Natural marble: what color does it come in?

Many people who want to find unlimited happiness strive to discover the secret of eternal love. For this purpose, the magical power of crystals is used. The natural energy contained in marble helps make a romantic dream come true. This natural talisman symbolizes deep feelings and shows a short path to well-being.

History and origin

Marble, as a useful and beautiful mineral, has been recognized by people since ancient times. Palaces were built from it, sculptors sculpted masterpieces, and, thanks to its unique properties, the gem was used in medicine. The popularity of the stone spread in jewelry making, as well as in ancient occult teachings.

It is known that the gem was first found in Greece. Prehistoric geologists, having studied the characteristics and properties of the mineral, noted the pliability of the rock in processing.

Since then, the white, shiny stone, which is of organic origin, has been widely known as an ornamental material. The ancient Greeks skillfully used the special properties of the crystal, which they used to decorate the walls of the temples of the goddess of love Aphrodite.

The formation of the mineral occurred as a result of metamorphic processes. Sedimentary organic rocks, modified during physicochemical reactions, turned from limestone into a transparent whitish stone. There are many varieties of rock, which contain impurities that give the mineral different shades.

Place of Birth

Marble sites are found in various parts of the Earth. Depending on the territorial location, the mineral is divided into groups. In the Alps there is a deposit of the Carrara gem, the Sayan mineral is mined in the Sayans, a Jurassic specimen is found in Bavaria, and a mine of Ufaley marble is located in the Urals.

White rock ore is mined in Greece, Norway and France. Rich deposits are known in America, Africa and Cuba. Crimea, Transcarpathia, Donbass are rich in natural resources. In Uzbekistan, high-quality marble with unique colors is mined.

Physical properties

The chemical formula of the stone is CaCO3. Judging by the characteristics of marble, natural stone can be easily processed. Despite its low hardness and density, it is widely used as an ornamental mineral, in construction, and design art. Amazing designs, transparency and shine contribute to the creation of true masterpieces.

Healing properties

Those who are suitable for marble due to its healing characteristics will be told with confidence about the healing power of vibrations on the body. The healing stone gently envelops you with a positive charge, helping to get rid of various types of diseases.

In ancient times, ancient women wore jewelry with stones around their necks, which strengthened physical health and helped reveal feminine charms. Modern lithotherapists recommend wearing necklaces and pendants, since these are the jewelry that have the most intense effect and help in the process of treatment and recovery.

The natural energy of marble helps solve the following problems in the body:

  • strengthens the nerves and leads to an improvement in a person’s mental state. Helps get rid of fears, anxieties, excitement and panic. Helps control emotions;
  • restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion, normalizes metabolism;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps in the treatment of the respiratory tract, helps get rid of seasonal viral diseases, and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Massage devices in the form of balls are made from marble. This technique helps in the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis and helps relieve pain.

Important! The use of the gem accelerates the healing process. In clinical cases, it is better to have an amulet with a stone with you. The artifact helps the body absorb medications and leads to a speedy recovery.

Magic properties

Most people know what the stone looks like, however, many do not know how strong the mineral is as an esoteric attribute.

Ancient occult knowledge tells how important the energy of minerals is in solving many everyday problems. The magical power of the crystal is evidenced by how widely the gem was used in ancient times to this day.

Ancient people appreciated the magic stone; marble was not in vain a symbol of love. Patterned slabs made of rock adorn the majestic buildings dedicated to Aphrodite, which have become architectural monuments and national treasures. Modern practicing magicians suggest using gem talismans to maintain harmony and warmth in relationships.

The main magical properties of marble:

  • maintaining sincere feelings and affection of love partners;
  • eliminating jealousy and mistrust in relationships;
  • strengthening family ties;
  • establishing relationships among household members in different age categories;
  • protecting the family hearth, ridding the home (house) of negative energy;
  • protection from troubles, the evil eye, and illnesses of the whole family.

With the help of marble, magical rituals are performed that help improve the quality of life. In some countries, there are traditions leading to the use of gems to solve most vital problems. Every family, regardless of social status and financial situation, has a magical attribute made from natural material.

A marble talisman protects people of various professions, but is most useful for those who have to take risks. These may be military professions or law enforcement agencies. Doctors and sellers receive protection from the amulet from erroneous actions and unfriendly visitors. Teachers are given patience and assistance in discovering knowledge, and a passion for science.

Important! Gems should not be used to attract love against the will of a person. These actions can lead to serious, sometimes even irreversible consequences.

Compatibility with other stones

Basically, beads or cameos are made from the mineral, which do not need to be adjacent to other stones. A rare green piece of jewelry mined in India is used to make expensive jewelry.

An exquisite stone specimen that matches any precious metal. Such specimens of gems are usually set in a precious frame and combined with stones corresponding to the chosen shade. Compatibility of a mineral with other gems is possible if the physical and magical properties match.

Jewelry with mineral

There are many marble decorations on the world market that are worthy of decorating the most sophisticated interior. As an example, a list of products and decor made from high-quality natural minerals is provided.

  • desk set: pen, copper clock on a green marble stand costs $38;
  • a marble vase 42 cm high is offered to buy for $80;
  • an original green mineral fruit bowl sells for $930;
  • pink marble heart-shaped desk clock price: $55;
  • marble and bronze candelabra $1,300 per pair;
  • a marble and bronze mantel clock costs $1,900.

There are offers to purchase a natural, unprocessed sample that is adjacent to other stones. For example, a massive fragment of marble with ingrown rock crystal crystals costs $35.


It is known that the shade of gems and the design are influenced by impurities of chemical elements. Marble is distinguished by its diversity and each variety is remarkable in its own way.


The calcareous rock formation with the least amount of impurity is white. In this variety, the design has a colored line. This mineral is often used to make exquisite decor, figurines, and sculptures.


A mineral of this color is formed as a result of the transformation of igneous rocks and is quite rare in nature. Graphite and bitumen color the mineral dark. The most expensive specimens have gold inclusions and are used for decoration.


Iron, which is part of the chemical composition of marble, gives the mineral its amazing green color. The pattern is formed by brown or white patterned lines. Thanks to their shade, these types of marble are popular among craftsmen.


The most ancient finds of marble have a reddish tint. Many ancient buildings are decorated with panels in this color. A room decorated with such a mineral acquires a touch of officiality and a festive atmosphere.


Marble of a noble shade, having a coarse grain, is easy to grind, polish and granite. The gray shade maneuvers from light to dark tone. There may be inclusions that give a pinkish or yellowish tint.


Limonite and manganese influence the intensity of the beige shade. This specimen is highly durable and is used for making floors.


Marble of a romantic shade is formed thanks to iron oxide. This material is widely used in the manufacture of various crafts that decorate the home, for amulets and decorative elements.

Light blue and blue

The effect of diopside on the composition gives the mineral a blue color, the saturation of which depends on the content of the element in the rock. The deep, magical shade ranges from intense blue to violet.


The beige tint mixed with gold gives the gem a delightful yellowish tint. Material of a similar shade is used in the manufacture of tiles, countertops and other decorative elements.


This shade of the gem is achieved due to the content of iron, manganese and limonite. The dark chocolate-colored stone is very attractive and popular among stone experts.

How to distinguish a fake?

Today, the popularity of marble has reached its apogee. The higher the demand for natural material, the more often imitations are found on the domestic market. The most famous fake marble is made from mineral fillers and polymer.

Marble produced artificially is similar in appearance. However, the physical properties of a synthetic mineral differ from natural stone. To distinguish natural marble from a fake, you should contact a specialist who can give the product an expert assessment.

How to wear and care for products

Each natural stone has characteristics that require exceptional care. Marble products are not very hard and durable and are easily damaged due to mechanical stress. Therefore, it is better not to drop or hit them. The mineral is susceptible to acids, which have a destructive effect on the structure of the stone.

Therefore, cleaning products is carried out with soapy water and running water. Do not clean marble surfaces with abrasives or rough brushes to avoid leaving scratches. Excess moisture is wiped off with soft cloths. Jewelry, beads and cameos are stored in separate cases.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

The astrological properties of marble favor all representatives of the zodiac circle. However, signs protected by the water element should count on the main help of the mineral.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Pisces is a zodiac sign whose energy of nature, with the help of marble, protects from betrayal and disappointment in love;
  • Cancer - this sign, when exposed to vibrations of the mineral, unerringly chooses a life partner, resolves conflict situations in the family;
  • Scorpio - let him count on the fact that the house will be reliably protected from anger, negativity and misfortune if there is a marble figurine or vase in the home.

Most people know what meaning their own name has for a person. The compatibility of the amulet with the name partly influences this or that choice, which helps in building one’s own destiny. List of names compatible with marble of some shades:

  • White stone is compatible with every name.
  • Green “impresses” Vitaly, Evgeniy, and Valentina.
  • Red is the color of Arkady, Semyon, Alina.
  • The pink shade suits Anastasia and Eva.
  • Yellow is the color of Denis, Mikhail, Larisa.
  • Blue and light blue are the tones for Maria, Leonid, Olga, Nina.

It is known from the chronicles that every family, whether living in poverty or in prosperity, tried to acquire a marble amulet. This mineral adapts to each personality and helps regardless of the name and affiliation with a particular zodiac sign. 1 vote

Almost everyone knows what marble is. This is a stone that is used in decorating rooms and creating countertops and floors in houses. It is known that it is formed during the crystallization of certain minerals: limestone and dolomite rock. Let's take a deeper look at what marble is, what types of it exist, and whether it has unique properties.


It seems that this stone has been known all along, but it is generally accepted that marble originates in ancient times. It was originally found in Ancient Greece, and even then people admired this material: it was durable, easy to process, and beautiful. They began to build houses from this stone, and during excavations these facts are confirmed. After processing the material, the walls of palaces, temples and chambers were decorated, and this was done on both sides - outside and inside.

Physical properties

This stone has become popular partly due to its ease of processing. It is easy to cut and polish, making it used in a variety of industries including architectural, art and construction. In particular, in stores you can often find marble tiles that are placed on the floor or walls. But such products are usually used for flooring in buildings, and not in apartments. However, it still became most widespread in the field of creating monuments. In this case, special cast marble is used.

Place of Birth

There are different groups of these stones, which are divided according to the place where the minerals were mined:

  1. Carrara. Located in the Alps. The place where the mining is done is called Carrara, hence the name of marble. Michelangelo's famous works were made from Carrara stone.
  2. Sayan. This material is mined in the Sayan mountain range. This stone is usually used to make small canvases in pink, white and cream colors.
  3. Jurassic. Located in the Altmühltal park (Bavaria), Jurassic marble limestone is more durable than other types. And although it has a unique pattern, and its characteristics do not quite correspond to a typical marble stone, it is still classified in this category. Higher strength of the material is achieved due to the presence of fossilized biological fossils in its composition: remains of algae, coral, etc.
  4. Ufaleysky - mines in the Urals. The stones of the Ural deposit have a striped pattern, made in a characteristic gray-blue color. This breed is often used to create facing materials or decorative items.

The most common is white marble. The volumes of this stone are enormous, and there are large deposits in the USA, Africa, France, Cuba, Greece, and Norway. To date, not all places of deposits have been discovered, so it is impossible to say at the moment that all the patterns and structures of the stone are known. Unique stones are found in Crimea, Uzbekistan, Donbass and Transcarpathia of Ukraine.

Medicinal properties

Speaking about what marble is, it is necessary to fully disclose this issue. Lithotherapy reveals the great potential of this stone in the field of medicine. It is believed to have medicinal properties and help restore the functioning of the respiratory organs, stomach, and cardiovascular system. Although scientifically similar properties of this stone have not been proven.

To use the healing properties of the stone, it is worn as beads or a pendant. It is believed that this mineral improves the psyche, strengthens the nerves and makes a person resistant to stress. Marble also calms a person and relieves excessive excitability. Some salons even conduct special massage sessions using these stones. There they are used in the form of marble balls, which help relieve tension from the back, cure radiculitis, joints, and insomnia.


This stone includes mineral formations and even organic elements. It is divided into groups depending on its color. The palette of products depends on the impurities that make up a given breed.


White marble has this color due to the absence of any impurities in it. Most often, sculptural figures and figurines are made from it. Such material is easy to process, which allows the sculptor to easily complete even complex work. Note that pure white marble is an exceptional rarity. Most often it has thin colored veins.


A very rare stone that is a volcanic formation. This product contains impurities - graphite and bitumen. Stones with gold inclusions are considered very valuable examples of black marble. This product is very expensive and can be used for finishing rooms or any elements. Black marble and granite are similar to each other, although in fact they are slightly different rocks. Marble is a sedimentary rock, while granite is a volcanic rock.


This is a common stone that contains iron. This is what gives this shade. Also, green samples may have white or brown veins - they cut through the entire surface of the stone in the form of waves, which creates an original pattern.


Marble of this color is also not rare. It gets its color due to the presence of iron oxide in its composition. It has been used since ancient times - its craftsmen used it to decorate walls and columns. Red marble is still used to decorate ceremonial premises.


This is a very common color, which differs from other stones in its high strength. Because of this, it is often used to create floor coverings. This type of stone can have different shades, which go from white to light brown, it is not afraid of mechanical stress and retains its density for centuries.


The stone acquires this color due to the presence of rocks with a pink tone in its composition. May have green veins creating a unique pattern. It is a very elegant solution when decorating the interior of a room.

Blue or cyan

These colors can only be created from diopside impurities in the product. Depending on the volume of impurities, the color can be light blue or dark and almost purple tones. Such stones are quite rare, and the richness of their palette is very attractive.


It is bright, has patterns of gold lines and beige stains. Most often, finishing tiles are made from yellow marble, which can be used to decorate countertops and window sills. This breed is ideal for creating designer interior items and decorative elements.


Artificial marble

Artificial stone is a cheaper analogue of mineral stone. It is used to decorate bathrooms, stairs, make countertops and window sills. It looks identical to the real thing, completely repeats the drawing.

There are different types of artificial marble:

  1. Oselkovy - created by coloring the gypsum mass. It can imitate different breeds. It is quite durable and beautiful. Marble tiles are often created using artificial stone.
  2. Ground - created by grinding white marble. It is later used to make components used in the manufacture of cleaning products and plastics.
  3. Liquid is a relatively new type of artificial stone that forms a flexible canvas. They can be used to cover walls, resulting in a smooth and seamless surface. This surface looks much more impressive compared, for example, with marble-effect tiles, also created using artificial stone.

Artificial stone has a number of advantages:

  1. Durability.
  2. Chemical resistance.
  3. Repulsion of liquids.
  4. Surface uniformity in pattern, color and pattern. This is how artificial marble differs from natural marble. The latter may have a non-uniform pattern and pattern.


Now you know what marble is. However, in order for it to maintain its appearance for a long time, it must be looked after. The main thing is not to use harsh cleansers. Using a cloth and soft products, the marble surface can be easily cleaned. Suede leather performs well as it effectively polishes the stone. To protect marble products, use a special polish, which is sold in hardware stores. It repels dust and creates an invisible protective layer on the surface. The stone needs to be cleaned regularly.

If a greasy stain forms on the marble, it must be cleaned using White Spirit, but the liquid must be applied carefully and in no case should a discolored halo form around the stain. Please note that if marble is used outdoors, mold may form on it. It is cleaned with a chlorine solution. Acids and abrasive cleaning agents must not be used to clean stone. It is even more foolish to use metal sponges and products to try to remove stuck dirt.


Now you know what this natural material is that has become so widespread. At the moment, there are many active quarries in the world where this stone is mined, and new deposits are being developed. Note that there is another material that is similar in properties to marble - granite. It is the result of the solidification of volcanic magma. Unlike marble, it has a fine grain pattern, and this is the only feature that allows you to outwardly distinguish these two rocks.

By the way, granite also has its own artificial version - porcelain stoneware - a finishing material obtained by pressing powder at high pressure and subsequent firing at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees. Porcelain tiles and marble (including artificial stone) are popular decorative elements that are today actively used in the renovation of premises and even building facades.

Properties of marble and areas of its application.

Usage marble goes back centuries. Craftsmen appreciated the sophistication, natural beauty, ease of processing, strength and durability of marble. Today marble They are mined in many countries; the largest deposits in Russia are located in the Urals.

Marble– beautiful and durable stone, ideally suited to support enormous weight. Ancient times marble used both for monolithic columns supporting statues and building facades, and for the construction of palaces and temples. An example of this can be many architectural monuments for which it is famous. Saint Petersburg.

Word " marble" comes from the Greek word Marmaros, which means "flawless white shining stone", however, you can find a whole palette of colors of this noble natural stone. Modern processing technologies natural stone allow widely use in interior decoration beauty and elegance marble. Marble in St. Petersburg can also be found in the decoration of the interiors of royal palaces.

Marble refers to metamorphic rocks formed as a result of the recrystallization of carbonates (carbon-containing compounds) more than 2.5-4 billion years ago under the influence of high temperatures and pressure. Accordingly, marble is composed of calcite (calcium carbonate), or dolomite (calcium and magnesium carbonate), or both minerals.

Marble can be white or colored: pink, yellow, gray, blue, greenish, reddish, black, brown, as well as various combinations of these colors are inherent marble. Even within the same deposit, a number of transitions from one color tone are often found marble to another. Various shades marble arise due to the content in greater or lesser quantities of oxides of various metals and graphite. Tsvetnoy marble characterized by the presence of veins, which are cracks filled with natural cements. These veins can form an original pattern. The most valuable variety marble is a pure, white statuary marble, which is used to make sculptures. IN marble almost always contain impurities of other minerals (quartz, chalcedony, hematite, pyrite, limonite, chlorite, etc.), as well as organic compounds. Impurities have different effects on quality marble, reducing or increasing the decorativeness of this natural stone. Most people of color marbles has a variegated color. The pattern is determined not only by the structure marble, but also the direction in which natural stone is cut. Color and pattern marble appear after polishing.

Properties of marble

Let us list the advantages of marble as a facing and building material. Breeds marble durable, quite wear-resistant, dense, decorative, easy to process and easy to polish.

Relative transparency marble creates a subtle play of light and shadow on the surface of the sculpture. The uniform grain size and absence of large inclusions makes the structure marble more homogeneous. It is very easy to process, for which it is highly valued by sculptors. Marble plastic, easy to polish and grind. Marble- quite viscous and durable a natural stone, therefore, upon impact, it does not immediately split, allowing you to carve products of a wide variety of shapes. Large range of shades marble allows you to make up pieces of it natural stone mosaic panels, and even entire paintings.

Marble with a low water absorption coefficient (0.08–0.12%) can even be used for finishing bathrooms, swimming pools, and fountains. Waterproof for most types marble is directly related to frost resistance. Majority marbles practically does not absorb moisture - therefore, when exposed to low temperatures, it is not at risk of microcracks from freezing liquid. Products from marble can be safely used in cold rooms. But m ramor- it is also distinguished by heat resistance; this stone is not exposed to high temperatures, which allows it to be used for making fireplaces or used for finishing rooms with temperatures significantly higher than usual. Marble is considered a durable material. Whites marbles the first signs of “age-related changes” appear only after 100-150 years. And again, an example can be given St. Petersburg marble, laid by masters back in the time of Peter, and has retained its beauty to this day.

However, when deciding to use marble in construction or decoration, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of this stone.

Marble is susceptible to acid attack. Marble is destroyed by the action of hydrochloric acid and food acids (citric, acetic). This property greatly limits its use marble during production kitchen countertops, bar counters, other interior elements, the use of which involves the possibility of contact with an acidic environment. Natural softness limits application marble for exterior decoration. In high traffic areas marble cladding very quickly loses its luster and becomes unusable. When using marble over large areas, it may be difficult to select marble the same shade. This feature limits not so much the scope of application marble how many list marbles, which are suitable for covering large areas. It is also important to consider the ability marble deteriorate under the influence of the environment. This property marble This is mainly due to its hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb other substances due to the presence of micropores), as well as its predisposition to react with a large number of acids. High water absorption in many species marble leads to changes in color and premature aging.

Application areas of marble.

Thanks to its versatility marble, the scope of application of this stone is truly impressive. The nobility of textures and variety of shades make this material attractive for the manufacture of a large number of cladding elements for exclusive interiors. Marble in St. Petersburg very popular as a facing material since the time of Peter I. Let us once again list the main areas of use marble: bathroom countertops marble and bar racks (from granite are produced significantly more often than from marble), columns and sculpture, vases and figurines, flooring, stairs from marble, plinths, railings, balusters and handrails, facing decorative elements from marblefor fireplaces and fountains, marble pilasters, balls, decoration of gardens and parks, marble benches, artistic and decorative mosaics and rosons, floor and wall panels and much more.

Shiny stone - this is how the word marble is translated from Latin. Stone marble is a metamorphic holocrystalline carbonate rock that is formed as a result of the recrystallization of dolomite and limestone. In other words, marble is a rock in which individual crystals can be seen with the naked eye, creating a dense array of carbonate marble.

More often marble has a large number of different inclusions and impurities, both other minerals and compounds of organic origin. All impurities and compounds in marble directly affect the quality of the stone. Marble often contains minerals such as pyrite, feldspar, hematite, limonite, quartz, and chalcedony.

Marble is often used in the construction industry. And if workers receive marble with a large amount of quartz impurities, then polishing and sawing it takes much more time.

Physical properties of marble

Marble Density depends on its impurities. The density range usually ranges from 1900 to 2900 kg/m³. The porosity of marble is no more than 1%. The hardness of the stone is 3-4 on the Mohs scale. Water absorption of marble is 0.15-0.60%. Fracture resistance is 10-30 MPa, and compression is 100-250 MPa.

Marble with a jagged connection of grains and a fine-crystalline structure has greater strength and is also better polished.

Color and color of marble

This stone has a wide variety of colors and patterns. Sculptural marble, statuary with a white uniform structure, is highly valued. Marble has the ability to transmit light rays to a certain depth. This property allows you to create different shades of color and therefore buildings, sculptures and other architectural objects created from marble look like “alive”.

Marble color and shades depend on the impurities included in the crystal lattice. In addition to white tones, red shades of color are often found, caused by the admixture of hematite. Graphite in marble stands out as gray and black irregular stripes, limonite gives a yellowish tint, but green marble practically does not exist, since when checked, green marble always turns out to be a coil.

One of the most important properties of marble and marble limestone is the decorativeness of its structure, as well as the blockiness of the stone, which is the most important industrial indicator. Block marble structure makes it possible to cut, gouge, polish, give various shapes to sculptures, marble columns, slabs, etc.

The most expensive and prestigious color of marble is black with golden veins, which are formed by brown iron ore impurities. They line floors in hotels, restaurants, museums, and in those places where it is necessary to create an atmosphere of luxury and prosperity.

Marble deposits

Marble deposits open in numerous locations, different countries and cities. Even in the Soviet Union, more than 65 places with deposits were developed marble rock. The deposits of the Urals are considered one of the most famous in Russia. The Koelga quarry is considered one of the largest marble deposits; it is fully mechanized and famous for its white, uniform granular marble.

White Ufaley marble with patterns of black and gray stripes, also widely used in the construction industry. Prokhorovo-Balandinsky marble is very similar in structure and appearance with yellowish and black stripes. In Karelia there are several deposits in which highly decorative marble of excellent quality is mined. The Ruskeala and Belogorskoe deposits are especially famous.

Marble deposits are being developed in Siberia. On the southern side of Baikal there is a marble quarry called Burovshchina. Not far from the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, excellent pink, gray and striped marble is mined, very similar to granite from the Kibik-Kordon deposit.

The Gazgan marble deposit is the largest in Central Asia. Marble is mined here in a wide range of color shades, for example: yellowish, white, pink, gray-yellow, orange, reddish and others. There are about 45 different colors in total, and such variety is quite rare. It is also worth noting the smaller deposits of Central Asia. These include Ekpendinskoye, Amankutanskoye - located in Uzbekistan, as well as Taskolskoye and Karatauskoye, located in Kazakhstan.

In Crimea, in the town of Gaspra, gray-brown marble limestones. Similar rocks were found in Georgia, near the villages of Saleiti, Shrosha, Molitii, but they have a reddish color. In Armenia, the Davaluy and Khorvirapskoye quarries are known; black limestone is mined in them. Particularly beautiful is the marble of red and pink colors, mined in deposits near the Jarhej and Knorring stations. The first station is located in Armenia, near Kuibyshev, and the second in Primorye.

Among foreign countries, Italy is especially famous, since in the Apuan Alps, in the north of Italy, there are layers of marble rocks of white and colored shades. Now it is worth noting the Carrare deposit; it is here that the best marble in all respects is mined. There are about 450 small quarries in this area, as well as the largest mechanized marble quarry.

Since ancient times, Greece has been known for its marble deposits. In the Paros quarry, white marble with a slightly yellowish-pinkish, creamy tint was mined, which was used mainly for creating sculptures. In the construction of the Parthenon, white and yellow marble was used, mined from the Pandelikon deposit. Marble is also found in the USA, Norway, France, Cuba and many other cities and countries. Despite such a large number of deposits, marble always has a fairly high price. This is due to the costs of mining and processing the stone.

Marble processing

For marble mining in quarries, and in particular for the extraction of monolithic slabs and blocks, drilling units, rope saws, loggers and stone-cutting machines are used. Then the resulting rock in the form of slabs is sent to sawing machines, which can be diamond-disc or diamond-strip. The latter are used more often. The resulting blocks and slabs have a thickness of approximately 15-30 mm. This parameter is determined durability of marble and area of ​​extracted slabs.

Now comes the moment of grinding and polishing, which is carried out mechanically on machines. Only after obtaining an ideal surface, the marble is sent for sorting by size and then for sale.

Application of marble

In addition to building, facing and architectural slabs, marble is also used to produce sculptural blocks. The use of marble is closely related to architecture, construction and the art of creating sculptures, and it is also used for cladding, creating reliefs and mosaic compositions. Marble chips used in road construction, sculpture, finishing and decorative works.

Photos of buildings using marble

Below we will look at photos of buildings, architectural structures, sculptures and other objects using marble, marble limestone and marble chips.

The mineral has a crystalline structure with clay inclusions. Initially, marble is white, but due to natural impurities added to the mineral during the formation process, the stone acquires curious colors and shades: beige, orange, green, pink. There are incredible combinations and overflows, sometimes the pattern of veins develops into a meaningful picture. An experienced craftsman, skillfully choosing the direction of the cut, makes the stone “play”, revealing a delightful plot on the cut.

Physical properties of natural marble

In terms of density, marble is not inferior to granite, but the abrasion and moisture absorption of this mineral is higher than that of less capricious materials.

We recommend that before using marble, you buy protective compounds and impregnations for it. This finishing stone is suitable for interior use and for making art objects. Marble facades suffer from high humidity and the destructive effects of precipitation, so the stone needs to be protected or regularly renewed: re-polish the stone, mask defects.

For finishing floors in rooms with heavy traffic, only marble with an abrasion rate of 3.2 g/cm³ is suitable; other fragile stones may not withstand intensive use.

Factors influence the price of marble

Wholesale companies, retailers and private developers are looking for a more profitable way to purchase marble in Moscow. This popularity is explained not so much by its performance characteristics as by the amazing aesthetic properties of this finishing stone. Look at the virtual catalog on the website, select and buy marble. The price depends on factors: place of origin of the material, stone structure, color and shape.