How to prepare a mink coat for storage. How to properly store a mink coat in summer? Protecting fur from abrasion

A fur coat is not only protection from the cold, but also part of the image, giving special status to its owner. When buying a fur coat or coat, you expect to wear the item for several seasons. But if you store your fur coat incorrectly in the warm season, it will hardly last you two seasons. Therefore, it is important to know about all the intricacies of fur care.

Features of storing fur items

Every woman wants her fur coat to retain its beautiful appearance for a long time.

Any woman knows that fur coats can be made of natural and artificial fur. If you are the happy owner of a mink, arctic fox or sable, then be sure to take care of the issue of storing your treasure during the warm season. The fact is that with rising temperatures, excessive air humidity, and poor ventilation, natural fur can:

  • turn yellow;
  • lose your shine;
  • become brittle;
  • turn into food for moths.

Under particularly unfavorable circumstances, bald spots may appear on things. By the way, all these environmental factors are completely safe for fur coats made of synthetic fibers.

How to prepare a fur coat for summer?

Before sending your fur coat on summer vacation, it needs to be cleaned.

You can recognize natural mink fur by the length of the hairs. This animal has them exactly the same! It is due to this feature that mink products are particularly velvety.

Before you send your fur coat “on vacation”, it needs to be prepared.

1. We examine the item from the outside and from the inside out. If necessary, we strengthen the buttons and sew up the holes in the lining.

2. Remove stains. To do this, you can go in two ways: go to dry cleaning (the best option, especially if there are a lot of stains) or try to deal with the stains at home. The best way to eliminate greasy marks is to mix 9% vinegar and vodka in a 1:1 ratio:

  1. Wet the sponge with the solution.
  2. We wipe away the stains. If the fur coat has a short pile, the movements should be “against the grain”, while for long-haired ones we iron it, on the contrary, in the direction of the hairs.
  3. Dry the fur coat in a well-ventilated room at 17 ° C and 60% humidity.

3. Restore shine. Usually, under the influence of dust, the pile loses its smoothness and stops shimmering in the light. If you don’t want to go to the dry cleaner, then arm yourself with potato starch:

  1. Take 1 cup of starch per 50 cm2 of pile.
  2. We wipe dull places.
  3. Shake the item well to remove any remaining cleaning product.
  4. If the result is unsatisfactory, the operation to restore shine can be repeated 2-3 times. Many owners of fur coats use semolina or bran instead of starch. But these foods attract moths.

4. Using a metal comb with sparse teeth, comb the fur through the coat.

5. Ventilate the product on the street or balcony for 24 hours.

6. We put the fur coat on hangers and send it for storage. Just keep in mind that the coat hangers must be exactly the right size, otherwise the fur coat will become deformed on wide ones and sag on narrow ones.

A few secrets before sending your fur coat on vacation - video

Where to store real fur?

If you have several fur coats, then it is better to store them in a spacious dressing room, where they will not interfere with each other, or go to special storage facilities for fur products

It's time to decide on a place to store your valuable item. The basic requirements for the premises can be outlined as follows:

  • coolness - +15…+17 оС;
  • dryness (humidity levels should be between 40–65%);
  • darkness;
  • space (a fur coat loves solitude and should not come into contact with other things).

That is, a closet or dressing room fully meets these conditions. Especially if you have air conditioning. And that's why they won't fit:

  • balcony - too hot in summer;
  • freezer - no matter how good low temperatures have an effect on fur, you will have to store the fur coat rolled up, and this will cause creases.

If you have the opportunity, you can put your fur coats in special storage facilities with large freezers equipped with built-in cabinets. But don't be lazy and find out:

  • are the lights dimmed?
  • Is the temperature optimal (from 2 to 8 °C);
  • Is the humidity satisfactory (up to 65%);
  • Is the room spacious (the minimum distance between fur coats is 10 cm);
  • are things packed in covers;
  • Is there periodic freezing to kill insects?

Choosing a case

Fur should be stored in colored cases made of natural fabric.

Under no circumstances should a fur coat made from natural fur be stored without a cover. Otherwise, the product will fade, become wrinkled and lose its luxurious appearance forever. The cover must be fabric.

Vacuum bags for storing fur products are contraindicated. The fact is that, firstly, the fur coat will have to be folded, since it is almost impossible to find a cover of a suitable size. And secondly, condensation forms in a closed bag, which negatively affects the villi and interior - treated leather, the base for fur. So, what are the requirements for a fabric cover?

  • It should be breathable and made of natural fabric (linen, cotton, canvas).
  • The width of the bag should be slightly larger than the width of the fur coat.
  • The length should be 10–15 cm longer than the fur product.
  • The insert on the cover should be located on the side - this is the only way the fur coat will not be squeezed, and it will be much more convenient to pack it.
  • It is better if the cover has a transparent “window” - when storing several fur items in one closet, it will be more convenient for you to figure out which is which.
  • The sun's rays should not fall on this transparent insert, since ultraviolet radiation negatively affects fur even through polyethylene.
  • The color of the cover should repel sunlight, so rich blue, dark brown, black are preferred (to prevent the paint from transferring to the fur coat, when purchasing a packaging bag, run a damp cloth along the inside - if there are no marks left, you can buy).
  • Before placing the fur coat in the cover, treat it with anti-moth spray, and then repeat the treatment every 3 months.

How to protect something from moths?

Moth is the most dangerous enemy of fur

Insects are the main enemies of fur. If you can try to fix stains and creases, then nothing can be done about bald spots caused by moths. Unless you buy a new fur coat. But if this purchase is not yet part of your plans, then take care of protecting your fur product from insects:

  • Place pieces of cedar bark in the pockets of your fur coat - the persistent aroma will reliably repel annoying moths. By the way, this is why it is recommended to store mink in a cedar cabinet.
  • Instead of bark, you can put dry lavender, geranium or dried orange and lemon peels.

If folk remedies do not inspire confidence in you, then use sprays. You just need to spray them, as already mentioned, on the case. If the substance gets on the fur, the fur coat will be damaged. An important nuance: do not use naphthalene to repel moths. Yes, it will cope with the task with a bang, but it itself is a strong carcinogen, banned in many countries.

Subtleties of caring for products made from different furs

Each fur has its own care nuances

Fur products differ not only in price, but also in storage and care conditions.

Mouton fur coat

A mouton fur coat is an excellent everyday option that does not require special care.

One of the most unpretentious and durable types of fur. Store in a dark, well-ventilated area. However, Mouton has one feature: it absorbs dirt very quickly. So you need to remove stains from it immediately, otherwise you won’t be able to save your fur coat. Also, do not allow hot air to enter the closet with your fur coat. Let your mouton companion rest peacefully on soft hangers at a temperature of +8...+12 oC until the next cold season.

Products made from goat, nutria and other types of fur

An astrakhan fur coat must first be dried and then combed

  • Dampness and heat are contraindicated for beaver coats. Otherwise the fur will become very dull.
  • Nutria is very capricious; it must first be dried well before storage.
  • Care for a rabbit is similar to a mink: we protect it from moths, do not fold it.
  • Raccoon, fox and chinchilla get crushed very easily, so you need to hang them on wide hangers. The same can be said about a goat fur coat. The remaining care rules for all types of fur will be the same.

The nuances of caring for a white fur coat

When choosing a white fur coat, be prepared for the fact that yellowness may appear on it

The main thing that lovers of white need to remember: regardless of the type and breed of fur, you need to store a light fur coat in a dark case.

The main problem that owners of white fur coats face is the yellowness of the fur. There may be several reasons for this change in shade:

  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation on a fur coat;
  • ingress of dust, soot, perfume.

If the stains are fresh, then dry cleaning will help you. But the effect of solutions and powders will only intensify the old yellowness. So you have to take a risk and try to cope with the situation on your own.

Use a natural sorbent - semolina, bran or starch:

1. Heat the sorbent in a frying pan.

2. Rub the finished powder into the fur.

3. Shake the product well.

Before shaking out the semolina or starch well, go over the fur with a brush

4. Comb the pile.

The last two points require special care, since such sorbents attract moths.

You can also apply a leave-in solution to the product:

  1. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide and water in a 1:1 ratio. As an alternative, you can take ammonia and water, but in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Wet a cotton pad with the resulting solution.
  3. We wipe problem areas.
  4. Let it dry.

If the previous two methods did not work, then it is possible to use whitening shampoos for wool:

  1. Dilute 4-5 drops of the product in water.
  2. Wipe the yellowed areas with a sponge soaked in the solution.
  3. Wipe the product with clean water.
  4. Comb and let dry.

If none of the options help, you need to contact a studio where they will dye your fur with special products.

Expert advice on storing fur products at home - video

Consequences of improper storage

Most often, creases appear as a result of improper storage of a fur coat.

No one is immune from mistakes, including those related to the storage of fur products. Of course, one of the irreparable damages is bald spots from moths or the ingress of chemicals - no amount of tricks will return a fur coat to its former charm. But there are also troubles that can be overcome.


You cannot store a fur coat folded - this is an axiom. But if you didn’t know this, and when you took out your favorite item, you saw a lot of creases, then you can take some measures:

  1. We fill the bath with hot water.
  2. We take the fur coat on hangers into the bathroom and close the door tightly.
  3. We wait until the creases straighten out.
  4. We dry the item and hang it in the closet only on hangers.

The second method is suitable if there are few creases and they are not very serious:

  1. Wet the sponge with water.
  2. We iron the pile “through the wool” with it.
  3. Combing the fur coat.
  4. Dry the product.

Deformation of the flesh

When the air is too dry, the treated skin dries out, and when the humidity is too high, it stretches. In the latter case, to normalize the flesh, it is enough to set comfortable humidity levels. But you will have to fight rigidity with slightly different means:

  1. Mix 1 liter of water, 1.5 tbsp. l. table salt and 1 tbsp. l table vinegar.
  2. Using a sponge, apply the composition to the wrong side of the product.
  3. We knead the flesh with our hands and rinse with clean water.
  4. Dry naturally.

You can use an alternative method:

  1. Mix ½ cup of water and ½ cup of liquid soap.
  2. Add 50 ml of any fat and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin.
  3. We wipe the skin with the resulting composition.
  4. We wash off and sprinkle the flesh with chalk to remove any remaining fat.

Loss of shine

You can restore your fur to its former shine at home

The enemy of the brilliant iridescent fur is sunlight. When it gets on the case in which the fur coat is stored, the product becomes dull. But you can try to restore things to their former beauty using vinegar and alcohol:

  1. Moisten a piece of cotton wool or cotton cloth with a 9% vinegar solution.
  2. We wipe the dull areas.
  3. Wet a cotton pad with alcohol and wipe the wet areas.
  4. Comb the pile and dry it in the open air.

Remember that tsigei or astrakhan fur coats are first dried and only then combed.

Yes, a fur coat is nice to wear. But it also requires a lot of care. But with proper care, your warm friend will last a long time. And its appearance will be so bright and fresh that no one will even admit that your fur coat is more than one year old. Here it is for sure: the end justifies the means.

Mink fur products are very popular not only because of their aesthetics, but also because of their ability to keep you warm even on the coldest days. If you properly care for such a fur coat, then no frost will touch you for many, many years. But to do this, you need to know how to store a mink coat in the summer at home correctly.

A mink coat requires special attention, care and compliance with certain rules. She is so defenseless and she is threatened by so many factors that can ruin her appearance: dust, moths and humidity. The first two problems occur all year round, but the last one most often occurs in the summer.

In winter, all owners of mink coats wear their charming one almost every day. She is not afraid of any troubles when she is given so much attention. So there are no special requirements in winter, only general ones. But in the summer, the pet is put away in the closet and, if comfortable conditions are not provided, next season it may not look so impressive.

First you need prepare a mink coat for the summer season. First you need to shake out the dust from the product, shake the fur. If you suddenly find a stain, be sure to take it to the dry cleaner instead of storing the dirty item. It is not advisable to clean the fur coat yourself, so as not to accidentally spoil it. Professionals will do a much better job of this.

If there is no serious contamination, you can slightly update and add shine to the product at home. Flour, talc or starch, which are used in dry form, will help with this. To do this, lay the fur coat on a horizontal surface, lightly sprinkle with the chosen product, and then wipe the fur with your palms. When dry cleaning is complete, simply shake off the “cleaning agent” from your fur coat. And it will look like new.

How to store a mink coat in summer:

  1. Choose a storage location that is away from heating and heating systems. All mink products prefer coolness and do not tolerate hot “climates”.
  2. Maintain indoor humidity between 40 and 65%.
  3. Use dark fabric covers for storage, or in extreme cases, cellophane ones. If the fur is light in color, then it is advisable to choose blue cases.
  4. Choose a hanger carefully - it should perfectly fit the size of your fur coat so as not to stretch the hanger. Use only wide wooden hangers, and never metal ones. Otherwise, the product will be deformed, stretched and the appearance will be spoiled.
  5. Leave space between the fur case and other wardrobe items so that nothing fits and the fur can “breathe”. Then it will not lose its shine.
  6. Protect your mink coat from direct sunlight with the best way. Because of this, the fur can fade, become faded and dull.
  7. Take out your fur coat from time to time, shake it and let it breathe some fresh air. This is very important so that the fur does not mat and the fur coat looks like new. In addition, this way you will get rid of dust and another problem will be solved.

If you follow all these simple rules, your mink coat will not lose its appearance and will delight you for many, many years. Although there is one more problem to take care of – insects.

How to protect a mink coat from moths in summer

Moth protection- this is a very important point, because it is these small insects that ruin a mink coat during the summer season.

There are a lot of different moth repellents sold in stores, but most of them are not suitable - they can ruin the fur or their smell will be firmly absorbed into the product. So use natural remedies to protect yourself from moths:

  • dried orange peels;
  • dried geranium leaves;
  • some use tobacco.

But it is much more effective to place the fur coat in a special sealed case that will protect against any insects.

If suddenly such a misfortune starts, you will immediately understand it: the fur will become sloppy, with shreds and small bald spots. Under the fur coat or in the sheath, spikelets of fur will accumulate, which the moth will chew off. And larvae will appear in the folds of the fur. If you notice these symptoms, you need to act decisively and quickly!

How to get rid of moths:

Go to the store and buy a powerful insecticide. If you use them correctly, you can get rid of all harmful insects in a couple of hours and save your pet. Examples of such products: Armol, Clean House, Antimol and Raptor Protection from Moths.

Important: choose products that do not leave marks on the fabric and are odorless!

Spray your fur coat with the product, place it in a case and close it for several days. If the cover is not airtight, place the fur coat in a bag and spray it with an aerosol additionally once a day so that the product is constantly effective.

Folk remedies in this case will no longer help, because they are usually used only for prevention.

Now you know how to store a mink coat at home in summer, autumn and spring, while you are not wearing it yet. Treat your fur coat with care so that its appearance does not deteriorate and it will delight you for many, many years to come.

A gentle touch of fur, luxurious shine, warmth, comfort - all this is given to its owner by a mink coat. There is no need to say how a piece of luxurious fur adorns a woman. Many ladies dream of such an acquisition, and after the purchase they try to make every effort to save pristine appearance of fur. Such a product is not cheap, so it is important to know how to properly store a fur coat so that it lasts for many years.

Mink coat storage

There is no need to create special conditions for the product in winter. The main care consists of periodically “walking” the fur coat on severe frosty days. Under the influence of cold, the fur is smoothed out, looking attractive and well-groomed. As an alternative, you can hang the product on the balcony. Night or a cloudy frosty day is ideal for this. In summer, the task of preserving the fur coat becomes more complicated, and favorable conditions for the mink coat will have to be created independently.

Preparing fur coats for storage

The main goal when storing mink products is to protect them from insects and not damage the fur. Before storing the product in the closet, it is necessary to properly prepare it for storage. This process consists of several stages:

  1. Drying. Natural fur does not tolerate dampness, so before storing the fur coat you need to dry it by hanging it for several days in a dry, well-ventilated area. There should be no heaters or central heating radiators nearby. You cannot speed up the drying process with a hairdryer; the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Cleaning. If any contamination remains on the product, it must be removed. This can be done either yourself or at a dry cleaner.
  3. Carding. It is not recommended to comb the fur too often, but it should be done before storage. It is advisable to comb the fur coat with a special brush or a metal comb with sparse teeth, first along the pile, then against it, then smooth the fur in the direction of its growth.
  4. Choosing the right hanger. To store a mink coat, you need to choose a wide, strong hanger that matches the size of the coat. It must reliably maintain the shape of the product. There are special elastic and soft hangers that are ideal for mink coats. You cannot simply hang the product on a hook, this will lead to deformation of the product.

Before storage, you need to fasten all the buttons or hooks, remove the brooch or other accessories, smooth the fur with a brush, put on the cover and put it in the closet. This way the fur coat will not become deformed and will calmly wait for its next release.

Where to store a fur coat in summer?

The heat doesn't have the best effect on fur. Mink fur is very finicky. When storing fur coats, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account some nuances. Fur does not tolerate high temperatures and excessive humidity. Products made from natural fur should be stored in a spacious, cool place. Optimal storage conditions for the product: temperature +15…+17 °C and humidity 40-65%. This should be a dark place: a spacious closet or dressing room. A balcony is not suitable: in summer it can be very hot in this room. It is ideal to choose a cabinet made of cedar: such a tree practically does not allow moisture to pass through and its smell repels moths. You should not place your fur coat in close proximity to heating appliances and try to avoid direct sunlight on the product.

The room should be spacious and well ventilated. You need to create enough free space in the closet so that the fur does not come into contact with other clothes. If the fur coat hangs in tight spaces, the fur will quickly lose its shape and attractive appearance.

Some women practice storing mink coats in the freezer. Indeed, low temperatures have a beneficial effect on mink fur. But this is a rather controversial way to store a valuable item. In a household freezer there is no way to hang a fur coat freely; the product will have to be stored folded, and this will lead to the formation of creases.

Nowadays, many dry cleaners or stores offer storage services for fur products in special freezer rooms where optimal temperature and humidity are maintained. You can choose this option so as not to worry about the safety of your beauty. If there is free space in the apartment, a similar refrigerator can be equipped at home: manufacturers of such installations also work with private clients.

Storage case or vacuum bag?

You need to store a mink coat in a special case made of natural breathable fabric. It will not only protect the product from mechanical damage, but will also prevent the fur from matting or fraying. The cover must match the size of the fur coat; tightness is unacceptable here. Optimally, the length of the cover should exceed the length of the fur coat by 10-15 cm. You cannot use synthetic covers, only natural materials - linen, canvas or cotton. Such fabrics will provide air access to the product. It is highly recommended not to use vacuum and plastic bags for storing clothes. The fur coat will simply “suffocate” in them, and moisture will accumulate in the bag, which will ruin the fur. It is better to choose a fabric cover in dark colors (black, brown, dark blue) that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

Mink coat care

With proper care, a mink coat will last for many years. The first thing every owner of a product made of natural fur needs to remember is that you can “walk” your fur coat only on dry, frosty days; rainy weather is strictly contraindicated for the product. Ideally, even the sun should not affect the fur. If you still fail to protect yourself from bad weather and snow or moisture gets on the fur, the product must be dried immediately. In this case, it is unacceptable to use a hair dryer or other electrical appliances.

Fur should be dried taking into account some nuances:

  • the fur coat should be hung on hangers according to the size of the product;
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight during drying;
  • if the pile gets very wet, a soft cloth will help get rid of excess moisture;
  • When drying, do not touch the fur with your hands or hang the fur coat.

If the fur gets jammed, hot steam will help. The pile will straighten out if you hang the fur coat next to a bathtub filled with hot water. Fur industry professionals never use an iron to smooth mink fur; this can have a catastrophic effect on the product.

Protecting fur from abrasion

Mink coats are not wear-resistant. The most vulnerable places that need special care determine how long the product will last. These are the edges of pockets, collar, shoulders, sleeves. You need to pay special attention to these places. It is not advisable to carry a bag on your shoulder, attach brooches or other jewelry to fur, put a massive watch on your wrists, or put your hands in your pockets. The collar can be protected with the help of various accessories: scarves, shawls, stoles. You should not wear a mink coat in crowded places where you cannot avoid crowds or queues. This will not have the best effect on the beauty of the fur, which from such “communication” can lose its luxurious appearance, become dull and wrinkled.

Caring for a white mink coat

Owners of light-colored mink coats often complain that the fur turns yellow over time. The natural process of changing shade cannot be prevented, but it can be slowed down. To do this, the fur coat should be stored in a dark, water-permeable case and kept clean. For mink coats in white shades, special covers are produced that support the color. It is unacceptable to get perfume on the fur. If the pile has turned yellow, you can clean it at home or take it to the dry cleaner.

You can refresh fur, not only light, but also dark shades, using folk remedies, for example, wheat bran heated in a frying pan. The lint sprinkled with them is rubbed with hands, then the bran is shaken off. In this way, it is also good to clean heavily soiled areas: collar or sleeves. Another option is to treat the fur with a solution of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia. To a glass of warm water you need to add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. The product is applied to the fur using a spray bottle.

Cleaning a fur coat at home

If street dirt gets on your fur coat, first dry the product, then carefully clean it with a dry sponge or brush. If oil stains occur, the dirt should be sprinkled with sawdust, then carefully removed using a vacuum cleaner set to minimum power.

Vodka and vinegar, taken in equal proportions, help well against greasy stains. The finished solution should be wiped against the fur and dried. Potato starch helps refresh the color. They need to sprinkle the fur, and then shake the fur coat well.

To remove stubborn stains, use wet cleaning. You only need to wet the pile so that moisture does not get on the base. For wet cleaning you can use:

  • soap solution (hair shampoo mixed with water and whipped until foamy);
  • gasoline (the brush is moistened with gasoline and the fur is carefully combed);
  • vinegar 5% (apply to a cotton pad and wipe the pile).

It is quite difficult to remove vomit from the surface of a fur coat. In this case, it is advisable to take the product to a professional dry cleaner, but you can save the product on your own. This can be done in 3 stages:

  • Cover the stain with potato starch and rub into the pile in a circular motion;
  • Dissolve washing powder in water, apply the resulting mixture to the fur using a spray bottle and comb thoroughly with a brush;
  • Use a sponge to carefully remove the remaining mixture and dry the fur coat.

Deep greasy stains and the smell of sweat are well removed by ammonia. You need to take ten drops of ammonia per glass of water. Apply the solution to a cotton pad and wipe the product in the area of ​​contamination.

Washing a mink coat

After a few years, a mink coat loses its original appearance and needs to be cleaned. If you can’t visit the dry cleaner, you can do the laundry at home. It is worth considering that items made from natural fur can only be washed by hand. The washing machine is completely excluded here. For this procedure you need to take a liquid detergent for delicate washing. Water should not be higher than 40 °C. It is best to wash the product in a bathtub or large container. First, rub particularly dirty areas with a brush, then leave the fur coat in water with dissolved detergent for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and dry.

Dyeing a mink coat

Mink fur should only be painted with an aerosol or spray bottle at a distance of 50-80 cm from the surface. Before painting, the fur should be cleaned and combed thoroughly. You also need to comb the pile after applying each new layer. It is best to use hair dye. The desired color should be chosen a couple of shades darker than the actual color.

How to repair a mink coat?

Scuffs and bends spoil the appearance of the fur coat. You can eliminate defects either in any studio or on your own. Sewing repairs on fur at home are carried out manually, using a goat seam or an overcast stitch. A sewing machine should not be used; it will pull the fur and damage the inside.

Small abrasions on the fur can be easily eliminated by placing them in the inner seam. If a hole appears on the product, the gap can be repaired by placing a patch cut from the belt, the inside of the fur coat, or the side seam.

Replacing the lining will require professional skill; it is unlikely to be possible without a seamstress.

Moles and other troubles

Previously, naphthalene was used to protect fur products from moths, but it contains harmful chemicals and has a specific unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is better to refuse the experience of grandmothers. It is advisable to use special antimoth agents- dried geranium, lavender oil, orange peel, tobacco or pepper. Before storing, you can put small pieces of cedar bark in the pockets of your fur coat: pests cannot tolerate this smell.

The case in which the fur coat will be stored must be treated in advance with a special anti-moth compound or aerosol. Eg. Mosquitall, Tornado or Raptor. Impregnation must be renewed every 3 months, as it loses its properties. You cannot spray the fur itself; marks will remain on it. The product should be applied exclusively to the case.

In addition to insects, other troubles await the mink coat. When driving a car, the seat belt crushes the mink fur. You should avoid wearing a fur coat while riding: the belt will damage the fur, and the sleeves will be subject to constant friction. In this case, it is better to leave the fur coat folded in the back seat. If this option is not suitable, you can purchase special soft pads for the seat belt.
In the summer and off-season, the mezdra can dry out. To avoid this, you should put a container of water in the closet where the fur coat hangs and fill it as it evaporates.
The main enemy of mink is high humidity and sunlight. It is advisable not to wear a fur coat during wet snow or rain. Under the influence of bright light, the fur changes color and becomes dull. Therefore, it is not advisable to wear the product in direct sunlight. Another nuisance is strong odors. Fur tends to quickly absorb and accumulate them.

Have you recently treated yourself to a fashionable mink coat? Surely you want it to serve for a long time, delighting you with a luxurious, bright look. You need to know how to properly store a mink coat in summer and winter so that it does not lose its luster and presentability.

It is important to understand that natural fur is organic; it can change its structure under the influence of many factors: temperature, humidity, odors, sunlight and others. In our article we will tell you in detail how to properly store a mink coat so that you can enjoy it for many years.

Fur coat care in the winter season

It is very important to treat your fur coat with care. Knowing a few basic rules, you can avoid mistakes that are fatal for your favorite product.

  1. Never dry your fur coat near heating appliances or, especially, with a hairdryer. This will cause the core to dry out and the pile to become brittle. If it happens that the product is wet from rain or snow, simply shake it, hang it on a hanger and leave it to dry at room temperature.
  2. Avoid heavy bags on your shoulder, or better yet, no bags at all. Constant friction of the strap against the fur in the same place leads to the fact that it is wiped out and bald spots form on it.
  3. Avoid contact of perfumes, hairsprays and other products on the fur.
  4. You should not store the product (especially light-colored ones) in bright daylight, otherwise it may fade.
  5. Avoid going out in a fur coat during snowfall or rain. She does not like excess moisture. An alternative option is to use an umbrella.

Preparing fur coats for storage

When putting your fur coat away in the closet for the summer, you should prepare it properly.

First of all, it must be clean. It is advisable to take it to the dry cleaner, or clean it yourself, but carefully, having first learned how it should be done. If there are problem spots, you should immediately contact professionals and not risk an expensive item.

Air the fur coat in a dark, cool, clean place for 1-2 days. Brush it with a special fur brush. If there is none, then first use a metal brush with sparse teeth, and then a soft hair brush.
Inspect the product to make sure there is no damage. If they suddenly exist, it is better to eliminate them even before you send your fur coat “on summer vacation.” You are unlikely to like to wait in line at the studio at the beginning of the next cold season and fool your head with problems that you have long forgotten about.

How to properly store a mink coat in a closet in summer

Fighting moths when storing fur coats in summer

Today there is a huge variety of products that protect natural fur from harmful insects. But not all of them should be preferred.

Avoid using aerosols. The fact is that fur absorbs odors well (which is why it is not recommended to spray anything on it at all). And over time, they can become unpleasant.

“Grandma’s method” in the form of tobacco and mothballs is also no longer relevant, since the usual tablets impregnate the product with a pungent unpleasant odor, which is very difficult to get rid of, if not impossible.

It is best to use fabric bags containing certain substances. They have a pleasant or neutral odor. You can also use special tablets.

For lovers of natural remedies, there is another option: take orange peels, a sprig of mint, as well as wormwood and lavender. Such odors repel moths, but they also permeate the product. In addition, these “means” will often need to be changed.

Case for storing fur coats in summer

The product must be stored in a dark, inhospitable place, away from sunlight. There are special dark cases designed specifically for storing fur products.

It is not at all necessary to buy a ready-made version; you can make the case yourself, from thick dark fabric. The main thing is that the material allows air to pass through. By the way, don’t even think about storing your fur coat in polyethylene.

Cotton and linen are perfect. Pay attention to the color of the fabric from which the cover is made. It should not be painted, otherwise it will ruin the product.

  1. Hang the product on wide hangers (preferably those that could be given to you at the salon when purchasing the fur coat itself). Or you can look for a special coat hanger.
  2. The fur coat should be stored in a spacious place, it should not be constrained or pressed, it should breathe.
  3. Once every 3-4 months, “ventilate” it: take it to a fresh room where there is enough oxygen, and change the moth bags.
  4. Do not store the product near heating appliances or in places with high humidity.

By following these simple tips, you can easily wear your favorite item for ten years, and it will look fresh and bright.

The article was compiled jointly with the employees of the fur coat store “Kastoria”

A mink coat is an expensive thing, and not every lady can afford to change it every season. Therefore, it is very important not only to be careful when wearing it, but also to know how to properly store a mink coat at home in different seasons.

Buying a mink coat is a joy for a woman. You want to wear a new thing without taking it off, impressing those around you with the splendor of its fur. However, improper handling even in winter can lead to loss of appearance of the product. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for storing and wearing a mink coat.

Rules for cold weather

Not every winter provides an opportunity to wear furs regularly: it may be too warm to wear a fur coat or too humid. However, you cannot constantly store a mink coat in the closet in winter - it needs to be “walked”. Therefore, if it is not possible to wear a mink during the cold season, it should be hung on a closed balcony several times a season for a day or two. This technique will not only give the fur a chance to straighten out, but will also kill any moths that might have infested the fur.

What weather to wear

In what weather can you wear a fur coat? A mink coat “loves” to walk in the cold. But not every day is suitable for this event. Mink fur is very sensitive to weather. It is best to wear such a fur coat under the following conditions:

  • dry, frosty air;
  • low cloudiness;
  • low density of people in the walking area;
  • the paths are not sprinkled with chemicals to prevent icing (if the fur coat is “floor-length”).

How to dry after wet snow

How to preserve a mink coat? High air humidity harms fur. If you still cannot avoid wet snowfall or even rain, you need to take urgent measures. Upon returning home, the fur coat must be thoroughly dried. For this, you cannot use a hair dryer, radiator or other heating devices - only a natural process. Follow these six steps.

  1. Hang it up. The fur coat is placed on a hanger of a suitable size, with wide shoulders - this will avoid deformation of the product.
  2. Choose a location. The place where the fur will be dried should not be located in the sun.
  3. Shake. The fur coat is thoroughly shaken to remove water.
  4. Remove moisture. The lint is brushed off with a special mink brush, sold in fur stores.
  5. Get wet. If the fur coat is very wet, it is permissible to blot it with a clean soft cloth.
  6. Dry. Leave the product until completely dry.

The fur coat is harmed by crowding, which can wrinkle or even break the fur. Therefore, public transport, queues, and crowded crowds are not the place to “walk” expensive mink products.

Summer option: special cameras...

According to reviews, the ideal way to extend the life of a fur product is to store a mink coat in the freezer. We are not talking about a standard food chamber. If there are several fur items in your wardrobe, and they are expensive, purchasing a special refrigerated cabinet is justified. In such installations the most suitable temperature (0-10°C) and humidity (about 50%) are maintained.

If it is not possible to purchase a refrigerator for your fur coat, you can take the item to a public storage facility. A similar service is provided by dry cleaners that process fur. To reduce risks, it is recommended to insure clothing before storing it.

... and how to store a mink coat in a regular closet

Before you put away your fur clothes for the summer, you need to prepare them for this. Compliance with storage conditions will allow the mink to look rich longer without losing its ability to warm its owner. At the end of the cold season, it is important to thoroughly clean, dry and air your clothes. Dirt, dust, and grease accumulated during wearing are removed from the fur.

  1. Remove dust. First of all, you should shake the clothes several times to fluff up the fur. Dust is removed with a soft-toothed brush purchased from places where fur products are sold. Move the brush carefully, strictly in the direction of hair growth. Clean until all dust is completely removed. In addition, you can use an ordinary hair dryer, setting it to cold blowing mode.
  2. Remove greasiness. Storing a mink coat in the summer without this procedure increases the risk of moth infection. At home, fat content can be removed with flour, semolina or starch. These products are suitable for cleaning because they are good adsorbents. To remove fat from fur, you need to apply the selected product evenly to the surface of the product. After half an hour, it should be carefully swept away with a soft brush and the item should be shaken thoroughly. If stains and greasy stains are visible on the fur, you should dry-clean your winter outfit, since it is extremely difficult to get rid of such contaminants at home without ruining the fur.
  3. Ventilate. After cleaning, clothes should be thoroughly ventilated by placing them on wide hangers. It is best to leave the fur coat on the balcony, but you need to make sure that the fur is not exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, drying and airing fur products is only permissible in dry weather. Leave to air for two to three days.

It is better not to clean white fur products at home, but to immediately take them to dry cleaning, since the use of folk remedies can disturb the whiteness of the fur, turning it yellow.

Optimal conditions

Those who decide to protect their fur coat from damage in the warm season in an ordinary closet should know how to properly care for the product and properly store a mink fur coat. The main conditions are described in the table.

Table - Requirements for storing mink fur coats

Space and removal of accessories

First of all, you need to free up space in your storage closet. It is important that the fur coat is not squeezed or wrinkled by neighboring items. The product should be placed on wide, durable hangers, the size of which corresponds to the size of the clothing. The product must be fastened with all available hooks and buttons to avoid deformation.

It is best to store a mink coat in the case that comes with it upon purchase. In addition, you can purchase special covers in fur stores or regular hardware stores. The beauty of the cover is not only that it will protect the fur from mechanical damage, but also that it will protect the fur coat from moths.

Before hanging mink clothes in a case, you should remove brooches, jewelry, belts, and remove all things from your pockets. This is done so that the fur does not deform and the base does not stretch.

You cannot place a fur coat in polyethylene, since the fur will not be able to “breathe” in it. If a special cover is not available, it is better to make it from cotton fabric and attach a moth sachet inside.

Lighting and temperature

Since fur is afraid of sunlight, the place where it is stored should be dark but well ventilated. If summer hibernation occurs in a closet, its doors should be left open regularly to allow fresh air to flow into the fur.

Mink coats love the cold: the optimal temperature for them is from 5 to 15°C. It is almost impossible to achieve such conditions at home, so as an alternative, you can set the air conditioner in the dressing room to the minimum temperature or regularly take the fur coat out to the balcony for ventilation. To prevent the sun's rays from falling on the fur, the product should not be taken out of the case when airing.

Moth protection

Keeping fur away from the sun and creases is just as important as keeping a mink coat away from moths. Today there is a huge variety of substances on sale that repel butterflies and caterpillars of these insects. Buy aerosols or sachets. But you can make anti-moth bags with your own hands by placing dry tangerine peels inside. According to reviews, you can replace citrus fruits with bergamot or.

It is very important that there is no naphthalene, chemicals or their breakdown products left in the closet - this can irreversibly damage the fur. Interestingly, cedar negatively affects the condition of a mink coat, so it is important that the cabinet for storing it is not made of such wood.