to the owner of the car. The third anniversary is an excellent reason to change furniture. If possible, you can buy a leather set.

You can make a present with your own hands. You can get ideas for it from the video:

Since a wedding is also called a glass wedding, spouses can exchange figurines or rings made of crystal or Murano glass. Or you can give each other straw hats - a useful accessory that will save you from the scorching rays of the sun on vacation.

Remember that the gift must be beautifully packaged, and the congratulations must be pleasant and unexpected.

Gifts for friends

Those invited to the celebration also have many options for gifts for spouses made from materials that are symbols of the wedding:

  • covers for portable equipment or multifunctional knives;
  • small bags;
  • gloves;
  • belts and straps;
  • purses and wallets;
  • key holders;
  • genealogy album;
  • handmade products - photo albums, boxes, alarm clocks, business card holders, notebooks, toys, hair jewelry, designer jewelry for women, etc.;
  • wall panel;
  • glass vase or dishes;
  • photo in crystal or engraving of a photograph in glass;
  • glass jar with wishes for spouses;
  • straw boxes, mirrors with wicker frames, straw decorative elements.

To surprise the heroes of the occasion, you can choose the following gifts:

  • a delicious and colorful cake for the 3rd wedding anniversary will be a present for both the spouses and their guests;
  • a bouquet of leather flowers will serve as an unusual decorative element;
  • video greeting or radio order;
  • a card with a poem for the couple;
  • congratulations posted on a banner on the streets of the city.

According to tradition, the process of presenting gifts is accompanied by sprinkling the spouses with rye grains so that their life will be prosperous and successful.

You need to make symbolic gifts not only for a wedding anniversary, but also for no reason. Surprise each other every day, arrange surprises and say nice words.

Several steps have already been taken in married life, the relationship has become strong. Similar conclusions can be drawn about the anniversary of three years of marriage, the name of which is “ leather wedding" She marks 3 years of marriage. As for the name, it speaks for itself. Leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less strong. Breaking skin is not easy, and neither is a relationship after three years of marriage. A husband and wife must present each other with leather goods or clothing. It is clear that gifts made from real leather are quite expensive. This emphasizes how dear the spouses are to each other. Invitees must also bring leather goods.

There is a second explanation for the name of this anniversary. It speaks not only about the strength of the relationship, but about the mutual understanding of the spouses, about the fact that they feel and feel each other well, or feel with their skin. Still, if the spouses spent three whole years together, it means that their intentions were serious, and the marriage is strong enough, like leather...

Three years flew by quickly,
It seems like just yesterday
You said in front of witnesses
The word “yes” to each other in the registry office.

And I congratulate you today
Happy anniversary to me.
I wish you well and happiness,
Throw away sadness and sadness!

I wish you joy, patience,
Always keep your love.
I want to be one
Understand and appreciate each other!

Three years together is your happiness,
Which you two created,
May your life become even more beautiful
Let your hearts always burn with fire!

I wish that every day is together
I gave you many bright moments,
So that souls sing joyful songs
And harmony has always reigned in your family!

Congratulations on making it past the 3 year mark. I wish your family life to be as strong and durable as the symbol of your anniversary, namely the skin. Let only good people knock on your house, let only pure thoughts surround you. I wish you not to lose mutual understanding and take care of your love. I wish you to live in support and prosperity. May the family atmosphere always be warm and lively, and happiness long lasting and constant.

Three years... Much or little?
And you have been together for a thousand days.
And this wedding is called leather
Or a three-year anniversary.

Let joy fill your soul.
And let another hundred years pass,
How do you complement each other?
We have reached peak heights.

And let the house be a full cup,
Let the children's voices ring.
Friends stop by more often
After all, your soul is lighter with them.

We wish you happiness and prosperity
And there are many bright days in life.
Lots of gifts made of leather
For your three year anniversary!

3 years of happiness and care,
3 years of passion and fire,
3 years of affection and attention,
3 years - strong family!

Like a first date
3 years have flown by
And the heart beats tremblingly,
Just like in the first weeks!

Studied in three years
You are good to each other.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy small anniversary.

To this leather wedding
We wish you a life without troubles.
Your life will be happy.
To you - love for many years!

I hasten to congratulate you on your leather wedding
And leave a lot of wishes:
So that you don’t have to wear leatherette,
And only flaunt in leather all my life.
May there be prosperity in your life
And there is harmony and order in relationships,
Full cup, health, success,
Children's cheerful and joyful laughter.
So that later the grandchildren can come in a crowd
Golden congratulations on your wedding.

Happy leather wedding, happy three-year union!
I wish you to share your whole life with each other,
Support, hold hands tightly,
Cherish and appreciate so as not to experience separation.

My dears, let everything be great,
A long-lasting family, a good fate,
Love will not wither and passion will not fade away,
Boundless, pure, bright happiness!

Let it be strong like leather
Your special union.
Let the star illuminate the sky,
Gives the inviolability of family ties.
Hand in hand, you are always near,
And happiness will be your reward,
Spring warmth is a joy.
Keep the alliance from all others,
Like the sun in earth's orbit.
It will be record strong,
Illuminated with success, happiness and good fortune.

Three years together is a long time,
Three-year-old wine is intoxicating,
We already know each other well,
Already two hearts beat as one.

And there are so many happy years ahead,
May joy fill every day,
After all, your anniversary, leather wedding -
Family life is only the third stage.

We wish you a happy journey
In love, in agreement, go through everything,
To the joy of everyone to raise heirs,
We value each other more than gold.