How to find out whether a hairstyle will work or not. How to find out which haircut is suitable

Here in the community questions often arise: will a short haircut suit me or should I leave my hair long or even a bob? Most often we answer according to the like-dislike principle, “Oh, you’re so interesting in the photo with your haircut! Probably a shorter haircut will be good. Or maybe it’s just the hair color that’s so good.” But in fact, in the question “to cut or not to cut?” It also has its own rules and patterns.

I just came across a wonderful analysis, which, it seems to me, clarifies a lot and suggests who and under what initial data should cut, without waiting for peritonitis, experiment with short hair, and who should let go of curls and not twitch)

Original taken from angry_sunflower in Audrey and Anne (to cut or not to cut)

Recently, the newspaper again came across a photo of Anne Hathaway with a short haircut. Since she was not alone, a conversation began with a friend about whether this hairstyle decorates her or not. To be honest, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, periodically seeing her photographs...

Since her new image with a short haircut reminds me very much of an attempt to beat the famous style of Audrey Hepburn (too many “similarities” for a spontaneous choice), I decided to base my analysis on this comparison.

There is no doubt that both women are very beautiful, but, in my opinion, with completely different beauty! This means that their style spaces are most likely different!

Let's start with the fact that Audrey has a square face, clear, defined cheekbones. Therefore, her most successful images are always those where the hair is pulled back from the temples and some volume is created on top (very often also with the help of accessories). The scheme is independent of hair length!

Look how successful the photo on the left is: the hairstyle smooths out the angularities of the face and draws attention to her expressive eyes - a very aristocratic, “expensive” image! Here it is - successful stylization! Her face in the photo on the right is perceived completely differently. The choice of angle is correct, but the squareness of her face is still more than obvious. Despite the bright eyeliner, the emphasis on the eyes turns out to be blurred (especially in comparison with the photo on the right). Also, the simplicity of the hairstyle kills the spirit of aristocracy.

Another illustration: and again with her hair down, something goes away. In the photo on the right is just a pretty girl, and in the photo on the left is a Style Icon, elegance itself!

That is, in principle, regardless of the length of the hair, Audrey’s calling card is smooth (or smoothed) hair at the temples and volume on top. It turns out that the haircut was the result of a correctly found form, that is, in fact, no one invented the haircut, she was already there! This makes the image so organic!

A short haircut is a masculine space, i.e. short hair in a woman’s appearance is often intended to emphasize some “boyishness” or mischief. In English there is even such a term - tomboy (pampered girl, tomboy, tomboy). Which suits the fragile, thin, lively and energetic Audrey Hepburn immensely.

Another feature of a short haircut: visually all facial features become more obvious. The actress has a fairly neat nose and a small mouth. The most striking thing about her face is her large brown eyes, which are always emphasized with eyeliner and false eyelashes.

It turns out that this haircut option is practically a win-win option in this case. Blends harmoniously with the shape and features of the face. Perfectly fits emotionally and figuratively, emphasizing the natural liveliness and natural (undeliberate) elegance of Audrey.

Let's return to Anne Hathaway.

Honestly, my first feeling when comparing these two portraits is that in the photo on the right - she was robbed! I can't do anything about it!

More illustrations...and the same feeling

Ann has a completely different energy! She is much heavier and more sensual than Audrey HPburn!

The soft oval of the face, the large and sensual mouth, the “flying” eyebrows, the wavy, thick hair in the photo on the left - it’s organic! Natural, earthly beauty!
And it is the absence of hair in the photo on the right that creates the feeling of a disassembled puzzle - as if someone came up and stole the figures from an already folded picture.

In addition, as I noted above, a short haircut visually makes all facial features more pronounced. The volume of hair in the photo on the left draws attention to itself and harmonizes the appearance, so her large features (mouth, eyes, bright eyebrows) are sensuality and strength!
The haircut redistributes the accents: in the photo on the right, the lower part of the face becomes “fleshy” and rough.

The haircut is not included in Anne's look! There is a feeling that this “boyishness” has been pulled by the ears, and this emotion does not want to live here either in the hairstyle, or in the facial features, or in clothes, or in the manner of deportment!

A style icon is when the puzzle has come together, when the hairstyle, clothing style, manner of moving and speaking - everything plays in unison (style is a gesture!). That's why Audrey Hepburn revolutionized ideas about female beauty in the 60s and continues to inspire designers and stylists today! She didn't change herself, she was herself! (placing the accents correctly...)

When looking for a suitable haircut, women are increasingly choosing bobs. On the one hand, this is a classic haircut that will suit ladies with any hair color, both 20 and 40 years old. But there are nuances, based on which, it becomes clear who the square suits and who still needs to look for other options. This article will help you find out which women may not be afraid to get a bob haircut.

What is a bob haircut?

Almost every woman has in her head the image of Cleopatra, the queen of Ancient Egypt, whose black hair was cut to the middle of her neck and had straight thick bangs. It is this technique that is now commonly called the classic square. The length of the hair covers the ears and ideally there is thick straight bangs - the image of Cleopatra is more popular now than ever. But not everyone has thick hair and not every young or older woman will suit a deep black color. In this regard, there are now many options for the square. To highlight facial features and hide all imperfections.

Currently, there is no clear definition of a bob and very often it can be confused with a bob haircut or any other. And in the bob itself there are many options - the presence and absence of bangs, an elongated bob, an oblique haircut and even a torn bob. Let's figure out who suits the bob in its classic presentation, and then you will find tips on how to improve the haircut to suit your individuality.

Who would suit a classic bob?

Oval face

A bob, both classic and elongated, will suit you if your face shape resembles an oval. In general, an oval face is an opportunity to experiment with hairstyles; it is a classic and an ideal that everyone strives for with the help of hair styling tricks, makeup and other beauty secrets. If you are the owner of this particular face shape, then you don’t have to worry - absolutely any haircut and all kinds of hair colors will suit you, so you can have no doubt about the bob.

Rectangular face shape

The rectangular shape of the face is close to ideal, since it respects the basic proportions. The chin and forehead are the same width, and the cheekbones beautifully outline the face. A classic bob will look good if you style it not in a completely standard way, but create a disheveled effect. Another option is an elongated side bang with the main classic hair length. A shoulder-length bob or a graduated bob option will suit you very well, both with and without bangs.

Thick hair

If you have thick enough hair, then a bob will definitely suit you. As a rule, ladies with problematic thin hair should create additional volume using various tricks - from a classic backcomb to a chignon. A bob will look ridiculous in any case, but a good short haircut or hair length below the shoulders will allow you to create the effect of thick hair. As for those with naturally thick hair, a bob will save you from the daily torment of combing and styling heavy hair, and the presence of bangs will allow you to additionally get rid of heavy long curls, which are very difficult to care for.

Any hair structure

What sets the bob apart from other haircuts is the ability to cut both straight and curly hair. In this case, owners of one or another hair type receive an additional bonus to refresh their image - straight hair can be curled with a curling iron or curlers, and curly hair can be straightened with an iron. In the case of curls, you can very advantageously emphasize their beauty and simplify the care of elastic and unruly curls by making a short bob without bangs.

Choosing a square depending on the features

So, everyone knows that ideal people do not exist. Some have a high forehead, others are shy about wide cheekbones. Let's find out the secrets of how to choose a bob that's right for you.

  1. If you have a round face, choose a torn, graduated bob so that the ends of your hair do not create the effect of weighing down your face; an asymmetrical bob with elongated strands near the face will look good.
  2. If you have a square face, a bob is suitable if your hair is thick enough and you can cut your bangs, you will also have to create volume on the top of your head to visually lengthen your face.
  3. If you have a triangular-shaped face, then give preference to an elongated bob without additional volume; it is best to curl the ends of your hair inward.
  4. If you have a high forehead, thick straight bangs will save you, and the bob should end where your chin ends.
  5. If you have a long neck and it looks disproportionate, then choose an elongated bob that reaches your shoulders.
  6. If you have wide cheekbones, a classic bob with the ends of the hair slightly curled inward will help hide them.
  7. If you have a heavy chin, choose a graduated bob with a side parting, this way you will create asymmetry and the chin will not be conspicuous, even better if you complement the hairstyle with side-swept bangs.

It is not for nothing that the bob is considered a classic, because with its help you can well hide imperfections in appearance that cannot be eliminated except through surgical intervention. Long hair does not always look appropriate, especially when you are over 30, and many women are afraid of short haircuts. That is why the square was and remains one of the best options. If you don’t know which haircut to choose, choose a bob taking into account the type and characteristics of your face, and you won’t regret it.

Create your own hairstyle before going to the beauty salon to see how it suits you.

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How to choose hairstyles online for free? Instructions for using the service:

Changing your hairstyle can be challenging. Sometimes it is very difficult to imagine how you will look with a particular haircut, and it is especially difficult to explain in words how you imagine it to your hairdresser. That is why it is very convenient to first choose a hairstyle online to see how well it suits you, and then print the resulting picture for your hairdresser. There are a great many opportunities that the Internet offers us: from trying on this or that image of celebrities to sites that will help you create a hairstyle that is completely familiar to you.

1. If you are reading this text, then you are already on a site that offers completely free tools for creating the perfect image. Websites like this allow you to upload a photo of yourself so you can better judge whether a particular hairstyle will suit you. You can create a hairstyle using different pieces of hair as a tool. In this article, using this site as an example, we will tell you how it works.

2. To start working on your image, click the “Registration” button. Below are step-by-step instructions:

Then use the “Upload Photo” button to select a photo of yourself. Preferably one that shows you from the front with your hair combed back. Once you find the photo on your computer panel, click on it.

If suddenly you don’t have such a photo, then you can choose one of the samples offered on the site, with a similar skin color and face shape similar to yours.

3. Adjust the photo to the size you need by moving it right and left. It is very important to remember that your future image depends on how correctly the photograph is framed. Place the pointers at the center of the pupils.

4. Highlight facial features. Mark the outer corners of each eye, the mouth, and the center point of the chin. The application will show you an algorithm for performing these actions; a separate example will be presented to your attention for each facial feature in the form of step-by-step instructions.

These steps are very important as they will help the app place hairstyles perfectly in relation to your head, so that you don't have to adjust it yourself.

5. You can also browse and choose a hairstyle for yourself. When choosing, base your choice on the haircut itself, and not on the hair color, as it can be easily changed to match yours or what you want.

Click on a hairstyle to “try on” it. Using special controls near the photo, you can stretch the hairstyle, or turn it over so that part of the hair is on the other side

6. When the virtual transformation is completed, click “Download result”, or use the link below to immediately print the resulting image. There are social media buttons above the photo, be sure to use them! We wish you good luck in changing your look!

The question of how to find out which haircut suits me worries the minds of thousands, if not millions of women. Especially if you are not a fan of experiments and have preferred the same haircut for a long time. And then another morning comes, you stand at the mirror with unstyled hair and think about what haircut will suit your face. And it seems that there is no way to do it without the help of a professional, but this is a fundamentally wrong position.

How to choose the right haircut?

Any specialist will tell you that choosing the right hairstyle is based on your face shape and hair structure. These two components are the basis of a competent hairstyle. If you do not determine the shape and structure, then the ideal haircut is not expected in the near future. Usually girls are aware of their type on an intuitive level, but how do I know which haircut will suit me? It's simple, first let's determine the shape of the face.

What forms are there?

Determining a typical classification is not enough; it is important to understand how to determine your face shape with one hundred percent accuracy. Experts usually divide the following forms:

  • Round - the width of the face is approximately equal to the length.
  • Oval - the face tapers towards the bottom, cheekbones protrude. Considered the ideal form.
  • Square - forehead, cheekbones and chin are the same in size.
  • Heart shape - wide cheekbones and forehead, narrow and elongated chin.
  • Diamond - cheekbones protruding against the background of the forehead, narrow chin.
  • Elongated shape - forehead, chin and cheekbones are the same in length.

Someone will be able to determine the shape of their face immediately if, for example, it is clearly round. And someone will have to work hard and resort to the help of a test.

Shape test

To be sure to determine the shape of your face and not make a mistake with your haircut, you should take a small but effective test consisting of four stages.

  • Step #1 - stand in front of a mirror, comb your hair back and tie it up so it doesn't get in the way.
  • Step No. 2 - prepare in advance a long ruler, and if you don’t have one, an A4 sheet, as well as a pen. The task of the second stage is to measure the length of the face from the roots of the hair on the forehead to the tip of the chin.
  • Step No. 3 - now you need to use your mathematical skills and divide the resulting length by three. This result is conventionally designated as “result A”.
  • Step No. 4 - next you need to measure the gap from the bridge of the nose to the end of the chin and mark it as “result B”.

This is where our measurements end, we can begin to announce the results and answer the question of how to find out which haircut suits me:

  • if length A is greater than length B, then your face shape is elongated or square;
  • if length A is less than length B - round or diamond-shaped;
  • if the length of A is equal to the length of B, it is oval or heart-shaped.

Based on the test results, you can easily determine your face shape. Based on this, you can choose the perfect hairstyle, because a bad haircut can ruin even the most beautiful facial features.

Haircuts for round faces

The problem with chubby girls is that even the thinnest faces can look plump due to their round shape. Women who are overweight are even less fortunate. Therefore, the task of a haircut is to visually reduce the volume and lengthen it in all possible and impossible ways. It's time to answer the question of how to find out which haircut suits me with a square face shape. The following hairstyles are strictly prohibited for girls with a round face shape:

  • Forget about curling, fine curls will make your face look even bigger.
  • For the same reason, you will have to give up overly voluminous hairstyles.
  • Never comb your hair back, it will make your face look even rounder.
  • You should beware of short haircuts, but if you really want to, you should definitely discuss the choice with a specialist or use an application that will help you find out from the photo which haircut is suitable.
  • Women who, in addition to a round face shape, have a long neck should be wary of high hairstyles. The hairstyle will visually lengthen not only the shape of the face, but also the neck, which will seem indistinct.

We've sorted out the limitations, now let's move on to what will definitely suit a round face:

  • Layers, layers and more layers! Such haircuts, in which each layer has a different length, are ideal for chubby ladies.
  • Large curls will look great.
  • Don't forget about long haircuts where the hair falls below the chin.
  • If you really want something shorter, pay attention to the bob haircut.
  • As for the hairstyle, slickness is of no use here, but creative disorder is just the thing.

Choose based on personal preferences and advice from really good specialists.

Haircuts for oval faces

Any hairdresser will tell you that this face shape is considered ideal. This is because almost any hairstyle suits owners of this shape. But you still have to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • For thin hair - a medium length haircut.
  • For thick and thick hair - a long haircut.
  • And don’t forget about bangs; any will suit those with an oval face. When choosing, start from your facial features.

If you are the happy owner of an oval shape, then there should be no problems with the choice. Based on taste preferences, and the question of how to find out which haircut suits me will not be relevant.

Haircuts for square faces

This shape is considered very difficult, since the wrong haircut will make your face look too masculine, athletic or full. A successful haircut and styling will help correct the shape.

You need to pay attention to the following options:

  • multi-layered oblique bangs;
  • asymmetrical haircuts with side parting;
  • large waves and a haircut below the shoulders;
  • ladder and graduation are an ideal option to smooth out rough facial features;
  • A high hairstyle will visually elongate your face.

Forget about the following hairstyles forever:

  • short haircuts are taboo, they will only emphasize the “squareness” of the face;
  • fluffy hairstyles will make the face even wider;
  • straight hair, straight bangs and a straight parting are a nightmare for those with a square face shape.

If you really want a short hairstyle, an option with long oblique bangs is possible.

Haircuts for Heart Shapes

This shape cannot be called ideal, but its advantage is that it can be easily corrected through proper haircut. What haircut suits a heart-shaped face?

  • Torn bangs, which will open the central part of the forehead, will bring the heart-shaped shape closer to the ideal oval.
  • Short haircuts and too long hair are a controversial issue; shoulder-length haircuts would be an ideal option.
  • You should also be careful with curls; smooth and straight hair is the best option.

To choose the best hairstyle as accurately as possible, use the advice of experts. How do I know which men's haircut is right for me? You should also pay attention to the shape of the face and the rules listed above.

If you've never had a short haircut, you might be wondering whether you'll look good with short hair or not. How to easily find out if a short haircut suits you:
According to women's magazine Elle, this rule was discovered by hair expert John Fried, who studied various face shapes and discovered that the angle of the jaw determines whether someone will have short hair or not.
In order to take the necessary measurements, place a pencil or pen horizontally under your chin and then measure the distance from the pencil to your earlobe (the ruler should be strictly vertical). If the resulting distance is less than 5.5 cm, a short haircut will suit you perfectly. If it’s more, then with long curls you will look much better.

Tags: How to find out if a short haircut suits a man

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Short haircut: how to explain to a man that this is good? | Topic author: Elena

Dear brothers in spirit!
Share your thoughts (experience, observations, etc.) - how to explain to a man that a short haircut is no less beautiful than long hair? Can’t force one to come to terms with the fact that a lady doesn’t have time to style her hair, or doesn’t have much hair, or some other external reason, namely, to accept and love her short curls with all her heart and other organs?
Thanks for the advice. I think they will be useful not only to me - the problem is extremely trivial, as I understand it.

Anna (Mikelis)  Honestly, I have the same problem myself. :) My husband loves long hair, and I'm going to cut my hair. :) But it’s not something terrible like hair loss, no. I just recently wanted to change something about myself, + I’m too lazy to come up with something new, and I still wear my long hair in a ponytail. I rarely curl my hair... Therefore, I will use hints to prepare my husband for the idea that with any hairstyle I am a beauty. :)) Wish you luck! :))

Sergey (Aleyn)  no need to explain anything. I suppose I like women with short hair. A neat haircut looks very nice. Especially the bob on the leg, when the back of the head is cut short, is simply stunning

Tanya (Shai)  but my husband loves me with short hair. a month ago I got tired of a dark chocolate bob (I had a bob for 3 years, sometimes long, sometimes short) :)), I came to my hairdresser and asked to radically change me, she cut my hair short and picked out a beautiful red shade for me)) My husband barely I found out, but after a week I got used to it and said that I’m super)) And in general, my husband, for example, likes girls with stylish short haircuts.)) And you tell your husband that only stylish, brave and self-confident girls wear short haircuts, tell him that they don’t Do you want to be a gray mass and walk around like everyone else with long hair!))

Maria (Jarod)  Sergey, If most men thought so, they would have no value)) and why do they see femininity only in this..?

Maria (Jarod)  I found something on the forums, the opinions of men, maybe this will somehow calm you down girls):
Roman, 23 years old
Only girls with high cheekbones, beautiful eyes and a generally correct skull can afford short hair. Apparently that's why we have so many long-haired people - they simply have nothing to show. When I see a young girl with short hair, I think that she has a brave and special character. That is, in any case, it won’t be boring with her.
Denis, 37 years old
What makes you think that men only like long hair? Men like women, not hair. That is, everything in totality - face, figure, movements, manners, voice, smell...

Sasha, 29 years old
Full of stupid women shaking their hair and proud of its length. What is there to be proud of? It would be better if they chose a haircut, they would look like beauty queens!

Mitya, 31 years old
It all depends on the style and appearance of the girl. For example, I’m pleased to look at a girl’s neat short haircut! And with age, long hair generally stops suiting women. Sometimes you look: in the back is a pioneer, in front is a pensioner. Nightmare!

Maria (Jarod)  People often think in stereotypes - probably a man somewhere saw a girl with an inappropriate haircut and immediately stereotyped - ugly and unfeminine, etc., the same thing happens with other areas. Try to show successful examples from the “before and after” series - if common sense is not alien to him, you will surely convince him.

Marina (Danette)  Elena Minchenok
Dear brothers in spirit!
Share your thoughts (experience, observations, etc.) - how to explain to a man that a short haircut is no less beautiful than long hair?

I can give many valid arguments
1) short hair makes you look younger. Looking younger means increasing the status of your man (what a young woman you grabbed)
2) a radical change in hair length will entail a change in wardrobe, and in some cases, a change in wardrobe will require eating less buns and pumping up your abs and buttocks more. Do you know many men who refused to make love with a fit and renewed lady of their heart?
3) changing your image will renew your own sense of femininity, you will become more playful and attractive. After swimming in a sea of ​​compliments from colleagues, friends, acquaintances and returning home, you will feel amazing. What man is against the good mood of his woman?
4) you will add some sparkle to an extinguished and stagnant relationship according to the principle “you need such a cow yourself” (after all, now, you or the other and other men are starting to look at you... even if it’s the pot-bellied bald Petrovich from the neighboring 28th)
5) you completely deprive your man of his trump card “and your snotty hairball is tangled in the drain grate” in the battle called “your dirty socks are everywhere again”
6) you can safely leave a short hair on his jacket, it’s unlikely that anyone will suspect him of having an affair))... if you can hardly even wrap the hair around your finger))) and.... you can always blame it on a colleague and a shedding cat) ))
7) during sweet pleasures, a man no longer has the need to watch his elbows, hands, feet, lest they crush your scattered mop, and to unwind the remaining hair from his dignity separately)))
May all the hypocrites of the universe forgive me!)) However, try to indulge in passion together with the happy owner of hair below the waist (with a rocker, for example), you yourself will understand how long flowing hair interferes, distracts and confuses, especially if you cause pain, about which no one asked you during the act.
8) you cut your hair = have you forgotten how to apply makeup, dress attractively, flirt, bring him pleasure when you are alone? Then what kind of loss of femininity are we talking about?
9) if you are free, creative and unique, then why the hell do you need a canned creature when so many extravagant guys are walking around planet Earth looking for you, so cool, cool, brave and advanced? !!

Nina (Izabela)  Elena, God, you are such a beauty with short hair, and I’m surprised that you have to explain something to a man.

Irina (Zoelie)  This is who likes what

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