How to decrease the armhole when knitting. Elegant blouse. Knitting armholes with knitting needles - video

How to calculate and knit a sleeve and armhole

Divide the loops of the 1st part into threes and twos, with the first half into threes, the second into twos (3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 17), add the remainder to the first number (3 + 1 = 4 ).

Divide the loops of the 2nd part into units (18 units); loops of the 3rd part - into triplets (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18). If there is a remainder, add it to the first figure, counting from the high point of the circle (point O).

Apply the calculation results to the pattern.

Now you can start knitting the okat.

At the beginning of the front row of the 1st part (point B), fasten 4 loops in a row and knit the row to the end. Turn the knitting and at the beginning of the purl row also fasten 4 loops. Then continue casting off stitches at the beginning of each row (knit or purl) until you have reduced 18 stitches on both sides of the sleeve.

The first third of the loops of the 2nd part (18 sts: 3 = 6 sts) decrease 1 loop at the beginning and end of each front row. Cut the second third (6 loops) in the same way, but not in each front row, but every other row. Decrease the last third (6 stitches) in the same way as the first.

Fasten the loops of the 3rd part according to calculation in exactly the same way as in the 1st part: either at the beginning of the front row, or at the beginning of the purl row. When there are 6 loops left on the knitting needle (of which 3 loops on the right side of the okat plus 3 loops on the left), close them in a row.

How to knit a set-in sleeve

How to correctly calculate and knit a classic set-in sleeve, tapered at the bottom?
It is better to do the calculation for half a sleeve. Let's take a knitting density of 2, 2 loops and 2.8 rows in 1 cm. Size 48-50
set-in sleeve Let's define:
1) number of loops in the narrowest part of the sleeve 10 cm x 2, 2 p. = 22 loops
2) number of loops in the widest part 18 cm x 2.2 p. = 40 loops
3) the difference between the narrow and wide parts is 40p. - 22p. = 18 loops
4) sleeve length to the hem - 40 cm x 2.8 r. = 112 rows.
Divide 112 rows into 18 loops = 6, 2 rows. This means that additions must be made in every sixth row, i.e. for sleeve bevels, you need to add 18 times, 1 loop in every sixth row on both sides.
According to the “grandmother’s” method, additions for bevels of sleeves are made in every sixth row, and if the arms are short, then increases are made 1 time in the fourth, 1 time in the sixth row.
If you know this, then you don’t have to make calculations for adding loops.

Sleeve coverThe sleeve cover is calculated as follows:
1) number of loops in the widest part = 40 loops.
2) divide 40 loops into 3 parts - 40p. : 3 = 13 p (1 remainder). We will add the remainder to the first part. Thus:
1 part - 14 loops
Part 2 - 13 loops
Part 3 - 13 loops.
Let's divide each part into groups:
Part 1 - divide the loops into 2 groups, 7 loops in each group. We divide the loops of the first group into triplets: 3 + 3 (1 remainder). Add the remainder to the first number: 4 + 3. Divide the loops of the second group into twos: 2 + 2 + 2 (1 remainder). We add the remainder to the first digit: 3 + 2 + 2.
Part 2 - divide into units: 13 units.
Part 3 - divide the loops into triplets: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 (1 remainder). Add the remainder to the last digit: 3 + 3 + 3 + 4.
For convenience, let’s put the calculations on the pattern and start knitting.
Some useful tips.
It is better to make additions for sleeve bevels at the beginning of the row after the edge loop, and at the end of the row - before the edge loop. This will make it easier to sew the sleeve seam.
If the sleeve is knitted in a pattern, be sure to include the added stitches in the pattern.
Very often, in order to make the sleeves the same, both sleeves are knitted simultaneously (they are on the same needle) from two balls.
Before you start performing the okata, try on the sleeve on yourself so as not to make a mistake in the length.
If all the additions are made, but the length of the sleeve is not enough, then simply knit straight to the desired length, not forgetting that the second sleeve must be knitted as well.

Reducing stitches along the sleeve head line

Having knitted to the armhole line, we calculate the decrease in loops along the line of the sleeve head. To correctly calculate the decrease in loops of the sleeve head, divide the height of the sleeve head into three equal parts

According to the construction of the drawing, the segment is equal to 16 cm: 16 cm: 3 = 5.3 cm.
We get points K and K1. Draw a horizontal line through point K1. The points of intersection with the okat line are designated by the letters K2 and K3 (see drawing). Section KChK3 - control line. We determine how many rows will be knitted in each part: 4.2 rows X 5.3 ~ 22 rows.
The size of the segment GKhG2 (sleeve width along the armhole line) is 36 cm, or 108 loops (3 loops X 36 cm = 108 loops). Therefore, along the cuff line of the sleeve, you need to decrease 108 loops. We calculate the decrease in loops of the sleeve head for each half separately.
Let's consider decreasing the loops from the back, i.e. on the left. On the finished drawing we measure the size of the segment K2K: K2K1 = 8.1 cm, or 3 loops X 8.1 “24 loops.

How to knit a set-in sleeve

Perhaps, set-in sleeves of all varieties found in sewing can be knitted on knitting needles: long and... whether short; narrowed or, conversely, widened downwards; straight (tubular) or lantern-shaped; with a cuff or lapel and many others.

Sleeves can be made not only from the bottom up from the wrist (the most common method), but also from the side of the sleeve seam (transverse knitting direction). You can knit a set-in sleeve from top to bottom (from the high point of the hem), but this is not entirely convenient. ·

Let's get acquainted with knitting a set-in sleeve, narrowed downwards. knitting the sleeves before the start of the okat

Calculation and knitting of the sleeve before the start of the okat (Fig. 176). The calculation is faster to do for half a sleeve. Count the number of loops in the narrowest and widest parts of the sleeve:
3 p. X 1 0 cm = 30 p. (Pg = 3 p.);
3 p. x 1 8 cm = 54 p.
Determine the difference (in loops) between the wide and narrow parts of the sleeve:
54 p. - 30 p. = 24 p.
Measure the distance from the beginning of the expansion on the sleeve to the beginning of the collar (34 cm) and divide this number by 24 (the difference is in the loops):
34 cm: 24 = 1.4 cm.
Count the number of edges in 1.4 cm, in our example there are 3 of them, which corresponds to 6 rows. Therefore, to expand the sleeves, you need to add one loop in every 6th row. Let's look at how best to do this.

Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles (30 p. X 2 = 60 p.), knit 4 cm in garter stitch and go to the main pattern. Knit 2-4 rows and make the first addition: at the beginning of the front row, remove the selvedge and, having made a yarn over (toward you), knit a row, at the end of it, in front of the edging, throw on another yarn over.

In the next purl row, knit the yarn over with knit stitches behind the back wall. Continue knitting, making similar increases on both sides of the sleeve in every 6th row, until there are 1 0 8 loops on the knitting needle (54 sts X 2 = 1 08 sts).

In order not to lose count, mark each time with a colored thread or pin a pin to the row in which you made an addition. These marks will also be useful to you when making the second sleeve, so do not remove them until you have knitted both sleeves.

Calculation and knitting of sleeve cap. To calculate the knitting of an okat, it is most advisable to use a technique developed by practice. Whatever yarn you use and whatever number of needles you knit from, this technique gives fairly accurate results. Depending on the knitting density, only the number of calculation numbers changes: the looser the fabric, the fewer there are. Check out this simple calculation.

Divide the number of loops in segment A B (Fig. 177) into 3 equal parts (54 p.: 3 = 1 8 p.). If there is a remainder, then attach it to the 1st part. Next, divide the loops of each part into groups.

Divide the loops of the 1st part into threes and twos. Moreover, the first half is divided into threes, the second - into twos (3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 1 7), add the remainder to the first digit (3 + 1 = 4).

Divide the loops of the 2nd part into units (1 8 units).

The loops of the 3rd part are in triplets (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 1 8). If there is a remainder, add it to the first figure, counting from the high point of the circle (point O). Apply the calculation results to the pattern.

The calculation is ready. You can start knitting the okat.

At the beginning of the front row of the 1st part (point B), fasten 4 loops in a row and knit the row to the end. Turn the knitting and at the beginning of the purl row also fasten 4 loops. Then continue casting off stitches at the beginning of each row (knit or purl) until you have reduced 18 stitches on both sides of the sleeve.

The first third of the loops of the 2nd part (18 sts: 3 = 6 sts) decrease 1 loop at the beginning and at the end of each front row. Cut the second third (6 loops) in the same way, but not in each front row, but every other row. Decrease the last third (6 stitches) in the same way as the first.

Knitting sleeves

Hello to all needlewomen!

We are starting another lesson at the Knitting School. The topic of our lesson: “Knitting sleeves” :-)

The most common sleeve shape is set-in with a rounded shape. This model is perfect for any product. As a rule, rounded armholes are made on classic models with a round neck and slightly sloping shoulders.

To knit sleeves and a rounded armhole, it is enough to master the fastening and decreasing of loops.

So let's get started.

Armhole, front and back measurements:

The front and back openings can be either the same or a little deeper in the front.

The sleeve opening must be the same at the front and back. After completing the armhole, decreases are made for the sleeve cap.

In this case, the shoulder line can be either straight, slightly beveled or rounded.

To calculate the number of decreased stitches in the front and back armholes:

A) subtract the loops on the neck and shoulders from the total number of loops,

B) divide the resulting number of loops by 2, as a result you will get the number of loops that need to be removed to form a floodplain on both sides,

C) in the first row, cast off 3-4 loops at once, then in every second row, 1 loop 2 times, then cast off 1 loop until the required number of loops remains.

For knitting sleeves:

For the sleeve armhole, perform the same decreases as in point c). Then round off the top of the sleeve. To do this, decrease 1 or 2 stitches in every second row until a few stitches remain.

To form an armhole, it is necessary to both decrease the loops and close them. Cast off the stitches at the beginning of the row. Reducing the loops that model the armhole can be done along the edges or inside the row, due to this a decorative effect is achieved - a thin side with a slope to the right or left.

Read how to bind off and decrease stitches when knitting sleeves in the next knitting lesson for beginners.

How to knit okat sleeves

Preparatory process

The following abbreviations will be used in the description:

P. - loop;
R. - row;
LP – facial loop.
First, let's look at how to knit a sleeve with a collar, and how to knit armholes on a product.

If the product is knitted according to a pattern from a magazine or other source, then the description for beginners always indicates how to make an armhole. If a sweater or dress is made without a pattern or diagram, the following knowledge will come to the rescue.

To calculate the decrease and increase of stitches, it is very important to know the knitting density. On a 10x10 cm pattern knitted with knitting needles, the sum of the loops and rows is calculated.

Calculation of decreases for armholes without a pattern

1. When forming an armhole, we determine its width, usually the size is 4-6 cm. It must be taken into account that the front armhole is slightly deeper than on the back.
2. To do this, subtract the number related to the neck and shoulders from the total number of loops and divide it in half. You can also use a measuring tape and count the loops at a distance of 4 cm. For example, take 9 stitches. On the one side.

3. Now this figure is divided by three, resulting in 3p. If the number cannot be divided exactly by three, then the extra loop is added to the first segment from the edge, for example, 10 is divided by 4+3+3.
4. The first segment is immediately closed at once: decreasing at the beginning of the front row on one side and at the beginning of the purl row on the other. But only if the number is not more than 6 stitches, otherwise the decrease occurs in two stages: first, half the loops are at the beginning of two lines, then the second half is similar.
5. On the second segment, the loops are reduced only on the front side: after the edge there are 2 loops together and in front of it at the end - the same. The wrong side is knitted according to the pattern. The decrease is repeated according to this scheme the required number of times, in our case 3p., which means only 3 times.
6. The third segment will be even more smoothly rounded, and the loops will decrease in the same way as on the second, only through one front row, i.e. in just three, together with the purl one. In this case, 3p. The decrease happens like this:
1st row: edging, 2 LP together, the rest unchanged, at the end 2 LP together, edging;
2-4p.: according to the drawing.
7. From the 5th r. everything is repeated from 1 to 4 p. And so on 1 more time. The total will be minus 3p. from each side.
8. For a tight-fitting silhouette, it is necessary to make the armhole concave. Therefore, after all the decreases on the upper part, additions are made 3 times by 1 p. at an equal distance. The result should be that the edge of the shoulder protrudes above the middle part of the armhole by 1cm.
The video below will help you better understand the topic.

Calculation of decreases and increases with video instructions

Now you can start making the sleeve itself.

Knitting a sleeve begins with a cuff, but before that a calculation is made based on its dimensions.

The initial data are the following dimensions:

Width at the narrowest point (bottom) – 10cm;
width at the top – 18cm;
length to rim – 40cm.
With a knitting density of 10x10 cm = 22p.x28p., it turns out at the bottom 10cm = 22p., at the top 18cm = 40p., length 40cm = 112p.

Width difference between top and bottom:

40p. – 22p. = 18p. - this is the number of loops that need to be added during the work process;
112 rub. / 18p. = 6.2 rubles, rounded to 6 rubles. – this is the number of rows through which increases need to be made.
This means that it turns out that it is necessary to perform additions 18 times by 1p. in every sixth line. If you get an odd number, for example, 7 rubles, then you will need to perform decreases in turn: first after 6 rubles, then after 8 rubles.

You can do without calculations by using the knowledge of grandmothers, who increased the number of loops every 6 rubles. on regular sleeves, and in turn after 4 rubles, then after 6 rubles. – for short hands.

The calculation is proposed for half, the edging of the second half is performed symmetrically.

The width is divided into three equal sections:
40 / 3 = 13p.+1
The result is not an integer, so the remainder is added to the first section: 14+13+13.
Each section is further divided into groups:
1st for two groups: 4+3;
2nd - 1 p., will be 13;
3rd - 3p. = 3+3+3+4, if there is a remainder, it is summed to the outer group.
These numbers are clearly visible in the figure above.
The decrease is carried out according to the number of loops in groups the specified number of times after and before the edge:
first section - close 4 p., after 1 p. – 3 p.;
second – 1/3 part (4 p.) – 1 p. after 1 p., another 1/3 (5 p.) - 1 p. each. after 3 p., the remaining 1/3 (4 p.) - 1 p. after 1 rub., the remainder is added to the middle group;
third - close 3p. through the line, the last ones will be 4p.
Now for beginning needlewomen, making sleeves (round and armhole) will be a completely simple task, even without a pattern.

If you still have questions, you can watch a video on the topic.

Many knitters, especially those who are not very experienced, have difficulty when it comes to knitting armholes. Of course, when we knit a model from a magazine, the description says how to decrease the stitches. But what should we do if the pattern we are knitting is a product of our imagination and inspiration, or if there is no description for this pattern? After reading this article, you will see that knitting armholes with knitting needles is not at all difficult. Here I will show you a simple diagram for calculating stitch decreases for an armhole.

Methods for calculating loops for knitting armholes.

1. Firstly, you can knit the piece in a straight line without making a decrease for the armholes

You will get a model with a slightly lowered sleeve.

Such an armhole is good in products with a loose silhouette. I will also note that knitting a sleeve will also not be difficult, since you will not need to knit the edging, the edging line of the sleeve will be straight, without bends, and you will just need to close all the loops of the sleeve. Here is an example of such a pattern.

But if you are knitting a tight-fitting model, then in order for it to fit well, you need to make decreases for the armholes. In fact, there is nothing complicated in calculating how to knit armholes.

2. Calculation of loops for knitting deep armholes

At first . As a rule, the width of the armhole is 4-6 cm. We count how many loops are contained in the number of centimeters we need. To do this, you just need to attach a ruler to the product and count the number of loops in the number of centimeters you need.

Divide the resulting number of loops into 3 parts. If this number is not divisible without a remainder, then this remainder must be added to the first part of the loops, which is closer to the side seam. This results in 3 blocks of loops, which we close as follows:

1. The first part of the loops close in one go.

2. Second part

3. The third part of the loops - Decrease one stitch in every second row.

Example: the number of loops that are decreased for the armhole line is 11. Divide into 3 parts of 3, 4 and 4 loops. We close the first 4 loops of the first part, then in each second row we close 2 loops (loops of the second part), then we close 3 times one loop (the loops of the first part).

Calculation of loops for knitting armholes of products with a high knitting density.

It is used if the number of loops being closed is more than 15. The scheme is similar to the one I gave above.

At first determine how many loops need to be decreased. As a rule, the width of the armhole is 4-6 cm. We count how many loops are contained in the number of centimeters we need. To do this, apply a ruler to the product and count the number of loops in the number of centimeters you need.

Divide the resulting number of loops into 4 parts. If this number is not divisible without a remainder, then this remainder must be added to the first part of the loops, which is closer to the side seam. We get 4 blocks of loops, which we close as follows:

1. The first part of the loops close in one go.

2. Part two We close the loops in 2 steps: we divide the loops into two parts and close them in every second row. If you again did not get an even number of loops, then remember the rule: add the remainder to the part that is closer to the side seam.

3 . The third part of the loops close in three steps: divide the number of loops by three. We close every third in every second row.

4. A quarter of the loops - Decrease one stitch in every second row. If in the third part one loop was also closed in every second row, but the loops of the fourth part must be reduced by one loop in every fourth row.

Example: for the armhole line you need to cast off 25 loops. Divide this number into 4 parts, we get 6, 6, 6, 7 loops in the block. First we close 7 loops of the first block. Then we close the loops of the second block: in every second row we close 3 loops 1 time, then 3 loops the second time. Next we close the loops of the third block: in every second row 3 times 2 loops. We close the loops of the fourth block 6 times, 1 loop in every second row.

If something seems unclear to you, or you are unable to calculate the stitches for knitting armholes, please contact us! I will definitely help you!

The desire to write this entry arose after the questions - how do I knit a sleeve so that it fits so well?
I have been knitting for a long time, since I was 12 years old, and my main teacher was M.V. Maximova’s book “The ABC of Knitting”. It was from this book that I learned how to knit armholes and sleeve caps correctly. Of course, each product requires some changes, but the basic calculations always remain the same.
If you take this method as a basis, then very soon you will have neat set-in sleeves.
I wish everyone good luck
Calculation and knitting of sleeve cap.

To calculate and knit an okat, it is most advisable to use a technique developed by practice. Whatever yarn you use and whatever number of needles you knit from, this technique gives fairly accurate results. Depending on the knitting density, only the number of calculation numbers changes: the looser the fabric, the fewer there are.

Let's take a look at this calculation. Divide the number of loops in segment AB (Fig. 174) into 3 equal parts (54 p. : 3 = 18 p.). If there is a remainder, then attach it to the 1st part. Next, divide the loops of each part into groups.

Rice. 174 Calculation for knitting an okat

Divide the loops of the 1st part into threes and twos, with the first half into threes, the second into twos (3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 17), add the remainder to the first number (3 + 1 = 4 ).

Divide the loops of the 2nd part into units (18 units); loops of the 3rd part - into triplets (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18). If there is a remainder, add it to the first figure, counting from the high point of the circle (point O).

Apply the calculation results to the pattern.

Now you can start knitting the okat.

At the beginning of the front row of the 1st part (point B), fasten 4 loops in a row and knit the row to the end. Turn the knitting and at the beginning of the purl row also fasten 4 loops. Then continue casting off stitches at the beginning of each row (knit or purl) until you have reduced 18 stitches on both sides of the sleeve.

The first third of the loops of the 2nd part (18 sts: 3 = 6 sts) decrease 1 loop at the beginning and end of each front row. Cut the second third (6 loops) in the same way, but not in each front row, but every other row. Decrease the last third (6 stitches) in the same way as the first.

Fasten the loops of the 3rd part according to calculation in exactly the same way as in the 1st part: either at the beginning of the front row, or at the beginning of the purl row. When there are 6 loops left on the knitting needle (of which 3 loops on the right side of the okat plus 3 loops on the left), close them in a row.

When knitting set-in narrow sleeves, a certain pattern is observed, which is advisable to take into account. Noticed: if the arm length measurement is 52-60 cm (with normal fullness of the arms), then increases on the sleeve have to be made in every 6th row. If, with the same fullness of the arms, the length measure is 48-51 cm (short arms), then a different rhythm of additions is necessary - once in the 6th row, once in the 4th. For full and short arms (48-51 cm), loops on the sleeve should be added every 4th row. Knowing this, you can avoid calculating the additions according to the pattern, but knit the sleeves taking into account these practical conclusions.

To learn how to knit items quickly and efficiently, you should familiarize yourself with several important aspects of knitting, which will definitely be useful to both beginning needlewomen and professional knitters. In this case, we will talk about sleeves - an important element of a huge number of clothing models for women, men, boys and girls, which every knitting artist encounters.

Creating knitted sweaters, cardigans, pullovers, jackets, jumpers, jackets, dresses, tunics, boleros and coats is not complete without knitting sleeves. Therefore, it is so important to understand the varieties of this important part of the products, and the specifics of their knitting. Of course, sleeves can also be crocheted, but in this article we will pay special attention to knitting sleeves. Let's take a closer look at how to knit a sleeve with knitting needles from below, and how to knit a sleeve from top to bottom with knitting needles, depending on the chosen style.

How to knit sleeves with knitting needles - diagram and description for beginners

There are a huge variety of sleeve shapes, as well as knitting techniques. Before knitting a product, it is worth deciding on the exact pattern of the sleeves. The finished appearance of the sleeve is influenced by two factors: the chosen shape of this part of the item and the intended style of the finished product as a whole. Here main types of sleeve cuts, which are used to create various knitted clothing models:

  • Set-in sleeve;
  • Raglan;
  • Bat;
  • Sleeve without cut line;
  • Sleeve with shoulder strap;
  • Sleeve with shallow armhole;
  • Flashlight;
  • Kimono sleeve.

And although the structure of the sleeves is slightly different, the specifics of their knitting are still different.

Beginning knitters should note the following from the general rules for knitting sleeves:

Popular articles:

  1. First the sleeve armhole is knitted, then the cuff;
  2. The shoulder line, depending on the model of clothing, is knitted: straight, with a slope, and also with a curve.

It is this feature that distinguishes many types of sleeves, and it is possible thanks to working with decreasing loops. Counting stitches for decreasing on the back and shelf, beginners should consider the following:

  1. Having counted the total number of loops, you need to subtract those that will go on the shoulders and neckline;
  2. The remaining number of loops is divided by two - this number should be reduced to knit the armhole;
  3. From the beginning of the very first row you need to close three or four loops, and then through the row - twice one at a time. After this, close one loop at a time until the number on the knitting needles that is required in your case.

For the armhole of the sleeve, follow the steps in step 3, after which the rounding of the upper part of the sleeve is knitted in this way: one or two loops are decreased until several loops remain. When forming the armhole, the loops are both reduced and closed. Close them at the beginning of the row. The loops modeling the armhole are decreased either inside the row or along the edges. This way you get a thin side with an inclination in the desired direction.

Let's look at the methods of knitting the most popular types of sleeve cuts among beginning knitters in more detail.

Knitting a set-in sleeve

Knitting a set-in sleeve with knitting needles is directly related to calculating the order of decreasing stitches when knitting the sleeve cap and the armhole of the main fabrics. The most accurate way to determine the number of loops is to knit a sample of the main pattern and measure the density of the loops, then transfer the pattern to graph paper and make calculations.

Often a set-in sleeve is knitted from below. As soon as the elastic is knitted to the required height, the addition of loops begins. To do this, you need to subtract the sum of the stitches of the cast-on row from the number of stitches at the beginning of the lambing of the sleeve. And to accurately determine the frequency of loop increases, the number of rows knitted is calculated based on the density. After which the additional loops are evenly distributed. At the armhole, decreases are made at the beginning of the row.

After completing all the decreases and knitting the required number of rows, the okat is knitted. As a rule, decrease three loops from each edge three times. In the last row, all remaining loops are closed.

How to knit raglan correctly

One of the most popular types of sleeve knitting is raglan, so beginner knitters will quite often encounter its features in patterns. It is worth immediately noting that in Knitting raglan sleeves can be done both from above and from below.

If you knit raglan with knitting needles from below, then the same method is used as when knitting a set-in sleeve. Having completed the required length, begin the process of lowering the loops. Often, loops are lowered as follows: through each row, one loop of two is knitted, before and after the edge loop.

Knitting raglan on top has its own advantages, for example, during work you can try on a sleeve at any time and correct mistakes. It is better to work on circular knitting needles. The garment model with a raglan fastener also allows you to use straight knitting needles. Important: if the product has a collar, then knitting the raglan on top begins with it, and if the collar is not provided according to the plan, then increases along the raglan lines are made from the very beginning.

How to knit raglan correctly in this way: calculate the number of loops for the neck according to the finished pattern. The number of cast-on loops is divided by four - these loops will be the raglan line. It is better to mark the loops of the raglan lines with markers or contrasting threads. If the product includes a raglan with a fastener, and the sleeve is knitted on straight needles, one of its parts is divided in half again - this will be the place for the fastener.

When knitting raglan circular knitting needles, you should add loops in every odd row.

Knitting on straight knitting needles involves adding loops in the front rows and knitting according to the pattern in the purl rows.

In order to clearly highlight the raglan line on the product, you should knit the marked loops only with knit stitches, and add increments before and after them.

Same thing adding loops You can knit with a yarn over, or knit two from one loop. In the first case, the result will be a certain pattern with holes, and in the second - a smooth canvas.

The chosen knitting method is followed up to the armpit level, after which the sleeve loops are removed using additional knitting needles or pins.

Rules for knitting “Bat” sleeves

Knitting “Bat” sleeves is also quite popular, so beginner knitters should familiarize themselves with its general features. Whether to knit a sleeve from top to bottom or vice versa depends on the knitting pattern of the individual item. They offer both variants of knitting the “Bat”.

Often sweaters, tunics and pullovers with such sleeves knit from the bottom backs and shelves. Starting with the large parts of the product, straight fabric is knitted until the beginning of the armhole. Here, adding loops can be done immediately, or you can cast on the required number of loops at the beginning of one row and repeat this in the next row, and the required number of times.

When knitting sleeves, and therefore the entire product as a whole, down up(in other words, from the elastic of the sleeve), it is knitted like a stitch, after which the loops for large parts are already cast on. The loops are closed in the order they were cast on.

Video lesson for beginners

To make it easier for beginner knitters to understand the intricacies of knitting sleeves, it is worth watching several detailed master classes on knitting these important elements. Video lessons from professional knitters are ideal for learning how to knit them quickly and correctly.

Video lesson - knitting sleeves

The armhole is one of the important elements of clothing. In this article we will tell you how to do it knitting armholes with knitting needles.

Then, knowing the height of the curve, calculate exactly how many rows you need to make this reduction (multiply the number of rows in 1 cm by the resulting height). While knitting the armholes with knitting needles, close a certain part of the loops at the beginning of the row 7 - 10 times. Typically, loops that fit 1.5 cm are closed immediately, then 3 loops are decreased in 1 row, 2 loops in the next 2-4 rows, and 1 loop in the remaining rows.

Keep in mind that one armhole is made at the beginning of the rows, and the second at the beginning of the purl rows. When turning the work, the first loop should not be knitted, but removed on the right needle. This is necessary so that the line for knitting the armhole is smooth and without ledges or corners.

An example of calculating how to knit an armhole using knitting needles

Knit based on:

  • armhole width = 15 loops;
  • rounding height = 22 rows.
  • Decrease 4 loops per row - 1 time,
  • 3 loops - 1 time,
  • 2 loops - 2 times,
  • then 1 stitch 4 every 4th row.

Knitting armholes with knitting needles: video

This page is found by queries:

  • knitting armholes with knitting needles
  • how to knit an armhole with knitting needles
  • how to knit an armhole with knitting needles
  • crocheting armholes