Dear godmother, happy new year. Happy New Year to Mom. Cool Happy New Year greetings to godmother

A holiday is a pleasant and in all respects joyful event dedicated to a specific event, be it a birthday, anniversary, wedding, New Year, Christmas, March 8, February 23, professional holidays that are indicated on the calendar in honor of something or someone. or - they all have sacred meaning and are associated with cultural or religious tradition. It is not without reason that they say that when a Russian person buys a calendar for the next year, the first thing he does is look to see if the weekend coincides with holidays. Yes, whatever you say, we love to take a walk and relax!

But the morning has come after the holiday, and what pleasant things can you remember? How can you make sure that instead of a headache from the holiday, you are left with something valuable and pleasant, the memory of which lifts your spirits even after many, many years? In order to have something to remember, something to smile about, in order to give each other maximum pleasure and a minimum of material costs, on our portal you will find the most beautiful and original congratulations for any occasion.

Happy New Year 2019

In order to start the New Year 2019 in high spirits and lift it up for others, you need to remember to congratulate your work colleagues, loved ones and relatives. You can wish Happy New Year 2019 by sending poems by email or simply reading them out loud. The main thing is not to regret warm and kind words for your family and loved ones on this wonderful holiday. These warm and romantic greetings for the New Year 2019 in verse will certainly please your family, friends and acquaintances. Choose the best congratulation in your opinion and send it to your family and friends!

Happy New Year, I sincerely congratulate you,
And I wish you good health, godmother.
I wish you happiness, good luck and luck,
Festive mood and fun.

Let love warm your heart,
Let the angel protect your home.
Joy, prosperity and comfort.
And warmth in the family every minute!

Happy New Year, godmother,
I'm so grown up
For you there is always a child,
You have been with me since the cradle.

I love you very much
I respect and appreciate.
And I wish you warmth
May you be happy.

And she was always with me
My dear man.
Let love warm your soul,
And to be warm in the cold.

Dear godmother,
On New Year's Day
From me today.

I wish for the New Year
Health for you
And I will share with you
Happiness and love.

May you every new day
I joyfully met you
In the coming year,
So that she becomes happy.

Happy New Year,
Dear godmother,
Let the days be sunny
The nights will be starry.

Let with your smile
The New Year will begin
And let everything be bad
It remains in the old one.

To make you happy
Celebrated the New Year
For him to fulfill
Everything I dreamed of.

Happy New Year, godmother. Be happy and loved, dreamy and successful in making any dream come true. I wish you a successful new year with pleasant surprises, happy holidays and wonderful events.

They say that the New Year means a new life. I wish you, my dear godmother, that in your new life there will be no gray days, gloomy people, sadness and problems. Let magic, beauty and harmony reign in it. Also, I want your most cherished dreams to come true in the New Year and all your bold ideas to come to life. I hope this year brings you only positive emotions, peace of mind, success and good prospects! Happy new life, new happiness!

My godmother, Happy New Year
And, loving you with all my heart, I wish you happiness!
May the coming year bring only joy and fun,
And health, and love, and good luck, and luck!
So that, like a rose, you bloom and do not fade.
May your dreams and cherished desires come true!

Godfather, Happy New Year,
Congratulations with all my heart!
And I wish you to be happy
Together with my family.

Let the year be successful,
Fruitful for you.
Less workload at work
Homes always make you happy.

May everything be so wonderful
What words cannot say.
I wish you all the best,
And, of course, don’t get sick!

My beloved, cool godfather,
I congratulate you.
May the New Year bring you joy
You have a daring fate.

Under the ringing sound of glasses
I wish you happiness.
Always know that you are the best
You are my favorite.

Dear godfather, Happy New Year to you. May this year be especially happy, incredibly successful, unusually successful and incredibly fun for you. I wish you New Year's joy and a wonderful life, better than any sweetness.

Godfather, today I want to wish you great happiness, undying joy, goodness and success. Let this year be the beginning of new perspectives and opportunities. Believe in yourself, your friends and loved ones, and don’t give up when faced with troubles. I wish you magic, miracles and brightness! Happy New Year, may everything be fine!

My dear godfather, Happy New Year!
Strength, health, long life to you!
May you, under a peaceful sky,
Life is fun and without troubles.

May your wishes come true
May your family always reign
Joy and mutual understanding.
Be happy for a hundred thousand years in a row!

The New Year is already coming,
Congratulations, my godfather.
May your wishes come true
This holiday is mischievous.

Let it sweep with white snow
Sorrows will soon be winter,
May you soon be dizzy
A joyful mess.

May a happy year come
Let him get rid of grievances,
Let it not hurt your health,
The door to luck will open.

Dear godfather, Happy New Year! May you be surrounded only by your most beloved and dear people on this magical holiday! I wish you a warm and cozy family home, fun and joyful days, health and true happiness!

Godfather, on New Year's Day
I wish you happiness
Sweet life without hassle
And luck without end.

Every day to catch success
And hold it stubbornly by the tail,
So that love, kindness and laughter
Were always in life

Happy New Year, dear godfather,
I wish you happiness.
May the coming year be brighter
Only your life will become.

May good luck and health
It will bring warmth to your home
This new and magical one
Enchanting New Year.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May God be with you!
To sorrow, misfortune
To have a chest of health,
Money boxes under the spruce tree,
Vase full of love
And health to the whole plate.
Congratulations! Do not be sad,
Smile more often than anyone else
Receive and give
And let success overtake you!

Happy New Year, where surprises await,
With New Happiness, which plays by itself.
Godmother, good luck to you, it will fall like snow,
And so that warm laughter will fly towards you from all sides.

Happy New Year, may joy actively manifest itself,
And the career appears with a bang and shine.
I congratulate you on new happiness in the New Year,
I wish to be loved, to be active and happy.©

New Year admires the decorations,
Everything in your apartment shines with happiness.
Happy New Year, godmother, hurry to the tree,
You will find personal gifts there first.

I wish you amazing days ahead,
Live actively and richly, welcoming all successes.
Happy New Year, dear godmother, bright days ahead,
So that your life will be more fun in the coming year.©

Happy New Year greetings to the godmother in verse

The New Year is pleasant for everyone's heart,
And a gift from Santa Claus is quite likely.
Happy New Year, godmother, fall into childhood,
Spend your holiday in a very bright, naive and interesting way.

With new happiness without worries, special problems,
With new successes, everyone is ready to run after you.
Dear godmother, let it be in the coming year
Everything is done very clearly, quickly, on the go.©

Happy New Year greetings to the godmother in verse

There is a Christmas tree in the corner, people are dancing around it,
All words and congratulations are addressed to each other.
I’ll join now and congratulate you,
By the way of the godfather I will wish the box happiness.

Godmother, hurry up and stand near the Christmas tree,
And, like the lights on it, you will be charged with bright happiness.
Happy New Year, may the snowfalls of bright luck rage,
And bring you streams of juicy joy in the coming year.©

Happy New Year greetings to the godmother in verse

May the New Year come cloudlessly and beautifully,
He will bring you a bag of bright, much needed gifts.
Light it up, godmother, you are the lights, the garlands are all on the tree,
May your luck, godmother, always be excellent.

Good luck to you, albeit very snowy,
Tender rivers of love for you, completely boundless.
Happy New Year, godmother, you have a million surprises,
And fulfillment of personal whims to the smallest detail.©

Godmother! Happy New year to you! I wish you happiness, health and all the very best in the coming year! May all your dreams come true! Happy holiday!

Snowflakes swirl and melt on your eyelashes,
And in this New Year's bustle
Let a new page open,
I wish you happiness, godmother.

Let there be a sea of ​​positivity in life,
Let no tears touch your eyes.
Live in abundance, always be beautiful,
And may you always be healthy.

Happy New Year, godmother. Be happy and loved, dreamy and successful in making any dream come true. I wish you a successful new year with pleasant surprises, happy holidays and wonderful events.

Happy New Year, godmother.
Congratulations to you.
Let the stars shine
In a colorful destiny.

May your wishes
Everything will be done in a year.
Peace, success, recognition,
It will bring happiness!

My dear and wonderful godmother, I congratulate you on the New Year and want to wish that the chimes mark the beginning of a new story in your life, in which there will be many interesting and happy events, bright moments and unforgettable impressions. I wish you love, prosperity, good health and a magical winter fairy tale.

Dear godmother!
Let happiness come
Heaven with stars
Gives New Year.

I wish you tenderness
In every new day,
Light and carelessness,
It's like spring.

And magical miracles
I wish you,
For the gorgeous
Joy without end!

Godmother, congratulations
Happy New Year to you!
I wish to live like in a fairy tale,
And may you be happy!

Let your work promise success
The family will be healthy.
Luck pleases bottomlessly,
And best friends appreciate it.

I also wish you
To be as beautiful as before,
Grief and sadness without knowing
Achieve only victories.

Godmother beloved,
Happy New Year.
May your wishes come true
Treasured for once!

May the New Year's holiday
Will bring you happiness
Let everything be fine
And every day you are lucky!

Happy New Year, my godmother!
Let your life be a fairy tale.
So that there is magic around
A reliable friend helped in troubles!

Happy New Year, my godmother!
So that all the work is not in vain,
May love and happiness never leave you,
And sadness and sadness will immediately disappear!

I want to wish you madly
The best godmother in the world,
To always live wisely,
And warmth and goodness in the apartment!

Notice the love around
And appreciate your friends and girlfriends.
With a bright sunrise of life,
Happy New Year!

Congratulations to the godmother, godfather

Godparents are very close people, relatives. Therefore, you need to congratulate your godparents on the New Year with soul and warmth, giving from the bottom of your heart the best words of love and recognition.


The New Year is already approaching the door,
The Christmas trees are knocking on the windows with their paws.
And today, at the cheerful table
Congratulations to the godfather sound.
This evening we wish you
Mood and big victories.
And we fill the glass for it.
Happy New Year! May you live without troubles!


Outside the window, such a night is magically starry.
Santa Claus rules the roost today.
Congratulations, dear godmother.
The New Year has already arrived.
Let the glass be filled with champagne,
At a cheerful festive table.
May your wishes come true!
May your home be a “full cup”!

Happy New Year to the Godfather

Happy New Year, my dear godfather!
You are alone, like a unique island in the ocean.
May comfort, warmth and happiness always be near,
For your kindness and affection - the best reward!
The New Year is already on the threshold, you open it for him,
May you be surrounded by joy, loved ones, and love!
It is completely unknown what will happen next,
And only I am your faithful godson with you forever!

My godparents, I wish you
Live long in love, without knowing troubles,
Sharing joy in half
Keep the light of hope in your soul!
The New Year is coming to us soon,
May your life be filled with goodness.
May he bring a lot of happiness,
And fills the house with fun!

Congratulations to the godmother

The snow is spinning and the wind is blowing,
Winter has come, she casts a spell
Patterns on your window
To make spring enviable!
December ends, snowstorm
Already covered like a bed
A huge city even now
It's time to open the door!
To spend the old year together,
And it’s flattering to miss the New one!
Meet him, godmother:
May the New Year be easy!

Godmother's wishes

Let the New Year come on our heels!
Let him go with kindness and warmth,
I wish my godmother to be rich,
Not only with your wallet, but also with your soul!
So that there is prosperity and understanding in the family,
To make your long-awaited wish come true,
So that your expectations are met,
Fill your glass as the chimes strike!