Congratulations on the Epiphany holidays. Congratulations on baptism Find congratulations on baptism

Probably the very first holiday for most children is christening. This event is one of the most important in the life of every person, as he becomes closer to God, gains his protection and guardianship. On this day, the baby receives gifts, good wishes and congratulations on his christening. Godparents make a promise before God that from now on they are responsible for their godson, promising to take care of him, help the parents in every possible way in raising the baby and be a good example for him. The main words for the child and his parents on christening day are wishes for health and good luck in life, prosperity and goodness.

Congratulations on your christening,
We wish you well with all our hearts.
May God protect the baby
And an angel walks next to him.
We wish you light and warmth,
So that only love lives in the house!

Today the mystery has happened,
Your baby has been baptized
And now from all the troubles
God will save her!

There are also guardians
Will protect you in bad weather
And they will give you happiness!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on this wonderful event, on the christening of your child! I wish you peace for your family, harmony in your home, health for your little angel and you, prosperity, strength and opportunity to always remain a happy family, so that together with your godparents you can always give joy, love and care to your precious baby.

Happy christening of the glorious baby!
This is how this day is calculated:
Now another soul
Protected by God.

Holy pure water
They washed the little man,
To have a golden character
And a kind heart.

May the Lord send in fate
Talents and aspirations
Health, childhood without worries,
Happy growing up.

Christening is a sacrament and joy,
A wonderful and enchanting ceremony.
We wish good things to come true,
May every day be filled with happiness.

Let it be over the baptized soul
The guardian angel will quietly soar,
Let him lead you through life.
May the Lord bless you for good.

On a good, joyful occasion
I want to congratulate you,
After all, today they christened
In church you are your own child.

May divine power
Protects the child from harm,
Angels spreading their wings
Let them fly after him.

May health, happiness, joy
They won't leave the baby
May she be pure, gentle, sinless
There will be a baby shower.

Happy child christening to you, parents!
Now they always rustle quietly
Let the wings of guardian angels
Behind your child's shoulders,

They will support you if the earth suddenly spins
The hurricane of difficulties is stronger,
Drying the puddles of childish tears
Warmth from heaven sent rays

Love, care, generosity of the Creator,
Divine immeasurable kindness.
Health and happiness to the child! Necessarily
All your hopes and dreams come true!

Happy baby's first birthday!
Happy christening day!
Let it grow, let it laugh loudly,
It will be God bless.

Over the baptized soul
Quietly let the angel soar
From worries, worries and grief
He will protect the baby!

It’s worth congratulating on such a day.
It will become a step, and a big one,
Capital letter in life, in faith
May it open the doors to the light,
Melts the ice, sows goodness,
And the main thing is that he can
To give you a ray of happiness,
To please and inspire.
Christening is an important day, a wonderful one.
Dispel sadness. And hourly
I wish you success and clear thoughts.

I hasten to congratulate you on your christening day.
Celebrate, parents.
You gave the baby
Guardian Angel.

Let him lead him by the hand
Past sadness and trouble.
Let him be a guarantee
So that the baby does not know the needs.

Let the sun warm you during the day,
At night, a star will show the way.
Let them always accompany you
Happiness, faith, kindness.

With a child's christening
With all my heart health,
We wish the baby.

Now a guardian angel
Will always be with him,
He will save the child
Will help where needed.

We wish your family
Love and prosperity,
Let there be happiness in the house,

Have your relatives or friends baptized their child in God's temple? This joyful and bright holiday is a wonderful occasion to send them warm congratulations on the baptism of a child.

On this page you will find appropriate poems that can be read aloud or written on a card.

Poems on the occasion of a child's baptism

Your child has been baptized! And may the Lord bless you
And keeps your little one carefully
From illnesses, from enemies, heavy worries,
On this holiday the present one will give you
Let patience, wisdom and mercy be yours!
Don't forget that the most important thing is
For a child - to have a magical world - a family,
Where are Nadezhda, Love, mom and dad!

The heavenly Guardian descended to Earth,
He is your child's spiritual savior!
Today is a special day for you -
The little one was baptized at the appointed hour!

I would like to congratulate you on your child’s christening,
Let this day be like a reward for you,
Let life smile on your little one
And gives you happiness - around the clock!

In this sacrament of baptism
So much light, peace, happiness!
Let him keep and protect
A gentle and beautiful angel!

And always, like on christening day,
Warms you up again and again
Kindness, warmth, hope,
Joy, faith and love!

It is important for our loved ones to hear words of love and support, especially when they are heard on a special day for the whole family and from the bottom of our hearts. They will be pleased if you congratulate them on the baptism of their child.

May the Lord protect the baby and protect him from everything bad, may fate be kind to him. Congratulatory poems on the occasion of a child’s baptism can be addressed to both the baby’s parents and the hero of the occasion.

Congratulations on the baptism of a child in verse

Today is an important event for you,
Congratulations on your christening!
So that God protects you from troubles
And I kept the baby, I wish you.

May your angel always be by your side,
Shows you the right path.
I wish I never experienced
Diseases and unnecessary worry!

On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and most important -
You don’t know troubles and sorrows.
Happiness, love and joy to you,
So that your family grows,
Life brought sweets,
There were true friends!

You christened the baby -
His fate was handed over to God,
And the crumbs of a pure soul
He will always find his way to Him.
May the Lord protect him
From temptations and sins,
And let happiness come to him
From now on until the end of centuries!

You can congratulate your child on the baptism by sending an SMS or an email, or you can also post your congratulations on a page on a social network. Choose your favorite lines of poetry dedicated to this event and send them to your family and friends.

Angel by the pillow
Protects sleep
Bright, kind, clean...
You are now baptized...
This day is special -
Like a birthday.
Kindness and joy
On the bright day of baptism!

Good weather on christening day
He predicts a smooth path for the baby,
Nature smiles at him,
The sky blesses the child on this day!

We send congratulations to the child,
Let the angel protect him with his wing.
We wish you happiness and success,
Let the baby bring joy to the house!

May your guardian angel be with you everywhere
The roads follow earthly life.
And white wings will embrace you,
When you want comfort, warmth,
And strong hands will demolish the barriers,
When all roads lead to obstacles.
And a good prayer for your every day
He will make this world cleaner, kinder!

Our website presents a wide variety of congratulations on the baptism of a child in verses that are suitable for both girls and boys. We can assure that these kind words will certainly touch the happy parents!

Congratulations on your baptism
Your own son!
For Holy Communion
The important reason was:
Born of love in a family,
It will be your child now
protected by God's word
From sins from the cradle!

Christening is a cheerful and joyful holiday,
The girl has a godfather and a godmother,
A pectoral cross is a mandatory gift,
Who will protect you throughout your life, baby.
I sincerely congratulate you on your christening,
I wish the girl good luck, happiness and health,
May a lucky star accompany you on your journey,
And let your cherished dream come true!

You are going towards God,
Your path is both bright and beautiful.
And an angel will come to you in the world,
It will save you from all adversity.

And then you keep it,
Carry the cross through the years.
Keep the faith in your heart,
Don't walk on dark paths.
Be honest, kind and simple
As an example to all the holy youths.

Sanctification of the Holy Spirit
May he protect and preserve you,
After all, you were born for great happiness
For love that burns like a lamp.
That always lights the way,
What is light, and kind, and warm,
What helps to understand and forgive,
What brought you into this world.
Be healthy, beautiful, cheerful,
Be lucky, brave, simple,
With a pure heart and sincere words,
We protect you as an Angel of God!

You have baptized the child.
He lies in his diapers
And he doesn’t hear, and he doesn’t know,
What the Lord blesses!

Congratulations on your christening day,
We wish you grace,
To make the day memorable
Helmet, friends, we have a poem for you!

Today you, following traditions,
They baptized their own child,
Let the baby live without knowing grief,
May the angels fly next to him!
Protect him from falling
Let them illuminate the path of life,
Without giving away luck
Turn onto the curved path.
Congratulations, parents, sincerely
Happy this bright, solemn day!
May there be radiant light over your family
Happiness - the sun sparkles with fire!

We wish you on your christening day,
May your son give you only joy.
To always respect you,
So that he takes an example from his father.
So that he loves his mother
And he was a worthy son to you.
And to you, his father and mother,
We wish you to raise strong people!

I'll tell you that christening
It's like a name day!
We christened the child
This means they dedicated it to God!
Baby - my goddaughter -
I have become my relatives now,
I will take care of the baby,
Help as much as I can!
You grow up happy, child,
Be healthy and beautiful!
On this joyful day
I'm sending you my poem!

Baptism can rightfully be called the first holiday in life for most children. On this day, the baby receives gifts, congratulations and good wishes. Almost like a birthday, but a little different. Baptism is primarily a spiritual holiday, not a secular one; it is customary to celebrate it among close people.

According to tradition, the baby begins to accept gifts within the walls of the temple during the ceremony itself. The godfather gives the child a cross. Moreover, the material of the product is not at all important, be it gold, silver or even wood. After all, the cross is just a symbol of faith, and not a source of pride. The only wish is that the gift is not massive, because it symbolizes the cross of life that the baptized person will have to bear.

For the day of the sacrament, the godmother prepares a kryzhma (a white diaper in which the baby is wrapped after the font), a baptismal shirt or dress and a cap. You can buy baptismal clothes in a special store or sew them yourself. The main thing is that the material is natural and pleasant. And the fabric must be white and smooth, then, according to legend, the life of the baptized person will be just as white and smooth. As a rule, baptismal clothes are never used again, but are kept throughout life as a talisman.

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According to tradition, godparents can complement gifts with a measured icon. This icon (the size of the baby's height at birth) is made to order with the image of the child's patron saint. But this is a very expensive pleasure and is not mandatory. Another custom came to us from England and is becoming more and more popular. In Foggy Albion, it is customary to give a silver spoon at christenings, as they say, “for the first tooth.” In addition, such a gift will serve the godson’s mother well: a silver spoon is perfect for disinfecting water and feeding an older baby.

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Guests invited to the christening can give the child anything they want. However, it should be taken into account that the holiday is still more of a church holiday, so you should choose themed gifts. The baby will be able to receive toys and other children's things for any other reason. For christening, it is appropriate to give an icon and medallion with the image of the Mother of God or the child’s patron, gift editions of the Bible and other spiritual books.

Parents, in turn, as a sign of gratitude, treat guests to a special holiday dish - baptismal porridge. Buckwheat or millet, it is prepared with milk and seasoned with honey, sugar or butter and egg. A chicken (if a girl is being baptized) or a rooster (if a boy is being baptized) is baked in unsweetened porridge. The top of the porridge is decorated with halves of boiled eggs. This dish symbolizes fertility and promises healthy children to the guests present. There should also be a lot of sweets on the table; after all, it’s a children’s holiday. But it’s better to give up alcohol. The only exception may be a small amount of red wine. Bonbonnieres can be given to guests as a souvenir of this bright holiday.

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This significant day must be spent in a good mood for both the baby’s parents and guests. At least for a while, leave bad thoughts somewhere far away and rejoice with everyone. It is important that only kind, gentle words, sincere wishes for health and good luck in life be addressed to the baptized person. And the main thing is that all wishes should be with a pure heart and an open soul!

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A real miracle happened today - another guardian angel descended to earth. He came to give happiness and protect your baby from troubles, adversity, grief and sadness all his life. He came to care for, support and guide through life a small miracle - your baby. He came to help the baby become a good and kind person and fill his life with God's grace. I want to congratulate you on this wonderful event - the Christening. Let your child always listen to his guardian angel, who will definitely help him find his unique path in this life.

I congratulate you on the christening of your beloved baby and want to wish you good health, good luck, luck in life and as many pleasant, interesting moments as possible! May Christening give prosperity to your child’s life, may he always smile at you, rejoice, and may you be proud of his successes! I also wish to receive such protection from the Lord that no troubles will be scary, that life will give only well-deserved victories, warding off illness and sorrow! I wish you to be worthy parents and raise your child according to Christian commandments and covenants. May everything in life be good! Let every moment open up new wonderful opportunities and give positivity!

Dear baby, on this day you became a piece of God! Don't lose faith - be strong in spirit and heart! Enlightenment to you, good luck in your destiny and earthly well-being! Love mom and dad, as well as all your relatives! Never become callous in soul, do not forget your loved ones and do not abandon your friends. They are also part of you, your life and destiny! We wish you health, luck, joy, good luck! Never turn away from the earthly path - it will definitely lead you to the best! Grow up smart and strong, brave and courageous, kind and beautiful! And remember - you are not alone! We will always come to your aid and help you out in difficult times! And the Lord God will show you the right path and tell you a way out of any situation. The main thing is not to lose yourself and your faith! Grow big!

Small child
In the arms of parents
Now you will always be
With a guardian angel.

May your holy cross
Will distract the bad weather,
And in my adult life
You will only find happiness.

On the day of christening I wish you,
May God fulfill all your dreams,
Sent to your child
So that only the best flowers:

Flower of goodness, flower of love,
Bouquet of health and dreams,
And strength to always go forward,
And, of course, beauty.

I really want to wish you
On a special day - my son's christening,
Always understand each other
There is no reason to be sad.

Let your little boy grow up
A good, strong person,
Let him always move forward
Without forgetting you!

I wish you, parents,
It is worthy to raise a son,
To become happy while growing up,
I knew how to win in life,

May the Lord reward you with patience,
So that your son gives you joy,
May God grant you luck -
For good deeds, for new strength!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.

To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

A daughter, they say, is then born into a family,
When God wants to give a compliment to mom!
Your daughter is simply a miracle that comes true!
We congratulate you on your christening at this moment.

After all, now she is under God’s protection,
So may your baby be lucky in life!
Any doors will be open for her,
And luck will certainly give you a gift!

Bright eyes and berry lips,
Soon she will wear dresses, skirts,
And today, your little daughter
For the first time he will wear a chain with a cross.

Holy water will sprinkle her face,
And all the misfortunes and sorrows will melt away.
She will find a guardian and holiness,
Congratulations on achieving this joy!

You have become stronger in spirit,
More beautiful body!
Let me breathe easier
Dream more boldly!

Neither trouble nor sorrow
Don't let them hurt you!
Lots of happiness to you,
Joy without end!

May your christening
Will be a vigorous start
To beauty and peace:
Enjoy the fart!

Let everything be interesting
I succeed in life
And, as in a good song,
Life is good!

The Epiphany of the Lord is ahead, on January 19, Orthodox Christians will remember the day when the Savior was baptized in the Jordan. John the Baptist revealed the Messiah to the world. Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord are congratulations on one of the most important holidays for Christians. On this day, the Holy Spirit himself descended on the Savior in the form of a dove, indicating who stands before people. We offer you congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord in verses and postcards, let our selection help you congratulate your loved ones.

How to congratulate your loved ones on the feast of the Epiphany:

  • Message in verse;
  • Postcard;
  • Short SMS congratulations on Epiphany.

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Anton Ovsyanikov. Baptism

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Holy Epiphany
It arrived on a frosty day!
Let blessing come into the house,
Let the shadow of resentment go away,
Holy Jordan water
Let your health be protected!
The bells are ringing from the temple,
Blessing the procession!


Jesus once received Baptism,
And on this day the water became holy,
May He grant healing to the sick,
And it brings joy and peace to the house.
May the Holy Spirit be like a white dove,
What once descended upon Christ,
With its warmth and joy it will warm you
On the frosty day of Epiphany everyone always.

Happy Baptism of the Lord to you, friends!
May a good angel be with you,
On this day I wish you:
Forget all old grievances,
Say I'm sorry, say I'm sorry,
And remember good deeds.
And here's something sad, dear ones,
I wish you never to think.
Love, kindness, hope, faith,
Bright moments every day,
And of course health,
For many, many years to come!

Let the Epiphany frosts
Adversity and sorrow will go away,
Only tears flow from happiness,
And let the days bring only joy.
I wish everyone laughs
And the sadness was forgotten forever.
Everyone just admired love,
And we never suffered

The ringing of church bells and temples,
Let it ring in your soul today.
I want to wish you today directly
Peace in the house, easy days in fate.

And let love knock on your heart,
The frosty day will ring with fire,
Let your face light up with a smile,
Giving joy and success in everything!

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord in verses to a girlfriend or friend

May your Faith not weaken,
And your Spirit grows stronger over the years.
Don't let fate deceive you,
Happy Epiphany, my friend.

Let Hope not fade away in life,
Love will warm you in the cold,
May the Lord give you happiness,
And health for many years!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verses to your beloved man

I want it for my beloved man
On Epiphany I wish you happiness,
And so that there is no reason
Sad, sick, and despondent.
Main fulfillment of desires
And endless kindness
Hope, joy, luck,
And in a good heart - warmth!

Read also -

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord to loved ones

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
A glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
So that there are no troubles and bad weather!
Pray at the old icons
May faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Your heart warms with warmth!

Let the Epiphany frosts
They're angry outside the window
Let a quiet holiday come
On this day to your home
Let it bring into your souls
Peace and grace
May it be wiser, cleaner, better
He will help you become!

Congratulations on the Epiphany 2020 via SMS


Happy Baptism of the Lord,
On a big, holy day,
Let your heart be warm
Health, faith, strength.

May the Holy Epiphany
Will save the whole family from adversity.
And the unquenchable candle of faith
It will give you a spiritual stronghold.

With a pure soul, as after Epiphany,
I wish you to live this whole year.
Then happiness will come, without a doubt,
And every day will bring good luck!

Let holy water wash away pain and frustration,
May the illness and the enemy go far away,
On the bright holiday of Epiphany I wish you joy,
Let it be easy on your soul and heart!
Happy Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulations on Epiphany: cards, pictures


Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! We hope that our congratulations on Epiphany were useful to you!

And wish you purity

Health, happiness and love!
May the Angels protect you
And guard your sound sleep
Let loved ones not know grief
And the Lord will be nearby!

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord - verse

Let holy water wash away pain and frustration,
May the illness and the enemy go far away,
On the bright holiday of Epiphany I wish you joy,
Let it be easy on your soul and heart!
Happy Baptism of the Lord!

May the Holy Epiphany
Will save the whole family from adversity.
And the unquenchable candle of Faith
It will give you a spiritual stronghold.
With a pure soul, as after Epiphany,
I wish you to live this whole year.
Then happiness will come, without a doubt,
And every day will bring good luck!
I hasten to congratulate you on your Epiphany
And wish you purity
All thoughts and all aspirations,
Health, happiness and love!

Cool congratulations on baptism

Here's a baptism in the yard,
Girls are freezing on the mountain
And the walruses are all in the pond -
They bend into an arc.
Jump into the water once
You will be illuminated for a year,
I'm in the mood today -
Congratulations on your Epiphany!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord,
A glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
So that there are no troubles and bad weather!
Pray at the old icons
May faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Your heart warms with warmth!

Warm congratulations on Epiphany

Friends! May each of you find a place for love and forgiveness in your soul on this Holy Day! Let holy water wash away the burden of hardship and anxiety! May God grant you the strength to maintain purity of thoughts and openness of soul in the long series of new happy days of the coming year! We wish you that on this day your home will be open to friends and family, and that everyone will find a place at the festive table and a kind word!

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
Epiphany is a holiday of cleansing and renewal, and on this day, I want to wish you that your life becomes brighter and purer, that grace descends on your home and that all your loved ones are healthy and happy!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Let the Epiphany frosts
They're angry outside the window
Let a quiet holiday come
On this day to your home
Let it bring into your souls
Peace and grace
May it be wiser, cleaner, better
He will help you become!

SMS congratulations on Epiphany

Happy Baptism! May the Angels guard your life path!!!

Congratulations on the Baptism of Christ

Happy Baptism of Christ to you
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
With Holy Epiphany,
Cleansing the soul!
Be happy, loved ones!
Do you love it!? - This is God's gift!
Congratulations on your ablutions!
In the midst of the holiday!

Congratulations on Epiphany in prose

Epiphany in Rus' was one of the most revered holidays. This is a holiday when we cleanse our soul and body, a holiday when we understand how important it is to be kind and loving. I want Holy Water to protect you, your home and your loved ones from all troubles and adversities. Be happy. May your family and friends always understand you. God bless you!

Congratulations on your Epiphany. We wish you the blessings of Heaven and God's grace!!!

SMS congratulations on Epiphany

On this Divine and Holy day, may Your thoughts be elevated, may your soul and body be cleansed and strengthened, may love and forgiveness embrace Your kind heart! Happy Baptism!

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Today, on the bright holiday of Christ's Epiphany, I want to wish you that fate will be favorable to you. And may you be able to overcome all the troubles and obstacles on your way with dignity. And let the evil blizzard take away all the evil.

Congratulations on Epiphany on January 19th

Every year in Epiphany frosts
Sacred water appears!
Sprinkle it on your loved ones!
And all troubles will disappear forever!

Congratulations on Epiphany in verses to friends

I congratulate you on your great Baptism,
It brings holiday and happiness, without a doubt!
Full of life, be rich, loved,
We protect our Lord everywhere!

Beautiful SMS congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

On this mysterious and winter day, I congratulate you and wish you happiness on Epiphany!

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Please accept my congratulations on the holiday. Let this holy day of the Baptism of the Lord become the first happiest day in a long series of happy days of your life, in which you will find our Lord in your soul. Peace to your home.

SMS congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Forget all the bad things, wash your thoughts. With the Baptism of the Lord, raise your aspirations!

Beautiful congratulations on your baptism

Congratulations on the great holiday of the Epiphany of the Lord. Stock up on holy water for the whole year, so that there will be enough until the next Epiphany, and when you come home, sprinkle your homes with holy water. So that the grace of the Great Holiday comes to your home.

Verse: Congratulations on Epiphany

Time for forgiveness!
Everyone's fun!
Love and respect!

Congratulations on Epiphany to loving people

Let loving gazes warm you,
The soul will be filled with goodness!
After all, Epiphany frosts are not scary,
We'll go to church for Holy water!
And we will not be afraid of thunderstorms,
And we'll live happily ever after!

Congratulations on Epiphany in verses to your beloved

I'll take a dip in the water tomorrow.
Although I don’t know the ford there.
After all, I too, without a doubt
I really crave cleansing!

SMS congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

On this holy day, may all sinners repent, all righteous people rise to the occasion, and may we step into a better new world! Happy Baptism of the Lord!

Interesting congratulations on Epiphany

Baptism contains the mystery of the soul, when the seed of kindness, love, happiness and spiritual purification is planted in a new person. We congratulate your child on this significant event. We wish you all the best in the hope that your son will be a sincere and noble person in baptism.

Congratulations on your Baptism dear

The moment now is equal to delight -
You dedicate yourself forever
Love, Hope, Faith, Feeling, God!
We heartily congratulate you on your baptism!