I want to find what to write to a man. Phrases for your beloved man at a distance. What to write nice things to a guy. Get him interested by text message

Let's figure it out. Let's start listing.

"Let's meet". In this case, you will definitely get the answer. More precisely…. Question! And it will sound like this: “why?” So decide in advance how you want to respond to this message. Then your conversation will flow like a stream. Note: after such SMS communication, he will even call you!

"How are you?". A trivial question, but a necessary one. It may happen that you write in a “stellar” moment. That is, when he dreams of such a message. He will be grateful to you for it.

"Can I ask you a question?". Actually, you’ll ask him anyway, but the guy won’t miss your “message.” He will write to you something similar to “of course you can.” Ask something interesting so that the thread of your communication does not break.

“I really need to know your attitude towards me.” He will definitely respond to such a message. What exactly - you will see when you read the treasured answer from him! Happy waiting!

You can count on a response if you write him a lot of compliments. And they love attention and beautiful words! You'll be smart if you step away from the stereotypes that say a guy should compliment girls (but not the other way around).

Invite him somewhere (to the cinema, to a cafe, to a disco, to the theater, to visit, for a walk, to the pool, to the park, to the circus, to a picnic, to the dacha). Almost all guys (men) will not be able to refuse such a tempting offer.

Bombard the guy with interesting jokes, gags and anecdotes. If he doesn’t answer, he will be the last scoundrel! Humor is never superfluous. The more you scribble, the more chances you have of an answer.

Ask him for help. He will answer immediately (if he has the conscience and the opportunity). Think about what kind of help you need. Repairing a computer (laptop) or moral support are a few “cases” that will help you meet.

Invite him to your birthday or to celebrate any other holiday. You will receive either a “yes” or a “no” in the message. If you want to get more text, continue the “conversation”.

Ask to buy something. Or you can ask to bring heavy bags (at least to the entrance). He will be glad that you asked him for this and not someone else! It feels good for you, and you’ll raise the boy’s self-esteem!

Send SMS with beautiful poems. The recipient will answer you with a rhyme or enormous gratitude. Expect many words of admiration. Perhaps he will ask for something else to read (from your work).

Make a big list of questions and send them via email. It will take a long time to be sent to your beloved person, so be patient and wait. You will have to wait for both the shipment and the answer to your questions.

The guy will answer not all questions, but selectively

You yourself understand why he can show his “selectivity.”


  1. He is afraid that you will find out something very unpleasant (negative) about him. He will remain silent so that this does not happen. “Silence” is the omission of an answer to your insidious question. And the guy can answer him with hints or jokes. Then he will be able to show not only selectivity, but also ingenuity (creativity). This guy deserves respect!
  2. The young man did not understand the whole essence of the question. He did not ask again, so as not to spoil the answer plan. But he will definitely ask you everything he wanted if you meet after a detailed and fascinating “questionnaire”. Write questions so that everyone you ask them will want to answer them. Write every word correctly! Errors found in the text are a “little death” (for many).
  3. He is sure that it is too early for you to know some information about his person. That’s why I decided to send “emptiness” instead of an answer. And you should be glad that he at least somehow reacts to your “questionnaire.” After all, he could not answer you at all, agree! Save the message in your phone. Then transfer it to your computer to keep this “letter collection” as a keepsake.

All guys always respond to interesting and unusual messages

Avoid such phrases: “tell me something”, “make me laugh”, “what are we going to talk about?”, “what are you doing now?” The reason for ignoring a message may be male laziness. Your betrothed would love to answer you, but the sensor on his mobile is in the way. You know how convenient it is to use a push-button telephone. There is a way out! Give him one! He will be pleased with this attention. If he doesn’t send you “news” after receiving this gift, the reason is hidden in something else.

The guy ran out of money on his balance sheet! Don’t forget that males are not wallets or piggy banks! Their finances may also “disappear.” The guy doesn't need to top up his mobile account. Such an action of yours will greatly offend him. Wait until your hero reaches the bank himself.

Have you considered the possibility that he might have a girlfriend?

By the way, she looks through all the messages of her dear one and deletes them while he is in the bathroom or on the balcony (on a “smoke break”).

Your little mouse forgot his cell phone at home. I didn’t go back for it because I believe in various omens. It turns out that there is a huge “minus” in such faith. Not all guys have a second phone. In general, an additional mobile phone is not a salvation, since you can manage to forget both phones in the apartment! Don’t buy a third one (in case of “exacerbation” of absent-mindedness). Don't panic ahead of time!

You can send all the examples of messages mentioned above to chats and social networks. You have more options on the Internet!

Do you want to send a paper letter?

An extraordinary option. The guy will definitely appreciate it. He will answer your message. It is quite possible that it is not in writing. He will either send you a message or an email. The best option for "hiding" is that he will head straight to your home! All dreams come true if you believe that they will come true (sooner or later).

Now you know what to write to a guy so that he will definitely give an answer.

Then start writing... or find out more...

Nowadays, short text messages, lovingly called SMS, are a powerful weapon in communicating with men. How you answer him (or not answer) determines how soon you will have a date and how persistent he will be in his advances in the future.

In our age, “when spaceships roam the expanses of the Universe...”, not being able to communicate via SMS is the same as not knowing French for a young lady of Pushkin’s era. However, are you familiar with the culture of SMS communication? Here's a simple cheat sheet that will help you keep him in pleasant tension.

He's writing:

“Should we have dinner tonight? What are your plans?

You answer:

"It would be great. I’ll let you know a little later when I’m free.” And you wait for his call. Your answer contains joy, encouragement, and unobtrusiveness. And a subtle hint that there are other options. It would be too clumsy to answer: “YES, OF COURSE!” or “Where should I go and what time?”

He's writing:

"How are you doing?"

You answer:

"Fabulous! I have a lot to do at work, but I still find time to think about pleasant things...”

Incorrect answers - any that state how things really are with you (the boss yelled, you went to the doctor in the morning, a meeting, a meeting, washing, cooking). That's not what he asked. In fact, he just wants to know if you remember him.

He's writing:

"I miss you".

You answer:

(With a mandatory delay of at least 5–10 minutes.) “Mutually!” It's better not to add anything to this. So that later it won’t be offensive if he doesn’t write anything in response.

The main principle in communicating with him via SMS is brevity and restraint. Even if you chat on social networks on your phone, don’t keep it under control every 5 minutes, don’t bother with questions like “What are you doing?” and “Why don’t you answer?” Answer only when he has written, and it’s better not to write first. In this case, the less you write, the more hopes there are for a speedy personal meeting.

Five subscriber mistakes

Reply to SMS within two seconds. Then he will definitely realize that you haven’t taken your eyes off your phone, waiting for his message. Wait for a decent pause of at least five minutes, collect your thoughts, think over your answer. It’s great if you respond half an hour later, writing: “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see the message right away.”

Write a second SMS if he doesn’t answer you. This is bad form! Perhaps he is busy or simply not looking at his phone. Wait for him to answer. Men often do this with a delay of several hours.

Call back if he hasn’t responded to the second SMS. Complete bad manners! It’s better to turn off your phone completely if you can’t control yourself.

Write SMS messages longer than ten words. Leave everything that you cannot fit into this volume for voice communication or for a personal meeting. Men don't like unnecessary words.

Swear in SMS. Another bad habit. If he hung up without listening to your angry speech, pouring out your rage to him via SMS means being intrusive and disrespecting yourself.

To the point;)

SMILE is a depiction of emotions in a letter using special characters:

:) - simple smile

:D - laughter, laughter

Did you like some guy? Try to find him on VKontakte or other social networks or find his mobile number. Your ideal is before your eyes, and what should you write to him so that he doesn’t ignore the message, much less blacklist it? We tried to consider this issue in as much detail as possible and gave all the necessary answers. You will learn what content you can send a message to the man you like, taking into account different nuances. Our advice will help you hear from him. We will also tell you what you should absolutely not send and what can put an end to the relationship.

  • To make the message casual, use different emoticons, but you shouldn’t put them every time and everywhere. A young man may think that you are not serious.
  • Be sure to write without errors: check punctuation, follow the presentation style, and grammar. Even a not very literate person will appreciate this.
  • Do not rush to respond to the message, wait 1-3 minutes. This way he won't think that you are very interested in him.
  • Do not send long messages, it is better to divide them into 1-2 and send one after the other.
  • If we are talking about SMS, it will be very intriguing to send 1-3 messages in a row. Here's an example: in the first, you can say hello, in the second, without waiting for an answer, you can say that you are his secret admirer, and in the third, you can invite him on a date.
  • Your SMS or message should be a little shorter than his.

Follow all these rules and communication will go like clockwork.

What to send to a young man: examples

When planning to correspond with a guy, you need to take into account the situation: do you know him, do he like you, are you in a good relationship or have you quarreled?

First of all, look at the user’s page for information about his interests and hobbies. After exploring your favorite music, movies, and communities, write to him, for example, “I like this book too, I wonder what you think about the ending.”

A winning move is sharing music, photos, cool posts and videos. Rating of posts and photos is welcome.

Options for phrases for a stranger

You can send an SMS to an unfamiliar guy, which will indicate the place and time of the meeting. If he answers and asks who is writing to him, it is enough to refer to the error when dialing the number and smoothly continue the conversation.

The second option for starting a correspondence on VK is a regular emoticon (no kisses or hugs). If the guy answers, it means he is ready for new acquaintances and communication.

Third example: “Hello! My friend said that she knows a nice guy who would like to chat.” In this case, you need to immediately change the topic of conversation so that the guy doesn’t start asking who this girlfriend is. Such a message can be sent both on VKontakte and on a mobile phone.

You can use this technique with a compliment: “I want to prove that nice guys are interesting conversationalists. Can you help? :)".

No one has canceled the classic: “Hello! How are you?". Simple, but not always effective.

Would you like to receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly meet men on the Internet? We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

We are looking for words for someone who doesn’t like us

In this case, you need to act delicately. One of the most effective ways is to find out what his hobbies are and write a message suggesting that we go together to an exhibition of his favorite artist, a football match of his favorite team, a horror movie night, a cool party. You can say, for example, that you already have tickets, but your friend (brother, sister) is unable to go at the last moment.

Another example is to ask for help with something, for example, if the guy is a fan of computer games: “Hi! They gave me (the name of the game), but I just can’t pass level 8: (You’re a great gamer, aren’t you? Help me out!”

It’s good if there is an opportunity to find out what exactly the guy is not happy with. If he thinks the girl is too rude, then he should write in a soft, feminine manner. If the MC is sure that the girl is boring, he should choose a more playful manner of communication and joke more often.

Before radically changing your character, habits, lifestyle and behavior, it is advisable to think carefully about whether it is worth it.

If you are in a quarrel with him

It is advisable for a guy who likes you, but you are in a quarrel with him, to write on some holiday. Congratulations combined with the offer to “live amicably and consolidate reconciliation in a cafe over a cup of coffee (at the cinema, while walking the dogs, etc.)” in most cases guarantee success.

If there is no desire to wait for the next major holiday, it is better to use the tactics of simplicity and tenderness. In a calm manner, without sarcasm or irony, you can write: “Hello! I miss you. Let's make peace?)". Despite the simplicity of the phrase, it is one of the most effective.

Men are quite straightforward creatures; in most cases they do not understand hints, and if they are offended, they do not perceive high-flown speeches and ornate turns of phrase.

What if a man has a girlfriend?

Before writing to a guy you like but is busy, it is advisable to think carefully about whether this is necessary. Attempts to upset other people's relationships can end in failure. The result is wasted time and damaged nerves of several people at once.

It is advisable to start communicating with a constrained young man with the standard phrase: “Hello! How are you?" or from a smiley. If the guy answers, you can ask him what his hobbies are.

If the correspondence continues and communication will gain momentum, you need to ask if the guy is free and draw conclusions based on his answer. Some men may lie that they are absolutely free, others may begin to wobble like a Markitan boat, telling stories about freedom in relationships. But there are also those who tell the truth.

If a guy who has a serious relationship with another girl agrees to continue communicating and dating, it is advisable to think about whether you need such a flighty specimen.

Tips on how to charm your interlocutor will help you. You will be able to put your social network page in order, learn how to behave and what to write.

After all the preparations, check out the list of questions that you can ask. They will help you get to know him better.

For everything to work out, it is important to correctly start correspondence on VK or another social network. Here .

Communication has been going on for so long that there aren’t enough topics to talk about? Here's another .

And this. You will need them if you want to seduce and make a guy fall in love with you.

What you should absolutely not write

Psychologists advise refraining from messages from:

  • complaints;
  • aggression;
  • vulgarity;
  • manifestation of jealousy;
  • denial of sympathy.

It is advisable to act according to the principle - one message from you, one from him. If a person has read a message but does not respond for a long time, there is no need to bombard him with questions. If he wants to continue communicating, the girl may put herself in an awkward position.

No need to write:

  • I miss;
  • how I miss you;
  • you are so beautiful;
  • when will we meet?;
  • where did you go?;
  • I want to see you;
  • I can’t go a day without thinking about you;
  • are you bored?;
  • I miss you too?;
  • I constantly think about you;
  • I’m going crazy at the thought that I won’t see you again;
  • how I would like to hug you now;
  • I kiss you and hug you tightly;
  • please don't forget about me.

Vulgarity repels most guys, and even if it attracts some of them, they won’t risk starting a serious relationship with such a girl. Therefore, obscene jokes and eloquent hints must be excluded. Do not write:

  • I miss warmth;
  • I really want you to touch me;
  • I dream of hugging you tightly;
  • how I want you to kiss me now;
  • I melt just thinking about you and others.

Men don't like displays of jealousy even from girls they've known for a long time. The need to report every step to an unfamiliar person will definitely not contribute to rapprochement. Avoid messages with detailed questions about where, with whom and why he met. Let your communication be easy and relaxed.

It is wrong to say that you are absolutely indifferent to a guy. This may make him stop thinking about a romantic relationship with you. At the same time, there is no need to bombard MCH with messages with declarations of love. Such speeches at the correspondence stage will scare off most guys. Do not write:

  • I know that fate brought us together;
  • it had to happen;
  • we are together for a reason;
  • I fall in love with you more and more every day;
  • you are the best.

The golden mean is to periodically unobtrusively demonstrate your sympathy during communication, but do not write directly about the desire to grow old together. Here are examples: you know how to give compliments, it’s nice to know that you understand me, you reason interestingly, it’s somehow easy for me to communicate with you, there is no discomfort.

This is what a typical girl looks like when she wants to write to the guy she likes, the video is very funny:

Our simple phrases and rules for correspondence will help you find a common language with anyone! You just need to know who to send them to.

In the modern world, many girls prefer to meet guys on their own initiative. The times when a woman was adorned with modesty and silence are long gone. Progress has led to the fact that people spend most of their time on the Internet rather than in public institutions or on walks. Before taking the first step, girls ask themselves: What can you write to a guy on VK to make him interested? This article discusses this issue in as much detail as possible.

  • 1. Various emoticons will help make the message as casual as possible, but do not overdo it with them.
  • 2. Be sure to check your finished message for punctuation and grammatical errors, and also work on your presentation style. Even a not very literate person will appreciate this.
  • 3. Don't send messages that are too long. It’s better to divide them into several blocks and send them one after another.

How to start a conversation with a guy on VKonte

Taking the first step is the most difficult thing, so many people are interested in: what can you write to a guy on VK to start a conversation? The following clues will help you with this.

  • You have mutual friends. In this case, there will be common topics for conversation - you can discuss, without stooping to gossip, these same friends.
  • You have common interests. The good thing about dating on social networks is that it allows you to get acquainted with your favorite books, music, communities and films of the person you like.
  • You once worked or studied in the same place. Each organization has its own unique atmosphere, which is a sufficient reason to start correspondence. You will definitely have topics to discuss.

Examples of what you can write to a guy on VK:

"Hello. Now I really miss communicating with interesting people. Judging by your page, we have a lot of common hobbies, so maybe we can try to communicate?” — By sincerely and honestly writing the purpose of your acquaintance, you will disarm your interlocutor.

"Hello! I’m bored, recommend some good comedy” - Yes, such requests are not made to strangers, but it will help to intrigue the interlocutor.

"Hello. I read your post in which you write that “Listen to the Song of the Wind” is Haruki Murakami’s best book. But I think Norwegian Wood has a more compelling plot. What exactly did you like about the book?” — You need to focus on a specific person and try to understand whether he wants to talk about serious topics. Otherwise, it is better to use the first two tips.

Questions for a pen pal - list on VK

There is a whole list of questions that are quite appropriate to ask a young man during communication:

  • What is your hobby?
  • Where do you study/studied?
  • How do you spend your day?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • What cities and countries have you visited?
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • Are you happy?

These simple phrases, questions and rules of correspondence will help you find a common language with any guy! You just need to know who to send them to.

It’s a rare person who can keep feelings inside without splashing them out. This is especially true for women. We always want to say what we want or think. The person to whom our feelings are directed is not always nearby.

And then we use the means of correspondence. It would seem that everything is simple: write and that’s it. However...To know what to write to the guy you like, first of all you need to understand what goal we are pursuing. And there are actually many of these goals: to get acquainted, to interest, to continue acquaintance in real life, and much more. For each of these points there are different methods and words.

Other pages of our website

In our world of information technology, virtual communication will no longer surprise anyone. Websites, blogs, chats, forums - all this has become an integral part of every modern person, especially young people. IN

On the Internet you can find comprehensive information on any issue of interest, find out the opinions of complete strangers, pour out your soul to a stranger, without fear of being recognized and ridiculed.

virtual communication– this is the “horse” of modern youth. It is gradually replacing classical acquaintance on the street, in cafes, on public transport, etc. Of course, now it’s not so scary if they refuse the offer of acquaintance, after all, no one has seen you in person. That's what's good. Fear is lost, and, as a result, many psychological barriers are erased. But you don’t need to go beyond what is reasonable if you want to continue dating.

So how to properly meet a guy on the Internet? What should I write to him? These questions concern many modern girls.

  • The most important - don't be afraid to text him first. This is not the case when initiative is punishable. Don't forget that guys are the same people, with their own complexes and fears. Most young people will happily respond to a message if they are interested in the message.
  • No need right away write too much information, from the first time you fell off your bike to your last failed romance. This is a deliberately false step that will scare away a potential gentleman from you. Write a simple and unpretentious phrase, like: “Hello. How are you?". Men are straightforward creatures and love precision, clarity, and conciseness.
  • Empty chatter stresses and irritates them. So, one letter is enough to start communication. Wait for a response. If it doesn’t follow, then you shouldn’t insist and write: “Where are you?”, “Where did you go?”, “Why don’t you answer?”. Don't be too intrusive. After all, the first impression is the most important. If you demonstrate a complete lack of pride and self-esteem, then your interlocutor will not be interested in you.

    On the contrary, you need to show that you are a queen who usually does not write to guys first, but only for him you decided to make an exception.

  • When you receive an answer, In your next message, ask about interests and hobbies so that you can use the information received wisely. After all, guys are very proud, they like it when people are interested in them. In the future, there is also no need to rush to talk about yourself. Focus on the topic that (as you have already found out) the young man will definitely like.
  • Watch your speech, do not distort words, do not make stupid mistakes. Nothing turns off your interlocutor more at the first stages of acquaintance than a complete lack of literacy. Even if the guy himself doesn’t shine with her, show him how smart and reasonable you are. This will give you a reason to respect you.
  • An important role in any communication, especially strangers, plays positive. Who wants to communicate with an eternal whiner? Therefore, tell only good things about yourself and share only good news.
  • Be tactful. There is no need to ask about the financial situation of the interlocutor or about his personal life in the first letters. You are just starting to get to know each other, and these areas at this stage do not concern you at all. Otherwise, you will get the impression that you are unceremoniously prying into someone else’s wallet and soul. Your pleasant conversation should remain just a conversation, and not turn into an interrogation with bias.
  • Try to avoid tenderness. You don’t know the guy well enough yet to come up with diminutive names for him, which are so popular among lovers. Leave phrases like “susi-pusi” and “tse lyu lyu” for later.

Now that you have already sufficiently consolidated your “positions,” you can safely move on to telling a story about yourself. But it shouldn't be long and boring. It is best to simply answer the other person’s questions. In this way, you will create some mystery around your person, and the guy will definitely want to get to know you better, which means that now, most likely, he will be the initiator of further communication.

After the first message in the form: “Hello. How are you?”, don’t be lazy and study all the information about your interlocutor.

Read about his hobbies, hobbies, favorite vacation spots, etc. All this will give the key to revealing the basic character traits of a person. After all, as they say, “you need to know the enemy by sight”! After this, it is much easier to find common topics that are interesting to both of you. Only in this case will communication be relaxed and pleasant.

Don't be lazy and view all his photos, and not just an avatar. Often many people put someone else's photo on the cover. This will help you avoid disappointment in the future. After all, it often happens: the interlocutor turns out to be very interesting, you find common topics and discuss them lively, and when it comes to meeting, instead of a beautiful tall brunette with brown eyes, there comes a “redhead”, a meter tall with a cap, who is not at all your type.

A good way to get “extra credit” is to comment on a guy's photos, which you like and you have already started communicating. Just don’t fanatically leave comments on all two hundred and fifty-five photos, otherwise you will be considered abnormal or a fool in love.

It is enough to write a couple of meaningful phrases for two or three photos.

Leave inscriptions or pictures on his wall that he will like. Of course, there is no need to send posters with hearts and kisses. It should just be something sweet, casual and non-committal.

Make sure that your messages do not become the only ones on his wall lately. Agree, this also looks rather strange in relation to an unfamiliar person. Here, even without words, it is clear that you want something from him. But the goal is for the guy to be the first to want to get to know you better, and it’s as if you just slightly pushed him towards this.

So, we figured out how to meet and start communicating with a young man. But how can you admit that you like him if you already know each other? There is no big difference. In both cases, the main thing is sincerity and straightforwardness.

  • If you've been chatting with a guy online for a while now, there's no need to beat around the bush for too long. He won't understand your workarounds and will simply be puzzled by your changes. After all, communication will immediately change, and he will feel it. Write directly about your feelings and wait for a response. If they are mutual, then wait not only for words, but also for reciprocal actions, for example, an invitation to a date. If you have already met this young man before or even managed to become friends, then wait for an offer to move your relationship with him to another level.
  • Please be patient. Let him realize and get used to the idea that you are now a couple. After all, for a guy who is really interested in you, this is a very important step.

You should be wary if, immediately after your confession, your newly-made boyfriend promises mountains of gold and showers you with declarations of love, after which he tactfully invites you to start a new stage of your communication at his home. It is a trap! Don't get caught. A guy in love will never be in a hurry.

When you wait for a response, you can offer to exchange phone numbers. After which we smoothly move on to the next section of the article, namely:

So, you have received the treasured mobile phone number of your passion. Now you have a great opportunity to remind yourself a little more often than on the Internet. SMS is a great way to do this. Here also avoid banality and obsession. For example, don’t write boring phrases like: “I’m so bored,” otherwise the guy will think that without him you have nothing to do, and all your thoughts are occupied with him alone. This will push him away.

Write simple and understandable words about what worries you, what you are doing at the moment, or send some small poem with a hint.

A few words about what phrases and words guys like

  1. Unusual, combining tenderness and a sense of humor.
  2. Affectionate, for example, “beloved”, “dear”, “dear”, etc. Appropriate and infrequently used, these words are not nearly as empty as one might think.
  3. Long awaited, i.e. the answer to a previously asked question that the guy expects from you.
  4. Words of request. Young people really like it when girls ask them for something, even the smallest thing. They want to seem like knights who know everything, can do everything and will gladly fulfill your request. For example, you found out that he is on the street, and you are just going there. It would be appropriate to ask what the weather is like and what you should wear.
  5. Poetry, especially your own composition. Any guy will be pleased to know that his interlocutor is talented.
  6. Sincere words. Write only what you think and feel. The closer your communication with a young man, the greater his chances of figuring you out. What to write to the guy you like for the night

Night– this is a special time of day when prohibitions are lifted and boundaries are erased. If you have been communicating with a young man you like for some time, or even have started a romantic relationship, then SMS good night wishes will probably become a mandatory attribute of your communication.

To a guy I don't know, who does not yet know about your tender feelings (but guesses), you can simply say good night and add a phrase, for example: “Let me become a part of your dream” or “I hope that you see me in your dreams.” The main thing is to focus on yourself. You shouldn’t get carried away with love lyrics, like: “I want to come to you” or “I won’t be able to sleep without you.” This will give you a reason to think about your frivolity and readiness for intimate relationships.

If your relationship with a guy is already can be called romantic, then the best wish for the night will be the affectionate words that you usually call him, or the phrases: “Good night, dear (dear, good, etc.)”, “Mentally I am next to you”, “I want to fall asleep on your shoulder "

Poetry- This is a great alternative to the banal good night wish. You can compose them yourself, or use collections of poems or the Internet, where there are a lot of all kinds of love lyrics. You just have to type the phrase “poems for your loved one” into a search query, and the computer will give you a bunch of links to suitable sites.

So, there are many ways to meet the young man you are interested in. The Internet is not the last place here. The main thing to remember is that in communication (virtual or real), sincerity and honesty, as well as an open soul and heart, are important. And it doesn’t matter where and how exactly you meet a close friend or your love, it is important to maintain the relationship if it really becomes important and necessary for both of you.

Video: How to get a guy to like you in 10 seconds

Do not be afraid! Modern girls very often turn out to be bolder than guys and meet first. Remember: you are the best and most wonderful in the world, and only a worthy guy will truly appreciate it.

Attention, TODAY only!