Applications for windows for the New Year stencils. A winter fairy tale on a window made of paper to decorate windows for the New Year: print and cut out templates and stencils for stickers and drawing on windows, photos. New Year's fairy tales made of paper: plot stencils, templates, vyt

The article describes how to decorate stained glass windows with your own hands using various patterns from white paper.

When the winter holidays come, children and adults always expect miracles. It has long been customary in Rus' to decorate your home with various decorations. Windows are given special attention. After all, they are the mirror of the soul of any home. Thanks to them, the atmosphere in the room will become festive. And there will be enough collaboration for both children and adults to create a work of art on the windows from paper applications.

Back in ancient times, the idea of ​​decorating windows for the New Year holidays appeared. It was customary among the Celts to place decorated Christmas tree branches on the windows; they supposedly cleaned the home of evil spirits. Residents of the Middle Kingdom hung bells on their windows. They scared away demons and did not let them into the house.

Paper stencils on windows - what to glue them with?

In the Russian Empire, Peter was the first to introduce this tradition. He ordered his subordinates to decorate the houses with a Christmas tree, and the branches with ribbons and toys. Later they started gluing snowflakes on the windows and drawing entire masterpieces on the glass with toothpaste.

Applications for windows for the New Year

In modern times, innovations from other countries have come into our lives. Now you can use paper to create entire fairy tales on windows. Moreover, you can either buy stencils or draw them yourself. Then all that remains is to carefully cut them out using available tools and glue them to the glass.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

Finished cut out products are glued using water and soap. After the holidays have passed, you can easily peel off the drawing. It is better not to use PVA glue. Otherwise, you will have to try harder to peel off the protruding parts.

Beautiful New Year's patterns on windows made of white paper: stencils, templates for cutting and gluing

You don't need a lot of money to create beautiful patterns on windows. It is enough to take several sheets of white paper and cut out compositions according to pre-conceived designs. Your children will enjoy this process; they will be happy to help you decorate the hall, living room, and bedroom with all sorts of patterns.

In the year of the dog, it will be good if you cut out such an applique and glue it to the window. Draw the picture yourself or download it from the Internet.

Window stencil - 2018 year of the dog

IMPORTANT: If you want to make a complex shape from intricate patterns, then reserve time in advance. It may take more than one day to create this composition. In addition, you will need patience and a good mood.

Beautiful New Year's patterns on windows from paper for drawing: stencils, templates for cutting

After gluing the patterns on the glass, your mood will already rise and you will feel that the holiday will soon step on the threshold of your home. You can make any patterns, figures, pictures with a New Year theme from paper. Below, see some ideas for creating one.

For this art, colored paper and even a large sheet of whatman paper are suitable. Such decorations look original and fabulous. It is better to cut out small details of the drawings with a sharp stationery knife on a wooden board so as not to damage the furniture. Small scissors, a simple pencil and an eraser will not be superfluous, with the help of which such protrusions are obtained.

Christmas bells

If you are not able to draw beautifully, then use a computer or printer. Download a beautiful image and print it on paper. After that, all that remains is to cut it out and glue it to the glass with ordinary soapy water or tape.

You will not find identical pictures, but there are many ideas for your fantasies. You can look further at the work of specialists, and then, inspired by ideas, come up with your own. Look below the whole picture consisting of a winter landscape and graceful deer. Appreciate how beautiful the author’s winter spruce trees are, covered with fluffy snow.

Beautiful New Year's patterns on paper windows: vytynankas

Paper cuttings are called protrusions. Artists can create any drawings in this way: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman, cute animals, gnomes, fairy-tale characters, New Year's toys, bells.

New Year's composition - Snow Maiden, hedgehog

Now you will see smaller copies of various protrusions, and it will not be difficult for you to make appliques for windows using templates. Children will be happy to watch the process and help you draw, cut out, and glue pictures.

Patterns for windows - Santa Claus

To decorate the general background of the pictures, you can also make a lot of carved, openwork snowflakes, which will almost completely occupy the entire space on the window. They will harmonize perfectly with Christmas trees, snowmen, cute animals, etc.

Stencil – Snowman with Christmas tree

Frosty, snowy, Christmas patterns from white paper on the window: templates for gluing and drawing

In kindergartens, schools and other institutions they always try to decorate the windows indoors with the arrival of the New Year holidays. Children, together with educators and teachers, make templates and draw patterns with their own hands. Adults sometimes, passing by the windows of such buildings, admire the children's handicrafts. This awakens the desire to create the same beautiful decorations at home.

Precise lines emphasizing every needle of the Christmas tree make you admire the ready-made compositions on the windows. Don't think it's easy. Working on such protrusions requires special skill, perseverance, and a steady hand. Especially if you have to cut out small parts.

If you have no experience, it is better not to start working with complex patterns. Naturally, when you watch how easily a master makes a vytynanka, it seems that it is simple. However, having tried to do this work on my own, my opinion changes. Better start making simpler crafts. And when you get the hang of it, move on to difficult ones.

Reindeer and Santa Claus over the city

Openwork paper cutting came to us from the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese have been doing this craft for a long time. And they found different uses for ready-made elements. They not only glued them to windows, but also gave the products a 3-D shape, gluing them onto cardboard, and made postcards. This is now practiced here too. Moreover, modern pictures are created with fairy-tale characters, etc.

How to decorate, make stained glass windows with winter patterns for the New Year, Christmas, in kindergarten, school, at work, at home: ideas, photos

Video: How to decorate windows with protrusions?

Surely, the most favorite holiday for many is not Birthday, but New Year. After all, you see, it’s much more fun to celebrate a general celebration than to have fun at a personal celebration of life. Almost all people celebrate the New Year, both in our country and around the world.

Traditionally, on the eve of the winter New Year holidays, houses and apartments are decorated with garlands (both home-made and purchased LED ones), they put up a beautiful green Christmas tree and decorate it from the trunk to the very top with a wide variety of toys.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate windows with figures cut out of paper. Moreover, the more delicate the figure is, the more beautiful it looks on the window. New Year's stencils for the window for cutting literally fill the expanses of the vast Internet, starting from the beginning of December. And on our website you will find the best templates to create the most interesting compositions on your windows. You look at such beauty, and your soul will feel joyful, you will be in a New Year’s mood and will want to come home soon and decorate your window using an amazing technique - vytynanka.

New Year's vytynanki

(stencil, template) is an artistic figured cutting from paper using a special knife or, at worst, scissors. We can say that this is a special type of creativity that is associated with paper and cutting from it.

Often, such protruding stencils decorate the windows of houses, schools, and kindergartens. And by slightly increasing the size of the desired figure, you can wonderfully decorate the stage in the assembly hall of any children's educational institution.

However, not only schools and kindergartens resort to New Year's templates - cafes, supermarkets, small shops and bakeries also decorate their premises with protrusions of various shapes and sizes.

As New Year's decorations for both homes and various establishments, stencils delicately cut out of thick paper stand out among the already rather boring garlands, tinsel and rain.

How to decorate a window with your own efforts

To cut out future decorations for windows, you need to know some rules that apply both directly to cutting out the protrusions and to creating real New Year's compositions for the delight of passers-by.

Tools and materials required for cutting templates

Of course, in order to carefully and beautifully cut out the intended figure, taking into account all, even the smallest details, you cannot do without some available tools. For cutting out templates You will need:

  • A4 paper;
  • a special cutting board or mat (for the first time, you can get by with a regular cutting board);
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • a special knife for paper (a stationery knife may also work);
  • scissors (it is better to take thin manicure scissors).

Having collected everything you need, you can begin the creative process of cutting out New Year's figures.

Creating New Year's decorations for windows

Of course, the easiest way will be to print the stencil using a printer. If this is not possible, then you can easily attach a blank sheet of paper to the computer screen and redraw the template, increasing or decreasing it to the desired size (this can be done by holding down the Ctrl button and using the mouse wheel). Now place the drawing on the table and make the lines clearer.

Using scissors, you need to cut out the shape along the outside, and carefully trim all the internal recesses with a stationery knife, placing the protrusion on a board or a special mat so as not to cut the tabletop.

It is best to glue the finished template onto the window using a soap solution. Dilute the soap in a small amount of water and, carefully moistening the cut-out figure with the solution, apply the openwork stencil to the glass. If you don’t want to bother with the solution, use small pieces of transparent tape.

To create a truly spectacular composition, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • all bulky stencils, such as houses and houses, a snowman, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snow glades, etc., must be glued to the bottom of your window;
  • It would be good to attach a team of reindeer with a sleigh flying through the air in the central part on the right or left (depending on where the noses of the reindeer “look”, they should not fly directly into the window frame, it is better to leave space in front of them);
  • snowflakes, Christmas stars, angels, Christmas tree decorations and Christmas tree branches will look great at the very top of your composition.

For the first time

If you are learning the technique of cutting stencils for windows for the first time, take simple templates to start with. After some time, having gained experience, you will be able to try vytynankas that are several times more difficult, and, therefore, much more beautiful.

The most beautiful New Year's stencils for windows

We have tried to collect here a variety for every taste. They are all extremely curious. You can find here complex, but incredibly beautiful protrusions, and for beginners there are also simpler ones - with fewer small parts that need to be cut out.

All you need to do is print or trace the picture you like (or better yet, more than one!) and carefully cut out along the drawn lines.

With the help of vytynankas, you can create an amazing New Year's atmosphere that will fill the hearts of not only your family, but also everyone passing by the decorated window, if they only take a fleeting glance.

Just a little patience, a little diligence and your own New Year's fairy tale is ready!

The article will provide options for decorating windows for the New Year, the necessary templates and master classes.

New Year is a magical holiday that everyone around the world looks forward to. On this day, even the most gloomy hearts are filled with faith in something wonderful. For children, this holiday is especially important. To give your home a festive feel, decorate it. You can start with the windows.

In the New Year, they become the main object of decoration. Through them you can see the street where the snow is swirling.

There are many ways to decorate the windows in your home.

  • The simplest one is to hang an electric garland on the eaves. Buy only high-quality products that are reliably insulated. And turn off the garland before going to bed.
  • Snowflakes. They have been familiar to us since kindergarten, when in class everyone unanimously cut out these attributes of winter days. You can cut out snowflakes with your children using templates or diagrams.
  • Decorating with stencils is a fun, but more time-consuming option for decorating windows for the holidays. With stencils, a real picture will appear on the windows, which will evoke a feeling of celebration.
  • All kinds of garlands, tinsel, rain and Christmas tree decorations. You can always decorate windows and other parts of the room with them if you’ve run out of ideas.

Think in advance where and how you will decorate the apartment. This will help you prepare all the necessary materials and not make the decor cluttered.

Stencils for painting windows for the New Year

There are several ways to use stencils for the New Year. Let's look at a couple of them.

Decorating with stencils and artificial snow

  • For this method we will need a printed stencil, a stationery knife and a can of artificial snow. This snow is sold in Christmas tree departments before the holidays and comes in a variety of colors.
  • Print out the stencil and cut out the inside.
  • We mark on the window where the snow patterns will be placed. It is better to mark these places with a small piece of tape or stickers.
  • Now lightly wet the stencil. This is necessary so that it fits tightly to the window.
  • Now we attach it to the intended place. Remember, it’s better to check how evenly the stencil is placed a hundred times than to correct everything later.
  • Using the instructions on the can, apply snow to the stencil. Make sure that drops of the product do not fall on the area around the stencil.
  • If the product gets on the glass in an unnecessary place, remove it with a damp cloth.
  • The pictures below show stencils for cutting.

Artificial snow can be toxic. Therefore, do not use it with children.

Stencil for artificial snow

Decoration using painting

  • Painting windows is a more labor-intensive process, it takes a lot of time and requires patience. But the result is worth it.
  • Firstly, painting on windows lasts a long time.
  • Secondly, this method is safe and you can decorate the windows together with your child.
  • To make painting easier, you can use stencils.
  • In good weather, during the day, attach the stencil to the back of the window. So that it is behind the glass. This can be done using tape.
  • Now close the window and start creating. You can paint a window using acrylic paint, gouache, and children's stained glass paints. The paint can then be removed with water or solvent.
  • Below see the drawing and stencils for drawings on glass.

Patterns for paper windows for the New Year

Another simple way to decorate windows is with paper patterns.

  • Print out the pattern you like
  • Cut it out with a utility knife
  • Now we attach the finished pattern to the glass

There are many ways to attach. Choose the one that suits you

Methods for attaching paper patterns to glass:

  • Regular water. If the pattern is not large, it will last a long time.
  • Scotch tape. However, it may not be easy to wash it off the glass.
  • Soapy solution. It holds better than water and can be used for larger designs.
  • Glue stick or PVA. They are easy enough to clean with window cleaner.
  • The pictures below show patterns for cutting out and sticking on windows.

Window pattern

Window pattern

Window pattern

Window decorations for the New Year with garlands

Let's make a simple garland to decorate windows for the New Year

  • We need: Christmas tree decorations, colored ribbons, hot glue, tape
  • We cut ribbons of various lengths. We attach a Christmas tree toy to one end. To prevent the tape from unraveling, it must be fixed with hot glue.
  • We attach the tapes to the cornice with the other end. You can simply tie them. To prevent them from moving, secure them with a small piece of tape.
  • This garland can be changed at your discretion. Instead of toys, use figurines, fruits, candies or gingerbread cookies. Instead of ribbons - rain, tinsel or garlands.
  • See the pictures below for examples of window decoration with garlands.

Decorating windows with garlands for the New Year

Drawings on windows for the New Year

If you want to make drawings on windows for the New Year, then you will probably be interested in the question of what paints are best to use.

  • Draw on the windows not recommended by professionals stained glass paints. Yes, they are designed specifically for drawings on glass. But they hold up well, and few people need New Year’s drawings all year round.
  • Watercolor is also not a good paint. It spreads. And even if you manage to apply a pattern, it will not be easy to wash it off.
  • From the colors that you can draw For temporary drawings, it is better to use gouache or finger paints. Acrylic paints are also suitable.
  • In addition to paints, you can make drawings on windows with toothpaste or artificial snow. These materials resemble real white snow and can be easily washed if necessary.
  • There is another way to decorate windows for the New Year - these are special sticker designs. They are sold in stores ready-made. All you need to do is attach the drawing to the right place.

Vytynankas for the windows for the New Year

Vytynanki can be made using a template. Here are some interesting ideas in the pictures below:

Vytynanka on the window

Vytynanka on the window

Vytynanka on the window

Window decorated for the New Year

Window stickers New Year

  • Window stickers are sold ready-made. They have a special adhesive base that adheres tightly to the window. At the same time, they are easy to remove and do not leave marks on the glass.
  • There are a variety of stickers, the most common being vinyl stickers.
  • For window stickers to look attractive, they should not have a reverse side. In this case, they will be clearly visible both inside the apartment and from the street.
  • Stickers come in colored and white. Usually, sticker manufacturers have a very wide range of products before the New Year holidays.
  • These stickers can be purchased at office supply stores or online stores.

Paper figures for windows for the New Year

Paper figures that can be placed as decoration on windows:

  • Snowflakes. This is perhaps already a classic. In almost every home or government institution, New Year's snowflakes hang on the windows.
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. These New Year symbols will be quite difficult to cut out. But they will delight the household throughout the holidays.
  • Santa Claus' reindeer. You can have one, or a whole team.
  • New Year tree with toys. Or just toys that seem to hang from the ledge.
  • The animal is a symbol of the New Year. It is known that every New Year has a patron animal, according to the Eastern calendar. To bring you good luck on New Year's Day, you can place this animal on the window.
  • Other holiday attributes: candles, New Year's gingerbread cookies, snowmen, gift boxes, stars and much more.

Window clippings for the New Year

It is better to make cuttings not from too thick paper. This paper will stick better to windows. Therefore, if the pattern is large, it is better to divide it into several parts, and only then print it and glue it to the glass.

  • The picture below shows cuttings that need to be made in 2 pieces, or on 1 sheet folded in half.
  • Glue the two halves together on the window.

Snowflakes for the New Year on the windows

Making a snowflake is very simple:

  • First, make a square from a piece of paper. Fold this square in half, diagonally.
  • Fold the resulting triangle in half again.
  • Notice how the new triangle is formed. This is done by eye. The main thing is that one side of the triangle touches the opposite fold.
  • Cut off the bottom of the shape and you can draw an outline along which you will further cut.
  • For photo cutting instructions and examples of snowflakes, see the pictures below.

Beautiful window for the holiday

Video: How to make a drawing on a window?

Every New Year brings us a fairy tale and extraordinary magic. However, the holiday in the house will feel better when everything around is decorated accordingly. The good mood of the townspeople depends on the decoration of the streets. But various lights and garlands are not enough. Therefore, this decoration is complemented by the windows of the houses, which were decorated with beautiful snowflakes and even a variety of fairy-tale compositions. Indeed, such decorations make every home extraordinarily beautiful. And the townspeople, in turn, are charged with a positive mood and smile.

New Year's templates for windows

In this article we have collected for you only the best New Year's paper templates. You can easily decorate the windows of your home with them. If we talk about the color of the templates, here it can be very diverse. However, snowflakes that were made in white will look more realistic.

Making snowflakes is very simple. Their manufacturing technology is known, perhaps, even to the youngest schoolchildren. In this case, it is worth folding a sheet of paper in a certain way. And according to the template, using scissors, you need to cut out small shaped pieces. After this, you should unfold the sheet and as a result you will get a wonderful symmetrical snowflake. Now we will give you some examples of snowflakes that you can print, and then cut out and hang on the window of your home.

New Year's compositions for window decoration

In addition to snowflakes, various compositions may appear on your window during the New Year holidays. Indeed, people who are interested in this holiday create extensive fabulous decorations on their windows. Naturally, to create them you will have to apply your skills. You will also need paper and scissors. Therefore, now you can see the most interesting New Year's templates for cutting. Take a closer look at them. And choose the best ones for yourself. Remember that they will be able to take their rightful place on your window.

To make your templates look beautiful on windows, you need to choose a concept. You must not only print the New Year's template, but also place it correctly on the window of your home. In addition, the picture must be cut correctly. The boundaries of the fairy-tale character are cut out with scissors. Everything seems to be simple here. But small details are much more difficult to cut out. In this case, using scissors is not a wise decision. You can ruin the drawing and wrinkle the paper. In this situation, we recommend that you use a utility knife. This item must have a sharp blade.

Using a utility knife, you need to carefully go over small parts. Then, using tweezers and fingers, slowly separate the parts from the paper. As a result, you get through-shaped holes. We simply glue the finished template to the window.

But gluing the template can also cause difficulties. The best way is soap and water. You just dilute a little soap in water. This composition will be very easy to wash off from the window. However, remember that this solution can only hold small parts on the window. And if you are going to glue large figures, then use tape in this case. However, the tape is quite difficult to remove from the glass. The most original method in this case is gluing a certain number of threads to the window frame using tape. Then you should attach the decorations to the threads.

This method will allow the decorations to move from all kinds of drafts. As a result, an unusually fabulous atmosphere will settle on your window. Download from our website New Year's pictures for windows templates that you can print. Decorate your windows with them and then the coming 2017 will bring you joy and happiness.

A child lives in each of us, so both children and adults look forward to the New Year. Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles, and what could be more magical than decorations on the window. Like Santa Claus, you can leave ornate patterns on the glass.

Previously, in anticipation of the winter holidays, in labor lessons, and then at home, we cut out snowflakes from landscape paper and napkins. This activity helps transform an apartment/house into the Snow Queen's winter palace, and also develops fine motor skills, perseverance and attentiveness. Just a wonderful exercise for a child!

Today, cutting out stencil pictures has become a new trend; they are also called stencils. You can make entire applications from them, decorating window glass. Using ready-made templates, they create decorations for the Christmas tree, cabinet furniture, chandeliers, and mirrors.

Tools and methods for decorating window glass.

To work on the stencil you will need:

  • paper (better for a printer);
  • nail scissors, a sharp knife (preferably a stationery knife with a new blade). Take care of the child’s safety - monitor his work with the knife or perform the necessary manipulations yourself, and let the child cut with scissors;
  • substrate - cutting board, board for plasticine.

When you have cut out the embossing, you can apply it to the glass in two ways.

  1. Soap solution. Take a bar of soap, moisten it in water and apply it to the entire surface of the cut out picture. In addition to soap, a weak solution of PVA glue is also used and applied with a brush.
  2. Artificial snow and toothpaste splashes. Hold the stencil with your hand and spray artificial snow from the can onto the glass. Or take toothpaste, dilute it slightly with water and use an old toothbrush to spray it onto the glass. Remove the stencil.

These methods differ in results. In the first case, the picture is not transparent, in the second it is more voluminous and textured. Choose the best way for you and your child. Such decor will delight not only family members, but also random passers-by!
