Cool Happy New Year of the Pig greetings. Scenario of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” for adults. Comic New Year's greetings for the Year of the Rat in the form of a scene

Happy New Year,
May everyone's dreams come true.
And even in winter weather,
To have more warmth.

Year - 2019,
The pigs will rejoice.
Be sure to laugh!
And dance a lot.

Happy New Year, dears,
The year of the pig is coming.
So it will be positive
Full of passion and love.

May your investments be successful
Everything you entered will be there.
Promotion of position,
Lots of happiness on the way.

In this glorious year of the pig
Let your dreams come true.
Let the delight be like a puppy's,
They give flowers every day.

Year two thousand nineteen
Flies over the planet
I wish everyone to smile,
Happiness sticks like a magnet.

May we have Pig this year
To the cheerful chimes
Will bring a lot of money
And good luck!

You can hear the ringing chimes,
Everything will happen soon
The year of the pig is coming
And a new miracle will happen.

Happy New Year,
I wish you love and laughter
And success and good luck,
Lots of money to boot!

The clock strikes twelve
And happiness will come to the house.
Year 2019
May it bring joy.

The year of the dog is passing into the distance,
We will see you off with dignity
At least we feel a little sorry for you,
But we are quite pleased with you.

A pig will replace you,
It's time to give way to her,
She's a good little animal
We really need to wait for her!

New Year in a snowy whirlwind
2019 is coming,
All problems are solved
We are waiting for you, Year of the Pig!

For good things to happen,
Need to get support
Large animal -
New Year's miracle.

There is a pot of soil on the table -
Dig up with the whole family,
Only without a shovel -
You will be rich!

So as not to have problems this year,
From the pot - a spoon for everyone!
Let the whole family shout loudly:
"Hello, yellow pig!"

two thousand nineteen
It's the Year of the Pig,
Let the fun, joy
Bring it with you!

Friends who are faithful and devoted to you,
Real loved ones,
Desires come true,
And the days are always brilliant.

And all the worries, troubles
Leave it behind
Start your life again
Make your dreams come true!

New Year 2019 is around the corner,
Open the door quickly
Let's sum it all up
And a new beast will come to us.

Yellow, cute pig
Everything will come true, just wish it,
Believe in miracles like a child
Dream about everything boldly.

Soon the chimes will strike,
A miracle is about to happen,
You make wishes
Celebrate the New Year soon!

Two thousand and nineteen
The chimes on the wall will strike.
One, two, three - and that's twelve.
The year flew by as if in a dream.

Let laughter sparkle and fun
He will become a regular guest in the house,
Let joy reign without embarrassment,
And anger and malice do not frown!

Let this year start brightly
And the continuation will be bright,
Saturated, happy, hot
And full of luck!

It breaks into our lives.
Decorated and open
All doors. Let's run quickly!

Chimes, lights, congratulations.
Accept my wishes:
Good luck in all directions
And the days are full of joy.

Description: A script for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” in a new way for young people or adults. In a comic form, for KVN, corporate events, parties, for the New Year, April 1, Valentine's Day.


The stage is decorated like a hut. The hut should be small, with posters and the inscription “Tickets for football.” There is a small well nearby. The sounds of forest and nature can be heard in the background.

Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening...

Three girls in overalls and men's shirts appear on the stage.

Three beefy men (you could dress them up as football players) appear on stage and stand in front of the house, puzzled. It reaches their shoulders.

Three little pigs appear on stage in overalls and checkered men's shirts. The house is just the right size for them.

Nif-Nif: You, dear father, bent over with the tender.

Naf-Naf: We rejoice.

Nuf-Nuf: What is a tender for a summer cottage?

Naf-Naf: Thank you, at least I didn’t have a mortgage.

Music from the "House 2" screensaver is playing.

Lyrics of the song of the three little pigs:


Let the foundation be strong and steep,
So that descendants would find a house like this.
Let them wonder: who built the house?
We will take all troubles outside the gates.

Even children want to build houses since childhood,
After all, everyone’s roof should be strong.
Happiness is when everyone is gathered at home,
Even if suddenly there were wolves in the area.

Bad weather hits the stage. The wind rises, the sun hides.

Nif-Nif: What is this? Leader upstairs, tell me what you can see from there?

Nif-Nif: Alone and without weapons?

The piglets run away squealing.

A wolf appears.

Song of the wolf, to the music of Pavel Volya’s song, “Everything will be awesome”:

I gurgled in shock.
Buzzed uncontrollably
Europe? Fuck her,
So that the wolves are mega-respectable
They were circling next to me,
A healthy black bear in a raincoat,
I want a personal driver in general,
And a bigger car
And the most important thing…

Everything will be awesome

Big changes are ahead
In the forest, I know for sure everything will be awesome,
Everything will definitely be awesome,
There are big changes ahead,
And everything will be awesome ahead for the wolf.

I want to spend the summer on the open sea,
I want the wolves to know neither rain nor grief,
I want money in an envelope
I want our forest to flourish, I want it to be like in childhood,
I want to give big armfuls of flowers,

He sees a booth in front of him.

Wolf: So. What is the structure of the unknown dimension? Who lives in the booth?


End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for downloading via the link on the website and from the letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

You will also like a fairy tale for adults based on:

Price: 149 R ub.


And in the village it’s young winter again
rules the holiday, life and will.
Today they kill pigs and greet them from the hill
the tart smell of smoke and farmsteads.

It's like my time has rolled back
along the ruddy houses and dams.
The sleeping lamps hum under the awnings,
like the sky-high roar of airplanes.

They dumped the pig on a squat table,
a wild cry rushed under the roof,
the narrow knife unmistakably found the heart,
the spirit with the smoking blade came out.

The smoke of scorched bristles turns blue in the cracks,
the frosty twilight of the window breathes.
The blood will wake up and remember itself in names
illuminated by the pagan sun.

The chains ring loudly and the gates creak;
the dog smells meat in its womb:
trembling of languor - a wave from ears to tail,
and the tongue is like a flame of chills!

Ritually, the owner removes the soot -
precision of hands and hereditary experience.
From the open carcass - billowing steam
and Veles's thawed murmur.

Whispering yellow pages - the mistress has words,
the owner answers her gloomily.
A pig's head looks into the sky from the snow
through the eyes of the wooden Chur.

The dark meaning coincides with all the fuss.
The stove is hot in the house...
Here's the meat hanging on hooks in the pantry
and amber bile over the porch.

Fresh on the table! Grated radish kurzhak,
Milk mushrooms are melting under a cap of sour cream.
Pervak ​​flickers in a foggy bottle
and the glasses rattle with impatience!

For the health of the owners, prosperity, comfort,
so that the rye is not destroyed by frost!..
And they will sing an old song in Russian,
wiping away tears...

Victor Kovrizhnykh

A wonderful poem by a wonderful author. I wish he wouldn't be offended by my parody:

We are not prudes. We are not prudes.
Everyone knows where the meat comes from.
It happens that even before winter
The pig no longer survives.

Pre-winter snow will fall.
Squeal, scream - where to go?
Everything has its hard-earned time -
It's time to turn into meat.

I walked, grunted and here I am
The end has come, therefore.
A sharp knife will cut the stomach -
There was a pig, now it's pork.

They didn't let me live, you bastards.
The knife is used quickly.
How good it is to be a dog
When the owner is not Korean.

Let there be an escalope in the restaurant
(not knowing what comes from where)
The ignorant goon is chewing,
And the boar loses his life here.

Inspired by pig murder
The poet will write, like, an ode.
He writes not for aesthetes,
But for ordinary people.

Without meat there is no inspiration.
With fresh moonshine
The poet suddenly thinks,
What after all: Pegasus is horse meat!

Everything that exists is a farm for:
Hooves with wings and mane.
A good thought came
Although somewhat playful.

Let the bay Pegasus live.
It will still be useful for a poet.
Pervak ​​shimmers like a diamond
And invites you to have fun.

The poet came to the table.
They poured more for him than everyone else.
There is no moral in this fable.
Tell me, did you expect it?