The conspiracy man never came again. Conspiracies to ward off an unwanted person. Spell with salt from an unwanted person

When an enemy lives in the house, a bad stranger comes to visit, or an intrusive neighbor pesters you, various kinds of conspiracies and rituals will help. How to get an unwanted person away from home quickly, and what spells to cast to forget about this problem forever.

Ways to keep an unwanted person away from home with a conspiracy

When a guest comes to the house and the owner no longer wants this person to cross the threshold of his house, a folk conspiracy will help. After the unwanted guest has left, on the street, after him, pour out a basin of water along the way and say:

“Just as this water will not return to my house, the hand (name of the uninvited guest) will never touch my hand again! Amen".

Repeat the prayer 3 times.

If unwanted guests have been in the house, the owner does not want these people to return, then after they leave, it is necessary to sweep the threshold of the front door, saying:

“I speak, I speak, I speak on the threshold of my house. Let an evil person not come to me, let him bypass my house, so that this (name) threshold also bypasses and does not come here forever. My vow is words and a key to the lock. Amen".

This conspiracy will ward off all evil spirits from uninvited guests, and evil tongues will stop gossiping. This spell will also help remove bad thoughts and negative energy from your home.

Charms and conspiracies against bad people in the house

In order for bad guests to take away bad thoughts, thoughts and black magic, you need to hang a garlic amulet and cast a spell on it. To do this you need:

  • take a head of large garlic;
  • take 9 regular sewing needles;
  • stick the needles inside the garlic so that the ears stick out outside and the garlic looks like a hedgehog;
  • with a small silk rope, silk color, tie the garlic near the entrance
  • door or above it.

In order for the amulet to start working, you need to speak it with the words:

“Whoever enters my house evil and brings damage will take it all upon himself. Let it be so!".

Additionally, you can hang a bunch of dried or dry thistle near the door, the words of the spell are the same.

Spell with salt from an unwanted person

Salt is one of the most powerful energy items. She is capable of absorbing black magic, damage, spells, quarrels, bad thoughts, evil eyes.

This is a simple conspiracy against uninvited guests. To read it, you will need to take a handful of salt in your hand, stand near the open front door and say:

“Let all damage and misfortune go to the one who sends evil to me.”

After this, the salt must be thrown over the left shoulder. It should not fall on the tenant of the house. This will interfere with the ritual.

Blessed salt will help ward off uninvited guests. It is wrapped in clean light cloth and hung near the front door. Salt should be illuminated on a major church holiday, preferably Easter.

House threshold spell using salt

For this ritual you will need holy water and coarse salt. Sprinkle the threshold with water, lightly sprinkle with salt and say:

“I’m not pouring salt, but I’m putting up a wall to block the path to our house (name of the unwanted guest). You can’t go through the wall, you can’t go around the wall, you can’t break the wall, you can’t climb over it. Let it be so".

Afterwards, light a light or church candle in the house. Wait until it burns completely. Next, carefully sweep the salt onto white paper and take it, along with the rest of the candle, to the nearest intersection and leave it there.

A spell to keep dogs away from home

To prevent dogs from running near the house, barking and throwing themselves at people, you need to read special spells. This will rid the residents of the house of unwanted animals.

Soap foam spell

The spell against unwanted animals should be pronounced by a woman. Close windows, vents, curtains, blinds. Let down your hair, untie your clothes, remove all hairpins and pins. Feet must be bare. Lather your hands to a thick foam, apply it to your right foot. In the kitchen, take a knife that no one has used for a long time and carefully scrape off the foam from the sole. Throw her on the threshold and say:

“The bell is on the temple, the icon is in the frame, the cross is on me, the key is in the lock, the snake is in the grass, the beast is in the den, and I am on my threshold. Just as the snake will not crawl over this threshold of mine, the beast will not cross, so the uninvited guest will not come. I close my words by bowing to you, holy images. Cover the eyes of those who come with this foam. If he doesn’t see the threshold, he won’t cross. My angel, stand with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This conspiracy is pronounced once, in the evening. Additionally, you can hang thistles or blessed salt near the threshold.

To prevent stray dogs from throwing themselves

In order to keep unwanted dogs away from your home, you need to talk to them. The animal is sprinkled with holy enchanted water for 3 days in a row. You can simply pour it on or give it special water to drink. Spell for water:

“Silent, breather, calm down, I give you a commotion. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This spell can be used for barking pet dogs or other unwanted animals.

Spell against stray dogs

In order for the dogs to run away forever, you need to cast a special spell. Before this, go to the threshold of your house, sprinkle it with salt and sprinkle it with holy water. Prepare a special bait for stray dogs:

  • prepare dog food;
  • add the charmed salt to it;
  • put on the street;
  • make sure the dogs eat the bait.

Spell words for salt:

“What a path, what a road, all the legs are tangled. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of stray dogs

Stray dogs not only harm their owner with their presence and barking, but also by stealing pets, torn fences, and plants. To stop harming, you need to say a special ritual:

  • sprinkle damaged areas with holy water;
  • cross out the entrance to a house or barn with a lighted candle.

Water and a candle must be strong, consecrated or purchased on a big bright Orthodox holiday.

A spell to make guests leave quickly

When relatives are staying late and are in no hurry to leave, you need to fumigate the guest room with smoldering chicory. Thistle infusion will also help. It should be sprayed under the beds and on the sheets where the “long-livers” sleep. After the guests leave, the threshold is sprinkled with powder made from bay leaves, dry garlic and cloves.

In addition to sprinkling and powder, you can read a spell to make guests leave faster. It is read once, outside the guest bedroom:

“A leaf was torn off a branch and carried into our house. As the wind brought you, it carried you further. You didn’t stay here, you set off on your own. You feel sad here, everything here is not nice. Get away from us (name) and return to your home. Amen".

If a spell against unwanted guests near the door does not help get rid of the problem, you can use tea or food. Treat an unnecessary guest for several days. This will help you get rid of his company forever.

Conspiracy from a late guest

Jump down onto your right knee, push with the fist of your right hand, bend your body strongly and say:

“Divide the fire into two sides: the fire of heaven and the fire of hell. Unite with my wish, fulfill my spell. Let the slave (name) remain (there and there) and not go (ride) (there): I command two fires, I conjure two fires. Fire of heaven and fire of hell, unite, as I said, that’s how it all happened. Word, fire, earth and servant of God I, (name). Amen".

In this prayer from unwanted company, it is important to visualize your desire. Want the guest to leave or never come, imagine how he will leave or pack his things.

Protecting your home from uninvited guests

There are proven ways to get rid of uninvited or bad guests. After the guests have left, you can:

  • wash the floor they walked on and pour the water outside;
  • sweep the floors towards the threshold and throw the garbage outside;
  • sprinkle the charmed salt on the threshold immediately after the guest leaves;
  • hang a horseshoe above the front door;
  • put a knife under the threshold;
  • drive a charmed nail under the threshold or place a pin.

Prayer for a nail (pin):

“I’ll put a pin in the door, I’ll protect the house from illnesses.”

You can speak water or tea. When an unwanted guest refuses to leave, you need to accidentally spill liquid under his feet. Spell for water:

“As water flows across the floor, so the servant of God (name) will leave the house.”

If uninvited guests do not want to leave at all, then it is worth using psychological techniques, but after they leave, speak conspiracies and protections from damage.


Spells against uninvited people are simple and easy to use. Additionally, you can apply special rituals against uninvited guests.

The main thing in conspiracies is the mood of the reader: the stronger you want, the faster white magic will take effect.

Repel an unwanted person

From the letter:

“Your mother is writing to you with a big request. I don’t want to hide the fact that my son doesn’t listen to me at all. I spoiled him myself, since I gave birth to him at forty-eight years old and blew the dust off him. He doesn’t offend me, but what bothers me is that a guy who has a lot of influence on him has gotten into the habit of going to him. I know that he was in prison twice, drinks, beats his mother and wife and does not want to work. I feel in my heart that my son is afraid of him, but he cannot kick him out. But he became insolent, sits with us from morning to night, and sometimes stays asleep, although he lives nearby. I start talking to my son, and he looks away. In one of your books I saw a prayer so that the enemy would not enter your home. But I've looked through all the books and can't find it. Maybe I just gave this book to someone, but I don’t remember who. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, take pity on me, write this same or another similar prayer in your next book. I beg you very much!”

Take a broom and sweep all the rooms you have, including the kitchen, toilet, bathroom and hallway. Put everything you have in a little bag and say it in prayer. Then take away the bag of trash and burn it to the ground. This person will not come to you again. The plot is like this:

How can this garbage not turn into gold?

A songbird will not become a stone,

Peas will not turn to gunpowder,

So it would be (to such and such)

Don't show up on my doorstep.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, forever, forever and ever.


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Chapter 12 Water is one of the key components of human life. Water is poisonous, water is healing. Improving the health of the home and the human body with the help of water. Cleansing amulets and talismans with water Water is one of the universal symbols of the universe. The Chinese, for example, believed

Miraculous words: prayer so that a person does not come to the house in full description from all the sources we found.

Every person requires live communication. No social networks can replace dialogues over a mug of tea. Everything would be great if you were confident in the kindness and good attitude of your guests towards you. It is possible to receive not only positive emotions from people, but also negative emotions. Friends and guests do not always come to your house with kindness; they can be jealous, do bad things and lead your family into scandal. For such cases, it is necessary to use conspiracies against uninvited guests. The variety of rituals on how to turn away unfriendly visitors from your threshold is impressive. An internet search yields hundreds of results on this subject and I will provide you with some quality rituals. Most of these conspiracies have already found application in homes where they value kindness and tranquility and receive only those guests whom they are happy to see.

The variety of rituals on how to turn away unfriendly visitors from your threshold is impressive

Conspiracy from enemies away

What to hide, often even the kindest and most harmless people have ill-wishers among their acquaintances and friends. These are exactly the people you would last want to see on your doorstep. They are usually called bosom enemies. The energy of such people is directed negatively towards the owners of the house; they carry negativity and anger. This impact can affect the health of individual family members and the well-being of the home itself. To prevent visits from such “friends” it is necessary to take decisive measures. Rituals from enemies are a simple and accessible opportunity for everyone to protect themselves and their families.

The spell against enemies is quite simple, but effective when used correctly. The main difficulty of the process is the correctly chosen attributes and a positive attitude. Preparatory operations take up part of your time; you will have to set aside a few minutes for shopping and searching for magical tools. In such rituals I use the heart of a small animal or bird, 9 small nails and 1 large one. The magical program of such a ritual will be aimed at removing the enemy from the threshold of the house. Otherwise, if the enemy does not feel the ban and nevertheless comes to your doorstep, despite everything, he will be punished for the evil brought into your home, he will have a negative effect on the body, that is, a severe illness. The person will feel bad and will want to go out into the air and move away from this place.

The basis of the ritual on the heart of a bird

The best time to perform a magical ritual will be during sunset. It is at this time that you need to place the bird’s heart in a bowl or plate. Take the nails and hammer them one by one into the meat, pronouncing a spell to renounce the enemy:

“In my house I’m like behind a wall. Protected from the enemy by God's protection. I conjure your black heart, I return my troubles to you. You should not go into my life and into my palaces with malice. Carry your business where the toad gave birth, wander through the swamps for you and all your enemies. God's house is clean and there is no place for you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

By these actions you will activate a program according to which all the troubles and misfortunes that were sent to you by the enemy are given back to him.

At the end of the ceremony, the heart along with the nails is buried away from home. A vacant lot is considered the ideal location. Next, you need to refrain from debt for 3 days, in direct and reverse order, that is, do not take, do not give, do not accept debts.

Hex on salt

Another conspiracy will also help get rid of enemies. Its essence is to sprinkle a pinch of salt on the door threshold. The ritual is based on a sentence that should be read during this:

“I stir, stir, stir. I’m turning your path away from my house! I’m turning you away from the threshold, you uninvited person! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

To perform the ritual, you need to purchase coarse salt.

Ritual with milk

The power of thought knows no limits. According to the legends of our ancestors, milk, like any liquid, has its own memory. If you put certain thoughts into it and let it sour, then all the information and energy is realized. So, when going to the store for this product, mentally scroll through the phrase: “I’m going to buy milk for the enemies,” and on the way back, you need to think about the troubles that the enemy brought and about the desire to return them to him.

When you come home, pour milk into a transparent glass, place it on the windowsill, sit in front of the glass, and start talking about your troubles. If necessary, if your heart cries, cry, scream, scold the enemy for your troubles, you can send anger and curses at him. When you have spoken, just put the glass of milk in the sun or in a warm place and let it sour. When the milk has curdled, flush it down the toilet or pour it into a latrine, saying:

“That’s how my misfortune that you brought (brought) went away with the milk to rot!”

Just remember, at the end of the ritual, you need to bathe and pray to God for forgiveness of the sin of malice. Whether you are an ordinary person or a practicing magician, a conspiracy of this kind is within the power of everyone. The main thing is to believe that it will come true and your troubles will leave you.

Options for spells and paraphernalia

The health and well-being of oneself and the family comes first for every person. And if someone wants to harm this, then all means are good for resistance. As an unkind person, I prefer to take revenge for the evil done to me, but such a struggle is not within the power of everyone, and no one has canceled conscience. Therefore, if you cannot punish the enemy, do not fight with him, and it is not necessary to take upon yourself the sin and damage the person with whom you simply could not find a common language. There are actions that can help protect your home from uninvited guests so that they do not harm you. To implement them, you need to know conspiracies, prayers and have special paraphernalia. To carry out rituals to protect against uninvited guests, you may need:

Dried cloves as a talisman against uninvited guests

Ritual with cloves

These are the main things used for rituals. Dried cloves are poured into a bowl, a prayer is read, the contents are poured with hot water and infused for about 20 minutes. At this time, they cast a spell saying that they do not want to see uninvited guests with evil thoughts, intent and other qualities on the threshold of their home. Pour the resulting broth onto the floor and wash all the rooms with it. The main place is the entrance threshold. After the ritual, the enemies will not set foot in your home.

Ritual for garbage

The garbage ritual may seem like a rather strange method. But in fact, the garbage of our house collects all the negativity and localizes the anger brought to you from the outside. It must be swept out of all rooms and placed in a bag over which a spell is cast

“What came into my house with dirt was only dirt and was found. I sweep away everything evil from the monastery with garbage and firmly close my house from human evil. My word is molded, my word is strong. Lips, teeth and tongue in a lock and key in a stack. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After this, the package is buried in the garden or outside the yard. This should be done again after the guest leaves. When burying garbage, you must recite the Lord's Prayer. The next morning, hurry to church and light a candle “for the health” of the visitor. And soon you will notice that the evil person has suffered from something or gotten sick, but something is not letting him into your house. Just remember, you can’t invite him to visit, not you, not your family, if you make a mistake, he will be healthy and happy.

A conspiracy for a young family to protect

Often newlyweds host friends and acquaintances. But no one thinks that among them there may be people who wish harm to the couple. Because of this intention of the visitors, the newlyweds quarrel and separate. Rituals will help them strengthen and protect their marriage. To carry out such a ritual, you should stock up on salt and candles. The method of protection is to cast spells over 3 candles and scatter table salt around them. This ritual does not give an evil guest a reason to enter the house, protects relationships from quarrels and strengthens them.

“There is no place in my house in my world for my enemy, his malice, his power, his word. There is no home, over my house, his power, there is no course of his misfortune. I will bake him with salt, burn out his word with fire, wash away his traces with water, curse his anger, take away his power. My words will lie like a stone on the threshold, my deeds will lock him up, my thoughts will close my house with fog from the eyes of strangers from evil thoughts, from those who do not want to live well in the world with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rituals with salt and chaff will help newlyweds strengthen and protect their marriage.

Special methods

The power of prayers has not been studied. The potential of words carries crazy energy. Only by hammering nails with a cross over the door and reading Psalm 90 can you protect your family from evil intent. And as soon as the enemy steps on the threshold, he immediately collapses in powerlessness. He won't be able to go one step further. He will only feel good away from home. If you pick a sprig of wormwood on the Feast of the Assumption and dedicate it before the Christmas holidays, it will serve as an additional amulet for you. It can be hidden in the hallway. Wormwood repels evil spirits and protects owners from illness and misfortune.

The young moon will help you from evil strangers. On such a night, you should hang a linen scarf on the window. The next morning, take it off, light the candle and move it under the scarf three times in the shape of a cross. At lunchtime, wrap the jewelry in this cloth and hide it. This ritual will help preserve a person’s well-being and protect jewelry from thieves.

Protection from the evil eye

Visitors may envy the good life of the owner of the house or the presence of something that they themselves do not have. Therefore, it is necessary to push away such waves of negative thoughts from yourself. Properly installed protection against the evil eye of guests solves this problem. Rituals of this kind have a wide variety and varying strength. Some are based on mental attitudes, others on careful conspiracies, rituals, and lengthy techniques. Clients of practicing magicians are often interested in the issue of protecting their families and homes from the evil eye. Every third person asks me for protection for their home or children. The use of charmed amulets protects not only a specific person, but also the entire family, the house in which he lives.

Icons are a talisman against the evil eye of guests. By tuning the sacred energy of the image, you can create powerful protection. To be sure, you need to pray to the church candle, do not extinguish it, let it burn out on its own. Hang an icon of the Mother of God in front of the door. She will not allow bad people to bring evil into the house.

An important installation for protecting visitors from the evil eye is clothing locks. Every time you put on trousers, sweaters with buttons, jackets, and button them up, you need to set the intention of protecting your family from the influence of malicious intent. The quality of the conspiracy will depend on the mood and confidence of the defense. Without emotional readiness, the result is unlikely. If the visit of a bad person took place, then other rituals should be performed.

Icons are a talisman against the evil eye of guests

A coin hidden in a scarf or pocket helps against the evil eye. After the ill-wisher leaves, it must be thrown out the window. During a feast, do not allow the guest to serve alcohol. Together with the drink, it can transmit bad energy. Trying to protect your belongings as much as possible from the influence of the visitor is the main task. Outerwear, shoes, towels, family photo albums - hide everything or not allow it to be used. Every item in your home is full of energy that can be spoiled or taken away.

It is easier not to let a person enter your home than to kick him out. Some individuals do not understand the hints and continue to sit further. Intrusiveness of people is a bad quality, one of the traits of arrogance. Such people themselves may not be aware of their bad qualities. In such cases, you can perform rituals not only for the evil eye, but also for their speedy departure. One of the effective methods is the use of salt, holy water and a frying pan. An annoying visitor should be kept busy or distracted and go to the kitchen. Place a frying pan on the stove, heat it and make a saline solution in it. While the mixture is boiling, the guest will leave. Another method is to wipe the doorway with holy water. The procedure must be carried out every Saturday. When visiting an annoying person, do not show your dissatisfaction. As he leaves, throw a pinch of salt at his back. This will help keep your home clean and healthy. Some magicians advise pouring this salt into his shoes or under a chair. The guest will feel discomfort and will quickly leave you.

Amulet for home

In order to ensure that the house is safe and sound and no one encroaches on it and its inhabitants, you need to buy or create a talisman with your own hands. Buying it requires extra work. It consists of clearing the energy and filling it with information about what you want from its presence. Modern magicians can help with solving such issues.

Motanka doll

With homemade amulet options, no help is needed. All materials used when working with it must be from your home and personal belongings. This is an important aspect of protection. The use of someone else's object will not bring the desired result to the home; on the contrary, it will attract failure, the evil eye and waste. A motanka doll will be an excellent defense for your home from evil people. This ritual of creating a bereginya doll dates back to the times of the Slavic Pantheon of Gods, to the methods of ancient Slavic magic. The following materials must be used:

The scarf is used as the basis for the doll. Place cotton wool and a piece of your hair in the middle. Fold it in such a way that it turns out to be a head. It is rewound with silk thread. If desired, you can draw a face on the doll. The effective part of the amulet is in the letter. There you must write the text of the conspiracy, fold the piece of paper and hide it inside the scarf. The amulet is kept in an open place, visible to the owner. The sun's rays should not fall on the doll. They can weaken the power of the amulet.

Protection with bread

Another method is no less effective. You will need a large piece of black bread. Make a groove in the pulp and place a note with a prayer there. Plug it back with pieces of crumb and dry it. This piece of bread should not be shown to strangers. The most successful action would be to hide in a closet or under the bed. For a stronger effect of the amulet, you need to break off a slice from this piece and hide it behind the icons.

For protection you will need a large piece of black bread

Protecting your home from thieves

If the residents of the house plan to leave their home for a certain period of time, it is necessary to take care of its integrity and the reliability of storing precious things. Before leaving, a spell is written on a piece of paper to protect your property and hung on the front door next to the lock. The amulet will protect against thieves and leave the house with positive energy for the residents, even upon their return. Also, it would be useful to walk through all the rooms with a lit candle, reading “Our Father.” Wrap the candle stub in a leaf with a talisman and hide it.

There are also long-lasting amulets. Protection for a year provides protection for residents from thieves. To perform the ritual, you need to write a plot on a piece of paper and hide it under the threshold of the bedroom. This should only be done on Monday afternoon. Stronger protection will be provided by casting a spell in every corner of the house, with a burning candle in your hands. The leaf must be rolled up and placed in personal shoes. When you leave, nothing will happen in the house. Thieves will avoid it. When you arrive, you need to take out a piece of paper and place it behind the icon. It will continue to be a strong talisman against theft.

There are countless ways to protect your home and its residents from the malicious intent of visitors, thieves and misfortune. For thousands of years people lived and protected their families. They tried not to let strangers onto the threshold, so as not to cause trouble. They used spells, prayers, rituals, made amulets and lived happily, without fear for their well-being and health. They let in those people they trusted and wanted to see at their table. Every person has the right to this. Family and home are the most important things in life. This needs to be appreciated and protected.

Examples of conspiracies

This is a ritual of protection for the whole year. They use last year's Christmas tree that was in the house. You need to throw it away by the road that leads towards the churchyard, saying the following words:

“Just as the dead man crossed this tree once, so do you cross (name) the threshold of this house for the last time.”

Protection ritual read on the icon

On your Angel Day, stand in front of your personalized icon and read the following conspiracy:

“In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am God’s servant (name) standing, looking at God’s holy icon. I ask her, I beg her, I close the path for my enemies. Close my threshold, Lord. God bless my amulet. Let the servant of God (name) not come to me and bypass my threshold a hundred miles. My word is molded, my work is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

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  • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.

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A conspiracy that blocks the way to an unwanted guest

For this purpose there are special puzzles. If you read such a nonsense, then the person whom you do not want to see in your house or in the store will change his mind at the last moment and will not bother you. The spell words are pronounced at the threshold of the front door. The plot goes like this:

I speak, I reprimand, I speak to my threshold.

A conspiracy to help ward off an unwanted person from your home

Draw twelve crosses on the front door with a knife and read the following plot twelve times in a row:

And You are at my doorstep of the servants of God (names).

Spell: How to ward off an unwanted person from your home

In this case, we can advise you to do the following. When the guests leave, wipe the floor after them and pour the water onto the street, saying:


Prepare a head of garlic, silver thread, nine new darning needles, a large gypsy needle, a clove and a hammer. Insert the thread into a gypsy needle and tie a large knot at the end of the thread, pass the thread through the head of garlic from the bottom of the head to the sharp protruding end, so that the head of garlic is suspended on this silver thread. Make a loop at the free end of the thread. Insert one of the nine prepared needles into the head of garlic with the eye at the bottom of the head, so that the needle looks down when the head of garlic is suspended on the thread. Next, insert four more needles in the same way, one by one, so that their points point to four sides and not much down. Next, insert the four remaining needles in the same way, one at a time, so that their points point in the same four directions as the previous four needles, but not much upward. You should end up with a kind of “hedgehog”. As you stick each needle in, read the hex :

“Whoever enters my house with evil, brings touches, lessons, damage to my house, my needles, steel arrows and sharp ones, all those touches, lessons and damage will take upon themselves, they will split them in half - they will break them, and in return to the adversary who has entered the head, yes the heart will be sent away. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

Hang this “hedgehog” on a nail above the front door from the inside.

Complete collection and description: prayer for a person to leave the apartment for the spiritual life of a believer.

A conspiracy that blocks the way to an unwanted guest

For this purpose there are special puzzles. If you read such a nonsense, then the person whom you do not want to see in your house or in the store will change his mind at the last moment and will not bother you. The spell words are pronounced at the threshold of the front door. The plot goes like this:

I speak, I reprimand, I speak to my threshold.

A conspiracy to help ward off an unwanted person from your home

Draw twelve crosses on the front door with a knife and read the following plot twelve times in a row:

And You are at my doorstep of the servants of God (names).

Spell: How to ward off an unwanted person from your home

In this case, we can advise you to do the following. When the guests leave, wipe the floor after them and pour the water onto the street, saying:


Prepare a head of garlic, silver thread, nine new darning needles, a large gypsy needle, a clove and a hammer. Insert the thread into a gypsy needle and tie a large knot at the end of the thread, pass the thread through the head of garlic from the bottom of the head to the sharp protruding end, so that the head of garlic is suspended on this silver thread. Make a loop at the free end of the thread. Insert one of the nine prepared needles into the head of garlic with the eye at the bottom of the head, so that the needle looks down when the head of garlic is suspended on the thread. Next, insert four more needles in the same way, one by one, so that their points point to four sides and not much down. Next, insert the four remaining needles in the same way, one at a time, so that their points point in the same four directions as the previous four needles, but not much upward. You should end up with a kind of “hedgehog”. As you stick each needle in, read the hex :

“Whoever enters my house with evil, brings touches, lessons, damage to my house, my needles, steel arrows and sharp ones, all those touches, lessons and damage will take upon themselves, they will split them in half - they will break them, and in return to the adversary who has entered the head, yes the heart will be sent away. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

Hang this “hedgehog” on a nail above the front door from the inside.

A conspiracy to prevent a person from coming and leaving forever, 2 strong conspiracies

If a person you don’t like doesn’t leave, tell him to never come. Get the bad person away from you forever.

Perhaps, my dears, your child is being influenced badly by his friend.

A person comes to work, around whom everything falls out of hand.

What if there is someone next to you who tirelessly casts spells and spells?

Perform a powerful magical spell so that the bad person leaves forever and never appears before your eyes again.

As usual, visit the Orthodox Church by purchasing 13 candles.

Without Christian ceremonies, go back.

As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these enchantment lines to yourself:

As a believer goes to Church, may fate take me away from (say the name of a bad person). Amen.

When you come home, you retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles.

Mentally imagine a nasty person and how he hastily leaves you.

You build an impenetrable stone defense between yourself and them. Dare it on an energetic level.

Proceed to repeated, angry and confident repetition of special magical spells that will allow you to cope with the unresolved problem in the shortest possible time.

May my enemy leave forever and never come near me. As soon as he sees me, he will become afraid, he will cast witchcraft, and he will die. If you open your mouth, you will feel lethargic; as soon as you get closer, you will feel terrible weakness. I forever break sinister ties, get rid of dirt forever. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

To consolidate the occult effect, read this magical plot, which will allow you to ward off the person who comes to you forever.

As the leaves fly away from the wind, your thoughts about me perish. Leave forever without saying goodbye, get sick when returning. I will block a reliable formation, I will carefully hide this conspiracy. You won’t be able to come now, you’ll turn your legs back. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Throw the cinders into the trash. You hide the spell sheet from prying eyes.

If the evil person does not leave within 13 days, perform all the activities again, but on full moon days.

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Number of reviews: 25

In what phase of the moon should this plot be carried out?

I believe that the occult ritual must be performed during the waning phase of the moon.

I’m tired of my ex-boyfriend, and I don’t want to share a common child with him.

I will fulfill the conspiracy so that he leaves me forever.

I have my own housing - a one-room apartment, received from the State.

4 people live with me. These are relatives.

I am in a difficult financial situation, but they do not help me.

I kindly tell them to go away and leave me alone. I kick it out, still to no avail.

They behave impudently, but I don’t sleep at night, and I’m drying out before my eyes.

What can be done in such a situation?

I read your burning lines with pain in my soul.

You won’t be able to cast magic on your relatives (especially on four people) alone.

Yes, and this is a sinful idea.

Especially for you, in the manuscripts, I found a short prayer.

Read it secretly.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive all my grave sins, committed wisely and carelessly. Tell your relatives to get out of here, don’t make them wander around the world. Thy will be done. Amen.

You can light a candle purchased in an Orthodox Church.

Be healthy, take care of yourself!

Sorry, but what spell sheet do you mean?

My mother lives with a man.

Now it’s impossible to live with him, there are constant quarrels and fights.

He can’t kick him out - he threatens that his mother will lose her job (she works for his uncle).

To read a magical plot, you need to write it down on a white sheet of paper.

For the rest, the ritual will certainly help you.

I can’t get rid of my alcoholic ex-husband, he beats me and drinks, he doesn’t work, he lives on my salary.

How to do the ceremony?

In our Church we do not sell takeaway candles.

I am sincerely sorry that you have to endure all these sorrows.

A sweet woman who deserves to be happy...

Try using a magic spell.

Take care of yourself. Everything in your life will certainly improve!

Hello, my father won't leave us alone.

All his life he periodically drinks and beats his mother.

It’s impossible to kick him out, he just gets wild.

Please help make him go away forever.

Lord, there are so many problems in this life.

You would never think that they are created by a person who is called upon to protect.

Try using the spells from this page.

I hope they can help you.

And I, in turn, will try to find the most suitable material for you.

Take care of yourself and mom!

I have a difficult situation.

I just can't get this person away from me.

He constantly interferes in my life.

I want him to forget about my existence.

How can we make sure that my husband’s sister never comes to our house?

Hello, Tatyana and Anna.

On this page there is an occult ritual that should solve all your problems.

I need help, here is the following problem: A girl at school hates me, intrigues and gossips, literally does not give me life.

And recently she slandered me in front of my mother and classmates, seriously.

What to do, how to take revenge or stop it?

Otherwise I simply won’t be able to live.

Hello Maria 33.

You should not take revenge on someone who hates and offends you.

Try to talk about this with your mother, she knows better than anyone how to help her daughter.

If you are under 18 years of age, please leave our site.

Dear girl, everything in your life will certainly improve.

Try not to answer for evil with cruel retribution.

Sorry that I didn't live up to your expectations.

On October 22, 2017, the child’s biological father beat me terribly.

He could have killed him, but he managed to escape.

The police did not arrest him for a week.

Today he called and threatened to torture me.

I'm scared for the children - they will be lost without me.

(I read a plot to get rid of a roommate).

How can I help you, dear woman?

Just show some compassion.

In such a situation, relying on a conspiracy is at least pointless.

It can be used as an adequate supplement - nothing more. It's effective, but you don't have time to practice it.

Isolate yourself and your children from the scoundrel. Well, you must admit that if you are threatened with death, you should contact the police again.

If I were you (God forbid), I would try to ask one of my friends to shelter you all.

The main thing is that your partner/spouse does not know about her whereabouts.

But in this case, you can interfere with the work of law enforcement agencies.

It’s difficult for me to advise anything, being at a soul’s distance from you.

I hope that everything will definitely improve in your life.

Take care of yourself and your children!

Hello, I got married at the behest of my relatives.

I don’t want this myself, and I want to make sure that my wife leaves my home forever.

Is there a strong magical spell for this case?

Try the occult ritual located on this page.

Read the latest magic spell.

I hope it will solve all your problems.

I have a problem: my father drinks and beats my mother.

My grandmother’s blood pressure is 200, and I worry about her health.

Hello, how can I remove a person from my wife who is interfering with my family?

I don’t see him or meet him myself.

You have the whole website, the main menu (Contents) and a convenient search form at your disposal.

I beg you, do not consider it difficult and independently select a prayer or spell to solve your problem.

If you want to discourage a person who does not come, but, say, calls his wife, then I believe that the information on this page will not be able to help you.

Will the conspiracy negatively affect the one who performs it?

Unfortunately, the secrets of esotericism are beyond my control.

It is difficult to say about the consequences of occult intervention.

It’s only the masked adherents who know everything, siphoning money out of the pockets of unfortunate people.

At least I answered you honestly.

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  • Site Administrator - Plot for strong love in blood
  • Svetlana - Plot for strong love in blood
  • Ekaterina - Spell on a mirror for love and beauty, 3 spells
  • Site administrator - Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business, 3 prayers

The administration is not responsible for the results of the practical use of any material.

Use experienced doctors to treat illnesses.

When reading prayers and conspiracies, you must remember that you do this at your own peril and risk!

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Find out how to kick a person out of the house: a conspiracy that really works!

Sometimes there is a situation when guests arrive at the wrong time and stubbornly refuse to leave. If you cannot get rid of their company using conventional methods, you can turn to magic for help.

If people come into your house whom you don’t want to see for some reason, then it’s better to try to just tell them about it in a gentle manner. However, if this is impossible, for example, a person is overly touchy and will create a scandal instead of understanding, you can use special conspiracies. To protect the house, people have long used magical rituals: they hung a horseshoe over the door, and buried a knife on the threshold. This was done to prevent uninvited guests or people with bad intentions from entering the house.

Today this practice has already been lost, so we have to solve problems as they arise. For this, there are conspiracies that will help drive a person out of the house. The plot is read on the water. To do this, you need to pour a glass of running water, and, unnoticed by the person whose presence is undesirable, read the following words over it: “I spill this water on the floor, I wash the path of the servant of God (name), as water flows across the floor, so does he will go home." After this, you need to approach the person and, as if accidentally, knock over a glass of water on the floor next to him.

After some time, the person will feel uncomfortable and leave the house. If you cannot spill water on the floor, for example, you have laid a carpet, then another conspiracy can help to drive a person out of the house. The plot must be recited with a pinch of salt, which must then be quietly thrown at the feet of the person who must leave. The plot goes like this: “As salt flies under your feet, so you will run away from my house.” Immediately after the unpleasant visitor has left, you need to thoroughly clean the house and wash the floors.

And to prevent such situations in the future, so that you don’t have to read a conspiracy to make a person leave, you need to protect your home. To do this, you need to take a sharp nail or safety pin, stick it into the door jamb, where the intersection of the horizontal and vertical parts of the jamb is formed, with the point down. At the same time, saying the following words: “I put a pin in the door, I protect the house from enemies. Let her show her wit, let only kindness into the house.”

Such a spell on a pin will protect the house from uninvited guests and from people who are unfriendly. They will not feel very comfortable in a house protected by spells, both mentally and physically, so they will not stay in the house for long. And over time, they will stop making visits altogether. These conspiracies work regardless of who exactly came to the house: a former friend, an unpleasant relative or an official.

However, the conspiracy will not work against the person who lives in this house. This is due to the fact that these conspiracies are intended to protect the house as a whole and to protect the people living in it. If you need to protect yourself from the invasion of a person who lives in the same house, special conspiracies are needed to protect the room. You can use a spell on a pin, but you need to stick it into the door of the room and pronounce the words a little differently: “I plant a pin in the door, I protect my house from enemies. Let her show her wit, she only lets kindness into my house.”

Again, this rule only works if the person lives in a separate room and can call it home. In general, to protect a room from unfriendly people, it is very beneficial to fumigate the room with incense or incense sticks. This will cleanse the atmosphere of the room and fill it with living positive energy, which will resonate with the energy of an evil person.

Despite the many admirers, the effectiveness of magic has not been scientifically proven, nor has its absence been proven. Therefore, such subtle matters as charms and spells must be handled with caution.

Prayer for a person to leave the apartment

Is the plot given here suitable for evicting an unwanted neighbor from an apartment?

I’ve been living with a guy for about 8 months, we’re thinking of getting married, he invited me to his house himself, I didn’t insist.

I don’t want to waste them, that’s why I left one day so as not to put my boyfriend between the choice “me or him.” but I'm not made of iron.

I don’t want to wish him harm, I just want him to go away, leave us alone.

Recently I came across a note that if you constantly wash the floors/sweep after your unwanted neighbor after he leaves, this can help. I started doing it, but it seems like it was in vain. firstly, I used to always hear when a neighbor left home for work, it was around 9 in the morning. Now I wake up when he is getting ready, but a few minutes before he leaves I fall asleep soundly.

when I washed the floor for him for the first time, he bought a new frying pan, and in the evening his friends came. this Saturday he brought a rocking chair.

I do not know what to do. but I have a feeling this won't end well.

Place a funeral candle for each enemy in the church. From the church, immediately go to the cemetery, find graves with the names of enemies and competitors. for each grave there is a memorial, a small candle with a request to help eliminate this and that enemy.

Take a handful of soil from each grave. Place each handful in a previously prepared black piece of fabric. Once you have collected the land, go home.

At home, place the bundle of soil on the dining table and open it. Take a table knife in your left hand (which you constantly use for cooking and other things) and stab the ground with it, reading the plot 9 times:

“You, MOTHER, fed them with the damp earth,

You covered them with your cover.

Cover, Mother Earth, and the living slaves (names of enemies).

They should not be in my house at my table.

On my beds, on my wards.

Mother of cheese - earth - tear them up and crush them, drive them out of their minds, consume them with their womb.

Like the dead, they won’t move their hands from the graveyard, they won’t move their heads, they won’t move their legs.

So you, the slaves (names), are left to lie down and wither and die,

If you don’t leave this house, you won’t disappear from my sight.

I curse you, I hammer you in, I cut you out, I knock you out.

I turn away from my house. Let it be so!"

When you have read it 9 times, cross the ground with a knife 3 times.

Take the knot in your right hand and, starting from the door, walk around the house counterclockwise, scattering the earth around the perimeter of the apartment or office. Throw with your left hand over your right shoulder.

When you finish, place a church candle on the same table and recite funeral prayers for those whom you want to throw out of your home or work. The candle must burn out completely.

In the rag in which there was soil, you put any memorial and leave it in the church on the eve (funeral table), in your own words commemorating the life of these citizens in your home, at work.

The ritual can also be performed at work in order to survive competitors. Say the name of the person (the client for whom you are doing it (if for someone).

Collect soil from as many graves as there are enemies in the house or at work.

Diagnostics are paid. Rituals of love magic. Opening of roads. Until the full moon (inclusive).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I, God's servant (name), stand,

I look at the holy icon of God,

I beg her, I beg her,

I close the way for my enemies.

Close, Lord, my threshold,

Bless, Lord, my amulet.

Let the servant of God (name) not come to me

And it bypasses my threshold by a hundred miles.

My word is molded, my work is strong.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

In the original version, you scatter salt at the enemy’s doorstep so that he is sure to step over it.

Diagnostics are paid. Rituals of love magic. Opening of roads. Until the full moon (inclusive).

Diagnostics are paid. Rituals of love magic. Opening of roads. Until the full moon (inclusive).

how long should it lie and will this soil have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the house? I was always told that nothing should be brought into the house from the cemetery.

and further. What do you think, if you add a little earth from the cemetery to the ritual with a bottle and spices, won’t this add to the effect?

Diagnostics are paid. Rituals of love magic. Opening of roads. Until the full moon (inclusive).

Diagnostics are paid. Rituals of love magic. Opening of roads. Until the full moon (inclusive).

It turns out that this plot is not for the “faint-hearted”, because the soil from the cemetery must remain at home for some time. I'll try to find something else then.

Another question arose, what about the energy in the home of people who set up mini-cemeteries at home for some rituals? or are they very experienced magicians with a high degree of protection, who are no longer afraid of anything?

Now to the essence of your question. Those who work with grave soil, of course, have experience. If not initiation into necromagic, then at least basic knowledge

Sometimes there is a situation when guests arrive at the wrong time and stubbornly refuse to leave. If you cannot get rid of their company using conventional methods, you can turn to magic for help.

If people come into your house whom you don’t want to see for some reason, then it’s better to try to just tell them about it in a gentle manner. However, if this is impossible, for example, a person is overly touchy and will create a scandal instead of understanding, you can use special conspiracies. To protect the house, people have long used magical rituals: they hung a horseshoe over the door, and buried a knife on the threshold. This was done to prevent uninvited guests or people with bad intentions from entering the house.

Today this practice has already been lost, so we have to solve problems as they arise. For this, there are conspiracies that will help drive a person out of the house. The plot is read on the water. To do this, you need to pour a glass of running water, and, unnoticed by the person whose presence is undesirable, read the following words over it: “I spill this water on the floor, I wash the path of the servant of God (name), as water flows across the floor, so does he will go home." After this, you need to approach the person and, as if accidentally, knock over a glass of water on the floor next to him.

After some time, the person will feel uncomfortable and leave the house. If you cannot spill water on the floor, for example, you have laid a carpet, then another conspiracy can help to drive a person out of the house. The plot must be recited with a pinch of salt, which must then be quietly thrown at the feet of the person who must leave. The plot goes like this: “As salt flies under your feet, so you will run away from my house.” Immediately after the unpleasant visitor has left, you need to thoroughly clean the house and wash the floors.

And to prevent such situations in the future, so that you don’t have to read a conspiracy to make a person leave, you need to protect your home. To do this, you need to take a sharp nail or safety pin, stick it into the door jamb, where the intersection of the horizontal and vertical parts of the jamb is formed, with the point down. At the same time, saying the following words: “I put a pin in the door, I protect the house from enemies. Let her show her wit, let only kindness into the house.”

Such a spell on a pin will protect the house from uninvited guests and from people who are unfriendly. They will not feel very comfortable in a house protected by spells, both mentally and physically, so they will not stay in the house for long. And over time, they will stop making visits altogether. These conspiracies work regardless of who exactly came to the house: a former friend, an unpleasant relative or an official.

However, the conspiracy will not work against the person who lives in this house. This is due to the fact that these conspiracies are intended to protect the house as a whole and to protect the people living in it. If you need to protect yourself from the invasion of a person who lives in the same house, special conspiracies are needed to protect the room. You can use a spell on a pin, but you need to stick it into the door of the room and pronounce the words a little differently: “I plant a pin in the door, I protect my house from enemies. Let her show her wit, she only lets kindness into my house.”

Again, this rule only works if the person lives in a separate room and can call it home. In general, to protect a room from unfriendly people, it is very beneficial to fumigate the room with incense or incense sticks. This will cleanse the atmosphere of the room and fill it with living positive energy, which will resonate with the energy of an evil person.

Despite the many admirers, the effectiveness of magic has not been scientifically proven, nor has its absence been proven. Therefore, such subtle matters as charms and spells must be handled with caution.