Festive makeup for a 40 year old woman. Tips for age-related makeup and techniques

With age, the skin loses elasticity, becomes dull, and wrinkles appear. Even if you constantly use modern cosmetics, you can postpone the fading process for a while, but this time should be used to learn new makeup tricks for women after 40 years.

You can look well-groomed and fresh at any age. The main thing is to know how to apply makeup correctly after 40 years. The older a woman is, the more time she should spend on self-care. Whether it’s young girls who can afford to go out without foundation or lightly touch their lips with lipstick - after the age of 40, negligence will only emphasize age.

Use only proven cosmetics from well-known companies, the quality of which is controlled in serious laboratories, and in their production they use ingredients that are safe for the skin. It is possible to hide skin defects and make wrinkles less noticeable only if good cosmetics are used. Cheap shadows bought by chance at a stall are unlikely to match the specified color scheme and will crumble. And inexpensive lipstick will roll or smudge.

Often red blood vessels appear on the surface of the skin, which immediately catch the eye. You won't be able to cover them with foundation. But there are special products (corrective cream with a greenish tint) that neutralizes unwanted redness and the vessels become less noticeable. Corrective cream is applied under the foundation.

When applying anti-aging eye makeup, pay special attention to the choice of shadows and use light shades. It is in the eye area that the first wrinkles appear. The brighter the eye makeup, the more it reveals the woman’s age to be over 40.

With age, the contour of the lips becomes unclear. And therefore, before applying lipstick, you should carefully draw it with a pencil. The color of the pencil should be slightly darker and the same color as the lipstick. Let's reveal a little secret: you can draw not only the outline with a pencil, but also paint over all your lips, and then apply lipstick on top. In this case, the lipstick will last longer and more evenly.

Makeup that makes women look younger after 40

Even tone. As women age, more and more difficulties arise. It turns out to be more difficult for them to take care of their skin than for girls. I want to hide wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores. Therefore, you cannot do without special corrective products in the form of foundation and concealer. But don't forget that bigger doesn't mean better. It is necessary to observe moderation and approach “rejuvenation” wisely. Use creamy makeup products in small quantities to avoid greasy shine.

You need to choose a foundation that is a tone lighter than your natural skin color. This will give the skin freshness and radiance. The texture of the foundation should be light, in which case it will lie evenly and will not create a mask effect. Wrinkles and age spots can be muffled with concealer.

Powder. To prevent the skin from attracting attention with an oily sheen, it is necessary to use powder. However, it is not necessary to apply it all over your face. Using a large brush, apply powder to your forehead, nose and chin. To prevent wrinkles from standing out, it is better to use loose powder.

Blush. With the help of the right blush, you can easily rejuvenate. Blushes in peach, soft pink, and beige shades are perfect for these purposes. It is better not to use bronze or dark blush, they will only add a few years to your look.

Shadows. When applying makeup for forty-year-olds, you should not use pearlescent iridescent textures. They will only highlight wrinkles and put emphasis on them. It is better to use matte shadows in pastel shades. To visually lift the outer corner of the upper eyelid, highlight it with darker shades of eyeshadow. It is better to apply shadows in small quantities, otherwise they may roll up and get caught in the folds of the eyelids. This will make your makeup look sloppy.

White matte shadows applied to the brow area will give a fresh look. It is worth remembering that shades of brown shades give the look a tired look, and lilac shades can create the effect of “tear-stained eyes.”

Refreshing makeup for those over 40 photo ideas new 2018

Bruises and bags under the eyes are a common problem among 40-year-old women. To make makeup look flawless after 40, you need to keep it to a minimum.
To visually eliminate dark circles under the eyes, use a corrector that is applied to problem areas. When choosing a corrector, it is important to be guided by the following rule: if the dark circles under the eyes are reddish in color, the corrector should have a light yellow tint, and if blue predominates, it is better to use pink-peach shades.

For makeup after 40, a concealer with a lifting effect is optimal: it will tighten aging skin and also disguise problem areas.
Using ice from the freezer has a good effect in the fight against bruises. Just dip an ice cube in water and place it under your eyes. Instead of ice, you can use two aluminum spoons, which must first be cooled in the freezer.

Raw potatoes will help eliminate bags under the eyes. To do this, grate it, wrap the pulp in gauze and squeeze out the juice. Apply grated potatoes under the eyes, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer to the skin. To correct sallow skin tone, you can use a purple corrector. A makeup base with a purple tint works well to correct a sallow complexion. To visually eliminate this drawback, you need to evenly distribute the cosmetic product on your face.

Daytime makeup for those over 40 photos 2018 new items stylish ideas

Forget about good lighting when applying daytime makeup. It is better for women over forty to apply this everyday make-up near a window. The light will evenly illuminate your face, so you can easily control the brightness of your makeup. Do not paint your eyes with wide arrows, this is not appropriate during the day, it is better to use natural shadows in pastel colors. For blue eyes, light beige and warm brown shadows are suitable. Those with brown eyes can use all shades of brown.

For blue, brown or green eyes after forty, use gray, pale blue, beige or café au lait shades. Please note that eye shadow for any eye color, both blue and brown, should be pastel shades.
Every woman needs beautiful makeup, regardless of age. However, it must be performed correctly, in accordance with the characteristics of a woman who is over forty. It is better to give preference to natural colors; bright colors should be abandoned. Make-up with arrows would also be appropriate, but it is better to draw them with a soft pencil. Properly applied makeup after 40 will help a woman remain incredibly attractive.

How beautiful and well-groomed a woman is depends not on her age, but on her ability and desire to take care of herself. Not everyone is gifted with an advantageous appearance by nature, but in youth, purely natural data helps out - delicate elastic skin, hair and nails that have not yet suffered from risky experiments

The age after 40 is a time when beauty does not depend on what nature gave you, but on what you can do for yourself to look better. The period of bold experiments is over, the focus is on making a natural, healthy look part of the everyday look. What is held in high esteem is not flashiness, but elegant restraint, not reckless adherence to fashion, but the choice of high-quality decorative and medicinal cosmetics.

It will take patience, experience and self-respect to master the art of makeup that is appropriate for adulthood. Now there are many means to avoid the early appearance of signs of skin aging, on the one hand, and to hide those imperfections that inevitably appear with age, on the other. Anti-aging makeup plays a significant role in this.

Benefits and Features

To choose the right cosmetics, you need to know the features of makeup after the age of 40. First of all, all products must be of high quality and hypoallergenic, since the skin no longer recovers as quickly as it did at 20 years old. Makeup after 40, which makes you look younger, is based on the following rules:

  • A lighter foundation will help restore the fresh and radiant appearance lost with age to your skin. The cream should be lighter than the usual product, as a rule, by 1 tone. The light texture will help distribute it more evenly. The cream must have a water base and a high SPF factor. Another trick is to use a reflective foundation to compensate for the lost natural radiance of the skin. It is advisable to use a greenish-colored corrective product underneath, which will help hide dilated blood vessels.
  • Blush should be chosen in a delicate natural shade: beige, light pink, but not bronze. It is better to choose creamy blush, thanks to which the skin will receive additional moisture.
  • It is better to use loose powder. It masks wrinkles well and dulls oily shine.

  • The shadows should also be lighter and less greasy than before. Too bright colors, on the one hand, attract attention, on the other hand, they reveal fine wrinkles and eye fatigue. Light golden or silver shades refresh the face quite well. Purple or blue colors will play a cruel joke on you, emphasizing the dark circles around the eyes. Chocolate or red tones will make your eyes look sore. Flashy pearlescent shadows and sparkles will look sloppy.
  • It is advisable to use mascara, eyeliner and pencil in ash or coffee color. When applying, blend them well, this will help make the look deeper. Color the lower eyelashes only at the outer corners of the eyes by about a third.
  • Don't get carried away with plucking your eyebrows. Simply adjusting their shape is enough. The eyebrow thickness should be medium. The outer edges of the eyebrows should be at or slightly above the corners of the eyes to prevent a sad expression.
  • Before applying lipstick, carefully draw the outline of your lips with a pencil. The pencil should be only slightly darker than the lipstick.
  • Makeup should be applied in ascending lines, to avoid a dull looking face.

The advantages of such makeup are that in addition to the decorative and corrective effect, anti-aging cosmetics improve the condition of the skin, are more comfortable to use and allow you to create an elegant look with effective means. Calm colors make anti-aging makeup ideal for business style. Correctly placed accents will make it quite expressive also as an evening make-up.

Types of make-up

The technique of creating the perfect makeup may seem difficult, but the result is usually worth all the effort. Everyday makeup solves 2 main tasks: it corrects or disguises skin imperfections that appear with age and creates a gentle, calm image.

Correctly applied daytime makeup will help a woman look fresh and younger every day, add a natural glow to her skin, and correctly place accents in the image that a woman creates for herself.

Daytime make-up is distinguished by restraint and apparent simplicity, hiding careful work on the appearance. Calm matte tones do not emphasize individual details, but create the feeling of a healthy, radiant face, skillfully illuminated by the play of light and shadow. It is necessary to apply daytime makeup in very good lighting in order to adjust its brightness and compatibility of shades.

Evening makeup is also distinguished by restraint. It should not be overloaded with flashy shades and excess details. Expressiveness is created by choosing its main range - warm, gentle tones. However, in the evening a woman can allow herself to appear brighter and more solemn than in the daytime.

The overall tone of the makeup is chosen in accordance with the color of the hair and eyes. Blondes will look attractive and mysterious if they choose purple, deep blue or silver tones. Warm brown tones suit brunettes with dark skin tones well. Brown hair is refreshed by olive and coffee shades.

The range of evening makeup should not be overly bright. At the same time, monotonous faded colors will not decorate a woman. The right choice is somewhere in the middle.

For the full effect, evening make-up should be applied after using products with a lifting effect, for example, a special mask for mature skin.

How to choose cosmetics?

When choosing cosmetics for 45-year-old women, you should stick to the golden mean and give preference to quality products with a moisturizing and firming effect on the one hand, and matte pastel colors on the other. With age, the range of products whose main function is to correct skin imperfections (correctors, concealers, special foundations) expands. They not only help you look younger, but also have a positive effect on the condition of your skin, slowing down its aging.

The choice of cosmetics in adulthood should be carefully considered. A fashion brand may not always be the best choice for you. It is important that it is suitable for your skin type, does not cause irritation and that you like it.

The trick to anti-aging makeup is to choose the right shade and texture of cosmetics. Natural range, lack of excess shine, creamy texture and moisturizing components - these are the main characteristics of age-related cosmetics.

If at the age of 40 it is still possible to hide minor imperfections in appearance with the help of foundation and concealer, at the age of 48 this task cannot be solved so easily. It is necessary to use masks with a tightening effect, a set of special anti-aging products, adjust your diet by excluding fatty and sweet foods, and drink more clean water.

At home, with experience and patience, some shortcomings can be smoothed out without resorting to radical means. For example, with drooping eyelids, using a light shade of eyeshadow as the main background and a darker shade to highlight the crease area and outer corner of the eye will help. As at any age, you should not apply shadows in too thick a layer: they roll down, get caught in folds and give the impression of sloppiness.

Applying mascara in a thick layer that sticks the eyelashes together is also not recommended. If you line your upper eyelid with a dark gray or chocolate-colored pencil along a line ascending to the outer corner, you can visually lift the upper eyelid.

The inner corners of the eyes can be highlighted with a transparent base. Using matte shadows in a light pastel shade applied below the eyebrows, you can restore expressiveness and freshness to this area of ​​the face. You should not apply dark brown or purple shadows to the upper eyelids - the look becomes heavy, and the overall impression becomes painful.

How to apply it correctly?

In an effort to create their ideal image, women over 40 apply anti-aging makeup step by step, following the following rules:

  • You need to do makeup only after cleansing and moisturizing the skin with special 40+ products, preferably using toner, anti-aging cream or tightening mask;
  • all products used at the preparatory stage must be completely absorbed;
  • the translucent foundation should be evenly and thinly distributed over the skin of the face;
  • pigment spots and blood vessels should be masked with a corrector;
  • foundation should be applied in even, short strokes;

  • if the skin of your hands and face is warm, the cream will lie smoother;
  • small wrinkles and circles under the eyes can be disguised with concealer;
  • the result obtained is fixed with loose powder;
  • the prominent part of the cheekbones is shaded with a delicate cream blush;
  • light shadows of pastel shades should be applied to the upper eyelids; use a darker tone to highlight the area above the crease of the eyelid, which will help make the look more expressive;

  • the upper eyelid must be emphasized with ash-gray arrows, raising the line at the outer corner;
  • Tint your eyelashes with dark gray or brown mascara using a curling brush;
  • outline your lips with a contour pencil along their natural boundaries;
  • apply matte lipstick in 2 layers; if it's everyday makeup, you can use glitter.

The choice of color scheme is determined not only by taste, but also by eye and hair color. When it comes to shadows, the expressiveness of the eyes is achieved due to some difference between the color of the iris and the tone of the shadows themselves. For example, light turquoise and golden shades can show all the beauty of brown eyes. Blue and lilac shadows look natural and fresh on those with light eyes and skin. Brunettes look quite expressive without shadows.

The right color for blondes with dark eyes is bronze or beige.

Secrets of makeup artists

Makeup artists know many secrets of how to visually rejuvenate the face, even if the signs of age are quite noticeable. Makeup is applied in stages, and anti-aging and decorative products should complement each other.

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Age makeup or makeup after 40 years

With age, the skin loses elasticity, becomes dull, and wrinkles appear. Even if you constantly use modern cosmetics, you can postpone the fading process for a while, but this time should be used to learn new makeup tricks for women after 40 years.

You can look well-groomed and fresh at any age. The main thing is to know how to apply makeup correctly after 40 years. The older a woman is, the more time she should spend on self-care. Whether it’s young girls who can afford to go out without foundation or lightly touch their lips with lipstick - after the age of 40, negligence will only emphasize age.

Makeup rules after 40 years

Is it possible to master makeup techniques after 40 that make you look younger? Of course, some secrets and rules will help here too.

Use only proven cosmetics from well-known companies, the quality of which is controlled in serious laboratories, and in their production they use ingredients that are safe for the skin. It is possible to hide skin defects and make wrinkles less noticeable only if good cosmetics are used. Cheap shadows bought by chance at a stall are unlikely to match the specified color scheme and will crumble. And inexpensive lipstick will roll or smudge.

If you have never used blush, then you should reconsider your makeup requirements. Applying anti-aging makeup involves creating a beautiful skin tone. With age, the complexion becomes dull, the skin becomes pale, and it makes sense to freshen it up a little by applying a natural-colored blush to the cheekbones.

Often red blood vessels appear on the surface of the skin, which immediately catch the eye. You won't be able to cover them with foundation. But there are special products (corrective cream with a greenish tint) that neutralizes unwanted redness and the vessels become less noticeable. Corrective cream is applied under the foundation.

When applying anti-aging eye makeup, pay special attention to the choice of shadows and use light shades. It is in the eye area that the first wrinkles appear. The brighter the eye makeup, the more it reveals the woman’s age to be over 40.

With age, the contour of the lips becomes unclear. And therefore, before applying lipstick, you should carefully draw it with a pencil. The color of the pencil should be slightly darker and the same color as the lipstick. Let's reveal a little secret: you can draw not only the outline with a pencil, but also paint over all your lips, and then apply lipstick on top. In this case, the lipstick will last longer and more evenly.

What to avoid in makeup after 40?

Makeup for any age and face type has its own characteristics and secrets. What women over 40 should not do to make their makeup look natural and fresh:

Apply a thick layer of foundation. Natural makeup after 40 years - foundation applied in 1 layer. If there is too much, you can blot the excess with a paper napkin.

Use shadows with mother of pearl. Shadows should be matte and preferably dry.

Use clear lip gloss. It is better if the color of the gloss is matte.

Use black eyeliner. An alternative option is a gray eyeliner.

Get carried away with powder. Use this remedy only when absolutely necessary. With age, the skin becomes dry, and the need to get rid of oily sheen disappears by itself.

Apply mascara to your lower eyelashes. When painting your upper eyelashes, blink a few times - this is enough for a little color to appear on the lower eyelashes.

Apply bright blush and rich lipstick.

Thinly pluck eyebrows.

What products should a woman over 40 have in her makeup bag?

BB cream is a unique product that can replace day cream, foundation and makeup base. This tool is multifunctional. It provides intensive skin care. It helps hide many imperfections, which include nearby blood vessels and wrinkles.

A face corrector with a lifting effector is what an adult woman needs: it will hide imperfections and tighten the skin.

An eye cream that reduces the appearance of wrinkles. You need to choose products that provide intense hydration, which is necessary for aging skin.

A makeup base that will fill in wrinkles and make your skin smoother. Thanks to it, the foundation will go on smoother.

Features of age makeup

How to choose foundation after 40 years

An important rule: before applying foundation, the skin must be cleansed and lubricated with moisturizer 15-20 minutes before applying makeup. As you age, your skin becomes dry and requires additional hydration throughout the day.

Before applying anti-aging makeup, you need to choose a high-quality foundation. The shade should be a tone lighter than the skin so that the complexion becomes fresher - this makes the face look younger. The foundation must be water-based and also contain a sufficient sun protection factor (at least SPF 10). Broken blood vessels, age spots, dark circles under the eyes and other defects are hidden by first applying concealer. At the end, you can lightly powder the skin, but do not apply too thick a layer - you will end up with a mask on your face, and this will age you.

It will not be possible to completely hide wrinkles, however, proper makeup at 40 requires working on particularly problematic areas - the folds around the mouth and eyes. Choose a light base for makeup and, using small strokes, carefully “drive” the foundation into the location of the crease. This will make wrinkles less noticeable.

How to dye eyebrows

Makeup for women over 40 involves carefully drawing out the eyebrows. What does this mean? Over the years, the hairs become thinner and lighter, and the eyebrows no longer look thick. You need to accustom yourself to the fact that eyebrows need to be drawn. How to do it right?

First create the correct shape. String eyebrows are a relic of the past, and thick eyebrows will look unkempt. Medium thickness is exactly what an adult woman needs. We select an eyebrow pencil to match the main hair color or a little lighter. We comb the eyebrows and draw in the missing hairs and places where the hair is thinner and lighter with neat strokes. Then, using a special brush, the eyebrows are combed again and the drawn strokes are shaded. This creates the necessary thickness and desired shade.

How to paint your eyes at 40

The first wrinkles appear around the eyes, so eye makeup for those over 40 should be applied with extreme caution. Immediately give up bold eyeshadow, which will simply gather in folds and create an unkempt look. You should not use contour pencils with glitter in your makeup. Avoid pearlescent shadows and too bright shades. Age-related eye makeup should not be bright and flashy.

You can highlight your eyes with a regular contour pencil in a natural, brown or gray color. Shadows are chosen exclusively in dry pastel shades. They are applied in one layer and lightly powdered on top.

Eyelashes are painted in one layer. With age, the eyelids droop a little and thick eyelashes will only aggravate the problem, making the image sloppy. If your eyelashes and eyebrows are not bright enough, you can dye them in a salon and choose the appropriate shade.

What lipstick color to choose for makeup after 40

The formation of fine wrinkles around the mouth requires careful application of lipstick and choosing the right shade. It is best to choose a lipstick in a natural shade with a matte texture. It is advisable to use a contour, but it is not always appropriate.

If the wrinkles around the mouth are small, then you need to apply a little foundation, touching the natural contour of the lips, then carefully draw the contour and apply lipstick with a brush. You can apply a little foundation to the center of your lower lip.

If the wrinkles are too deep and it is impossible to disguise them, then the contour is not used. Apply a little gloss in a natural shade to your lips.

You also need to be careful with the color of lipstick, since too light colors will make the image blurry, and dark ones will draw too much attention to wrinkles and will only show age. The ideal option would be coral and pink colors.

Makeup for a 40 year old woman step by step

1. Apply foundation after preliminary preparation of the skin. If necessary, we mask problem areas. It is important to remember that the foundation is also applied to the eyelids and earlobes so that the transition line is not too clear.

2. Carefully highlight your eyebrows with a pencil and blend the strokes.

3. When choosing shadows, give preference to pearl, light gray, light green, golden, soft pink, mauve, beige and silver-green matte shades. Shadows should not repeat the color of the iris - the eyes cease to be expressive. Use 2 shades: apply a light shade to the upper eyelid from the lash line to the eyebrows, apply a dark shade to the moving eyelid. Only the lower eyelid is lined with a gray or brown pencil to make the eyes more expressive.

4. Eyelashes are painted with black or brown mascara in 1 layer. If you wish, you can use false eyelashes, but it is better to do this in a salon with a good specialist who will select the optimal thickness and length.

5. Choose creamy blush because it blends better. Apply them to the area from the bottom of the cheeks to the top and blend very carefully.

6. Apply foundation around the lips, carefully draw the contour of the lips and apply lipstick with light movements. It is best to wear lipstick with a brush: this way the makeup turns out natural and the lipstick lasts longer.

Daytime makeup at 40

Makeup for a 40-year-old woman is done in soothing colors. You can highlight your eyes or brighten your lips. Shadows are selected depending on skin type, hair and eye color. Dark gray is considered to be a universal shade.

Brown-eyed brown-haired women should pay attention to cool shades of brown, shadows with a golden tint or light turquoise.

Light-eyed and fair-skinned women should pay attention to pastel shades (pink, lilac, blue-gray).

For bright brunettes, it is enough to effectively line the eyes, but you can completely abandon the shadows. The only makeup rule for a 40-year-old woman is not to use liquid eyeliner. It is better to highlight the eyes with a dark pencil, applying small vertical strokes. If you decide to use eyeshadow, try a combination of gold and pink shades.

Autumn colors are suitable for brown-eyed blondes: beige, brown, bronze tones and ocher.

Instead of lipstick in daytime makeup, you can use lip gloss in calm shades.

Evening makeup for a woman 40 years old

A 40-year-old woman's evening makeup is always brighter than her daytime makeup. It looks more solemn and beautiful, but it also takes longer to apply. Carefully prepare the skin for applying foundation.

As for choosing the shade of shadows, it is important to take into account the type of appearance. Women with fair skin and light eyes should use shades of silver, purple, and dark blue in evening makeup.

Dark brunettes can wear mocha-colored eyeshadow. For red-haired ladies, olive or dark brown shades are suitable.

Age makeup: photo

Makeup for blue eyes after 40 years

Makeup for brown eyes for women over 40 years old

Makeup for green eyes after 40 years

Age makeup before and after photos

This is how nature created us women - with an eternal craving for beauty, obsessed with the desire to remain beautiful, regardless of age. And in this endeavor we have many allies and helpers. One of them is makeup after 40, which makes you look younger. We will show you how to make it correct and harmonious.

After 30 years, some changes begin to occur in the skin. They may be obvious or subtle, but one way or another, they are there. After 40 years, the skin changes even more noticeably - it loses its natural color, becomes less elastic, dryness and wrinkles appear. The desire of women to disguise these and other imperfections is quite natural.

Good makeup can replace any plastic surgery. Some people, noticing wrinkles and sagging, rush to the surgeons, while others just use cosmetics wisely and look 5-10 years younger. Do you want to belong to this category? It's possible! And it's much easier than it seems.

The opinion that for a mature woman a minimum of makeup is the key to beauty is not entirely true. Of course, there is no need to overdo it with cosmetics - several layers of “paint” on the face look simply terrible, creating the effect of a mask. But the “minimum” is not entirely good. It is important to choose the right makeup after 40 that makes you look younger, and in this article we will analyze it step by step.

In fact, only young girls with elastic, toned, radiant skin will not be spoiled by the absence of foundation or shadows on their faces. It is quite acceptable for them to appear anywhere with only mascara-lined eyelashes and a drop of gloss on their lips. Make-up for an older lady should be more careful and thoughtful.

How to do it right

Contrary to the well-established assertion that rules are made to be broken, there are also those whose violation will entail undesirable consequences. All these rules relate to our attitude towards our own appearance. And although it is unlikely that any of us will deliberately disfigure ourselves with inappropriate clothing styles, careless hairstyles or rough make-up, we sometimes make mistakes that we ourselves may not notice. But these mistakes are obvious to others. Unconsciously, we can flaunt flaws in our appearance. But this can be avoided - just follow a few simple steps.

makeup rules after 40 years:

A few "don'ts"

Unfortunately, in addition to the “dos,” there are also many strict “don’ts” in the beauty industry. So what should not be allowed in age-related make-up, so as not to make others laugh?

If you are not entirely sure that you know how to properly apply makeup after 40, contact a professional makeup artist at least once - he will teach you little cosmetic tricks. These services are not that expensive, especially since there are now a huge number of advertisements on the Internet about student makeup artists looking for models for free (or for a nominal fee) make-ups and hairstyles.

Proper makeup after 40 years involves the reasonable use of foundation, a minimum of mascara (one layer), calm shades of eye shadow and lipstick, and avoidance of dark eyeliners and eyeliners. Of course, for an evening out you can wear brighter makeup than when you go to work in the morning, but brightness also has its own measure.

It is equally important to choose the right cosmetics for your care.

Be sure to use night cream and eye cream - these products perfectly “fill in” all sorts of wrinkles and uneven skin, which makes your face smoother and fresher. And the best makeup remover after 40 years must be chosen based on your skin type and its characteristics. Perfume and cosmetics stores offer a huge selection of lotions and special removers - for different ages and skin types.

Beauty is a terrible force , but she is terrible, of course, only in a figurative sense. It is problematic to scare someone with beauty, but with ridiculously painted eyes or too bright lips you can scare, confuse, and even make them laugh. In order to evoke admiration from others, and not laughter, it is important to remember not only that your age is equal to how much you feel yourself, but also that at each age beauty is expressed in something different. And if in youth mother-of-pearl, black eyeliner and red lipstick look eccentric, daring and appropriate, but on a woman aged 40+ all this will look, at a minimum, funny, and at maximum, will add ten years to her.

It’s easy to look younger than the numbers on your passport indicate. - to do this, it is enough to understand that a woman is beautiful regardless of age and emphasize her beauty with the help of well-chosen cosmetic resources.

Your attractiveness is in your hands!

Anti-aging makeup for those over 40 - shocking video

You will be surprised how much makeup can transform your appearance. In this video, right before your eyes, several transformations of tired and no longer quite young women (not just over 40, but much further) into self-confident and irresistible beauties take place. This is truly amazing. Step by step, every brush stroke, every movement of the makeup artist - all this, like magic, reveals to us the full power of cosmetics. Below, after a few tips, you can see the process itself in more detail - anti-aging anti-aging makeup for those over 40 - step-by-step photos from Angie.

Proper treatment for anti-aging skin

The skin of a 40-year-old woman needs special care - constant hydration and nutrition. The main principle of choosing a cream is to maximize the products for your skin type and your age.
For 40-year-olds, some companies are developing a whole line of products, which includes day and night creams, makeup remover milk, eye cream, various toners, etc. It is very important to understand that cream for young skin no longer works, but also not needed yet.

It is important to remember: you need to apply makeup on well-moisturized skin, otherwise any base or foundation will dry on wrinkles and only emphasize them.

Creating the right makeup for women over 40 - photo step by step

Proper facial contouring can significantly hide imperfections, thereby making you look at least ten years younger. There are a lot of step-by-step instructions on the Internet, but Angie, who has crossed her 50-year mark, handled this task best on her blog (hotandflashy50.com) - she came up with excellent step-by-step detailed instructions with photos and detailed descriptions - a real treasure for women over 40. Photos before and after makeup can be seen at the end of the article.

Properly applied makeup can:

  • Visually remove a sagging chin,
  • Tighten up sagging cheeks
  • Reduce nasolabial folds,
  • Smooth out the contour of the nose,
  • Raise your cheekbones
  • Reduce bags under the eyes.
  1. Angie uses NYX Cream Highlight & Contour Palette in Light. If you don't have a contour palette, you can use 3 base shades to achieve the same effect. If you're just starting out, the NYX palette is an inexpensive way to experiment (but Angie finds that the gel bases are a bit harsh and don't blend as easily as I'd like).

  2. Before contouring, Angie recommends using a primer and letting it sit for a few minutes. Every face is different, but the basic shape is an accentuated heart shape from the eyes to the point of the chin.
    Next we move on to contouring, and start it with highlighting, using a pale (matte) shade on the right side of the palette and the first brush on the left.
  3. To reduce eye bags: Paint a line from the inner corner of the eye along the dark side and up to the cheek. It's best to avoid wearing heavy makeup right under the eyes where we have wrinkles because it makes us look older.
  4. Toning the nose: Draw a line down the center of the nose and along the edge to the cheek, leaving a gap between them, as in the photo below.

  5. To raise the cheekbones: use a brush (using the same light tone) to draw an outer V from the top of the cheekbone, starting from the pupil outside the corner of the eyebrow and to its top (as in the photo). Adding highlight helps improve your appearance and eliminate facial fatigue that comes with age.
  6. To reduce nasolabial folds: Apply color along the deepest part of the fold, following the contour from the nose to the corner of the mouth.

    If you have deep expression wrinkles on your forehead or bridge of the nose, today many companies produce wrinkle fillers (not to be confused with the base), which do an excellent job of eliminating this deficiency.

  7. To reduce wrinkles: Apply a pale shade to the deepest part of the wrinkle line from the corner of the mouth to the chin.

    As a result, you should get the following:

  8. To lift the chin, draw a line along the chin from ear to ear under the jaw - this is a clear jawline.

    It looks scary at the moment, but we're going to combine the colors and apply foundation for a natural effect. To do this we need to use the wide brush from the set.

  9. First, use gentle curving movements to blend the lighter areas, then wipe the brush and move on to the darker areas.
    For those who want to round their cheeks, with the same brush we pull part of the tip of the cheekbone forward and align it with the nose, but do not bring it all the way to the nostril (see photo below).

  10. The next step is to apply foundation - not thick, but not liquid either. To do this, we use a sponge, which will help not to mix the drawn contours and cope with the task perfectly.

    After applying the foundation, the face already looks more natural, but now it looks a little like a mask.
    The last steps are powder, blush and bronzer.

  11. Apply blush with a special brush, starting high on the cheekbone and draw a line to the center of the eye, after which we shade it (the blush line) with the contour.
    The problem area - the part of the cheek between the nasolabial fold and the cheekbones - has lost its shape and does not look very good (sagging skin), and this does not need to be emphasized! However, blush will reflect light and optically “blur” problem areas (including sagging skin), making them fuller and visually lifting them.
    You can add a little blush above each eyebrow, in the center of the nose, and also in the corners of the lips.

    An optional last step is to darken the contours using bronzer.
    Makeup is complete. Compare before and after photos.