Design of a room for a teenager (60 photos). Teen room interior

Children grow quickly, and their tastes, character traits, and behavior patterns change at the same speed. All these points must be taken into account when creating a children's room design for a boy, even if he was recently born and does not yet distinguish green from blue. If you thoughtfully approach the solution to the key issues of space design, the result will please not only parents who have invested their hearts, but also happy children.

Children's design depending on age

The rapid development of a child is the main factor that you should pay attention to when organizing the interior of a boy’s nursery. Who will live in it: a newborn with a minimum set of needs or a teenager who is interested in music? The room is the place from which children begin to explore the world, develop and form as individuals. Therefore, choosing the right design means making your contribution to the happy future of your child. All elements should be relevant, interesting and pleasant to the occupant of the room. Let's consider the basic design rules for each stage of life!

Boy under 3 years old

In the first years of a boy, the design of a nursery is more important to parents. A comfortable crib, educational toys, plenty of space for movement and exploration - this is quite enough for a developing baby. Furniture must be safe, without sharp corners. The floor has a warm carpet that is easy to wash.

It is desirable that the interior be made in pastel colors, not too colorful, but at the same time varied enough so that the child learns to perceive shades and highlight objects of interest to him. Funny, aesthetic stickers will help decorate your child’s little “world.”

At first, it is better to organize a boy’s children’s room minimalistically, so that over time you can add new, more complex details and objects.

Boy from 3 to 5 years old

During this period, the individuality of children begins to form. They try to express their desires, which also relate to filling the room. Boys develop their own hobbies, so a small table and chair should be placed in a convenient place - a miniature workspace.

Entertaining and educational toys are still an important part. Parents gradually teach boys to have order, so storage spaces should be as convenient as possible.

Interior of a room for a schoolchild

Filling the interior becomes more complicated. Due to the fact that the boy is busy with the school curriculum, the priority is to purchase a full-fledged workplace with shelves for books, drawers for notebooks, and so on. Already at this age, the child must independently organize his personal area, while maintaining order.

Games gradually take the form of hobbies. For example, in the room of a young musician you need to find a place for a piano, an artist - for an easel.

Before this time, there was probably at least once a need to update the finish. The decor of the walls in the children's room becomes more serious, stickers are replaced by paintings. A wall with a large world map, which also creates color accents in the interior, will look relevant.

Room for a teenage boy

During this period, not as much depends on the tastes of the parents as on the family budget. A teenage boy shows independence in arranging a room, but this concerns more decorative elements: walls covered with posters, figurines from comic book fans, and so on.

Which style should you go for?

There are not many stylistic options for decorating a children's room for a boy, but even they will not appear in the canonical interpretation. When setting up a home, parents often start from a specific theme, focusing on the child’s hobbies.

Using a certain style will help you create a design correctly, as well as fit it into the overall image of the apartment. In addition, at a more mature age, teenagers usually give up children's fun, preferring a presentable appearance. Let's look at the most popular solutions for boys of different ages.

Children's room for a boy in a modern style

Perhaps the most versatile option. In such an interior you can fit interesting furniture of an unusual shape (for example, in the shape of a typewriter), walls with photo wallpaper, and bright colors. At the same time, toys and equipment look harmonious, being a continuation of the design of the room.

The furniture is functional, comfortable, without unnecessary decor or details. Multi-level one-piece sets that combine several zones at once: for sleeping, entertainment and study look trendy.

Children's room for a boy in a space style

Of course, this is not futurism, but rather a more primitive imitation of it with the active introduction of space themes. Very popular among younger boys, because who didn’t dream of becoming an astronaut as a child? Even if in the harsh adult reality the child has to give up this fantasy, he will still have time to feel partially in the desired role.

When designing such an interior for a boy’s children’s room, you will have to start primarily from the budget. But an ordinary suspended ceiling with a starry sky, several glowing globes and toy spaceships will look very interesting.

Children's room for a boy in pop art style

This style will fit well into the room of a young comic book or video game lover. Bright colors, stylized posters and paintings, outrageous figures - your child will be delighted with such a space. An option for creative children who are focused on leaving their place in the world of art and will definitely not lose their enthusiasm over the years.

With proper design, such a nursery for a boy can look solid and stylish, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors. Geometric shapes fit perfectly into the space.

Children's room for a boy in loft style

If the house is decorated in a loft style, then the children's room will most likely suffer the same fate. For boys, this will only be a plus, because nothing enhances the desire for adventure more than bare brick walls, as if in old castles and catacombs, brutality and unique decorative objects.

Modular furniture, characteristic of this style, is ideal for a developing child, whose needs and number of things grow every year. The loft is an excellent “canvas” onto which the boy will eventually add the bright colors of his hobbies.

Selecting the color scheme

In the modern world, there is a tendency to deviate from typically feminine and typically masculine colors. Indeed, a child’s tastes may vary: some like a calmer color scheme, others like a bright or rich one. However, at a young age, color plays an important role in the formation of character, so for educational purposes it is better to focus on a cold palette.

Blue nursery for a boy

This refers to all shades of blue - from blue to deep sea. It is not for nothing that this color is considered the most popular solution for boys: it has a positive effect on them, helps to calm and balance them.

In addition, blue is associated with the sea, dark tones are associated with space, and this is perfect for a themed interior of a children's room. It is better if it is the dominant shade, since in combination with bright colors the calming effect is simply neutralized.

Green nursery for a boy

Another optimal option that will help instill in your child a love of nature. A natural, aesthetic color will create a calming atmosphere in the interior of a nursery, especially if combined with white or brown.

White nursery for a boy

An excellent solution in the first years of a baby’s life. In the future, it is necessary to add bright accents so that the child does not get bored in such a children's room, since if used incorrectly, the space can acquire a feeling of sterility.

Gray nursery for a boy

A serious, presentable color that will help a child feel like an adult. The gray shade goes well with other options, balancing them out. In order not to make this design of a children's room for a boy faceless, add interesting pieces of furniture, paintings or posters to the walls, and also fill the space with natural light.

Purple nursery for a boy

Cooler shades are suitable for sensitive creative types, while maintaining a masculine character. Decorating the entire nursery in this color will look too bright, but purple textiles, one side of the trim or other attention-grabbing elements will look very interesting.

Decorating a children's room

The aesthetics of space is, of course, important and plays its educational role, but we should not forget about the health of the child. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of finishing materials, giving preference to hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly bases.


Boys under 6 years of age spend a lot of time on the floor, where they learn to walk or play with cars. The coating should be smooth, but not slippery, elastic and easy to clean. Conventional parquet loses in the last parameter, since dirt often gets clogged in the cracks between the boards, from where it is difficult to remove it using conventional methods.

Marmoleum, which has high aesthetic properties, is considered a universal and environmentally friendly option for a boy’s nursery.


Wall coverings should be easy to clean and replace. This is due to the dynamically changing tastes of the child, who will eventually want a different design, as well as the active actions of children, who often paint or stain the partitions.

In this case, wallpaper will ideally cope with its tasks. Just give preference to environmentally friendly options, such as paper, liquid or eco-wallpaper.


A simple white ceiling, even with slight irregularities, remains a universal option for any interior. A suspended ceiling with a starry or cloudy sky will look more interesting in a boy’s children’s room - only for some dreamy children such a solution will definitely prevent them from falling asleep quickly.

The selection of furniture for a nursery depends on the style of the interior and the age of the owner of the room. But there are general rules that will help you make the right choice.

Convenience and safety come first. Make sure that objects do not have sharp corners, high locations, or awkward fits. The workplace, like the bed, should be suitable for the physiological characteristics of the developing body, without causing pain or distortion.

Despite the comparative high cost, furniture made from natural materials is a priority. The tree is not only harmless, but also has a positive effect on human well-being. Pay attention to the covering of the headset: it should be hypoallergenic and not collect dust.

Design of a small nursery for a boy

Unfortunately, not all residents of our country can allocate a spacious room for their child, in which there will be enough space for him to meet all his needs. But don't despair! You can decorate a small space comfortably and beautifully if you follow simple recommendations.

The simplest advice that will at least visually save several square meters is to choose a light color scheme, not forgetting about bright accents. At the same time, there should not be too much decor to avoid the effect of fragmenting the design.

When planning a nursery for a boy, you will have to deviate from standard solutions. For example, try moving the radiator by organizing a work area near the window - this place is often empty.

If the ceiling height allows, consider a podium for the bed, which will additionally act as a storage space. Multifunctional walls will also help you plan your interior wisely, combining several zones in a small area.

At one point, the nursery turns into rooms a teenager, and this is a reason to make global changes to the interior. It’s as if a child grew out of a school suit and out of wallpaper with bears. It's time to take it to the next level.

What should a teenager's room look like?

Parents can rack their brains as much as they want over what interior to choose for their son’s abode, but it would be better to involve him in the process. His opinion is worth listening to.

Teenagers' moods often change, but the likelihood that he will dislike his own choices is much less likely.

An interior chosen independently will be much closer to the child. Participation in the design and choice of finishing materials will give a feeling of adulthood and show that he is treated as an equal.

By updating the design himself, the guy will perceive the room as a place that he created himself.

When you delegate designing to a child, there is a risk of encountering irrational ideas or “crazy” color combinations that will quickly begin to irritate everyone. It is better to gently guide your teenager's thoughts in the direction of a neutral style. Examples from the Internet and magazines telling about the design and interior of a home will help. This could be a piece of wall covered with posters, custom photo wallpaper, or items dedicated to the teenager’s hobby.

One zone is enough to express the teenager’s individuality. But she must be present.

Own rooms a is a place where a lot of time will be spent, so it is worth organizing for the boy quality conditions for relaxation and activities. If there is a window, you need to try to think through the design so that natural light is used to the maximum, and at the same time does not interfere with relaxation.

Lighting is of great importance.

Serious attention should be paid to lighting at night. The work area should be well lit, preferably with fluorescent lamps. It is recommended that alternative lighting sources, less bright, be present.

It is advisable to consider lighting the bedside area so that you can read a book before bed and turn off the lights without getting up.

Remember that adolescence is a time of vivid experiences and violent emotions. To survive them, you need a safe place where the guy can be alone, chat with friends, listen to music, or somehow throw out his emotions.

For a boy, his own corner in the house should give him a feeling of maximum comfort and peace.

The most important element - sleeping area. The best option is a good bed. Sofa for teenagers rooms It may seem like an attractive option, but it is still more intended for temporary recreation. And for a good night’s sleep, the child must have a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress. Adolescence for boys is a period of intense growth.

The correct sleeping place will help avoid curvature of the spine.

The work area should be viewed from the same point of view. A good-quality desk with enough space for a computer or laptop, school notebooks, textbooks and other office supplies.

If the boy sits at the computer a lot, you can buy an ergonomic computer chair.

A teenager is an independent person; he needs his own rooms ah, as personal space. It covers important aspects of a teenager’s life:

  • Dream;
  • ABOUT recreation (reading, watching TV shows, computer games);
  • Sports activities;
  • IN meeting with friends;
  • Z activities (doing homework, creativity).

In adolescence, everyone wants to make the space close to them.

The modern style of decoration assumes that the space is clearly zoned to create the most comfortable atmosphere in teenager's room. To separate the bedroom from the rest of the room, screens are used or this is done using a layout.

Often the boy’s sleeping area is hidden behind shelves, partitions, etc.

Room area The space allocated for a teenager may be small, but there should be a place dedicated to a hobby- an aquarium, a shelf with a collection of car models, several sports equipment or an entire drum set.

The child needs to feel that his hobbies are accepted and respected. It is very important.

If the room sizes If you allow, you need to set aside a place to chat with friends. The guest area should be cozy. It can accommodate armchairs and a coffee table or a small sofa.

The interior will be complemented by fashionable soft pear chairs and stylized ottomans.

Interior of a room for a boy from 13 to 17 years old

A young man of adolescence has already fully formed his own view of the interior, and has developed preferences for design and decor. For rooms Teenagers are characterized by free space, bright modern furniture. Be sure to buy a comfortable table.

The facades of modern wardrobes can be creatively decorated by ordering photo prints of the boy’s favorite idols, a stylish print in the form of a car, a seascape, a musical instrument, etc.

If the room is very small, a loft bed with a work area below, or a folding bed instead of a regular one, would be appropriate.

The modern furniture market offers a wide selection of interesting ideas that allow you to save space.

You can choose a transforming bed or a bed equipped with spacious drawers.

All furniture must be of high quality and durable. Look very stylish rooms s, made in the same theme. The most popular themes for teenagers rooms:

  • Marine;

    There should be a minimum amount of furniture in a teenager’s room – the more space, the better.

  • Musical;

    As with any other room, the interior style should be chosen individually.

  • Sports;

    Boys very often choose gray or black colors for their interiors.

  • Military;

    This range creates a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation and activities, it does not irritate the eyes and is practical, which is important for many young people.

  • Automotive;

    Photo wallpaper is a budget-friendly and easy way to make a teenager’s room unique and memorable.

  • Space.

    Freedom of expression is very important for any teenager.

For rooms For an older boy, the “adult” style will be more relevant- loft or Hi-Tech.

Style Colors/materials Recommendations
Nautical White, all shades of blue, turquoise, brown.

Wood, ropes.

You can style the room as a real cabin in white and blue tones or brown, antique.
Musical Any shades. The musical style includes many posters with performers, musical instruments on the walls, paintings and certificates for victories in music competitions. Accessories will help complement the character of the room: pillows in the shape of musical instruments, etc.
Sports Shades symbolic of your favorite sport. You can put a carpet on the floor that resembles a football field or tennis court. Add sports equipment and posters with idols.
Military Khaki, green, swamp, white, blue. Simple furniture, khaki-colored curtains and bedding, decor in the form of banners and portraits of prominent military figures.
Automotive Any colors and materials Are the future car enthusiasts interested in cars in all their forms? This means that the room needs bright posters with cool cars, photo wallpapers, a collection of models, a clock in the shape of a gear, a bed in the shape of a car for the bedroom.
Space Silver, chrome, white, gray;

materials: plastic, metal.

The space room will be decorated with an unusual chandelier in the shape of a solar system, and the walls can be decorated with textured wallpaper in a space style.
Loft Bright colors and different textures. The style is characterized by spacious rooms, a minimum of furniture and “rough” decorative elements. Finishing walls with untreated brick, rough wooden beams on the ceiling, etc.
Hi-Tech Grey, chrome, blue-gray, white, beige. Materials – plastic, metal. Futuristic shapes, strict lines, furniture made of glass, plastic and metal can be used as a basis to create a cosmic style.

Materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings can be used traditionally, and the mood in rooms can be created using accessories.

Designing a nursery for a 13 year old child

By the age of 13-14, interests change significantly. Designing rooms For a boy of this age, one should take into account his desire for change. It is better to choose soft, calm colors according to the preferences of the growing boy.A boy's good taste is formed from childhood.

Therefore, try to choose the appropriate style for the beautiful design of a teenage room and buy high-quality furniture.

You should not insist on your idea of ​​an ideal nursery, especially if it goes against the teenager’s opinion. But there is also no need to follow every whim (painting the walls with black and pink stripes). You can always agree and find a compromise.The child can plan the interior under the guidance of adults. Perhaps the process will seem fascinating to him, he will come up with an individual style for decoration rooms.

Design and its features for a 15-year-old boy

For many guys, this period is the peak of self-expression. The boy begins to be interested in girls, he actively tries to look like an adult. If you are preparing a transformation rooms For the child’s 15th birthday, there should be an area for communication and a large space for self-expression. Teenagers of this age often change hobbies, try playing musical instruments, enroll in sports clubs, etc. And along with new hobbies, the posters on the walls will be updated.

It is best to decorate the walls of a boy’s room with inexpensive materials and allocate space for idols.

15 years is the age when it is important for a boy and his parents to maintain good contact. This can be done if you treat him with respect, like an adult. If the guy himself determines the design, makes the choice of materials for decoration, layout, and helps in the arrangement, then rooms but will become a source of his pride. When doing repairs on your own, you must definitely involve a teenager in this work, it will be a useful experience.A young man should have the opportunity to calmly do his homework, prepare for exams, relax, retire, and bring friends to his space. Don't break into rooms without knocking - the teenager may begin to behave the same way or try to spend more time outside the home.

If your own room is a place for maximum comfort, then you will be able to avoid many teenage problems.

Interior for a 16 year old teenager

By the age of 16, many children decide on their hobbies and understand what they want from life. Room design s for a 16-year-old teenager can be completely trusted to himself. The guy already understands what a budget is, what opportunities he has, what functions his personal space should perform. He is quite capable of choosing furniture and optimally organizing the space.

Offer a couple of ideas, but don't insist, let him show his creativity, and the final choice will be his decision.

However, don’t force your child to design every detail, especially if he doesn’t want to. Not everyone will enjoy designing their bedroom interior. If your budget allows, it’s worth visiting a professional designer so that he can create an original teenage design based on the boy’s wishes. rooms.

Teenage room - what to consider when updating?

Sometimes a teenager has to share rooms with my brother. Placing two young men in the same area, especially if they have different interests, is not an easy task. But it can be solved. It is important to create a sense of equality for every boy. An undesirable option is when one sleeps on the bed, and the second gets a sofa, a table for two to study, etc.

We are decorating a bedroom for a teenage boy. Tips on how to successfully transform a children's room into a multifunctional room for your growing son. Photo gallery - 90 ideas with a variety of room designs in several variations for each interior style.

Choosing the overall style of the room

It would seem that just recently you brought your baby home from the maternity hospital, but now he is already going to middle school. He develops his own hobbies, his first love. Friends come to visit him, but the guy is ashamed to invite them to his place, because his room looks more like a child’s room. Do not forget that children grow, and their room must change with them. After all, not only the bed, but also the entire room as a whole, which reflects his inner world, should be “at the right time” for a teenager.

Before you start renovating the nursery with your own hands, be sure to ask the young man to tell him what he wants. Under no circumstances try to do everything in your own way, because he is already a person and wants you to take his opinion into account. Having determined the future room, you can safely begin to implement the idea.

Room for a teenage boy:

The tonality of the style is mainly expressed in colors such as:

  • all tones of pearl;
  • brown and its derivatives;
  • silver;
  • smoky;
  • sand.

Bright accents add contrast to the overall background - paintings or photos in frames, colored rugs and pillows, stylish elegant lamps or posters with your favorite actors and athletes. They can become the main highlight of your son's room.


Sea style


Of course, daisies and clouds are more for. Boys prefer a more formal style - stretch ceilings, as mentioned earlier, will be the best option.

Floor finishing

The choice of material for finishing the floor again depends on the chosen style. For example, for a marine floor, parquet made of dark wood, reminiscent of a ship’s deck, is best suited. But if your boy is an athlete, then it is better to choose carpet. For Hi-Tech style - porcelain stoneware or. Universal can be linoleum or laminate.

Selecting curtains

At the same time, do not forget about thick curtains or curtains, which are necessary during hours of relaxation and tranquility. Talk to your son about the color and placement of the slats (the strips that make up the blinds). Perhaps he will suggest some interesting option that you both will like.


Using lighting, you can skillfully zone the space in a teenage boy’s bedroom. A small spotlight by the bed, a stylish sconce lamp by the armchair, a good table lamp. But it’s also impossible to do without general diffused light, softening the overall atmosphere.

Design nuances depending on the boy’s age

For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase.

13-14 years old

By this age, your boy already has some established idea of ​​the world, he has his own hobbies and favorite things to do. It’s these hobbies that you start from. Invite him to choose the style of the room, color schemes and furniture. He will be delighted. Perhaps this is his first serious choice in life. Please be understanding about this.

15-16 years old

And this time period is characterized by a zealous search for an idol, authority - that person you want to admire. Rest assured, the young man will want posters of his favorite football team or music group on his wall. So don’t try to spend money on expensive “respectable” wallpaper. They are of no use to him yet.

17-18 years old

Closer to adulthood, young people have already more or less decided on the main occupation in their lives. So you can safely trust him to do the entire interior and design of your room yourself - it will become exactly the way he wants it to be.

If your teenage son has a room, then the acute question arises - how to place the furniture more compactly so that the child can comfortably not only sleep, but also study, and also engage in his favorite hobby. To do this, you will need to optimize the entire space, namely:

First of all, you should pay attention to the marine style - there you can constructively solve many issues with.

All boys, without exception, have some kind of hobby. This is not difficult to determine. It doesn't matter how much time he devotes to it and how fixated he is on it. The main thing is that his room can be decorated based on this hobby. For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase. The list goes on and on. We think you understand the idea. There are a great variety of such individual decorative elements, or you can simply decorate the walls and shelves with your child’s awards and crafts. Still, it will be creative and original.

Finding the perfect design solution for a teenager's bedroom is extremely difficult. The main problem is not only the variety of suitable style and planning solutions, but also the need to take into account the opinion of the future owner of the room.

A teenager is no longer the obedient kid who will agree with the wallpaper chosen by mom and the furniture chosen by dad. Almost an adult, already having his own opinion and his own view of things, a teenager needs a thoughtful and rational space that leaves room for creativity and imagination.

A stylish option for decorating a room for a teenager

Room for a teenager: what should it be like?

When the phrase “ideal room for a teenager” is mentioned, everyone imagines something different: cozy or technical, spacious or, on the contrary, compact. The main feature and difference between a teenage bedroom and a child’s room is its pronounced individuality in everything, from decor to layout.

A workplace for studying is a must

The child’s opinion should be taken into account at all stages of interior creation: from the choice of material for wall decoration to the final decision on the layout. Only participation in creating their own corner in an apartment or house will allow a teenager to feel his adulthood, significance and increased responsibility for his actions, words and choices.

Original design for a lover of Dalmatians

Advice. Designers note the importance of loyalty and psychological mobility of adults who are creating a bedroom for a teenage boy or girl. It is not enough to give the future owner of the room maximum rights to make final decisions; it is important to guide and regulate his choice in the stylistically correct direction.

Drawers under the bed - convenient and practical

A room for a boy or girl aged 13-15 should be arranged according to standard recommendations:

Girls often choose lilac color

A suitable bedroom for a young lady

Touching animals and graceful princesses are replaced by huge mirrors, dressing tables with cosmetics and wardrobes filled with clothes in a teenage girl’s room. The little lady becomes a real woman with a clearly defined desire to be beautiful, with attention to her appearance, with an interest in fashion and style.

But more often teenage girls choose pink

The room of a 13-year-old girl is a bedroom with a transitional character, which should satisfy all desires: to play with dolls with her friends, and to paint her nails with fashionable varnish. But by the age of 16, a teenager needs a more adult room, stylish and characterful. That is why designers suggest choosing not traditional girlish shades as the main tone for the bedroom during the renovation process, but more neutral and calm options.

Important. Beige or white can be easily shaded with pink, purple or lilac to give it a delicate mood. As the owner grows up, such a room can easily be transformed into the room of a serious lady - you just need to change the pink tulle to gray, and instead of a plush bedspread with princesses, cover the bed with a luxurious graphite blanket.

Interior decoration in classic style

Mobility and the ability to change the mood of the interior are extremely important properties for a teenage girl’s room. Paintings or posters on the wall, window curtains, chair covers, rugs or flower pots are ways to quickly transform a room. To develop independence, it is better to leave the opportunity to change the interior to the owner herself.

Room of the future gentleman: interior features

Boys perceive their room completely differently, so design techniques when organizing space for a 14-year-old teenager will be different. In such a room there is no place for childhood sentiments and memories, because ahead is an adult life filled with impressions, for which we must prepare now. A sports corner, a toolbox, a table for wood burning - these are suitable contents for a man’s bedroom.

Room for a teenager in an army style (military)

Room with blue lighting

  • A place to sleep should not take up much space or interfere with active activities. A loft bed or folding bed would be an excellent option for a teenager's bedroom.
  • The workplace, namely the desk, should be combined with a place for the boy’s creative expression. For example, you can equip it with drawers with tools, mount a stand for sailboat models, install fasteners for a soldering iron and other electrical appliances.
  • Boys of any age prefer to relax actively, so if there is space in the room, it is worth installing compact exercise equipment and making room for your favorite bicycle. Don’t forget about other home entertainment: for example, a TV with a set-top box and a comfortable sofa will become a gathering place for the owner’s best friends.

Photo wallpaper in a teenager's room is considered not just a rational element, but also an original way of adding originality and individuality to the interior. The choice of pattern for such wall decoration should be based both on the appropriateness of a particular motif in the interior, and on the child’s desire to see a specific plot on the wall of his room.

Photo wallpaper on a car theme

Photo wallpaper night city

Sports-themed photo wallpapers

Designers pay attention to the importance of choosing the right place for such decor in the interior of a teenager’s room: photo wallpapers, as a rule, turn out to be too bright and noticeable, overwhelming other decor in the bedroom. On the other hand, for the bedroom of a child of this age, maximum harmony in everything is important, so only a balance of colors and meaning in the choice of decor will create a picture suitable for quiet life.

Things are somewhat more complicated. Limited space will cause certain difficulties with the choice of decoration, furniture and room layout. In a small bedroom it is extremely difficult to allocate a full-fledged place for sleeping, working and relaxing. In this case, there is a need to combine these zones in a minimum space. Most often, a working and creative corner is combined in one part of the room, using modular cabinets and retractable storage systems.

Lemon color

Advice. A folding bed or sleeping area hidden in a podium can be a practical method of increasing the usable area of ​​a room.