Original and simple DIY gifts. DIY crafts for birthdays - making the holiday unforgettable. Glass dish with monogram

Going to the store and buying a gift is as easy as shelling pears. But unoriginal. After all, you want to please the birthday boy with something special, exclusive, that only he will have. Any gift made with your own hands invariably lifts your spirits, especially if made with love for a loved one. In this article you will learn how to quickly and easily make a wonderful gift with your own hands.

  • Postcard. There is a huge scope for imagination in creating a postcard. You can simply paste patterns and paper flowers onto cardboard or draw pictures. Or you can add an element of originality and some surprise to the card. Let's look at one of these options, which can be called: “Who hid there in the flowers?”

  1. Fold a sheet of cardboard of any color in half, and on the inside of the first half, draw with a pencil the face of an animal (cat, dog, squirrel, fox, bunny). Then cut out the silhouette using a stationery knife. After this, cover the front side with a piece of colored cardboard so that it covers the muzzle.
  2. Now, on sheets of colored paper (for example, red, yellow and blue), draw three different flowers and cut out the silhouettes along the contour in the same way. Glue two flowers (but not completely) to the right and below the muzzle so that these applications do not hide the animal.
  3. The third flower will be that surprise. It is not glued, but is inserted with a petal or stem into a cut on the card near the face itself. As a result, when the flower moves, it seems that the animal is hiding in a multi-colored bouquet.

  • Colored candles. Bright multi-colored candles made by yourself look very impressive and are ideal as a birthday gift. To create such a beautiful present, you don’t have to buy candles; any cinder will do. Wax pencils, which are sold in any stationery department, will add a rainbow of colors.

  1. Break candles or cinders into small pieces and place in a separate container. Using a grater, grate colored wax pencils into shavings and separate them by color.
  2. Mix shavings of the same color with several candle pieces and melt in a water bath. Do the same with all the colors of the shavings (for example, 3-4 colors).
  3. Place thick, strong string for the wick in a clear glass cup. Pour the first layer of wax, let it cool, then the second - and so on in 3-4 layers to the top.

  • Scops owl pillow. A very cute gift for your beloved girlfriend, sister or mother. Making it with your own hands is not so difficult; you only need high-quality fabric, strong threads and filler (for example, synthetic fluff). In addition, the pillow can be made in any shape (heart, flower, donut, etc.), we will consider the option with a cloud.

  1. Draw two clouds on the fabric and cut them out, remembering to leave half a centimeter for the seams. On one cloud, on the inside, embroider the closure of the eye with eyelashes.
  2. Sew both parts together (outer sides up) by about two-thirds, fill the product with soft padding, after which you can sew it to the end.

It is important to know: do not choose synthetic fabric and low-quality filling for your pillow. Otherwise, your gift will simply be uncomfortable to sleep on.

DIY gift for a woman's birthday

Almost all representatives of the fair sex are sentimental ladies, regardless of age. Any woman loves to put photos of people dear to her in a beautiful frame. Photo frame– a universal gift that everyone can make.

  1. Take shoe box and cut the bottom out of it. You will get thick cardboard in the shape of a rectangle. Draw a hole in it for the future photo and cut it out using a stationery knife (the window should be slightly smaller than a standard photo).
  2. Cut out three triangles from the remaining cardboard and stick them on the back of the workpiece, one on the bottom and two on the sides. This is necessary in order to insert a photo from above. After that paint the frame with any color you need and leave to dry.
  3. Now take a shoebox lid and cut a piece of cardboard exactly the same size, as for the first time. It is intended for the back wall of your frame. Lubricate the cardboard with Moment glue and glue it tightly on the back side.
  4. After the paint and glue have dried, the frame can be decorated. And here turn on all your imagination. Since every woman loves all sorts of small and cute things, the frame can be decorated with anything that you can find in your home. Buttons, beads, pebbles, remains from costume jewelry, icons, pins, hairpins... In general, complete improvisation!

DIY gift for a man's birthday

Give to men mugs is already an established tradition, and today you can find mugs of a wide variety of designs in stores. But just going out and buying is ordinary and banal; it’s much more interesting to inlay a mug with your own hands. For example, coffee beans. To do this you will need a very ordinary cup, cotton pads, Moment glue, threads and a brush, brown paint and coffee beans. Any man will be delighted with such a gift!

  1. Glue cotton pads onto the entire surface of the cup (except the bottom), including the handle. Then wrap the entire cup as tightly as possible with thread. This should be done separately with the handle.
  2. Next, apply brown paint to the surface of the cup (it’s better to use acrylic), and then proceed to gluing the grains. Cover the entire cup and handle with them.
  3. To add some flair to your coffee mug, decorate it with some matching detail to match the theme. For example, a cinnamon stick or dried lemon peel.

Good to know: you can make many interesting compositions from coffee beans. For example, a cup hanging in the air with a coffee waterfall flowing out of it.

DIY gift for a child's birthday

All children love sweets, especially on birthdays. But just buying sweets and chocolates for the birthday boy in the confectionery department, you see, is not interesting. The child, of course, will be delighted, but there will be no originality in such a gift. But the most ordinary sweets can be presented in a very unusual way. You just need to have a flower pot, Moment glue, polystyrene foam, artificial grass and skewers on hand.

  1. Take regular pastry skewers and glue one piece at a time to the candies and chocolates. It is also a good idea to dilute the future “bouquet” with gift pictures.
  2. Place pieces of polystyrene foam in a flower pot (if you don’t have one, you can buy a children’s bucket at a toy store) and cover it with artificial grass on top (if you don’t have it, cut up rustling corrugated paper, preferably green).
  3. Now insert the skewers with sweets and chocolates into the foam, but not at random, but so that the small sweets are in the foreground and the large ones in the background. The bouquet is ready!

Helpful advice: if you have the time and desire, then build a large bouquet of sweets, which will delight not only the birthday boy, but also all the children at the holiday.

There is probably no person on the planet who would not like to receive gifts. However, it is doubly pleasant to give them and see the joy on the face of the person to whom you gave something.

No matter how expensive the purchased gift, gifts made with your own hands are always most valued.

Now we will tell you how you can make an original gift with your own hands. After all, it is not only not difficult, but also very exciting.

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    Such a gift, and even made with your own hands, will surely delight your loved ones. It can easily be given as a gift for any type of holiday.

    You will need the following items:

    • Canvas;
    • Unnecessary color magazines;
    • Scissors;
    • Acrylic paint;
    • Paper glue.

    Cut colored pages from old magazines into small pieces.

    Now glue these pieces to the canvas. To do this, the canvas is coated with glue and the pieces must be glued to the canvas so that the entire surface is covered.

    If you glue the pieces unevenly, it's okay, that's even good.

    Now let the application dry.

    After this, you need to prepare the desired silhouette. It is cut out of thick cardboard, any subject, even a human profile. In our case, this is a bird on a branch.

    Place the cut piece on the applique and trace the outline with a marker.

    Using acrylic paint, paint the entire space except the workpiece.

    You will need:

    • Wood tablet or wooden board;
    • Thread of any color, but red is better;
    • Small nails;
    • A sheet of paper on which a heart will be drawn;
    • Spray paints.

    First of all, paint the wooden tablet. When using bright-colored thread, it is best to paint the board with dark-colored paint.

    Draw a heart on a piece of paper and drive nails along this line. The distance between them is approximately two and a half centimeters. Then you tear off the paper; it will no longer be needed.

    Tie a thread to any nail. Now weave a web of thread, wrapping the nails one by one. There is no system here, but the more you weave, the more beautiful it will look.

    Now we’ll tell you how to make a cool gift with your own hands.

    You will need items:

    • Scissors;
    • Thick fabric or felt in two colors;
    • Ribbon.

    Cut out two ovals from fabric or thick paper.

    Then fold each of them in half and use scissors to make cuts as shown in the picture below.

    Now you start making a binding between them. Thread the strips through each other and move them up. You will get a chess pattern.

    If you leave a piece from the edge, the heart can be hung on the wall. If not necessary, then cut off this end.

    You will need:

    • Colored wrapping paper;
    • Bag for carrying CD/DVD discs;
    • Vellum paper;
    • Any items for decoration, such as buttons or other small decor;
    • A set of photographs;
    • Circular cutter for cutting photographs.

    This bag contains twenty-four pages. Cut out twenty-two circles from colored wrapping paper the size of a CD and two circles from photographs of the same size.

    Print out the necessary greetings or congratulations and wishes on vellum paper. Then cut them out in the same way. Then you paste it into our album.

    In the example given, we decorated each page not only with photos, but also with wishes.

    You will need:

    • Small multi-colored envelopes. You can buy them or make them yourself;
    • A sheet of thick cardboard in A4 format;
    • White sheet of A4 paper;
    • Glue;
    • Small details for decoration - stickers, hearts and so on.

    Glue the envelopes to a cardboard sheet.

    Cut a regular white sheet into pieces so that they fit into envelopes. Write poems, wishes or drawings on them.

    Some envelopes can contain decorations made from colorful paper.

    You can place the finished gift in a file and decorate it with a festive ribbon.

    Any gift needs to be designed in some original way. Now we will describe one of the decoration methods.

    What you will need:

    • Sponge;
    • Ribbon;
    • Scissors;
    • Hole puncher;
    • Glue, preferably instant hardening;
    • Two toothpicks;
    • Decorative sprinkles in the form of multi-colored balls.

    Cut out any shape you want from the sponge.

    At the top left of the cut out figure, make a hole with a hole punch.

    Spread the top using glue, distributing it over the entire surface of the figure.

    Then sprinkle the product with powder and leave the craft to dry thoroughly. Please note that this can take almost a day, so this craft needs to be prepared in advance. Do not touch the craft until it is completely dry.

    As soon as the glue has dried, turn the craft over and repeat all the steps on this side.

    Thread a festive ribbon into the hole made with a hole punch and use it to attach the craft to the gift.

    What you will need:

    • Multi-colored paper;
    • Scotch;
    • Stapler;
    • Hole puncher;
    • Yellow corrugated paper;
    • Scissors.

    Take a sheet of multi-colored paper and cut out a square shape from it. The size of the flower will depend on its size.

    In this example, square pieces of paper were cut out with a side length of seven to twelve centimeters.

    Take corrugated paper and cut a strip twelve centimeters wide from it. Now fold it a third in width and half in length.

    After this, cut out an oval shape from a square sheet and wrap it around a yellow piece of paper from the trunk. Secure the bases using a stapler.

    In the same way, make more flowers of different sizes and fasten them with a stapler.

    Once you have made the required number of flowers, the place where they are fastened needs to be masked. To do this, cover the base using green paper and secure with tape.

    Using a hole punch, make a hole in the green leaf and at the base of the flowers. Thread a holiday ribbon through these holes.

    That's all. Now wrap your gift and attach the bouquet to it.

    You will need:

    • Sixpack packaging for six bottles;
    • Chalk and graphite paint;
    • Thin multi-colored paper;
    • Sets of treats - small candies, nuts, and so on.

    First, empty the bottles of liquid contents. Pour out, rinse and dry. Open the bottles carefully so that the caps are not too deformed; we will use them to close them later. It is best to use bottles with screw caps.

    Paint the packaging using graphite paint. You can write something on it later.

    You can also cover it with self-adhesive colored film.

    Now you fill the bottles with our sweet filling of candies, nuts, and so on. You can use any treat, as long as its components fit into the neck of the bottle.

    Cover the necks of the bottles with caps.

    If desired, write words of congratulations on the box with chalk.

    Banzai from beads

    Very popular gifts are different types of ornamental plants and trees.

    What we need:

    • Green beads of different tones;
    • Copper wire;
    • Brown floral ribbon;
    • Alabaster;
    • Painting tape;
    • Glue;
    • Glass shards of different colors;
    • Flower pot.

    Be patient, as you will need to put a lot of effort into making this craft. But what happens in the end will pleasantly shock you.

    First of all, learn to weave loops using wire and beads.

    1. 1. Cut a piece of wire fifty centimeters long and string eight to ten units of beads onto it.
    2. 2. Place the beads in the center of the wire.
    3. 3. Twist the products two turns.
    4. 4. String the same amount of beads onto one free end.
    5. 5. Twist it into a loop, close to the loop in the center.
    6. 6. Make two more loops from the same end. As a result, there will be three loops on the side and one in the center.
    7. 7. From the other end of the workpiece you also make three loops.
    8. 8. Twist those ends of the wire that are free together five turns.
    9. 9. This part of the tree is called the “bundle”.

    Let's tell you a little about what floral tape is. It is made of non-fabric material and is brown or green in color. However, you can use regular thread or cut strips from newspapers instead.

    Now let's start creating the tree itself.

    Cut two hundred pieces of wire fifty centimeters long. Make a bun from each piece.

    Lay out the bunches in several pieces and wrap a ribbon around each “bouquet”.

    Combine the resulting bouquets together into larger ones.

    Combine again into even larger bouquets.

    Now make the largest branches by combining the middle ones.

    Now they need to be made thicker. To do this, take tape and thicken the stem to the desired thickness.

    Wrap a brown ribbon around the top.

That very significant day is coming, which happens once a year. The day when gifts are given. The day when your loved ones congratulate you and sincerely leave their wishes. Since there are so many important factors involved in this holiday, the gift should be special.

Do not hesitate if you are planning to make a birthday gift with your own hands. Today, there are a lot of techniques with which you can make real art objects, design attributes, and decorative crafts.

A gift tailored to the birthday person's preferences

Still, the process of choosing a gift sometimes becomes difficult, not only because of the large number of master classes offered, but also because it can be difficult to choose a gift without taking into account the individual characteristics of the birthday person.

Pay attention to what hobby the person close to you is interested in, what interests him, so that you know approximately in what manner to make the intended gift. It is important to consider to whom you give, i.e., father, brother, grandfather, more formal gifts, made with style and prestige, but for mother, sister and grandmother, lean toward tenderness, grace, and superiority.

Top most popular and sought-after gifts

Let's make an interesting alternative to store-bought gifts using simple materials, let's try to create exquisite decorative items that are no less beautiful than the store-bought version.

To begin with, we will select the top most popular and sought-after gifts that are traditional in nature and at the same time can look unique depending on your imagination. Gift ideas:

  • Handmade candles;
  • Paper flowers;
  • Soft toy;
  • Crafts using origami technique;
  • Frame;
  • Postcard.

Geometry is in fashion today, so the idea of ​​giving a gift in the form of a mobile decor of geometric shapes, which will become a wonderful decoration for a chandelier, will be appreciated.

Decorative attribute - stars in the interior

A gift in the form of a laconic decor made of beautiful paper using the origami technique will be extraordinary and stylish. Recommend that the birthday girl use this attribute as a mobile on a chandelier or place it on shelves next to photographs of family and friends.

Let's learn how to make beautiful stars, which designers of professional art studios so often decorate interiors with.

We will need:

  • Thick colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

To create a drawing on paper, you can use a ready-made layout on which the future drawing will be made. It must be printed in advance. We make a blank using this template.

  • 1 step. Cut out the star. Fold the edges along the dotted lines.
  • Step 2. Glue all 5 parts together and you will end up with a five-pointed three-dimensional star.

Use parchment paper, old books, or blank sheets to create a modern style. Do-it-yourself birthday crafts are good because they are a part of yourself, your creation is unique and not subject to any standards, the main thing is to be consistent and diligent in achieving a high result.

Interior items are especially relevant in the minimalist style if the area of ​​the apartment is not large. It's hard to imagine bulky parts in a small room. Therefore, a homemade gift will be especially appreciated if you take this detail into account.

Paper “natural” flowers

Flowers have always represented joy and are traditionally given for almost every holiday. What if you give flowers from paper? A good example of DIY paper crafts for Jenny Jafek-Jones's birthday, which are almost impossible to distinguish from real ones.

The birthday girl will definitely be delighted with such an amazing souvenir. Let's look at the step-by-step technique for creating a bouquet of roses using the example below.

Necessary materials:

  • Corrugated paper in two colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads.

Operating procedure:

  • 1 step. We cut the paper into strips 7 cm wide and 40 cm long. You can change these values, for example, by making the length longer, you will add volume to the rose.
  • Step 2. We lightly stretch the finished strip along its length and begin to bend it to form a bud. How this happens: we bend one corner of the strip, then fold it over it with our left hand, and turn it up with our right hand, and so on until the end of the strip on one side. To visually understand how this happens, just remember how candy wrappers are wrapped.
  • Step 3. We wrap it in a circle, making a rosebud.
  • Step 4 We straighten the petals, making them look like a natural flower. We wrap the thread around the bottom of the bud. The number of such roses can be unlimited. You can additionally make a composition out of them using a basket, or make a stem and leaves by placing them in a beautiful vase.

A few ideas for men

Make a DIY paper birthday gift for a man using an easy card making technique. The male theme can be completely different. A win-win option would be an original template in the form of a formal suit or jacket with a bow tie. Spice up your holiday gift with warm words of sincere wishes.

They say that whoever has a ship in his home brings prosperity and wealth to his home. This meaning mainly comes from the teachings of Feng Shui. Sailboats have always been managed by wealthy people, and this association has remained to this day. A gift in the form of a sailboat has a symbolically positive meaning, so it will be useful and will definitely bring good luck. It’s easy to make even from a photo.

Using cardboard, scissors, balloon sticks and glue, you can create a ship in minutes. As you can see, sails can be made from a toilet paper cylinder by cutting it into the required shape.

Make the gift special by harmoniously combining one line of style. For example, the Scandinavian style is currently very popular.

In the photo you see how charming the interior items look, which are easy to make with your own hands.

Rowan bracelet

Creativity using polymer clay has become a new trend in the field of DIY crafts. The gift is amazing in variety. From clay you can make figures, dolls, animal figurines and much more.

Often jewelry is made using this material. Let's take a look at the master class and make an original bracelet.

To work you will need:

  • Polymer clay of two colors;
  • Pastel crayons in black and orange;
  • Needle;
  • Sandpaper is hard;
  • Toothpick;
  • Leaf molds;
  • Liquid gel;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Special varnish for clay;
  • Accessories for the bracelet: chain, rings, pins, carabiner lock, tassels, pliers, foil and wire cutters.

Work process:

  • 1 step. Roll clay balls.

  • Step 2. We pass the pin through the middle of the ball to the border of the head.

  • Step 3. Near the head of the pin we make grooves, like a berry.
  • Step 4 Next, rub a black pastel chalk on sandpaper and carefully apply it with a brush into the inside of the beards, and secure it on top with liquid gel.
  • Step 5 We make blanks according to the width of the brush. We insert each blank with a pin into a ball of foil.
  • Step 6 Now it's up to the leaves. Roll out the remaining green polymer clay and use a mold to make leaves. You can decorate leaves with imitation veins using a stationery knife.

  • Step 7 To create a natural effect, rub an orange chalk and apply partly on the leaves and just a little on the berries.
  • Step 8 The time has come to make our clay durable using the oven. The time and temperature are indicated on the packaging, each manufacturer is different.

  • Step 9 We process the pins, cut off the small upper part and twist the tip to form a hook.
  • Step 10 We thread the rings into the leaves. We complete the work by evenly identifying the berries and leaves along the entire chain. The rowan bracelet is ready.

For lovers of aromatic coffee

It’s not news to anyone that the percentage of people who love natural coffee is higher than the percentage of people who prefer another drink. Therefore, it will be easy to please a real coffee lover with a souvenir that reminds him of the taste and aroma of an invigorating drink.

For this craft you will need:

  • Mug;
  • Natural coffee beans;
  • Cosmetic discs;
  • White thread;
  • Acrylic brown;
  • Hot gun glue;
  • Other decor.

Work process:

  • 1 step. The mug should be covered with cosmetic discs with hot glue. Try not to miss places with ceramics, there is a chance that the grains will not hold firmly. This also applies to the handle.
  • Step 2. Take the thread and wrap it over the disks in a circle.
  • Step 3. Now it’s time to color the cup with elements of disks and thread.
  • Step 4 All that remains is to secure the grains with glue in two rows so that there are no gaps with the paint.
  • Step 5 The cup will take on a finished look after being decorated with decorative ribbons or lace. This cup is more suitable as a decorative element that will remind you of pleasant moments.

Photo frames using quilling technique

Quilling is an amazing technique with which objects take on a completely different look. A good gift would be pictures of the walls of a photo frame using the quilling technique.

Combine colors especially skillfully so that the final gift looks harmonious and does not seem pretentious. A birthday for those closest to you is special; at the holiday it is important that the gift be remembered, so it is advisable to say a few words about your creation that could describe what it means and what benefits it will bring to the birthday person.

If you want your gift to create a fairy-tale atmosphere or a romantic setting, then the best option would be a lamp or night light. In this case, the use of an ordinary glass jar of a non-standard shape, decorated with acrylic paints, rhinestones and small mirrors will become an amazing gift, at the same time decorating the interior and giving benefits.

Top most original ideas

An original gift will definitely lift an already joyful mood and add color to the holiday. What can you do to surprise the birthday boy? Let's look at the top most interesting ideas:

  • Who would have thought that such creative candlesticks could be made from ordinary iron cans, which can then be hung on the wall and create coziness and romance at home;

  • A real expensive item would be an ordinary tire covered with twine and glue.

  • Recycling plastic spoons can also be beneficial if you use them meaningfully for a good cause. So the remaining plastic spoons will become decor for a pot of house plants. You can get such a creative container using an old jar, spoons, glue and spray paint.

  • Making a mega stylish lamp is also in your hands. You will need plastic bottle caps, a wire, a switch and a socket. It is better to ask an electrician you know to assemble this structure, but it will only take a few minutes. But you will take care of the lampshade. With the help of glue, the main material - the lids - will turn into a real decorative attribute.

Giving a handmade birthday gift is not difficult, there are a lot of variations on the holiday theme, choose any one. To ensure that your creative potential meets all expectations, rely on your strength and patience. Remember, it is better to make an easy souvenir, but of high quality, than a complex, but inexpressive one. A new incarnation of ordinary objects can change your mind, act for the benefit of your ideas.

2. Bookmarks made from funny photographs.

Delight your grandparents with such original bookmarks,

made from photographs of grandchildren

3. DIY bath bombs

An original and useful gift that is easy to make

4. Monogram - photo collage

In order to make such a gift, you need to buy a large wooden letter.

Then print out your favorite photos and make a collage of them on the letter.

Then coat everything with varnish, and the gift is ready!

5. Bouquet of chocolates

Look what a great idea - a bouquet of your favorite chocolates.

Not only the child will be delighted with such a bouquet.

6. “Bouquet” for a man

Miniatures of liquor, cigars, beef jerky...

7. Stones for the garden path

A nice gift for summer residents - decorative stones from which you can make a garden path

8. Gift in a jar

What a great idea to fill a jar with goodies and give it to your loved one!!!

9. Gift in a glass

Even a simple cocktail glass can be turned into an original gift wrapping

10. Photo pendant or magnet

To make such a gift you will need special parts and glue.

11. Mini photo album

This photo album is easy to make yourself. You just need to buy a suitable sized wooden box

and print out the photos that need to be glued together with an accordion

12. Glass with glitter

A double-walled glass makes such a glamorous gift.

13. Glass dish with monogram

Using special paint, a simple glass dish can be turned into an original gift by drawing a monogram on it

14. Homemade body balm

What could be better than natural cosmetics?

With just 3 ingredients, you can make this body balm yourself.

15. Homemade natural soap

In order to make natural soap, you need to buy a soap base,

and then add various useful ingredients to it: essential oils, herbal decoctions, etc.

16. Monogrammed hand soap

By decorating an ordinary bottle of liquid soap with a monogram, we will receive an unusual gift.

17. Candle in a jar

In order to make such a gift, you need a beautiful jar and wax

18. Homemade extract

Making such a gift couldn’t be easier, but you need to plan for 2-4 weeks of waiting, as the extract must infuse.

This extract can be used in baking or simply use a beautiful bottle of this extract as kitchen decoration

19. Hot pads

You can make original coasters from the letter chips from the board game Scrabble.

20. Bath accessories

Multiple bath accessories can be packed with creativity

21. Favorite recipes

Print out your favorite recipes, laminate them and hang them on your ring.

Such recipes are very convenient to use.

You can hang them on some kitchen utensil and give them as a gift.

22. Book-box

You can make...a box out of an old book!!!

23. Body scrub

This natural body scrub is very easy to make with your own hands.

24. Gift - hug

Such a simple, but such a cute gift for relatives living far away

25. Creative packaging

Ordinary things, such as money, chocolates and some trinkets, turn into an original gift thanks to this packaging

26. Bouquet of lollipops

27. Photo stands

Ceramic tiles left over from renovation, favorite photos and special varnish are all you need to create such a gift.

As the holidays approach, store shelves begin to literally burst with all kinds of souvenirs, accessories and little pleasant things that can be given to anyone - from mom to boss. However, sooner or later, donors begin to feel that such gifts completely lack any soulfulness and that conveyor belt gizmos do not bring real joy.

Surprise your friends, relatives and good acquaintances with unusual accessories created with your own hands, taking into account their personal wishes, needs and interests. Especially for you, this article contains the best ideas for original DIY gifts. To make most gifts, you don't even need additional purchased materials.

Tea wreath

The Western tradition of decorating doors for the New Year has not taken root in Russia, but this does not mean that your friend, who is in love with all kinds of tea, will not appreciate an outlandish piece of furniture that will look great in the kitchen.

This DIY gift idea doesn't require a significant investment - all you need is cardboard, pretty paper with interesting designs, regular clothespins, ribbon and various exotic tea bags.


  • Glue together two pieces of cardboard (you can use any scrap shipping box) measuring approximately 12x12cm and cut them into a wreath shape. Cut a circle in the middle and cover the resulting model with patterned paper.
  • Decorate clothespins. For these purposes, you can take paper with the same pattern and cut it into strips. It is also not forbidden to decorate clothespins with any permanent paints or multi-colored sparkles.
  • Attach the clothespins to the wreath with hot glue. Make sure they open towards the outside of the product and not towards the inside.
  • Tie a pretty ribbon to the wreath so it can be hung on the wall. Attach colorful tea bags with various types of tea with clothespins.

Thus, you have made both an original decoration and a convenient organizer of your favorite drink by type.

Personal umbrella

A good idea for a DIY gift is to purchase the simplest black umbrella and decorate it by hand. You will need paints (for a gift to a stylish woman, one white color will be enough), a brush, chalk or soap and a ruler. Draw patterns and geometric shapes according to the design thought out in advance and repeat them, armed with paint and a soft brush.

Shower curtain

It’s strange, but few people think about decorating such simple and familiar everyday items as a shower curtain. Meanwhile, such things provide amazing scope for creativity. It is enough to buy the cheapest white cotton curtain, draw an original pattern with a marker or a pen with washable ink, and embroider the pattern along the lines using a simple “back needle” stitch. For the best effect, use medium-thick knitting threads rather than floss.

Greetings from Instagram

Most people are accustomed to viewing their own photographs only in the feed of the most popular photo site - Instagram. Bring a touch of realism by printing out your best friend's best shots and turning them into beautiful, one-of-a-kind cards.


Does your mother, colleague or best friend like to read paper books? Surely she puts the volumes she has read on impressive shelves. Please her with a truly heartfelt gift for the New Year or March 8 - make a book stand that will securely hold the volumes on a shelf or rack.

To make an unusual bookend, you will need a medium-sized plastic animal, glue, spray paint and a block of wood. Glue the chosen animal onto a wooden stand, and then simply spray the figure with spray paint. It is advisable, of course, to paint the object in the favorite color or shade of the future lucky woman.

Elegant minimalism

Or - a good idea for a DIY gift. How can you create a cup yourself if no one from your immediate circle has even minimal pottery skills? In fact, it is not at all necessary to make the dishes with your own hands - it is enough to decorate them in such a way that the cup, which at first glance looks inconspicuous, turns out to be the only item in the world with this type of design.

To create an elegant present, take the simplest white porcelain cup and a special marker pen for fragile surfaces. Come up with a unique design or select a suitable, easy-to-make picture. On various thematic forums you can find very good ideas for DIY gifts for birthdays, New Years, March 8 and other significant holidays. Choose the most interesting design, remembering that you will have to draw it according to the template with a marker pen.

If you doubt your innate artistic abilities, give preference to a single letter that begins the name of the giftee, or full initials. Print out the sketch and place it on carbon paper. After this, you can begin to outline the contours of your chosen design directly on the surface of the mug, using a special pen.

Such a personalized item can easily be turned into a homemade one for your loved one. The ideas are inexhaustible - it all depends on your imagination and desire to surprise.

For the creative child

Are you going to give a gift to a little person? If this is a girl and she has a developed creative side, feel free to draw inspiration from happy memories from your own childhood. Did you like cute paper dolls? Give the girl a handmade craft kit with which she will create lovely outfits for pretty fashionistas.

With paper dolls you can decorate any gifts with your own hands. You can find master classes and ideas both in thematic blogs and in articles dedicated to the newfangled DIY trend. The easiest way to put together a craft kit is to pick out the topper pieces. You can decorate, for example, your own birthday cake with such elements. For a complete set you will need thick paper of several colors, sew-on sequins of different diameters, bright artificial feathers, all kinds of beads and wooden sticks, as well as glue.

Cut out the outlines of the bodies of future pupae from paper. Flesh-colored material is ideal, but beige and various tones of brown will also look trendy. From colored paper, cut out hair in a variety of hairstyles. Give preference to natural shades - you can add a couple of "wigs" of acidic colors to add some variety.

Arrange all the parts by type (figures separately, hair separately, sparkles separately, etc.) and pack them in thick transparent bags, securing the edges with a stapler. Tie the set with a bow of thick ribbon. The little birthday girl will be able to choose new hairstyles and outfits for the dolls at her own discretion.

Personal New Year's star

DIY New Year gift ideas traditionally come down to fantasies on the theme of Christmas tree decorations. If this topic is close to you, try making an amazing star for the top of the New Year tree. An unusual element of traditional decor will consist of memorable photographs.

You will need a ready-made metal star (if desired, you can replace it with a homemade model made of thick cardboard), as well as three types of decorative paper, ten photographs, a glue stick, Mod Podge glue and a printout of the design. For this craft, it is better to choose black and white photos, as they look especially advantageous against the backdrop of colorful paper.

Use a ruler to draw and cut out ten paper shapes: five large trapezoids and five small triangles. Repeat the same steps with photos. Use paper and photo clippings to attach to the star. Then coat the entire product with Mod Podge or a substance with similar properties, dry and repeat the procedure. The original star for the New Year tree is ready.

DIY gift ideas

A photo or description of an interesting thing is sometimes enough to inspire a craftsman or needlewoman to create their own, unique masterpieces. There are countless worthwhile ideas. If you know how to sew, knit, embroider, do scrapbooking or decoupage, then you can certainly invent a unique gift for a relative or friend - you just need to have some inspiration, free time and the desire to create.

A very simple idea for a homemade gift for your mother, mother-in-law, sister or best friend is a homemade perfume from essential oils, original bath salts or a healthy body scrub. Here's a simple scrub recipe: mix coconut oil with peppermint extract and soak regular white sugar in this mixture. You will get a natural body care product that pleases the eye with a pleasant light green color and exudes a delightful mint aroma.

Most girls wonder how to come up with an interesting and useful gift for a guy. With your own hands (you can again get ideas from the masters) you can make an unusual picture, glued together from keys from an old keyboard and carrying a special message, meaningful only for the two of you. Unusual keychains, homemade ties, stylish cases for electronic devices and elegant coasters for hot mugs will come in handy.

Remember that the main thing is your attention to the interests and preferences of the recipient. Being created with a soul, any thing will bring only joy to its new owner.