Who is customary to congratulate on Valentine's Day? Congratulations on Valentine's Day: SMS, VKontakte statuses, postcards. Love traditions of Denmark and Holland

Valentine's Day - traditions, congratulations, gifts, signs

February 14th is Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? What to gift? What can't you give? How to congratulate? What signs should you pay attention to?

On February 14, Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world - the holiday of lovers. Although it came to us relatively recently, it has already become one of the most popular. Because how can you pass up a holiday dedicated to love?

The tradition of celebrating this day dates back to the 7th century. There are many legends regarding the origin of the holiday. One of them says that in 269, the Roman Emperor Claudius II forbade his legionnaires to marry - he feared that family ties would distract them from military affairs. However, the Christian preacher Valentin opposed this and tried to help the lovers, incl. secretly married legionnaires contrary to the law of the emperor.

Having learned about this, Claudius II ordered Valentin to be imprisoned. However, even there the preacher did not abandon his work. Moreover, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer and was able to heal her with his note written before his execution. In it, he sincerely wrote to the girl about his feelings. He signed it simply: “From Valentin.” The energy of love that Valentin conveyed in his note performed a miracle: the girl regained her sight. And Valentin, a sufferer for love, was executed on February 14, 269. Therefore, this day is celebrated as a holiday for lovers.

Valentine himself, two hundred years later, was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all lovers.

The history of the holiday

How to celebrate Valentine's Day

It was in memory of that love note with the help of which the Saint healed his beloved that it became customary to give greeting cards on February 14 - valentines. Moreover, according to tradition, Valentine's cards don't sign Moreover, they even try to change the handwriting, and hand over the valentine itself unnoticed - a loving person (if he really loves!) will understand who sent it to him.

Let's remember the classics - how did Shakespeare's Ophelia prepare for the onset of Valentine's Day? She planned the morning of this day so that the first person she would see would be Hamlet. For since ancient times there was a belief - Whoever you meet first on Valentine's Day is destined for you. So, think after Ophelia and think about how you need to start on February 14 in order to program your destiny the way you want it.

Of course, lovers must be together on this day. A romantic walk, a candlelit evening, and most importantly: under no circumstances You can’t quarrel with your soulmate on this day! Even a minor quarrel on this special day will result in separation in the future. Therefore, tune in to be calmer and softer, give in to each other, do not conflict even over small things - if, of course, you want to save the relationship.

No clocks on Valentine's Day! Remember: happy hours do not watch! And who is happier than lovers? Therefore, do not count down the moments of your happiness - let it last forever. On February 14, try to do without objects that show the time. Don't wear a watch or look at it.

Valentine's Day is the most suitable moment for a declaration of love, as well as a marriage proposal.

What to give for Valentine's Day

In addition to the traditional valentine notes discussed above, other gifts are also given on February 14th.

However, first let's say that under no circumstances You can't give a watch on Valentine's Day. For it is believed that the hands on the gifted watch will begin to count down the time until parting.

Also Sharp and fragile objects cannot be given as gifts. Acute will bring a heart wound. And something fragile is in danger of breaking/splitting, which will lead to separation.

So, what's the best gift to give for Valentine's Day that will help strengthen and maintain love?

Firstly, we repeat that, just like a valentine, a gift must be sincere and from the heart, then it will have energy that will bring happiness to both the object of your love and yourself.

The best gifts for Valentine's Day are in pairs, when half of the gift remains with you. After all, happy love always means a couple. In addition, a couple's gift will not only be a kind of talisman that protects lovers from separation, but also a constant reminder of this special day. Identical bracelets, keychains, towels...

So give it as a gift: showing two identical objects to your boyfriend (your girlfriend), give one to him (her), and keep the second one for yourself. But it is important to remember: such gifts - with elements of a love spell - cannot be lost.

You can also risk giving a flower in a pot - one for yourself, the other for your loved one. Why "take a chance"? All for the same reason: each lover will have to protect such a flower. If it dries up, the same will happen to your love.

A perfume with the scent you love would be an appropriate gift. When presenting them to your significant other, explain the meaning of your gift: this scent will always remind you of celebrating Valentine's Day together. In addition, “your” scent will ward off rivals/rivals from the object of your love (but you don’t have to tell your significant other this - let it be your little secret trick).

Signs for Valentine's Day

This day also has its own special signs.

So, unlike other days, if you break a mirror on February 14th, then it’s good luck. It means that sincere love and a long family life awaits in the future.

If on February 14 you left the house and forgot to take something (say, keys, bag, phone, etc.) - this is also a sign of happiness. Expect good news from your chosen one or chosen one.

If the first person to call you on this day is your loved one, then all year - until the next February 14th - you will be in an inextricable connection with this person.

But stumbling on this day means unrequited love or separation from a loved one. If this happens, stamp your left foot three times in the place where you stumbled.

You also can’t lose anything - this means the loss of a loved one. If it suddenly happens, be sure to try to find it.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day

♦ Happy Valentine's Day!
Let the men congratulate
Let them give you flowers,
Makes all your dreams come true!
I wish on this holiday,
So that the prankster Cupid shoots an arrow
It hit me right in the heart.
And to love you
The best of men!

♦ On Valentine's Day
I'll give you my heart
So that love is mutual,
May happiness last forever!
May we always be together
And they understood each other
No matter what in the world
We haven't exchanged love!

♦ Be in love and loved,
Tender, sensual and sweet,
It's a bright day on Valentine's day,
Let the shadow of sadness go away!
And behind her - longing and grief,
Let there be a sea of ​​smiles
The most sincere confessions
And wonderful expectations!
Let the star of love shine
Your path is illuminated with happiness,
Inspiration, success
And friends with cheerful laughter!

♦ Feelings are bursting from the chest
And walking ahead
With a bright flame outwards,
They break the cold with heat;
And love is like a restless
Spreads around the world
Throwing sparks here and there -
Where they have been waiting for her for a long time;
And as if from the beginning
My heart began to pound!
This is the picture -
Happy Valentine's Day!

♦ Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations, dear friend.
And I want to be loved
And don’t remember troubles and blizzards.
May happiness surround you
And you don't know worries.
Let love accompany you
After all, she is the most important!

♦ Love! She's not just a word
What could be more sonorous than others?
You won’t repeat anything else in it,
And you won’t repeat yourself in it!

♦ Valentine's Day is here,
I send you joy!
I wish you sincere smiles,
Giving this message to you.

♦ Happy Valentine's Day,
My best man!
This day is full of love
My tender soul!
Happiness, joy, success,
Lots of genuine laughter!
I'm sending a Valentine's card:
My beloved, congratulations!

♦ Sending a valentine
In the form of my heart.
But take a closer look at the picture -
There you will find yours too.
After all, miracles happen:
There was a heart, now there are two.

♦ It is impossible to describe all the love!
But you can please your heart!
In it I write to you about love!
And I give you my feelings!

♦ Receive your Valentine with love!
It contains confessions, cries of the soul!
You are my dream, warm sun!
What love shines in the window!

♦ There is no doubt, I fell in love.
It's like being born again.
My heart was beating very fast,
It turned into a valentine.

♦ Valentine's card on Valentine's Day
Accept it from me
With best wishes,
Happiness and love,
May you be successful and calm
Your life will be
Be beautiful and healthy,
Have fun more often!

♦ Happy Valentine's Day I congratulate you.
I will kiss you tenderly
And I will say without hiding:
You are the only one, my love!
Sweet, affectionate, funny.
There was no better man
On Earth, my dear!

♦ Congratulations on Valentine's Day,
And I want that on your way
No end was found, no edge
For happy and joyful days.

♦ My dear, gentle, dear,
My affectionate, so dear,
My best and favorite,
Happy Valentine's Day!

♦ Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations to all lovers,
Tenderly, reverently loved
And inspired by love,
So that everyone on this holiday
I received a Valentine's card
Experienced great joy
And he was always happy!

♦ On Valentine's Day
I give you a bouquet.
And today I congratulate you,
The one that I truly love!
I wish you happiness, joy,
Let adversity disappear
And one thing I know for sure
We'll be together day and night,
We will always be together
If you tell me: “Yes!”

Cool congratulations for Valentine's Day

♦ More money and sex,
Happy Valentine's Day!
There will be money and sex,
We need Valentine!

♦ Love is always right
And so be it therefore,
In honor of Valentine's day,
I give myself to you.

♦ Let the pieces of ice melt on your heart from a cheerful valentine!
It's not difficult to love everyone.
So, from today
Love dogs and cats
And neighbors and passers-by,
And a little, at least a little,
Well, a little bit - me!

♦ On Valentine's Day
We are waiting for brunettes and blondes,
We are waiting for bald ones and hairy ones,
Big-eyed and big-nosed,
Both talkative and not so talkative,
To each his own, in short...

♦ On Valentine's Day
I'll get it from the store
no wine, no sausages,
and panties with hearts!

♦ Ah, Valentine's Day!
I'll cry for a whole year
Since there is not a single beast in the world
He won't send me a Valentine's card.
I will spit in the faces of all lovers,
I'll get a powerful shotgun.
Looks like he won't survive the fight.
Not a single man today!
And so, let me congratulate everyone!
Wishing you great love,
I can leave my phone number
Call me, I'll be waiting!

Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones.
Alexey GAIDUKOV / vgorode.ua
How to congratulate a guy, girl, boyfriend, girlfriend on Valentine's Day? We have prepared congratulations for you on the upcoming Valentine's Day, February 14th.
READ ALSO: TOP 5 original gifts for Valentine's Day
Poems for lovers
* * *
Like a small miracle
You appeared in my destiny.
With you I will forget myself,
And I’ll give you everything I have!
* * *
Today is a holiday dear
I want to confess my love:

I love you so much, dear!
Can I sacrifice:
Myself, my favorite things,
My life, everything that is around me
and I don't feel sorry. Cause I know
that the main thing is not to lose you!
Photo: domovod.blogspot.com
* * *
All the brightest, most tender
Today I dedicate my words to you!
Let the snowy mountains melt from love,
After all, on Valentine's Day
It's spring in my heart!!!
* * *
I love you. The foliage whispers to me quietly.
I love you. The wind is telling me.
I love you, and every day it grows stronger.
I love you, may God forgive me.
I love you and the sun shines brighter.
I love you, and life is more joyful.
I love you, and sincerely, believe me.
I love you and cannot forget you.
* * *
Love leads through deserts
And through the mountain ranges,
And it doesn’t get cold in the wind,
And he's not afraid of heights.
Because we care about blood,
My toast, of course, is to love!
* * *
Let the misfortunes of life fly by,
Let the blood flow like a stream in the spring!
I wish you to always be loved
And feel love at any time.
Photo: blogs.bashtanka.info
* * *
Lover of dreams,
Burning bridges
My postcard
I'm behind the door...
And flowers.
* * *
I wish you a lot of happiness,
A piece of blue sky
And in it the desired star -
Your love, your destiny.
I wish you to be happy
To love and be always loved!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Photo: www.sunhome.ru
* * *
The old legend is alive
And I believe that it is undeniable.
We need such a fairy tale
So that once a year, on Valentine's Day
I could confess my love to you:
There is no better person on earth
* * *
Years will pass. And the waves will rush.
Love will hide in the darkness, like birds,
And I will say: “what happiness,
That I’m on the same planet with you.”
Photo: sunhome.ru
Cool SMS for loved ones
* * *
I love looking into your eyes so much.
Their gaze is so tender, so dangerous.
Sometimes he is joyful, sometimes he is embarrassed,
Suddenly harsh, but how beautiful!
* * *
Pulse - 200, blood pressure 190/90, state of mind - depression, lack of coordination, diagnosis depends on you, treatment - your love. Save me!!!
* * *
Due to the violation of Article 63 of the love code, I condemn you to life imprisonment in my heart. The verdict is final and cannot be appealed. Happy Valentine's Day!
* * *
Hello, I'm SMS! Oh, who is it that looks at me with such beautiful eyes, I even feel dizzy. Happy Valentine's Day!
* * *
They called me from heaven and said that the most beautiful angel had escaped from them, but I did not give you away... Happy Valentine's Day!
* * *
The lonely moon looks out the window, I feel dark in this world without you. You are the bright sunshine in my life, send me an SMS and I will feel warmer!
* * *
"Valentine" 1910. Photo: wikimedia.org
A hundred thousand chipmunks cannot compare with you in softness and fluffiness. Happy Valentine's Day!
* * *
I send you as many drops in the blue sea, as much dust on the earth as many tender kisses.
* * *
It’s cold again, and again I’m bored, and you, as before, in the distance, I hope, remember me, as the sky remembers the earth!..
* * *
My love for you is like a dinosaur, big,
She is like space, without end and edge!
I can't keep it a secret
I love you more than anyone in the world!
* * *
Europe is sleeping, Australia is falling asleep. It's getting dark in America, and the most beautiful eyes in this world are reading my SMS! Happy Valentine's Day!
* * *
I want to kiss you tenderly, tenderly, so that your heart does not freeze even in the most severe frosts! Happy Valentine's Day, my love!
* * *
If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss me, don't make love to me. If you make love to me, don't stop.
* * *
I would like to send you all my love, but the postman said it was too much.
Photo: www.restoran.ua
* * *
Looking for the most beautiful pair of eyes in the world, who illegally crossed the border of love and friendship and stole my heart! I look into these eyes and recognize You!
* * *
My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you. I so want to be heard by your heart...
I kiss the tips of your wings.
* * *
Let us live a great life, so that we don’t want to change our lives! Falling in love is a reason for temptation, let's seduce each other!!!
* * *
Photo: chuguev-child-bibl.blogspot.com
For those who are apart
I melt in your arms,
I dissolve in your kiss,
I miss you so much
I'm waiting for us to be together...
* * *
I don't know how to distract myself.
Thoughts only about you.
I miss my beloved.
The best on earth!
* * *
I miss you baby
I often dream at night,
My love is like a flash in the heart,
I will give my heart for you!
* * *
Always when you're far away
I'm lonely and sad.
Separation is not easy
I miss you, my love!
* * *
When life loses its shine
When I only dream about you,
Every time I text,
This means that I miss you a lot.
Photo: www.sunhome.ru
* * *
My working passion has faded away,
I'm sitting alone in no mood.
Supreme bliss now
Send you a message!
* * *
Darling, I'm apart from you
A second turned into a year.
I'm overcome with boredom
And the heart is just waiting for a meeting.
* * *
When I miss you
I read your SMS
They keep me warm
And time flies like an express train.
* * *
I dedicate these lines
My beloved, to you.
I miss you so much,
And I won’t find a place for myself.
I dream of a quick hug,
And look into your eyes.
So that you don't have to separate anymore
To us even for the briefest moment.
* * *
Photo: info-lipetsk.com
Statuses for social networks
* * *
Pharmacy on Valentine's Day: - Hello. -Over!
* * *
Since we met, “We” has become more important than “You” or “I.” Happy holiday to you, baby!
* * *
Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, people call it love.
* * *
On Valentine's Day, I'm a ballerina for you!
* * *
Valentine's Day is a holiday that once again points to my loneliness...
* * *
If you combine February 14, 23 and March 8, you get: International Women's Day, lovers of the defenders of the Fatherland!
* * *
Spend this day with your loved ones!
* * *
On Valentine's Day I wish you a lot of sex and intimacy!
* * *
Why does a citizen have a bulging pant leg on Valentine's Day? No, he’s not a maniac at all, he’s bringing cognac to the department!
* * *
I will celebrate Valentine's Day in the company of my name.
* * *
When you're dating someone random in your life, you're lonelier than when you're not dating anyone.
* * *
On February 14, be careful and careful, know that 80% of people were born by chance.
* * *
Being single on Valentine's Day on February 14th is the same as being single for the remaining 364 days, so don't make a big deal out of it.
* * *
Today I’ll lock myself at home, wrap myself in a blanket, turn off the phone and sit down to watch a good film about true love, crying at how beautifully they tell a love story.
* * *
I would like to be with you twice now and always
* * *
On this day I will receive a bunch of unnecessary cards and gifts, but not a single declaration of love.
* * *
Love is not like when they bring you a beautiful bouquet of roses on February 14th and you smell it. True Love is when they tell you every day about gasoline prices, and you listen carefully.
* * *
I gave my beloved an iPhone as a gift for Christmas, now on Valentine’s Day he demands a Yamaha mini-system for it, guys, don’t repeat my mistakes! Don’t think that once you buy an iPhone, you’ll only get away with some cases!!!
* * *
And I dedicate this status to all the awesome girls and little girls who, like me, on this Valentine’s Day will be sitting at home with a chocolate bar bought in advance and a big cup of tea
* * *
Valentine's Day is coming soon. Some people don’t have a soulmate at all, but that’s no reason to be sad! And on this day you can meet your happiness.
* * *
You need to give your love every day, and not just on February 14th.
* * *
On Valentine's Day and any other... I feel happy if you are with me!
* * *
On Valentine's Day, since it is our holiday, I congratulate you and kiss you many, many, many times!!
* * *
On Valentine's Day - you don't have to think - you have to act!
* * *
Valentine's Day is for the people we love. So? - So. Since I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ll dedicate this day to my beloved!
* * *
I love you so sincerely, so tenderly, especially, of course, without clothes! Happy holiday, beloved!
* * *
Valentine's Day is coming - a holiday of passion and fire. Don’t forget to congratulate me alone on Valentine’s Day!
* * *
I love you. Maybe not at first sight. But until my last breath.

Valentine's Day
On the eve of any holiday, every person begins to think about how exactly to congratulate a dear person, so that the congratulation is original and memorable. Valentine's Day is just around the corner and many are already starting to think about how to congratulate their soulmate.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day - how to do it?

Congratulations on Valentine's Day are important for the person who receives them. They come from the heart and be sincere.

And how difficult it is sometimes to do this, your stomach cramps from anxiety, your knees shake and your palms nervously sweat. And after all, all experiences are completely justified. After all, everyone who tries to show their feelings on this day is afraid that there will be no reciprocity in return and they really want everything to be fine.

Let's try to figure out what kind of congratulations on Valentine's Day should be and how they can be presented to this or that person.

It is essentially impossible to congratulate a girl in the same way as a guy. Just like you wouldn’t congratulate a friend like, for example, your grandfather. After all, when choosing a congratulation, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of each person whom you plan to congratulate. After all, the person to whom you are preparing a confession on this day is probably very close and dear to you.

Original Greetings on Valentine's Day

Would you like an original congratulation? Then it’s worth showing your imagination. Of course, the inscription on the asphalt under the window is banal, but if you haven’t done it before, then your significant other will be very pleased. And you can come up with a huge number of such options for congratulating Valentine’s Day, because this holiday does not tolerate constraint and severity.

If you are a girl then Happy Valentine's Day greetings should be imbued with tenderness and love.

Men only look so strong and stern, but in fact, deep down in their souls, they are also vulnerable and expect warmth and love from you, because a kind word is always pleasant. As a gift, you can present something that he loves most. Loves cool cars? No problem, give him a miniature model of his favorite car and wish him to have the same one soon. And there are a million such options.

It is much more difficult for a man to give a gift to a girl, so if you are afraid of offending with your gift, in case it doesn’t suit her, then it is better to present something neutral.

And naturally, on Valentine's Day, the main and traditional gift is valentines - cards in the shape of hearts, of which today there are an incredible number with a wide variety of wishes and confessions.

In just a few days it comes - Valentine's Day. In many souvenir departments of the city today, entire lines of lovers accumulate. And boys and girls nervously pester their friends with questions about what they can give on this day and where to find the best gift. On instructions from the editor-in-chief, the editorial staff also thought about this issue. To be honest, I didn’t want to write this material at all, because no one in our editorial office (and girls too! And girls, even first of all!) considers this day a holiday. The editorial girls responsibly declare: you need to talk about love every day, and then life will become a little easier. Therefore, in our material you will read not only about what to give on February 14, but more about how you can surprise your soulmate every day.

Will you be celebrating Valentine's Day? Take part

Why shouldn't you give expensive gifts on Valentine's Day?

Remember the traditions of this holiday: Valentines are exchanged on Valentine's Day. In honor of that very Valentine, because of whom all this fuss flared up. Priest Valentin helped separated lovers exchange love notes, which became known as “Valentines.” Therefore, on this wonderful day, you should not give something exorbitant in price and size: just write a beautiful love letter to your loved one. But then again, why wait for this one day of the year? A real lover is ready to talk about his love every day.

Why shouldn’t women be given flowers on this day?

Of course, it is possible and even necessary to give flowers. But this is if you, in principle, spoil your loved one with such a tender gift for no reason. Remember: giving flowers to a woman only on holidays means insulting her. Flowers highlight the beauty of a woman, and a man in love, giving a bouquet, emphasizes how beautiful his beloved is. And again, you don’t need a special day for this.

Why shouldn't you give souvenirs on this day?

In general, you should always treat souvenirs very carefully. You need to choose them, as they say, appropriately: if your loved one has a craving for certain “things,” then he will undoubtedly be happy. But more often than not, these souvenirs stand uselessly on shelves, gather dust and cause annoyance, since they take up space and are of no use. And you can’t throw it away: your loved one will be offended.

What should I do if I still want to give a gift?

Present. Who can stop you from doing this? The most important thing is that your desire to please your loved one arises not only on red dates.

Here's a small selection of ideas from the editors: 1. Romantic dinner. In times of crisis this is a great gift. You can invite your love to a cafe or restaurant, or prepare a surprise by ordering a delicious dinner at home, setting the table beautifully, and lighting candles.

2. Romantic trip for two. Spending a weekend in a sanatorium or tourist center near the city just the two of you - what could be better?

3. Dance master class. Firstly, girls will definitely be delighted with such a gift. Secondly, many guys dream of learning how to dance beautifully, but are embarrassed to admit it. And then he will be interested.

4. Photo session. Firstly, absolutely everyone will like beautiful photographs of themselves - both boys and girls. Secondly, beautiful photographs are memories that will last a lifetime. Moreover, a photo session can be not only for two, but also for a family with children.

5. Balloon flight. By the way, there is such a service in Barnaul. Romantic and delightful.

6. Going to the cinema. Not everyone has the time or opportunity to make it to the cinema on a regular day. And on Valentine's Day, even “deeply married” spouses can go to the cinema and feel like they are on a date. Moreover, just these days there is a continuation of the scandalous erotic film “Fifty Shades Darker”.

Yes, in fact, there are gifts that are not recommended to be given on February 14th. However, not only on this day, but also on any holidays.

1. Clock. It is believed that a gift in the form of a wristwatch will lead to either separation or betrayal.

3. Photos. Alas, if your significant other is superstitious, then she will not be happy with your surprise in the form of a photo collage. The fact is that such a gift promises separation or separation. However, you can bypass the ban on this gift. To do this, you just need to sign the photo from the other side or ask your loved one to give you a photo in return.

4. Towel. Another sign of separation and quarrel. But it doesn’t work if you buy paired towels – for yourself and your loved one. Giving paired items means mutual understanding and harmony in the family.

5. Shampoos, gels and other “washing” cosmetics. It is believed that if you give these things to your loved one, they will “wash away” from your life.

6. Slippers. Superstitious people claim that your loved one will leave your life wearing the slippers you gave them. So you should only give them to those with whom you no longer want to communicate too much.

A holiday invented (like March 8th) by chocolate sellers and florists? A stupid Western tradition alien to our culture? Funeral service for a compassionate priest?

You can treat it differently. But no matter how skeptical your mood may be, it will come. And very soon. And deep down, each of us will wait for a romantic gesture from our lover.

If you still haven’t figured out how to congratulate your soulmate on Valentine’s Day, this article is for you.

1. Breakfast tete-a-tete

Isn't it happiness to wake up next to your loved one? But, if you want to make a surprise, get up a little earlier and prepare breakfast for him.

You don't have to be a chef to do this. After all, even from ordinary scrambled eggs you can make a declaration of love.

And if this is not your first time at the stove, then you can create a culinary romantic masterpiece. To prepare lace pancakes you will need 200 ml. milk, 2 eggs, 50 grams of flour, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and sugar to taste. Knead the dough, pour it into a culinary syringe (you can replace it with a thick plastic bag with a cut corner) and... create!

2. Valentine's card

This is a classic of the genre. And the simplest (and most banal!) thing you can do is buy a ready-made Valentine’s card at the nearest stationery store, grabbing a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne from the next shop.

Of course, such a manifestation of attention will be pleasant. But it’s unlikely to surprise or be remembered.

Another thing is a handmade valentine. Do not rush to disown, demonstrating which end of your hands grows. Often, to make a hand-made card you don’t need anything other than scissors, glue, paper and imagination.

Here are just a few simple ideas.

Is it really easy? But you can still make a sweet Valentine.

Or a surprise valentine. Just glue two paper hearts together and put a couple of candies or a small gift inside.

3. 100 reasons for love

Love is a feeling without cause. It is difficult to explain why we choose this particular woman or this particular man. But what if you try?

Make a jar or box for Valentine's Day - “100 reasons why I love you.” Fill it with small notes with reasons: “... because you wrinkle your forehead funny,” “because you smile at me in the morning.” It is not necessary to write “fundamental” things. Let it be nonsense, but yours, very personal.

Believe me, your significant other will open this jar not only on February 14th - the reasons for Love will be re-read whenever you want tenderness.

4. Romantic coupons

Another idea is romantic coupons. These are a kind of “lottery tickets”. On each of them there is an inscription: “To the cinema for any session”, “Favorite dish”, “Just a kiss” and so on.

This gift could bring you another month (or two) of romantic moments. After all, you can make as many coupons as you like and “use” one every day.

5. SPA treatments

Have you ever taken a shower together? Highly recommend. Lots of pleasant sensations and saved water.

But on Valentine’s Day, it’s better to get into the bathroom with your loved one, not the shower, after turning it into a SPA salon.

Twilight, aromas and sea salt will help create the right atmosphere. Light and arrange beautiful candles. Just please, don’t forget about safety precautions. Remember: this evening only one fire should break out - the flame of your passion. To be on the safe side, you can use small LED candles.

They say a man loves with his eyes. But this is stated only by those who do not know that he has another three-letter love organ. Nose.

The sense of smell is sometimes stronger than sight in awakening our senses. It’s not for nothing that neuromarketers spray the smell of vanilla before entering a confectionery shop.

Fragrances will help you tell you about your feelings without saying a word. The main thing is to choose them correctly: lavender, rose and sandalwood relax and relieve stress, ylang-ylang intoxicates and creates an erotic mood, nutmeg excites the imagination... Drop a few drops of essential oil into the bathroom, or use an aroma lamp to create the right atmosphere.

Finally, use sea salt, bath bombs, and bubble baths. They will help you relax and give you pleasure.

No matter how you feel about Valentine's Day, do not forget to pay attention to those closest and dearest. As you can see, this is not difficult, and February 14 is still a good reason to be romantic.