Maternity hospital bag: what underwear you will need after childbirth. Compression stockings for childbirth - help for lovely legs What are the names of stockings for childbirth

The birth of a child is always a very big burden on a woman’s body. To reduce it, every pregnant woman is recommended to buy compression stockings for childbirth or cesarean section, which ensure the prevention of varicose veins. This product promotes normal blood flow in the legs, prevents thrombosis and other diseases. Find out what types there are and how to make the right choice.

What are compression stockings

Weight gain during pregnancy can cause the development of varicose veins and many other problems. Compression stockings prevent the occurrence of this disease. They are made of special medical knitwear. This material puts pressure on the limbs, resulting in reduced swelling and improved blood circulation in the veins. Compression products can be made from both natural and synthetic fibers: elastodene, nylon, cotton.

Compression classes

This is an indicator that indicates the intensity of the effect on normalizing blood flow. There are three of them in total. The doctor must determine what indicator each specific woman needs. The following compression classes are distinguished:

  1. First. The pressure is no more than 23 mm. rt. Art. For people who do not have serious problems with the functioning of the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Serve to prevent the development of varicose veins. Indicated for women who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who spend a lot of time on their feet.
  2. Second. Compression no more than 33 mm Hg. Art. Lingerie (stockings, tights, knee socks) of this class is prescribed for varicose veins or venous insufficiency. They are also necessary if a leg injury occurs during pregnancy and muscles are damaged.
  3. Third. Pressure 45 mm Hg. Art. Products of this degree of compression are prescribed to those pregnant women who have had surgery in the legs or have a trophic complication of varicose veins.
  4. Fourth. Compression 50 mm Hg. Art. prescribed for severe disorders of lymph flow.

Are compression stockings necessary for childbirth?

Almost every pregnant woman asks this question. There are already a lot of expenses, so I wouldn’t want to buy something that isn’t absolutely necessary. It is important to understand why compression stockings are needed during childbirth. Modern doctors strongly recommend that every pregnant woman take them, or at least elastic bandages, with her, even if she has no indications, unpleasant symptoms or complaints.

Why are they needed?

Stockings have a number of indications because they have medicinal properties. Phlebologists (doctors who specialize in the treatment of varicose veins and other vein diseases) prescribe them for the following diagnoses:

  • excessive swelling of the legs, causing severe discomfort;
  • venous eczema and dermatitis;
  • frequent feeling of fatigue;
  • leg pain;
  • frequent cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis;
  • spider veins on the legs;
  • chronic venous insufficiency.

If a pregnant woman is predisposed to any of the above diseases or experiences unpleasant symptoms in her legs, she will definitely need to take compression stockings to the maternity hospital. Modern doctors and obstetricians recommend that absolutely every woman in labor buy them, even if there is no direct indication. They will help prevent a lot of problems that arise after childbirth or cesarean section. Why are compression stockings needed in the maternity hospital:

  • prevent varicose veins during labor, intense labor, thrombosis;
  • promote the transport of oxygen and nutrients to tissues;
  • improve blood circulation and reduce the likelihood of blood clots, which is very high both during natural childbirth and during cesarean section;
  • reduce the likelihood of swelling of the limbs.

What compression stockings are needed for childbirth?

It is worth repeating once again that it is better for every woman to take such a product with her. It is advisable that a specific type of stockings for childbirth be recommended by a doctor. As a rule, preventative ones with a low level of compression are prescribed to girls who do not have any problems with the veins or complaints about the legs. Therapeutic stockings will be needed for pregnant women with a number of complications, for example, varicose veins and severe swelling. Antiembolic birth control is rarely prescribed, only for serious pathologies.

Medical stockings for childbirth

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products. All stockings for caesarean section and childbirth are divided into three categories: preventive, therapeutic, anti-embolic. Products may vary in size, length, color, and style features. Every pregnant woman, no matter what her figure, will be able to choose and purchase a suitable option for herself in order to go to the maternity hospital fully armed.


Even if there are no problems with the veins, a woman is recommended to wear products of this type before giving birth. The following option will do:

  • model name: Tonus Elast, Medical compression stockings for childbirth, class 1 (height 1) 0403;
  • price: 1000 rubles;
  • characteristics: made of elastic material based on polyamide and lycra, 6 sizes, for the prevention of thrombosis, varicose veins, pulmonary embolism, thrombophlebitis, 140 den;
  • pros: improve heat exchange and blood circulation, soft and wide cuff on top, silicone strips to hold on the leg, pleasant dense fabric;
  • cons: difficult to put on.

The reviews for the following product are very good; many women prefer to buy it for childbirth. Description:

  • model name: Venoteks hospital compression stockings, 1st degree, 1A210;
  • price: 1690 rub.;
  • characteristics: for the prevention of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism of arterial vessels, 4 sizes, white;
  • pros: washes well, thick, has holes to check blood circulation;
  • Cons: only one color, difficult to put on.

The following underwear has a lot of sizes, which can be an additional advantage for women with non-standard figures. Description:

  • model name: Mediven, Trombexin 18;
  • price: 1800 rub.;
  • characteristics: 9 sizes, to prevent the development of thrombosis, 1 compression class, porous knitting, with a hole for air circulation under the fingers;
  • advantages: precisely adjusted pressure gradient, optimal for normal blood flow speed, easy to put on, conveniently and securely fixed on the thigh, maintains optimal temperature and water balance of the skin, with antibacterial and antimicrobial effect;
  • cons: difficult to put on without assistance, wear out quickly.


If a woman already has problems with veins, then she cannot do without the following product during childbirth. Description:

  • model name: Mediven Plus 3, compression stockings with silicone elastic;
  • price: 6450 rub.;
  • characteristics: 7 sizes, there are standard and shortened models, 3 color options, with an elastic band made of inert silicone;
  • Pros: easy to put on and take off, holds well, durable and wear-resistant material, breathable,
  • cons: expensive.

If you're about to have a C-section soon, consider purchasing the following maternity stockings. Description:

  • model name: Maxis N 51 - N 61, therapeutic compression stockings, closed toe;
  • price: 3050 rub.;
  • characteristics: 5 sizes, small and standard lengths available, 2 colors;
  • pluses: soft, breathable, help maintain optimal temperature and water conditions, reinforced toe and heel;
  • cons: wear out quickly.

Many women took the following product with them to the maternity hospital and did not regret it one bit. Description:

  • model name: B.Well, Rehab JW 222, compression stockings with openwork top 22-29 mm;
  • price: 2090 rub.;
  • characteristics: 4 sizes, 5 colors, for the delicate treatment of varicose veins and other vascular diseases, “voluminous honeycomb” knitting;
  • pros: securely fixed on the leg, comfortable, does not squeeze the skin, blood vessels, made of elastic and elastic compression knitwear, compression is evenly distributed;
  • Cons: Difficult to put on by yourself.


When choosing which stockings are best to take with you to childbirth, pay attention to the following option. Description:

  • model name: Anti-embolic stockings Relaxan Medicale, M2370A;
  • price: 1180 rub.;
  • characteristics: white, elastic, 1 compression class, open toe, 4 sizes, to prevent thromboembolic problems;
  • advantages: with a therapeutic effect, easy and quick to put on, there is a hole under the toes to monitor the condition of the legs, medications can be applied under the stockings and on them, they do not bunch up;
  • cons: they slide off your feet.

If you wear the following stockings during childbirth, you don’t have to worry about the condition of your veins. Description:

  • model name: Ecoten, Anti-embolic stockings Luomma Idealista, ID 380;
  • price: 1920 rub.;
  • characteristics: with silicone-based elastic and soft seam, compression class 2, white, 2 length options, closed toe, 4 sizes, increased fiber capillarity;
  • pros: comfortable, fits well to the leg, durable, elastic, wear-resistant, suitable for wide hips;
  • Cons: needs to be put on very carefully.

Girls who want to buy an inexpensive and effective product should pay attention to the following stockings. Description:

  • model name: Compression stockings Intex, anti-embolic, AMCH-1k;
  • price: 1235 rub.;
  • characteristics: white, for childbirth and operations, 1 compression class, with an open toe, 4 sizes;
  • pros: prevent the appearance of blood clots, there is a cutout for monitoring the condition of the legs, elastic, durable;
  • Cons: Difficult to put on without help.

How to choose stockings for childbirth

Every pregnant woman is recommended to purchase such a product, because no one knows with absolute certainty how the birth of a baby will proceed and what may be needed in the process. You can buy stockings at a specialized retail outlet or order them from an online store with delivery from Moscow or St. Petersburg. Tips for choosing a product:

  1. If you are having a caesarean section, it is better to buy an open-toed version so that the doctor can monitor proper blood circulation during the operation.
  2. Anti-embolic stockings should be worn if the delivery was difficult or there are serious pathologies of the venous system. They are allowed not to be removed for several days and not to be removed even during hygiene procedures.
  3. It is preferable that the product be made from natural materials with minimal addition of synthetics.
  4. It will be more convenient to wear seamless underwear.

How to choose compression stockings by size

The product must exactly fit your figure. To understand what size to buy, before going to the pharmacy, take the following measurements (immediately after waking up in the morning, before swelling appears):

  • circumference of the lower leg above the ankle;
  • girth under the knee joint;
  • hip circumference at a distance of 25 cm from the knee (if a woman’s height is more than 180 cm, then you need to add another 5 cm);
  • leg length from the hip measurement point to the foot.

To reduce the load on the legs and prevent the development of varicose veins during the period of bearing a child, doctors increasingly recommend wearing compression stockings for pregnant women - therapeutic knitwear. They reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases of the lower extremities not only for 9 months, but even during childbirth and after it. For those who suffer from dilated veins, asterisks, cramps and pain in the legs, such underwear is a real salvation.

Before purchasing this knitwear, which has an amazing effect on your legs, it is better to first find out why pregnant women need compression stockings and whether they are needed specifically in this or that case. Since this is medicinal underwear, it has a number of indications:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • tired legs;
  • swelling by the end of the day;
  • pain;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous, eczema;
  • spider veins on the legs.

If any of these problems exist or are at least suspected while carrying a child, compression tights for pregnant women or stockings are simply necessary for the normal well-being of the expectant mother and a successful delivery. Their therapeutic effect is obvious:

  • veins are protected from expansion;
  • constant pressure is applied to the surface of the leg, which causes blood to actively circulate;
  • the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • prevents the occurrence of thrombosis and seizures;
  • the ability of blood vessels to absorb extracellular fluid increases, which leads to the prevention and elimination of edema.

The benefits of such underwear when carrying a child are obvious. It is recommended to wear it even during childbirth, so that the veins do not burst from the tension that the woman experiences at this moment. It is very important to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women so that they are as comfortable and useful as possible. They are divided into several classes.


You need to be able to determine the compression class of compression stockings for pregnant women required for a given situation. If preventive underwear can be purchased by any woman in a pharmacy and is freely available, then therapeutic underwear, which includes 4 classes, can only be prescribed by a phlebologist. Accordingly, you can only buy it in a specialized salon using a prescription only. What is the difference between these types of knitwear?

  1. Class 1. The compression created by these stockings (tights) on the legs is up to 23 mm. rt. Art. They are recommended for pregnant women with the appearance of spider veins and pain at the end of the day, with enlarged veins.
  2. Class 2. The pressure distributed by this underwear on the legs does not exceed 33 mm. rt. Art. Used to treat thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in pregnant women.
  3. Class 3. Compression on the legs - no higher than 45 mm. rt. Art. Tights (stockings) of this type are prescribed by a phlebologist for severe venous insufficiency, which is characterized by impaired trophism.
  4. Class 4. The pressure exceeds 50 mm. rt. Art. Underwear of this class eliminates disturbances in lymph flow and eliminates severe swelling caused by this disease.

In addition to the above classes, there are also preventive compression stockings for pregnant women, which can be worn by all expectant mothers to prevent such problems with blood vessels, veins and capillaries in the legs. If a woman is at risk, the observing gynecologist will definitely advise wearing such underwear. The question is which is better - compression stockings or tights for pregnant women, and what is their fundamental difference.


Depending on a woman’s individual preferences, she can opt for various types of compression garments - tights, stockings or knee socks. There is also an elastic bandage with the same effect. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Compression socks for pregnant women, they are used if pain, cramps and varicose veins affect only the calf part, without rising higher to the thighs. The inconvenience of this type of underwear is that knee socks do not always look aesthetically pleasing under short dresses and skirts. Although they are ideal for wearing under pants.
  2. Compression stockings- one of the most popular options for this underwear for pregnant women. They look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful on the leg, do not cause discomfort when you need to go to the toilet (which occurs quite often in this position), and do not put pressure on the stomach. The only negative, which, however, is very significant, is that they do not fit well on the foot and often slide down, which disrupts the uniformity of the pressure they exert.
  3. Compression tights for pregnant women they are an excellent alternative to stockings. Their advantages are that they will definitely not slip off your feet and do not need to be constantly pulled up. The disadvantage is the pressure they put on the stomach. Although manufacturers are actively fighting this disadvantage and reducing it to almost nothing.
  4. Compression elastic bandage for pregnant women it is useful only if there are some local problems with the veins in the legs. Phlebologists recommend it extremely rarely to pregnant women.

In addition, you need to know how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women in accordance not only with the class and type of underwear, but also with its size. This affects the correct distribution of pressure across the legs.


To choose the size of compression stockings for pregnant women, you need to take the following leg measurements before purchasing a home:

For stockings:

  1. Circumference of the lower leg above the ankle (in cm);
  2. Circumference of the upper leg under the knee joint (in cm).
  3. Thigh circumference at a distance of 25 cm from the knee (for a woman’s height up to 180 cm). If you are taller, measurements should be taken at a height of 30 cm from the knee joint.
  4. Length of the leg to the point where the thigh circumference was measured.

For tights:

  1. All measurements taken to select compression stockings.
  2. Waist and hip circumference.
  3. Length of the leg from the foot all the way to the groin.

After the dimensions are taken, the data obtained must be compared with the dimensions given in the tables. When purchasing underwear in a specialized salon, show your measurements to the sales consultant, and he will select compression stockings or tights of the required size for you.

Size correspondence table for women's stockings:

Now you know which compression stockings are best for pregnant women and how to choose them correctly to get maximum benefit and comfort from them. All that remains is to learn how to use them, which is not difficult at all.

Terms of use

There are several nuances that will help achieve greater effectiveness from compression garments for pregnant women:

  • first you need to consult a phlebologist who prescribes the use of compression stockings during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • underwear should be selected only to a woman’s individual size;
  • high-quality compression knitwear comes under the RAL sign - its presence on the packaging indicates a European certificate for the product;
  • The warranty period for compression underwear for pregnant women is no more than 10 months.

If you follow these recommendations and use the above tips for choosing compression stockings and tights for pregnant women, they will bring maximum comfort and benefit. Protect your legs from excessive stress and varicose veins throughout the entire 9 months. This will allow you to regain your former slimness and beautiful shape after childbirth.

Many women know that compression stockings are indicated for surgical interventions, childbirth, long hospital stays, bed rest, and, in principle, for any physical activity. Well, childbirth is, on average, a 10-hour marathon with an increased level of stress and strain on a woman’s body. Therefore, any form of relief for them is a serious and to the point conversation!

In our country, the recommendation of obstetricians and gynecologists that women in labor wear compression stockings is still an innovation, but justified and certainly very useful. After all, prevention is not an empty phrase, but a real fight against a problem that every woman faces in one way or another. The fight against varicose veins is a difficult and methodical thing, it is difficult to make bets and forecasts on it, but experts assure that constant wearing of stockings during pregnancy, during childbirth and for some time after definitely increases the chances that your legs will remain beautiful and healthy.

We trust specialists, but most of all – our own. Therefore, we asked young mothers to ask their questions, and Diana Mardas, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the 5th City Clinical Hospital, to answer them and explain in simple language how to put on stockings and where to use them, and to suggest a few of the Tonus Elast compression garment brand "lifehacks".

Obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the “MamaPro” project

The attending physician recommended stockings with a certain compression class. What exactly is a compression stocking grade? How to choose stockings for childbirth, and how - for preventive purposes?

– As a rule, compression classes 1 and 2 are used during childbirth. Compression class is the degree of pressure that the stocking exerts on soft tissues and blood vessels. If before giving birth a woman did not experience any discomfort and she did not have any prerequisites for varicose veins, the corresponding diagnoses were not made earlier, and spider veins did not appear during pregnancy, then the first class of compression is sufficient for the period of pregnancy and childbirth. If you have a diagnosis of “varicose veins” or chronic venous insufficiency, then you should start with the second compression class.

The first compression class can be selected independently with the help of competent recommendations from specialists in specialized medical equipment stores (for example, Medprostor, MedMagazin, Care and Health, etc.) and in some pharmacies. An obstetrician-gynecologist can also help with choosing stockings for childbirth. But starting from the second level of compression and if there are indications, a phlebologist can provide competent information, who will individually determine the product that is right for you.

"Life hack" from Tonus Elast:

  1. Be sure to pay attention to the inscription on the packaging. There should be the following information: compression class and pressure in millimeters of mercury. If there is no such information, then, most likely, this is not a medical device, so you should not expect a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
  2. The concept of den has nothing to do with the compression class, and such marks on stockings indicate the density of the knitwear, and also that the stockings do not have the correct compression properties.

If a woman wore compression garments during pregnancy, will they also be suitable for childbirth? Or do you need stockings with other characteristics/sizes?

- It is not prohibited. But there is a special hospital type of stockings. These stockings were developed for those who are undergoing surgical treatment and delivery, as well as for those who are forced to lie down for a long time or simply need to wear stockings for a long time. Indeed, in such situations, the risk of formation and separation of a blood clot increases many times over! They differ both in their functional properties and in color. Hospital stockings have a special knitting that allows you to maintain compression for 3-5 days without removing them. They are white so that you can quickly determine the color of the discharge, since in the case of black or beige stockings, the nature of the discharge may be distorted. There is also a special hole on the foot, which allows you to control peripheral blood circulation and gives access to treat your toes without removing the stockings.

Here I would like to point out the following: during pregnancy and during childbirth, we look at compression hosiery a little differently. During pregnancy, there is indeed a load on the venous system; it is difficult for blood to rise up through the veins to the heart, because the pregnant uterus compresses the vessels and prevents the blood flow system from working from bottom to top. Therefore, by wearing compression hosiery during pregnancy, we support the vascular wall and help it lift blood up. At the same time, the vascular wall itself strains less, remains more intact, and the woman’s risk of developing varicose veins in the future is reduced. During childbirth, add to the difficult upward outflow of blood and the altered composition of the blood a long stay in a horizontal position.

After childbirth, it is not recommended to get up for 5-6 hours; during childbirth, the risk of thromboembolism, the formation of blood clots and the fact that they can move throughout the body, be thrown around and clog vital vessels, increases significantly. It is very dangerous! It is because the blood stagnates in the lower parts of the leg and foot that it thickens and clots can form. They can change later, for example, when a woman gets up too early and starts walking after childbirth. Therefore, in the first hours after childbirth, stockings are even more important. In no case does having a baby mean taking off your stockings right away! This is one of the typical mistakes: many mothers believe that stockings are only needed for childbirth. No: before childbirth, during childbirth and after it!

"Life hack" from Tonus Elast: Having perfect legs now, after nine months of hard efforts, the walls of the blood vessels become so tired and injured that later, even six months to a year after giving birth, problems with varicose veins may appear. A woman may not even associate this with pregnancy, although the connection is direct. This is why you should continue to wear compression stockings for 4-6 months after giving birth.

The doctor warned that after giving birth the stockings should not be removed immediately. So how long should you stay in stockings after giving birth?

– The instructions say - for the entire period of reduced activity. But here the question of hygiene of a woman who has just given birth becomes logical. Therefore, my recommendation is this: be sure to stay in stockings for 5-6 hours after giving birth, then take them off after walking vertically for some time, and not immediately (preferably within an hour). Thus, we wait out the dangerous moment when the blood clot may begin to rise through the vascular system. In part, the stockings do their work for the vessels.

I would like to emphasize that the period of changing body position from horizontal to vertical is the most dangerous in terms of thromboembolism. In addition, the blood after childbirth is thicker for physiological reasons (the woman sweated and did not drink liquid for a long time), which is also a risk factor. When it comes to a caesarean section, the woman certainly needs to wear compression stockings. The risk of thromboembolism during cesarean section increases even more due to many factors, including the fact that the woman lies for a long time without changing her body position.

"Life hack" from a doctor: as mentioned above, stay in an upright position for an hour and only then, for hygienic purposes, you can remove the stockings and, if you have them, immediately put on a second pair. If not, tidy up your existing stockings and put them on the next morning before getting out of bed.

Is it difficult to put on stockings? If during contractions a woman wants to take a shower, is it possible to leave her stockings on during this time?

– Yes, indeed, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to put on stockings. What to do? Call the medical staff or your birth partner if the birth is partnered. What to do with showers and water procedures during childbirth? It is important to understand why water procedures are needed during childbirth. For pain relief. This could be a bidet or shower. Difficulties can arise only with the shower. In this case, there is no ideal solution; you will have to choose: either compression stockings or a shower. The third option is wet compression stockings after a shower, which is extremely uncomfortable. A large percentage of births take place under spinal anesthesia - these women are unlikely to need a shower. In the process of preparing for childbirth, I recommend learning to breathe correctly, doing self-massage, and teaching your partner to control the breathing of the woman in labor.

"Life hack" from a doctor: When choosing compression stockings, women should give preference to other methods of pain relief: breathing, massage, other water procedures (a bidet allows you to take the correct sitting position during childbirth and have comfortable contact with water).

To summarize: while carrying a baby, body weight increases, the amount of blood increases and blood flow increases, and hormonal levels change. Unfortunately, a rosy period in the life of an expectant mother is often overshadowed by illnesses. And, if everyone has already heard about toxicosis and the prevention of stretch marks, then a woman often encounters varicose veins for the first time during pregnancy, previously unaware of her genetic predisposition. But you can rely not only on genes, but also engage in comfortable prevention, because pregnancy, no matter how strange it may sound, is a favorable time for the development of pathology. Therefore, Tonus Elast compression socks, stockings and tights are well-known favorites among pregnant women for the very reason that they relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs, provide maximum comfort, prevent the appearance of varicose veins and look like ordinary beautiful tights or stockings.

Take care of yourself and your feet!

Getting ready for the maternity hospital is an important and exciting moment for every expectant mother. And if everything is very clear with the documents - a list of them can be found on the website of any maternity hospital, then it is not so easy to figure out the linen that a mother needs during her stay in the maternity hospital. What items should a maternity hospital bag contain so that a mother feels comfortable and confident in the first days after giving birth?

How to choose a nursing bra: material and size

The first thing the expectant mother needs to purchase on the eve of giving birth is. This is exactly the thing that will be difficult to pick up and bring to the maternity hospital for relatives.

Literally after two or three days, the woman begins to produce milk, and the breasts can significantly increase in volume. In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, prevent clothes from getting wet, and most importantly, for the convenience of feeding your baby, you will need a special nursing bra. Unlike a regular bra, this bra has detachable cups. And here a reasonable question arises: how to choose the right bra if you don’t know how much your breasts will enlarge after childbirth?

“Indeed, this is one of the most common questions on women’s forums,” says Lyudmila Vladimirovna Egorova, deputy director of the Fest company. - It is better to buy a nursing bra at the end of pregnancy - no earlier than 7-8 months, when the breasts are almost ready to produce milk and are approaching their maximum volume. If you decide to opt for a bra with a rigid molded cup (made from a single piece and following the natural shape of the breast), such a bra should be taken a size larger than at the time of fitting. Please note that there is no required volume reserve under the bust! For example, if an expectant mother in the 8th month of pregnancy has a bra size of 75C, then it is better to take 75D to the maternity hospital. But in a bra with a soft cup, which contains elastane, the fabric itself can adapt to the increased volume of the breast. There is no need to take this bra up a size.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing nursing clothes?

— A nursing bra should not have hard wires that cause pain and discomfort, so it is better to choose a bra with special soft wires, or without them at all, for example, a seamless cotton top. It’s very comfortable to sleep and feed the baby in it day and night,” adds Lyudmila Vladimirovna. - Remember, using postpartum underwear at night will help maintain breast shape!

When choosing a nursing bra, be sure to pay attention to its material. The high cotton content in the composition allows the linen to breathe and does not cause allergic reactions. But the material must not only be breathable, but also elastic in order to adapt to the daily fluctuations of milk. Such material is modern microfiber, which is widely used today for the production of postpartum underwear.

Postpartum bandage: how to wear and when to wear

Another important purchase on the eve of childbirth is postpartum bandage. In the case of natural childbirth, the postpartum bandage is used more for cosmetic purposes. It will provide excellent support to the abdomen, help restore the muscles and skin to their former tone, improve the silhouette of the hips and buttocks, and generally make the recovery period easier for the mother.

“It is better to put on a bandage after a natural birth at the end of the first or on the second day, so that the functions of the abdominal organs have time to normalize,” explains rehabilitation doctor, candidate of medical sciences Sergei Konstantinovich Zazulin. — It should only be worn in an upright position; It is better to remove the bandage during meals, at night and during daytime sleep. And I would also not recommend using it for more than a month and a half, so that the abdominal muscles do not weaken.

The bandage used afterward performs therapeutic functions: it reduces swelling and inflammation in the wound area and relieves pain. Such a bandage must be worn on the first day after surgery so that the woman can become more active faster. You need to wear the postoperative bandage around the clock, without removing it at night, but no more than 10-14 days, until the wound heals. Then you can switch to using a regular postpartum bandage.

There are several types of postpartum, the choice of one model or another is a matter of taste and specific preferences.

For example, a bandage-belt in the form of an elastic band, thanks to its simple design, is easy to take off and put on. In addition, you can adjust the degree of tightening using Velcro fasteners. When choosing a bandage, pay attention to its height: a belt that is too high can interfere with your chest!

Jockstrap panties, a more traditional option, have a high waist and elastic support inserts in the abdomen, hips and lower back. It is convenient to wear under trousers; it will not slip during the day, unlike a belt. But such a bandage will have to be washed regularly, which will not allow you to wear it all the time.

To save money, you can choose a universal bandage that has two sides: narrow - for wearing during pregnancy - and wide - after childbirth.

Postpartum panties

When going to the maternity hospital, do not forget to buy a package of special disposable x panties for childbirth made of elastic mesh. Sterile and comfortable in a maternity hospital, they will perfectly support a medical pad, allow the skin to breathe and provide complete comfort in the postpartum period.

Today, an expectant mother can purchase special sterile underwear for the maternity hospital in a store or pharmacy, for example, a shirt and gown for a woman in labor, which can be worn at home after discharge. Such products do not need to be pre-washed, they do not contain washing powder residues and do not cause an allergic reaction.

Stockings for childbirth

Doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers wear compression hosiery during pregnancy. During this period, the woman’s body, including the vessels of the legs, experiences increased stress. Due to obstructed blood flow, your legs may become swollen, tired, and sore. Night cramps and spider veins, varicose veins often appear. To avoid these and other problems during pregnancy, you should use compression stockings or tights.

— Before going to the maternity hospital, you need to purchase special stockings for childbirth(the so-called hospital knitwear), says Sergei Konstantinovich. - They reduce the likelihood of developing venous thrombosis during and after childbirth. It must be remembered that the therapeutic effect of compression products is achieved only with constant wearing throughout the day: from the moment you get out of bed until going to bed. Hospital knitwear is put on in the morning, without getting out of bed (in a horizontal position), and worn before, during and after childbirth.

Varicose veins are a common problem among women expecting a baby. For those experiencing this disease, doctors recommend wearing compression stockings for childbirth. In the last trimester, the mother's fluid volume increases and the baby grows. A woman is actively gaining weight, which provokes the appearance of varicose veins. When neglected, it leads to the formation of blood clots or rupture of the vessel wall, which is life-threatening. Compression garments for and after childbirth prevent the development of a critical situation.

The therapeutic principle of the action of underwear for childbirth with a compression effect is the anatomically correct distribution of pressure on the legs. The highest pressure is recorded in the calf area, and towards the hips it decreases to a minimum. Blood flow in the lower extremities goes from top to bottom. This puts more strain on the lower legs, from where the blood must be pushed back up towards the heart. Thanks to therapeutic compression garments, optimal pressure is formed, which improves blood circulation and relieves stress on the veins.

Therapeutic benefits of compression garments for varicose veins:

  1. Underwear stimulates uniform blood circulation.
  2. Wearing birthing stockings reduces the risk of blood clots.
  3. Stockings reduce the load on the veins, thereby reducing their diameter.
  4. Wearing compression garments improves vascular patency.
  5. Stockings for childbirth eliminate swelling.
  6. The transfer of nutrients to organs is accelerated due to proper compression.

The therapeutic effect of stockings eliminates the possibility of hypoxia developing in the baby due to the rapid transfer of oxygen.

Wearing compression garments eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs and fatigue.

Stockings, worn before and after childbirth, reduce pain in the area of ​​​​swollen blood vessels.

Women with a history of varicose veins definitely need compression stockings in the maternity hospital. The upcoming birth involves a heavy load on the blood vessels. By normalizing blood flow in the legs during labor, compression garments for varicose veins eliminate the likelihood of developing thrombosis. If a cesarean section is indicated, you should prepare anti-varicose stockings in advance to wear in your bag before and after childbirth.

Choosing the right stockings

Compression underwear for the treatment of varicose veins is made from innovative material approved by phlebologists: microfiber, lycra, cotton. Their properties allow the fabric to fit tightly around the limb, with an uneven load on different parts of the leg.

How to choose the right compression stockings for childbirth?

  • Let's study the composition: the best models of compression underwear for varicose veins include natural cotton thread.
  • Synthetic fiber is allowed as an additional material to natural fiber.
  • High-quality compression stockings for varicose veins are made without seams.
  • We choose underwear for varicose veins strictly in accordance with the compression class.
  • We control the size chart - stockings before and after childbirth must fit in order to get the maximum benefit from compression.

Compression stockings for varicose veins are the first thing to start treating the disease. During pregnancy, they are prescribed for preventive purposes, even if there are no symptoms.


There are different types of compression garments: stockings, tights, pants, knee socks, sleeves, bandages. Let us consider separately the models intended for the treatment of varicose veins:

  1. Anti-varicose tights for pregnant women. They are similar to regular tights, with compression therapy due to the base material. The pressure on the legs is applied in a decreasing direction from the ankles to the hips; there is no pressure on the stomach at all. Despite this, it is not advisable for women with a full tummy, especially in the last trimester, to choose compression tights.
  2. Compression socks. They are prescribed if varicose veins appear only in the calf area. Comfortable to wear in summer. They are easier to put on than any other compression garment. They do not regulate the load on the hips; on the contrary, they increase it. Therefore, women should not wear knee socks during childbirth, only during pregnancy.
  3. Elastic stockings for childbirth. From a therapeutic point of view, this is the best solution for the expectant mother. They are comfortable, comfortable, not hot and not cold. They distribute pressure evenly throughout the leg, reduce the load on the vessels and do not put pressure on the stomach. Lingerie is worn during and after childbirth.
  4. Elastic bandage. The main difficulty when using it is the correct winding of the tape. You can take bandages for childbirth, as the medical staff will help you use them. This is the most inexpensive and accessible type of compression garments for childbirth. Optimal for women who do not have problems with varicose veins.

Compression class

To understand which compression stockings are best to purchase for childbirth, the expected effect is determined - preventive or therapeutic. Therapeutic knitwear for varicose veins is prescribed by a doctor, who himself designates the compression class - from I to IV. The degree depends on the stage of the disease: the more severe the varicose veins are, the higher the compression class will be.

Class I compression stockings are prescribed to prevent the development of varicose veins, as well as in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • minor swelling in the legs;
  • heaviness and fatigue in the legs at the end of the day;
  • pastiness (depressions on the skin of the legs take a long time to straighten after pressing).

Class I underwear provides compression pressure in the range of 18 to 22 mm Hg. Art.

Class II stockings have compression from 23 to 32 mm Hg. Art. The class is indicated for women with diagnosed varicose veins:

  • on the legs you can see a network of veins, nodules, stars;
  • pronounced swelling of the lower extremities, which does not decrease in the morning;
  • The medical history includes post-thrombophlebic disease, acute thrombophlebitis.

Class III compression stockings are mandatory prescribed by a phlebologist. The pressure of the compression garments is from 33 to 46 mm Hg. Art. indicated for the following diseases:

  • venous insufficiency;
  • lymphostasis (primary or newly acquired);
  • congenital malformations of the blood circulation and vascular system;
  • trophic disorders;
  • phlebolymphedema.

Class IV stockings with compression pressure greater than 48 mm Hg. Art. are indicated for wearing by women with serious complications of lymphostasis, as well as post-thrombotic syndrome.

If a woman is undergoing an operation, after which she will have to lie down for a long time, the doctor will prescribe a special type of compression garment - hospital jersey.


It is important to correctly size compression stockings for childbirth. The size of stockings is chosen according to the table, comparing your data with it. The following places are measured:

  1. Thigh circumference in the area 5 cm below the buttocks.
  2. Knee circumference.
  3. Calf circumference at the widest part.
  4. Ankle diameter at its narrowest point.
  5. Distance from the floor to the knee (2 cm below the popliteal cavity).
  6. Distance from floor to crotch.

All manipulations are carried out in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is advisable to seek help from family members to avoid errors. The best option is to consult a phlebologist.

How to wear it correctly

Maternity stockings have a dense structure, they are tight and have poor stretch. Before putting on, study the instructions for using stockings. To avoid damage to the compression product, nails are trimmed and jewelry is removed. Rubber gloves will help preserve your manicure. It is not allowed to pull underwear against varicose veins over a wet body. You need to put on stockings in the morning, before doing this, raise your legs up for a few minutes.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The compression stocking is turned inside out.
  2. The foot is inserted into the footprint. Straighten the sock so that there are no wrinkles.
  3. They begin to tighten the compression product, turning it right side out. Carefully distribute the fabric over the leg. Do not pull on the edges, as this could tear the stocking.
  4. When the stocking is put on to thigh level, folds and twists are eliminated.

If your legs are very swollen, anti-varicose stockings for pregnant women can be pulled on using a butler or a special spray. The spray is applied to the underside of the stocking fabric to facilitate sliding. A butler is a structure made of arches with a base on which a stocking is pulled, and then a leg is inserted there.

How long to wear compression stockings

Anti-varicose stockings for childbirth can be worn all day. Before going to bed, the compression garments are removed to allow the legs to rest and the blood flow to remember what it’s like to work without assistance. Vessels that were in a compressed position due to compression quickly straighten out and take on a natural load. This can cause disruption of blood flow and lead to sudden swelling. Therefore, it is recommended to remove compression stockings before and after childbirth slowly and gradually. It is better to do this in a lying or half-sitting position.

Cost of products

Anti-varicose underwear can be purchased at pharmacies or orthopedic centers. The latter has the best selection of stockings with different compression classes and a full range of sizes. Brands of underwear for varicose veins are represented by both European and domestic models. The price range ranges from 900 to 3,500 rubles. Expensive stockings have a long service life. When choosing products for medicinal purposes, you should not skimp on the quality of compression underwear.

Suitability of use after childbirth

Women who wore anti-varicose underwear before childbirth should continue therapy. Postpartum stockings for varicose veins may change compression class or size due to a different load on the circulatory and vascular system. Underwear for varicose veins is also prescribed in the absence of visible health problems for preventive purposes.

It is useful to wear compression stockings after giving birth by cesarean section, because after the operation the woman moves less. The use of the product contributes to the accelerated recovery of a woman after the birth of a baby due to additional stimulation of the circulatory system.

Compression garments during pregnancy: Video