We make a punt boat and a canoe out of paper. Paper speed boat diagram. How to create a boat out of paper? It's simple How to make a paper boat

A paper boat is a wonderful craft! It develops fine motor skills (if you fold crafts carelessly, you won’t get a boat), it trains spatial thinking wonderfully, and besides, you can go outside and play with the resulting boat! Alone, in the company of friends, with parents. Organize a sea expedition or speed race. Boats can be made from colored paper, painted and painted, and a crew of small toys can be selected for them. In bad weather, you can launch boats in the bathroom, and in the country - in a basin... In a word, practice with these schemes, and you won’t regret it!

Simple paper boat

This is exactly the kind of boat that most dads, and many mothers too, can make out of paper. And if you make it from a sheet of newspaper, you will get a quite tolerable headdress!

During the Soviet Union, these were popular among finishing workers - they provided excellent protection from lime splashes, and after the end of the working day they were simply thrown away. Well, the design of such boats is very, very simple!

If you weren’t into origami as a child and now look at the diagram of a boat with bewilderment, here’s a video for you: detailed, visual, accessible.

Steamboat with two pipes

The second most popular diagram of an origami boat is “from childhood”. Without any doubt and without a diagram, you will remember how to make it, but, just in case, we are still posting the diagram and video.

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

A curious detail is that this particular origami pattern does not seem to be found at all on foreign sites dedicated to children's crafts.

So, perhaps this is ours, a Russian steamship! And with two pipes!

Ship with sails

But such a boat, on the contrary, for some reason is not popular among Russian children. Making a romantic boat with sails is not at all difficult; moreover, we have found two ways that lead to the same result. It should be noted that such a boat does not sail so well, but it looks beautiful, and on our streams it is also fresh and unusual!

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

* Tip - when watching a video, turn off the sound, for some reason duringexactlyDuring this filming, someone was diligently torturing musical instruments in the background.

Tricky boat

The diagram of this boat is called "Tricky boat", sounds a little like the word "trick". The name can indeed be translated as “cunning, tricky, confusing.” Well, it’s not for nothing that it got such a name! After sitting over the diagram for a good half hour, the author was still unable to fold the boat.

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Fortunately, a video was found on the Internet, and the complex immediately became simple. We must warn you, for the first minute and a half the piece of paper is simply crumpled and smoothed in all directions (apparently this is a necessary condition for performing an ingenious trick), but then the real magic begins!

Making paper crafts is a wonderful way to spend time with children. Making a classic boat is one of the easiest tasks in origami. Upon completion of production, this craft can be launched into the water. Most likely, as a child you launched similar ships in puddles and streams. To create a paper boat, you will need a rectangular paper sheet of any shape and texture. Well, a guide on how to make a boat out of paper, in case you don’t remember how to do it.

Making a boat out of paper

To make a paper boat you will need to do the following:

To begin, stock up on a suitable rectangular sheet of paper.

The resulting workpiece should be folded in half again, but in a different direction, and turned back. The result of these actions will be the resulting central fold line.

Now you need to bend the bottom strip upward at the points where the corners that were discussed in the previous step connect.

The next step in the tutorial on how to make a paper boat is to fold the remaining bottom strip upward. The result of these actions should be that the workpiece takes the form of an isosceles triangle.

Now you should place your thumbs in the resulting triangle and spread them to the sides. The result of such actions will be that the leaf from a triangle is transformed into a square.

After this, on the left and right sides you need to bend the lower corners of the square towards the top so that the workpiece again becomes triangular.

Well, the last action is to move the corners in this square in the opposite direction. The resulting craft should be straightened. The paper boat is ready.

Let your child decorate the resulting craft at his own discretion. The child will happily decorate the boat using markers or colored pencils. Each ship must have its own flag. To make it, you can use a toothpick and a piece of paper.

Video instructions on how to make a boat out of paper

Well, that's all, when you know how to make a boat out of paper, all you have to do is bring this knowledge to life and send it floating in a stream, or at least in the bathtub. To make paper soaking in water slower, the bottom of the boat can be treated with molten wax or paraffin.

Creating something with your own hands is always a creative and interesting process for both children and adults. Let's talk about origami. This type of creativity came to us from Japan. Origami is an amazing technique that has been familiar to us since childhood. Well, who, while still just a child, did not fold funny jumping frogs, ships and steamboats, airplanes out of paper, or make a cap or hat from a newspaper? They did everything, although even the word “origami” was not always heard at that age. The art of origami is real magic, when figures are created from a piece of paper and seem to come to life. There are many options for origami patterns; we will look at the simplest and most popular ones in step-by-step instructions.

Making a paper structure out of paper is a creative process. The main thing is to do it gradually. You can complete the details or add elements at your discretion and lower it into the water. Below is step by step boat creation:

Fold the original A4 sheet in half, taking the long edges, draw a fold line. Unfold, do the same, but take it by the narrow edges and leave it folded. In front of you lies a folded sheet with narrow edges on the right and left. Take it by the “unhinged” corners and fold them towards the center, where the fold line from the first step runs, leave them folded. Open and fold the free edges of the paper: one to the long side of the triangle obtained in the previous step, unfold the other to the opposite side, similar to the first. A triangle is located in a rectangle. Fold the edges of the rectangle adjacent to the sides of the triangle inward so that the folds coincide with the side of the triangle.

Now pull the centers of the hypotenuse outward so that the ends are closer and fold it into a square. Open the free ends of the square in opposite directions diagonally. Expand in the same way as when receiving the previous square. Pull the ends that were folded from the first square, a corner will appear between them, straighten the ends down. You will get an origami boat with a corner at the top.

Not only a boat can be made using this technique - a yacht, a two-pipe steamer, and an entire submarine made of paper or cardboard; even an old paper map can be used as a material at hand; the skin of such a boat will look original.

In the gallery you will find a template and drawing for folding a boat using the origami technique.

Gallery: origami paper boat (25 photos)

We build an origami steamship out of paper with our own hands

When working with the construction of a steamboat, a sheet with right angles and equal sides is used. Fold the sheet diagonally, there are two of them, and unfold it. Fold the four ends to the center point where the folds of the diagonals intersect. Lift the resulting product up with the smooth side, without free corners in the middle, and place it for convenience. Also fold the four ends towards the center. Turning the origami workpiece over, bend the ends again. Arrange the opposing diamonds to make two rectangles. They will stand out from the square. Bring the rectangles together, while lifting the untouched diamonds from the center. Get an origami steamship.

How to make a paper boat with your own hands

Place the sheet in front of you so that the long edges of the sheet are on the right and left. Now fold, alternately, the sharp ends to the sides of the sheet diagonally: the right corner to the left side, draw a line with your finger, the left edge to the right, draw a finger. When folded, the narrow edge of the sheet coincides with the long one. Leave the left corner folded towards the right side. A piece of paper remains untouched outside the triangle; fold it halfway so that the unused edge of the sheet is adjacent to the side of the triangle without crossing it. Fold the open corners of the rectangle also to the original, large triangle, without overlapping it.

From the large triangle you need to make a smaller one so that the middle of the long side of the original one becomes the vertex of the small one. To do this, unfold it into the original sheet and fold it in half, the narrow edge of the sheet will touch the rectangle with curved corners, run your finger along the fold. Expand the sheet. You see three lines: two diagonally, intersecting each other, and one across the sheet, intersecting the diagonals in the center. Further steps on how to make a boat out of paper:

  1. Raising the transverse fold, bring the left corner of the sheet to the left side of the rectangle without intersecting it, and the right corner to the right. The result is a small triangle.
  2. Turn the workpiece over. If you visually draw a line from the vertex of the triangle perpendicular to the base, you will get two symmetrical halves. Bend the workpiece along this line.
  3. Unfold, and, to the resulting fold line, fold the two sides of the triangle, you will get a sharp triangle, the folded corners of the first rectangle should coincide with the short side.
  4. Fold the identical corners of the triangle to a visual line drawn from the third corner perpendicular to the short side.

You have made a quadrilateral with two obtuse and two acute angles. The acute angle formed by the long sides will be the bow of the boat, and the other will be the stern. Obtuse angles need to be folded to the line from the previous step, and along this line, fold the workpiece in half in the other direction from the movement when folding obtuse angles. Lift the paper blank and unfold it a little, you will see five long folds along the blank. There's very little left follow the instructions:

  1. Turn deep folds that have sides of the middle outer fold outward so that the inner folds become the longitudinal edges of the bottom of the boat, and straighten the guide corners from the stern.
  2. Straighten the top of the stern between them.
  3. Fold the edges of the boat inward and you will get a figure like a quadrilateral with obtuse and acute angles, only the obtuse corners are beveled, turn the edges of the boat perpendicular to the bottom.
  4. Place the paper boat on the bottom and lift the “windshield” from the bottom.
  5. Make all edges of the product smooth. The origami boat is ready.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami paper yacht with your own hands

We use a sheet with equal sides. Bring two opposite corners together and press the fold. Fold the triangle by bringing two equal corners together. The result is a smaller triangle. Unfold it and fold the same sides of the large triangle to the fold line. The result is a quadrilateral with two acute and two obtuse corners. Place the product at a long, sharp angle away from you. Turn the ends that form the second sharp corner away from you to the sides.

You will see the base of a large triangle; the vertices of the triangles formed by the previous action will join it. The long sides of the triangles will be perpendicular to a line running down the center from the long acute angle that lies “away from you.” Unfold the origami product a little and bifurcate the sharp, long corner. Fold one of the sharp corners, which is removed from the second one, to the left so that the fold line continues one of the identical sides of the right triangle. Further scheme,

Surely all of us remember from childhood how to fold a boat out of paper. Along with paper airplanes and snowflakes, these are the figures whose designs are passed down “from generation to generation.” And how fun it was to launch boats in the first spring streams! However, in addition to the “classic” boat design, there are many others that resemble a variety of sea and river vessels. In this article we will look at popular paper boat designs.

We will start with the simplest and most familiar model.

How to make a “classic” paper boat

1) Take a rectangular sheet of paper (you can take a regular A4 sheet) and fold it horizontally in half.

2) Fold the workpiece in half vertically and bend it back.

3) Fold the side corners to the middle line.

4) Bend the bottom part of the workpiece up along the line of the corners (front layer - front, back layer - back).

5) We bend the side corners of the bent planks inward.

6) Grab the center points and pull, turning the triangle into a square.

7) Fold the bottom corners up (front layer - front, back layer - back).

8) Again stretch the workpiece along the central points.

9) We pull the lapels on both sides - our figure straightens out, and it turns out to be a real boat!

You can also make a cute yacht using the origami technique - this is a very simple model.

How to make a yacht out of paper

1) For this figure we need a square sheet of paper. It is better to use special origami paper, as it is denser and holds its shape well.

2) We place the sheet “at the corner towards us” and bend it in half and unbend it back.

3) Turn the sheet over at an angle of 90 degrees and bend it in half.

4) Fold the bottom corner towards the middle and bend it back.

5) Perform the “Cap” figure.

6) The yacht is ready! You can color the figurine with felt-tip pens and glue a paper flag on top.

A paper steamer cannot be called origami in the full sense of the word, because... To make it we will need scissors.

How to make a steamboat out of paper

1) To make a steamboat we need a square sheet of paper. It is better to use special origami paper, as it is denser and holds its shape well.

2) Fold it diagonally.

3) Bend the bottom corner slightly diagonally from the bottom up and turn it back.

4) Make a fold inward along the bend.

5) Cut out the top part along the contour in the shape of a pipe.

6) The paper steamer is ready!

How to make a boat out of paper

1) To make a boat we need a square sheet of paper. It is better to use special paper for origami, because... it is denser and holds its shape well.

2) We outline the diagonal bends.

3) We place the sheet at an angle towards us and bend the corners towards the center. Then we bend them back again.

4) Bend the ends of the corners to the bend lines - you should get small triangles.

5) We make one more turn from each corner to the center - you should get a square-shaped workpiece. Turn the workpiece over to the other side.

6) Bend the upper and lower half of the workpiece towards the center.

7) Bend the corners.

8)Fold the right side to form a triangle with an acute angle.

9) Repeat the same with the left side.

10)Fold the top and bottom to the center.

11) Open the middle and turn the shape inside out.

12) Turn the workpiece over and pull out the “sail”.

13) Our paper boat is ready!

How to make a paper sailboat from paper

1) To make a sailboat we need a square sheet of paper. It is better to use special paper for origami, because... it is denser and holds its shape well.

2) The sheet of paper must be placed at an angle towards you and a diagonal fold should be marked.

3) Fold the right and left corners to the middle line.

4) Fold the bottom up and turn the workpiece over.

5) Fold the right and left sides towards the center.

6) Bend the workpiece down using the “valley” action.

7) Twist the top corner, set the sail at an angle of ninety degrees.

8) The paper sailboat is ready! If you blow on it from the side of the sail, it will “float” across the table.

And finally, we present the most complex figure - a boat.

How to make a boat out of paper

1) To make a boat we need a sheet of A4 paper. It is better to use special origami paper, as it is denser and holds its shape well.

2) Fold the sheet in half.

3)Make basic Double Triangle shapes at the top and bottom of the strip.

4) Fold the sides towards the center line.

5) Lower the corners to the midline.

6) Connect the points to each other, simultaneously inserting the corners inside the lower part.

7) Form hydrofoils. Mark two folds.

8) Mark three lines.

9) The paper boat is ready!

Video on the topic

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following video tutorials, which demonstrate in detail how to fold paper boats using the origami technique.

Hello, friends!

Those who have always had a passion for the sea and water transport will get a lot of pleasure from our today's craft. It seems that our paper boat will also appeal to representatives of the older generation, who in their youth entertained themselves by launching boats in rivers and lakes.

Making such a paper unit will not be difficult at all, and to make it even easier, we, as usual, will clearly examine the process in detail.

So, to make a paper boat we will need:

  • a sheet of square-cut colored paper (we use a size of 20x20 cm);
  • office glue.

First of all, we bend our workpiece diagonally, from corner to corner, into two equal parts. Then we turn the sheet 90 degrees and do the same, forming a kind of cross-shaped bend. Having received the central point, we bend a corner to it, carefully smoothing it out:

Then we bend the sheet in half, like this:

Following this, we bend the right side along the middle line of the bend:

We separate the resulting fragment, forming a pocket with our hands, as shown in the figure:

Now we smooth it out as follows:

At the next stage, we begin to work with this resulting square. We bend its upper part, forming a small oblong triangle diagonally:

We do the same with the second side. Thanks to these bends, it will be very easy to make a convex triangle like this:

We smooth out the folds well and bend this section of paper back. Then we bend a small corner of the vertex of the triangle and repeat the previous manipulation. This will be the pipe of our boat.

We tilt this pipe to one side and cover it, folding the left side in the form of another triangle:

Now we turn it back, tilt the pipe to the left and do the same on the right side. Carefully mark the bends and open the sheet back.
Now we bend the lower triangles along the lines of the folds in this way:

Now we pry the central corner with the thumb of our right hand and lift the elements of our structure, folding it:

Smooth it out well. For those who didn’t succeed, we should end up with the following construction:

We smooth the resulting workpiece over the surface of the table and fold its lower part, thus obtaining the side of our paper boat:

Now we turn the structure over, and along the line of the resulting fold we bend the side in the other direction.

Now, perhaps, the most difficult trick: we unfold the workpiece and bend the sides along the intended bend line, getting the following picture:

Carefully smooth out the resulting lines and folds. We get something very similar to the desired boat:

But the work is not finished yet. Let's continue. We bend the rear edge, about 1.5-2 cm, inward:

Now we make another bend on top:

On the other side we repeat the same thing. As a result, we get the rear sides of our boat made of paper, which we need to glue together to get a closed contour:

It is enough to apply glue to only one side, along one plane of the fold. Having carefully glued it together, we get a finished paper boat, ready for exploits and trials:

We hope that the work was not very difficult, and everything worked out for you. Now teach this to your friends, make boats of different colors, decorate them with flags, sign them and you can even have a competition. The best time for this is spring, when you can use flowing streams.

Create and develop, good luck!

You can see the full video of the process on how to make a boat out of paper here:

Do you want to spend leisure time with your child, but don’t know what to do with him? You can make a paper boat together. This pastime develops imaginative thinking and fine motor skills. Thanks to origami classes, the baby will become calmer and more diligent. In this article we will describe in detail the process of making a boat from paper.

To make a boat, take a rectangular sheet of A4 paper. Fold it in half horizontally. Now unfold the sheet and fold it vertically. When unfolded, the paper will have two folds. Now bend the corners so that they meet in the center of the canvas. You should get a triangle with small sides. Fold one of them inward and place it on the triangle. Turn the product over and fold the side on the other side. Bend the protruding corners inward and make a square out of the triangle, unfolding the lower part of the product. Now the bent corners will be in the center of the diamond.

To make a boat, you will have to try. The work procedure is completely different from making a boat-ship. To do this, take a square sheet of paper and fold it diagonally. Be sure to run your finger along the crease. Unfold the paper and do the same, only on the other side. You should end up with a square with auxiliary lines. Now connect the opposite corners in the center. On the other side, do the same, only so that the corners do not touch. There should be a distance of 1 cm between the vertices. Bend the figure in half. Now draw out the corners of the triangle. It should be a boat.

You can make a sailboat, which the Japanese love to fold. It is different from the classic boat that we are used to making. Take a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally. Fold two corners along the center line. Connect the bottom and top corners in the center to form a horizontal stripe. Fold the two side lines vertically. Now turn the obtuse angle into a straight line by bending it perpendicular to the base. A sail should form on a flat, triangular-shaped base. This boat floats well in gusts of wind, so it can be launched on a river.

Want to make a long paper boat without a sail? Fold the square sheet in half. Now connect the sides in the center. You should end up with a rectangle with the ends of the sheet in the center. On each side, fold the edges towards the center. In front of you is an elongated hexagon. Now bend the corners again, only now the seam should not be in the center, but at an angle. Do this on all sides where the corners are. You will get a rhombus, the corners of which need to be connected in the center. Holding them, stretch out the walls of the boat and straighten the origami.

The boat can be painted as you wish. If you want to play boats with your child in the bathroom, then take thick, colored paper to make crafts. There is no need to paint it, since during water procedures the paint will be washed off from the surface.

Origami is not only a developing art, but also an excellent opportunity to engage a child in an entertaining game with paper figures. If your child doesn’t yet know how to make a boat out of paper, be sure to teach him how to fold such a toy. The child will develop the further scenario of the game himself: a paper boat can ride the animals from Kinder Surprise, and a “real” canoe is simply irreplaceable for every Indian for hunting and exploring mysterious rocky grottoes.

What will you name the boat? Canoe and punt made of paper.

The origami boat is easy to fold and detailed step-by-step instructions will help you complete the task in a couple of minutes. Having mastered the proposed schemes, show them in practice to the kids. For children, the first origami skills will be very useful: it is an educational game, a training in accuracy, and an exercise in concentration. Let's look step by step at how to fold a paper boat with your own hands, based on 2 elementary diagrams.

Option 1 “Punt”

Making a punt boat from a sheet of paper

This paper toy for kids is especially interesting because it is quite possible to seat little passengers in it and send them on a real river cruise - this origami boat can easily hold miniature crafts and small toys on real water. The scheme is simple:

  • Fold the rectangular (or square) sheet in half lengthwise, then across (for ease of orientation to the center), then return it to its original state;
  • Fold the top edge of the sheet inward to the middle and repeat the operation with the bottom side. Note that the rectangular (not square) sheet is folded similarly from the horizontal orientation;
  • Continuing to fold the paper boat, bend each corner of the workpiece evenly inward (as in Fig. 1);
  • Increase the sharpness of the conical parts of the paper blank to move on to the final stage of folding the toy - bend the corners again, as shown in the diagram;
  • Fold the product away from you along the central edge of the workpiece, and then carefully turn the structure out, revealing the central cleft (take pliable paper; it may not work out of cardboard);
  • Carefully straighten the toy, tighten the inner folds - your origami boat is ready for launching.

Option 2 "Canoe"

Making a canoe from a sheet of paper

You can also fold another paper boat with your own hands without spending extra time. The Indian canoe will require a little more careful attention due to its design features - the closed bow parts of the toy. It is better to make a pie out of paper, because it may not work out of cardboard. The canoe is folded by analogy with a punt. Let's take a closer look:

  • Fold the square sheet in half from top to bottom and from left to right - a central intersection of the workpiece will be formed;
  • Then turn each corner evenly inward, focusing on the center - you get a neat, smaller square;
  • Unfold the sheet to its original state and bend each corner inward again, but now align the top of the corner with the nearest edge (see Fig. 2);
  • It turns out that each corner will now be bent inward twice - a “TV” is formed (a square in a neat “frame”);
  • Turn the folded paper boat over “face down” and bend the top quarter of the workpiece towards you, focusing on the center. Do the same with the lower quarter;
  • Bend the corners of the resulting rectangle inward - the boat is almost ready;
  • Increase the sharpness of the conical protrusions by additionally bending the corners inwards (as in Fig. 2), and also “bend” the obtuse corners towards you;
  • Carefully open the workpiece and, holding the folds, turn it inside out, then straighten the bows of the canoe from the inside.

Not right away, but your child will also be able to fold an original boat from a simple sheet of paper. It is possible that soon a growing family member will surpass you in origami skills. After a couple of months, don’t be surprised if your child comes up to you and shows you how to fold a submarine or, maybe even more difficult, a real one! Origami is a fascinating art, once you get carried away. Why not start now with a small paper boat?