Digital cards from 1 to 10. For the little ones

During preschool preparation for school and when teaching in the 1st grade, special attention should be paid to mental counting skills within 10.


When teaching a preschooler, you can use a variety of mathematical games. Skill for preschoolers counts within 10 needs to be brought to automaticity.

Count within 10

To successfully develop counting within 10, we advise you to teach your child the composition of all numbers from 1 to 10. You can teach it like a song or a poem.

In the first lesson, the composition of numbers from 1 to 4 or 5 is usually learned (depending on the child’s perseverance).

We write Let's talk
  • Two is one and one.
  • Three is one and two.
  • Three is two and one.
  • Four is one and three.
  • Four is two and two.
  • Four is three and one.
  • Five is one and four.
  • Five is two and three.
  • Five is three and two.
  • Five is four and one.

While pronouncing the composition of numbers, you can additionally clap your hands, tap a beat, throw a ball, etc.

When the compositions of these numbers are learned like poetry, we begin to ask questions separately.

For example, “Four is 1 and?”, “Three is 2 and?” etc. After oral work, we add filling in the compositions of numbers in the form of “windows”, located out of order.

For training, you can download the simulator for counting within 10. Christmas trees, airplanes, trains, etc. can be used as such figures.
At home, if possible, try to hang these diagrams and drawings and draw the child’s attention to them as often as possible.

Simultaneously with learning the compositions of numbers, we begin to give examples from textbooks on counting within the limits of the learned numbers.

When making calculations, you need to remind the child about the composition of the number and talk through examples.

We write Let's talk
2 + 3 = 5 Two and three are five.
4 − 1 = 3 Four is one and three.
1 + 1 = 2 Two is one and one.

In the following lessons we gradually introduce numbers from 6 to 10. It is better to learn one number per lesson.

Important! You need to learn the full composition of the number (all combinations), i.e. from 10 = 1 + 9 to 10 = 9 + 1

To help your child count confidently and fluently, print out columns of examples and solve them for a while.

It is useful to organize competitions for the speed of solving both between children and adults.

If you want to make your child’s school life easier, we also advise you to learn the compositions of numbers from 11 to 14. You will need this when counting through tens.

We count while playing

Here are materials for activities with children that will help them remember counting from 1 to 10. On the assignment forms, the child will see what the numbers look like, what objects resemble the shape of the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The child will also need to trace the contours of each number (this helps to better remember the visual image of the number). We count while playing so that the activities are interesting to the child!
To learn to count, you can also play the educational game for kids “Counting from 1 to 10”
And in the presentation section you can show your child slides on the topic “Numbers and numbers from 0 to 10 and from 0 to 20”
And to reinforce the material covered, you can play the game “Find the numbers from 1 to 10” for your child - here the child must find all these numbers in the picture.

Digit 1

Meet the number 1. Try to write it.
Note to parents: Ask your child what other objects resemble the shape of the number one.

Digit 2

Today you and I will go through number 2.
Note for parents: Ask your child which objects (parts of a person's body) always come in pairs (for example, boots, gloves, skis, earrings, etc.)

Digit 3

Today we are going through number 3. Count how many birds are in the picture, how many fish are in the aquarium.
Note to parents: Ask your child to think of fairy tales that include the number three in the title, such as “The Three Little Pigs.”

Digit 4

Today we are passing number four. Look around the room you are sitting in. What are the four objects in it?
Additional questions:
- Name the four seasons.

Number 5

And here is the number 5. What is the best grade in school? Right! Of course, five.
How many fingers are there on one hand? What about on one leg?

Number 6

This is the number 6. What does it look like? Today at six o'clock in the evening five friends will come to visit you. Say their names. How many people (together with you) will drink tea?

Number 7

Today we will go through the number 7. What seven colors of the rainbow do you know? What seven days of the week do you know?

Number 8

Today we will go through the number 8. Name objects that are shaped like this number. Count how many ducks are in the picture? How many of them are looking back, how many are looking forward, and how many have their heads under water?

Number 9

Today we are going through the number 9. Remember the numbers that we have already gone through, and think which one, if turned over, will look like the number nine?

Number 10

Today we are going through the number 0. What objects in shape remind you of this number? Practice writing it. Count how many fingers you have on both hands?

Continuation: in the photo album section - Counting from 1 to 10 - Counting while playing.

So, yours The child can already easily count from 1 to 6 and from 6 to 10 ? I hope this is so and that’s why you came to a new lesson!

What about comparing numbers from 1 to 6? Your the child knows well , What the later we call a number when counting, the larger it is? You need to know this rule!

For example, when counting, the number Six is ​​called later than the number Five, which means six is ​​more than five, and five is less 5 < 6 .

Does the child put the comparison sign correctly? The sharp corner is directed towards the smaller number, and the flaring part, reminiscent of a crocodile's mouth, is directed towards the larger number: 2 < 3 .

It is very good if a child reads in both directions - three is more than two, two is less than three. This is a good result!

Today Lesson topic : Continuous counting from 1 to 10 and correlation of number and numbers from 7 to 10 (and from 1 to 10)

1. Combining counts from 1 to 10.

Let's start doing this:

Count from one to six.

I counted.

Well done!

Count from 6 to 10.

I counted.

Well done!

Help him overcome this barrier of combining accounts. It shouldn’t be difficult, because automatically after calling the number six, the continuation of the count by seven should work. In any case, be careful and patient!

Once you have learned it (I think it won’t take much time), work with objects.

As in previous lessons, the child names a number and places the corresponding number of objects, and the child himself counts them with his finger.

2. Correlation between numbers and numbers from 7 to 10.

The technique is already familiar to you:

The child says the number six.

Places six items.

Counts them.

Puts a number under them 6 .

Calls the number seven and performs the same actions (puts down objects, counts).

You put a number 7 and explain that the number seven is indicated by the number 7 .

Also the numbers eight, nine.

Because number ten is written using two numbers 1 and 0, and we have not yet taught the number zero, then the child does not need to tell this yet.

Therefore, when he names the number 10, puts objects down, and counts, you simply say: “The number ten is written like this!” and put 10 .

Let your child name a number more often and indicate its designation when writing. He must know all the numbers exactly. Get it done.

For example:

Give me a number.

What digit will the number 9 be written in? Choose it from all the numbers that lie in front of you.

Well done!

Play this game often!

Don't forget that we are already working with numbers from one to ten and you need to know all the numbers!

So, homework for parents :

Don't be lazy, love your child!!! Do not scold under any circumstances! But persistently go to the result!

The result of classes on this topic for a child should be the ability to:

2. Know the numbers from 1 to 9 and the writing of the number 10.

How to consolidate what you have previously learned:

1. Be able to compare two numbers following each other when counting from one to six, and correctly put the comparison sign.

For example: 4 < 5 you can read that

a) five is more than four;

b) four is less than five.

Your child already knows this. You will only help him bring his knowledge to automatism.

Information for you:

There is no need to memorize the points of the methodology that are discussed here and shown in the video lesson. You subscribe to the channel and all the videos will always be at your fingertips and you can return to them at any time, view the method item and work with your child. You will also find all the methods on the website

At one of the upcoming classes we will talk about whether a child should be hugged and stroked often. Or is this unnecessary tenderness in raising children?

subscribe to the channel gotovkshkole, like and write comments.

Best regards, Anatoly Ivanovich!

Cards with numbers will help your child get acquainted with the basic designations of numbers, learn to distinguish their spelling, combine numbers with each other, and remember their direct and reverse order. You can work with these cards at home, in kindergarten and in primary school. Download educational cards for free and learn numbers with your child in the form of a game. To save the cards to your computer, click on each image individually and wait until it opens in full screen, then right-click on it and select “Save Image As.”

There are a lot of options for working with cards. You can arrange numbers in forward and reverse order, you can insert missing numbers or solve various examples. One of the most effective forms of early learning is play-based learning. Some examples of games are described below:

1. Place cards with numbers on the table from zero to ten and ask your child questions: How many paws does a cat have? How many windows are there in the apartment? How many chairs are there in the room? etc. The child must choose the card with the correct answer.

2. Ask your child to form numbers in a chain from zero to ten and, conversely, from ten to zero.

3. Ask the child to arrange the numbers one by one, for example, 1...3...5, etc.

Cards with Numbers

How to teach kids to understand numbers? Of course, show them to him clearly. Our colorful cards “Numbers pictures for children from 1 to 10” And "Table for counting from 0 to 10" will help your child quickly remember and learn all the numbers.

There are many educational games for children to learn counting that are very easy to do with your own hands, including activities with children using educational cards. If you want to teach your child to count, you should always first study numbers from pictures.

How to make picture numbers for children yourself.

Our numbers pictures adapted for printing on A4 sheets. N and each sheet will turn out 4 cards with numbers. This size is quite enough for training sessions.

Cards for child development with numbers You can download, cut and paste on cardboard. You can study using these pictures both at home and in kindergarten.

Each picture, in addition to the number itself, depicts toys familiar to children, so these educational cards with numbers are perfect for activities even with very young children. From them he can easily learn to understand the meaning of numbers.

After the child has mastered the very concept of numbers and what they mean, you can practice mathematics with him in more depth: learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Come in, download, print educational children's numbers cards and study mathematics with your child.

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational pictures of numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Counting table from 1 to 10

You can also study numbers and counting from 1 to 10 with children using educational cartoons Malyshman TV

Difficulties in learning to count to ten and performing mathematical operations within these numbers appear not only in preschoolers, but also in children who are already in first grade. Pictures, videos and presentations presented on our website will help them in mastering the difficult science of mathematics. They can be downloaded and printed completely free of charge.

Pictures successfully use both Arabic and Roman numerals in teaching counting. If Arab children learn quite quickly, and there are no problems with this, then Roman children learn it more difficult: their rare use in everyday life affects them. To help your child learn Roman numerals faster, hang pictures within sight of the room. When you see that the child is interested in them and begins to look at them carefully, come up and explain what Roman numerals mean, how to read them, how they differ from the Arabic ones we are used to. It is better if the appearance of a colorful aid in the room is sudden, which will arouse additional interest in children.

Puzzles for children.
Numbers with names in French.

Educators and teachers who teach first grade can print out and use the pictures as a visual aid. Pictures depicting Roman numerals are quite suitable for other elementary school classes, since children become familiar with this material in detail later.

Where else can this material be used?

Invite the children to play a lotto game that is easy to make yourself. To do this, it will be enough to print small pictures. Each picture contains a drawing with a number from 1 to 10. We cut out each card separately. On the second solid large sheet we draw 10 cells and randomly draw or paste figures into them (birds, fish, images of various objects) in an amount equal to any number from 1 to 10. Next, we ask the child to find the number corresponding to the number of objects in the cell. You can play together: especially at the initial stage, parents playing with their children instill in them moral confidence that the child is doing everything right. The same game can be played by printing out Roman numerals from 1 to 10.


Another effective tool for teaching numeracy can be a video presentation. You can download or print it on our website.

What is a good presentation for teaching children?

Most children attending kindergartens and 1st grade are classified as visual learners, i.e. They absorb information visually well. Therefore, a carefully prepared presentation on any topic increases the success of the business by several tens of percent. And if you add musical accompaniment to the video materials, frames from cartoons related thematically, then the presentation will also become a method of psychological relief and rapid memorization of the material.

It will be especially interesting to bring such a video presentation to 1st grade, where it can be used as a spectacular element of a mathematical competition for children, KVN, class hour, etc. An excellent demonstration event will turn out to be in a kindergarten group if the teacher uses the presentation as a visual aid.

Electronic devices are not necessarily required to display video materials. If you don’t have any, you can print the presentation and show photos with comments.

Whatever class your child goes to, do not deprive him of the pleasure of learning surrounded by colorful aids and lively science, devoid of academic dryness. The children will thank you very much for this!

For the little ones

I would like to present you with video presentations for children, which you can show to your baby from 3 months. In it, your baby will easily learn to count from 1 to 10.