Hypnosis to study well. How you can really quickly learn hypnosis on your own at home. Techniques and techniques for putting a person into a trance using hypnosis and NLP, which you can master on your own. NLP and practical lessons

I wonder if there are at least a thousand people on the planet who adore the process of learning? For most people, tedious duties make them bored.

I want to throw everything into the far corner, no matter how my mind insists on new training. It's boring to read books when there are more interesting things to do. Magic comes to the rescue here too. And both for the students themselves and for their caring parents.

It turns out that there are spells for good study. Most often, they are used by those who want to get results. The formulas for the student’s loved ones are somewhat more complicated. After all, they contain a certain element of enslavement, turning off the will of the individual.

It is clear that this is almost black magic. Therefore, they are not recommended for use. If the parents of the students are so worried, then... Don't practice spells.

They will force you to study, but in life they will create many additional difficulties for the young man. But do parents want this?

Spell for good study

Early on Monday morning you should take any textbook. Place it on the floor. Stand with your bare feet on top. So say:

“What is below me carries upward! I’ll push off from him and reach the stars! The mind perceives, the will confirms, laziness runs away! I remember, I understand everything, I can speak, I answer boldly! Every smart guy is dumber than me, but my mother’s teacher is kinder. Amen!"

Leave the book on the floor until the next day. And then be sure to carry it with you to class every day. It happens that it is difficult to achieve the effect the first time. This is the evil eye. You should remove it and repeat the ritual on another Monday.

Spell for doing well in school

Students are recommended to learn (even if they are lazy), no, not lessons, but a short spell. It should be read on the way to school. If you don’t forget, in a month the situation will change dramatically. You yourself will feel that gaining knowledge is a joy, and not a cruel test for the mind and will.

Here are the words:

"Jesus Christ! I strive according to Your will. Run or walk, to the sciences and magicians. I develop talent, I glorify you. I'm walking smoothly and smoothly, the results are fine. Everything is clear to my mind, I answer well. I will overcome difficulties, by Your will! Just as You saved people, so I will fulfill Your order. Amen"

Spell to study well

You know, the previous formula helps create conditions under which a person receives exactly what is assigned to him by the Higher Powers.

That is, if talents do not allow you to win Olympiads in subjects, get “excellent” marks in every lesson, then nothing like that will happen. What is given from birth will develop. The person will simply have a different attitude towards the process itself. Learn to enjoy it.

There is a formula for a different effect. It opens the way to the rapid development of talent. Under its influence, abilities are enhanced, memory is strengthened, and performance increases. But, there are some limitations here.

The spell, of course, will affect anyone, however, temporarily. It does not abolish the laws of the universe. If it is not by fate for a person to become a scientist, his task lies elsewhere, then the sciences will “crawl out” of his head just as quickly as they began to gain a foothold there. You should not contradict the will of the universe.

You're supposed to study mediocrely, look for something else to do. In everyone’s family it is written with bright, fiery signs.

But those who from birth are supposed to bring intellectual gifts to people will definitely become an excellent student and a medalist. The spell has such a selective effect. His words are:

“Three bridges, seven paths, the wise youths walked. They didn’t carry bags of gold. Each one had a knapsack, and they handled them deftly. Whatever happened on the road, everything was shattered by experience and mind. Boys, bring me the knapsacks. Let them settle in a wild little head, and spread knowledge along the roads. So that problems are solved, the answers come out of their own lips. Let them hold me up as an example and praise me for my successes! Amen!"

These words should be read by the student himself. The ritual is carried out only on the thirteenth of the waxing moon. They conjure some thing. For example, a talisman, decoration or. Then you should carry it with you at all times and make sure it doesn’t get lost.

You should not give the enchanted item to anyone. Don't even let me touch you. Otherwise, luck will leave you forever.

Spell for good grades in school

Do you know that in the past, careless youths were flogged with rods? Do you think, as a punishment, that the thought of the upcoming pain, if something happens, will add to their zeal?

And this, of course, cannot be denied either. But there is also a magical meaning in that ritual. Do you want the grades in your diary to be only excellent and good? Check it out for yourself.

By the way, this ritual can be performed by one of the parents. This does not apply to black magic; it does not deprive the child of his will.

You need to go into the forest and cut twigs from live willow and willow there. Just don’t take dry branches under any circumstances. Bring the “rod” home. Remove leaves and hang in a visible place.

On Saturday, before going to bed, the student should be whipped (symbolically, of course). During the process you need to say the following words:

“I beat the slave (name) not out of boredom, but so that science will climb. I hit the body to get things done. I hit you on the hands, I teach you science, I hit you on the feet, so that the ignorant does not know the shame. So that everyone around you does not praise in vain, so that the answers are always simple and clear. So that you have enough strength to study. So that there are few bad marks! Amen!"

Symbolic execution is carried out for at least fifteen minutes. If the student himself begins to engage in the ritual, then he should definitely touch every piece of skin, including on the back. And yet, many people forget about their heels. Then they complain about failing grades. Sit down and run the rods over your feet, hitting your heels. The whole body must be covered.

Spell for good luck in studies

Sometimes a person knows a lot, teaches and does everything, but something prevents him from showing a good result. Luck ran out on him, they say in such cases. The following spell will help fix the matter. It is read under the full moon, on the street. The words are:

“The face of the moon appeared above me. Bring back my luck! Give joy without crying. Let the strict teacher, the tormentor of his students, not boast about me. Let the fives pour into my report card! Amen"

The spell is cast seven times in a row. If the clouds do not cover the moon during this time, then all the troubles will go away. Your studies will improve and the results will be excellent. And when the moon disappears from view, you know there are envious people in your team. First from them, so read the spell for good luck.

If you want to know how to learn hypnosis and master the science of putting a person into trance, get ready for a lot of training. It is almost impossible to master this skill on the first try. But there are many exercises that can lead you to the desired result.

Hypnosis is a special way of influencing the human psyche, which involves turning off consciousness and immersing oneself in a complete trance. When consciousness is clouded, you can influence the work of the subconscious - that part of the psyche that is impossible to control on your own.

Therefore, hypnosis helps to get rid of addictions, cure depression, get rid of complexes and limiting attitudes that prevent a person from living. Hypnosis also helps to place certain programs in the subconscious, in accordance with which a person will act in later life.

We'll talk about how to learn hypnosis yourself at home. Perhaps with the help of exercises you will be able to master this difficult science. Don't expect instant results and be prepared that it won't happen right away.

How to master hypnosis: exercises

If you are determined to master hypnosis, you need to know the following:

  • Remember that the person you try to put into a trance will be in a very dangerous state. If you fail to bring him out of this trance correctly, his psyche will suffer
  • Before training, thoroughly study the theory of hypnotherapy. It is worth reading the works of famous psychotherapists in order to understand what hypnosis is, how it is useful and how it is dangerous, what problems it helps solve and which it will only worsen.
  • Not all people have hypnotic abilities. Be prepared for the fact that you may not succeed at all, because there is no innate talent
  • During training and hypnosis sessions you need to be confident, focused and extremely attentive.
  • Remember that a person who is addicted to something is a bad hypnotist. If you smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs, are addicted to coffee or something else, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​mastering hypnosis

Training your magnetic gaze

The main weapon of a hypnotist is his gaze. The technique of a hypnotizing gaze can be mastered with the help of special exercises.

What you need to know:

  • Concentrate and abstract from extraneous thoughts. You must learn to look at one point for a long time, without thinking about anything at all. It is not simple. Practice in front of a mirror or with an “experimental” person. When you learn to look into his eyes for a long time without a single thought, the exercise has been mastered. Tip: to prevent your eyes from “running around”, look strictly into the pupil of your right eye
  • After you learn to concentrate, practice conveying a thought with your gaze. Focus on one mental message and try to convey it with your gaze to another person. For example, say to yourself: “Get up and walk around the room.” If a person guesses what you want from him, the exercise has been mastered.

The training should proceed as follows:

  1. The person being tested must be placed on a couch. And you should position yourself as comfortably as possible above his head so that you can look him in the eye
  2. The room for the session should be quiet - no extraneous sounds, movements, pets
  3. The subject will subconsciously resist penetration into his consciousness. Therefore, the first training sessions can be very long - be prepared for this
  4. Success can be considered the moment when, under the influence of your gaze, a person can fall asleep, relax, or plunge into a detached state.

This is the simplest exercise with which you can learn hypnosis on your own.

Drawing a circle

After you have mastered the previous exercise, you can begin more complex workouts.

Special objects will be used to help put the subject into a trance:

  • Pendulum. This could be a metal object dangling from a thread or thin rope. The monotonous movements of the pendulum will help to quickly plunge a person into a trance. It is important that the subject, without looking up, follows the pendulum, is relaxed and does not think about anything
  • A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It must be secured in such a way that the subject can continuously look at the center of this circle. During the session, he should also imagine how rays come out of his eyes, which close in the center of the circle

When using these items, it is important to agree with the subject that you will have a certain signal, after which he will come out of the trance. For example, snapping your fingers or clapping.

The exercise goes something like this:

  1. You put the person on the couch and talk to him for a while in a quiet, calm voice. Make sure he is completely relaxed
  2. Then say that as soon as you clap your hands, he will wake up and do what you order in a state of hypnosis
  3. Start swinging the pendulum in front of the subject's face. He must follow the movements without taking his eyes off. Gradually his eyelids will begin to get heavy, he will close his eyes and fall into a hypnotic state
  4. At this time, you can pronounce a simple program, which the subject will have to perform after leaving the trance. But first make sure that he is unconscious - ask: “Can you hear me?” If there is no response, it's okay
  5. Say a simple command. For example: “When you hear a bang, you wake up, get up and open the window.” Say three or four times
  6. Make the agreed signal - clap your hands
  7. We are waiting to see what the awakened person will do. If he gets up and opens the window, the exercise was successful.

With each training session you can make the tasks more difficult.

Watch a video about hypnosis and how to learn to hypnotize people:

If you decide to learn hypnosis on your own, the following tips will help you:

  • Go to a session with a good hypnotherapist. Watch a specialist to understand how he works
  • Study the theory - the works of psychotherapists on hypnosis will help you better understand the topic
  • Engage in meditation and spiritual practices to get closer to a state of awareness and learn to control your unconscious
  • Look for hypnosis courses in your city - professional training will give much better results than trying on your own

Believe in yourself, train hard, and you will succeed!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Mind - in almost all human cultures - is a value. Smart people are respected. They want to be like them. The self-development industry is built on a person’s desire to become smarter (let’s add between the lines - preferably without putting much effort into it): trainings, webinars, special literature. In general, “pump up your brain!”

At the same time, most people most likely will not be able to quickly find an answer to the question: what is the mind? A certain amount of knowledge?

The ability to accurately operate with this knowledge?

The speed at which these transactions occur?

Recognition of your intelligence by others? After all, perhaps the most desired praise from childhood:

Or is all this, in principle, not so important, and what matters is only the process of reflection and the feeling of satisfaction from this process?

Although everything is not so clear cut. For example, in Russian culture, smart people are respected. But they do it in a unique way, with subtle shades:

Not to mention the fact that for all the attractiveness of the image of an intelligent person, there is also the so-called phenomenon of “woe from mind”...

But we still have to live to see “woe from the mind.” If a person decides to follow this road, then at the very beginning there is always a frantic desire to become better - after all, you can stand out from the crowd in some other, simpler way. For example, decorating your body with tattoos...

Dress unusually...

Or behave in an unconventional way...

But in our time of insane speeds, people want everything fast. Including the mind. Poring over books, reflecting, building your own philosophical system is a long time! Obviously, this is why some of those who want to become smarter come up with the idea of ​​becoming smarter with the help of hypnosis. Paid the money, hypnotized you, came out of the trance - and you are already Einstein!

About once every three to four months, clients come to me who want to become smarter with the help of hypnosis. Most often these are young men (age category 23-33 years); without family; working in large commercial or government companies. To the question about For what I need to become smarter, I have never received an answer yet - and, it seems, people have never thought about this topic at all. All possible assumptions are to climb the career ladder...

...to impress girls...

...to prove something to family...

...in the end they end up being far-fetched. When the request sounds exactly like this: “Hypnotize me so that I become wiser,” there is very little material for working in conversational hypnosis. And until it is possible to reach the actual goal of “getting wiser,” what to do next is unclear. The goal, I emphasize - and not the reasons for the appearance of such a goal (with this - to other specialists). And even if the formulation of the goal sounds something like: “Being smart is cool, but I always dreamed of being cool” - you can somehow work with this: albeit vaguely, but with soul!

The very first of these clients, eager to become wiser with the help of conversational hypnosis, I remember especially well, although a lot of time had passed since our work together. With his permission, observing confidentiality standards and not specifying details by which a person could be identified, I present here an excerpt from an email in which Egor (that was the client’s name) described the situation that prompted him to contact me.

"I am 29 years old. I work in a commercial company. I live separately from my parents. There is a girl whom I have been dating for two years. We are not planning to get married yet. Favorite activity is sports (biking in summer, skiing and skating in winter). I studied normally at school and university, although I was not an excellent student. I never considered myself an intellectual, but recently I suddenly realized that you can say about me in the words of a famous joke: “The examination did not reveal any mental abnormalities. Just a fool."

It was an unpleasant discovery. I started to think. I began to compare myself with others. The feeling is that everyone around is smart, but I’m just so-so, just standing next to you. It probably looks stupid, but I want to get smarter. It is to become smarter, and not to give the impression of being smart.

I recently read on the Internet that there is a special technique when a person is put into a state of hypnosis, and his brain begins to work more actively, and as a result he becomes smarter. This is true? Can you help me?".

This was an interesting letter, after reading which I somehow quickly warmed up to its author. Why? Firstly, I was captivated by the fact that there was not a single error in the text - and to I have great respect. Secondly, I immediately remembered a quote from Dostoevsky: “A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool!” Thirdly, I myself became interested: what kind of technique is this - to become smarter through hypnosis?

I started searching on the Internet. I searched through a bunch of sites, but after I came across three subheadings in one article: “Prayer to become smarter”; “Hypnosis to become smart” and “How to become smart - magic” - choose what you want! - I stopped searching. In general, I came to the conclusion that the essence of the advertised technique is the use of a trance state to increase the efficiency of brain function. In short, nothing fundamentally new, a smart marketing ploy: there will be clients - because someone wants to become smarter; because it’s fashionable, because someone is afraid of dementia in old age and “lays out straws” ahead of time, and someone else is just interested... And people are willing to pay for it.

Yegor and I met. A very pleasant and well-mannered young man, and certainly not a fool. I started digging: why does he need to be smart and, most importantly, how will he understand that he has become smart? To the first part of the question, I received an answer in the spirit of “That’s cool,” but the second caused lengthy reflections, which, as usually happens, put him into a state of spontaneous trance. Finally Yegor answered: - I will feel differently. Not like before, when I didn’t think about this topic at all. Oh, I get it. I'll stop thinking about it.

- What will you think about then?

- About what will be the most interesting and important for me at that moment.

Well, the answer... And what is there to cling to? I'll try to draw on my life experience: - Egor, have you ever had such situations in your life when you thought about what was the most important and interesting at that moment? What will we build hypnosis on?

Egor, closing his eyes and going even deeper into a trance: - Yes, this happened several times in my life. I felt very calm.

According to the rules, the client should have been asked to talk about one of the situations mentioned, but something stopped me from taking this step. Much later, I realized that there was a big risk of going into philosophizing - and in conversational hypnosis it is better not to turn down this path (or already turn and follow it to the bitter end, until the client’s logic is completely turned off... but this is not our case ). And I asked: - Can you remember how this feeling responded in your body and soul?

Yegor was about to answer something and even opened his mouth to do so, but there was no continuation. He began to go into a deep trance with great speed. It was clear that he was captured by some kind of memory, and at that moment both body and soul were really “remembering”. So quite a lot of time passed - fortunately, the next client was supposed to appear only in two hours. Opening his eyes, Yegor sat in silence for another ten minutes. He did not share his feelings, but asked for a “time out for a few days”: they say, he needs to think. Gone. In the evening a letter arrived:

“I don’t know how, but this hypnosis of yours works. I feel completely different. I'm calm. And I understand what and how to do before.”

Yegor and I met six times, including the first, most interesting meeting. Then the usual coaching techniques were used to work out specific goals, determine ways to achieve them and increase motivation for such changes. Each meeting ended with a trance exercise - and each time it became more and more noticeable how quickly new associative connections were formed in the brain, how non-standard solutions appeared, how Yegor’s self-confidence grew.

P.S. When I turned to Yegor with a request to publish his story, he quickly agreed. And at the end of his letter - without any comments - he cited this poem by my favorite Soviet poet N.A. Zabolotsky:

In many ways, knowledge comes with considerable sadness...

In much knowledge there is considerable sadness, Thus spoke the creator of Ecclesiastes. I am not a sage at all, but why do I so often feel sorry for the whole world and feel sorry for the person? Nature wants to live, and therefore she feeds millions of grains to the birds, But out of a million birds, hardly one escapes to the luminaries and lightning. The universe is noisy and asking for beauty, The seas are screaming, splashed with foam, But on the hills of the earth, in the cemeteries of the universe, only selected flowers glow. Is it just me? I am only a brief moment of Alien existences. Right God, why did you create the world, both sweet and bloody, and give me the mind so that I could comprehend it! Subscribe to our newsletter!

Any skills can be quickly mastered with the help of special practices. Study hypnosis is an effective method today to improve student performance. Hypnosis for studying will help you achieve incredible success, if the student himself desires to master knowledge.

Hypnosis - the powers of the mind

A series of actions in which the patient's consciousness is involved in order to put him into a state of trance is called hypnosis. Any command given by the owner to another patient is necessarily carried out if it does not contradict the will of the person being hypnotized.

Can all orders be carried out in a trance? It turns out that not all. Some patients are born unable to follow instructions from loved ones and strangers. Their head, like a bad radio receiver, works only on one wavelength and does not perceive anything extraneous. The effect of training them is reduced to zero. The technique cannot be used for that category of patients who may provide counter psychological resistance.

Hypnosis for life

Patients who are immersed in a trance state can be cured of the following diseases and bad habits, such as: speech impediments, nervous tics. Learning other languages ​​through trance is a new technique. Today, science is on the verge of using trance instead of traditional anesthesia during operations. The fact is that a patient put into a trance does not feel pain. This quality of the technique is suitable for many people for whom anesthesia is contraindicated. As a method that combines therapy and self-discovery, hypnosis shows people that not all of the brain's resources have been explored. Mental hypnosis demonstrates the patient's limitless capabilities.

What happens during hypnosis

While putting the patient into trance:

  1. The work of the left hemisphere of the head, which is responsible for logic and accumulated experience of knowledge, is completely disabled.
  2. Only the right hemisphere operates, which cannot control or analyze anything.

Conclusion: during trance, only the right half of the cerebral hemisphere is active in people. People, while in a trance, can see their past, even their distant lives. Sometimes people manage to see the cause of their fears or pain. Having dealt with the cause, the pain goes away without treatment or visiting doctors.

An example of this is that if a patient was wounded in the thigh in a past life, then in this century he experiences pain for no reason. Having seen the battle and his own injury using the regressive method, the patient understands that this is phantom pain and instantly recovers. Thus, during life, the patient’s brain is given the command that for this century he has no injury - he is healthy. There are quite a lot of such phantom patients; they require a regressive approach.

Negative effect of the process

It is practically impossible to influence using trance if the patient does not want and resists it. Do not do anything against the patient's will, nor should there be any action that is contrary to the patient's habits and his scale of value. When trying to do this, the patient instantly wakes up. To maintain him in trance for a long time, he will still wake up on his own, despite the efforts of the therapist.

Hypnosis to improve memory

You can improve your memory with the help of technology. There are often complaints from students and schoolchildren about lack of memory. Learning material by heart is difficult; some details of the material being studied are gradually forgotten. Learning hypnosis will help improve your memory. There are special systems that help you remember facts, faces, and numbers. All this helps improve learning in schools, higher education institutions, and special training centers.

With the help of trance, the volume of memorization of foreign words when learning any language increases dramatically. Don't think that after a hypnosis session you will come out with incredible abilities. This can't be true. for good study creates motivation or incentive to learn. After all, any action must be subordinated to a goal.

How to learn hypnosis techniques

You will be able to master hypnosis at home by independently performing various techniques. Nobody succeeds instantly.

Important information for those who decide to use the trance state:

  1. When introducing a patient into a trance state, be aware that this is dangerous. If the trance is brought out incorrectly, the patient's psyche is disrupted.
  2. Learn the subject: the theory of hypnotherapy. You should be aware of the dangers and benefits of hypnosis.
  3. Not all people have the ability to hypnotize; there is an innate talent for this.
  4. The main qualities when conducting a session: attentiveness, concentration and self-confidence.
  5. A patient who wants to practice hypnosis should not smoke, drink coffee, drink alcohol or use drugs.

You can master the technique at home using special exercises. When studying, you can seek advice from