“Wash off” stains. How to get rid of pigmentation on the skin. How to remove age spots on the face using salon and home methods. Mask recipes: how to remove age spots on the face

There are many ways to combat pigmentation on the face, which spoils the lives of many representatives of the fair sex. Our goal is to introduce you to the simplest of them.

How to get rid of pigmentation on the face

An even complexion is the dream and goal of every woman. Even if your skin is not perfect, you can, with a little knowledge, improve its condition. To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products and seek expensive services from specialists. You can remove age spots from your face without leaving your home. However, before you start bleaching yourself, you should know which stains can be bleached without the help of specialists, and which ones it is better not to touch on your own.

What you need to know about pigmentation

Pigment spots themselves do not harm the body, but they can be harbingers of a serious disease.

One or more age spots on the skin is usually not a cause for concern, especially if they are not located on the face. However, the accumulation of spots, or hyperpigmentation, negatively affects the appearance and can even lead to psychological problems, so it is not surprising that women want to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

It comes in two types:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

Pigment spots that appear at an early age, or simply freckles, are characteristic mainly of those with fair skin and red or brown hair. Freckles are completely harmless and can be removed without fear at home. This type of pigmentation is classified as primary.

However, there are types of pigmentation that occur due to malfunctions of the body. This is secondary pigmentation. In addition to diseases of the internal organs, there are a number of factors that can cause age spots to appear on the skin.

Common causes of facial pigmentation:

  1. Excessive tanning, sunburn of the skin;
  2. Hormonal imbalance;
  3. Diseases of internal organs;
  4. Eating disorders;
  5. Age;
  6. Exposure to drugs;
  7. Inflammatory processes and skin injuries;
  8. Use of low-quality cosmetics;
  9. Stress.

Very often, pigmentation appears on the face of pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes, and subsequently pigment spots disappear on their own. If their appearance is not associated with pregnancy, then it is best to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist in time and begin appropriate treatment.

If you are concerned about the functioning of your internal organs and have unwanted pigmentation on your face, you should definitely see your doctor and undergo a full examination.

Perhaps the cause of pigmentation is some kind of disease, and the appearance of spots is one of its signs. Neglecting a visit to the doctor will not give any positive results in the fight against pigmentation and may lead to complications of the disease.

Then treatment will require much more time and money. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for the identified disease, and at the same time, you can take care of the beauty of your facial skin.

Important: do not rush to get rid of age spots until you find out the reason for their formation, do not neglect your own health.

You can remove unbearable pigment spots from your face by resorting to the services of cosmetologists, or at home - using folk recipes and professional creams.

  • Protection. With the help of drugs that protect against exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the process of production of the substance melanin, which gives spots a dark color, slows down;
  • Phototherapy. Under the targeted influence of light waves, cells with excess melanin content are destroyed;
  • Chemical peeling. Skin cells are treated with organic acids that destroy pigment;
  • Mesotherapy. The impact on the affected areas of the skin occurs with preparations containing amino acids and nucleotides aimed at destroying the pigment;
  • Cryotherapy. It is used to remove single spots, since there is a high probability of scars if large areas of skin are treated;
  • Dermabrasion. Skin resurfacing occurs, during which the top layer of pigmented epidermis is removed.

Home remedies for getting rid of age spots

The listed methods are quite effective, but very expensive in material and time terms. Therefore, most owners of excessive pigmentation prefer to get rid of this problem at home. And using traditional medicine recipes that have been proven over the years, this can be done quite successfully. The main condition for success here is dedication and regularity.

Very effective means for lightening and removing age spots are masks and herbal infusions using:

  • Honey;
  • Citric acid;
  • Hydrogen peroxides and more.

For temporary exacerbations of pigmentation, lotions are used, which must be done several times a day, and compresses. Compresses also help to effectively combat light spots resulting from inflammation or microtrauma of the skin.

In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Lack of moisture in the body leads to excessive dryness of the skin and the body's inability to get rid of harmful toxins through urine and sweat. This, in turn, leads to deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of age spots on it.

Cosmetology companies have developed and marketed a range of products that help fight skin pigmentation. However, not all creams are safe for health: you should not buy creams that contain mercury.
Currently, cosmetologists have synthesized the substance arbutin - it is found in bananas, lingonberries and bearberry. In its whitening properties, arbutin is not inferior to other potent drugs, however, in comparison with them, it is safe for health and has a gentle effect on the skin.
It is also worth using creams created according to the recipes of our grandmothers - with extracts of parsley and licorice root.

Home Recipes for Skin Whitening and Pigment Removal

1. Peelings

  • With aspirin: grind ten tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and vitamin C into powder and dissolve the resulting powder in half a glass of kefir.

Apply the resulting mixture to areas with age spots for a few minutes. You will feel a slight tingling sensation, but if a burning sensation appears that causes pain, immediately wash the paste off the skin. If the procedure is tolerated painlessly, then increase the exposure time each time. After removing the peeling composition, you need to nourish the skin. Homemade sour cream or heavy cream will serve as an excellent alternative to cream - in addition to the nutritional effect, they additionally whiten the skin.

  • With lemon juice: add two or three drops of lemon or lime juice to a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply this honey to age spots several times a day. If the procedure is tolerated normally, the percentage of citrus juice can be gradually increased. You can also lubricate the stains with pure lemon juice, but this method is only suitable for normal and oily skin. For dry and sensitive skin, using undiluted lemon juice is not recommended.
  • Based on hydrogen peroxide: take a tablespoon of honey, full-fat cottage cheese and add chicken yolk. Mix thoroughly and add five to six drops of hydrogen peroxide to the resulting slurry. Apply the mixture to age spots for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This peeling can be done for those with dry skin. For oily skin, you can lubricate the pigmented area with a swab dipped in peroxide, or make a mixture that includes: egg white, ten drops of lemon juice and 3% peroxide. The exposure time is the same as for dry skin.

Important: the listed compositions are potent due to their strong exfoliating and whitening properties and can greatly dry out the skin. Therefore, always thoroughly rinse the active substance from your face and do not forget to nourish the skin to restore its water balance.

2. Masks

  • With cucumber. In the summer, you can use cucumber tops for masks - the chopped herb is poured with boiling water and left for six hours.

You can simply cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices and apply them to your face.

Add fresh cucumber juice to a small amount of milk or sour cream, soak a gauze cloth in the mixture and apply it to your face for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer to the skin.

  • With bodyagi powder. Add a few drops of vegetable oil to the pharmaceutical bodyagi powder and stir until mushy. Lubricate pigmented areas of the skin with the resulting mass.

Important: this composition can be used once a week until the pigmented area is exfoliated. After applying the mask, be sure to lubricate your skin with a nourishing cream.

This is not a complete list of remedies available at home to combat pigmentation on the face.

The juice of parsley, onions, raw potatoes, unripe black currants and many other fruits and vegetables have excellent whitening and exfoliating properties. These properties have been successfully used for years to get rid of age spots of various origins.

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

The same applies in some cases to age spots, for example:

  • Limiting sunbathing;
  • The use of creams with high UV protection;
  • A wide-brimmed hat will protect you from excessive pigmentation in the summer.

Proper nutrition will also give positive results.

  • Composition of lightening cosmetics
  • Tools Overview

Causes of age spots on the face

Cosmetologists call pigmented areas of the skin that have darkened due to excess melanin production. It has been scientifically proven that pigment spots can be located in the epidermis, dermis and at their border. The result of the correction depends on the depth of pigmentation: the deeper and the larger the accumulation of melanin, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

Age spots can be congenital, acquired or age-related. Patients turn to cosmetologists or dermatologists with such types of hyperpigmentation as freckles, lentigo, melasma, and clinical manifestations of photodamage.

Freckles most often appear in people with fair skin and blond or red hair © iStock

« Freckles(ephelids) are small spots, mostly round in shape, uniform in color, 1–2 mm in diameter, says Karine Vardanyan, SkinCeuticals brand expert, dermatovenerologist and head of the allergology department at the European Medical Center clinic. “Most often, freckles occur in blond, brown-haired and red-haired people on open areas of the skin under the active influence of solar radiation.”

The more intense the ultraviolet light, the darker the freckles. Without exposure to the sun, they turn pale, and in winter they may disappear altogether.

Solar lentigo- These are oval-shaped pigment spots measuring 2–20 mm. They are most often located on the face and hands, but can also appear on the torso. The color of the spots is mostly uniform, the pigmentation is persistent and does not disappear on its own.

How to deal with age spots

It doesn’t matter whether you have just discovered age spots or have been struggling with them for a long time, the first and main rule is to use a cream with a sunscreen and moderate sun exposure.

Pigment spots are most often provoked by ultraviolet radiation © iStock

Cosmetologists urge you to protect your skin from the sun, especially your facial skin. Ultraviolet rays reduce the skin's immunity, dry it, provoke photoaging and the appearance of age spots.

Whitening creams have a certain effect if used regularly for a long time, but they are not able to completely get rid of pigmentation. Spots can be effectively corrected only with the help of cosmetic procedures - hardware or injection.

Lightening agents will help:

    reduce the contrast between the pigment spot and the surrounding skin;

    reduce spot size;

    maintain the lightening result;

    prevent the appearance of new stains.

Whitening creams and serums, as a rule, contain a powerful dose of acids, which means that it is better to use them in the autumn-winter period, when the sun is least active in our latitudes.

Cosmetologists recommend using brightening serums with acids and retinol before bed, and be sure to apply cream with SPF in the morning to avoid the appearance of new spots.

Cosmetology against pigmentation

Today, there are many methods for correcting pigmentation and hyperpigmentation. An integrated approach to treatment involves:

    whitening procedures;

    reduction of UV-induced melanin synthesis;

    decreased transport of new melanin into cells.

Whitening procedures include chemical peels, mesotherapy, phototherapy (IPL systems), phonophoresis and, of course, the use of professional and home lightening products.

Chemical peeling

One of the mildest procedures for getting rid of age spots. During a superficial peel (for example, glycolic peel), the thinnest top layer of skin is gradually removed under the influence of weak acid solutions. You will have to be patient: to get rid of a small pigment spot, you will need a course of procedures.

For pigmentation that has appeared some time ago, the use of medium peels based on trichloroacetic acid or retinol is effective. After they are performed, rehabilitation is required for several days.

Age spots can be congenital or acquired with age © iStock

Whitening mesotherapy

Biorevitalization cannot defeat age spots - this is a fact. But peptide injections enriched with vitamin C help not only lighten the skin, but also improve its immunity.

One of the most progressive methods of combating skin problems, including pigmentation, is plasma therapy: the patient is injected with his own plasma, enriched with platelets and growth factors.

Phototherapy (IPL systems)

For those who panic at the sight of a needle, we recommend taking a closer look at hardware methods for combating pigmentation. Phototherapy is a treatment using broadband pulsed light. Unlike a laser, it does not “burn out” the top layer of skin, but heats it, activating the processes of producing new collagen and elastin.

A certain temperature regime allows you to fight stains - it’s not painful or hot. To get visible results, 5-7 sessions are enough.

Laser therapy

New generation lasers work wonders. The American machines Fraxel and Picosure are considered the most advanced today. The rays warm the skin deeply enough to start renewal processes.

Among the side effects, doctors mention redness and swelling for a couple of days. But with proper home care, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations the very next day after the hardware treatment.

Composition of lightening cosmetics

To combat pigmentation, various serums and creams are used, which we will discuss in the next paragraph. Let's look at what components they work on.

Preventing pigmentation – sun protection © iStock

Key whitening ingredients block melanin synthesis by affecting the enzyme tyrosinase involved in this process.

  1. 1

    Hydroquinone- a substance that damages or kills melanocytes that synthesize the pigment melanin. Toxic and therefore prohibited for use in Europe.

  2. 2

    Kojic acid- one of the AHA acids with whitening and exfoliating effects.

  3. 3

    Arbutin- a plant component found in bearberry and blackberry. When combined with kojic acid, its whitening effect is enhanced.

  4. 4

    Glabridin- licorice root extract has not only a whitening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

  5. 5

    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)- antioxidant. It is easily destroyed, which is why magnesium salt of L-ascorbic acid is often used in cosmetics. Reduces melanin production and enhances collagen synthesis.

  6. 6

    Azelaic acid- in high concentrations has a brightening effect. Capable of suppressing the growth and activity of abnormal melanocytes.

Tools Overview

For night care

Product name Active components Action
Night peeling lotion Revitalift Laser x3, L’Oréal Paris glycolic and fruit acids Gently exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, improves complexion, makes the skin smoother, and fights fine wrinkles.
Night micro-peeling Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate, Kiehl's quinoa husk extract, fruit acid mixture, phytic acid, cactus extract Accelerates the natural process of cell renewal, softens and smoothes the skin, evens out its tone.
Night restoring balm-gel Idéalia Skin Sleep, Vichy restorative ceramides, hyaluronic acid, adenosine, vitamin B3, apricot oil

Promotes cell restoration, improves skin tone and smoothes microrelief. Visibly shrinks pores

Strengthens the protective properties of the skin.

Night peeling Idealia, Vichy

blueberry extract, fermented black tea extract, glycolic acid

Removes dead cells, stimulates skin renewal, neutralizes oxidative stress, restores cellular respiration, improves complexion.
Night two-phase peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme

glycolic, salicylic and fruit acids, quinoa extract

Gently exfoliates the top layer, making the complexion even. After two weeks, the skin becomes radiant, after a month, pigment spots lighten, pores narrow, fine wrinkles become invisible.

For day care

Product name Active components Action
Cream against hyperpigmentation Advanced Pigment Corrector, SkinCeuticals salicylic acid, hydroxyphenoxypropionic acid, ellagic acid, yeast extract Reduces the production of excess melanin, reduces the severity and size of pigment spots, reduces the likelihood of new spots appearing, and evens out facial tone.
Antioxidant serum Phloretin CF, SkinCeuticals

L-ascorbic acid, phloretin, ferulic acid

Protects cells from DNA damage under the influence of UV rays, increases the skin’s own protective properties and its immunity. Helps neutralize the effects of oxidative stress. Increases skin elasticity.
Regenerating agent Cicaplast Baume B5 SPF 50, La Roche-Posay La Roche-Posay thermal water, madecassoside, panthenol 5% Soothes the skin, reduces inflammation. Suitable for skin care after cosmetic whitening procedures.
Serum for even skin tone Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, Kiehl’s active vitamin C, white birch and peony extracts Reduces the intensity of age spots, prevents the reappearance of pigmentation, evens out skin tone and gives it radiance.

Moisturizing gel for even tone and smooth skin texture Brightening and Smoothing Moisture Treatment, Kiehl’s

active vitamin C, glycolic acid, birch and peony extracts

Brightens and evens out skin tone, moisturizes.

The best way to prevent it is to use creams with SPF, as well as moderate sun exposure. If you are going on vacation to hot countries, stock up on sunscreen for your face and body.

    If this is the middle band, the SPF factor can vary from 30 to 50 units.

    In a tropical climate, you can't do without SPF 50+.

    The “fifty” rule also applies to climbers and skiers and snowboarders. The sun reflected from the snow can cause skin burns and age spots.

What to use in the city

    Ultra Facial Cream SPF 30, Kiehl’s

    The formula with squalane protects the skin not only from moisture loss, but also from photoaging.

    Sunscreen fluid Mineral Radiance UV Defense SPF 50, SkinCeuticals

    Thanks to titanium dioxide, plankton extract and tinting mineral pigments, the skin is effectively protected from UV damage.

    Multi-active anti-aging fluid Renergie Multi-Lift Ultra SPF 25, Lancôme

    Contains flax extract, which is rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids and promotes skin regeneration. Plus a sun protection factor sufficient for use in urban environments.

What to take with you to the sea and mountains

    Sunscreen for face and body “Expert Protection Ambre Solaire” SPF 50, Garnier

    A high UV protection factor ensures that hyperpigmentation does not attack the skin after returning from a holiday in hot countries.

    Sunscreen fluid Ultra Light Daily UV Defense SPF 50, Kiehl's

    Vitamin E in the product acts as an antioxidant, and a sun filter (titanium dioxide) reflects the attacks of UV rays.

    Sunscreen face cream Soleil Bronzer SPF 50, Lancôme

    The maximum sun protection factor allows you to use the product in extreme climatic conditions: in the mountains or tropics.

Freckles, chloasma, age spots are types of hyperpigmentation caused by different reasons, but have the same treatment principle. How to get rid of age spots on the face? There are many methods to get rid of age spots: from folk recipes to modern aesthetic technologies. Whitening, exfoliation, and reduction of melanin production are properties that an effective remedy for uneven skin coloring should have.

The tone of the epidermis is given by melanocyte cells. They produce pigment, the color of which is determined by heredity and depends on the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. If for some reason more melanocytes are concentrated in one area, in the presence of provoking factors they can form a skin defect - a spot that differs in color from the surrounding surface. Melasma most often appears on the face and areas of the body exposed to sunlight. Promote increased pigmentation:

If hyperpigmentation appeared during pregnancy, this should not be a cause for concern. There is no point in fighting chloasma at the time of its occurrence. It is a reversible phenomenon and goes away on its own after childbirth. In addition, aggressive agents that help against age spots are not recommended for expectant mothers.

The ability to eliminate hyperpigmentation depends on the nature of the spots. It is almost impossible to turn naturally freckled skin into uniformly white skin without resorting to radical methods. Even in this case, a satisfactory result is not guaranteed.

If spots are caused by hormonal imbalances, they need to be corrected. Without eliminating the cause, it will be difficult to get rid of dark areas; only temporary lightening of the skin can be achieved.

Senile pigmentation is also difficult to treat. Age-related changes in the skin cannot be reversed, however, it is quite possible to visually make spots less noticeable using both cosmetic and folk methods.

It is important to pay special attention to the prevention of new elements and repeated darkening of the already treated epidermis:

  • protect yourself from direct sunlight (closed clothing, hats, visors);
  • saturate the skin with ultraviolet filters (cosmetics with UVA and UVB factors);
  • include in your diet foods rich in vitamins A, C and B-groups;
  • stop using creams with AHA acids and salon peelings from spring to autumn.

“Grandma’s” recipes are the most popular ways to get rid of age spots on the face. When used systematically, they show a good effect, and most importantly, they are accessible and can be found in every home:

  • citric acid or fresh lemon juice;
  • parsley juice;
  • dairy products;
  • cucumber juice;
  • onion juice;
  • tomato pulp;
  • grated potatoes, etc.

A few simple homemade recipes with a whitening effect:

The task of how to get rid of age spots on your hands is better handled not by masks and creams, but by lightening compresses. Unlike the face, the skin of the hands is not so sensitive, and more aggressive products can be used on it:

Reviews about the results of treatment with home methods are contradictory, but despite this, traditional recipes still remain the simplest and cheapest way to get rid of age spots.

Using homemade recipes is not always convenient for everyone, especially since they do not take into account modern scientific achievements. Industrially produced products include ingredients not only with whitening and peeling properties, but also blocking the synthesis of melanin in the skin:

  • hydroquinone – causes the death of melanocytes;
  • arbutin – prevents the maturation of melanosomes;
  • kojic acid – damages pigment cells;
  • azelaic acid – stops the production of pigment;
  • ascorbic acid - destroys melanin molecules.

Whitening creams for age spots are easy to use, but you need to use them regularly, otherwise you may not expect good results. Before applying the cream to dark areas, you need to conduct a sensitivity test and read the instructions. Each product has its own dosage, dosage regimen and contraindications.

Among the popular cosmetics for hyperpigmentation are:

The first effect is noticeable after 2 weeks. When the spots lighten, treatment should be continued to avoid relapse. Creams give a good result, but it depends on the nature of pigmentation and skin characteristics: the same product has different effects on different people.

Salon treatments for age spots

The problem of how to quickly get rid of age spots cannot be solved without the methods of modern cosmetology. Beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers offer a whole arsenal of procedures that can cope with “leopard” skin coloring in a few sessions and prevent its restoration in the future.

Laser technology can treat almost any skin defect. The laser therapy method itself is based on the absorption of light rays of different lengths by pigment cells. If a pulse of the desired spectrum is sent to the problem area, melanin cells are instantly destroyed, without heating the surrounding tissues.

Small “fresh” spots can be removed in 1 session; to remove large lesions, a course of several procedures is required with an interval of 15–20 days. In addition, with short-term heating by a laser, self-rejuvenation mechanisms are launched and collagen is actively synthesized. In addition to whitening, the patient receives an additional “bonus” - a denser, smoother skin structure.

Laser cosmetology has a number of contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • serious systemic diseases in decompensated forms.

In addition, the duration of the course is limited to the cold season. If you do it on sunny days, melasma may appear again. If the procedure is carried out correctly and the patient follows all recommendations, the reduced age spots disappear forever without the risk of recurrence, since the melanocyte cells die completely at this site.

The effectiveness of the laser method has been proven, but its disadvantages include its rather high cost. On average, removing one surface element costs from 500 rubles. If there are many pigment spots and they occupy a significant area, treatment is paid separately for each area on the face and body.

Laser therapy today is considered the best method of getting rid of melasma, as evidenced by positive reviews from dermatocosmetologists and their clients.


, like a laser, has a selective effect on pigment cells. Light pulses with a length of 550-1200 mn penetrate directly to areas of hyperpigmentation and destroy melanin molecules. The skin at the site of the local burn darkens and then peels off.

On average, the course of treatment includes 8 sessions with a rest period of 7–14 days between them. The restrictions on the use of phototherapy are the same as those of laser; the effectiveness and cost are much lower.


- another procedure offered by cosmetologists to combat excessive pigmentation. The effect on melanocytes occurs in two phases: thermal and radio waves. Bipolar wave current and infrared rays penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, where they disable pigment cells. This allows you to successfully remove old stains in 2 – 3 approaches once a month.

Elos, laser therapy and photorejuvenation are similar in their mechanism, have the same contraindications, are painless and safe.

Salon peeling has been used for many years to treat age spots and sun spots. However, it makes sense to do it for the purpose of general rejuvenation and elimination of large areas of pigmentation. Therapeutic preparations are applied to the entire face, and not to individual elements, causing a burn of the epidermis followed by exfoliation.

The traumatic nature of the procedure depends on the depth of the pigment:

  1. Superficial peeling (glycolic, almond) is carried out for weak pigmentation. Acid concentration 50 - 70%, course - every 7 - 10 days for 1 procedure, 3 - 6 times in total.
  2. Medium peeling with salicylic acid or retinoids allows you to remove old spots in 3 – 4 sessions, one every 2 weeks.

After the procedure, redness and swelling may persist, and after a few days intense peeling begins. Excess pigmentation disappears along with the upper layer of the epidermis, at the same time the skin tone is evened out, wrinkles, scars, and pimples disappear.

None of the methods of dealing with pigmented defects gives a 100% guarantee that they will disappear once and for all. The result of treatment can vary from slight lightening and reduction in the size of the spot to maximum fusion with the main skin tone. However, relapse is possible at any time, since melanin synthesis cannot be completely stopped.

Any procedures to remove pigmentation must be carried out during periods of low sun activity - in late autumn and winter, without ceasing to use creams with ultraviolet protection every time you go outside. If, despite prevention, spots appear again with the onset of spring, cosmetologists advise against lightening them - all bleaching agents are quite aggressive and are not designed for long-term use.

Any wrinkle or pimple that a woman discovers on herself can cause anxiety and bad mood for the whole day. After all, every little detail plays a big role in creating the perfect image. A tone disorder is not a rare phenomenon that can occur at any age. How to quickly remove age spots from the face at home or in the salon? What are the reasons for their appearance and are there effective ways to prevent them? Let's figure it out.

Typically, women, and it is they who are most often characterized by the appearance of pigment spots on their faces, associate this skin defect with dryness or other problems. To quickly remove them, various cosmetics and procedures are used. But this approach is incorrect and leads either to the absence of results from the efforts made, or to its short duration. There can be many causes of hyperpigmentation on the face. Only an integrated approach to solving this problem can quickly eliminate it, if not forever, then for a long time. And here you can’t do without the help of a professional.

Experts identify several reasons for the appearance of age spots, including:

This, of course, is not the entire list of possible causes of age spots. Although they can appear on the face at any age and quite quickly, most often they are more numerous in adulthood after 35-40 years, when chronic diseases worsen, the first wrinkles appear, and melanin in the subcutaneous layers begins to be distributed unevenly due to age. But with a permissive attitude, it will be difficult to quickly remove them at home; you need to treat your body in a timely manner.

Today there are many ways to remove age spots to suit every taste and budget. From expensive, quick salon procedures using high-precision equipment to folk recipes for the face at home, which were used by our grandmothers.

You can remove spots from your face in a salon or aesthetic medicine clinic using:

All these cosmetic procedures are carried out only in a beauty salon or aesthetic medicine clinic. The specialist will tell you how to properly and quickly prepare for them and give all the necessary recommendations for facial care at home after peeling or phototherapy.

Creams that help quickly remove age spots

Various cosmetics can also help remove age spots on the face at home. Due to their effectiveness, the following have become popular among thousands of women:

Advice! Before using any of these creams and masks for the first time, carefully read the included instructions and conduct a skin sensitivity test by applying a small amount to your wrist. If allergic reactions do not occur, then you can try to remove the pigment mark and apply the product to the skin of the face.

Ways to remove age spots at home

Among the most effective and popular recipes for removing age spots at home, it is worth noting the following:

Advice! After washing off the product prepared according to one of these recipes, you can treat your face with a moisturizing or nourishing cream. This will help quickly remove dryness and tightness from your face.

Ways to prevent stains

But, as you know, timely preventative measures taken at home are always better than trying to quickly remove existing age spots.

Remember, age spots are sometimes just the tip of the iceberg. And trying to remove only the external manifestations of the problem at home is pointless - it’s wasted money and time. If there is increased facial pigmentation, you need to consult a specialist who will help identify the cause and choose the right method of treatment. If the provoking factor was an external influence, and not some disease of the internal organs, then the use of special creams and folk recipes will help remove age spots and even quickly get rid of them completely.

Facial spots? Many girls and women ask this question quite often. In childhood, cute freckles only bring tenderness and joy to the child’s relatives and parents, since they look natural and beautiful on a child’s face.

However, with age, if freckles do not disappear, but are also supplemented by age spots, then they cause a lot of problems for their owners. Girls and women want to have an even and beautiful complexion, but age spots do not fit into this format.

Pigment spots include lentigo, chloasma, and nevi. They appear due to excessive pigment - melanin, which is brown and, when produced by the skin, gives it various shades from light to chocolate.

Before you decide to whiten your face from spots at home, you should carefully think about which spots can be bleached and which ones should not be touched. Spots that appeared on the face in childhood do not cause much concern.

Consult a specialist about newly formed spots. First of all, you should find out the reason for their appearance, since quite often they signal serious problems with internal organs. If there are no health problems, then it is quite possible to begin the skin whitening procedure at home.

Main Causes of Excessive Pigmentation

  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • Imbalance of hormonal levels.
  • Problems with internal organs.
  • Stress.
  • Poor nutrition.

It is quite possible to get rid of this type of stain by limiting exposure to the sun and using a cream with a high level of protection against ultraviolet rays.

You should not look for ways to get rid of age spots until the reasons for their appearance are clarified. Otherwise, you can provoke more serious complications of internal organs if you treat those spots that indicate their diseases.

Hyperpigmentation can be primary or secondary. The primary one is, for example, freckles, and the secondary one is a consequence of the pathology of the body. Freckles are typical for people with fair skin and red or brown hair. They are especially pronounced in childhood, and with age they either decrease or disappear completely.

Melasma occurs when there are problems with hormonal levels, mainly in women. Quite often, dark spots can be observed on the faces of women expecting a child. If pigmentation is not associated with this, then you should consult with specialists in the field of endocrinology and gynecology.

Removing pigmentation

At home, removing age spots is possible with the help of various creams, which are now produced by all cosmetic companies. It is better to use those creams that contain arbutin, a special substance synthesized from plants. This is a fairly safe substance; its whitening properties are similar to hydroquinone derivatives, but it is more gentle on the skin.

A similar substance is contained in the leaves of bergenia, lingonberry and bearberry. Arbutin inhibits the action of the enzyme tyrosinase and this determines its whitening effect. Creams based on parsley extract and licorice root are always popular.

1. Whitening peeling

For this you need to take 10 aspirin tablets, the same number of vitamin C tablets and 100 grams of kefir. The tablets should be crushed into powder and dissolved in kefir. The composition is applied to pigmented areas of the skin for just a few minutes. With each procedure, you should increase the time you keep the mask on your face. When using this peeling, you will sting a little during the procedure, but if it becomes very difficult to tolerate, you should immediately remove the composition from the skin. After such peeling, you should apply a nourishing cream. Ordinary fatty sour cream is also perfect, as it will not only perfectly nourish the skin, but will also enhance the whitening effect.

2. Based on lemon juice

Whitening face masks using lemon juice are also considered quite effective. This is due to the fact that it has exfoliating properties. Of course, it’s easier to lubricate the stain, but this is a rather aggressive product that is not suitable in its pure form for sensitive and dry skin. In this case, it is better to mix liquid honey and drop a few drops of lemon into it. If the skin reaction is normal, then with each new use of the mask you should add a drop of lemon juice.

3. With hydrogen peroxide

How to get rid of age spots on the face at home using peroxide? Peroxide has bleaching properties. However, it is better to use it only for those with oily skin, since peroxide dries out the skin very much.

If you use a similar mask for skin prone to dryness, then add an egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey and a spoonful of full-fat cottage cheese to a few drops of peroxide. The mask is applied to pigmented areas for 20 minutes, then washed off with heated water.

If your skin is oily, then you can use the following mask option. It is necessary to beat the white of one egg into a strong foam, add a few drops of lemon juice and 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide (three percent). Apply a similar mask with a brush for 20 minutes.

The given recipes can greatly dry out the epidermis. Therefore, after removing the composition from the face, it is immediately necessary to apply a nourishing, fatty cream to restore normal hydrobalance.

4. With cucumber juice

Cucumber juice has also been used for a long time to brighten the skin tone. In addition, the skin is not only actively lightened, but also brought into good tone. You can simply apply the juice to the skin or add it to sour cream, milk, and then apply a mask to your face. In addition to cucumber juice, its tops are also used. It should be crushed, pour boiling water and leave for six hours.

5. With bodyaga

In winter, you can use bodyaga masks against age spots, when the activity of ultraviolet rays is reduced. It is necessary to mix bodyaga powder with vegetable oil to make a paste. It is applied to pigmented areas.

After two to three days, the skin may begin to peel and must be lubricated with moisturizing or nourishing creams. This procedure should be carried out no more than once a week until the pigmented area completely peels off.

6. Parsley will help

A simple plant like parsley perfectly brightens the skin and at the same time gives it a velvety feel. It is enough just to take one bunch of spices, pour hot water over it and leave for 3 hours. The resulting infusion should be used to wipe problem areas every day. You can add parsley juice to sour cream, milk, cream and apply a similar mask to your face. You can also freeze parsley juice and rub the cubes on your skin. This will perfectly whiten and tone it.

7. Blackcurrant mask

Unripe ones make an excellent whitening mask. A small handful of berries is ground to a pasty state, diluted with a spoon of honey and applied to the face. After 30 minutes, the mask is removed with water acidified with lemon juice.

This is important to know!

It is worth knowing that only those spots that form in the upper layers of the skin can be bleached. In this case, various peelings and polishings are considered the most effective. However, even knowing how to whiten your face from age spots and completely removing them, there is no guarantee that the skin will not turn brown again.

You can contact a professional cosmetologist to determine how deep the melanin pigment lies. A Wood's lamp is used for this. It is fluorescent and with its light, surface pigmentation begins to be more clearly visible on the skin, but if the spot lies deep in the skin, then such an effect will not be observed. After such a procedure, you can already decide how to remove pigment spots from your face.

The effectiveness of whitening masks will only appear with persistence and patience. Lightening procedures must be carried out constantly, preferably several times a day.

It is possible to completely remove pigment spots on your own only in very rare cases. However, it is quite possible to reduce their severity.


Increased pigmentation, especially on the face, often leads to psychological problems, especially in adolescents. Therefore, the goal should be not only to eliminate age spots, but also to find out the cause of their appearance.

It can be caused by hormonal imbalance, stress, and poor nutrition. It may also indicate a lack of copper in the body. Only by solving health problems can you get rid of such a cosmetic defect.

2016-02-11 20:14:48

Oh, pigment spots! What do you know about age spots and how impossible it is to get rid of them? When are changes too old? Unfortunately, my skin is like that. I learned very well all the “charms” of these spots before I was 30 years old. They are shallow. But the complexion is wow, especially for summer. And when a friend told me about another product (about Stem Cell Therapy cream), I said that I didn’t want to listen to her and I wasn’t going to waste my money. She persuaded me to try it one more time and... Yes! The stains have not disappeared! But they seem to have worn off a little! The skin itself became even, soft, wrinkles became invisible! And I haven’t used all the cream yet! Previously, in order to achieve such a noticeable tone alignment, it was necessary to make a lot of effort, and even then it was not always justified, and I got tired of all these “masks” and procedures. I am very glad that my skin has become more beautiful and neat thanks to just one cream! And I hope it will be even better!

2016-04-28 12:52:08

Folk remedies, unfortunately, don’t work ((in any case, nothing helped me. I used glyco A peeling cream. The course was only a month. I applied it in the evenings. Very effective, in my opinion. Not only I noticed the difference. I recommend it to everyone who have become disillusioned with all folk remedies