Discreet congratulations on February 23rd. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). Congratulations to the defender of the fatherland

In February, the strong half of humanity celebrates the holiday - our dear men.
Of course, we need to find the warmest words and be sure to congratulate all our Defenders of the Fatherland! But don’t forget those who, for whatever reason, did not serve: real men will always stand up for their loved ones. And they will be very pleased if you once again say how much you love and appreciate them.

And, of course, this day is a holiday for all boys who dream of becoming a reliable support for their family and country.

We have prepared congratulations in verse and prose, and we hope that among the proposed options, you will find the best words to congratulate your men. But the most precious gift for them will be attention and sincere admiration in your eyes! Take care of your defenders!

In verse

You are the most modern man,
Stylish, fashionable, simply awesome.
And you are also brave and active,
You are wonderful and very promising.
I congratulate you with love.
I wish you to protect me.
Protect, I ask you, you are my peace,
My man is the most precious!

From February 23,
I hasten to congratulate you personally,
Stay strong, stay strong,
Be a little loving.
Be an enviable groom
So that the girls love everyone,
Be a healthy man
Drive a car!

Congratulations on this wonderful holiday,
From February 23,
I wish to have everything in life,
Making everyone happy.
Be a cheeky boy
And in the company of the soul,
So that all things go smoothly,
And the salaries are great.

Be a man anywhere
Take care of your Fatherland,
Always protect the people
You will be recognized as a hero!
Celebrate the holiday freely,
Let the wine flow like a river,
Walk, frolic and relax,
May happiness follow you.

February 23 is the main holiday for men,
Who is a Russian citizen?
The holiday is celebrated noisily!
Protects our fatherland,
From envious enemies,
He boldly rides around on a tank,
Has a bunch of orders!
I wish you many friends
And it's great to have fun with them!
And marry a beauty,
Give birth to healthy children!

Twenty third of February -,
Red calendar day,
Congratulations to all men,
Don't worry for no reason!
We definitely promise to love you,
We give our word of honor,
We will give birth to children for you,
No problem at all!

From February 23,
All defenders of the Fatherland!
You can't live without men
You can be capricious with them.
Be strong guys
Protect your ladies
So that a huge salary,
I got it for three.

I wish to conquer women
And also mountain peaks!
I want to pump up my muscles,
Watch your cholesterol.
So that your heart beats faster,
At the sight of our beauty,
So that all your wishes come true,
Although your goals are not easy.
Such is this men's day -
Twenty third of February,
I want to be a wall for everyone,
Everyone loved you!

Let your loved ones be for you,
Prepare dishes to order,
And they will prepare a delicious cake,
They give you a ticket to the resort.
Let February 23rd,
Will be remembered for a very long time,
So that this day is not lived in vain,
And with a sense of accomplishment!

Which man is the best?
With whom - nothing is scary!
With whom everything is fine,
And he builds a multi-story house!
That's what I wish for you,
To be the best on Earth
Walking happily through life,
Always be on top!

On Defender of the Country Day,
Congratulations are coming!
We need you like air -
Like the sun to every creation!
I wish you to get stronger every day,
And surprise with your strength!
Buy a huge bright house,
And may harmony reign!

Twenty third of February,
It was not invented in vain -
To congratulate loved ones,
We wish them good health!
Be happy men,
Give flowers for no reason
Let nowhere and never,
Trouble will not bother you.

As a reward, I wish you happiness,
On the twenty-third of February,
For your exploits, participation,
Because the earth turns.
Let there be a wad of money,
And to buy a coat with them,
To become a good businessman,
And only travel by car.

I wish that the whole district
Silently in love with you!
I wish you a devoted friend,
And so that the wife is faithful!
I congratulate you on the Twenty-third,
Happy men's day in February,
Always be responsible for your loved ones,
And you will be happy!

For courage and true courage,
I thank you, friend,
Because you took the oath,
I adore you.
Happy Defender's Day to you!
Now it’s not scary to live in the world, -
Because I have,
Best friend on the whole planet.

So that every day is varied,
So that every time is like the first,
So that life is always wonderful,
And my friend has always been faithful.
Congratulations on February 23,
Bathe yourself like cheese in butter,
And every moment is not in vain,
And be like a strong hero!

In prose

Short SMS

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you great health and success in all your endeavors!

Happy February 23rd! You are a true protector, strong and brave! I wish you only become more courageous and that all your dreams come true!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! You will always be our support and protection, and we will protect and protect you as our greatest treasure!

Dear Defender! Congratulations on February 23! Let only joy and love go with you through life!


On this day I want to wish you,
Never get sick after meeting friends!
So that your car never breaks down,
And so that you always succeed in any task!
For the family you will always be a hero,
Behind which we are like behind a wall!

I wish you strength and courage,
Congratulations on February 23!
May the girls always surrender as prisoners!
And there will be more happy changes in life!

Men! On this day, women are ready to fulfill any of your desires! They will throw a feast like a mountain, and the food will all flow like a river! You are always heroes for us, and not just on February 23! Happy holiday!

Attention! Combat readiness for men is declared! Everyone line up to receive congratulations! On this day, your fighting friends congratulate you on February 23! We wish you dizzying success and mind-blowing love! Congratulations!


Our beloved and dear protector! On this day, we want to wish you to maintain your enthusiasm, your energy. You are our role model, the standard of masculinity! We love you and are proud of you! Congratulations on February 23!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! On this holiday, I would like to wish that love and happiness will always be with you, that your loved ones will always support you, and that all your dreams will come true! Happy holiday!

Happy February 23rd! On this holiday, I wish that you raise a glass to your health as often as possible, that your laughter sounds louder, and that your loved ones surround you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

To a man

My Protector! I would like to wish you to ride only in a limousine, to have breakfast only with pancakes with caviar, and to never run out of money in your wallet! But seriously, so that you remain as courageous, strong, only get better health, and always have good weather in the house! Happy February 23rd!

I would like to wish you to always remain a kind, honest and respected person. So that as many opportunities as possible open up for you and always have the strength for new achievements! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

My dear mighty and glorious hero! On February 23, I hasten to congratulate you and want to wish you boundless health, good mood and swimming in the ocean of love! May happiness always be with you! Happy Holidays!

To my father

Beloved dad! For us, you are the standard of a real man. You always take care of us and protect us. We would like to wish you to remain as wonderful, that you will be lucky in all your affairs, and that love and trust will always reign in your family. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Daddy! For your family, you will always be a Man with a capital M. Let the kingdom of comfort and delicious borscht always await you at home, let your business only go uphill, and every day brings only joy! Happy February 23rd!

Dear Dad! Defender of the Fatherland Day is another reason to say that you are our best, kindest and most beloved! On this day, I would like to wish that the sun always shines in your life, dear people are nearby and all your dreams come true! Happy Holidays!


Congratulations, brother, on February 23! Let your pockets be heavy only from banknotes, a dacha in the Maldives and may the waves and mountains submit to you! So that your family is next to you to take care of you! Happy Holidays!

Brother, my beloved and dear! May happiness and luck always be with you! Always be inspired, inspired by love! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

The best brother in the world! I hasten to congratulate you on February 23! May there be fewer worries in your life, good health and many victories! Happy Holidays!


My precious grandfather!
Always be as cheerful as you are!
And we wish you everything
Good health!
To buy at the pharmacy
Only vitamins!
Sadness so as not to know
Always be active!
Congratulations on February 23!

Grandfather, our beloved!
I want to wish you
A baggage full of joy,
Always follow your dream!
So that there is a lot of health,
May you always be satisfied!
Never be discouraged
And don’t forget about your family!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Grandfather, congratulations on February 23! May there always be a place for miracles in your life, may your pension not fit into your pockets, may there always be youthful enthusiasm in your eyes! My health improved every year, and the house was always full of family and friends! Congratulations!

To a friend

My friend! I would like to wish you to remain a reliable and strong man under any circumstances. May you be able to cope with any tasks, may you have true friends nearby, and may your beloved surround you with warmth and care! Happy February 23rd!

Buddy! May you always have good cognac for your true friends, may your wife greet you with delicious borscht, and may your salary be in foreign currency! Health, happiness and success in everything! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Friend! I would like to wish you that you always achieve your goals, that you are always confident in yourself, that love and mutual understanding always reign in your family. Happy Holidays on February 23rd!


Dear men! Please accept congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You always stand guard over justice and maintain order in our office! We wish that everything in your life will always be in perfect order! Happy Holidays!

Men! We congratulate you on February 23! We would like to wish you to remain as courageous, purposeful and take care of your family and friends! Congratulations!

Dear men! We would like to wish that your strength is always enough to accomplish feats, that the lady of your heart always admires you, and that you are always heroes! Happy February 23rd!

Our dear and beloved defenders! We want to congratulate you on February 23! Never stop there, become better and always be a reason to be proud of your loved ones! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear our Defenders! Always remain as solid and unshakable as a rock, as strong as good cognac and make your loved ones dizzy like sparkling champagne! Happy holiday!

Our beloved men! You make our lives brighter, with you we are not afraid of anything! Therefore, we want to wish that your life is bright, rich, and that you remain as strong and reliable! Happy February 23rd!

Dear Defenders! Let love and success always walk with you, we wish you to always be in great shape and in a good mood! Happy Holidays!

Our dear colleagues! You are not just men, you are our support and support! We would like to wish you to remain as kind and reliable, so that all your dreams come true. So that your loved ones always admire you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Important facts about the holiday on February 23

1. In 1968, an obelisk was erected near Pskov. It is made in the form of a triangular bayonet pointing to the sky. Next to it is a high relief. The figures of soldiers are poured on it. The monument stands where the very first battles of the young army of the Soviet Union took place.

2. Lieutenant General Alexander Ivanovich Cherepanov, a Soviet military leader, a participant in the battles near Pskov, noted in his memoirs that February 23 was the day of the most intense battles of the winter of the eighteenth year and the date of the unanimous enrollment of workers and peasants in the ranks of the newly created Red Army. It was during this period that the mobilization of funds, forces and resources of the young country began to decisively repel its enemies. Therefore, February 23 rightfully became known as the Birthday of the Red Army.

3. Until the forty-sixth year of the last century, this date was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. Renamed, and until 1993 it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Then the law “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia” appeared. The twenty-third of February received a new name - “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.” In 2002, the day became a non-working day. After 2006, the holiday became known as “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

A lot changed in the twentieth century. The name of the holiday also changed. The name of our country was changed several times. Residents were called differently: comrades, Soviet citizens, compatriots, Russians. Each new government made from this date some kind of symbol it needed. However, no matter what our Motherland and us are called, no matter how the holiday is renamed, this day will always be a holy moment of honoring all defenders of the Fatherland.

The most favorite holiday of Russian men is, without a doubt, Defender of the Fatherland Day which is celebrated February 23. Of course, this day is celebrated not only by former and current military personnel - February 23 has long been perceived as an informal Men's Day - therefore, on February 23 in Russia and some “fragments” of the former USSR, all male citizens receive gifts - from babies to gray-haired old men.

History of the holiday February 23

The history associated with the celebration of the “men’s” holiday on February 23 still causes controversy among historians. Now, apparently, it is impossible to find out exactly what event happened near Petrograd on February 23, 1918, in honor of which four years later a military holiday was officially established - the Day of the Red Army and Navy. In any case, the story of how scantily clad and almost unarmed Red Army soldiers from the newly formed armed forces of the young Soviet republic defeated the Germans near Pskov and Narva is most likely a legend. It is known that in those anxious days for Petrograd, the hastily formed units of the Red Army mostly suffered defeats.

However, later it was February 23 that first became the Day of the Red Army, then, after the Great Patriotic War, the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday began to be officially called Defender of the Fatherland Day, and in 2002, so that men would not envy women, in whose honor everyone rests on March 8, February 23 became a day off.

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union no longer exists, its former citizens, although separated by borders, still like to celebrate February 23, both as a day of military glory and simply as a traditional holiday for all men. Officially, Defender of the Fatherland Day, in addition to Russia, is also celebrated in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, despite unspoken prohibitions, the holiday is still popular in Ukraine, and the older generation manages to celebrate February 23 in the countries formed on the site of the Soviet Baltic republics.

As celebrated on February 23 in Russia

Since in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union February 23 is an informal “men's day”, on this day it is customary to congratulate all boys, young men, men, grandfathers, regardless of whether they are related to the army or law enforcement agencies or not. Therefore, in schools, universities, and enterprises, the female part of the groups, as a rule, chips in on modest gifts for men, or, as they say, “covers the clearing” with refreshments. Well, in families, girls, girls, women and grandmothers gladly congratulate and give gifts to their brothers, husbands, sons, fathers, grandfathers, uncles and nephews (perhaps hoping that they will not forget to make alaverdi on March 8). And, of course, this holiday is especially popular in the army, in law enforcement agencies, in military families and groups.

At the official level, Defender of the Fatherland Day is also widely celebrated - as a day of military glory - with congratulations to veterans of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, with military-patriotic events, festive fireworks, laying of wreaths, etc.

Congratulations to men on February 23

We offer some more options for congratulations to men on February 23 - friends, family, colleagues, classmates in poetry and prose, for email and SMS.

This holiday has gone beyond borders,

It is not just a holiday for soldiers,

It is not only for people in uniform,

That they stand in the service of the Motherland.

This holiday is a man's holiday

We can rightfully name.

In honor of men today, congratulations

They will sound from their life partners.

It's not easy to be a man in our century,

To be the best, the winner, the wall,

A reliable friend, a sensitive person,

Strategist between peace and war.

To be strong, but submissive, wise, gentle,

Be rich, but don't spare money.

Be slim, elegant and casual.

Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.

We wish you patience on this holiday

In solving your life problems.

I wish you health, love and inspiration.

Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!

There is a reason to congratulate you

On a February day, in the middle of winter,

Just because you are a man:

We are proud of the Defender!

Cover it with your chest if necessary,

Girlfriends, children, sister and mother

And you won't miss the enemy's herd

In our house - beat, rob, kill!

You will pay for freedom with blood.

And - life. The enemy will be defeated!

All the Fatherland with great love

Thank you for that!

Very strong and skillful

Energetic, kind, brave,

Sadness and grief are not terrible -

Your love is our support.

You are the only one in the world!

May good luck shine on you

Be healthy and full of strength,

And fate, like us, be kind!

Every man deserves respect,

And there is a turn of congratulations,

I wish from all women,

Good health and strength,

So that there is success with you,

Aspirations, vigor, intelligence,

And the cup would be full of happiness,

Reliable, fighting friends,

Your salaries are just as big,

Remain a brave man

Don't doubt yourself at all!

There are no former warriors in the reserve,

If you’ve already served, then it’s forever,

A holiday that is celebrated in winter

Warm despite the cold!

May you be carefully guarded by fate,

Let bad weather pass by,

Protect your home, family and Motherland

You are always for them, even in an invisible battle!

It's a holiday for men today!

We want to congratulate you!

Wish you love and happiness,

Many thousands of times!

We wish you good luck,

Energy and strength,

So that every day in the world

Bringing pleasure!

And we wish you health,

And harmony with yourself,

And financial success,

And mischievous smiles!

Congratulations to colleagues

Hope and support, beloved men,

There is a reason for our congratulations today,

We honor the defenders - our heroes,

Those who will always support you in the battles of working days.

May there be peace and happiness, because you deserve them,

On all fronts - career, personal, work!

Men, we want to tell you

Only today in secret.

It’s better not to find more reliable colleagues,

All over the wide world.

And for the holiday, for the great men's day,

Let me wish from all women:

In life there is great joy and great luck,

Inspiration in your work and success!

February 23 is the day of brave, strong, decisive, courageous, persistent and resilient men, always ready to defend their homeland, their family, their friends and loved ones from enemies and troubles. We are lucky to have just such men working with us. And we wish that you can easily cope with any problems, and that women appreciate and love you not only on February 23, but every day.

Happy Men's Day to my colleagues

To make dreams come true, make a wish -

It's hard to imagine a better reason

To wish immeasurable blessings!

The twenty-third of February is excellent

A day to show gratitude!

Let happiness be familiar to you,

Life will be more joyful from now on!

Defenders of our team - take care of yourself and your work colleagues! Be an example for your children and the subject of close admiring attention of the fair half of our team and the whole country. In general, be yourself! May your most global dreams come true and may your far-reaching plans turn into reality!

Congratulations to father

Congratulations to dad

Happy Men's Day:

In my youth, I know

He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,

At least not a commander.

Worthy of a holiday

Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.

You won't let me fall:

I am the glorious Fatherland

Small part.

Congratulations to teenagers

Many young years will pass,

And you’ll finish reading your childhood fairy tale,

Will you wear a bulletproof vest?

Vest, boots and helmet.

In battle with the enemy, be a giant,

Don’t forget about the military glory of your ancestors!

They escort the boys to the army,

Like going to war in '41,

And again, like for many years in a row,

The boys break the silence with songs.

And again, like many years ago,

Mothers cannot be stopped from crying:

After all, these future soldiers,

So many deadly thunderstorms await!

That's why it's louder than the alarm bell

Drowning out the song and steps,

The mother's lips say:

“Help them, God, help them!”

The Federal News Agency congratulates all Russian men on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wishes everyone health and happiness.

To become a man, it’s not enough for them to be born,
To be iron is not enough to be ore.
You must melt, break,
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

Will be implemented
Plans, beginnings!
Happy Defender of the Country Day!
Peace! Prosperity!

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,
That the glory of the flag is multiplied
And in a difficult and dangerous age
Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded!

May there always be a place for feat,
Let courage and strength not fail you,
So that life is bright and interesting,
And it certainly brought joy!

I wish you to be as strong as steel,
And wear your medal with pride!
May all your dreams come true
And all wishes come true!

For a stable and peaceful world
We bring it with respect
On a truly masculine holiday
Our congratulations!

With its firmness and strength
You won me over instantly.
So reliable and beautiful,
You are a real general!

In all centuries, Russian men,
We won wars with our heroism,
Everyone - officers, grooms, pages,
They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.
And the Russian spirit in you has not weakened,
We see in you heroes of the past, glorious,
You will accomplish many necessary things
For lovely women and for the whole country!!!

This holiday has gone beyond borders,
It is not just a holiday for soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they stand in the service of the Motherland.
This holiday is a man's holiday
We can rightfully name.
In honor of men today, congratulations
They will sound from their life partners.

Let them soar high in honor of the holiday
Fireworks and salutes,
Forever remembered
These bright moments!
Let military theory
Will never become a practice
Useful in personal life
Brilliant strategy and tactics!

Happy Defender's Day!
At this glorious, special hour -
We wish with great respect,
So that everyone can look up to you only.

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course is on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

February 23 -
The holiday is peaceful and beautiful,
May he give you joy
Become bright and happy!
Be confident
Achieve results
As it should be in service
To a real soldier!

Defender of the Fatherland Day -
Significant date
A holiday of peace, happiness, joy
For a Russian soldier.
Let them remind you of military service
Photos in the album!
We wish you all the best from our hearts,
Warmth and happiness in the house!

We wish you health and good luck.
Let joy and dreams be nearby.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

A man is a steel spring,
A motor singing in the sky,
A single, menacing step of the squad,
Eagle screeching in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a bunch of pepper
A master's firm hand
And a heart that loves women.
So shout out to him: “Hurray!”

We certainly wish to become
Hero of our time,
Increase and save
Luggage of spiritual values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation,
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temperament!

There is no reason to call women the weaker sex -
Among us are talents, warriors, minds,
But if there were no men next to us
Could we reach our heights?

The whole earth celebrates
Twenty third of February.
We have set the table for men
And we bought gifts.
Don't be shy, come on in
Please accept congratulations,
Wishes in verses
And smiles on the lips.
May good luck accompany you
All problems are solved
So that happiness does not last for an hour
Wouldn't leave you!

To the sappers of our souls!
To the signalers of our thoughts!
To the artillerymen of our borders!
To the scouts of our thoughts!
To the marshals of our wishes...
This holiday is dedicated to!

Defender of Motherland. Who is he?
He is strong, handsome and brave.
He masters any battle tactics,
He holds the weapon skillfully.

Who would give us tender names?
And he protected us, whenever they were not there?
Who would sing? Who would kindle the flame in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield you with strong shoulders?
Who paid in battles with his blood,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rain, to the whispering of the branches?!
The hearths are warmer with them,
There are countless dishes at the pre-Starkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It’s so good, men, that you exist!!!

Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy Army and Navy Day!
Let service and work
It's not always easy, we will help you
We wish you to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles on you,
Then you can rise to the rank of general.

We warmly congratulate you,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy in
What someone honors and loves.
And let a smile flash
And let the wrinkles smooth out,
And let spring sing in the soul,
Today is your holiday, men!

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

Very strong and skillful
Energetic, kind, brave,
Sadness and grief are not scary -
Your love is our support.
You are the only one in the world!
May good luck shine on you
Be healthy and full of strength,
And fate, like us, be kind!

In a wonderful name Man
Have the courage to become
The ability to think and dream,
Be inspired for no reason.
Know how to love, know how to give.
Then leave, then come back.
To be so fickle
Seem like such a support.
Protect his destiny
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be supportive
Give life full, without blemish.
And let the words intertwine
About that one and only beloved
Whom nature named
A wonderful name - MAN.

Happy February 23rd!
Keeping loyalty to the homeland,
You, defenders of the Fatherland,
Don't spare your lives.
We wish peace to the whole planet,
So that children do not know war.
Be kind and brave
Skilled in military matters,
Strong heroes
Worthy of true glory!

Glorious day of the calendar -
Twenty third of February!
We congratulate all men,
And we wish everyone courage!

Today we congratulate
Happy Defender of the Country Day
You, boys and men,
Sons of our Motherland!
Let the muscles in your body grow stronger!
And let it be from year to year
Will, courage and strength
With muscle mass grows!

From husband and rank
Consists of a man
The man is real
Gives us joy!

Congratulating the defenders of the country
We remember heroes.
Health to those who are brave in spirit
An example to those who give courage.
With a strong hand they will protect you from troubles,
And there is simply no cowardice in their hearts.
In matters of luck, joy, warmth
So that you have a special destiny
Strong family
So that love is nearby,
Success, blood warming!

Although life is sometimes harsh,
Be strong
And quickly open it for yourself
Reliable path.
Learn not to survive, but to live,
Go ahead
Always be friends with luck
And on the way
Catch your success quickly
Be healthy
And you will understand the essence of love
And the essence of life!

Don't expect life to happen every year
And every day is a joy and a reward.
Joy can turn into misfortune
Sunrise ends with sunset.
But, no matter how life takes you by the throat,
Be persistent in the face of black misfortune
And don’t hang your head in doom,
No matter how bitter your deeds may be.
An eagle soaring in the blue heights is beautiful.
But he is a hundred times more beautiful
When he meets a storm and is scorched by the fire of a thunderstorm -
He conquers the storm.
I want you to be an eagle in times of trouble, -
Worthy of admiration and reward!

My best friend! In the midst of everyday life, bustle
You are a bright holiday, a dream come true.
You have been given so much from birth!
You conquered me a long time ago,
So conquer fate again! And let her
I am immensely flattered by your attention,
It will give you joy, the shine of victories,
Love and happiness for many years to come!

What should I wish for you in life today?
You serve our Motherland, soldier!
So be faithful to duty and the Fatherland!
I was very happy to congratulate you!

Never be sad.
It will be difficult - be strong
There will be wind - don't bend,
It will hurt - don't cry
Don't hide your eyes in your palm.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If there are tears, wipe them away,
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember: life is life!
On this day, male, military,
I definitely declare:
I'll become a prisoner of war
I will be your prisoner!
I don't mind giving up,
You won me over.
Trust me: on the love front
You are a marshal and a general!
I'm waiting for your brave commands,
To me they excite blood.
And on the banner on ours
I will embroider with silk: “Love!”
Let time not destroy
That connecting thread
Our souls will forever be
Be faithful to the banner!

Happy holiday men,
Our glorious soldiers,
Protect us!
Well, we will cover your rear,
Let's bake a pie!
We'll kiss you when you return,
You're on your doorstep!

Now I congratulate you, my guy,
Happy men's day to all,
And I wish you, my dear,
Be better than others.
You are very good
And you are my dear,
You are invincible
And the coolest.

The holiday in February is for all men!
But only one will hear my congratulations.
In the world you cannot find a person dearer to everyone,
My only protector is you!
You won’t leave me in trouble and you won’t betray me in grief,
And you will even give your life for our children!
May the Lord God always protect you!
Be strong and healthy, like a granite rock!

I lived my entire childhood without sadness,
The boys always protected me.
Many years have passed since then,
Now my protector is my beloved husband.
Today my congratulations
They will go to you, not others -
You can't find a more precious person,
My protector on the path of life!
You won’t abandon me in trouble, you won’t betray me in grief,
And for children, you will give your life.
Although there is a holiday in February for all men,
You alone are worthy of my love!

I'm from February 23rd
Congratulations to you, my love,
Believe me, my dear, loving
I share your concerns.
I want to say from the bottom of my heart,
So that everything works out for you.
Also, wish you good health,
So that life is not darkened by anything.

From February 23rd
Congratulations to everyone today!
And we wish everyone
You were always happy!
So that your hand does not tremble
At the time of decision!
May they always love you
Halves without a doubt!

Happy holiday, my love!
Today is February 23rd,
You are the defender of the Fatherland, you are my hero,
You are the light of my life, you are dearest.
I just give all my love to you,
I love your every gesture and smile,
On your holiday I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Joy, good luck, happiness and love!
You are my tank and battleship!
You are protection and support!
With any enemy
You'll straighten out soon.
And for this, my protector,
I adore you!
And to you on February holiday

You are a real warrior, I know it!
You were able to conquer me
Without a cannon, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today,
My general, my love.

Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.
That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
For me, you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

Today is daddy's day, I congratulate him!
And on the day of the defender I wish him,
I am to be considered as a man,
And sometimes obey a little.
After all, of course, I will be a general
And I won’t forget my dad’s courage.

Daddy, how strong you are
And also very stylish!
You're a career military man,
And, of course, hefty.
You know so much
You understand our troubles.
Happy Defender's Day to you
Congratulations, my love!

Our whole family loves you, dad.
You are our commander, captain of the ship.
You stand at the helm, leading:
Know that we are always a friendly team!

Happy Defender's Day,
I will not leave him without attention.
Grandpa is always my hero,
Although he is no longer young.
During the war he was still a boy.
I didn’t fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with their hard work.
I'm proud of my old grandpa.
He is number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, necessary, irreplaceable.

You are the future defender of the fatherland,
You are the hope of all mankind,
And even though you are still very young,
But the holiday has come for you on this day too.
I wish you to be brave
May I never forget my father and mother,
So that the whole family is proud of you,
Congratulations on February 23!

Congratulations, colleague,
From February 23rd.
And great success
I sincerely wish.
Let your work be worthy,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Only sincere people
Surrounded all year round!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
I want to congratulate you, colleague,
May all of humanity today
Wishes you happiness and success,
May all your dreams come true,
And huge avenues await,
Let them advance without obstacles
Always work projects!

We are colleagues at work
And in life we ​​are friends,
Open the doors wider
I came to congratulate you.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Happy twenty-third of February,
May you be the valiant son of all mankind,
Always a faithful friend to me!

Congratulations to the entire male team today,
We wish you, men, many, many years,
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish,
So that the light of hope always burns ahead.
You are our hope in difficult times,
Our support in times of peace,
Being a male protector is not a light burden,
But that's why we love you!

Colleague, my friend, accept congratulations,
Today is a holiday - a time of fun,
Today is a holiday - February 23rd,
Day of Men, Defenders of the Fatherland!
You have a lot of courage and strength,
Your words are always smart and fair,
So always remain like this
Welcoming, kind, young.

Colleagues, well, wait a minute!
Let's pause now:
After all, there are no defenders in the team
More reliable and loyal than you!
Among the best sons of humanity
It’s not for nothing that there is a holiday in the middle of winter;
And you defend the Fatherland,
Which we are!

Our dear men,
Let me congratulate you!
Your kindness and strength
We want to praise today!
Fate is not easy at times,
You are not gods - just people.
Our humble heroes
We appreciate you, we love you!

On the twenty third of February
It’s not in vain that we gathered here:
We honor our boys,
We want more porridge,
To grow strong
Save our homeland
If the enemy comes to the border.
And also - study at "OTL"!

Tankman! Congratulations
Happy Army Day!
We live only by loving you -
You are terrible to the enemy with your fire!
You, keeping your oath of loyalty,
You will come out a winner again! —
Tank armor protects you
And our great love!

We congratulate the rocket scientist
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
You are both a shield and a sword for all of us -
Do you know how to save the world:
Everything is covered by the locator,
So we can sleep peacefully.
You keep the borders of the country:
You won't even miss a mouse!
Many garrisons have been passed,
On the shoulder straps of the stars - like a milestone...
Our Motherland loves you,
Well, we are the strongest!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Pilot - Hero of the Motherland!
The enemy will immediately meet in battle
With a strong will - not with a game!
You are friends with MIGs and ILs,
MI, TU, SU - class cars:
Having mastered such powers,
You are “covering” us from the sky!
May you have so many landings,
How many new flights into the clouds!
May you not know sadness and sadness -
Your life will be bright and easy!

Congratulations, Airborne Forces fighter,
Happy Defender of our Motherland Day!
The enemy has no hope in war -
You are stronger and smarter, you are fearless!
You don’t get sick from boredom and melancholy,
There is no danger of loneliness without friends:
Life is flying, jumping, forced marches,
I want to become stronger, more resilient!
You are a landing party, and all the enemies are trembling -
You can crush them in hand-to-hand combat...
Take care of the elderly and children,
Defending your Fatherland!

We praise the signalman: day and night
You unite the troops,
So that the service goes exactly the same for everyone,
So that sadness does not enter our souls!
We are happy to congratulate you on your Day
Defender of the Fatherland!
May happiness, will, reason be in him
They will celebrate with their circle of friends.
Be healthy, be loved, don’t worry,
And we will be calm:
Will not cross borders
Foreign countries are at war!

Do you at least serve under water?
You are always brave, young,
Handsome, smart and broad-shouldered!..
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Congratulations to you, my love!
I can’t imagine how I would live without you
(Do you know better? Tell me!),
Preserve native boundaries?!
You're going on a mission with a submarine,
And we are all in bright anticipation:
The door in your heart is open!
We miss you, we are friends, we love you! Believe!

You are an artillery fighter,
And this is the crown of the army:
Smash the enemy with your fire!
From the Defender of the Fatherland During the Day
We are very happy to congratulate you!
I didn’t go to serve for rewards,
Whatever the title -
Your duty and calling are more important!... And yet, at least
You are free to wish:
Be happy!
And - so that there is no war!

Being a defender isn't easy!
Both in the capital and in the wilderness
All men of any height
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Guys, we have no problem:
They will tear out your eyes for the Fatherland!
They will dismember and bury
If the enemy wants us!

Walk, student, with all your heart,
But just remember your norm,
Otherwise you might as well hurry up
Swap your jeans for a uniform!

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, light, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, big,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, succeeds,
Only joy happened in life.
Fun, endless laughter
On the day of February 23!

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy Twenty-third of February!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.

We want to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in your business,
Be the first at work
And be picky about your friends.

Let worries not touch you,
Everything is smooth in the family, laughter in the house.
We wish you good health,
May success accompany you.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and bravery! Let every day be successful, every action worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible!

You men are our pride,
Our strength, power and become.
On Defender's Day we want
I sincerely wish you
Strategic decisions
And the most reliable rear,
Only victories without defeats,
At home so that love awaits,
The spirit was strong, the body was strong,
The friend was faithful for centuries.
Peace over your beloved country,
There is a spark of happiness in the heart.

The strongest, the bravest,
Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal...
We simply cannot count all your qualities!
We are very glad to have you.

Today we congratulate you together,
We wish you success, good luck and prosperity.
Your February day has now arrived,
May it give you health and strength!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.

A real man
It's very easy to distinguish:
The kindest, smartest, strongest,
Can please, love.

So that you remain like this,
I wish on your holiday -
I managed everywhere, laughed,
If necessary, over yourself.

And patience, health
Let them not let you down.
So forward to new victories!
Happy February 23rd!

Twenty third of February
The whole country celebrates -
Congratulations to all men,
Regardless of their rank.

Be loyal to your country
Be devoted to your family
Protect the world from evil,
Don't let the enemy in!

May the sky be clear
Sadness will not touch the heart,
Only joy in my soul
And peace in the country!

On a calendar sheet
February 23,
Which means there are many reasons
Congratulate dear men.
They are strong, they are brave,
They are the defenders of the country!
We wish them strength of spirit,
There is no feather or fluff in the work.
Only positive things in life,
And most importantly - kindness and peace!

For a real man
I wish you valor and strength!
Glorious achievements and victories,
Great success in all matters.

May your health be good,
The mind is alive and the grip is tenacious.
Let everything be with you,
Happy Twenty-third of February!

Greetings to the defenders of the Fatherland!
You are a stronghold of peace. And today humanity
Thank you all for my peace
Yes, respect for you is carefully preserved.
Let us resolutely repel the enemy,
And when necessary, stand up for the country.
You, only you alone, are our protection.
Today we will openly say about you:
Cool guys and handsome men everywhere.
Be equal, everyone calm down! Regardless of the years,
May you be successful today and always.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is the most courageous holiday of the year. On this wonderful day, all boys, future defenders of the homeland, young men, men, receive . We all want to tell them and express our gratitude for the fact that you can always rely on them, we wish them health, and always remain the same brave and noble people who will protect us and our Motherland at any moment. The warmest and most heartfelt words should be. After all, dad is the person next to whom we feel reliable protection and support. He is a true example of a man.

It often happens that those whom we want to congratulate on this holiday are far away. For example, our respected grandfathers. Therefore, we can send them a beautiful greeting card on Defender of the Fatherland Day. This will certainly be a very nice gift. should express great gratitude and respect, because it was our grandfathers who showed all their courage and courage during the great war.

Congratulations on February 23, 2020 (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Congratulations to: | | | | | | | | |
Congratulation format: | | | | | |
Type of congratulations: | | | |

I want to warmly congratulate you,
Happy military holiday to men,
I need to give you a gift,
There are many reasons for this,
I wish you good health,
In a career so that there is growth,
I don’t know better management
Strict at work, simple at home,
May everything be successful for you,
And I won’t let you down in my work,
On the twenty-third of course,
I'll come with congratulations!

You are strong in both soul and body,
He is very brave in his actions.
You will overcome all obstacles,
And tenderness is a reward for me.
You protect so carefully
And you protect everyone from problems.
A peck on your cheek from my beloved
And I'm attaching my poem.

This holiday has gone beyond borders,
It is not just a holiday for soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they stand in the service of the Motherland.
This holiday is a man's holiday
We can rightfully name.
In honor of men today, congratulations
They will sound from their life partners.

You, defender of the fatherland,
Celebrate the holiday brightly,
My beloved, in this life
Just trust your loved ones.

I wish you happiness
Never be discouraged
Life is easy, without knowing worries,
Never retreat!

My congratulations are not an empty sound!
My congratulations are sacred!
It is for you - our former hero,
Our defender in the form of a soldier!
And may the conquered world preserve
Holy your serenity,
And may all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness!

And I wish you courage and happiness.
Always be so attentive
Don't let bad weather into your destiny.
Give a hand to a friend in life,
Give a woman a big shoulder.
Smile and love more often
Take care of everything dear to your heart!
On this twenty-third of February,
Just like on other days in the world,
May luck spoil you!
Happiness, a lot of light, longevity!

Congratulations dear men,
We wish you joy and happiness,
Inspiration, tender participation
And love from the heart, without reason.
It's cold in February
Winter seems to last forever
But remember - loved ones are always
You will be warmed with heartfelt tenderness.

Respecting and loving,
To be like you
I dream about the future.

To be respected by people
Like you, be a genius.
And today you accept

Congratulations on the day of the brave,
Happy Defenders of the Country Day,
Happy day to all the brave and fearless,
Not running from war!

May the reward find you too,
Let everything come true on time,
May you be welcome at home
Let the work be useful.

Stay brave
Be true to yourself.
And create the world with your hands,
Be strong in the fight!

My beloved, you are my joy!
My protector, you are my sweetness,
Unique and dear -
You are my dear man!

I wish you good luck, happiness,
I promise great love
Let there be enough strength for everything,
Happy February 23, my dear!

Don't renounce your sense of proportion,
Don’t rush to catch up with someone who has left,
Don't desecrate your creed
On other days, other times.
And, maintaining the honor of the uniform,
Directing life to the shores,
Do not make yourself an idol,
Don't make an enemy!

We love our husband in him, and we love our son in him,
We love you different - both weak and strong.
And in some ways guilty, and in some ways innocent.
You are often like children, and often - rakes,
You are simply different, and that makes you interesting!
Trying to change you is pointless, stupid,
Accepting you as anyone is a science for women.
We miss you, it’s very sad without you,
Without your love, a woman’s heart is so empty.
Men, our protectors and glory,
Sorry if we are wrong.
For your love! For patience! For strength!
I want each of you to be happy!
Let there be fewer reasons for sadness,
What a beautiful word - “Man”!

The whole earth celebrates
Twenty third of February.
We have set the table for men
And we bought gifts.

Don't be shy, come on in
Please accept congratulations,
Wishes in verses
And smiles on the lips.

May good luck accompany you
All problems are solved
So that happiness does not last for an hour
Wouldn't leave you!

On a glorious holiday day
From all women - a poem!

It's an honor to be a defender
It's nice to be a defender
From dogs, from hooligans,
And of course, from the war.

Congratulations on February day
Our courageous, brave,
Strong, dexterous and brave
Most precious men!

We have gathered here today,
To congratulate you, men.
And on a day so memorable for us
We want to wish you all the best.
Always good health,
After all, the years flow like water.
Let the current not carry them away
All your true aspirations.
We also wish you good luck
You are lucky to have Us, and that means a lot!
After all, we sincerely wish you
Success, happiness and love.

To me the best on earth
Got the guy, no doubt.
There is a special day in February,
And I'm writing a poem

So that you, my beloved,
Happy holiday today!
And promise great success,
And only to joy direct!

Congratulations on the men's holiday
And I wish to always be like this,
So that everyone always respects you,
To make ladies lose their heads,

So that your beloved woman is with you
It was like being behind a stone wall.
Make decisions, dare
Achieve your goal, win.

Always be a protector for everyone.
May success accompany you!
We have a reason to be proud -
These are our glorious men!

February is sweeping outside,
And the frost scares me!
A special day is coming to us -
All men celebrate!

Happy February 23rd!
Let your wishes come true!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Live, love and smile!

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only during training soldiers
He went forward to attack.
Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today?
And who repaid the debt to the Motherland in full!