Urinals and vessels for bedridden patients. Rules and use of a bedpan for bedridden patients Enameled or stainless steel bedpans

How to choose a bedpan for bedridden patients - expert advice

The disease is merciless. A complex fracture or serious illness can put a person in bed for a long time.

Recovery depends not only on correctly selected and timely treatment, but also on careful care.

A lying person is helpless. Many things that previously seemed natural and simple turn into problems. One of them is the administration of natural needs.

For partially walking patients, many devices have been invented to facilitate this process.

Those who cannot get out of bed have to use a traditional medical bed.

How to choose a bedpan for bedridden patients so that it is convenient to use? First of all, you need to pay attention to its shape and the material from which it is made.

Be sure to take into account the gender of a seriously ill person, since a female bedpan for bedridden patients and a male one differs in accordance with the characteristics of persons of different sexes, this is especially noticeable in urinals.

Types of medical vessel

Medical vessels for bedridden patients are manufactured in accordance with the anatomical characteristics of the human body.

They must withstand repeated disinfection, be convenient to use, not cause injury to the patient, and be easy to clean.


The most common materials for the manufacture of this item necessary for the care of bedridden patients:

  • metal - it can be stainless steel or steel coated with enamel;
  • plastic – polypropylene is most often used;
  • rubber - inflatable rubber vessels for bedridden patients are made from it.


The traditional shape of the product is scaphoid. It allows you to cope with natural needs with the greatest comfort for the patient.

When using it, clothes and bedding are not contaminated.

There is a round bedstead for bedridden patients; it is less convenient, since there is always the possibility that some of the contents will spill and the linen will get dirty.

For patients who often have to give enemas, it is better to choose a capacious, deep product made of metal or plastic.

Advantages and disadvantages of a stainless steel vessel

It is usually used if there is no need to constantly keep the vessel under the patient.

Advantages of a stainless steel product:

  1. durability – the service life of such a product is almost unlimited;
  2. hygiene – smooth surface allows for thorough disinfection;
  3. resistance to chemical agents - a special coating allows the product to be treated with any disinfectants;
  4. capacity – can be used after giving an enema;
  5. convenient shape - there are side skirts;
  6. the presence of handles on many models makes using the product more convenient;
  7. good appearance.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • it is difficult to see the color of the patient’s stool;
  • hard edges do not allow the product to be used for patients with bedsores.

Advantages and disadvantages of a plastic vessel

These products are made from medical grade polypropylene, which easily adapts to the temperature of the human body.

They are light in weight, making them easy to use. The shape of plastic vessels creates maximum comfort for patients.

The part that is placed under the sacrum has a smaller height and serves as a support for it.

This is especially convenient for those patients who do not have the ability to lift the sacrum on their own.

The absolute inertness of plastic with respect to aggressive chemicals allows disinfection by any means.

The plastic vessel is easy to clean and does not retain the odors of urine and feces. Most models have a measuring scale that allows you to control the amount of bowel movements. They also have a convenient transparent lid.

The disadvantages include the small volume, which does not allow you to use the product after giving an enema. Blue and green models do not allow you to clearly see the color of urine and feces.

How to place a bedpan under a bedridden patient

This procedure should not cause a negative reaction in the patient.

Therefore, it must be carried out tactfully, ensuring confidentiality whenever possible.

Before placing a bedpan under a bedridden patient, you need to prepare the following:

  1. the ship itself;
  2. talc;
  3. hygiene products – soap, toilet paper, wet wipes;
  4. a vessel with warm water for washing;
  5. oilcloth or waterproof fabric.

The following algorithm will help answer the question of how to place a bedpan on a bedridden patient.

  • Wash your hands and put on rubber gloves, preferably disposable ones.
  • Place an oilcloth or waterproof fabric under the patient's pelvic part. It can be replaced with a large clean towel.
  • Heat the vessel by pouring hot water into it. Before placing a bedpan under a bedridden patient, the water must be poured out, leaving just a little on the bottom.
  • The edges of the vessel are sprinkled with a thin layer of talc. This will make it easier to slide it under the patient. If he has bedsores or skin injuries, talc should not be used.
  • Free the lower part of the patient’s body from clothing by removing it or tucking it up. Move the blanket, leaving only the lower legs covered.
  • If possible, ask the patient to lie on his back with his knees bent. Further actions depend on whether he can complete this action.
  • Place the bedpan with the wide part towards the feet on the bed as close as possible to the patient next to his hips. Encourage him to raise his hips, at the same time helping him with one hand and supporting his sacrum, and with the other hand moving the vessel under his buttocks.
  • When placing the bedpan under the bedridden patient, make sure that the buttocks are completely resting on the sides and the hole is where it is needed.
  • If the patient does not move independently, he is turned over on his side, a bedpan is brought to the buttocks and the patient is carefully turned back so that the buttocks are on the sides.
  • If there is no risk to the life and health of the patient, it is better to leave him alone during the exercise of natural needs, giving him the opportunity to report its end.
  • Carefully remove the bedpan from under the patient, holding him under the sacrum or turning him on his side.
  • Cover it with a lid or towel and carry out hygiene procedures.


His health largely depends on how well a person’s excretory system functions.

Many bedridden patients, and especially the elderly, develop.

To ensure comfortable discharge of natural needs, a medical bedpan must take into account all the characteristics of a bedridden patient.

Therefore, in a house in which there are frail elderly people or seriously ill people, the question of how to choose a vessel for bedridden patients is not idle. This is an essential item.

Along with high-quality and competent treatment, a correctly chosen vessel allows you to care for the patient with maximum comfort, and, therefore, brings his recovery closer.

Video: Vessel for a bedridden patient

Instructions for use

Medical polymer vessel boat instructions for use


made of medical plastic (polypropylene)


The medical polymer bed bed "Ladya" is a special device for defecating and urinating in bed for a patient who, for one reason or another, cannot defecate in the toilet. The polymer bedpan is very light and easy to use, its surface in contact with the body quickly acquires its temperature (the effect of “warm material”), the product is easily cleaned and quickly and easily disinfected.

The peculiarity of the polymer bedpan is that its front part, which is inserted under the sacrum, is very low. Such a bed is good for use in those patients who cannot lift the pelvis high or experience severe pain when changing position in bed.

The "Rook" bedpan holds less liquid than a plastic one, so it is not recommended to use it when administering a cleansing enema.

After use, treat with a 3% chloramine solution, or a 3% dichlor solution, or a 1% sulfochloranthin solution.

White plastic vessel (can have different colors) with half lid

Dimensions of the polymer bed: 470 x 295 x 105 mm.

Mass (weight) - 0.5 kg.

Capacity of the polymer bed vessel: not less than 3 l

Selling Features

Without a license


The medical polymer vessel "Ladya" is intended for the care of bedridden patients in preventive institutions and at home.

Mode of application


Before use, visually inspect to ensure there are no cracks or burrs.

Holding the handle, place the open part of the bedpan under the patient. In this case, the narrowed part of the vessel should be under the tailbone.

Use the vessel for its intended purpose.

After use, empty the vessel in a specially designated place (bathroom) and disinfect it with a 3% chloramine solution.

After use, treat with a 3% solution of chloramine, or a 3% solution of dichlor-1, or 1 solution of sulfochloramine according to MU-287-113.

Various events lead to a serious condition of a person in a hospital bed, and the most difficult thing in this situation is to ensure cleanliness and comfort when performing natural needs.

Care for seriously ill patients is carried out in accordance with the localization of the problem, trying not to aggravate the pain - this applies to the choice of positions for sleeping, resting, eating and using the toilet.

Types of medical vessel

In most cases, for bedridden patients who are unable to move independently and do not use crutches or walkers for the disabled, there is a special system for the discharge of natural needs, for which a medical vessel is used.

The special design of the vessel bowl allows the patient to get rid of urine and feces in an acceptable form, without contaminating bed linen and clothing.

Medical vessels are manufactured in a wide range of designs from various materials:

  • enameled metal;
  • faience;
  • rubber;
  • plastic.

All vessels are more or less similar in shape - smoothed round shapes, low height, an oval hole in the center, closed with a lid and a side pipe for draining the contents. The choice of the type of vessel should be made depending on the age and weight of the patient. Processing and disinfection of all types is the same. The vessel should be stored on a stool under the patient’s bed.

Vessel feeding technique

Before starting sanitary measures, the patient’s bed is fenced off with a screen, the place under the vessel is lined with waterproof oilcloth, and the vessel is rinsed with warm water. Gently moving your hand under the patient's sacrum, slowly raise the pelvis, while the patient's legs are directed upward and bent at the knees. The narrow part of the vessel is placed under the sacrum until the opening of the vessel aligns with the perineum.

Upon completion of emptying, the vessel is removed from under the patient in a similar way, closed with a lid and placed on a stool. The patient's perineum is cleaned with a damp cloth and treated with baby cream or Vaseline.

The bedpan is emptied by emptying the contents into the toilet, after which it is rinsed with water for final cleaning, disinfected with chloramine, and put away under the bed.

One of the most important points in caring for patients is the supply of a vessel or duck, as well as perineal hygiene after emptying. This is a delicate process that has its own subtleties and requires special skills. The main aspects are the quality of the vessel and the cleat.

A number of requirements are imposed on these items for maximum comfort of the patient and the person caring for him.

What is the difference from medical duck?

Vessels and ducks are medical equipment for treating the natural needs of bedridden patients. With the help of this equipment, patients can defecate without getting out of bed.

Important! What is the difference between a ship and a duck? Because it is intended only for emptying the bladder. A vessel is used for defecation.

Duck- this is a reservoir with a volume of one and a half liters with (in most cases) a wide neck. This is a urine bag made of plastic, glass or cellulose (if the product is disposable). This name comes from the shape, which resembles a bird.

Vessel- the item is more universal and is intended for both defecation and minor needs. This is a container in the form of an anatomically shaped tray with low sides.

What types of ships are there?

There are several types of medical students, which differ in:

  • Form (the gender of the patient must be taken into account).
  • Material.
  • Price.


Emptying trays are manufactured according to the anatomy of the human body.

They should be:

  1. Ergonomic and comfortable.
  2. Do not injure the patient.
  3. Resistant to chemical treatment.
  4. Be easy to wash.
  5. Correspond to the patient's weight.


The most popular shape is scaphoid in various modifications.

This form is the most comfortable for both the patient and the staff. Use does not stain clothes and bedding. The most comfortable models are those with low sides. This makes it easier to feed the vessel and empty the patient.

Important! A significant drawback is the small capacity. Therefore, if a patient needs to give an enema, such a container will not be suitable. In other cases, a flat scaphoid container is an ideal option for immobile patients.

Round boats are not as comfortable:

  1. Firstly, when using them, there is a high probability that its contents will spill out.
  2. Secondly, a round vessel creates inconvenience for the patient, since its walls are quite high, and not every patient can cope with emptying.

Such a reservoir is best used for patients with partial mobility, as well as during enemas.


Most Popular materials for ships:

  • Plastic.
  • Stainless or enameled steel.
  • Rubber.
  • Pulp (disposable products).

Advantages and disadvantages of various types of vessels:

  1. Rubber inflatable tank soft and warm, easily adapts to the shape of the body, ideal for completely immobile patients, for patients with incontinence. The vessel does not put pressure on the sacrum and makes it possible to adjust the height of the sides. The main disadvantage is fragility. Also, the rubber container sometimes deflates under the pressure of the patient's weight.
  2. Metal container. The main advantage is long service life. The product is easy to care for, the material is resistant to regular disinfection. Disadvantages: the material is cold (requires heating before serving), not suitable for people with bedsores, rusts over time.
  3. Plastic containers. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Main advantages: lightness, low cost, convenience. The vessel heats up easily, adapting to body temperature. The material is inert to chemicals. Disadvantages include absorption of odors. After prolonged use, odors remain even after treatment with detergents and disinfection.

For patients who often undergo enema, it is better to choose a deep metal container.

How to use semolina correctly in the hospital and at home?

Rubber products

This tank is inflated with air, it is soft and light. Perfect for home use and easy to care for. When using a rubber tray, the patient is provided with maximum comfort.

The container is flat, round, with soft edges, a round hole and a lid.

How to use:

  1. When used, the tray is carefully placed under the patient, while the pelvis is raised up, the legs are spread apart and slightly bent at the knees.
  2. The reservoir is placed so that the patient's buttocks are strictly above the hole.
  3. The vessel is moved so that the rounded part is directed towards the patient.
  4. If a patient has diarrhea or urinary incontinence, a rubber bedpan is exactly what is needed. Due to the soft material, the patient can stay on the boat for a long time without developing bedsores or injuring the sacrum. This product is also used instead of a backing circle.

Important! A rubber bed is the most suitable option for patients suffering from bedsores, injuries to the sacrum or buttocks.

Watch a video that explains how to choose a bedpan for a bedridden patient:


When using a metal container, the patient is turned on his side, a bedpan is placed, and then returned to his back. The tray is installed so that in a supine position the patient’s buttocks are located in the middle of the hole .

After defecation, the patient is washed, the perineum is treated with baby cream or powder, and, if necessary, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the vessel is freed from secretions, washed with a brush, and disinfected.

Reference! The metal tray must be heated before serving. To do this, pour warm water into it and leave for several minutes. This will provide the patient with comfort and allow him to relax.

Metal is a rather hard material and can cause bedsores in the patient. If possible, it is better to cover the container with disposable covers. They will provide comfort, make the vessel warmer, and protect against infection.


A plastic boat is the most popular and least expensive option.

It is quite convenient, but there are cases when it is not recommended to use it:

  1. If the patient suffers from constipation, diarrhea or urinary or fecal incontinence.
  2. If the patient has bedsores in the sacral area.
  3. The patient needed an enema. Due to the low sides, contents may spill.

In all other cases, a plastic product is not only appropriate, but also convenient.

Reference! Typically, one side of a plastic vessel is narrow and slightly pointed, and the other is rounded. It is on this side that the hole is located.

When feeding, the container is carefully slipped with its narrow end under the patient’s sacrum and placed so that the buttocks of the tweezers are above the hole. The plastic tank is equipped with a handle and a lid. After emptying, it can be easily removed using the handle, closed with a lid and taken out.

Watch the video in which the doctor shows how to give, pick up and not capsize the vessel:


Made from waterproof cellulose material (thick paper), it is designed for one use only and can be disposed of immediately after use.

Material for disposable vessels - 100% recycled newsprint. They are inexpensive and convenient, and their use reduces the risk of infections. Such products can retain moisture for 4 hours. Suitable for both men and women.

Important! If the patient suffers from incontinence, then it is better not to use a disposable product.


Duck is a urine bag. It is lightweight, comfortable, and can be used in any body position. The main advantage is a minimum of anxiety for the patient.

The weft is so comfortable that patients with partial mobility can use it independently. It has a convenient compact shape, equipped with a handle and a lid. Material – plastic, glass, stainless steel.

Reference! Ducks come in various modifications and are suitable for men and women.

Male and female versions differ in design in accordance with the structure of the reproductive system:

  • Containers for men have a round neck for the penis.
  • The women's version is equipped with a wider neck shaped like a willow leaf. Such a container is placed close to the vagina, and the patient can empty the bladder without any problems.
  • There are also universal products, in which case the kit includes a special attachment for men.

You can make a duck yourself. How to do this is shown in the video:


If the product is not disposable, it must be disinfected. To do this, you can use a chloramine solution of 1%, a solution of Lysol 5%, a weak solution of hydrochloric acid to neutralize the odor.

  • For washing, be sure to use brushes or washcloths.
  • Emptying trays are stored separately in cabinets with closed doors.
  • To get rid of an unpleasant odor, use a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • After washing and processing, the container should be wiped dry.

Important! The vessel should be thoroughly washed, disinfected and dried each time after use!

A properly selected vessel or duck will allow the patient to defecate in comfortable conditions.

When selecting them, you need to pay attention to the design of the product, material, service life, and the severity of the patient’s condition.

But the most important thing is the wishes of the patient. After all, he should relax and calmly relieve himself. At the same time, he should not experience discomfort, embarrassment or cause inconvenience to neighbors.

When caring for bedridden patients, one of the most important points is general care, which includes feeding the vessel or duck, as well as genital hygiene. It would seem that it could be difficult how to use a duck for bedridden patients or how to place a bedpan. However, this manipulation has its own characteristics when performed, requiring the right approach and skills. From this article you will learn the nuances of performing this delicate procedure.

What is the difference between a duck and a ship?

A vessel and a duck are different types of medical equipment, where bedridden patients empty their bladder or without getting out of bed. These products have fundamental differences. Duck is a type of urinal. It is a glass or plastic tank with a long neck, usually 1.5 liters in volume. The name “duck” was assigned to the urinal due to the similarity of the shape of the container with the neck and body of the bird. The vessel is an anatomically shaped tray with sides rounded inward. The duck serves only to collect urine, and when defecating, a vessel is indispensable.

Types of medical vessels

When choosing a container for bowel movements for a bedridden patient, several factors must be taken into account. Inventory must:

  • easy to wash;
  • be resistant to chemicals (withstand multiple disinfections);
  • correspond to the weight and dimensions of the patient;
  • do not injure the patient.

Differences in Shape

The traditional shape of a bedpan is a "boat". It allows the patient to cope with natural needs with maximum comfort. At the same time, clothes do not get dirty. There are low, flat models with an elongated front part, which makes it easier to slide the vessel under an immobilized person. However, this shape makes the vessel small in capacity and does not allow for use after.

Round-shaped products are less convenient than boat-shaped ones, since there is a high probability that the contents of the tray will spill. The bedspread for women who are bedridden is no different from those for men. When urinating, for the convenience of ladies, you can use a duck or a special funnel through which the liquid will fall into the tray without staining the perineum.

Material of manufacture

Rubber, plastic, and metal are used as raw materials for the manufacture of ducks and boats. Each type of product has its own characteristics of use, as well as positive and negative characteristics.

Material Advantages Flaws
Rubber (inflatable) Atraumatic (does not put pressure on bones and tissues). Takes the shape of the patient's body. Suitable for weakened and immobile patients. You can change the height of the sides using the air valve. Does not require large containers for soaking in a disinfectant solution. May deflate under the weight of the patient. Not durable: rubber quickly deteriorates from exposure to chemicals.
Plastic (polypropylene) Has different sizes and shapes. Often equipped with a lid. Lung. It's inexpensive. Comfortable for the patient. Inert to chemicals. In models made of colored plastic, it is impossible to see the color of urine and feces. After prolonged use, a persistent unpleasant odor may persist even after disinfection.
Metal (stainless steel or enameled) Service life is unlimited. The smooth surface facilitates thorough disinfection. Resistant to most detergents. Not suitable for patients suffering from diarrhea, for patients with bedsores. Takes a long time: needs to be warmed before serving. If not properly cared for, rust may appear on enameled products.

Important! If the patient has, then you should not leave him on the boat for a long time, as the risk of developing bedsores on the sacrum increases.

Vessel feeding technique

The procedure or bladder should not cause a negative reaction in the patient. It must be carried out very tactfully and, if possible, confidentially, allowing the person to calmly relieve himself. Below is an algorithm for how to place a bedpan under a bedridden patient.

To perform the manipulation, you will need a screen, rubber gloves, a vessel, oilcloth, toilet paper, clean dry rags or cotton wool, soap, and a container of hot water.

Before correctly placing a bedpan on a bedridden patient, protect the person (if possible) from prying eyes with a screen. Warm up the equipment (especially metal ones) well in warm water and wipe it dry. Carry out all procedures for loading the vessel with gloves.

  1. Remove the blanket from the patient.
  2. If a bedridden patient can move independently, ask him to bend his legs and raise his pelvis to place an oilcloth to protect him from contamination. If a person is completely unable to move, you need to do it yourself.
  3. Take the vessel so that the rounded part is directed towards the patient. Place one hand under the sacrum to help the person sit up, and with the other hand, place a waste container under the patient's pelvis.
  4. After installation, make sure the patient is comfortable. Completely immobilized patients can be given the equipment, and then, after installing the bedpan, returned to their back. The tray is installed in such a way that when returning to the back, the patient’s buttocks are located in the middle of the special hole.

  1. Cover the person with a sheet or blanket and leave for a few minutes.
  2. After finishing the act or urination, wash the patient. First, the remains of feces and urine are removed with toilet paper, then with damp cotton wool. Treatment must be carried out in the direction from the genitals to the anus to avoid infection.
  3. Wipe the perineum dry, ask the patient to raise the pelvis, or help him with this and at the same time pull out the bedpan with the oilcloth.

After the procedure, it is necessary to free the equipment from secretions and disinfect it for a certain amount of time, depending on the concentration of the active chemical. Then the medical device is washed with running water and dried for further use.

Important! In a hospital setting, provide the patient with individual medical supplies. You can put special disposable covers on the vessel, which will not only protect against infection, but also provide additional comfort (the vessel will become warmer).

Application of duck

When serving duck to a seriously ill patient, there is absolutely no need to turn him on his back. The person can be placed on their side because the duck is made in such a way that it can be used comfortably in different body positions of the patient. However, this medical item only functions as a urinal. Ducks are available for both men and women. The difference in designs is due to the structural features of the female and male urinary systems. Ducks for men are equipped with a round neck where the penis is placed. In the female version of the duck, the neck, which has a “willow leaf” cross-sectional shape, is attached to the crotch. Universal products are also available for sale. In this case, a special funnel is included with the male duck, which makes it possible for women to use the duck as well.

The question of how to properly place a duck under a bedridden patient does not arise. This product can be held in your hands while urinating. The patient can even use the duck himself.

Helpful information. For the convenience of a bedridden patient and his caregiver, it is optimal to have both a duck and a vessel in the arsenal. Since, if it is necessary to empty only the bladder, there will be no need to disturb the patient once again in order to place a bedpan under him.

Peculiarities of bedside positioning for bedsores

In order to know the peculiarities of positioning a vessel or duck for a particular person, it is necessary to understand the physical capabilities of the patient and the nature of the disease, as well as the accompanying symptoms. In addition, for each patient there are nuances of care depending on the disease, physical activity and weight.

If there are bedsores on the sacrum, then the question arises - how to use the bedspread for bedridden patients with such a complication. In such a case, it is necessary to use a soft rubber product that will not further injure the wound surface.

You can also help the patient to perform a bowel movement by placing him on his side. But in this case, it is necessary to protect the bedsore with disposable diapers or rags from feces so that they do not get into the wound or on the bandages. For the act of urination, a duck should be used.

How to properly care for medical devices

Any vessels and ducks (except disposable ones), as well as attachments for them, are subject to mandatory disinfection by soaking in special liquids. This can be a solution of chloramine, anolyte, intrudez, etc. To wash ducks, brushes and sponges are used that are reserved exclusively for these purposes. Vessels and ducks must be stored separately, usually in closed cabinets or under the patient’s bed.

Often after prolonged use, ducks and boats begin to smell of ammonia. To get rid of it, solutions of potassium permanganate and vinegar are used, which are used to wash the products and pour them inside for exposure for 20-30 minutes. After washing and disinfecting ducks and vessels, they must be wiped dry.

As a rule, salespeople in medical equipment stores help you select the necessary equipment, relying on stories from relatives about the person’s condition. The packaging of the new equipment includes instructions on how to place a duck for a bedridden patient or use a bedpan. If a relative still has questions on this topic, he can consult with medical professionals who will never refuse help. You can also watch a video on our website that explains in detail how to use the vessel.
