What kind of paint can you paint jeans? How to dye jeans: simple ways to update your wardrobe

Almost everyone has jeans that could use an update. For some, it’s to refresh or change the color, for others, to decorate with a bright print. To breathe new life into an item, you don’t have to resort to the services of a dry cleaner or atelier. You can dye your jeans yourself. Let's look at how to do this correctly.

Nuances of home coloring: expectations and reality

Changing the color of denim on your own is not easy. A number of actions will need to be performed, none of which can be ignored. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to specialists. Have you decided to act independently? Then, so that the final result does not disappoint, you need to take into account the following nuances.

First of all, they look at the composition of the fabric. Uniform coloring should be expected only if the proportion of cotton in it is at least 80%. If the percentage of synthetic fibers (for example: lavsan or polyester) reaches 30-40%, the pants will have scars and stripes. The fact is that artificial threads can only be dyed with special dyes, which are not suitable for cotton.

Please note that the contrast stitching on the pockets and side seams will most likely not be dyed either, as they are made using artificial threads.

The second step is to compare the original color of the product and the desired final result:

  • The shade “as in the picture” can only be obtained when dyeing white trousers. The exception is black. White jeans will take on a dark gray color, but a “radical” black color is unlikely to be achieved.
  • The dye always interacts with the original dye of the thing. For example, if you dip green jeans in black dye, they will turn olive, and red jeans will turn russet.
  • The best results can be expected when coloring a faded product with the same or even darker dye. So, black jeans can be obtained by immersing a product made of gray, blue, brown or faded black denim in a dyeing composition. The more concentrated the solution, the richer the color.

The third step is to conduct testing. Before you start dyeing jeans at home, you need to make sure that the chosen dye will give the desired effect. To do this, you should first experiment with a scrap of denim. If the result is satisfactory, you can start painting the item. If not, change the concentration of the prepared solution or prepare a new one.

A wet product always looks much darker than a dried one, so you need to evaluate the quality of the paint only after drying.

Preparatory stage

If you plan to restore the brightness of faded jeans, partially or completely repaint them in a different color, or hide scuffs, you cannot do without preliminary preparation of the product. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Weigh the jeans when dry. This is necessary in order to further understand how much dye is required.
  2. Turn the pockets inside out, remove any items remaining in them, and clean out any loose dust from the seams.
  3. Is the item worn? It needs to be inspected for dirt (greasy). If they are found, be sure to, otherwise you won’t be able to get an even color.
  4. Wash trousers without using rinse conditioner. Rinse the treated item especially thoroughly, first in warm and then in cold water.
  5. Lightly wring out the pants, turn them inside out and smooth out all the folds and creases with your hands. If this is not done, streaks and spots will appear on the product after dyeing. Then immediately start painting.

New jeans should be immersed in hot water with soap shavings and washing soda dissolved in it (50 g and 30 g, respectively, per 10 liters) and boil for half an hour. This measure will help remove starch from the fibers remaining from factory processing, which may prevent the dye from penetrating properly into the fibers.

When you need to repaint a thing of a saturated shade, it must first be bleached. For this, soaking for 30-60 minutes in one of the hot compositions is suitable:

  • in an aqueous solution of laundry soap, ammonia and soda ash (1 part of each component to 10 parts of water);
  • in a solution of hydrosulfite (2 tbsp per 10 l);
  • in water with bleach (1 liter of strained solution (10-15 g of substance per 1 liter of cold water) per 10 liters).

Hydrosulfite and bleach emit vapors harmful to the body, so during bleaching the container must be covered with film and the windows opened. Respiratory tract and hands should also be protected.

Not a new, but completely clean product, soak in warm water for 10-15 minutes.

Dry fabric is less susceptible to dyeing, so pre-soaking is a must. If the item has been treated with a solvent, it is dried, ironed, and then soaked in clean water.

photo: depositphotos.com/Thamkc

Selection of colorant

You can refresh or update the color of denim using synthetic or natural dyes. Let's look at this issue in more detail. Among the chemicals that can stain cotton are:

  • Liquid and powder aniline dyes for fabric, for example: “Jeans” series dyes for hand and machine dyeing. Their advantages: color variety, good mixability with each other, low price.
  • Powder dyes of varying degrees of stability and intensity, for example: “DYLON”, “Marabu Fashion Color”, “Anles”.
  • Blue. The substance can make the color of denim quite uniform and rich, but it will last until the first wash. After using an alkaline cleaning solution, painting will have to be repeated. In addition, the product can only turn jeans that have faded blue.
  • Hair dye. Of course, using it for fabric is one of the life hacks. However, high-quality products give good and lasting results.

You can refresh the color of your jeans using natural dyes, for example: herbal infusions, strongly brewed tea and coffee, infused onion peels, and turmeric. But these products penetrate denim fibers very poorly and give, rather, an additional shade rather than a new color, namely:

  • turmeric – creamy;
  • cinnamon – creamy with pink haze;
  • onion peel - sandy;
  • tea, oak bark, coffee – brown of varying degrees of intensity.

When choosing a coloring agent, you need to consider:

  1. How often will the product be washed and exposed to direct sunlight? If jeans are intended for daily wear, it is better to avoid using cheap, unstable dyes.
  2. What is the weight of the amount of powder in the bag? Perhaps one package will not be enough.
  3. There is always a danger that the color of the desired saturation will not be obtained the first time, and the procedure will have to be repeated twice. Therefore, you must always have a bag or jar of dye “in reserve.”

Cold dyeing method

The cold method of dyeing jeans is the easiest to perform. It is especially relevant if it is not possible to purchase a special dye, for some reason it is impossible to do this in an automatic machine, or you do not want to stand near a hot stove.

What you will need

For it you will need:

  • large (unnecessary) stainless steel or enamel-coated container;
  • plastic or rubber gloves;
  • small container made of plastic or glass;
  • wooden or plastic spoon.

The nuances of cold dyeing depend on the type of dye. Here is the sequence of working with different types of dyes.


The easiest way to dye jeans blue is to use methylene blue. You need to do this:

  1. Fill the container with water and begin to gradually pour blue into it, stirring the solution periodically.
  2. When the color saturation of the solution seems satisfactory, add food or Glauber's salt (1 tablespoon per 3 liters) as a fixative.
  3. The wet product is immersed in the resulting mixture for 2 hours (during this time the jeans need to be turned over several times), then rinsed in several waters.
  4. Water for the last rinse is mixed with vinegar (1 tbsp per 1 liter) so that the products shed less.

Hair dye

Dye your jeans black, and also give them unusual shades with hair dye. The product is prepared in a glass container, stirring the concentrate with a non-metallic spoon, then, stirring, add to warm water until the required tone is obtained. The product is kept in the solution for 1.5 hours, then rinsed in a fixative and washed.

The dye can be applied directly to the fabric using a brush and then rinsed off, just like when dyeing hair.

Industrial dyes

Some industrial dyes, for example: DYLON, also act on fabric in cold water. The paint is dissolved separately, according to the instructions, then added to a bowl of water along with 5 tbsp. l. salt.

The dyeing time for jeans is 1 hour. During the first quarter of an hour, the product must be turned over frequently. In the remaining time, its position is changed only a few times. Dyed denim is rinsed and washed, as in the previous case.

In order for the dye to dissolve more efficiently, the water in the container is softened with baking soda or ammonia (1 tsp or 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water, respectively).

Hot way

You can also dye jeans manually by boiling them in a dye solution. First of all, denim is processed in this way with aniline and most other powder dyes.

For this method you will need the same equipment as for cold dyeing. In addition, you need to stock up on wooden tongs or two long sticks for turning the product over. The process of dyeing jeans occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Dissolve the dye in a glass container following the directions on the package. If necessary, filter the resulting mixture through cheesecloth so that there are no lumps that will prevent the paint from laying evenly.
  2. The prepared composition is poured into a container with water, baking soda (1.5-2 tbsp) is mixed into the solution. For denim in dark shades, you can add 2 tbsp. l. substances.
  3. The mixture is put on fire and wait until it reaches a temperature of 60°. If foam from soda forms on the surface, it must be removed.
  4. Wet jeans are dipped into the container and, periodically turning them with tongs or sticks, heated for about half an hour.
  5. Add 2-5 tbsp to the solution. l. salt to deepen the color and increase the heat, bringing the water to a boil.
  6. Light jeans are boiled for half an hour, dark jeans are boiled for 15-30 minutes longer, black jeans are boiled for up to an hour and a half.
  7. When the specified time has passed, turn off the fire and let the item lie in the solution for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Then the jeans are rinsed. The water should be changed until it stops being colored. During the last rinse, vinegar is added to the basin.

When dyeing cotton in dark colors, the ratio of the weight of the product and the volume of liquid should be 1:20, in light colors - 1:30 or 1:40.

photo: depositphotos.com/ivan_dzyuba

Digestion is also used when processing cotton with natural dyes. Here are a few recipes as an example:

  • Henna is diluted according to the instructions in a ceramic bowl, dissolved in hot water and trousers are boiled in it for half an hour.
  • Add cinnamon (ground coffee or tea leaves) to hot water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and bring the mixture to a boil. The fabric is boiled in the solution for 10 minutes.
  • Dry onion peels (4 handfuls per 1 liter of water) are boiled for a quarter of an hour, then a cloth is placed in a container and heating is continued for another 10-15 minutes.

After final processing, the jeans should be immediately hung on a line to dry. If you leave them in the basin, unwanted stains may appear on the denim.

Dyeing in the washing machine

Most synthetic dyes are suitable for dyeing fabric in an automatic machine. Depending on the type of chemical product, this method of updating the color of jeans has its own nuances, but the general rules for dyeing are as follows:

  1. The wet garment is loaded into the drum along with dye and salt. In some cases, the paint is pre-diluted, in others it is left dry and placed in the car along with the bag. Sometimes there is no need to add salt (for example, Simplicol paints already have it).
  2. The panel sets the temperature acceptable for the fabric. Usually 60-80°, but sometimes 40° is enough.
  3. The jeans are dyed in the cotton mode and then a double rinse is used.
  4. Powder for colored fabrics is poured into the cuvette of the device and a normal wash is performed. To consolidate the effect, you can pour 50-100 g of table vinegar into the conditioner container.

It is not recommended to dye jeans in a machine with aniline dyes, as in this case the color turns out paler than when dyed by hand.

Creative Denim Processing Options

If you want to create original jeans, you need to dye them differently. There are several types of creative processing of products:

Uneven coloring

In order for original stripes of various types to appear on jeans, they can be processed in two ways:

  1. Wet it, twist it into a tourniquet and tie it in different places with rubber bands. In this form, immerse in a basin and paint using a cold or hot method.
  2. Remove all metal accessories from your pants, including the zipper. Then tie the legs in knots several times or crease along the entire length. Dissolve the paint in a fireproof glass container and place the trousers in it. Wrap the container on all sides with cellophane and place in the microwave for 4 minutes. Then the item of clothing is washed and rinsed without untying. Straighten the product only during drying.

Applying color stripes

Aniline dyes will help make jeans fully or partially multi-colored. They paint on damp fabric with a brush in different ways:

  1. To create the effect of shimmering colors, paints are applied immediately, overlapping each other in places.
  2. To clearly differentiate the colored areas, the liquid pigment is mixed with tragacanth glue in a ratio of 1:3 or the painted jeans are soaked in gelatin dissolved in water (2-3 crystals per 1 liter).
  3. Drawn prints. To apply designs of various colors and sizes to denim, acrylic or plastisol paints are used. They are applied to a dry, clean cloth, pre-stretched on thick cardboard. First, paint over the light details of the template, then the dark ones. After 15 hours, the fabric is ironed from the wrong side for several minutes, and then from the front through gauze.

It is not advisable to go for a walk in the cold wearing hand-painted items. It is better to wash re-dyed fabrics with laundry soap in a basin.

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There is no need to throw away your favorite jeans if the color of the fabric has lost its brightness and former attractiveness. Any outfit can be freshened up with a little ingenuity. How to dye jeans at home? Let's try and experiment.

Where to begin?

In Soviet times, the range of clothing was not particularly diverse, so for our grandparents such a procedure as dyeing pants with their own hands was par for the course. Reliable and inexpensive means - blue and white - helped to stand out. It was then that the word “varenki” appeared, which was used to describe fashionably bleached jeans.

Modern clothing stores do not know the word “shortage”; you can find jeans in any colors and textures, with or without decoration. But even today, many needlewomen are happy to use grandmother’s proven recipes, wanting to extend the life of their favorite pants, with which they have gone through both fire and water.

So, how to dye jeans yourself? First of all, two questions need to be resolved:

  1. How can you dye jeans?
  2. How to do this - manually or using a washing machine?

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Coloring agents

It’s easy to navigate the variety of fabric dyes if you know exactly what color you want to get and how durable it should be:

  • Aniline dyes are universal products intended for updating denim or other dense fabric.
  • Powder paints are permanent dyes in powder form that must be diluted in water. Powders are available in a narrow range of colors. Recently, the new Dilon powder has been gaining popularity, offering pleasant shades.
  • Acrylic. Acrylic paints are characterized by increased durability and a variety of color palettes.
  • Potassium permanganate is one of the most inexpensive remedies. Requires certain skill and experience.
  • Blue is present in most housewives’ homes in the form of liquid or powder. Linen is tinted blue to give white fabric a fresh look. It's easy to update jeans with blue, but you should prepare for constant touch-up.
  • Alternative means - hair dye, aerosol sprays, dyes for ordinary fabric. Jeans are not intended for dyeing, so it is difficult to navigate the palette of shades, and durability cannot be expected.

Jeans are stylish and practical clothing that will never go out of style. Spectacular denim trousers are a solid foundation for everyday, sporty, business and even romantic looks. As a rule, a quality product lasts for more than one year. But due to frequent washing, friction and sunlight, the fabric loses color. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to restore the brightness of a product and breathe a second life into it. How to dye jeans at home?

Just a few centuries ago, fabric dyeing was a venerable craft. Not everyone could afford to use the services of dyers. Today, similar services are provided in dry cleaning and some studios. But why overpay if housewives have access to a wide range of traditional and alternative remedies.

Choosing a store-bought drug

Is it possible to dye your jeans yourself? Of course, this does not require any special skills. The main thing is to decide on the color and type of dye.
If you don't know what paint to paint your jeans with, go to a specialty store. Depending on the desired effect, you can choose the appropriate product.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of different types of dyes

Dye typeAdvantagesFlawsPurpose
Blue- Affordable price;
- ease of use;
- safety
- Low durability (the blue color washes out after just two washes)- To add freshness to blue or cyan colors
Aniline dye- Ease of use;
- ability to mix colors with each other
- Low durability;
- fades in the sun
- To create colored stains and other original effects
Acrylic paint- Color fastness;
- wide palette of shades;
- ease of use
- High price- For artistic painting of fabric
Powder dye- Low price;
- ease of use
- Low durability;
- small selection of shades
- For dyeing faded jeans

Features of using acrylic products

How to dye jeans if you want to end up with an original item that no one else will have an analogue? The ideal option is bright and durable acrylic paints that will not fade or fade. They are used for artistic painting - a good option to refresh an item or hide a stain. The use of this type of paint has seven features.

  1. Preparation . Before starting work, jeans are washed, completely dried and ironed. This will allow the paint to adhere better between the fibers.
  2. Ease of application. The area on which the drawing will be applied must be placed on a flat surface and secured (for example, with paper clips or double-sided tape).
  3. Draw the outline. This can be done using a soft pencil or carbon paper.
  4. Quantity of paint. The acrylic layer should be as thin as possible. Otherwise, it may start to peel off.
  5. The right brushes. To apply a clear pattern, which implies a dense overlap, soft bristles are suitable. For translucent patterns, it is better to use hard brushes.
  6. Drying. Acrylic paint sets instantly. But it will take at least 15 hours for it to dry completely.
  7. Recording the result. To ensure that the paint sticks firmly to the jeans, iron the product from the wrong side or through a sheet of paper.

Despite the fact that acrylic is highly resistant, it is not recommended to expose items painted with such paint to high temperatures. Machine washing and strong rubbing should also be avoided.

How to powder dye jeans: 2 ways

Powder dyes are the most common. They are easy to use and very inexpensive. There are two ways to use this kind of means.

In the washing machine

Dyeing jeans in a washing machine is the best option for those who value their time. The procedure is carried out in six stages.

  1. Preparing jeans. Wash, rinse and dry the jeans thoroughly. If stains or detergent particles remain on the fabric, the dye will not be distributed evenly.
  2. Preparation of dye. According to the instructions, prepare the coloring composition. If you use a powder product, stir thoroughly to avoid lumps. Otherwise, the fabric will be colored unevenly. You may need to strain the mixture through several layers of gauze.
  3. Load the jeans into the drum, and pour the prepared dye mixture into it. Proceed immediately to the next step so that the pigment does not have time to eat into the fabric.
  4. Mode selection. Jeans should spend at least two hours in the washing machine, and therefore you should choose the longest wash cycle. The water temperature should be the maximum allowed, according to the label.
  5. Recording the result. When the dyeing process is complete, place the jeans in a bowl of acidified water for a quarter of an hour. For every liter of liquid there should be two tablespoons of vinegar.
  6. Final wash. To remove any remaining dye from the fabric and eliminate the vinegar smell, machine wash the jeans again without any detergent. This time the water temperature should not exceed 40 °C.

Modern fabric dyes do not harm the washing machine. The only vulnerable element is the rubber gasket on the door. If, after washing, you notice that the surface has become stained, immediately wipe it with a sponge and soap.

In an enamel basin

If you want to control the coloring process, you will have to do everything manually. An enamel basin is ideal for these purposes. Follow the seven step instructions.

  1. Preparation of paint. According to the instructions, dilute the dye in water. If there are undissolved lumps, the mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. Preparing a container of water. Pour about 7 liters of water into a large enamel basin. Place a container of water on the fire.
  3. Immersion of the product. When the water is warm enough, dissolve the dye in it and immerse the jeans. The liquid should be hot enough, but not boiling.
  4. Cooking. Boil the jeans in the dye mixture for 40-60 minutes.
  5. Rinsing. At the end of cooking, rinse the product first in hot and then in cold water.
  6. Fixing the color. Dip your jeans in a vinegar solution (two tablespoons per liter of water) for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Final wash. Wash your jeans in warm water with a small amount of powder or laundry soap.

During boiling, you will have to constantly ensure that the product is completely immersed in water. If any areas of the fabric float to the surface, they will not be dyed and light spots will appear on the jeans.

Alternative solutions

If you like experiments, buying a dye and then applying it according to the instructions is too banal and boring. A number of alternative products will help you achieve the desired color and original effects.

Chlorine bleach

Peculiarities. “Varenki” are legendary jeans. More than one generation of fashionistas has strived to own this thing. The technology came to us from Japan. There, nodular staining has been elevated to the level of an art. If you want to show off in jeans with beautiful white streaks, you will have to work a little magic on the item.


  1. Fill a metal bucket with water and add a cup of chlorine bleach.
  2. Crumple the jeans into a ball or twist them and tie them tightly with string to secure the shape.
  3. Immerse the item in the liquid and place the bucket on the burner.
  4. Boil the jeans over medium heat for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Rinse the product thoroughly in cold water.

If you're not sure how to properly dye old jeans that are faded, try bleaching them completely for a stylish new look. The technology is the same as for making “varenok”, but there is no need to twist or tie the product.

Potassium permangantsovka

Peculiarities. Potassium permanganate is another means with which you can make fashionable “varenki”. This is a great way to partially dye jeans by hand without boiling or any other heat treatment.


  1. Mix a heaping tablespoon of manganese with half a glass of vinegar and two tablespoons of peroxide.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition with water (3 l).
  3. Roll the jeans tightly and secure them with ropes or elastic bands.
  4. Place the product in the solution for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse your jeans several times in cold water and wash them with powder.


Peculiarities. If you want to dye your jeans green, the ideal solution is brilliant green. With some simple manipulations you can turn it into an excellent dye for clothes.


  1. If you want to dye your white jeans, just wash and iron them. If the product is of a different color, it must first be kept white.
  2. Dissolve the contents of a standard bottle of brilliant green in 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak wet jeans in the solution for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the product in cold water and soak in water and vinegar for a quarter of an hour.

Hair dye

Peculiarities. Hair dye is one of the alternative means for dyeing jeans. It gives the fabric a rich shade and holds up well. As a rule, it is used to dye thick regular or corduroy jeans.


  1. Pour warm water into a basin or bucket and add paint of the chosen shade. If you use toner, you will need two bottles for the brightness of the color.
  2. Immerse washed and dried jeans completely in the solution for one and a half to two hours.
  3. To remove any remaining dye, rinse the item several times. Alternate warm and cold water.
  4. Pour water into the container. For each liter, add two tablespoons of vinegar and one spoon of salt. Leave the item in the composition for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash the product in powder and hang it to dry away from sunlight and heating devices.

If you want to refresh the black color of your jeans, use basma. This is a natural dye that will not harm either the skin or the fabric.

Vegetables, berries, herbs

Peculiarities. You can dye light jeans at home using food products. Natural dyes of all colors of the rainbow from the table will help you experiment with style. The process includes four stages.


  1. Squeeze juice from berries or vegetables and dilute it with hot water. Pour boiling water over dry herbs or spices and let steep until cool. The proportions of dye and water are determined by eye. The more pigment, the brighter the color will be.
  2. Place the product in the container with the solution. The liquid should completely cover it.
  3. For three to five hours, constantly turn the item over to distribute the dye evenly.
  4. Rinse the product in water acidified with vinegar or a weak saline solution.

Table - Natural dyes for jeans

Desired shadeNatural dye
Orange color- Carrot;
- onion peel
Yellow- Bay leaf;
- dried calendula flowers;
- turmeric
Brown color- Oak bark;
- nut shell;
- Black tea
Green color- Sorrel root;
- spinach
Pink color- Cherry;
- raspberries
Grey colour- Blackberry
Blue- Red cabbage
Blue color- Cauliflower;
- dry cornflower petals;
- blueberry;
- dark grapes
Red color- Pomegranate;
- beet

The highest color intensity is observed after staining with berry juices. Vegetables and dry dyes have much paler pigments.

  1. Water temperature. Painted items should only be washed in cold or lukewarm water. High temperatures will cause the dye to wash out.
  2. Detergent. It is better to replace washing powder with laundry soap.
  3. Washing type. The ideal option is hand wash without rubbing. The machine can only be used in delicate mode.

Do not use conditioner when washing dyed jeans. It can change the shade of a thing beyond recognition.

If you want to revive old jeans that have lost their color, synthetic and natural dyes will come to your aid. But having put one thing in order, it is important not to spoil others. If you decide to dye your jeans with dye yourself, remember that you need to wash them separately from other clothes. After washing, you need to thoroughly wipe the basin or drum of the washing machine to remove dye particles.



Denim is a lightweight, comfortable, durable material. Dense fabric, resistant to wear and cuts, from which any clothes are sewn. There is hardly a more popular material on the planet. It can be cut, embroidered, pressed, decorated with beads, buttons, sequins.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the question of how to dye jeans worries people again and again.

How to dye jeans? Preparation stage

Novelty. If a person buys a piece of clothing or fabric in a store, then everything is simple. You can safely paint such a thing, taking into account other features. And if a person uses recycled denim that was once clothing, then he will have to look at it in more detail. If there are abrasions and damage, then when bleaching, the places with such defects become thinner. Pieces with such imperfections should be avoided when painting, as they will tear in the process.
Thickness. The thicker the fabric, the longer it takes to bleach and then dye it. If you can't see it by eye, you can weigh the fabric. The ratio of the area of ​​the panel to the weight will indicate the thickness quite definitely.

Density. Few people evaluate this indicator when dyeing jeans. After all, it is known that the fibers are tightly woven. But now different fabrics are produced - from light, summer to very warm, winter. In this case, light, summer models will color much faster than warm, winter ones.
A source of additional difficulties. Nowadays, regular jeans are not in high esteem, so you should keep in mind: the more complex the item is sewn, the more difficult it will be to dye it. Particular attention should be paid to seams, as well as other decorative details (flounces and ruffles, folds and darts).

The answer to the question of how to dye jeans involves a preparatory stage, when a person evaluates the quality of the material. Is it even possible to dye these jeans or is it better to throw them away?

How to dye jeans blue?

If a person is happy with the traditional color of most jeans, but it requires updating, you can use a folk recipe - soaking jeans in a blue solution. To dye your jeans blue, you need to take:

Barely warm water (check the temperature by touch).
Dilute a chemical purchased at a hardware store in it. Color density is determined by eye.
Completely immerse the fabric or item in the solution, leave for at least several hours, or better yet, for a day. For greater color durability, add a handful to the solution, and then rinse in a weak vinegar solution. Method for preparing the latter: pour half a cup of vinegar into each liter of cold water.

Disadvantage of the recipe: the color washes out very quickly, especially if you wash denim items in an automatic machine.

How to whiten jeans? Simple recipes

Pour two glasses of white into ten liters of water. Use a bucket or basin. Place the mixture on the stove and heat until bubbles appear. Place the product or fabric there. Make sure that not a single edge remains dry and nothing sticks out of the water when boiling. For more even bleaching, stir the fabric with slow, sweeping movements. Determine the degree of readiness by color. Overexposure means thinning of the fabric. Remove the white item and rinse under cold running water until the last of the color comes off along with the white solution. If the fabric has not bleached completely or unevenly, repeat the procedure with a new solution.
You can lighten jeans slightly in a gentle mode if you add a pack of soda to hot water when washing with powder (take about half a kilogram). The longer you wash, the lighter the color will be. There are people who add this amount of soda when machine washing, but they shorten the life of the equipment in this way.

The procedure is carried out wearing strong, intact household gloves. Inspect them carefully before use: holes or cuts will cause serious damage to the skin on your hands.

Sometimes lemon juice or citric acid is added instead of soda.
like bleach. Two large spoons or about a quarter of a medium glass of this wonderful product should be added to the powder compartment when machine washing in hot water. However, peroxide should be handled with extreme caution; it easily corrodes fabric and plastic equipment.

Whitening can be done partially. If you leave folds on your jeans and clamp small areas with clothespins or elastic bands, you can get some very interesting effects.

The question of how to whiten jeans does not have a clear answer, because it all depends on a person’s needs and how radically he wants to change the look of his jeans.

How to dye jeans at home with hair dye?

If you want to radically change the color of denim clothes, then at home you can resort to such a simple and affordable remedy as.

Please note that for medium pants you will need at least two packs of paint. But it's better to take it with a reserve.

There is no need to ask in despair: “How to dye jeans at home with hair dye?” Instead of this:

Take an enamel basin or bucket.
Dilute the active component of the paint in warm water.
Place bleached clothing items or fabric there.
Make sure that the coloring occurs evenly.
Keep the item in the solution from a quarter of an hour to an hour.
Rinse in a weak vinegar solution.

This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Final words of advice

Do not mix different paints in the same water. Do several treatments in a row to achieve the desired shade.
Always wear gloves.
To be sure, practice bleaching and dyeing on a small area of ​​fabric first.
Dry things naturally - away from radiators and radiators.

January 16, 2014

You don't have to spend money on new designer items to update your wardrobe. Sometimes all you need to do is simply change up your old clothes a little, like dyeing your favorite jeans.

In what cases may it be necessary to dye jeans?

Clothes, unfortunately, wear out over time and lose shape and color. Despite its strength, denim material can wear out and its shade can fade. To give your jeans a fresher look, you can dye them. Black paint will also help hide stubborn stains.

Dyeing denim will also help if you don’t like the color of the purchased item over time. With the help of home dyeing, you can give your jeans fashionable shades and patterns: “varenka”, stains, patterns.

Repainting old things will also allow you to always be in trend and follow fashion trends without unnecessary expenses. Or maybe you've decided to completely update your wardrobe, and the color of your jeans doesn't match your new clothes. In order not to spend money on buying new trousers, it is easier to repaint them.

Features of denim dyeing

The most common jeans in stores are all shades of blue, light blue and gray. Grays and blacks fade the most over time. Dark blue colors are long lasting.

It should be borne in mind that even after several dyeing procedures, denim is unlikely to become perfectly black, as in the store. Even with professional products you will get a dark gray color.

Preparing tissue for the procedure

To ensure that the paint goes on as evenly as possible, you need to prepare the denim for dyeing:

  1. Wash the product thoroughly. Set the water temperature to 40 °C - this is the optimal value for denim. Wash as usual - with powder and conditioner. After washing, do not dry the jeans - dyeing is done on damp fabric. For light blue and light blue jeans, this step is sufficient. Further actions are carried out on products of bright or dark colors: red, burgundy, purple, dark blue and the like. Washing is necessary to remove substances from the fabric that may interfere with the coloring or make it uneven.
  2. Fill a large saucepan with water. The size of the pan should be large enough to wash jeans in it. Add bleach to water. Ordinary chlorine may also work, but it is better to use more gentle products, for example, Belize. It is added to water in a ratio of 1:10. Washing should be done in a well-ventilated area, as chlorine vapors are hazardous to health.
    Whiteness is a good way to bleach jeans.
  3. Place a saucepan of water over high heat.
    The size of the pan should allow the product to be completely soaked in it.
  4. When the water is ready to boil, reduce the heat to low and place the jeans in the pan. While stirring the product with a long wooden spoon or spatula, soak it in hot water until it lightens by 2-3 shades. Some jeans may change color to beige or yellowish - this is normal. Discoloration will take 30 to 60 minutes.
    A wooden spoon with a long handle is convenient for stirring jeans in a large saucepan - the wood does not heat up from steam
  5. Turn off the heat and drain the bleach solution from the pan. Rinse your jeans thoroughly.
    To remove bleach from jeans, rinse them in running water.
  6. Wash the jeans again in the washing machine using detergent. This will remove any remaining bleach that could interfere with the paint job or damage the fabric. Do not dry the product before painting.

Methods for dyeing denim

To dye denim at home, you can use both improvised means and professional dyes.

Professional dyes for fabrics

Professional dyes can be used both for manual dyeing and in a washing machine. When dyeing by hand, use enamel dishes (for example, a saucepan) - in it the powder is diluted according to the instructions and the product is soaked for the time indicated on the package, after which it is thoroughly rinsed.

If you want to dye the product in the washing machine, dilute the contents of the box in 0.5 liters of water, put the jeans in the machine and pour this mixture on top. Set the washing mode to “Linen” or “Cotton”. After dyeing, to fix the dye, soak the item in water with vinegar added.

There are few special dyes for denim in stores. Here are the most popular ones:

Handy methods

In addition to professional store-bought dyes, there are many improvised means that can help change the color of a product. Of course, they are not as effective, but you don’t have to go to the store to use them - the ingredients for these mixtures can be found in every home.


You won't be able to dye your jeans deep black using tea. However, using this mixture will return the former pleasant warm shade to dark brown jeans, as well as black fabrics without a blue tint.

For this method you will need:

  • 3 bags of black tea (preferably without flavorings or additional ingredients, as they will reduce the intensity of coloring);
  • half a glass of salt;
  • five liters of water.

Coloring occurs as follows:

  1. Take a large saucepan of water, dissolve salt in it and bring to boil.
  2. Boil tea bags in it to achieve a bright, rich color solution.
  3. Discard the bags and soak the jeans in the pan. To achieve a noticeable effect, soak the product in salted tea for at least an hour.
  4. After dyeing the jeans, rinse them twice in running water and leave to dry.

Don't be afraid to over-expose it - this solution will not harm the fabric in any way, even if you leave the jeans in water all night.

Hair dye

To dye jeans you will need one standard package of hair dye:

  1. Prepare the coloring solution according to the instructions and dilute it in a bowl of warm water. Be sure to use gloves. Black hair dye is almost impossible to remove from nails and cuticles.
  2. Soak the jeans in this solution for one hour.
  3. Then rinse the jeans in a bowl of water with half a glass of salt.
  4. After this, rinse the product thoroughly in running water.


For this method, you will need Turkish coffee ground (the finest grind). Instant coffee will not work - the color will be uneven.

To dye jeans with coffee, you need:

  1. Dilute ground coffee at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of cool water. For greater color durability, add half a glass of salt to the solution.
  2. Soak the jeans for an hour.
  3. Rinse the fabric in running water.

Coffee gives a more intense color than tea, but leaves a persistent coffee aroma on the product.

Coloring with effects

Using home dyeing, you can achieve various interesting effects on fabrics that will make your image memorable and original.

The "boiled" effect

To use this method you will need Clothes White. For safety, you should wear gloves before working with the product. Work should be done in a ventilated area.

For coloring, follow the instructions:


Aniline dye will help you create beautiful stains and smooth color transitions on jeans. Aniline dye spreads strongly over the fabric, so after dyeing there will be no sharp transitions from the dyed area to the undyed area. Aniline is sold in craft stores.
Any aniline dye is suitable for dyeing denim.

To paint, use a brush or sponge. Hang the jeans vertically and apply the dye. Smudges from the aniline dye after drying will create the effect of streaks and a smooth flow of color.
Aniline dye, due to its fluidity, allows you to create smooth transitions between colors


If you want to give your clothes a unique look, you can decorate your jeans with a pattern. Acrylic paint works well on denim. It is sold everywhere in craft and hobby stores. The cost of a set of six colors is about 300–400 rubles.

Don't forget to purchase brushes of the appropriate size - the more detailed your drawing, the thinner the brushes you need to use. On the contrary, if you want to make a large-scale drawing, opt for large brushes - they will allow you to apply the paint evenly.

Acrylic drawings on jeans look bright and catchy

Before applying the design, wash, dry and iron your jeans thoroughly. Select the area where you will apply the image. Place cardboard under the top layer of fabric to avoid staining the back of the product. The thinner the layer of paint you apply, the longer the design will stay on the fabric.

Here are some tips for decorating jeans with acrylic designs:

  • Before you start directly dyeing, mark the outline of your design on the fabric. This can be done with a pencil or tailor's chalk.
  • If you want to make smooth transitions between colors, a gradient, then apply paint as quickly as possible. Acrylic paint that has not yet been absorbed mixes better.
  • If your jeans slide on the table, secure them with tape. It will not leave marks on the fabric.

After dyeing, you must leave the product to dry for 15 hours, then carefully iron the design from the inside out.

You can draw a drawing without artistic abilities. Cut out a stencil from cardboard or thick paper. Instead of brushes, use a sponge - it will give a more even coverage.

Even a child can make such a pattern using a stencil and acrylic paints.

Professional dyeing of clothes and fabrics

Some dry cleaners offer textile dyeing services, in particular denim. The cost of such a service depends on the city, the size and weight of the product, as well as the materials used by specialists. As a rule, the price of dyeing size M jeans is about 700–1000 rubles.

The advantages of this service include a guarantee of good results. Specialists with experience have a better chance of performing high-quality, uniform dyeing of fabric. The disadvantages, in addition to the price, include the need to part with the product for a week, or even more.

Caring for jeans after dyeing

The painted product requires special care:

  • After the first wash, the jeans should dry on their own, do not use a spinner or dryer;
  • Do not dry the product in the sun, as the paint will quickly fade;
  • wash your jeans by first turning them inside out;
  • the first two times, wash the product separately from other items, since the fabric will probably fade and may ruin other clothes;
  • Dyed jeans can be washed at temperatures up to 50°C.

In addition, at first you need to be careful and avoid contact with light-colored upholstered furniture - the paint on the jeans may peel off a little and stain the upholstery.

Dyeing jeans at home is a simple and affordable way to quickly update your wardrobe and change your look. In addition, it is an enjoyable and fun creative process.