Ideas on how to relax during the New Year holidays. News events reviews in the world of technology Blog TechnoPlus

Holidays, by definition, cannot be boring and monotonous. But when all the New Year’s films have been watched, the salads have been eaten, and a serene afternoon nap has compensated for the chronic lack of sleep of the past year, it’s worth doing something actually interesting. Well, preferably useful too. The quartblog has collected some great ideas for you on this matter.

"Weekend project" - interior transformations section

At one time, Kvartblog ran this section to show how easily and simply you can transform an apartment in just a couple of days. You have a whole week! So - go for it!

Nostalgic gastronomy - cooking chocolate sausage with children

After delicious New Year's Eve dishes, an abundance of refined desserts from the confectionery and exotic fruits from distant countries, you want to cook something simple, but no less tasty. And since the New Year is a magical holiday of returning to childhood, the recipe should be special - nostalgic. We advise you to prepare - and always with your children -.

Perhaps there is nothing simpler: no fuss with the oven and flour, and the result is superb. Accompany the cooking process with stories about how you celebrated the New Year in your childhood. And then sit down with warm milk or delicious tea to watch your favorite cartoon together. And it is possible that chocolate sausage will settle in your permanent home dessert menu for a long time as a warm memory of joint family evenings.

Magic glass

So, the champagne has been drunk, the cognac has also dissolved in cups of coffee (however, not only in cups, and not only in coffee). And as a festive aftertaste, glass bottles remained in the house, often reminiscent of elegant vases with their lines. So why not turn these vessels into stylish home decor items? - a bunch of. And sometimes their colorful labels can become the main details.

However, wonderful useful things can come from the simplest bottles, for example, baby food or jam. The main thing is to apply your inspiration, skillful hands and some paint, glue and tools to this. The result will exceed all expectations - after all, almost anything can be made from glass vessels: from original candlesticks and vases to ergonomic and useful holders for jewelry and dispensers for soap and shampoo.

Against bare walls!

New Year's decor wonderfully decorates the interior of your home. But sooner or later it will have to be hidden until next winter. And I don’t want to leave bare walls at all. What to do? Let's prepare a worthy replacement for Christmas wreaths and panels - let's turn into artists and... It's actually much easier than you think. And there will be plenty of time for creativity during the holidays.

A huge advantage of such paintings is that you and only you determine the color scheme, style and technique of this interior element. And most importantly, you can create an absolutely exclusive wall decoration that suits your home and reflects your character and mood. Don’t be afraid to experiment - you can paint not only with brushes, but also with stencils, drops of paint, homemade stamps and even just scribbles. Try to choose a decent frame for your work or just leave the picture on a stretcher. Now hang it on the wall and enjoy - a worthy accent in your interior is ready. And no bare walls!

What to do on New Year's holidays - extend them with homemade light jars

Another idea that’s perfect for magical New Year’s evenings is to make beautiful “firefly shelters” with your children. A garland, but its own little “space” on the table - looks very interesting and simply mesmerizing. A huge plus is the minimal cost of both money and time - everything you need to make them can be found in the nearest stationery store. You will have a worthy alternative to candles, and the holiday will stay with you!

Even more interesting ideas for inspiration, what to do during the New Year holidays -. Surely each of you will find something to your liking - and not just interesting, but also useful and beautiful. Create! Inspiration to you!

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“What to do on New Year’s holidays?” - this question begins to torment many residents of “our vast land” already on the eve of the upcoming New Year holidays. Coming back to work after the holidays, colleagues tend to brag to each other about the wonderful time they had, but few can proudly say that they spent their time usefully or with maximum pleasure.

The New Year holidays are the perfect time to spend time as you have long planned, to do something that you always don’t have time for, to take care of your family or yourself, your loved one. You can even sketch out a plan of action so as not to forget anything, or you can act spontaneously, obeying a momentary impulse.

Winter holidays for children and adults are a time when you can devote time to each other: go to a New Year's party, relax and dance in a circle with your children, selflessly shouting: “Christmas tree! Light up!”, take part in the distribution of gifts.

During the New Year holidays, when the soul sings and dances, creative families can organize a home concert or even a performance. The main thing is to seat as many guests as possible and not forget about gifts for small and big artists.

Winter is the time for skiing and skating, but if you are already tired of them, you can try winter karting and snowboarding, snowmobiling or hockey.

Family cooking of something delicious brings us closer together. You can make some cookies together, taking care in advance to buy New Year's molds in the form of Christmas trees or animals.

Study your city's New Year's poster. Visiting theaters, museums, cinemas and exhibitions is the perfect time for the winter holidays.

For travel lovers, it's time to go somewhere. The best choice, of course, depends on personal preferences and income. You can move from winter to summer, or vice versa, visit the homeland of Father Frost Veliky Ustyug. Or simply go out of town, wander through the forest, explore the surrounding area, take a trip to a neighboring city and spend a couple of days there attending New Year’s events.

A themed party with friends can lift a suddenly low mood. You can play board games, dress up in costumes and make a short film, of course with a thoughtful script and plot, and post it on YouTube.

Surely many people have accumulated a whole list of films that they have long wanted to watch, but did not have time. The time has come! Stock up on popcorn, cookies, buns, mulled wine or whatever you like and set up a movie theater at home.

If you are going on holiday alone, this is not a reason to succumb to the blues! Perhaps the time spent these days will later be remembered as one of the most productive and interesting. A walk through the park on skis or just like that, breathing the frosty air in silence, admiring the beauty of winter, wonderfully restores peace of mind.

Or maybe you’ve been wanting to join a swimming pool or gym for a long time? A quiet New Year's week is the time for this.
Re-read your favorite book, re-watch your favorite or, on the contrary, films that have long been shelved, or engage in a favorite hobby that you still haven’t gotten around to during the work weeks.

Of course, you can afford computer games, which take up time on weekdays, during the New Year holidays. Sewing, embroidering, mastering scrapbooking, quilling and similar handicraft tricks for which you always don’t have enough time.

Make a homemade cosmetic product: soap, tonic or hydrophilic oil and show it off to your family, friends and, of course, girlfriends on the website.

Finally, take care of yourself properly. Going for a manicure, getting a new haircut, a haircut, visiting a spa, bathhouse, massage therapist or cosmetologist - all this does not have to be done in a hurry before the New Year, you can calmly devote the first week of the new year to this.

Or you can arrange a spa at home, involving your loved one in this, definitely, both of you will return to work refreshed with a lot of pleasant impressions.

Why not start renovations in the first days of the new year? I think it's very symbolic! Put on your favorite music and move forward, with new strength to a new life.

Or start a spring cleaning and rearrange the furniture. You can sort out the old piles of music CDs and cosmetics by sorting them, as Marina Tumovskaya advised in a recent post,

Clean up your computer by removing a bunch of information you no longer need.

Christmas discounts continue in some stores, so why not enjoy leisurely shopping, buying something necessary and interesting for yourself, family and friends?

If we are putting things in order around us, why not put it in our heads by analyzing the past year, planning things for the coming year, and drawing up a map of desires on a piece of Whatman paper or in a computer program, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

And if you are one of those lucky people for whom work is the highest pleasure or even entertainment, then why deny yourself this. As the popular saying goes, “find a job you love and you’ll never have to work.” During the New Year holidays you can learn something, master something new.

But no matter how we decide to spend our New Year holidays, the main thing is not to forget about high spirits, faith in our strengths and that the new year will be better than the previous one!

How are you planning to spend the New Year holidays?

We always look forward to the New Year holidays. And when they finally come, we have absolutely no idea what to do with ourselves.

Especially in cases where, for certain reasons, we cannot afford either long walks or exciting trips, which is important in connection with the latest fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar and euro. As a result, we spend all our free time in front of the TV, and this is certainly not the best form of relaxation.

However, even at home on New Year's holidays you can relax well. And now you will find out what is needed for this.

Holidays at home - how not to let yourself get bored

The reasons why we spend holidays at home can be very different. So, bad weather or a cold that hit us at the wrong time could be to blame. The economic situation in the country and the jumping exchange rate do not add optimism to traveling during the holidays. Some people are limited in material resources, while others simply find themselves these days far from their noisy and cheerful company. And although spending the holidays under a blanket and with your favorite book is also a great option, the list of possibilities is not limited to it alone.

The most important thing in this situation is to work on the appropriate attitude. Give yourself the mindset to thoroughly enjoy each of these festive winter days, and before you know it, your mood will begin to lift. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether you celebrate the holidays and this New Year at home or at an expensive ski resort, since in both cases the success of your pastime depends entirely on you.

Basic ideas for holiday activities

  1. Do holiday home decorations. Nothing cheers you up more than decorating your nest. Lanterns and garlands, a lush Christmas tree and shiny toys - all these attributes of celebration will make your home sparkle, and you will again enjoy life and dream of a fairy tale. And, of course, it’s best to prepare the house for the holiday with the whole family. This not only brings you closer, but also gives you incomparable emotions.
  2. A little cooking. If you are spending your New Year's holiday at home, then this is a great reason to pamper yourself in every way. Including cooking something delicious. Better yet, practice your culinary skills throughout the holiday period. Today it could be a juicy steak, and tomorrow it could be gingerbread. And don’t forget to invite your friends over so they can appreciate your gastronomic masterpieces.
  3. Mulled wine and friendly gatherings. When the snow is blowing outside the window and the frost is creaking, then this is the time for a cozy friendly meeting. However, if it’s mud and rain outside, it won’t make communicating with friends any less enjoyable. Prepare mulled wine or just cocoa, wrap each of your guests in a warm blanket and plunge into a leisurely conversation. Time flies by quickly, but very pleasantly.
  4. Board games. If your mood has been low lately, then you won't find a more effective way to lift it than with board games. You can play them either in a small family circle or with a noisy group of friends. The most important thing is to choose the right game that will suit everyone present. There are a lot of options - Monopoly , Alias , Uno , Munchkin , Scrabble , Jenga and not only. Only one Twister what is it worth?
  5. Film screenings. Of course, an evening watching TV can hardly be called a complete rest. But an evening with your favorite movie is a completely different story. Select a movie that suits your mood in advance, brew mint tea, wrap yourself in a soft blanket - and this evening will be as ideal for you as possible.
  6. Some fresh air. If possible, it wouldn’t hurt to go outside either. If the weather permits, you can have a snowball fight or go sledding, remembering your childhood. If snow is still only a dream, you can simply take a walk to the first decorated Christmas tree. And it’s not scary if it’s in the nearest shopping center - your mood will still improve.
  7. Get a good night's sleep. Sleep cannot be classified as a fun pastime, but since you have decided to have a good rest these days, then also add it to your list. A little more, and you will again plunge into workdays with their early rises and a huge number of unfinished tasks. Therefore, arrange a little holiday for yourself - forget about the alarm clock.

Thus, in order to have a good rest during the New Year holidays, it is not at all necessary to go on long trips. After all, you can spend a fun and enjoyable time at home. The most important thing is to make an effort to properly organize your leisure time. And then, without a doubt, you will succeed.

1. Exhibitions and museums. In connection with the new program for the development of the city, in Moscow, and in many other cities, no few interesting interactive exhibitions have appeared, even in museums such as the Tretyakov Gallery or the Museum. Pushkin. Many such events will take place during the coming holidays.

For example, you will be able to get acquainted with the variety of Christmas tree decorations at the “Christmas Tree Toy Factory” museum at the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center. And the museum “M.I.R. chocolate" (1st Brestskaya str., 2, building 3, Mayakovskaya metro station) will clearly captivate not only kids, but also their parents. There you can have fun and make your own handmade sweets.

2. Master classes. During the winter holidays, many events open, including festivals, which also include master classes. The most popular, naturally, are culinary classes. However, you can find dance classes, handicrafts and creative workshops.

Thus, as part of the “History of New Year’s Toys” festival (at the Museum on Poklonnaya Hill), where children will be able to take part in a competition to make toys for the Christmas tree with their own hands.

And the Da Pino restaurant chain hosts free cooking classes every Saturday. They even give gifts to regular visitors.

3. Partying. After the New Year and on Christmas Eve, many different festivals, fairs and folk festivals will take place on the streets of the city. Children really enjoy such colorful events where the spirit of celebration and fun reigns. And adults “get infected” by such an atmosphere very quickly.

4. Skates. In every park or other convenient space there are now skating rinks where you can rent skates and also enjoy spicy tea after skating. If possible, then go to the skating rink in the late afternoon, as the beautiful holiday lights always light up around it.

In addition, a historical skating rink in the style of the early 20th century appeared on Poklonnaya Hill this year. But at VDNKh the largest skating rink in Europe was inaugurated. And, according to tradition, you will be able to ride in Gorky Park, Sokolniki and Red Square.

5. Skis. If you don't like skating or are already tired of it, then go skiing. Moreover, now many parks have ski rentals. For parents, this is a reason to remember their Soviet childhood, and for children to get acquainted with this sport, which is not very popular among modern children.

You can definitely go skiing with the whole family in Sokolniki Park.

6. Slides. Well, what would winter be without slides? Moreover, you can ride them using a sled or a cheesecake (if it is inflatable), as well as an ice cube (if it is ice).

Every year in Kolomenskoye Park there opens such a fun slide that you simply cannot count on the rides.

7. Walk in the fresh air. If you are tired of all the activities, then you can simply take a walk around the park, since many of them host various festive events. Or go to the nearest forest where you can go skiing. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure of taking a walk in the fresh air, because it doesn’t happen often, does it?

8. Snow woman. If you have never made a snowman during the winter, then it was in vain. Don't miss this opportunity and don't let your child miss it. It doesn’t have to be a traditional snowman; you can make cartoon or fairy tale characters.

And if you want more fun and enthusiasm, then have a snowball fight and build a snow fortress for this.

9. Entertainment center. This is another warm place where the whole family can have a lot of fun. And note, dads really love such places. There you can play various slot machines (with racing, shooting, snowboarding), climb the wall, play bowling and much more.

10. Let's go to the cinema/theater. Almost all children attend New Year's performances during the holidays. But this is clearly not suitable for the whole family. Therefore, we suggest you take your baby to the theater or cinema. Of course, you can organize a movie screening at home, but here, as they say, it’s not for everybody. As for the theater, it is still better to visit it, especially since at the end of December and the beginning of January there will be many interesting productions. You obviously won't see this on TV.

In January you will be able to see a new series of the cartoon about “Three Knights: Knight's Move”. And also a new version of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen -2: Reloaded”.

As for theatrical productions, children will love the musical “The Little Mermaid”. And, if your child has not yet been to the Moscow Puppet Theater, then it is definitely worth a visit.

11. Family dinner. Don't prepare too many dishes for the New Year's table. Then you won’t have to stay at home and eat the leftover Olivier salad, but will have a reason to go for dinner to a cafe with a cozy family atmosphere and excellent cuisine. Moreover, the festive menu and the common space of all establishments differ from everyday ones in their design and sophistication.

12. We are going to visit. Visiting grandparents on New Year's holidays is a mandatory event. Firstly, this is a family holiday, during which it is worth paying attention to loved ones. Secondly, this is another reason for mom not to cook. Thirdly, you won’t be bored while sitting at home.

13. We receive guests. If you prefer to be the host, then feel free to invite your friends and family to visit. The whole family can prepare for welcoming guests. The child will be happy to help you prepare something tasty and set the table; you just need to give him a little prompting.

It is important to understand that the table is the face of your home, so treat its design with all responsibility. If you serve it beautifully for every family dinner and lunch, then you will probably have a tradition of getting everyone together at the family table during dinner. But now we are not talking about traditions, but about the festive table. Of course, no one advises you to set the table as they do in restaurants. But, it’s not difficult to arrange plates-stands and place plates with soups or main courses on them, and put a fork, spoon and knife on the sides.

As for the decorative component of the table, we can recommend the following options:

  • a vase with fir branches that can be decorated with Christmas tree decorations
  • using a can of artificial snow, paint cobwebs or other simple patterns on the table that would be appropriate between the plates
  • each plate can be wrapped in thin tinsel or rain
  • Place white pompoms (like snowballs) all over the table.
  • you can put beautiful candlesticks or large carved candles
  • also, don’t forget about beautiful napkins, perhaps even made of fabric

If we talk about the help in the kitchen that a child could provide, then:

  • You can easily trust the crumbs to mix the dough for the pie. And it’s okay that he gets a little dirty with it. But he will be very interested in putting it into molds. And if it is supposed to be soaked in cream, it will be a whole ritual for the baby.
  • If your child already knows how to use a knife, then trust him to clean and cut salad ingredients.
  • Very young children can be asked to wash vegetables and fruits.
  • Children can also be trusted to beat the meat with a hammer.
  • Teach your baby how to season various dishes. He will definitely do this well.
  • You can make fun canapé sandwiches as a snack. Let dad cut bread, meat, olives, cheese and other ingredients, and baby will put them on.

A great option is themed days. Try dedicating every weekend to a specific event. For example, go ice skating, go to a theater performance. You can think through a vacation plan together with your child; he is able to offer unusual ideas. Let's look at some interesting options for spending time.

Preparing for the New Year

New Year's Eve is a great time to decorate your apartment and Christmas tree together. Be sure to invite your child to invent and make Christmas tree garlands and balls on their own. You can bake special Christmas people from ginger dough.

If any competitions are planned at the holiday, then it’s time to teach your child a song, a poem, learn a role in a home play, etc. By the way, the younger the child, the fewer people there should be at a family celebration. Otherwise, he will very quickly run out of steam, become overtired and quit.

Try not to forget about charging or replacement batteries for your photo or video camera. Children in fancy dress or simply in elegant dresses and tailcoats are a source for many funny, cute and beautiful pictures.

Outdoor sports

The long New Year and Christmas holidays are the most suitable time for ice skating. In all more or less large settlements there are organized skating rinks where you can rent sports equipment. At the same time, in the evening there are many bright lights and garlands around.

If skating is not for you, you can opt for skiing. Many families now have skis and poles, but if you haven’t had time to get them, find a ski rental point in the park closest to you. Kids will really love this pastime option.

Another popular winter activity is downhill skiing. There are a lot of devices for sliding: these are traditional sleds, inflatable tubes “cheesecakes”, and ice cubes. Such entertainment is also suitable for parents who have the opportunity to remember their childhood.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the safety of the child. It is extremely important to choose places away from highways to prevent your baby from rolling under the wheels of a car. Children should also be dressed warmly to reduce the risk of hypothermia during long walks.

Construction of snow structures

The simplest type of snow-ice “architecture” is the construction of snowmen and snow women. To do this, you need special snow - quite sticky and not too wet at the same time. In this case, the winter man will stand for a long time to the delight of the children.

From snow you can sculpt not only figures, but also buildings - turrets, fortresses, igloos. By the way, if at some distance you build two snow towers of equal size, you can arrange an old Russian game, known from Surikov’s painting “The Capture of the Snow Town.”

Winter performances

Christmas trees don't end on December 31st. And during the January holidays you will have the opportunity to attend various performances, including ice shows and fairy tales on ice. Kids will be delighted with the beautiful costumes, acting stunts, and magnificent special effects.

Parents will also enjoy such a show, especially since Christmas performances are usually accompanied by various fairs where you can buy interesting souvenirs, sweets and other interesting things.

Master classes

Throughout the winter holidays, entertainment centers, restaurants, local history museums and other institutions organize a variety of master classes. With the help of specialists, the child will be able to learn how to prepare simple New Year's treats and Christmas tree decorations.

In addition, you can go with your child to educational classes in beadwork, creating a variety of dolls from multi-colored rubber bands, and pottery. The child himself and his hobbies will help you choose the most suitable option.

Visiting the theater and/or circus

Another traditional way to entertain a child (and yourself) is to attend a theater or circus performance. The beginning of January gives the opportunity to see a cheerful clown, trained animals and brave tightrope walkers.

Also, throughout the holidays, there are performances on the theater stage for both children and teenagers. A puppet theater is suitable for the little ones; older children will be able to attend premieres in a chamber or regular drama theater.

Watching cartoons or movies

Why not please your children by watching animated or feature films? You can make a selection of good old Soviet cartoons and fairy tales and immerse yourself with your child in the world of magic, kindness and delight.

The second option is to visit the cinema. The Christmas holidays are one of the most profitable periods for filmmakers. The playbill includes shows for every taste and age: here you will find cartoons, fairy-tale films, and modern blockbusters for teenagers.

Visiting museums

In capitals (official and cultural), and in other large cities, and even in small provincial towns, there are many different museums. You should not think that these institutions will rest during the holidays. On the contrary, many of them prepare exciting exhibitions especially for children and parents.

Moreover, these can be both traditional exhibitions and interactive exhibitions. It is necessary to choose an institution and “vernissage” taking into account the age and interests of the child. So, boys will certainly enjoy the weapons and heraldic displays. Girls will be delighted with exhibitions of toys or decorations.

Going to the entertainment center

In such establishments you can have fun with the whole family, and leisure time sometimes lasts several hours. This option is especially successful if there are two or more children in the family or if you were given nephews and other small relatives during the holidays.

In entertainment centers, children will be able to jump on a trampoline, play on a variety of slot machines, take part in competitions and competitive events, etc. The ideal option is to order an animator for a large company, so as not to invent activities for children yourself.


New Year and Christmas are family celebrations, but they do not have to be celebrated in a close circle: parents and children. A great idea is to visit grandparents, other close and distant relatives, and good friends.

Such an event will allow you to pay attention to your family and friends, give gifts, and take a walk with your baby or teenager. In addition, parents will not have to think again about how to spend the New Year holidays with their child.

Ideas for away holidays

Who said that New Year's holidays should be exclusively at home? A great idea is to go on a trip with your children to various interesting places. These can be both Russian cities and destinations in the Near Abroad, as well as European attractions. What can you see on New Year's Day?

Veliky Ustyug

Surely you know where Grandfather Frost lives. That's right, in the Vologda province. In the small and beautiful town of Veliky Ustyug his magical residence is located, which welcomes both children and their parents.

The wooden tower rises among a dense grove, surrounded by beautiful ice statues. To get to the house, you need to cross forest paths where there are fairy-tale characters and talking “animals”. They solve puzzles and organize various games.

There is something to see in the tower itself. The child will be able to see where the magical old man works and rests. It is curious that in his office there is a special telescope, with the help of which Grandfather not only examines the starry sky, but also monitors children's actions in order to especially note the kindest and best kids.

A direct meeting with Grandfather will allow the child to understand what a “real” fairy-tale character looks like. He is a tall old man with a thick beard and a booming bass voice. He knows many magical stories, as well as the right words that motivate children to do well in their studies and other achievements.

Parents will also like Veliky Ustyug. It is distinguished by ancient Russian architecture and a rich cultural heritage. Monastery buildings are located along the river, and the views are amazing. Don't forget to bring your camera!


So, we know about Grandfather’s residence, and where his granddaughter lives. Kostroma, an ancient Russian city on the Volga coast, is considered the homeland of the snow girl. It was the incredibly beautiful nature of this place that inspired Ostrovsky to write his play about the Snow Maiden.

What can you visit with a child in Kostroma? There are a number of interesting attractions:

  1. Shchelykovo. This estate formerly belonged to Ostrovsky. Currently it houses a museum-reserve. St. Nicholas Church is also located here. Additionally, there is a sanatorium and a health camp for children.
  2. Berendeyevka Park. This is a man-made park, which includes a whole complex of buildings and structures for recreation and entertainment with children. The basis of the park ensemble is the scenery that remained after the filming of the TV fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”.
  3. The Snow Maiden's Tower. In this wooden building, stylized as antique, there is a real museum of a fairy-tale snow girl. Children and parents will be able to plunge into magic, learn various legends and Berendey tales, and get acquainted with the brownies.
  4. Nerekhta. The small town is located near Kostroma and is literally riddled with history. In almost every building there lives a master who keeps the secrets of ancient Russian crafts. The child will be able to become familiar with antiquity and take the amulet doll with him.

Thus, the New Year holidays in Kostroma are an excellent opportunity to visit the ancient Russian city, look at the unique architecture, and taste delicious cuisine. The child will not be bored either, since there are many interesting excursions and master classes at his disposal.


Another winter wizard lives in Karelia, and his name is Pakkaine, which means “frost”. He is not as old as the Russian Frost, but he creates miracles just as skillfully. He lives not in palaces and towers, but in a plague. Among the helpers are the Snow Maiden and the forest trolls.

What interesting things await the child and parents when visiting the Karelian Father Frost? There are various competitions, games, various lessons on making amulets and souvenirs, reindeer racing and other equally fun events to choose from. Adults will be able to enjoy snowmobiling, skiing, and horseback riding.

In addition, you should definitely look into Kizhi - a unique place famous for its wooden architecture and natural beauty. Also among the must-see attractions are the Kivach waterfall and the Onega reservoir.

Another important point of the excursion is Kondopoga. In the city bell towers there are special mechanical musical instruments that ring every hour. Don't forget to visit the dog kennel, where you can ride a sled and interact with smart dogs.


Tatarstan also has its own Grandfather, only he is known under the name Kysh Babai. Instead of a granddaughter, he has a daughter, Kar Kyzy. A local wizard lives in the settlement of Yana Kyrlay in a wooden estate, which in normal times is a museum of the Tatar poet Tukay.

A large fairy-tale retinue helps Grandfather meet guests. The first the guests see is the devil Shaitan, it is he who accompanies them to the possessions of Kysh Babai through various obstacles. Another assistant is the mischievous Shurale, who knows by heart all the forest paths and paths.

Also, on the way to Grandfather Frost, guests get acquainted with other Tatar heroes of fairy tales, myths and legends. For example, a close relative of Babka-Yozhka, Ubyrly Karchyk, lives in a hut. She does not do dirty tricks, but helps lost travelers.

If for some reason you can’t look into Kysh Babai’s forest house, go directly to Kazan. There is a representative office of the Tatar Father Frost here, where you can meet the fabulous old man and chat with him.

In addition, Kazan is an amazingly beautiful city with magnificent temples and mosques. Parents will also find something to do in the capital of Tatarstan. For example, you can visit the water park, visit local cafes and restaurants to try the national cuisine.

Velikiy Novgorod

It is not for nothing that the oldest Russian city is considered one of the most majestic and beautiful settlements in our state. If you want to immerse yourself in a magical winter atmosphere with your child, then go here.

In the first days of January, the Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsy” hosts Christmas festivities. Visitors will be able to travel around the magical village, get acquainted with rituals and traditions and meet characters from Russian fairy tales.

If the child is old enough, then you can study the craft workshops more carefully. Thus, the study of birch bark harvesting and basket making is popular. Another option is to get acquainted with sewing with beads, gold, and ancient Russian embroidery.

Parents will be able to visit the Valdai Iversky Monastery of the Mother of God, which is located on a picturesque lake island. This holy monastery is a unique monument of Russian architecture, like other similar institutions, of which there are many in Veliky Novgorod.


Another ancient and beautiful Russian city where you can feel all the beauty and charm of the Russian winter. But it is better to travel here with teenage children, since many excursions are intended specifically for adults.

Guests will appreciate such memorable places as Pskov Krom, Trinity Cathedral, Pogankin Chambers, Izborsk Fortress or Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, etc. You will have the opportunity to study ancient Russian architecture and take many beautiful photographs.

In addition, you can visit the Bee Farm, a picturesque estate located on the edge of a forest. Here you can find unusual models of bee dwellings, beekeepers' equipment, and a set of household peasant tools and tools from the 19th century.


Would you like to combine your Christmas holidays with physical activity? Go to Sochi. Currently, the popular domestic resort offers many options for family recreation - skiing on the slopes, visiting attractions, visiting the inhabitants of the dolphinarium and aquarium.

On December 31, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, characters from Russian and foreign fairy tales, walk through the streets of Sochi. All this is accompanied by a carnival and various competitions. This kind of celebration will definitely appeal to fans of costume parades.


Do you want to celebrate the New Year in European traditions? Take a trip to Scandinavia, where fabulous winter elders also live. For example, in Finland, in the small town of Rovaniemi, a relative of our Grandfather lives - Joulupukki, which literally means “Christmas goat”.

The town itself is not distinguished by a rich history or magnificent architecture, but within its borders is the village of Santa Claus, which is located directly on the Arctic Circle. This small settlement has the Joulopukki residence, as well as a post office, where numerous letters from children arrive.

Also in the village you can visit the ice sculpture park located in a cave, go dog sledding, and attend a toy-making master class conducted by “gnomes.” Adults have a restaurant and bar at their disposal.


The Swedish Santa Claus is called Tomte (Yultomten). Traditionally, he is not quite similar to the Elder of Velikiy Ustyug or foreign Santa Claus, since he is rather a small Christmas gnome. Although he also delivers gifts to children and adults.

You can visit the Swedish Grandfather Frost at his residence - Tomtelende, which is a small village located in the thick of the forest. Here you can see deer, feed ducks, ride horses, ride dog sleds and visit copper mines.

Every evening in Tomtelend there are festivities with torches, fireworks and fireworks. If your child gets tired of winter walks, you can settle down in a house and learn from the elves how to bake delicious Christmas cookies and prepare special drinks.


A relative of the Russian Father Frost in Norway is called Nisse, or Julenissen. In fact, this is not one fairy-tale character, but a whole community of fairy-tale gnomes who live throughout the entire snow-covered state.

That is why there are several residences of the winter wizard. For example, in the town of Drebak there is a Christmas house and a post office, where children send their written requests for a gift. Here you can also ride dog sleds and horses.

In another place - the city of Savalen - there is another fabulous residence. Gifts are collected here, gnomes read various magical stories, and treat them to cinnamon cookies. Schoolchildren can draw and give Nissa a beautiful drawing, and little ones leave their pacifiers here to say goodbye to their “diaper” childhood.

As a conclusion

Haven't decided yet how to spend the New Year holidays with your child? Above are various options for holiday pastime, and parents can implement both very economical and quite expensive ideas.

But whatever you choose (home vacation or travel), try to alternate between fun activities and relaxing holidays. There is no need to attend absolutely all events organized for children. Focus on those that will definitely interest your child and bring pleasure to other family members. Happy holiday!