Drawing with children 2 years old. First steps in drawing: teaching your child creativity. Theme of the week: “Autumn trees and bushes”

Anna Garashchenko

Drawing– an interesting and useful activity. Drawing introduces the baby to the world of beauty, develops creativity ( Creative skills, characterized by a readiness to create fundamentally new ideas, forms aesthetic taste, allows you to feel the harmony of the surrounding world. Drawing often carries elements of psychotherapy as an element of art therapy. Drawing is calming, distracts, occupies.

Children are interested in drawing appears quite early. Visual arts classes help children discover and understand the world around them, awaken emotional responsiveness, cultivate a sense of beauty, develop perception, thinking, stability of attention, memory, imagination, curiosity, and develop fine motor skills.

When teaching young children drawing the game is actively used. An adult plays out the plot of the future drawing with the help of various toys and objects, accompanies drawing emotional commentary, uses poetry, riddles, nursery rhymes, etc. Thus, this accompaniment of activity allows you to interest the baby, holds their attention longer, creates the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for the activity.

Involve children in drawing variety will help art materials, the opportunity to experiment with new unconventional techniques drawing: on the sand with a stick, on the snow with colored water, on cereal or salt with your finger, which is on a tray. You can also finger painting, palms, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints using not only the usual brushes, but also foam swabs, wax crayons, use stencils, natural materials (leaves) and other.

It is productive to use books for children with coloring tasks, they really like to do it. For which you can use a lot of coloring books recommended for this age group of children. Coloring books are black and white drawings that need to be colored. The coloring process allows you to develop creative instills the child's inclinations and abilities artistic taste, gives the child the opportunity to get acquainted with different colors. Perseverance and diligence also develop, and skills in using pencils and paints are developed. It is also very important that during coloring the motor skills of the hands and fingers develop, which greatly influences the development of the child’s speech. It should be remembered that children at this age perceive the image of the picture as a whole, without particularly paying attention to small details. Therefore, when coloring, they will most likely be paint not along the contour lines, but "on top" Pictures.

The picture should be easily recognizable to the child. It is best if there is only one object in the picture, and use no more than two or three colors for coloring. It should be understood that two-year-old fidgets have no time to diligently paint over a picture with a colored pencil; their perseverance is only developing. Therefore, it would be better to give your child paints or crayons for coloring. drawing on paper(wax crayons). The time spent by a child on coloring serves to achieve several goals at once. Firstly, the child will be glad that the picture turned out quickly, and therefore he will like the coloring books even more, and secondly, this will allow him to begin teaching the child from a very young age to finish the job he has started. Don't forget to praise your child for every completed drawing. Regular praise is not "empty place", and for actually completed tasks, it will contribute to your child’s self-affirmation.

Meet new people art materials, tools and techniques develops them creative imagination, perception, thinking, attention, memory, curiosity, fine motor skills. Helps to understand the world around us, awakens emotional responsiveness, and cultivates a sense of beauty.


1. Zhukova O. G. Planning and notes on art activities for young children. Iris Press, 2007.

2. Koldina D.N. Drawing with children 2-3 years old. t Mosaic - Synthesis. 2015.

3. Pavlova O. V. Artistic creativity. Volgograd 2015.

4. Yanushko E. A. Drawing with young children. Mosaic - Synthesis. 2005.

It is best to start drawing with young children using wax crayons and gouache paints. Start with crayons. They leave a bright mark on the paper and are easily washed off, though they break quickly, but that’s not a big deal.

When introducing paints, show how to hold a brush and how to rinse it in water. Little children love to paint with their fingers and also enjoy drawing with a frog. Making frogs is not difficult - wrap a piece of foam rubber around a stick or pencil, and secure the foam rubber with thread. You can also draw with a sponge, stamps, or using stencils.

At 1.5-2 years old we teach the child to draw horizontal and vertical lines, at 2 years old - circles, coloring silhouettes with paints. Classes should be conducted in a playful way, always using visual material and artistic expression.

Drawing classes for children 1.5-2 years old

What is this

Target. Teach a child to hold a pencil correctly, teach him to see the image of an object in drawn lines, develop imagination and interest in drawing.

Prepare a sheet of paper, preferably A4 size, wax crayons or pencils. Let the child draw what he wants. When your child finishes drawing, ask him what he drew. If he finds it difficult to answer, help him see the image in the lines, add details to make a fish, a bird, a flower. Admire the drawing with your child and praise him.

Hide the mouse (kitten, bunny)

Goal: Learn to hold a pencil and shade images with horizontal and vertical strokes.

This activity can be done several times with different characters. Prepare papers in advance with a drawn (outline) mouse or other character. Ask your child who it is, how does it squeak? Invite your child to help hide the mouse from the cat. Show how to shade a mouse, make a few strokes while holding his pen in yours. Praise the baby.


Goal: Learn to draw inclined vertical lines, develop interest in drawing.

On a sheet of paper, draw clouds in advance at the top of the sheet. And below depict grass, flowers, mushrooms. How does the rain fall? Draw a solid vertical line for heavy rain, and a dotted line for light rain. Ask your child to draw how the rain waters the grass, flowers, and mushrooms. Ask what kind of rain he drew: heavy or light?

Don't forget to praise your baby.


Prepare a toy train or tram, you can draw it and cut it out of paper. Look at the train with your child, figure out where it will go, maybe it will take someone (toys, animals, mom). On a piece of paper, draw two horizontal lines in advance at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Tell them that the builders forgot to complete the railway and now the train will not be able to travel along it, invite the child to draw (complete) vertical lines, show how. At the end of the lesson, say that everyone who will ride the train is very happy about the new railway and is grateful to the kid for his help.


Goal: Learn to draw vertical lines, develop interest in drawing.

Draw a house on a piece of paper in advance. Come up with a story for your child about who lives in the house: grandparents, a bunny, a girl - at your discretion. Offer to draw a fence near the house. Draw two horizontal lines next to the house at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other, and ask the child to draw vertical sticks. On behalf of the residents of the house, thank the baby for his help.

Flowers in the meadow

Goal: Learn to draw vertical lines.

Prepare in advance a sheet of paper with a strip 5-6 cm wide shaded at the bottom - this is a clearing. At a further distance of 7-8 cm, draw heads of different colors. Look at the flowers with your child, tell them what they are called, determine what color they are. Offer to add stems to them - straight lines from the flowers to the clearing.

Classes on drawing balloons, blades, and grass are conducted in the same way.

Drawing with paints

First, prepare paint of one color, because the baby does not yet know how to use paints or rinse a brush. It is more convenient to use gouache paints. You can draw with a brush, a frog (a piece of foam rubber tied to a stick or pencil), or with your fingers. Show how a wet brush leaves a mark on paper, then admire the mark a brush with paint leaves. Let the child draw as he wants, as long as he is interested in the process itself. Look what mark the frog or finger will leave. Draw these prints to a certain image: a flower, a bun, a bird, a fish. Admire the drawing together.

Topics for drawing:

Rain. You can draw with a brush - streams of rain, a frog and a finger - raindrops.

Snowfall - with a finger and a frog on blue paper.

Leaves on a pre-drawn tree - with a finger and a frog.

Apples on a pre-drawn silhouette of an apple tree - with a finger and a frog.

Flowers with a finger, stems with a brush.

Butterfly - coloring a pre-cut silhouette with a finger or a frog.

As we approach 2 years of age, we learn to draw a circle with a brush. We put a point and draw a ball, as if winding a thread around a ball.

Topics for drawing:

Multi-colored balls.

Air balloons.




Drawing with a stencil

Prepare your stencil in advance. Inside the sheet, cut out a simple silhouette - a mushroom, a Christmas tree, a bunny, an apple. Let the child paint it with a brush, finger, or frog. To make the stencil durable, cut it from a piece of linoleum. You can also buy ready-made stencils.

Drawing with semolina

Pour semolina into the lid of the box so that the sides of the lid are not too high. The child can draw on the semolina with his finger or scratch the design with a stick.

Each lesson can be done several times. More often, give your child the opportunity to draw what he wants on his own. Let him invent, try, create. Such drawing will help develop imagination and fantasy. It is important to develop a love of drawing in a little man; to do this, admire his doodles, praise him, do not scold him for dirty things, be patient and you will grow into a real artist.

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Finger painting in kindergarten. Master class for children 2-3 years old

Safonova Ksenia, 3 years old, MADOU "CRR - kindergarten "Solnyshko" of the Yarkovsky municipal district", p. Yarkovo, Tyumen region.
Supervisor: Kurmanova Gulnara Ruslanovna, teacher, MADOU "CRR - kindergarten "Solnyshko" of the Yarkovsky municipal district", p. Yarkovo, Tyumen region.
Description: finger painting. The drawing can be used as a decoration for a group or a creative corner. The work is intended for children of primary preschool age.
Target: learning to paint with fingers, developing aesthetic perception, sense of color.
- to form in children a stable interest in visual arts;
- continue to develop figurative ideas,
- teach children finger painting;
- learn to freely use a variety of techniques to create images;
- develop imaginative and abstract thinking;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands;
- develop cognitive activity;
- cultivate perseverance, diligence, patience.
Material: sheet of paper, paint, glass of water, napkins.
Butterflies pattern.


Talk to children about butterflies. Butterflies are the most beautiful insects. They are unique in their beauty, shape, and color. We can discuss the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Then discuss their colorful wing patterns.
Let's get to work. Let's come up with a color for the butterflies.
Templates with butterflies are distributed.

We take a template and paints. We use bright shades. Each butterfly will be different from the previous butterfly. For example, for the first butterfly we use yellow. Dip your finger in the paint and draw patterns on the butterfly's wings with dots.

Then dip your finger in red. Similarly, we create a pattern for the second butterfly.

We continue our work with great interest and admiration. Take blue paint. Feel free to dip your finger and also draw patterns. We get another beautiful butterfly this time.

Butterflies usually fly in a clearing where there are many flowers. They drink nectar from flowers. That's why these delightful insects love flowers. To make our butterflies more fun, let's draw flowers for them. Let's take yellow again. Draw dots around the butterflies. The more flowers, the more colorful the clearing.

Take red paint. Add petals to our flowers.

The drawing is ready. An easy and interesting job that any child will enjoy. We make a frame and decorate the group with it.

For example, let’s look at a work done using the same drawing technique, a caterpillar.
We draw the heads of two caterpillars.

Dip your finger in green and draw the body of the caterpillar.

Let's continue.

Similarly, draw the second caterpillar.

And add flowers. First the middle ones.

Then the petals.

A very simple technique for doing the work will interest children to try again and again with their strength and effort. Be prepared to come up with new ideas for your little artist.
Thank you for your attention!

By the age of 2, a child is already able to not only distinguish colors, but also compare them. The visual analyzer of children by this age is well formed, so it is important to develop the ability to draw. It is especially important to pay attention to shades, since it is easier for the baby to name the primary colors: red, green, blue. Drawing for children 2-3 years old is a game that can improve fine motor skills, visual perception, and have a positive effect on areas of the brain.

Teaching drawing to a child 2-3 years old

You need to get the most out of the image. The child first draws with vertical, wavy lines. He still has difficulty coloring objects.

First line technique

First you need to introduce your child to drawing subjects. The hand should hold the pencil correctly, the brush should be rinsed in a glass of water. The best way to learn is through demonstration. You can sit down at the table next to your baby, take a pencil and start drawing your drawing, or try to control your child’s hand. You need to take more paper to spread it all over the table.

Important! It should be understood that drawing with children 2-3 years old starts small. To begin with, you need to be content with incomprehensible lines.

The benefits of drawing for child development

Drawing helps you understand the world faster, but this is not the only advantage of such activities, there are others:

  • development of fine motor skills of the hands. At 2 years old, the baby learns to hold objects and direct them correctly. Children become smarter and their speech develops faster. Psychologists describe the presence of reflex points on the fingers, from which the signal enters the brain. From their stimulation mental abilities develop;
  • the emergence of purposefulness;
  • figurative thinking. In the future, for memorization, it is important to associate objects with images;
  • emphasizing attention and imagination;
  • development of mathematical abilities and logic. Shapes of objects, comparison, equality - these are simple concepts in mathematics that are ingrained in childhood.

How to interest a child

In any business, the most important thing is interest. You can get used to drawing if your child loves it. There are several ways:

  • Emotional perception of an adult. The parent should praise and rejoice. Through the emotions of an adult, you can achieve success in drawing a child.
  • Turn the lesson into a game. You can come up with a game plot that will be interesting to the baby. For example, a bunny asks for a carrot, you need to draw it. The game should be filled with meaning. You can conduct a dialogue, show the child a toy hare.
  • Process. We must not forget about the most important thing. The first drawing will definitely impress the little one, so there should be a lot of different paints, pencils, and felt-tip pens on the table. Many new objects are the main attribute of the first “picture”. The second and third pictures will be even better.

Image techniques

To understand how to teach a child to draw at 3 years old, you need to consider drawing techniques. From a variety of options, you can choose the most effective ones for your baby.

Poking technique

  • Poking drawing. The adult selects the plot of the template that needs to be supplemented. It is recommended to choose a semi-dry, hard bristle brush with gouache paint. A felt-tip pen will also work. You can color a snowman, animals, plants. This technique will help you learn how to color.
  • Dipping. For this method it is better to choose paints. The child holds the brush diagonally closer to the table (in the vertical poke technique) and leaves brush marks. These could be tracks of an animal, lights on a Christmas tree, patterns on clothes. You can print a black and white picture or draw it yourself.
  • Fingerprints. Apply a little paint to a white sheet and show how to paint with your fingers. You should be careful when choosing paints, because babies’ skin is very delicate and susceptible to allergies and irritations. You should choose gouache and watercolor.
  • Drawing with lines. This is a more complex stage that needs to be introduced after studying the first three techniques described above.

Workspace organization

The workplace should both attract and teach organization.

  • First you need to take care of the child's health. The table and chair included must be adjusted to the height of the child. The back is rigid for correct posture. During work, you need to monitor his body position, carefully guide him without knocking him out of his work.
  • Interesting design. It’s always nice when your child’s desk matches the interior of the room, but you shouldn’t forget about visual perception. The workplace should attract the little one.
  • Before drawing with children 2-3 years old, you need to prepare a table. It is advisable to do this in front of a child. Carefully laid out paints and pencils will teach him order. After classes you need to clean everything up. Again, you can come up with a game that will teach your child to keep order, then in the future during school lessons he will keep his workplace clean.

How to teach a 3 year old child to draw

The first image should interest the child so that next time he starts drawing again. To teach a 3-year-old child to draw, you can use one of the techniques.

Hatching on coloring books

  • The coloring technique will help your child choose the right colors. You need to help him not go beyond the line by coloring two or three objects yourself. You need to start with simple coloring books: a house, a car made of shapes, a flower.
  • Technique of improvised means. You can try drawing with toy vehicles or threads. You can lay out patterns with them and then paint them.
  • Drawings that develop mathematical skills: lines, ovals, circles. These can be provided as templates. For example, a drawing of a boy with colorful balls.

Interesting image options can give the child more knowledge. Choosing the right coloring book is the parent's task.

You can make your own coloring in the form of the seasons, combining all the image techniques.

  • autumn: dipping technique for colorful leaves;
  • winter: poke technique for the New Year tree. A winter landscape provides many ideas (a snowman for understanding shapes, sports equipment for introducing activities);
  • spring: dipping technique for drawing buds and first leaves;
  • summer: understanding shapes (ice cream), drawing with a poke (flowers).

What topic to choose

Parents often have questions about how best to draw: painting objects step by step or first seeing the finished result. It is difficult for a child to select exact colors for objects, so it is better to initially demonstrate how, for example, a flower should look, and then complete the drawing step by step.

Picture of palms

Should I send my child to a drawing class?

The optimal age for a child to study in a circle is 4-6 years. Your baby's social communication skills should develop gradually.

Important! A sudden introduction to a group of guys can be stressful for him. There is no need to rush into learning; the basic basics can be learned at home.

Psychologists note the importance of feedback between adults and children. Drawing not only gives certain skills, but also brings parents and baby closer together. Teachers advise starting with coloring books so that the child remembers the object itself. It is still difficult for him to depict a flower that he saw on the street once. Simple lines can also be the goal of drawing for children 2-3 years old.

The first “picture” for the baby is a step towards a complex activity. It is useful to develop drawing skills to improve mental abilities. When choosing basic techniques, you need to choose the most suitable and interesting one for the child. Don’t forget about personal contact with the baby, then drawing will not just be a lesson, but will develop into a hobby.

Your baby is only one year old and isn’t interested in drawing yet? No, it’s not like that: your child is already a year old, and you still haven’t introduced him to the magical world of drawing? Then, of course, you should know:

  • why drawing lessons are useful for little ones;
  • what materials are useful for a beginning artist;
  • what and how you can draw with a one-year-old creator.

10 reasons to teach drawing from early childhood

Reason 1. Fine motor skills

It doesn’t matter what the baby draws with: pencils, brushes, felt-tip pens, crayons or his own fingers, he will have to control the brush and fingers in order to apply his first masterpieces to the canvas. This is a great fine motor skill workout. You can read how it is useful in our material “”.

Reason 2. Coordination of movements and vision

Be prepared for the fact that during the first drawing lessons with children 1–2 years old, not only the leaf will be decorated, but also the little one’s clothes, his face, the table, and possibly a much larger area. But a little patience, and the movements will become more precise, more confident. Coordination in the eye-hand system (visual-motor coordination) underlies many of the skills a child needs in everyday life and in school.

Reason 3. Thinking

In the process of drawing, both hemispheres of the brain are involved: the left, which is responsible for logic and analytics, and the right, which provides creativity and emotional intelligence. Their coordinated work is a necessary condition for an active, successful life.

Reason 4. Color literacy

When drawing, it is so easy and fun to get acquainted with the variety of colors and shades. Of course, at such a tender age you shouldn’t expect your child to remember a large number of names that are new to him, but they will be deposited in the passive vocabulary as you say that you draw rays of the sun with yellow strokes, and snowflakes under a cloud with blue strokes . You can also show your child a little magic: just mix two colors and discover that as a result we get a new color. Terribly interesting!

Reason 5. Anti-stress

For many children, drawing helps them calm down and relieve anxiety. Of course, if they draw in a calm and friendly environment, without pressure, coercion or tugging:

  • Carefully!
  • Not this way!
  • Don't get dirty!
Reason 6. Socialization

You can draw with your mom and dad, with your brothers and sisters, or you can go to drawing lessons at an early development school. But in any case, the little artist will gain his skills of working in a team, his experience of social activity.

Reason 7. Imagination

To see raindrops, flower petals or fancy fish from the Magic Ocean in the squiggles made by an uncertain hand, the child needs to use his imagination. Train your imagination from early childhood to develop a creative, vibrant personality.

Reason 8. Creativity

Creative thinking, developed by drawing in principle, and especially when using non-traditional techniques, forms the so-called creativity - the ability to offer interesting solutions for a wide variety of problems.

Reason 9. Perseverance

It’s not easy to pull a fish out of a pond, as the baby, whom loving parents teach to draw from the first year of life, gradually understands. The sooner your child sees the connection between the effort and the end result, the easier it will be for you to teach him to study hard later. In the meantime, of course, we make sure that not only the results, but also the process itself brings pleasure.

Reason 10. Independence

When teaching your child to draw, train yourself to give him more and more freedom. Having become familiar with several materials for drawing, the child can independently choose what to draw with this time. Perhaps he will prefer creating his own masterpiece to completing the drawing task you have planned. Well! Why not let your little one make his own decisions at such a tender age! Independence, like hard work, needs to be nurtured and instilled. So maybe it's time to start?

First acquaintance with drawing

We believe you understand, friends, that drawing for a one-year-old baby is not creating pictures in an album. This is, first of all, acquaintance with the properties of various materials. The first acquaintance with drawing can be different.

  1. Prepare a large colored plastic tray. Pour any cereal on it. First, run your finger along the grain, leaving a colored trail. Now take the child’s finger and show how straight or winding lines appear from under the cereal, “draw” different shapes. Let your child do this on his own. The need to clean up a little after such an activity is nothing compared to the pleasure and benefit that the baby will receive.

You can draw using the method described above not only with bulk products, but also with substances of a different consistency. Use, for example, dad's shaving foam or mom's hair foam. And if you add a little food coloring to them, it will turn out even more interesting. But do not forget to make sure that the baby does not pull the pleasant-to-touch mass into his mouth.

  1. Place a roll of old wallpaper along the length of the room, inside out. Dip your baby's hands and feet in finger paint - and go ahead and create masterpieces. For the first time, you can limit yourself to creating small prints on a large sheet, and later turn them into funny drawings. The baby will be happy to see how his colored palms suddenly transformed into fancy animals, unusual flowers or inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.
  2. It seems like you would like to finally draw with your child, but just imagine how much cleaning there is afterwards... Well, we understand you perfectly! In this case, try drawing in the bathroom. Yes Yes! This is also possible. For painting in the bathroom you can use:
    • colored foam (we already wrote the recipe: food coloring and dad’s shaving foam);
    • Finger paint;
    • washable markers or crayons.

These materials will not harm either the child or the bath, and you will not have to wash and launder the heir’s first artistic masterpieces later. Wash it off - and order! By the way, now children's art stores even offer special sets for drawing in the bathroom!

Collaborative drawing

A one-year-old baby will not draw a plot drawing on his own. But he has you! Drawing together is a useful and very interesting activity. And both for the baby and for the parents. Act according to one of the two proposed scenarios, alternating them depending on the situation, and your novice artist will see how beautiful pictures appear to the world from under his brush (pencil, felt-tip pen - it doesn’t matter).

  1. Give your child the tools to draw and complete creative freedom. When colored scribbles appear on the sheet, praise the child for his efforts. Consider what happened together. Think about what it's like. Now pick up pencils and be a little magician who turns dashes and squiggles into recognizable objects and characters.
  2. Prepare a plot drawing that is missing several details. Show it to your child. Tell me what you drew. Explain what needs to be drawn to make the picture complete. Ask your child to finish this important work. These could be rain lines from a cloud, fingerprints around the center of a flower, brush strokes with yellow paint on an image of an autumn park covered with leaves...

Many interesting drawings can be found in finger painting albums for the little ones. For example, ask your child to draw needles for a hedgehog, spots for a puppy, and scales for a magic fish:

What parents need to know about drawing at 1–2 years old

  1. The postulate “the main thing is not victory, but participation” in this case is more relevant than ever. It is important to encourage your child to create, and you will be proud of beautiful children’s drawings a little later.
  2. Try to get your child interested in drawing. Choose the most appropriate time in your daily routine to meet him. Make sure that your baby is not tired, hungry, or overly excited.
  3. Offer different tools, different techniques. At such a tender age, the baby is more open to experiments than ever. Use this to develop creative thinking and creativity.
  4. When the first shoots of friendship with drawing appear, choose tasks that, while being simple and quick to complete, give a visible result. Actively use: prints, blots, drawing with fingers, palms, feet, crumpled paper...
  5. Show how to hold a brush or pencil correctly, how to mix paints, and how to shade images. But leave your child the freedom to create. For now, this lesson is more of an informational nature and forms a good basis for further training in working with a variety of drawing tools.

Friends! We wish you to raise happy, creative kids! May your parenting be fruitful and happy. See you again!