Step-by-step application of rolled napkins. Application from napkins for children - together with the kids we learn to create three-dimensional pictures from rolled napkins. Large flower made from napkins

Appliqués are a type of crafts that especially captivates children, because to create their “masterpieces” you can use many improvised items available in any home. Applications made from napkins are very simple and varied; children get special pleasure from creating their own works from this material.

Why creating applications is useful for children

Every child from an early age shows interest in the world around him and in learning everything new. Applications give children the opportunity to develop their imagination, fine motor skills, explore different textures, shapes, color palettes, get acquainted with new objects, animals, birds and insects, and expand their horizons. In addition, with applications, the child develops his imagination, can develop a storyline, etc. Parents who work with their children develop perseverance, attentiveness, and accuracy.

Types of applications

There are a number of criteria by which applications are divided, for example, they can be flat or voluminous. Can be divided into types according to theme - plot, decorative, subject. But most often they are divided by material:

    napkin applications;

    from paper;

    from plasticine;

    from leaves;

    from cereals;

    from fabric;

    from seeds;

    cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool, etc.

Applications made from beautiful decorative napkins with a design or text

Today, in stores you can find a wide selection of napkins, from the simplest white or plain ones, to decorative ones, made of denser material, having several layers, and usually decorated in a bright color palette, with drawings for the holidays, cartoon characters, flowers, and so on. They are well suited for creating interesting crafts.

For example, you can make interesting applications with children of different ages. For this you will need:

    A white sheet of paper A4 size.

    Decorative napkins with a pattern.

    Markers or pencils.

Let's say there are dogs or cats on the napkins. Invite your child to create a storyline, cut out these animals, stick them on a sheet of paper and add your imagination to the applique, add some objects, or roll balls from the remaining piece of napkin and glue them to the base, making a bright colorful background for your craft.

How to use napkins for crafts

Napkins are an excellent material for appliqués; firstly, they have a different color palette, from bright tones to pastels. Secondly, they are very soft and easily amenable to various changes - cutting, rolling, etc.

Applications made from paper napkins are very impressive and beautiful. How can you use napkins for creativity?

Children of different ages associate napkins with snowflakes, which can be used to decorate windows, a Christmas tree, and prepare the whole house for a wonderful holiday - the New Year. In order to get a patterned snowflake, just fold the napkin in half, now we take scissors and, based on our own imagination or the examples given below, we cut out future patterns. After which, carefully open the napkin and get an unusual snowflake.

Volumetric applications - “magic lumps”

This type of activity is designed for children of different age categories; for younger children, it is recommended that parents prepare the material, but older ones will be able to do all the work on their own. To work you need:

    Paper napkins (different colors).

    Paper glue.

  • Colored paper.


In order for the napkin applique to turn out beautiful, you need to trace a template or draw on a sheet of cardboard an object (house, ball, umbrella) or animal (dog, cat, tiger, elephant), flowers, birds, anything that will later turn into into a three-dimensional picture.

After we prepare the napkins, each one must be cut into small squares, or torn into strips, which are then cut into squares. It is not necessary to use scissors; the napkins can be torn into small pieces, after which each one must be rolled into a separate ball - in the future this will become the material for the napkin applique. When all the colors needed for the craft are ready, let's start gluing each element on the template. The photo shows options for applications made from “magic lumps”. This type of beautiful applique made from napkins is well suited for younger groups in kindergartens, because rolling balls is a very fun and simple process.

Paper napkins for creating individual elements

Children from older groups of kindergartens and primary classes will be interested in using napkins to create individual elements. For example, you can make pompoms from plain paper napkins. For this you need:

    Plain paper napkins of different colors.

  • Threads (rope, ribbon, fishing line).

We take about 5-8 napkins in unfolded form, fold them on top of each other, then bend them in the shape of an accordion, it should be quite dense, then tie it in the middle with a thick thread or rope. The edges of the napkins can be rounded or cut off with a corner. Next comes the most interesting process for children - separating each napkin from the other on both sides of the string. After separating each napkin and its layers, the pompom must be gently shaken, holding the middle, so that it finally fluffs up.

Flagella from paper napkins

Paper napkins make beautiful flower petals. To do this, you need to roll a napkin into a flagellum, leaving one corner flat, after which the flagellum is bent and you get a petal - in the middle of it there is a smooth flat napkin, and the edges are voluminous - this way you can create a beautiful applique of fairy-tale flowers.

Children aged 5-7 years will find it interesting to glue different patterns on cardboard with napkin flagella. You can depict objects, flowers, animals, birds, anything you like. After that, the napkins rolled into a flagellum are glued along the contour, starting from the outer part and ending with the inner. By the way, with such flagella, children can not only create beautiful crafts on paper, but they can also be used to paste over various three-dimensional objects - boxes, vases and other decorative elements. This type of creativity is suitable for primary school children.

Napkin applications for children are not just an exciting activity, but also a multifaceted development. Even though paper napkins are such a simple material, they can be used to create a huge variety of materials that make stunningly beautiful appliqués. Napkins are easy to cut, wrinkle, roll, and are easy to stick on. It is important for a child that activities with any crafts are fun and relaxed. Applications made from napkins are just that option. Develop a love of creativity in children from an early age.

Many people do not realize that many beautiful crafts can be made from ordinary napkins. The material will help you create decorations for any holiday without extra costs.

The craft will take a few minutes to complete and even young children can create it. Kids will love making appliqués from napkins, and they will help adults remember their childhood and colorfully decorate their room.

But how to make crafts from napkins with your own hands using scrap materials?

Special serving

Ordinary paper napkins can be found on every table anywhere in the world. A rich imagination will allow you to create many different shapes from a napkin.

Origami is popular, with which you can make many swans or wonderful flowers. You can find many ways to create jewelry from paper, which, thanks to the great possibilities, will allow you to create a wonderful craft.

On the Internet you can find many photographs of crafts made from napkins on any topic. Often there are figures made in the shape of flowers.

Examples of creating paper flowers

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from a regular napkin:

  • A green napkin is laid out in the shape of a triangle;
  • Place it in the glass, leaving both ends outside the glass;
  • The yellow napkin is folded in the same way and twisted to form a tube;
  • The underside bends and the flower straightens;
  • The resulting rose is dipped into a glass with a green napkin.

Pocket for various cutlery:

  • The napkin is rolled into a tube from any angle to the center;
  • The tube is bent into two equal parts so that the holes remain in front;
  • On the opposite side, the edge is bent towards the front.

Children's crafts

Let's look at several crafts for children made from napkins.


Children will have fun creating different shapes together with their parents.

The following supplies are required for the dandelion:

  • PVA glue;
  • Paper;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Dye;
  • Stapler.

Making crafts from napkins is an easy task that even children can do. The stem of the future dandelion is drawn on the leaf. A ball of the required size is cut out of a yellow napkin, which is secured in the middle using a stapler.

Using scissors, cuts are made along the edges towards the center, and the resulting flower is glued to the paper. The green napkin will be the dandelion leaves that stick to the stem.

After the glue has dried, you need to straighten the flower by bending and pressing all the cut edges on a yellow napkin. The result is a fluffy flower that will delight adults and children with its appearance.


To create a craft you need:

  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • White paper;
  • Pencil.

A butterfly is drawn with a pencil on paper. The necessary pieces are cut out of the napkins so that they match the size of the drawn butterfly. This will help develop motor skills in children and will be to their liking.

The resulting parts are glued onto paper. The craft will be colorful, voluminous and will decorate the room.



For the craft you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Napkins;
  • Pencil;
  • Stapler.

Draw a branch on cardboard with a pencil. Using scissors, the body of the bird is cut out of paper of various colors, which is glued to the cardboard. The green napkin is cut into small pieces and rolled into small tubes.

The resulting tubes are glued to the outline of the branch. We cut out a ball from a red napkin, which we fix in the center using a stapler.

The edges are cut and the circle is glued to the body of the bird. The edges are straightened like a dandelion to create volume.

Decorating a room with napkins

You can create many different flowers using napkins and a stapler and scissors. To make a peony you need several napkins.

A short instruction for crafts made from a napkin:

  • A circle is cut out with waves along the edges;
  • Using scissors, a cut is made towards the center;
  • The middle is secured with a stapler;
  • The cuts along the edges can be straightened in any order.


You can cut out beautiful numbers from cardboard and decorate them with napkins. A number is created from cardboard and pasted over with paper. You can cover it with newspaper and coat it with primer. Next, corrugated paper is glued onto the figure.

We create flowers using the peony method or another method. For one flower you will need several colored napkins. You will have to spend some time on the activity, but it is worth it.

Circles are cut out of colored napkins, fastened in the middle and spread out along the edges. Flowers are pasted onto the number in random order.

The created craft will serve as an excellent decoration for any holiday.

Photos of crafts made from napkins






Prepared by: teacher

First qualifying


Application is interesting

Applique - cutting and gluing figures, patterns or entire paintings from pieces of paper, fabric, leather, plant and other materials onto a base material (background). As a rule, the base material is cardboard, thick paper, and wood. The application is associated with cognitive activity, and has a huge impact on the development of children’s mental and creative abilities. Applique can be subject (one object consisting of several parts is glued to a sheet of paper), plot (many different objects united by a single plot) and decorative (decoration of some object).

Application is closely related to sensory perception. The development of sensory perception is facilitated by paper processing operations:



Tearing and tearing;


Paper applique for children can be a very interesting and educational activity. Do you do applique work with your child? Most likely, if you do it, it’s much less often than just drawing with pencils or paints. After all, it’s much simpler, you just need to take pencils or a brush and paper... And to practice appliques, you need to prepare in advance - come up with a plot and make paper blanks...

But here is a paper applique for children:

  • Will help in the development of aesthetic taste and artistic imagination;
  • Develop design thinking - to assemble a whole from pieces;
  • It will develop tactile sensations and motor skills; it is better to use for such applications not only paper, but also pieces of fabric, straws, cereals, dried flowers, etc.;
  • Helps in learning colors and shapes;
  • The child will learn in practice the concept of the word “technology” - After all, in order to get a result, you must first work hard and do certain actions - cut out a figure with scissors, spread it with glue, stick it in a certain place, sprinkle with cereal, roll out and stick plasticine...

In reality, making the appliqué is not at all difficult, and you can prepare it in a few minutes, or you can do it while you are doing it with your child.

This type of creativity has a number of advantages:

The ability to create masterpieces without scissors;

- development fine motor skills of the hands;

- development tactile perception using different types of paper textures;

Ample opportunities for creativity.

"Beads for Mom" (such work also helps with counting)

"Pot of Porridge"

The shape of a pot made of colored paper was glued onto a sheet.

Yellow lumps - porridge

Panel “Christmas tree in winter”

"Chicks in the Meadow"

You can add beads, natural materials to such works - whatever is at hand and begs to be put on paper.

Craft from napkins "Brush of Grapes"

Materials and tools:Blue cardboard (we used the cover from an old calendar), PVA glue, scissors, a dark blue napkin or a piece of crepe paper, green colored paper or an artificial sheet (as in the photo).

You need to roll balls from a napkin and glue them to the base. Please note: the balls are glued in two layers. First glue one layer of balls so that they cover the base, and then stick a few more balls on top approximately in the middle to create volume.


1. The craft can be made double-sided (that is, two identical brushes can be glued together).

2. And one more small touch: glue a loop at the top of the brush - and your work can be hung somewhere.

Applique of rolled napkins

Application made from rolled napkins is a simple and accessible form of creativity for any age that promotes the development of children’s fine motor skills.

To work, you will need paper napkins of various colors, a contour drawing of the future application (for this it is convenient to print children’s coloring books on printer paper), PVA glue, and colored cardboard as the basis for the application.

The napkins are cut into equal squares, then each square is rolled into a ball using your fingers. Received balls

are glued according to the pattern using PVA glue. At firstapplique performed on printer paper on which the drawing is printed. Readyapplique should dry well, after which the design is cut out and pasted onto a background of colored cardboard. Final finishing of the paneldepends on the author’s imagination: depending on the theme, the work can be decorated with natural materials, threads, shells, shavings, etc. Individual details of the composition can be made from colored plain or velvet paper.

More crafts from napkins for children of different ages:

Not everyone knows that the usual simple paper napkins can be used not only for their intended purpose. They make excellent crafts, especially appliques. This type of activity well develops fine motor skills of children’s hands, as well as imagination, attention and aesthetic taste. Applications from napkins can be made with children from two years old, starting with the simplest. The main thing is to explain to your child how to make lumps out of napkins. You should start with a whole napkin, and then make lumps from small pieces of paper. These details can be used in the first applications, for example, to make beads. Older children can make more serious compositions from such lumps.

Examples of works made from napkins will be presented in this article with step-by-step descriptions and photos and video materials.

Learning to make appliqués from napkins: A tutorial on creating flowers

Such work can easily be done by a child aged 4–5 years with the help of adults.

You will need:

1) Blue napkins;

2) White and colored cardboard;

3) Green paper;

4) Glue and brush;

5) Scissors;

6) Pencil.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut strips of napkins about 3 cm wide and roll them into balls.

2) Draw several bells of different sizes on white cardboard.

3) Cut out the flowers, apply a little glue on them and decorate them with napkin balls.

4) Cut out twigs, leaves and sepals from green paper.

5) Glue the sepals first.

6) Then glue the flowers onto the base, and then the remaining details.

The work is ready!

Let's make a sheep.

Another applique option that a small child can easily handle.

You will need:

1) Cardboard base;

2) Marker;

3) Napkins;

4) White paper;

5) Glue and brush.

Stages of work:

1) Draw the outline of a sheep on white paper. Or you can print a ready-made image.

2) Cut out the resulting stencil and paste it onto the base of the future painting.

3) Cut napkins of different colors into squares and roll into balls. The most accurate work will be if the lumps are made from small squares.

4) We decorate the outline of the image with pink or red lumps. You can take any other color, in this case it was chosen to match the background.

5) Then fill the remaining space inside the outline with white napkin balls. We decorate the hooves with yellow lumps. We leave free only the area where the eyes will be.

6) Draw in the eyes with a marker or cut them out of black paper. You can also glue ready-made ones.

7) Decorate the work. We add small snowflakes from napkins and make a frame from multi-colored lumps.

The sheep is ready!

Application from tubes.

There is another technique in which work is done from napkins rolled into tubes. This method is suitable for children in the senior group of kindergarten or primary school, as it requires some skills. Let's look at this technique using the example of creating a tree.

You will need:

1) Multi-colored paper napkins;

2) Knitting needle or rod;

3) Cardboard base;

4) Pencil;

5) Scissors;

6) Glue and brush;


1) Cut a napkin folded in half along the fold line. We fold the halves and get two two-layer squares.

2) Cut both squares in half. We divide these halves again into two equal parts. The result is 16 squares.

3) Take one square and start screwing it onto the rod. We compress the resulting tube from both ends to the center.

4) Carefully remove the workpiece.

5) In a similar way, create as many tubes as needed for the drawing. The quantity depends on the size of the image.

6) Schematically draw an image of a tree on the base and proceed to design.

7) We start from the crown. We give the tubes the desired shape (circle, heart, oval) and attach them to the base with glue. We carry out these actions until we finish decorating the crown of the tree.

8) Finally we get to the trunk. To do this, we glue straight tubes of brown or reddish color, imitating the lines of the bark.

The application is ready!

How to create a lush dandelion from napkins with your own hands

You can make flowers with your own hands from napkins, for example, dandelions. These blanks can be used to create a three-dimensional applique. For such work, it is better to use three-layer napkins.

The napkin is cut into four squares, which are then folded on top of each other and fastened with a cross of staples in the middle. A circle is cut out of the resulting square blank, at the edges of which cuts are made at equal distances from each other, about 1 cm long. Then the first layer is lifted with your fingers and pressed to the center. Similar work is done with the remaining layers. Thanks to these simple steps, a lush flower is obtained.

If desired, you can create a whole picture. To do this, glue the flower to the base, cut out leaves from green paper and add them to the image.

The process of making this craft is clearly shown in the photo below.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Today I want to bring to your attention a very simple master class for children aged 3 years and older - applique made from rolled napkins. This is the simplest work that can be done with your child using this technique. Appliqué from rolled napkins is quite a fascinating activity and also very useful for the development of children. This type of creativity helps to train children’s fine motor skills, develop color and tactile perception, stimulates the imagination, and generates interest in appliqués and working with paper.

This application can be made on absolutely any picture you like, the main thing is that the details of the picture are not small and there is enough space for gluing napkin balls.

To work we will need:

1. Landscape sheet of A4 format or a ready-made contour drawing of the future application;
2. A sheet of thick cardboard in A4 format;
3. Napkins of different colors or corrugated paper;
4. PVA glue;
5. Scissors;
6. Wooden frame.

For applications made from rolled napkins, use ordinary multi-colored paper napkins, which are found in almost every home, or corrugated paper (can be purchased at stationery stores), but it is best to combine both, since corrugated paper has a much wider range of colors than napkins.

First, let's prepare the basis of the application: on an A4 landscape sheet, draw any large drawing; if possible, you can download the drawing for coloring from the Internet and print it on a printer. We'll take a drawing of a butterfly. Our butterfly drawing can be printed from here .

We glue the sheet with the pattern onto a suitable size, pre-prepared thick cardboard.

While the base dries, we prepare napkins and corrugated paper for work.

We cut the napkins into equal small squares, then roll each square into a ball using our fingers. There should be quite a lot of these balls!

The resulting balls are glued to all parts of the design with PVA glue. Glue balls of different colors to different parts of the butterfly's wings. The antennae and body can be painted over with a black felt-tip pen or covered with black corrugated paper balls.

The final finishing of the panel depends on the child’s imagination: depending on the theme, the work can be decorated with natural materials, threads, shells, shavings, pasta, etc. Individual details of the composition can be made from colored or velvet paper.

In our case, we also decided to cover the background around the butterfly with balls of napkins.

The result is such a colorful butterfly! If desired, the work can be placed in a regular wooden frame.

I am sure that such a spectacular painting, made with your own hands, will organically fit into the interior of any children's room or will become an original gift for family and friends. But the most important thing is that in the process of work the kids will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions, and this is the most important thing! Good luck to everyone and creative success!