Rich and poor brothers. The rich and the poor man (parable) The parable of the rich and the poor man

One day, the father of a rich family decided to take his young son to a farm in the village to show his son how poor people can be. They spent the day and night on the farm of a very poor family. When they returned home, the father asked his son:

— How did you like the trip?

- It was wonderful, dad!

—Have you seen how poor people can be? - asked the father.

- And what did you learn from this?

The son replied:

“I saw that we have a dog in the house, and they have four dogs.” We have a swimming pool in the middle of the garden, and they have a cove that you can’t see the edge of. We illuminate our garden with lamps, and the stars shine for them. We have a backyard patio, and they have a whole horizon.

- Thank you, dad, for showing me how rich these people are.

Wealth is what surrounds you! Look around! Having love, friends, family, health, good mood and a positive attitude towards life, you will get everything!


One day, in a very rich family, a father took his son to the village with the goal of showing him how very poor people live. They spent several days and nights in a house that can rightfully be called VERY poor.

Upon returning, the father asked his son if he enjoyed the trip.

"It was great, Dad!" - answered the son.

"Have you seen how poor people live?" - asked the father.

Tell me, what did you understand during this time?

The son replied:

I saw that we had one dog and they had four, but no one was counting their cats! We have a pool that extends to the middle of the yard, and they have a river that has no end. We have expensive lamps, and they have stars at night. We have a little land to live on, but they have fields as far as the horizon. We buy our own food, they grow their own, or take it from the forest. The alarm clock wakes us up, the sun wakes them up. We pay money to see nature in the zoo, they live among nature. The walls protect us, they are protected by the whole world.

Thank you, dad, for showing me how poor we are.

Once upon a time there lived two brothers - Kasym and Yusuf. Although they were born from the same mother, but, O Allah, how different they were!

Their father left them an inheritance of one hundred dinars. Kasim bought a place in the bazaar with this money and began trading in all sorts of small things. Dirham to dirham, dinar to dinar - and now, after ten years of tireless work, the modest hundred has multiplied many times over.

Now he was rich, had a large shop and a share in the salt industry. From sunrise to sunset, he sat in his shop or ran about business, bargained with suppliers, counted goods in barns and warehouses.

He dreamed of earning enough money by the age of fifty to last him into old age, and then retire. Therefore, he worked like hell, not knowing the joys of life and not having a single friend. And what kind of friends can a person have who is only interested in the harvest and the price of ginger?

And Yusuf spent his father’s hundred dinars in a week. And from that time on, he saw such money only in the wrong hands. He was so poor that he differed from a beggar only in that he did not ask for alms. Yusuf worked as a water carrier. He spent half a day delivering and selling water, and when he saw that the coppers he received were enough for tea and a couple of cakes, he put the jug aside until tomorrow and indulged in free pleasures: playing backgammon, singing songs with friends, or sitting near the irrigation ditch, looking at the flowing water for hours. water.

The wise say: increase your friends, not your money. If you have friends, you will have money. But the wise were wrong about Yusuf. Although he had almost as many friends as there were people in the city, poverty was not going to let him out of its bony embrace. But he never complained, and his songs never became sadder. And if his stomach really gave out, he would find a shady place, lie down on the soft grass and fall asleep: it is known that a sleeping person does not feel hunger.

When they said to him: “Hey, Yusuf, if you work another half a day, you will stop needing!”, He cheerfully answered:

Will money make me happier than I am? Is life given to a person so that he spends it on work? And do you really want me to become like my unfortunate brother Kasym? From constant worries, calculations and calculations, his face became prematurely covered with wrinkles. He was born two years later than me, but looks five years older!

Everyone loved Yusuf and blamed Kasim for not helping his brother. Many times Kasim heard people shouting to him: “Hey, Kasim, you’re so rich, aren’t you ashamed that your brother is so poor?”

And then one day Kasym had to leave for trade matters in Khiva. And he thought: “What if I ask Yusuf to sit in the shop? I won’t have to close trade for a whole month, I’ll help my brother, and the evil tongues will be silenced. He won’t sell anything - and there’s no need, he’ll act as a watchman, just so people can see that the shop is open.”

Yusuf happily agreed to help his brother. Kasym told him what to do and what not to do, made him repeat what he had said several times, and left.

And Yusuf began a completely different life. Now people gave him not just some small change, but silver and even gold!

They say you can't have lunch three times a day. It's not true, it's possible! Yusuf ate breakfast three times, lunch three times, and even ate dinner in such a way that he would not wake up at night from hunger.

Judging that it was impossible to sit in such a rich and beautiful shop in rags, Yusuf bought himself a new robe, and then two more robe, one better than the other.

And on the way home, every day he bought the best meat and Uzgen rice so that he could cook pilaf with his own hands for dinner with friends. The friends ate, praised the generous meal and rejoiced that Yusuf was finally lucky.

A month later, Kasim returned to his hometown. All this time his heart was not in the right place, so he immediately went to the store. And how surprised he was when he saw that there were almost no goods left.

Oh, what a great fellow you are! - Kasym exclaimed, joyfully looking around at the empty shelves. - I sold everything! And I thought that you wouldn’t have any trade. Well, show me the proceeds?

Brother Yusuf rummaged in his pockets and took out several coins.

“There’s not that much money,” he looked down guiltily.

How is that all?! - Kasym asked in amazement. - But there was goods worth fifteen thousand dinars here!

“Don’t worry, brother,” Yusuf reassured him. - All your money is safe and sound. I just lent a lot of goods.

Where is the debt book? - Kasim extended his hand.

Why a book? - Yusuf smiled. “I remember many of them by name, and if I don’t remember someone, it’s okay.” These were all honest people, and they all swore that they would pay as soon as they could!

Kasim looked in horror at Yusuf’s serene face.

Haven't you sold anything for cash?

Of course I sold it. But I bought myself some clothes, because a real merchant must look respectable. And he spent a little, very little on alms - let everyone know that the trading business of Kasym and Yusuf is flourishing... What's wrong with your face, brother?

I'm ruined and robbed! - Kasim shouted. - My brother robbed me! I worked for so many years to fill this store with goods - you stole my money! You stole more than money - you took my life! Now I have to sit in this shop for five years longer!

And he drove Yusuf away and swore never to help him again. He himself, sighing and groaning, began to work twice as much as before, in the hope of regaining the lost money and reducing the time remaining before retiring.

And the townspeople disliked him even more because he treated his brother so cruelly, and often said to each other that the world had never seen such a miser and brother-hater.

But they still loved Yusuf and remembered how generous and magnanimous he was during his brief prosperity. And Yusuf did not lose heart. He again carried water before noon and again sang songs in the afternoon. And if he could not earn enough for lunch, he would find a quiet corner, lie down on the soft grass and doze. After all, everyone knows: when you lie down, you want to eat less.

Rich and poor husband (parable)

One woman married a rich merchant. And he had a large store where he sold fabrics and clothes. And he was very stingy. One day he bought a chicken and asked his wife to cook dinner from this chicken. During dinner, a knock was heard on the door, the merchant opened the door and saw a poor man who asked him for food because he was very hungry. And the merchant refused his request, shouted at him rudely and drove him away. And the one asking said to him:

May Allah forgive you, my lord, if it weren’t for the severe need and mild hunger, I would not have knocked on your door.

Without waiting for the end of the conversation, the merchant slammed the door in the poor man's face. Returned for dinner. And his wife said:

Why did you slam the door in the poor man's face like that?

Her husband answered her angrily:

What did you want me to do?

She answered:

Well, you could have given him a piece of chicken, or at least wings, so that he could satisfy his hunger.

The husband was indignant:

Give him a whole wing?!! You are crazy?!!

And then the wife said:

Well least say a kind word to him.

Time passed, a merchant came to his store and saw that his store had burned down, all the fabrics and clothes, and nothing was left. The merchant returned to his wife sad and told her:

The fire turned my store to ashes, I'm ruined.

The wife answered:

Don’t be sad, don’t despair of Allah’s mercy... and Allah will replace it with good for you.

However, her husband answered her:

Listen to me wife... go to your father's house until this good comes and I am not able to spend it on you!!

And the merchant divorced her. However, Allah blessed her and she married another man. A generous person, pitying the weak, feeding the hungry, not refusing, the poor and those who ask.

One day, when this woman was having dinner with her husband, there was a knock on the door, she went to see who was knocking, and when she returned she said to her husband:

There is a poor man there, complaining of severe hunger and asking for some food.

And her husband answered her:

Give him one of the two chickens... you and I will have enough for one for dinner... after all, Allah has given us a gift, and we will not reject the one who turns to us.

The wife said:

There is no one more generous and kind than you!!

She took the chicken to the poor man and returned to her husband to continue dinner and her eyes were full of tears, and her husband noticed this and asked her in amazement:

What made you cry, dear wife?

She answered:

I am crying from great sadness!

And he asked her about the reason for the sadness, she answered:

I am crying because the poor man who recently knocked on our door, to whom you ordered to give a chicken, he was my first husband!!!

Then she told about him, about his greed and the incident when he drove the poor man away without giving him anything and slammed the door in his face with abuse. And then the generous husband told her.

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