International Students Day. How did the international holiday Student's Day (November 17) originate? International Student's Day in Greece

On November 17, the whole world celebrates International Students Day. In Russia there is a traditional student holiday, it is January 25: after the session they celebrate Tatyana’s Day

International Students' Day, which is celebrated annually on November 17, should not be confused with the cheerful and joyful Tatyana's Day in January, a traditional holiday of Russian students. The history of International Students' Day, unfortunately, is connected with the tragic events of the Second World War.

Most likely, this is not even a holiday, but a day of consolidation and solidarity of students from different countries of the world.

The day when international students commemorate the victims of the fascist regime and express their strong protest against the outbreak of new bloody wars on earth.

The origin of International Students' Day is as follows. Back in 1939, on October 28, a demonstration took place in Prague in honor of the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state. Students from many Prague universities took part in it. By that time, Czechoslovakia was already occupied by German troops.

During the dispersal of the demonstration, one of the students, Jan Opletal, was shot dead. Young Prague residents (including university students and teachers) turned the day of Jan’s funeral into a mass protest against this brutal murder.

A few days later, in the early morning of November 17, hundreds of Protestants were arrested. Many were shot, many were sent to concentration camps.

All educational institutions in Czechoslovakia, by order of Hitler, were immediately closed. They resumed work only after the end of the war. The exact number of victims of the bloody Prague events has not yet been established.

In 1942, the first international student anti-Nazi congress met in London, at which it was decided to make November 17 a day of remembrance for the fallen Czech students. Since then, November 17 is celebrated by all students, in all countries of the world, regardless of their nationality, skin color and religion.

Traditions of International Students' Day

On this day, memorial services are held, in which representatives of many international public and student organizations take part. Ceremonies also take place at the grave of Jan Opletal, which is located in the cemetery in the tiny Czech village of Nakla.

For example, on the 50th anniversary of Jan’s death in 1989, more than 75 thousand students from almost all countries of the world attended a memorial rally that took place at his burial place.

It doesn’t matter at all how old you are, whether you are studying, working, or retired. Be sure to remember on November 17 all those people who fell from the bloody fascist regime and pray that peace and quiet will always reign on our Earth.

How to celebrate Student's Day in other countries

Most countries in the world have their own semi-traditional and traditional student days. Let's take a short overview of student holidays in some countries.

Student's Day in Greece

The Polytechneo students' holiday is celebrated on November 7. This day is the anniversary of the 1973 student protests. According to official data, there were no casualties as a result of the suppression of student demonstrations by the military.

But in fact, hundreds of students were arrested, more than a thousand people were injured and 24 people were killed. After the restoration of the democratic government, the students who suffered on that day were proclaimed martyrs.


The student holiday Vappu is celebrated on May 1st. On this day, lyceum graduates receive a symbol of transition to a new stage of adult life - a student cap. The holiday traditionally begins on April 30 with congratulations from the president of the country.

Student celebrations take place in Helsinki, which open with the placing of a student cap on the head of the Havis Amanda statue. The head of the statue is first soaped. A special cap with a circumference of 85 cm was made for the statue.


One of the most fun and large-scale celebrations is held at Harvard University every February. The Hasty Pudding pageant is named after the food that has traditionally been served at student club meetings since 1795.

This holiday is held in the form of a carnival with a costume parade. Only men take part in it, playing both female and male roles. This custom dates back to the days when Harvard was an all-boys university.


In Porto and Coimbra, a large student festival, Keima, takes place in May. Keima begins at midnight with loud student singing serenades at the monument to one of the Portuguese kings. Musical groups perform in the city park.

The culmination of the holiday is the solemn procession of students through the entire city. Each university has its own uniform. All participants hold sticks with ribbons tied on them (another name for this holiday is “ribbon burning”). A brightly decorated truck is moving along the pavement.

Graduates sit in the back, and freshmen move along behind the car, crawling on their knees. A church service is held at the stadium, after which the ribbons of each university are solemnly burned.


Belgian students are happy to celebrate any student holidays. The beginning and end of the session is a good reason for noisy groups to meet in bars! Of course, this is not a complete list of student holidays. Young people from all countries love to have fun, and not only on special days. In some places, student holidays are not tied to a specific date.

And yet, the fact that Student’s Day is celebrated all over the world suggests that the “university community” is valued and respected!

Congratulations in verse on Student's Day

We congratulate everyone on Student's Day,
We are happy to celebrate this holiday,
We wish you interesting studies,
And in the future - a decent salary!

Let Student's Day pass
Without sadness and worries.
May luck smile
And at least you'll be lucky in some way!

We wish you perseverance, we wish you excitement,
To make learning easy and enjoyable.
Students, relax! Today is your day!
And don’t let the shadow overshadow his session!

Patience for you for many years
And happiness in this life is not easy!
Please accept congratulations, student,
And smile, because today is your holiday

We wish to learn, sometimes to fall in love
And don’t get lost in life’s search.
May your head always be bright,
Beautiful – thoughts, actions, words!

Being a student is great!
Being a student is beautiful!
May things go well
And neither fluff nor feather!

We are all so different -
Excellent students, truants,
But we are together on student's day
We want to celebrate
Happy holiday to everyone
And we wish you in the future
Reach heights in your profession
Find a calling!

The day November 17th was not chosen by all students by chance. Back in 1946, immediately after the end of the last hostilities of the Second World War, which brought humanity a lot of grief and suffering and at the same time revealed real heroes worthy of eternal memory and veneration, a student congress was held in Prague. This meeting had a truly global significance; it, among other things, voiced the events that took place in Czechoslovakia, occupied at the very beginning of the war by Nazi Germany, as a result of which Opletaillo died.

For six years, students in Czechoslovakia ceased to exist as a class; Hitler made sure that all higher institutions of the country were closed and ceased their social and educational activities.

The name of Jan Opletalo, a simple student who instantly became a national hero, is associated with the youth demonstrations that took place at the end of October 1939. The demonstrators decided to adequately celebrate the anniversary of the founding of their state - Czechoslovakia. The unauthorized action was not only interrupted by the invaders, but also sprinkled with the blood of medical student Opletalo, whose funeral took place on November 15 and was not without mass unrest and numerous protests by indignant students of universities and academies and their teachers. Within days, a brutal attack on rebel student dormitories resulted in many students being sent to concentration camps or executed.


It was this courageous act, which became a real symbol of courage, determination and insubordination of students, that became the basis for the establishment of an international holiday, annually celebrated by all students of the world on November 17.

On the day of Tatiana of Rome, the great Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the creation of Moscow University, this day became the starting point for the birth of the holiday.

Initially, the decision to honor the names of students who died as a result of the action was announced in 1941 in London at the first international meeting of students who dedicated their lives to the fight against fascism; in the post-war period, the date became official and took on an international scale.

Today, regardless of their affiliation with the faculty and university, students unite in a single impulse that binds them with the spirit of celebration and fun. Productions, KVN competitions and other events are being prepared especially for this date, designed to emphasize the spirit of the holiday and, at least for a day, make you forget about all the problems associated with studying.

In our country, two dates can be considered the day of all students, one of which is of an official international nature, the other is associated with the name of St. Tatiana, the patroness of education, it is celebrated in the middle of the academic year and falls on January 25.

The students themselves are looking forward to Students' Day, and the adults are looking forward to it with fear. “Whatever they do!” is the general opinion of mothers, fathers and teachers, who have completely forgotten how they themselves celebrated this joyful holiday.

International Students Day is celebrated annually on November 17th. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which took place in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946.

This holiday is associated with youth, romance and fun, but its history, which began in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War, is associated with tragic events.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918). Occupier units dispersed the demonstration, and medical student Jan Opletal was shot dead.

The funeral of a young man on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, Gestapo and SS men surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning. More than 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in the dungeons of a prison in Prague's Ruzine district. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher education institutions were closed until the end of the war.

November 17 International Student Day: congratulations in prose

Congratulations on International Students Day and I wish you to always be on a positive wave, constantly strive for new success, never miss your opportunity and never regret your choice. Good luck and easy sessions!


On International Students Day, we would like to congratulate everyone who has decided to get a higher education and master any profession important to society! Student life is a fun time when passing difficult tests, exams, sleepless nights are almost erased from memory, because stormy gatherings, celebrating a passed exam, a sea of ​​new acquaintances and friends almost completely replace them. We wish you, dear students, to get an education, master your favorite profession and realize your high goals and desires!

Student's Day is the best holiday!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone.
After all, this time is beautiful,
Ahead lies your whole life, success...

I wish you happiness, friendship,
Achievements and victories.
A sea of ​​essential knowledge
And good luck to everyone in the competitions!

Today is Happy Students' Day
Congratulations, friends,
Good luck with your studies
I wish everyone.

So that the sessions are passed
Easy and effortless
Received credits
And let the tears not flow.

Student fraternity,
Have fun today
Towards the coveted diploma
Aspire with a smile.


Students are like supermen:
They can only do so skillfully
In the semester, couples will skip,
Then successfully pass the entire session!

Student, I congratulate you on your day,
Have fun, don't think about anything
May your record book make you happy,
And your life will be cool and clear!

Student years are the best period in the life of every person. Especially if you can feel it far from home, in a simple hostel, surrounded by friends and acquaintances. You need to do everything: gain knowledge, fall in love, throw several parties, find true friends.

November 17 is International Students' Day - a holiday, unfortunately, associated with tragic events. The story of its origin touches even the hardest hearts...

Excursion into history

A lot of innocent blood was shed during the Second World War. Back in 1939, a demonstration was organized in Prague to mark the tenth anniversary of the Czechoslovak state. The bulk of the people consisted of students from the best universities in the country. Young brave boys and girls took to the streets of the city with banners and posters; they were not afraid that the country was occupied by the Germans. Enemy troops began to disperse the demonstrators by force - one of the students was shot dead on the spot. Confusion began and many were arrested. For several days, boys, girls, and teachers were arrested. Some were taken to be shot, while others were sent to a concentration camp.

World peace

Hitler ordered the immediate closure of all educational institutions in the country, although there was no one to come to classes... Universities resumed their work only after the end of the war.

In 1942, the International Student Congress in London decided that November 17th would be a day of remembrance for Czech students. The holiday is not at all cheerful; it is celebrated in every locality in the world in memory of the victims of fascism. Young people of all nationalities and religions protest against wars and conflicts. November 17 is the date when people commemorate the innocent deaths of young and talented people.

In our memory

Almost every higher educational institution in the country hosts a student holiday. Concerts, interesting events, master classes and, of course, ceremonial flower-layings at memorials.

Teachers and students receive congratulations on Student's Day (November 17) all over the world. It’s so nice to hear warm wishes and feel the support of loved ones.

Sometimes couples last like years!

But I ask you not to be bored today!

After all, in the evening we are all honest people,

Let's go celebrate our holiday!

Strive for knowledge and kindness,

There are a lot of them on Earth.

Bear the title of student with pride,

You are gnawing on the granite of science at breakneck speed.

On World Student Day

Be beautiful, groovy,

Celebrate the holiday brightly,

But don't be late for the hostel!

Concert program

Many universities host fun concerts. Students show their talents and stage small skits.

You need to prepare in advance - take care of the decor of the hall, decorating it yourself with balloons, paper flowers and garlands. The main thing is to create a solemn atmosphere that will lift the spirits of those invited. After all, November 17 is International Students Day, and that means everything should be done at the highest level.

In many educational institutions there are students. For example, several Russians fly abroad and live and study there for a year. And foreigners come to us who are very interested in our culture and mentality. They study the language, try to understand traditions and laws. Present them with congratulations on Student's Day in prose in their native language and be sure to ask them to perform at the holiday concert! Invited spectators will be happy to immerse themselves in unfamiliar creativity.

There is no need to create an overly complex scenario for Student's Day. A simple program: several musical numbers, reading poetry of one’s own composition, a funny skit - this will be quite enough.

Good wishes

Each educational institution has its own activists. And some universities send their representatives to schools, where they talk with high school students, explain to them how important it is to get a good education, and how wonderful the years spent at an institute or academy are. Of course, it is also mentioned that November 17th International touches schoolchildren to tears. Applicants are invited to celebratory events on the occasion of this holiday. They enjoy spending time in the company of older friends and look forward to entering university.

Think through the scenarios for Student's Day in advance, choose presenters with good diction. At the end of the holiday, you can release a large number of balloons into the sky in memory of the fallen Czech students. It’s okay that the holiday will end on such a sad note. Each of those present will have a reassessment of values. After all, we often do not appreciate the good things we have.


Be sure to pay proper attention to your teachers. Give them flowers and good wishes. They not only give students knowledge, but also love them like their own children! November 17 (International Students' Day) is a holiday that directly affects teaching staff!

It's never too late to learn - this is a truth that everyone should remember!

International Students Day

History of the student's day

On October 28, 1939, the 21st anniversary of the declaration of independence of Czechoslovakia, a demonstration of students and teachers took place in Prague to protest against the occupation by Nazi Germany. The demonstrators were dispersed, and one of them, student Jan Opletal, was killed.

On November 15, protests began in Prague. On November 17, the occupation authorities arrested more than a thousand students and sent them to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp; 9 arrested students were executed. By order of Hitler, all universities in Czechoslovakia were closed.

In 1942, an International meeting of students participating in the Resistance movement took place in London. A member of the Czechoslovak communist party, Otto Schling, proposed celebrating this date as Student's Day in honor of the victims.

In 1946, the World Congress of Students in Prague decided to annually celebrate International Students Day on November 17th.

In the minds of Russians, this day is relegated to the background in connection with Tatyana's day on January 25. It is January 25 that Russian students celebrate on a grand scale. On the day of the martyr Tatiana Rimskaya in 1755 (on the initiative of Count Shuvalov and Lomonosov), the first Moscow University in Russia, now Lomonosov Moscow State University, was opened. Since 2005, Tatyana's Day has been considered the Day of Russian Students.

Guadeamus - student anthem

The song appeared in the 13th century and belongs to the drinking genre. The hymn is a kind of allusion to the famous aphorism of Hippocrates -
“Life is short, art is eternal, science is vast, chance is uncertain, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult.” Students love songs, on student's day they sing this particular song.

I remember the lines from “Scenes from Faust” by A. S. Pushkin:

What should I do, Faust?
This is your limit
Nobody violates it.
All intelligent creatures are bored:
Some from laziness, some from deeds;
Who believes, who has lost faith;
He didn't have time to enjoy it
He enjoyed it in moderation,
And everyone yawns and lives -
And the coffin, yawning, awaits all of you.
Yawn too.

Life is mortal! So, let's have fun!

So let's have fun
while we are young!
After a pleasant youth,
after a painful old age
the earth will take us.
Where are those who came before us?
lived in peace?
Go to heaven
go to hell
if you want to see them.
Our life is short
it will end soon.
Death comes quickly
carries us away mercilessly
there will be no mercy for anyone.
Long live the university
Long live the professors!
Long live every member of the community,
long live all its members,
May they prosper forever!
Long live all the girls
graceful and beautiful!
Long live women too
tender, worthy of love,
kind, hardworking!
Long live the republic,
and the one who rules it!
Long live our city,
the mercy of patrons,
who patronizes us here.
Let the sadness disappear
May our sorrows disappear,
Let the devil disappear
All students' enemies
And laughing at them! Latin text
Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus!
Post jucundam juventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus!
Ubi sunt, qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Transeas ad superos,
Transeas ad inferos,
Hos si vis videre!!
Vita nostra brevis est,
Brevi finietur.
Venit mors velociter,
Rapit nos atrociter,
Nemini parcetur!
Vivat Academy!
Vivant professors!
Vivat membrum quodlibet!
Vivant membra quaelibet!
Semper sin in flore!
Vivant omnes virgines
Graciles, formosae!
Vivant et mulieres
Tenerae, amabiles,
Bonae, laboriosae!
Viva et res publica
Et qui illam regunt!
Vivat nostra civitas,
Maecenatum caritas,
Qui nos hic protegunt!
Pereat tristitia,
Pereant dolores!
Pereat Diabolus,
Quivis antiburschius
Atque irrisores!